[pypy-svn] r80364 - pypy/extradoc/talk/stanford-ee380-2011

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Sun Feb 20 15:09:32 CET 2011

Author: arigo
Date: Sun Feb 20 15:09:30 2011
New Revision: 80364

Abstract, first version.

Added: pypy/extradoc/talk/stanford-ee380-2011/abstract.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/extradoc/talk/stanford-ee380-2011/abstract.txt	Sun Feb 20 15:09:30 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Python in Python: the PyPy system
+PyPy is a complete Python implementation in Python, in the
+old tradition of Squeak and Scheme48 --- or so it seems.
+During this talk I will describe what PyPy more precisely is,
+contrasting it with the other Python implementations, and showing
+results: faster execution of most programs (by a factor between
+1.5x and 20x) and a lower memory usage, while being fully
+I will then focus on the architecture of PyPy: on the one hand,
+Python itself is written as a straightforward interpreter,
+written in a (large) subset of Python called RPython.  On the
+other hand, we have a complex translation toolchain able to
+compile interpreters from RPython to efficient code (either C, or
+experimentally JVM/.NET).  This toolchain "weaves" into the final
+executable various aspects not present in the source of the
+interpreter: the object model, garbage collection, and even the
+Just-in-Time Compiler.  I will explain how this is done,
+particularly the JIT Compiler, which is a "meta" tracing JIT.
+I will conclude by comparing PyPy with other projects, old and
+new: Squeak, CPython, Jython and IronPython, as well as the
+various recent tracing JITs like TraceMonkey.

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