[pypy-commit] pypy numpy-dtype-refactor-complex: merged default

alex_gaynor noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Dec 6 20:28:20 CET 2011

Author: Alex Gaynor <alex.gaynor at gmail.com>
Branch: numpy-dtype-refactor-complex
Changeset: r50220:e4002f73fb25
Date: 2011-12-06 14:12 -0500

Log:	merged default

diff --git a/lib_pypy/_collections.py b/lib_pypy/_collections.py
--- a/lib_pypy/_collections.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/_collections.py
@@ -379,12 +379,14 @@
 class defaultdict(dict):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
-        self.default_factory = None
-        if 'default_factory' in kwds:
-            self.default_factory = kwds.pop('default_factory')
-        elif len(args) > 0 and (callable(args[0]) or args[0] is None):
-            self.default_factory = args[0]
+        if len(args) > 0:
+            default_factory = args[0]
             args = args[1:]
+            if not callable(default_factory) and default_factory is not None:
+                raise TypeError("first argument must be callable")
+        else:
+            default_factory = None
+        self.default_factory = default_factory
         super(defaultdict, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
     def __missing__(self, key):
@@ -404,7 +406,7 @@
     def copy(self):
-        return type(self)(self, default_factory=self.default_factory)
+        return type(self)(self.default_factory, self)
     def __copy__(self):
         return self.copy()
diff --git a/pypy/jit/metainterp/test/test_math.py b/pypy/jit/metainterp/test/test_math.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/jit/metainterp/test/test_math.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import math
+from pypy.jit.metainterp.test.support import LLJitMixin, OOJitMixin
+from pypy.rlib.rfloat import isinf, isnan, INFINITY, NAN
+class MathTests:
+    def test_math_sqrt(self):
+        def f(x):
+            try:
+                return math.sqrt(x)
+            except ValueError:
+                return -INFINITY
+        res = self.interp_operations(f, [0.0])
+        assert res == 0.0
+        self.check_operations_history(call_pure=1)
+        #
+        res = self.interp_operations(f, [25.0])
+        assert res == 5.0
+        self.check_operations_history(call_pure=1)
+        #
+        res = self.interp_operations(f, [-0.0])
+        assert str(res) == '-0.0'
+        self.check_operations_history(call_pure=1)
+        #
+        res = self.interp_operations(f, [1000000.0])
+        assert res == 1000.0
+        self.check_operations_history(call_pure=1)
+        #
+        res = self.interp_operations(f, [-1.0])
+        assert res == -INFINITY
+        self.check_operations_history(call_pure=0)
+        #
+        res = self.interp_operations(f, [INFINITY])
+        assert isinf(res) and not isnan(res) and res > 0.0
+        self.check_operations_history(call_pure=0)
+        #
+        res = self.interp_operations(f, [NAN])
+        assert isnan(res) and not isinf(res)
+        self.check_operations_history(call_pure=0)
+class TestOOtype(MathTests, OOJitMixin):
+    pass
+class TestLLtype(MathTests, LLJitMixin):
+    pass
diff --git a/pypy/module/_collections/app_defaultdict.py b/pypy/module/_collections/app_defaultdict.py
--- a/pypy/module/_collections/app_defaultdict.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_collections/app_defaultdict.py
@@ -13,12 +13,14 @@
 class defaultdict(dict):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
-        self.default_factory = None
-        if 'default_factory' in kwds:
-            self.default_factory = kwds.pop('default_factory')
-        elif len(args) > 0 and (callable(args[0]) or args[0] is None):
-            self.default_factory = args[0]
+        if len(args) > 0:
+            default_factory = args[0]
             args = args[1:]
+            if not callable(default_factory) and default_factory is not None:
+                raise TypeError("first argument must be callable")
+        else:
+            default_factory = None
+        self.default_factory = default_factory
         super(defaultdict, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
     def __missing__(self, key):
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@
     def copy(self):
-        return type(self)(self, default_factory=self.default_factory)
+        return type(self)(self.default_factory, self)
     def __copy__(self):
         return self.copy()
diff --git a/pypy/module/_collections/test/test_defaultdict.py b/pypy/module/_collections/test/test_defaultdict.py
--- a/pypy/module/_collections/test/test_defaultdict.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_collections/test/test_defaultdict.py
@@ -19,11 +19,41 @@
     def test_keyerror_without_factory(self):
         from _collections import defaultdict
-        d1 = defaultdict()
-        for key in ['foo', (1,)]:
-            try:
-                d1[key]
-            except KeyError, err:
-                assert err.args[0] == key
-            else:
-                assert 0, "expected KeyError"
+        for d1 in [defaultdict(), defaultdict(None)]:
+            for key in ['foo', (1,)]:
+                try:
+                    d1[key]
+                except KeyError, err:
+                    assert err.args[0] == key
+                else:
+                    assert 0, "expected KeyError"
+    def test_noncallable(self):
+        from _collections import defaultdict
+        raises(TypeError, defaultdict, [('a', 5)])
+        d = defaultdict(None, [('a', 5)])
+        assert d.items() == [('a', 5)]
+    def test_kwds(self):
+        from _collections import defaultdict
+        d = defaultdict(default_factory=5)
+        assert d.keys() == ['default_factory']
+    def test_copy(self):
+        import _collections
+        def f():
+            return 42
+        d = _collections.defaultdict(f, {2: 3})
+        #
+        d1 = d.copy()
+        assert type(d1) is _collections.defaultdict
+        assert len(d1) == 1
+        assert d1[2] == 3
+        assert d1[3] == 42
+        #
+        import copy
+        d2 = copy.deepcopy(d)
+        assert type(d2) is _collections.defaultdict
+        assert len(d2) == 1
+        assert d2[2] == 3
+        assert d2[3] == 42
diff --git a/pypy/module/_socket/interp_func.py b/pypy/module/_socket/interp_func.py
--- a/pypy/module/_socket/interp_func.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_socket/interp_func.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 from pypy.interpreter.gateway import unwrap_spec
 from pypy.module._socket.interp_socket import converted_error, W_RSocket
 from pypy.rlib import rsocket
-from pypy.rlib.rsocket import SocketError
+from pypy.rlib.rsocket import SocketError, INVALID_SOCKET
 from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
 def gethostname(space):
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
-                            addr.as_object(-1, space)]) # -1 as per cpython
+                            addr.as_object(INVALID_SOCKET, space)]) # -1 as per cpython
             for (family, socktype, protocol, canonname, addr) in lst]
     return space.newlist(lst1)
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/__init__.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/__init__.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/__init__.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/__init__.py
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
         'int_': 'interp_boxes.W_LongBox',
         'inexact': 'interp_boxes.W_InexactBox',
         'floating': 'interp_boxes.W_FloatingBox',
+        'float32': 'interp_boxes.W_Float32Box',
         'float64': 'interp_boxes.W_Float64Box',
         'complexfloating': 'interp_boxes.W_ComplexFloatingBox',
         'complex128': 'interp_boxes.W_Complex128Box',
@@ -78,4 +79,5 @@
         'inf': 'app_numpy.inf',
         'e': 'app_numpy.e',
         'arange': 'app_numpy.arange',
+        'reshape': 'app_numpy.reshape',
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/app_numpy.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/app_numpy.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/app_numpy.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/app_numpy.py
@@ -36,3 +36,40 @@
         j += 1
         i += step
     return arr
+def reshape(a, shape):
+    '''reshape(a, newshape)
+    Gives a new shape to an array without changing its data.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    a : array_like
+        Array to be reshaped.
+    newshape : int or tuple of ints
+        The new shape should be compatible with the original shape. If
+        an integer, then the result will be a 1-D array of that length.
+        One shape dimension can be -1. In this case, the value is inferred
+        from the length of the array and remaining dimensions.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    reshaped_array : ndarray
+        This will be a new view object if possible; otherwise, it will
+        be a copy.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    ndarray.reshape : Equivalent method.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    It is not always possible to change the shape of an array without
+    copying the data. If you want an error to be raise if the data is copied,
+    you should assign the new shape to the shape attribute of the array
+    if not hasattr(a, 'reshape'):
+        a = numpypy.array(a)
+    return a.reshape(shape)
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_boxes.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_boxes.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_boxes.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_boxes.py
@@ -285,6 +285,8 @@
 W_Float32Box.typedef = TypeDef("float32", W_FloatingBox.typedef,
     __module__ = "numpypy",
+    __new__ = interp2app(W_Float32Box.descr__new__.im_func),
 W_Float64Box.typedef = TypeDef("float64", (W_FloatingBox.typedef, float_typedef),
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_numarray.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_numarray.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_numarray.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_numarray.py
@@ -98,6 +98,105 @@
         endshape[i] = remainder[i]
     return endshape
+def get_shape_from_iterable(space, old_size, w_iterable):
+    new_size = 0
+    new_shape = []
+    if space.isinstance_w(w_iterable, space.w_int):
+        new_size = space.int_w(w_iterable)
+        if new_size < 0:
+            new_size = old_size
+        new_shape = [new_size]
+    else:
+        neg_dim = -1
+        batch = space.listview(w_iterable)
+        new_size = 1
+        if len(batch) < 1:
+            if old_size == 1:
+                # Scalars can have an empty size.
+                new_size = 1
+            else:
+                new_size = 0
+        new_shape = []
+        i = 0
+        for elem in batch:
+            s = space.int_w(elem)
+            if s < 0:
+                if neg_dim >= 0:
+                    raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
+                             "can only specify one unknown dimension"))
+                s = 1
+                neg_dim = i
+            new_size *= s
+            new_shape.append(s)
+            i += 1
+        if neg_dim >= 0:
+            new_shape[neg_dim] = old_size / new_size
+            new_size *= new_shape[neg_dim]
+    if new_size != old_size:
+        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError,
+                space.wrap("total size of new array must be unchanged"))
+    return new_shape
+# Recalculating strides. Find the steps that the iteration does for each
+# dimension, given the stride and shape. Then try to create a new stride that
+# fits the new shape, using those steps. If there is a shape/step mismatch
+# (meaning that the realignment of elements crosses from one step into another)
+# return None so that the caller can raise an exception.
+def calc_new_strides(new_shape, old_shape, old_strides):
+    # Return the proper strides for new_shape, or None if the mapping crosses
+    # stepping boundaries
+    # Assumes that prod(old_shape) == prod(new_shape), len(old_shape) > 1, and
+    # len(new_shape) > 0
+    steps = []
+    last_step = 1
+    oldI = 0
+    new_strides = []
+    if old_strides[0] < old_strides[-1]:
+        for i in range(len(old_shape)):
+            steps.append(old_strides[i] / last_step)
+            last_step *= old_shape[i]
+        cur_step = steps[0]
+        n_new_elems_used = 1
+        n_old_elems_to_use = old_shape[0]
+        for s in new_shape:
+            new_strides.append(cur_step * n_new_elems_used)
+            n_new_elems_used *= s
+            while n_new_elems_used > n_old_elems_to_use:
+                oldI += 1
+                if steps[oldI] != steps[oldI - 1]:
+                    return None
+                n_old_elems_to_use *= old_shape[oldI]
+            if n_new_elems_used == n_old_elems_to_use:
+                oldI += 1
+                if oldI >= len(old_shape):
+                    break
+                cur_step = steps[oldI]
+                n_old_elems_to_use *= old_shape[oldI]
+    else:
+        for i in range(len(old_shape) - 1, -1, -1):
+            steps.insert(0, old_strides[i] / last_step)
+            last_step *= old_shape[i]
+        cur_step = steps[-1]
+        n_new_elems_used = 1
+        oldI = -1
+        n_old_elems_to_use = old_shape[-1]
+        for i in range(len(new_shape) - 1, -1, -1):
+            s = new_shape[i]
+            new_strides.insert(0, cur_step * n_new_elems_used)
+            n_new_elems_used *= s
+            while n_new_elems_used > n_old_elems_to_use:
+                oldI -= 1
+                if steps[oldI] != steps[oldI + 1]:
+                    return None
+                n_old_elems_to_use *= old_shape[oldI]
+            if n_new_elems_used == n_old_elems_to_use:
+                oldI -= 1
+                if oldI < -len(old_shape):
+                    break
+                cur_step = steps[oldI]
+                n_old_elems_to_use *= old_shape[oldI]
+    return new_strides
 # Iterators for arrays
 # --------------------
@@ -444,6 +543,7 @@
                 return False
             i = i.next(shapelen)
         return True
     def descr_all(self, space):
         return space.wrap(self._all())
@@ -459,6 +559,7 @@
                 return True
             i = i.next(shapelen)
         return False
     def descr_any(self, space):
         return space.wrap(self._any())
@@ -483,6 +584,12 @@
     def descr_get_shape(self, space):
         return space.newtuple([space.wrap(i) for i in self.shape])
+    def descr_set_shape(self, space, w_iterable):
+        concrete = self.get_concrete()
+        new_shape = get_shape_from_iterable(space,
+                            concrete.find_size(), w_iterable)
+        concrete.setshape(space, new_shape)
     def descr_get_size(self, space):
         return space.wrap(self.find_size())
@@ -607,11 +714,6 @@
     def _index_of_single_item(self, space, w_idx):
         if space.isinstance_w(w_idx, space.w_int):
             idx = space.int_w(w_idx)
-            if not self.shape:
-                if idx != 0:
-                    raise OperationError(space.w_IndexError,
-                                         space.wrap("index out of range"))
-                return 0
             if idx < 0:
                 idx = self.shape[0] + idx
             if idx < 0 or idx >= self.shape[0]:
@@ -730,10 +832,49 @@
             strides += self.strides[s:]
             backstrides += self.backstrides[s:]
         new_sig = signature.Signature.find_sig([
-            NDimSlice.signature, self.signature,
+            W_NDimSlice.signature, self.signature,
-        return NDimSlice(self, new_sig, start, strides[:], backstrides[:],
-                         shape[:])
+        return W_NDimSlice(self, new_sig, start, strides[:], backstrides[:],
+                           shape[:])
+    def descr_reshape(self, space, args_w):
+        """reshape(...)
+    a.reshape(shape)
+    Returns an array containing the same data with a new shape.
+    Refer to `numpypy.reshape` for full documentation.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    numpypy.reshape : equivalent function
+        if len(args_w) == 1:
+            w_shape = args_w[0]
+        else:
+            w_shape = space.newlist(args_w)
+        concrete = self.get_concrete()
+        new_shape = get_shape_from_iterable(space,
+                                            concrete.find_size(), w_shape)
+        # Since we got to here, prod(new_shape) == self.size
+        new_strides = calc_new_strides(new_shape,
+                                       concrete.shape, concrete.strides)
+        if new_strides:
+            # We can create a view, strides somehow match up.
+            new_sig = signature.Signature.find_sig([
+                W_NDimSlice.signature, self.signature
+            ])
+            ndims = len(new_shape)
+            new_backstrides = [0] * ndims
+            for nd in range(ndims):
+                new_backstrides[nd] = (new_shape[nd] - 1) * new_strides[nd]
+            arr = W_NDimSlice(self, new_sig, self.start, new_strides,
+                              new_backstrides, new_shape)
+        else:
+            # Create copy with contiguous data
+            arr = concrete.copy()
+            arr.setshape(space, new_shape)
+        return arr
     def descr_mean(self, space):
         return space.div(self.descr_sum(space), space.wrap(self.find_size()))
@@ -751,7 +892,7 @@
         if len(concrete.shape) < 2:
             return space.wrap(self)
         new_sig = signature.Signature.find_sig([
-            NDimSlice.signature, self.signature
+            W_NDimSlice.signature, self.signature
         strides = []
         backstrides = []
@@ -760,8 +901,8 @@
-        return space.wrap(NDimSlice(concrete, new_sig, self.start, strides[:],
-                           backstrides[:], shape[:]))
+        return space.wrap(W_NDimSlice(concrete, new_sig, self.start, strides[:],
+                                      backstrides[:], shape[:]))
     def descr_get_flatiter(self, space):
         return space.wrap(W_FlatIterator(self))
@@ -830,6 +971,11 @@
     def debug_repr(self):
         return 'Scalar'
+    def setshape(self, space, new_shape):
+        # In order to get here, we already checked that prod(new_shape) == 1,
+        # so in order to have a consistent API, let it go through.
+        pass
 class VirtualArray(BaseArray):
     Class for representing virtual arrays, such as binary ops or ufuncs
@@ -1022,13 +1168,46 @@
             return space.wrap(self.shape[0])
         return space.wrap(1)
+    def setshape(self, space, new_shape):
+        if len(self.shape) < 1:
+            return
+        elif len(self.shape) < 2:
+            # TODO: this code could be refactored into calc_strides
+            # but then calc_strides would have to accept a stepping factor
+            strides = []
+            backstrides = []
+            s = self.strides[0]
+            if self.order == 'C':
+                new_shape.reverse()
+            for sh in new_shape:
+                strides.append(s)
+                backstrides.append(s * (sh - 1))
+                s *= sh
+            if self.order == 'C':
+                strides.reverse()
+                backstrides.reverse()
+                new_shape.reverse()
+            self.strides = strides[:]
+            self.backstrides = backstrides[:]
+            self.shape = new_shape[:]
+            return
+        new_strides = calc_new_strides(new_shape, self.shape, self.strides)
+        if new_strides is None:
+            raise OperationError(space.w_AttributeError, space.wrap(
+                          "incompatible shape for a non-contiguous array"))
+        new_backstrides = [0] * len(new_shape)
+        for nd in range(len(new_shape)):
+            new_backstrides[nd] = (new_shape[nd] - 1) * new_strides[nd]
+        self.strides = new_strides[:]
+        self.backstrides = new_backstrides[:]
+        self.shape = new_shape[:]
-class NDimSlice(ViewArray):
+class W_NDimSlice(ViewArray):
     signature = signature.BaseSignature()
     def __init__(self, parent, signature, start, strides, backstrides,
-        if isinstance(parent, NDimSlice):
+        if isinstance(parent, W_NDimSlice):
             parent = parent.parent
         ViewArray.__init__(self, parent, signature, strides, backstrides, shape)
         self.start = start
@@ -1077,9 +1256,11 @@
     def copy(self):
         array = W_NDimArray(self.size, self.shape[:], self.find_dtype())
         iter = self.start_iter()
+        a_iter = array.start_iter()
         while not iter.done():
-            array.setitem(iter.offset, self.getitem(iter.offset))
+            array.setitem(a_iter.offset, self.getitem(iter.offset))
             iter = iter.next(len(self.shape))
+            a_iter = a_iter.next(len(array.shape))
         return array
 class W_NDimArray(BaseArray):
@@ -1137,6 +1318,10 @@
             return ArrayIterator(self.size)
         raise NotImplementedError  # use ViewIterator simply, test it
+    def setshape(self, space, new_shape):
+        self.shape = new_shape
+        self.calc_strides(new_shape)
     def debug_repr(self):
         return 'Array'
@@ -1261,7 +1446,8 @@
     __debug_repr__ = interp2app(BaseArray.descr_debug_repr),
     dtype = GetSetProperty(BaseArray.descr_get_dtype),
-    shape = GetSetProperty(BaseArray.descr_get_shape),
+    shape = GetSetProperty(BaseArray.descr_get_shape,
+                           BaseArray.descr_set_shape),
     size = GetSetProperty(BaseArray.descr_get_size),
     T = GetSetProperty(BaseArray.descr_get_transpose),
@@ -1279,6 +1465,7 @@
     dot = interp2app(BaseArray.descr_dot),
     copy = interp2app(BaseArray.descr_copy),
+    reshape = interp2app(BaseArray.descr_reshape),
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_dtypes.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_dtypes.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_dtypes.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_dtypes.py
@@ -251,6 +251,13 @@
         assert numpy.dtype(numpy.int64).type is numpy.int64
         assert numpy.int64(3) == 3
+    def test_float32(self):
+        import numpypy as numpy
+        assert numpy.float32.mro() == [numpy.float32, numpy.floating, numpy.inexact, numpy.number, numpy.generic, object]
+        assert numpy.float32(12) == numpy.float64(12)
     def test_float64(self):
         import numpypy as numpy
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_numarray.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_numarray.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_numarray.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_numarray.py
@@ -158,6 +158,13 @@
         assert shape_agreement(self.space,
                 [5, 2], [4, 3, 5, 2]) == [4, 3, 5, 2]
+    def test_calc_new_strides(self):
+        from pypy.module.micronumpy.interp_numarray import calc_new_strides
+        assert calc_new_strides([2, 4], [4, 2], [4, 2]) == [8, 2]
+        assert calc_new_strides([2, 4, 3], [8, 3], [1, 16]) == [1, 2, 16]
+        assert calc_new_strides([2, 3, 4], [8, 3], [1, 16]) is None
+        assert calc_new_strides([24], [2, 4, 3], [48, 6, 1]) is None
+        assert calc_new_strides([24], [2, 4, 3], [24, 6, 2]) == [2]
 class AppTestNumArray(BaseNumpyAppTest):
     def test_ndarray(self):
@@ -216,8 +223,8 @@
         assert a[2] == 4
     def test_copy(self):
-        from numpypy import array
-        a = array(range(5))
+        from numpypy import arange, array
+        a = arange(5)
         b = a.copy()
         for i in xrange(5):
             assert b[i] == a[i]
@@ -227,6 +234,11 @@
         a = array(1)
         assert a.copy() == a
+        a = arange(8)
+        b = a[::2]
+        c = b.copy()
+        assert (c == b).all()
     def test_iterator_init(self):
         from numpypy import array
         a = array(range(5))
@@ -318,8 +330,8 @@
     def test_scalar(self):
         from numpypy import array, dtype
         a = array(3)
-        #assert a[0] == 3
         raises(IndexError, "a[0]")
+        raises(IndexError, "a[0] = 5")
         assert a.size == 1
         assert a.shape == ()
         assert a.dtype is dtype(int)
@@ -339,6 +351,81 @@
         c = a[:3]
         assert c.shape == (3,)
+    def test_set_shape(self):
+        from numpypy import array, zeros
+        a = array([])
+        a.shape = []
+        a = array(range(12))
+        a.shape = (3, 4)
+        assert (a == [range(4), range(4, 8), range(8, 12)]).all()
+        a.shape = (3, 2, 2)
+        assert a[1, 1, 1] == 7
+        a.shape = (3, -1, 2)
+        assert a.shape == (3, 2, 2)
+        a.shape = 12
+        assert a.shape == (12, )
+        exc = raises(ValueError, "a.shape = 10")
+        assert str(exc.value) == "total size of new array must be unchanged"
+        a = array(3)
+        a.shape = ()
+        #numpy allows this
+        a.shape = (1,)
+    def test_reshape(self):
+        from numpypy import array, zeros
+        a = array(range(12))
+        exc = raises(ValueError, "b = a.reshape((3, 10))")
+        assert str(exc.value) == "total size of new array must be unchanged"
+        b = a.reshape((3, 4))
+        assert b.shape == (3, 4)
+        assert (b == [range(4), range(4, 8), range(8, 12)]).all()
+        b[:, 0] = 1000
+        assert (a == [1000, 1, 2, 3, 1000, 5, 6, 7, 1000, 9, 10, 11]).all()
+        a = zeros((4, 2, 3))
+        a.shape = (12, 2)
+    def test_slice_reshape(self):
+        from numpypy import zeros, arange
+        a = zeros((4, 2, 3))
+        b = a[::2, :, :]
+        b.shape = (2, 6)
+        exc = raises(AttributeError, "b.shape = 12")
+        assert str(exc.value) == \
+                           "incompatible shape for a non-contiguous array"
+        b = a[::2, :, :].reshape((2, 6))
+        assert b.shape == (2, 6)
+        b = arange(20)[1:17:2]
+        b.shape = (4, 2)
+        assert (b == [[1, 3], [5, 7], [9, 11], [13, 15]]).all()
+        c = b.reshape((2, 4))
+        assert (c == [[1, 3, 5, 7], [9, 11, 13, 15]]).all()
+        z = arange(96).reshape((12, -1))
+        assert z.shape == (12, 8)
+        y = z.reshape((4, 3, 8))
+        v = y[:, ::2, :]
+        w = y.reshape(96)
+        u = v.reshape(64)
+        assert y[1, 2, 1] == z[5, 1]
+        y[1, 2, 1] = 1000
+        # z, y, w, v are views of eachother
+        assert z[5, 1] == 1000
+        assert v[1, 1, 1] == 1000
+        assert w[41] == 1000
+        # u is not a view, it is a copy!
+        assert u[25] == 41
+        a = zeros((5, 2))
+        assert a.reshape(-1).shape == (10,)
+        raises(ValueError, arange(10).reshape, (5, -1, -1))
+    def test_reshape_varargs(self):
+        from numpypy import arange
+        z = arange(96).reshape(12, -1)
+        y = z.reshape(4, 3, 8)
+        assert y.shape == (4, 3, 8)
     def test_add(self):
         from numpypy import array
         a = array(range(5))
@@ -1168,3 +1255,14 @@
         a = arange(0, 0.8, 0.1)
         assert len(a) == 8
         assert arange(False, True, True).dtype is dtype(int)
+class AppTestRanges(BaseNumpyAppTest):
+    def test_app_reshape(self):
+        from numpypy import arange, array, dtype, reshape
+        a = arange(12)
+        b = reshape(a, (3, 4))
+        assert b.shape == (3, 4)
+        a = range(12)
+        b = reshape(a, (3, 4))
+        assert b.shape == (3, 4)
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_zjit.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_zjit.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_zjit.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_zjit.py
@@ -8,13 +8,12 @@
 from pypy.jit.metainterp import pyjitpl
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.test.support import LLJitMixin
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.warmspot import reset_stats
-from pypy.module.micronumpy import interp_boxes, interp_ufuncs, signature
-from pypy.module.micronumpy.compile import (numpy_compile, FakeSpace,
-    FloatObject, IntObject, BoolObject, Parser, InterpreterState)
-from pypy.module.micronumpy.interp_numarray import (W_NDimArray, NDimSlice,
+from pypy.module.micronumpy import interp_boxes
+from pypy.module.micronumpy.compile import (FakeSpace,
+    IntObject, Parser, InterpreterState)
+from pypy.module.micronumpy.interp_numarray import (W_NDimArray,
 from pypy.rlib.nonconst import NonConstant
-from pypy.rpython.annlowlevel import llstr, hlstr
 class TestNumpyJIt(LLJitMixin):
diff --git a/pypy/module/test_lib_pypy/test_collections.py b/pypy/module/test_lib_pypy/test_collections.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/module/test_lib_pypy/test_collections.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Extra tests for the pure Python PyPy _collections module
+(not used in normal PyPy's)
+from pypy.conftest import gettestobjspace
+class AppTestcStringIO:
+    def test_copy(self):
+        import _collections
+        def f():
+            return 42
+        d = _collections.defaultdict(f, {2: 3})
+        #
+        d1 = d.copy()
+        assert type(d1) is _collections.defaultdict
+        assert len(d1) == 1
+        assert d1[2] == 3
+        assert d1[3] == 42
+        #
+        import copy
+        d2 = copy.deepcopy(d)
+        assert type(d2) is _collections.defaultdict
+        assert len(d2) == 1
+        assert d2[2] == 3
+        assert d2[3] == 42
diff --git a/pypy/rlib/_rsocket_rffi.py b/pypy/rlib/_rsocket_rffi.py
--- a/pypy/rlib/_rsocket_rffi.py
+++ b/pypy/rlib/_rsocket_rffi.py
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
 if _MSVC:
     def invalid_socket(fd):
         return fd == INVALID_SOCKET
     def invalid_socket(fd):
         return fd < 0
diff --git a/pypy/rlib/rsocket.py b/pypy/rlib/rsocket.py
--- a/pypy/rlib/rsocket.py
+++ b/pypy/rlib/rsocket.py
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 from pypy.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask, r_uint
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.rffi import sizeof, offsetof
 def mallocbuf(buffersize):
     return lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, buffersize, flavor='raw')

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