[pypy-svn] extradoc extradoc: turn the draft into a real abstract

antocuni commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Wed Apr 6 13:40:09 CEST 2011

Author: Antonio Cuni <anto.cuni at gmail.com>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r3477:582605076dd6
Date: 2011-04-06 13:39 +0200

Log:	turn the draft into a real abstract

diff --git a/talk/ep2011/training.txt b/talk/ep2011/training.txt
--- a/talk/ep2011/training.txt
+++ b/talk/ep2011/training.txt
@@ -6,35 +6,44 @@
 However, the first part is a prerequisite for the second one, thus people are
 not advised to join in the middle of the session
+The session is meant to be highly interactive. People are invited to bring
+their own laptop and try things by themselves.
 Part 1: Run your application under PyPy
-- how to use pypy to run your app (easy: s/python/pypy :-))
+This tutorial is targeted to Python users who want to run their favorite
+Python application under PyPy, and exploit the most of it.  The following
+topics will be covered:
-- how to optimize it for the pypy jit:
+    - how to fix/avoid CPython implementation details (e.g., refcounting)
-      * general idea about how the jit works
+    - general overview of how the PyPy JIT works
-      * looking at the traces
+    - how to optimize your program for the PyPy JIT by looking at the produced
+      traces
-      * using the jitviewer
+    - how to tweak the parameters of the JIT and the GC
-      * tweaking jit and gc params
-- how to compile C extensions for pypy, and fix them if necessary
+    - how to use existing CPython C extensions on PyPy, and fix them if
+      necessary
 Part 2: Write your own interpreter with PyPy
-- give the students the source code of a toy language interpreter of written
-  in RPython
+PyPy is not only a Python interpreter, but also a toolchain to implement
+dynamic languages.  This tutorial is targeted to people who want to implement
+their own programming languages, or who simply want to know more about how the
+PyPy JIT works internally.
-- teach them how to translate it
+The students will be given the source code for a toy language implemented in
+RPython.  They will learn:
-- teach them about the JIT hints
+    - how to translate it to C using the PyPy translation toolchain
-- challenge: place hints (or maybe even refactor the interpreter) to get the
-  best results with the JIT
+    - what are the "hints" needed by the JIT generator, and how to place them
-- do we still have a PyPy T-shirt to give as a prize to the winner? :)
+Then, they will be challenged to add the proper hints to the toy interpreter,
+to get the best result with the JIT.

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