[pypy-svn] r78399 - in pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/c/gcc: . test/darwin64

afa at codespeak.net afa at codespeak.net
Thu Oct 28 15:15:38 CEST 2010

Author: afa
Date: Thu Oct 28 15:15:36 2010
New Revision: 78399

On darwin 64bit, fix pattern to recognise items of table-based switches

Added: pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/c/gcc/test/darwin64/track1.s
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/c/gcc/test/darwin64/track1.s	Thu Oct 28 15:15:36 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,785 @@
+	movq	%rbx, -48(%rsp)
+	movq	%rbp, -40(%rsp)
+	movq	%r12, -32(%rsp)
+	movq	%r13, -24(%rsp)
+	movq	%r14, -16(%rsp)
+	movq	%r15, -8(%rsp)
+	subq	$88, %rsp
+	movq	%rdi, %rbx
+	movq	%rsi, %rbp
+	cmpl	$5, %edx
+	jbe	L1056
+	movq	_pypy_g_pypy_rpython_memory_gc_minimark_MiniMarkGC at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdi
+	movq	16(%rdi), %rdx
+	leaq	16(%rdx), %rax
+	movq	%rax, 16(%rdi)
+	cmpq	24(%rdi), %rax
+	ja	L1034
+	movq	%rdx, %rbx
+	movq	_pypy_g_ExcData at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r11
+	movq	$61224, (%rbx)
+	movq	$0, 8(%rdx)
+	movq	%r11, (%rsp)
+	call	_pypy_g_PyErr_BadInternalCall
+	;; expected {88(%rsp) | 40(%rsp), 56(%rsp), 64(%rsp), 72(%rsp), 80(%rsp), 48(%rsp) | %rbx}
+	movq	___gcmapend at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
+	/* GCROOT %rbx */
+	movq	(%rsp), %r11
+	movq	(%r11), %rbp
+	testq	%rbp, %rbp
+	je	L1057
+	movq	8(%r11), %r12
+	movq	_pypydtcount at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r10
+	movl	(%r10), %eax
+	movq	_pypy_debug_tracebacks at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r9
+	movslq	%eax,%rdx
+	salq	$4, %rdx
+	leaq	_loc.235055(%rip), %rcx
+	movq	%rcx, (%rdx,%r9)
+	movq	%rbp, 8(%rdx,%r9)
+	incl	%eax
+	andl	$127, %eax
+	movl	%eax, (%r10)
+	movq	_pypy_g_typeinfo at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r8
+	leaq	59688(%r8), %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rbp
+	je	L1040
+	leaq	59544(%r8), %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rbp
+	je	L1040
+	movq	$0, 8(%r11)
+	movq	$0, (%r11)
+	/* keepalive %r12 */
+	/* keepalive %rbx */
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_ll_issubclass */
+	/* keepalive %rbx */
+	cmpq	$0, 8(%rbx)
+	jle	L1048
+	/* keepalive %rbx */
+	leaq	59688(%r8), %rcx
+	movq	%rcx, (%r11)
+	movq	_pypy_g_exceptions_AssertionError_6 at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
+	movq	%rax, 8(%r11)
+	movl	(%r10), %edx
+	movslq	%edx,%rax
+	salq	$4, %rax
+	movq	$0, (%rax,%r9)
+	movq	%rcx, 8(%rax,%r9)
+	incl	%edx
+	andl	$127, %edx
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_RPyRaiseException */
+	movslq	%edx,%rax
+	salq	$4, %rax
+	leaq	_loc.235061(%rip), %rbx
+	movq	%rbx, (%rax,%r9)
+	movq	$0, 8(%rax,%r9)
+	incl	%edx
+	andl	$127, %edx
+	movl	%edx, (%r10)
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	.align 4,0x90
+	movq	40(%rsp), %rbx
+	movq	48(%rsp), %rbp
+	movq	56(%rsp), %r12
+	movq	64(%rsp), %r13
+	movq	72(%rsp), %r14
+	movq	80(%rsp), %r15
+	addq	$88, %rsp
+	ret
+	.align 4,0x90
+	mov	%edx, %eax
+	leaq	L978(%rip), %rdx
+	movslq	(%rdx,%rax,4),%rax
+	addq	%rdx, %rax
+	jmp	*%rax
+	.align 2,0x90
+	.long	L972-L978
+	.long	L973-L978
+	.long	L974-L978
+	.long	L975-L978
+	.long	L976-L978
+	.long	L977-L978
+	/* keepalive %rdi */
+	/* keepalive %rsi */
+	call	_pypy_g___mm_lt_0_perform_call
+	;; expected {88(%rsp) | 40(%rsp), 56(%rsp), 64(%rsp), 72(%rsp), 80(%rsp), 48(%rsp) | %rbx, %rbp}
+	movq	___gcmapend at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdx
+	movq	%rbx, %r15
+	/* GCROOT %r15 */
+	movq	%rbp, %r14
+	/* GCROOT %r14 */
+	movq	%rbx, %r12
+	/* GCROOT %r12 */
+	/* GCROOT %rbp */
+	movq	_pypy_g_ExcData at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r11
+	movq	(%r11), %rbx
+	testq	%rbx, %rbx
+	je	L981
+	movq	8(%r11), %r13
+	movq	_pypydtcount at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r10
+	movl	(%r10), %eax
+	movq	_pypy_debug_tracebacks at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r9
+	movslq	%eax,%rdx
+	salq	$4, %rdx
+	leaq	_loc.234970(%rip), %rcx
+	movq	%rcx, (%rdx,%r9)
+	movq	%rbx, 8(%rdx,%r9)
+	incl	%eax
+	andl	$127, %eax
+	movl	%eax, (%r10)
+	movq	_pypy_g_typeinfo at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r8
+	leaq	59688(%r8), %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rbx
+	je	L982
+	leaq	59544(%r8), %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rbx
+	je	L982
+	movq	$0, 8(%r11)
+	movq	$0, (%r11)
+	/* keepalive %r13 */
+	/* keepalive %r15 */
+	/* keepalive %r14 */
+	/* keepalive %r12 */
+	/* keepalive %rbp */
+	movq	1712(%r8), %rcx
+	movq	(%rbx), %rdx
+	subq	%rcx, %rdx
+	movq	1720(%r8), %rax
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_ll_issubclass */
+	subq	%rcx, %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rdx
+	jae	L1058
+	/* keepalive %r12 */
+	/* keepalive %rbp */
+	movq	%rbp, %rsi
+	movq	%r12, %rdi
+	movq	40(%rsp), %rbx
+	movq	48(%rsp), %rbp
+	movq	56(%rsp), %r12
+	movq	64(%rsp), %r13
+	movq	72(%rsp), %r14
+	movq	80(%rsp), %r15
+	addq	$88, %rsp
+	jmp	_pypy_g_comparison_lt_impl
+	/* keepalive %rdi */
+	/* keepalive %rsi */
+	call	_pypy_g___mm_le_0_perform_call
+	;; expected {88(%rsp) | 40(%rsp), 56(%rsp), 64(%rsp), 72(%rsp), 80(%rsp), 48(%rsp) | %rbx, %rbp}
+	movq	___gcmapend at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdx
+	movq	%rbx, %r15
+	/* GCROOT %r15 */
+	movq	%rbp, %r14
+	/* GCROOT %r14 */
+	movq	%rbx, %r12
+	/* GCROOT %r12 */
+	/* GCROOT %rbp */
+	movq	_pypy_g_ExcData at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r11
+	movq	(%r11), %rbx
+	testq	%rbx, %rbx
+	je	L981
+	movq	8(%r11), %r13
+	movq	_pypydtcount at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r10
+	movl	(%r10), %eax
+	movq	_pypy_debug_tracebacks at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r9
+	movslq	%eax,%rdx
+	salq	$4, %rdx
+	leaq	_loc.234982(%rip), %rcx
+	movq	%rcx, (%rdx,%r9)
+	movq	%rbx, 8(%rdx,%r9)
+	incl	%eax
+	andl	$127, %eax
+	movl	%eax, (%r10)
+	movq	_pypy_g_typeinfo at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r8
+	leaq	59688(%r8), %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rbx
+	je	L991
+	leaq	59544(%r8), %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rbx
+	je	L991
+	movq	$0, 8(%r11)
+	movq	$0, (%r11)
+	/* keepalive %r13 */
+	/* keepalive %r15 */
+	/* keepalive %r14 */
+	/* keepalive %r12 */
+	/* keepalive %rbp */
+	movq	1712(%r8), %rcx
+	movq	(%rbx), %rdx
+	subq	%rcx, %rdx
+	movq	1720(%r8), %rax
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_ll_issubclass */
+	subq	%rcx, %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rdx
+	jae	L1059
+	/* keepalive %r12 */
+	/* keepalive %rbp */
+	movq	%rbp, %rsi
+	movq	%r12, %rdi
+	movq	40(%rsp), %rbx
+	movq	48(%rsp), %rbp
+	movq	56(%rsp), %r12
+	movq	64(%rsp), %r13
+	movq	72(%rsp), %r14
+	movq	80(%rsp), %r15
+	addq	$88, %rsp
+	jmp	_pypy_g_comparison_le_impl
+	/* keepalive %rdi */
+	/* keepalive %rsi */
+	call	_pypy_g___mm_eq_0_perform_call
+	;; expected {88(%rsp) | 40(%rsp), 56(%rsp), 64(%rsp), 72(%rsp), 80(%rsp), 48(%rsp) | %rbx, %rbp}
+	movq	___gcmapend at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdx
+	movq	%rbx, %r15
+	/* GCROOT %r15 */
+	movq	%rbp, %r14
+	/* GCROOT %r14 */
+	movq	%rbx, %r12
+	/* GCROOT %r12 */
+	/* GCROOT %rbp */
+	movq	_pypy_g_ExcData at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r11
+	movq	(%r11), %rbx
+	testq	%rbx, %rbx
+	je	L981
+	movq	8(%r11), %r13
+	movq	_pypydtcount at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r10
+	movl	(%r10), %eax
+	movq	_pypy_debug_tracebacks at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r9
+	movslq	%eax,%rdx
+	salq	$4, %rdx
+	leaq	_loc.234994(%rip), %rcx
+	movq	%rcx, (%rdx,%r9)
+	movq	%rbx, 8(%rdx,%r9)
+	incl	%eax
+	andl	$127, %eax
+	movl	%eax, (%r10)
+	movq	_pypy_g_typeinfo at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r8
+	leaq	59688(%r8), %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rbx
+	je	L1000
+	leaq	59544(%r8), %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rbx
+	je	L1000
+	movq	$0, 8(%r11)
+	movq	$0, (%r11)
+	/* keepalive %r13 */
+	/* keepalive %r15 */
+	/* keepalive %r14 */
+	/* keepalive %rbp */
+	/* keepalive %r12 */
+	movq	1712(%r8), %rcx
+	movq	(%rbx), %rdx
+	subq	%rcx, %rdx
+	movq	1720(%r8), %rax
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_ll_issubclass */
+	subq	%rcx, %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rdx
+	jae	L1060
+	/* keepalive %r12 */
+	/* keepalive %rbp */
+	movq	%rbp, %rsi
+	movq	%r12, %rdi
+	movq	40(%rsp), %rbx
+	movq	48(%rsp), %rbp
+	movq	56(%rsp), %r12
+	movq	64(%rsp), %r13
+	movq	72(%rsp), %r14
+	movq	80(%rsp), %r15
+	addq	$88, %rsp
+	jmp	_pypy_g_comparison_eq_impl
+	/* keepalive %rdi */
+	/* keepalive %rsi */
+	call	_pypy_g___mm_ne_0_perform_call
+	;; expected {88(%rsp) | 40(%rsp), 56(%rsp), 64(%rsp), 72(%rsp), 80(%rsp), 48(%rsp) | %rbx, %rbp}
+	movq	___gcmapend at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdx
+	movq	%rbx, %r15
+	/* GCROOT %r15 */
+	movq	%rbp, %r14
+	/* GCROOT %r14 */
+	movq	%rbx, %r12
+	/* GCROOT %r12 */
+	/* GCROOT %rbp */
+	movq	_pypy_g_ExcData at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r11
+	movq	(%r11), %rbx
+	testq	%rbx, %rbx
+	je	L981
+	movq	8(%r11), %r13
+	movq	_pypydtcount at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r10
+	movl	(%r10), %eax
+	movq	_pypy_debug_tracebacks at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r9
+	movslq	%eax,%rdx
+	salq	$4, %rdx
+	leaq	_loc.235006(%rip), %rcx
+	movq	%rcx, (%rdx,%r9)
+	movq	%rbx, 8(%rdx,%r9)
+	incl	%eax
+	andl	$127, %eax
+	movl	%eax, (%r10)
+	movq	_pypy_g_typeinfo at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r8
+	leaq	59688(%r8), %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rbx
+	je	L1009
+	leaq	59544(%r8), %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rbx
+	je	L1009
+	movq	$0, 8(%r11)
+	movq	$0, (%r11)
+	/* keepalive %r13 */
+	/* keepalive %r15 */
+	/* keepalive %r14 */
+	/* keepalive %r12 */
+	/* keepalive %rbp */
+	movq	1712(%r8), %rcx
+	movq	(%rbx), %rdx
+	subq	%rcx, %rdx
+	movq	1720(%r8), %rax
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_ll_issubclass */
+	subq	%rcx, %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rdx
+	jae	L1061
+	/* keepalive %r12 */
+	/* keepalive %rbp */
+	movq	%rbp, %rsi
+	movq	%r12, %rdi
+	movq	40(%rsp), %rbx
+	movq	48(%rsp), %rbp
+	movq	56(%rsp), %r12
+	movq	64(%rsp), %r13
+	movq	72(%rsp), %r14
+	movq	80(%rsp), %r15
+	addq	$88, %rsp
+	jmp	_pypy_g_comparison_ne_impl
+	/* keepalive %rdi */
+	/* keepalive %rsi */
+	call	_pypy_g___mm_gt_0_perform_call
+	;; expected {88(%rsp) | 40(%rsp), 56(%rsp), 64(%rsp), 72(%rsp), 80(%rsp), 48(%rsp) | %rbx, %rbp}
+	movq	___gcmapend at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdx
+	movq	%rbx, %r15
+	/* GCROOT %r15 */
+	movq	%rbp, %r14
+	/* GCROOT %r14 */
+	movq	%rbx, %r12
+	/* GCROOT %r12 */
+	/* GCROOT %rbp */
+	movq	_pypy_g_ExcData at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r11
+	movq	(%r11), %rbx
+	testq	%rbx, %rbx
+	je	L981
+	movq	8(%r11), %r13
+	movq	_pypydtcount at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r10
+	movl	(%r10), %eax
+	movq	_pypy_debug_tracebacks at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r9
+	movslq	%eax,%rdx
+	salq	$4, %rdx
+	leaq	_loc.235018(%rip), %rcx
+	movq	%rcx, (%rdx,%r9)
+	movq	%rbx, 8(%rdx,%r9)
+	incl	%eax
+	andl	$127, %eax
+	movl	%eax, (%r10)
+	movq	_pypy_g_typeinfo at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r8
+	leaq	59688(%r8), %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rbx
+	je	L1018
+	leaq	59544(%r8), %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rbx
+	je	L1018
+	movq	$0, 8(%r11)
+	movq	$0, (%r11)
+	/* keepalive %r13 */
+	/* keepalive %r15 */
+	/* keepalive %r14 */
+	/* keepalive %rbp */
+	/* keepalive %r12 */
+	movq	1712(%r8), %rcx
+	movq	(%rbx), %rdx
+	subq	%rcx, %rdx
+	movq	1720(%r8), %rax
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_ll_issubclass */
+	subq	%rcx, %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rdx
+	jae	L1062
+	/* keepalive %r12 */
+	/* keepalive %rbp */
+	movq	%rbp, %rsi
+	movq	%r12, %rdi
+	movq	40(%rsp), %rbx
+	movq	48(%rsp), %rbp
+	movq	56(%rsp), %r12
+	movq	64(%rsp), %r13
+	movq	72(%rsp), %r14
+	movq	80(%rsp), %r15
+	addq	$88, %rsp
+	jmp	_pypy_g_comparison_gt_impl
+	/* keepalive %rdi */
+	/* keepalive %rsi */
+	call	_pypy_g___mm_ge_0_perform_call
+	;; expected {88(%rsp) | 40(%rsp), 56(%rsp), 64(%rsp), 72(%rsp), 80(%rsp), 48(%rsp) | %rbx, %rbp}
+	movq	___gcmapend at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdx
+	movq	%rbx, %r15
+	/* GCROOT %r15 */
+	movq	%rbp, %r14
+	/* GCROOT %r14 */
+	movq	%rbx, %r12
+	/* GCROOT %r12 */
+	/* GCROOT %rbp */
+	movq	_pypy_g_ExcData at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r11
+	movq	(%r11), %rbx
+	testq	%rbx, %rbx
+	je	L981
+	movq	8(%r11), %r13
+	movq	_pypydtcount at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r10
+	movl	(%r10), %eax
+	movq	_pypy_debug_tracebacks at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r9
+	movslq	%eax,%rdx
+	salq	$4, %rdx
+	leaq	_loc.235030(%rip), %rcx
+	movq	%rcx, (%rdx,%r9)
+	movq	%rbx, 8(%rdx,%r9)
+	incl	%eax
+	andl	$127, %eax
+	movl	%eax, (%r10)
+	movq	_pypy_g_typeinfo at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r8
+	leaq	59688(%r8), %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rbx
+	je	L1027
+	leaq	59544(%r8), %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rbx
+	je	L1027
+	movq	$0, 8(%r11)
+	movq	$0, (%r11)
+	/* keepalive %r13 */
+	/* keepalive %r15 */
+	/* keepalive %r14 */
+	/* keepalive %r12 */
+	/* keepalive %rbp */
+	movq	1712(%r8), %rcx
+	movq	(%rbx), %rdx
+	subq	%rcx, %rdx
+	movq	1720(%r8), %rax
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_ll_issubclass */
+	subq	%rcx, %rax
+	cmpq	%rax, %rdx
+	jae	L1063
+	/* keepalive %r12 */
+	/* keepalive %rbp */
+	movq	%rbp, %rsi
+	movq	%r12, %rdi
+	movq	40(%rsp), %rbx
+	movq	48(%rsp), %rbp
+	movq	56(%rsp), %r12
+	movq	64(%rsp), %r13
+	movq	72(%rsp), %r14
+	movq	80(%rsp), %r15
+	addq	$88, %rsp
+	jmp	_pypy_g_comparison_ge_impl
+	movl	$16, %esi
+	call	_pypy_g_MiniMarkGC_collect_and_reserve
+	;; expected {88(%rsp) | 40(%rsp), 56(%rsp), 64(%rsp), 72(%rsp), 80(%rsp), 48(%rsp) | }
+	movq	_pypy_g_ExcData at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r11
+	movq	%rax, %rdx
+	movq	%rax, %rbx
+	cmpq	$0, (%r11)
+	je	L1036
+	movq	_pypydtcount at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rsi
+	movl	(%rsi), %edx
+	movq	_pypy_debug_tracebacks at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rcx
+	movslq	%edx,%rax
+	salq	$4, %rax
+	leaq	_loc.235064(%rip), %rbx
+	movq	%rbx, (%rax,%rcx)
+	movq	$0, 8(%rcx,%rax)
+	incl	%edx
+	andl	$127, %edx
+	movslq	%edx,%rax
+	salq	$4, %rax
+	leaq	_loc.235062(%rip), %rbx
+	movq	%rbx, (%rax,%rcx)
+	movq	$0, 8(%rax,%rcx)
+	incl	%edx
+	andl	$127, %edx
+	movl	%edx, (%rsi)
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	jmp	L981
+	movq	%r8, 24(%rsp)
+	movq	%r9, 16(%rsp)
+	movq	%r10, 8(%rsp)
+	movq	%r11, (%rsp)
+	call	_pypy_debug_catch_fatal_exception
+	;; expected {88(%rsp) | 40(%rsp), 56(%rsp), 64(%rsp), 72(%rsp), 80(%rsp), 48(%rsp) | }
+	movq	(%rsp), %r11
+	movq	8(%rsp), %r10
+	movq	16(%rsp), %r9
+	movq	24(%rsp), %r8
+	jmp	L1029
+	movq	%r8, 24(%rsp)
+	movq	%r9, 16(%rsp)
+	movq	%r10, 8(%rsp)
+	movq	%r11, (%rsp)
+	call	_pypy_debug_catch_fatal_exception
+	;; expected {88(%rsp) | 40(%rsp), 56(%rsp), 64(%rsp), 72(%rsp), 80(%rsp), 48(%rsp) | }
+	movq	(%rsp), %r11
+	movq	8(%rsp), %r10
+	movq	16(%rsp), %r9
+	movq	24(%rsp), %r8
+	jmp	L1020
+	movq	%r8, 24(%rsp)
+	movq	%r9, 16(%rsp)
+	movq	%r10, 8(%rsp)
+	movq	%r11, (%rsp)
+	call	_pypy_debug_catch_fatal_exception
+	;; expected {88(%rsp) | 40(%rsp), 56(%rsp), 64(%rsp), 72(%rsp), 80(%rsp), 48(%rsp) | }
+	movq	(%rsp), %r11
+	movq	8(%rsp), %r10
+	movq	16(%rsp), %r9
+	movq	24(%rsp), %r8
+	jmp	L1011
+	movq	%r8, 24(%rsp)
+	movq	%r9, 16(%rsp)
+	movq	%r10, 8(%rsp)
+	movq	%r11, (%rsp)
+	call	_pypy_debug_catch_fatal_exception
+	;; expected {88(%rsp) | 40(%rsp), 56(%rsp), 64(%rsp), 72(%rsp), 80(%rsp), 48(%rsp) | }
+	movq	(%rsp), %r11
+	movq	8(%rsp), %r10
+	movq	16(%rsp), %r9
+	movq	24(%rsp), %r8
+	jmp	L1002
+	movq	%r8, 24(%rsp)
+	movq	%r9, 16(%rsp)
+	movq	%r10, 8(%rsp)
+	movq	%r11, (%rsp)
+	call	_pypy_debug_catch_fatal_exception
+	;; expected {88(%rsp) | 40(%rsp), 56(%rsp), 64(%rsp), 72(%rsp), 80(%rsp), 48(%rsp) | }
+	movq	(%rsp), %r11
+	movq	8(%rsp), %r10
+	movq	16(%rsp), %r9
+	movq	24(%rsp), %r8
+	jmp	L993
+	movq	%r8, 24(%rsp)
+	movq	%r9, 16(%rsp)
+	movq	%r10, 8(%rsp)
+	movq	%r11, (%rsp)
+	call	_pypy_debug_catch_fatal_exception
+	;; expected {88(%rsp) | 40(%rsp), 56(%rsp), 64(%rsp), 72(%rsp), 80(%rsp), 48(%rsp) | }
+	movq	(%rsp), %r11
+	movq	8(%rsp), %r10
+	movq	16(%rsp), %r9
+	movq	24(%rsp), %r8
+	jmp	L984
+	movq	%rbx, (%r11)
+	movq	%r13, 8(%r11)
+	movl	(%r10), %edx
+	movslq	%edx,%rax
+	salq	$4, %rax
+	movq	$-1, (%rax,%r9)
+	movq	%rbx, 8(%rax,%r9)
+	incl	%edx
+	andl	$127, %edx
+	movl	%edx, (%r10)
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_RPyReRaiseException */
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	jmp	L981
+	movq	%rbx, (%r11)
+	movq	%r13, 8(%r11)
+	movl	(%r10), %edx
+	movslq	%edx,%rax
+	salq	$4, %rax
+	movq	$-1, (%rax,%r9)
+	movq	%rbx, 8(%rax,%r9)
+	incl	%edx
+	andl	$127, %edx
+	movl	%edx, (%r10)
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_RPyReRaiseException */
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	jmp	L981
+	movq	%rbx, (%r11)
+	movq	%r13, 8(%r11)
+	movl	(%r10), %edx
+	movslq	%edx,%rax
+	salq	$4, %rax
+	movq	$-1, (%rax,%r9)
+	movq	%rbx, 8(%rax,%r9)
+	incl	%edx
+	andl	$127, %edx
+	movl	%edx, (%r10)
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_RPyReRaiseException */
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	jmp	L981
+	movq	%rbx, (%r11)
+	movq	%r13, 8(%r11)
+	movl	(%r10), %edx
+	movslq	%edx,%rax
+	salq	$4, %rax
+	movq	$-1, (%rax,%r9)
+	movq	%rbx, 8(%rax,%r9)
+	incl	%edx
+	andl	$127, %edx
+	movl	%edx, (%r10)
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_RPyReRaiseException */
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	jmp	L981
+	movq	%rbx, (%r11)
+	movq	%r13, 8(%r11)
+	movl	(%r10), %edx
+	movslq	%edx,%rax
+	salq	$4, %rax
+	movq	$-1, (%rax,%r9)
+	movq	%rbx, 8(%rax,%r9)
+	incl	%edx
+	andl	$127, %edx
+	movl	%edx, (%r10)
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_RPyReRaiseException */
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	jmp	L981
+	movq	%rbx, (%r11)
+	movq	%r13, 8(%r11)
+	movl	(%r10), %edx
+	movslq	%edx,%rax
+	salq	$4, %rax
+	movq	$-1, (%rax,%r9)
+	movq	%rbx, 8(%rax,%r9)
+	incl	%edx
+	andl	$127, %edx
+	movl	%edx, (%r10)
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_RPyReRaiseException */
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	jmp	L981
+	movq	%r8, 24(%rsp)
+	movq	%r9, 16(%rsp)
+	movq	%r10, 8(%rsp)
+	movq	%r11, (%rsp)
+	call	_pypy_debug_catch_fatal_exception
+	;; expected {88(%rsp) | 40(%rsp), 56(%rsp), 64(%rsp), 72(%rsp), 80(%rsp), 48(%rsp) | }
+	movq	(%rsp), %r11
+	movq	8(%rsp), %r10
+	movq	16(%rsp), %r9
+	movq	24(%rsp), %r8
+	jmp	L1042
+	/* keepalive %rbx */
+	/* keepalive %r12 */
+	movq	%rbp, (%r11)
+	movq	%r12, 8(%r11)
+	movl	(%r10), %edx
+	movslq	%edx,%rax
+	salq	$4, %rax
+	movq	$-1, (%rax,%r9)
+	movq	%rbp, 8(%rax,%r9)
+	incl	%edx
+	andl	$127, %edx
+	movl	%edx, (%r10)
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_RPyReRaiseException */
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	jmp	L981
+	movq	_pypy_g_typeinfo at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rsi
+	addq	$59688, %rsi
+	movq	%rsi, (%r11)
+	movq	_pypy_g_exceptions_AssertionError_5 at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
+	movq	%rax, 8(%r11)
+	movq	_pypydtcount at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdi
+	movl	(%rdi), %edx
+	movq	_pypy_debug_tracebacks at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rcx
+	movslq	%edx,%rax
+	salq	$4, %rax
+	movq	$0, (%rax,%rcx)
+	movq	%rsi, 8(%rcx,%rax)
+	incl	%edx
+	andl	$127, %edx
+	/* GC_NOCOLLECT pypy_g_RPyRaiseException */
+	movslq	%edx,%rax
+	salq	$4, %rax
+	leaq	_loc.235054(%rip), %rbx
+	movq	%rbx, (%rax,%rcx)
+	movq	$0, 8(%rcx,%rax)
+	incl	%edx
+	andl	$127, %edx
+	movl	%edx, (%rdi)
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	jmp	L981
+	.align 4,0x90

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/c/gcc/trackgcroot.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/c/gcc/trackgcroot.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/c/gcc/trackgcroot.py	Thu Oct 28 15:15:36 2010
@@ -1106,6 +1106,9 @@
     format = 'darwin64'
     function_names_prefix = '_'
+    LABEL = ElfFunctionGcRootTracker32.LABEL
+    r_jmptable_item = re.compile(r"\t.(?:long|quad)\t"+LABEL+"(-\"?[A-Za-z0-9$]+\"?)?\s*$")
     r_functionstart = re.compile(r"_(\w+):\s*$")
     OFFSET_LABELS   = 0

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