[pypy-svn] r72969 - in pypy/branch/asmgcc-64/pypy/translator/c/gcc: . test test/elf64

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Sat Mar 27 20:14:53 CET 2010

Author: arigo
Date: Sat Mar 27 20:14:50 2010
New Revision: 72969

Start whacking.  The first test passes.

Modified: pypy/branch/asmgcc-64/pypy/translator/c/gcc/test/conftest.py
--- pypy/branch/asmgcc-64/pypy/translator/c/gcc/test/conftest.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/asmgcc-64/pypy/translator/c/gcc/test/conftest.py	Sat Mar 27 20:14:50 2010
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
 class Module(py.test.collect.Module):
     def collect(self):
         cpu = detect_cpu.autodetect()
-        if cpu != 'x86':
-            py.test.skip("x86 directory skipped: cpu is %r" % (cpu,))
+        if cpu not in ('x86', 'x86_64'):
+            py.test.skip("c/gcc directory skipped: cpu is %r" % (cpu,))
         return super(Module, self).collect()

Added: pypy/branch/asmgcc-64/pypy/translator/c/gcc/test/elf64/track_basic_rsp.s
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/branch/asmgcc-64/pypy/translator/c/gcc/test/elf64/track_basic_rsp.s	Sat Mar 27 20:14:50 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+	.type	main, @function
+	call	somewhere
+	;; expected {(%rsp) | %rbp, %rbx, %r12, %r13, %r14, %r15 | }
+	pushq   %r13
+	call	somewhere
+	;; expected {8(%rsp) | %rbp, %rbx, %r12, (%rsp), %r14, %r15 | }
+	pushq   %rbx
+	call	somewhere
+	;; expected {16(%rsp) | %rbp, (%rsp), %r12, 8(%rsp), %r14, %r15 | }
+	pushq   %r12
+	call	somewhere
+	;; expected {24(%rsp) | %rbp, 8(%rsp), (%rsp), 16(%rsp), %r14, %r15 | }
+	pushq   %r15
+	call	somewhere
+	;; expected {32(%rsp) | %rbp, 16(%rsp), 8(%rsp), 24(%rsp), %r14, (%rsp) | }
+	pushq   %rbp
+	call	somewhere
+	;; expected {40(%rsp) | (%rsp), 24(%rsp), 16(%rsp), 32(%rsp), %r14, 8(%rsp) | }
+	pushq   %r14
+	call	somewhere
+	;; expected {48(%rsp) | 8(%rsp), 32(%rsp), 24(%rsp), 40(%rsp), (%rsp), 16(%rsp) | }
+	popq	%r14
+	popq	%rbp
+	popq	%r15
+	popq	%r12
+	popq	%rbx
+	popq	%r13
+	ret
+	.size	main, .-main

Modified: pypy/branch/asmgcc-64/pypy/translator/c/gcc/test/test_trackgcroot.py
--- pypy/branch/asmgcc-64/pypy/translator/c/gcc/test/test_trackgcroot.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/asmgcc-64/pypy/translator/c/gcc/test/test_trackgcroot.py	Sat Mar 27 20:14:50 2010
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 from pypy.translator.c.gcc.trackgcroot import compress_callshape
 from pypy.translator.c.gcc.trackgcroot import decompress_callshape
 from pypy.translator.c.gcc.trackgcroot import PARSERS
+from pypy.translator.c.gcc.trackgcroot import Elf64FunctionGcRootTracker
 from StringIO import StringIO
 this_dir = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath()
@@ -39,6 +40,37 @@
                              LOC_EBP_PLUS+28)) == expected
+def test_format_location_64():
+    cls64 = Elf64FunctionGcRootTracker
+    assert format_location(LOC_NOWHERE, cls=cls64) == '?'
+    assert format_location(LOC_REG | (1<<2), cls=cls64) == '%rbp'
+    assert format_location(LOC_REG | (2<<2), cls=cls64) == '%rbx'
+    assert format_location(LOC_REG | (3<<2), cls=cls64) == '%r12'
+    assert format_location(LOC_REG | (4<<2), cls=cls64) == '%r13'
+    assert format_location(LOC_REG | (5<<2), cls=cls64) == '%r14'
+    assert format_location(LOC_REG | (6<<2), cls=cls64) == '%r15'
+    assert format_location(LOC_EBP_PLUS + 0, cls=cls64) == '(%rbp)'
+    assert format_location(LOC_EBP_PLUS + 8, cls=cls64) == '8(%rbp)'
+    assert format_location(LOC_EBP_MINUS + 8, cls=cls64) == '-8(%rbp)'
+    assert format_location(LOC_ESP_PLUS + 0, cls=cls64) == '(%rsp)'
+    assert format_location(LOC_ESP_PLUS + 8, cls=cls64) == '8(%rsp)'
+def test_format_callshape_64():
+    cls64 = Elf64FunctionGcRootTracker
+    expected = ('{8(%rbp) '               # position of the return address
+                '| 16(%rbp), 24(%rbp), 32(%rbp), 40(%rbp), '  # 6 saved regs
+                  '48(%rbp), 56(%rbp) '
+                '| 64(%rbp), 72(%rbp)}')                    # GC roots
+    assert format_callshape((LOC_EBP_PLUS+8,
+                             LOC_EBP_PLUS+16,
+                             LOC_EBP_PLUS+24,
+                             LOC_EBP_PLUS+32,
+                             LOC_EBP_PLUS+40,
+                             LOC_EBP_PLUS+48,
+                             LOC_EBP_PLUS+56,
+                             LOC_EBP_PLUS+64,
+                             LOC_EBP_PLUS+72), cls=cls64) == expected
 def test_compress_callshape():
     shape = (1, 127, 0x1234, 0x5678, 0x234567,
              0x765432, 0x61626364, 0x41424344)
@@ -108,7 +140,7 @@
 def test_computegcmaptable():
     tests = []
-    for format in ('elf', 'darwin', 'msvc'):
+    for format in ('elf', 'darwin', 'msvc', 'elf64'):
         for path in this_dir.join(format).listdir("track*.s"):
             n = path.purebasename[5:]
@@ -133,12 +165,13 @@
     print path.dirpath().basename + '/' + path.basename
     lines = path.readlines()
     expectedlines = lines[:]
-    tracker = PARSERS[format].FunctionGcRootTracker(lines)
+    trackercls = PARSERS[format].FunctionGcRootTracker
+    tracker = trackercls(lines)
     table = tracker.computegcmaptable(verbose=sys.maxint)
     tabledict = {}
     seen = {}
     for entry in table:
-        print '%s: %s' % (entry[0], format_callshape(entry[1]))
+        print '%s: %s' % (entry[0], format_callshape(entry[1], cls=trackercls))
         tabledict[entry[0]] = entry[1]
     # find the ";; expected" lines
     prevline = ""
@@ -151,7 +184,7 @@
             label = prevmatch.group(1)
             assert label in tabledict
             got = tabledict[label]
-            assert format_callshape(got) == expected
+            assert format_callshape(got, cls=trackercls) == expected
             seen[label] = True
             if format == 'msvc':
                 expectedlines.insert(i-2, 'PUBLIC\t%s\n' % (label,))

Modified: pypy/branch/asmgcc-64/pypy/translator/c/gcc/trackgcroot.py
--- pypy/branch/asmgcc-64/pypy/translator/c/gcc/trackgcroot.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/asmgcc-64/pypy/translator/c/gcc/trackgcroot.py	Sat Mar 27 20:14:50 2010
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
 class FunctionGcRootTracker(object):
     skip = 0
+    WORD = 4
+    BITS = 32
+    SUFFIX = 'l'
     def init_regexp(cls):
@@ -187,15 +190,28 @@
         del self.currentlineno
-    @classmethod
-    def find_missing_visit_method(cls, opname):
-        # only for operations that are no-ops as far as we are concerned
+    def find_missing_visit_method(self, opname):
+        # if opname ends with an 'l' (on 32-bit) or a 'q' (on 64-bit),
+        # try to find the method that ends with an 'X'.  On Windows,
+        # where SUFFIX='', try to just append 'X'.
+        if opname.endswith(self.SUFFIX):
+            basename = opname[:len(opname)-len(self.SUFFIX)]
+            try:
+                method = getattr(self, 'visit_' + basename + 'X')
+            except AttributeError:
+                pass   # not found
+            else:
+                setattr(self, 'visit_' + opname, method)
+                return
+        # not found.  This is the case only for operations that are
+        # no-ops as far as we are concerned, but check if it is really
         prefix = opname
-        while prefix not in cls.IGNORE_OPS_WITH_PREFIXES:
+        while prefix not in self.IGNORE_OPS_WITH_PREFIXES:
             prefix = prefix[:-1]
             if not prefix:
                 raise UnrecognizedOperation(opname)
-        setattr(cls, 'visit_' + opname, cls.visit_nop)
+        setattr(self, 'visit_' + opname, self.visit_nop)
     def list_collecting_call_insns(self):
         return [insn for insn in self.insns if isinstance(insn, InsnCall)
@@ -206,7 +222,7 @@
         # in the frame at this point.  This doesn't count the return address
         # which is the word immediately following the frame in memory.
         # The 'framesize' is set to an odd value if it is only an estimate
-        # (see visit_andl()).
+        # (see visit_andX()).
         def walker(insn, size_delta):
             check = deltas.setdefault(insn, size_delta)
@@ -399,7 +415,7 @@
     visit_xorb = visit_nop
     visit_xorw = visit_nop
-    def visit_addl(self, line, sign=+1):
+    def visit_addX(self, line, sign=+1):
         match = self.r_binaryinsn.match(line)
         source = match.group("source")
         target = match.group("target")
@@ -414,8 +430,8 @@
             return []
-    def visit_subl(self, line):
-        return self.visit_addl(line, sign=-1)
+    def visit_subX(self, line):
+        return self.visit_addX(line, sign=-1)
     def unary_insn(self, line):
         match = self.r_unaryinsn.match(line)
@@ -438,16 +454,16 @@
             return []
-    visit_xorl = binary_insn   # used in "xor reg, reg" to create a NULL GC ptr
-    visit_orl = binary_insn
+    visit_xorX = binary_insn   # used in "xor reg, reg" to create a NULL GC ptr
+    visit_orX = binary_insn
     # The various cmov* operations
     for name in '''
         e ne g ge l le a ae b be p np s ns o no
         locals()['visit_cmov' + name] = binary_insn
-        locals()['visit_cmov' + name + 'l'] = binary_insn
+        locals()['visit_cmov' + name + 'X'] = binary_insn
-    def visit_andl(self, line):
+    def visit_andX(self, line):
         match = self.r_binaryinsn.match(line)
         target = match.group("target")
         if target == self.ESP:
@@ -459,9 +475,7 @@
             return self.binary_insn(line)
-    visit_and = visit_andl
-    def visit_leal(self, line):
+    def visit_leaX(self, line):
         match = self.r_binaryinsn.match(line)
         target = match.group("target")
         if target == self.ESP:
@@ -473,7 +487,7 @@
                     raise UnrecognizedOperation('epilogue without prologue')
                 ofs_from_ebp = int(match.group(1) or '0')
                 assert ofs_from_ebp <= 0
-                framesize = 4 - ofs_from_ebp
+                framesize = self.WORD - ofs_from_ebp
                 match = self.r_localvar_esp.match(source)
                 # leal 12(%esp), %esp
@@ -498,7 +512,7 @@
             return []
-    def visit_movl(self, line):
+    def visit_movX(self, line):
         match = self.r_binaryinsn.match(line)
         source = match.group("source")
         target = match.group("target")
@@ -512,20 +526,20 @@
                           # gcc -fno-unit-at-a-time.
         return self.insns_for_copy(source, target)
-    visit_mov = visit_movl
-    def visit_pushl(self, line):
+    def visit_pushX(self, line):
         match = self.r_unaryinsn.match(line)
         source = match.group(1)
-        return [InsnStackAdjust(-4)] + self.insns_for_copy(source, self.TOP_OF_STACK)
+        return ([InsnStackAdjust(-self.WORD)] +
+                self.insns_for_copy(source, self.TOP_OF_STACK))
     def visit_pushw(self, line):
         return [InsnStackAdjust(-2)]   # rare but not impossible
     def _visit_pop(self, target):
-        return self.insns_for_copy(self.TOP_OF_STACK, target) + [InsnStackAdjust(+4)]
+        return (self.insns_for_copy(self.TOP_OF_STACK, target) +
+                [InsnStackAdjust(+self.WORD)])
-    def visit_popl(self, line):
+    def visit_popX(self, line):
         match = self.r_unaryinsn.match(line)
         target = match.group(1)
         return self._visit_pop(target)
@@ -660,7 +674,7 @@
     visit_jc = conditional_jump
     visit_jnc = conditional_jump
-    def visit_xchgl(self, line):
+    def visit_xchgX(self, line):
         # only support the format used in VALGRIND_DISCARD_TRANSLATIONS
         # which is to use a marker no-op "xchgl %ebx, %ebx"
         match = self.r_binaryinsn.match(line)
@@ -747,32 +761,10 @@
     EBP     = '%ebp'
     EAX     = '%eax'
     CALLEE_SAVE_REGISTERS = ['%ebx', '%esi', '%edi', '%ebp']
-    REG2LOC = dict((_reg, LOC_REG | ((_i+1)<<2))
-                   for _i, _reg in enumerate(CALLEE_SAVE_REGISTERS))
     OPERAND = r'(?:[-\w$%+.:@"]+(?:[(][\w%,]+[)])?|[(][\w%,]+[)])'
     LABEL   = r'([a-zA-Z_$.][a-zA-Z0-9_$@.]*)'
     OFFSET_LABELS   = 2**30
-    TOP_OF_STACK = '0(%esp)'
-    r_functionstart = re.compile(r"\t.type\s+"+LABEL+",\s*[@]function\s*$")
-    r_functionend   = re.compile(r"\t.size\s+"+LABEL+",\s*[.]-"+LABEL+"\s*$")
     LOCALVAR        = r"%eax|%edx|%ecx|%ebx|%esi|%edi|%ebp|\d*[(]%esp[)]"
-    LOCALVARFP      = LOCALVAR + r"|-?\d*[(]%ebp[)]"
-    r_localvarnofp  = re.compile(LOCALVAR)
-    r_localvarfp    = re.compile(LOCALVARFP)
-    r_localvar_esp  = re.compile(r"(\d*)[(]%esp[)]")
-    r_localvar_ebp  = re.compile(r"(-?\d*)[(]%ebp[)]")
-    r_rel_label      = re.compile(r"(\d+):\s*$")
-    r_jump_rel_label = re.compile(r"\tj\w+\s+"+"(\d+)f"+"\s*$")
-    r_unaryinsn_star= re.compile(r"\t[a-z]\w*\s+[*]("+OPERAND+")\s*$")
-    r_jmptable_item = re.compile(r"\t.long\t"+LABEL+"(-\"[A-Za-z0-9$]+\")?\s*$")
-    r_jmptable_end  = re.compile(r"\t.text|\t.section\s+.text|\t\.align|"+LABEL)
-    r_gcroot_marker = re.compile(r"\t/[*] GCROOT ("+LOCALVARFP+") [*]/")
-    r_gcnocollect_marker = re.compile(r"\t/[*] GC_NOCOLLECT ("+OPERAND+") [*]/")
-    r_bottom_marker = re.compile(r"\t/[*] GC_STACK_BOTTOM [*]/")
         'abort': None,
@@ -792,6 +784,41 @@
         super(ElfFunctionGcRootTracker, self).__init__(
             funcname, lines, filetag)
+    @classmethod
+    def init_regexp(cls):
+        cls.REG2LOC = dict((reg, LOC_REG | ((i+1)<<2))
+                           for i, reg in enumerate(cls.CALLEE_SAVE_REGISTERS))
+        cls.TOP_OF_STACK = '0(%s)' % cls.ESP
+        cls.LOCALVARFP      = cls.LOCALVAR + r"|-?\d*[(]%s[)]" % cls.EBP
+        cls.r_localvarnofp  = re.compile(cls.LOCALVAR)
+        cls.r_localvarfp    = re.compile(cls.LOCALVARFP)
+        cls.r_localvar_esp  = re.compile(r"(\d*)[(]%s[)]" % cls.ESP)
+        cls.r_localvar_ebp  = re.compile(r"(-?\d*)[(]%s[)]" % cls.EBP)
+        cls.r_functionstart = re.compile(r"\t.type\s+"+cls.LABEL+
+                                         r",\s*[@]function\s*$")
+        cls.r_functionend   = re.compile(r"\t.size\s+"+cls.LABEL+
+                                         r",\s*[.]-"+cls.LABEL+"\s*$")
+        cls.r_rel_label      = re.compile(r"(\d+):\s*$")
+        cls.r_jump_rel_label = re.compile(r"\tj\w+\s+"+r"(\d+)f"+r"\s*$")
+        cls.r_unaryinsn_star= re.compile(r"\t[a-z]\w*\s+[*]("+cls.OPERAND+
+                                         r")\s*$")
+        cls.r_jmptable_item = re.compile(r"\t.(?:long|quad)\t"+cls.LABEL+
+                                         r'(-"[A-Za-z0-9$]+")?\s*$')
+        cls.r_jmptable_end  = re.compile(r"\t.text|\t.section\s+.text|"
+                                         r"\t\.align|"+cls.LABEL)
+        cls.r_gcroot_marker = re.compile(r"\t/[*] GCROOT ("+cls.LOCALVARFP+
+                                         r") [*]/")
+        cls.r_gcnocollect_marker = re.compile(r"\t/[*] GC_NOCOLLECT ("+
+                                              cls.OPERAND+r") [*]/")
+        cls.r_bottom_marker = re.compile(r"\t/[*] GC_STACK_BOTTOM [*]/")
+        super(ElfFunctionGcRootTracker, cls).init_regexp()
     def extract_immediate(self, value):
         if not value.startswith('$'):
             return None
@@ -799,6 +826,19 @@
+class Elf64FunctionGcRootTracker(ElfFunctionGcRootTracker):
+    WORD = 8
+    BITS = 64
+    SUFFIX = 'q'
+    ESP  = '%rsp'
+    EBP  = '%rbp'
+    EAX  = '%rax'
+    CALLEE_SAVE_REGISTERS = ['%rbp', '%rbx', '%r12', '%r13', '%r14', '%r15']
+    LOCALVAR = (r"%rax|%rdx|%rcx|%rbx|%rsi|%rdi|%rbp|"
+                r"%r8|%r9|%r10|%r11|%r12|%r13|%r14|%r15|\d*[(]%rsp[)]")
 class DarwinFunctionGcRootTracker(ElfFunctionGcRootTracker):
     format = 'darwin'
@@ -821,6 +861,7 @@
 class MsvcFunctionGcRootTracker(FunctionGcRootTracker):
     format = 'msvc'
+    SUFFIX = ''
     ESP = 'esp'
     EBP = 'ebp'
     EAX = 'eax'
@@ -898,13 +939,6 @@
             operand = operand.replace(name, str(value))
         return operand
-    for name in '''
-        push pop mov lea
-        xor sub add
-        '''.split():
-        locals()['visit_' + name] = getattr(FunctionGcRootTracker,
-                                            'visit_' + name + 'l')
     visit_int = FunctionGcRootTracker.visit_nop
     # probably not GC pointers
     visit_cdq  = FunctionGcRootTracker.visit_nop
@@ -1068,6 +1102,10 @@
             "missed the end of the previous function")
         yield False, functionlines
+class Elf64AssemblerParser(AssemblerParser):
+    format = "elf64"
+    FunctionGcRootTracker = Elf64FunctionGcRootTracker
 class DarwinAssemblerParser(AssemblerParser):
     format = "darwin"
     FunctionGcRootTracker = DarwinFunctionGcRootTracker
@@ -1213,6 +1251,7 @@
     'elf': ElfAssemblerParser,
+    'elf64': Elf64AssemblerParser,
     'darwin': DarwinAssemblerParser,
     'mingw32': Mingw32AssemblerParser,
     'msvc': MsvcAssemblerParser,
@@ -1471,7 +1510,7 @@
 # __________ debugging output __________
-def format_location(loc):
+def format_location(loc, cls=ElfFunctionGcRootTracker):
     # A 'location' is a single number describing where a value is stored
     # across a call.  It can be in one of the CALLEE_SAVE_REGISTERS, or
     # in the stack frame at an address relative to either %esp or %ebp.
@@ -1483,23 +1522,23 @@
         if loc == LOC_NOWHERE:
             return '?'
         reg = (loc >> 2) - 1
-        return ElfFunctionGcRootTracker.CALLEE_SAVE_REGISTERS[reg]
+        return cls.CALLEE_SAVE_REGISTERS[reg]
         offset = loc & ~ LOC_MASK
         if kind == LOC_EBP_PLUS:
-            result = '(%ebp)'
+            result = '(%s)' % cls.EBP
         elif kind == LOC_EBP_MINUS:
-            result = '(%ebp)'
+            result = '(%s)' % cls.EBP
             offset = -offset
         elif kind == LOC_ESP_PLUS:
-            result = '(%esp)'
+            result = '(%s)' % cls.ESP
             assert 0, kind
         if offset != 0:
             result = str(offset) + result
         return result
-def format_callshape(shape):
+def format_callshape(shape, cls=ElfFunctionGcRootTracker):
     # A 'call shape' is a tuple of locations in the sense of format_location().
     # They describe where in a function frame interesting values are stored,
     # when this function executes a 'call' instruction.
@@ -1512,12 +1551,15 @@
     #   shape[4] is where the fn saved its own caller's %ebp value
     #   shape[>=5] are GC roots: where the fn has put its local GCPTR vars
+    # On 64-bit, there are 6 registers instead of 4 that are callee-saved.
+    #
     assert isinstance(shape, tuple)
-    assert len(shape) >= 5
-    result = [format_location(loc) for loc in shape]
+    N = len(cls.CALLEE_SAVE_REGISTERS) + 1
+    assert len(shape) >= N
+    result = [format_location(loc, cls) for loc in shape]
     return '{%s | %s | %s}' % (result[0],
-                               ', '.join(result[1:5]),
-                               ', '.join(result[5:]))
+                               ', '.join(result[1:N]),
+                               ', '.join(result[N:]))
 # __________ table compression __________

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