[pypy-svn] r72226 - in pypy/branch/jit-newx86/pypy/jit/backend/newx86: . test

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Sun Mar 14 18:40:07 CET 2010

Author: arigo
Date: Sun Mar 14 18:40:05 2010
New Revision: 72226

Slowly learning the proper way of unit tests: make codebuf
independent of rx86, including tests.

Modified: pypy/branch/jit-newx86/pypy/jit/backend/newx86/codebuf.py
--- pypy/branch/jit-newx86/pypy/jit/backend/newx86/codebuf.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/jit-newx86/pypy/jit/backend/newx86/codebuf.py	Sun Mar 14 18:40:05 2010
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
 from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated
 from pypy.rlib.rmmap import PTR, alloc, free
-from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rffi
-from pypy.jit.backend.newx86.rx86 import X86_32_CodeBuilder, X86_64_CodeBuilder
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi
 class CodeBufAllocator(object):
     alloc_count = 0
-    def __init__(self, word):
+    def __init__(self, cb_class):
         self.all_data_parts = []    # only if we are not translated
-        self.cb_class = code_builder_cls[word]
+        self.cb_class = cb_class
     def __del__(self):
         if not we_are_translated():
@@ -22,22 +21,28 @@
         if not we_are_translated():
             CodeBufAllocator.alloc_count += 1
             self.all_data_parts.append((data, map_size))
-        return self.cb_class(data, map_size)
+        return self.cb_class(data, map_size, True)
+    def empty_code_buffer(self):
+        return self.cb_class(lltype.nullptr(PTR.TO), 0, True)
 class CodeBufOverflow(Exception):
     "Raised when a code buffer is full."
-class CodeBuilder(object):
+class AbstractCodeBuilder(object):
     _mixin_ = True
-    raise_on_overflow = False
-    def __init__(self, data, map_size):
+    def __init__(self, data, map_size, raise_on_overflow):
         self.data = data
         self.write_ofs = map_size
+        self.raise_on_overflow = raise_on_overflow
     def writechar(self, char):
+        """Writes a character at the *end* of buffer, and decrement the
+        current position.
+        """
         ofs = self.write_ofs - 1
         if ofs < 0:
@@ -50,25 +55,16 @@
     _overflow_detected._dont_inline_ = True
     def get_current_position(self):
+        """Return the current position.  Note that this starts at the end."""
         return rffi.ptradd(self.data, self.write_ofs)
-    def extract_subbuffer(self, subsize):
+    def extract_subbuffer(self, subsize, raise_on_overflow):
         subbuf = self.data
         if self.write_ofs < subsize:
         self.write_ofs -= subsize
         self.data = rffi.ptradd(self.data, subsize)
-        return self.__class__(subbuf, subsize)
+        return self.__class__(subbuf, subsize, raise_on_overflow)
     def is_full(self):
         return self.write_ofs == 0
-class CodeBuilder32(CodeBuilder, X86_32_CodeBuilder):
-    pass
-class CodeBuilder64(CodeBuilder, X86_64_CodeBuilder):
-    pass
-code_builder_cls = {4: CodeBuilder32,
-                    8: CodeBuilder64}

Modified: pypy/branch/jit-newx86/pypy/jit/backend/newx86/test/test_codebuf.py
--- pypy/branch/jit-newx86/pypy/jit/backend/newx86/test/test_codebuf.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/jit-newx86/pypy/jit/backend/newx86/test/test_codebuf.py	Sun Mar 14 18:40:05 2010
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rffi
 from pypy.jit.backend.newx86.codebuf import CodeBufOverflow
 from pypy.jit.backend.newx86.codebuf import CodeBufAllocator
-from pypy.jit.backend.newx86.rx86 import R
+from pypy.jit.backend.newx86.codebuf import AbstractCodeBuilder
 class TestCodeBuilder:
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
     def setup_method(self, meth):
         CodeBufAllocator.alloc_count = 0
-        self.cballoc = CodeBufAllocator(self.WORD)
+        self.cballoc = CodeBufAllocator(AbstractCodeBuilder)
     def teardown_method(self, meth):
         del self.cballoc
@@ -29,59 +29,61 @@
     def test_writing_from_end(self):
         c = self.cballoc.new_code_buffer(4096)
-        c.RET()
-        c.NOP()
+        c.writechar('A')
+        c.writechar('B')
         p1 = c.get_current_position()
-        assert p1[0] == chr(0x90)    # NOP
-        assert p1[1] == chr(0xC3)    # RET
-        c.PUSH_r(R.ecx)
+        assert p1[0] == 'B'
+        assert p1[1] == 'A'
+        c.writechar('C')
         p2 = c.get_current_position()
-        assert p2[0] == chr(0x51)    # PUSH ecx
-        assert p2[1] == chr(0x90)    # NOP
-        assert p2[2] == chr(0xC3)    # RET
+        assert p2[0] == 'C'
+        assert p2[1] == 'B'
+        assert p2[2] == 'A'
     def test_overflowing(self):
         c = self.cballoc.new_code_buffer(4096)
-        c.raise_on_overflow = True
         for i in range(4096):
-            c.NOP()
-        py.test.raises(CodeBufOverflow, c.NOP)
+            c.writechar('x')
+        py.test.raises(CodeBufOverflow, c.writechar, 'x')
     def test_extract_subbuffer(self):
         c1 = self.cballoc.new_code_buffer(4096)
-        c1.NOP()
-        c2 = c1.extract_subbuffer(3)
+        c1.writechar('x')
+        c2 = c1.extract_subbuffer(3, False)
         p1 = c1.get_current_position()
-        assert p1[0] == chr(0x90)       # NOP
+        assert p1[0] == 'x'
         p2 = c2.get_current_position()
-        assert p2[4092] == chr(0x90)    # NOP
+        assert p2[4092] == 'x'
         assert not c2.is_full()
-        c2.RET()
-        c2.RET()
-        c2.RET()
+        c2.writechar('1')
+        c2.writechar('2')
+        c2.writechar('3')
         p2 = c2.get_current_position()
-        assert p2[0] == chr(0xC3)       # RET
-        assert p2[1] == chr(0xC3)       # RET
-        assert p2[2] == chr(0xC3)       # RET
-        assert p2[4095] == chr(0x90)    # NOP
+        assert p2[0] == '3'
+        assert p2[1] == '2'
+        assert p2[2] == '1'
+        assert p2[4095] == 'x'
         assert c2.is_full()
     def test_extract_subbuffer_overflow(self):
         c = self.cballoc.new_code_buffer(4096)
-        c.raise_on_overflow = True
         for i in range(4092):
-            c.NOP()
-        c1 = c.extract_subbuffer(3)
-        c1.RET()
-        c1.RET()
-        c1.RET()
-        c2 = c.extract_subbuffer(1)
-        c2.PUSH_r(R.edx)
+            c.writechar('x')
+        c1 = c.extract_subbuffer(3, False)
+        c1.writechar('1')
+        c1.writechar('2')
+        c1.writechar('3')
+        c2 = c.extract_subbuffer(1, False)
+        c2.writechar('4')
         p1 = c1.get_current_position()
-        assert p1[0] == chr(0xC3)      # RET
-        assert p1[1] == chr(0xC3)      # RET
-        assert p1[2] == chr(0xC3)      # RET
-        assert p1[3] == chr(0x52)      # PUSH edx
-        assert p1[4] == chr(0x90)      # NOP
-        assert p1[4095] == chr(0x90)   # NOP
-        py.test.raises(CodeBufOverflow, c.extract_subbuffer, 1)
+        assert p1[0] == '3'
+        assert p1[1] == '2'
+        assert p1[2] == '1'
+        assert p1[3] == '4'
+        assert p1[4] == 'x'
+        assert p1[4095] == 'x'
+        py.test.raises(CodeBufOverflow, c.extract_subbuffer, 1, False)
+    def test_empty_code_buffer(self):
+        c = self.cballoc.empty_code_buffer()
+        py.test.raises(CodeBufOverflow, c.writechar, 'x')

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