[pypy-svn] r71960 - in pypy/trunk/pypy: doc/config doc/discussion lib module/_collections module/_collections/test module/imp module/imp/test module/oracle module/oracle/test translator/benchmark

benjamin at codespeak.net benjamin at codespeak.net
Tue Mar 9 15:46:16 CET 2010

Author: benjamin
Date: Tue Mar  9 15:46:14 2010
New Revision: 71960

   pypy/trunk/pypy/doc/config/objspace.usemodules.imp.txt   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/doc/config/translation.jit_profiler.txt   (props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/doc/discussion/improve-rpython.txt   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/lib/PyQt4.py   (props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/lib/_rpyc_support.py   (props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/lib/sip.py   (props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/module/_collections/__init__.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/module/_collections/interp_collection.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/module/_collections/test/__init__.py   (props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/module/_collections/test/test_collection.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/module/imp/interp_imp.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/module/imp/test/test_app.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/interp_lob.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/interp_object.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/interp_pool.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/test/test_cursorvar.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/test/test_lobvar.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/test/test_objectvar.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/benchmark/jitbench.py   (props changed)
set svn:eol-style

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/doc/config/objspace.usemodules.imp.txt
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/doc/config/objspace.usemodules.imp.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/doc/config/objspace.usemodules.imp.txt	Tue Mar  9 15:46:14 2010
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-Use the 'imp' module.
-This module is included by default.
+Use the 'imp' module.
+This module is included by default.

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/doc/discussion/improve-rpython.txt
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/doc/discussion/improve-rpython.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/doc/discussion/improve-rpython.txt	Tue Mar  9 15:46:14 2010
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-Possible improvements of the rpython language
-Improve the interpreter API
-- Rationalize the modules, and the names, of the differents functions needed to
-  implement a pypy module. A typical rpython file is likely to contain many
-  `import` statements::
-    from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import Wrappable
-    from pypy.interpreter.gateway import ObjSpace, W_Root, NoneNotWrapped
-    from pypy.interpreter.argument import Arguments
-    from pypy.interpreter.typedef import TypeDef, GetSetProperty
-    from pypy.interpreter.typedef import interp_attrproperty, interp_attrproperty_w
-    from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app
-    from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
-    from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rffi, lltype
-- A more direct declarative way to write Typedef::
-    class W_Socket(Wrappable):
-        _typedef_name_ = 'socket'
-        _typedef_base_ = W_EventualBaseClass
-        @interp2app_method("connect", ['self', ObjSpace, W_Root])
-        def connect_w(self, space, w_addr):
-            ...
-- Support for metaclasses written in rpython. For a sample, see the skipped test
-  `pypy.objspace.std.test.TestTypeObject.test_metaclass_typedef`
-RPython language
-- Arithmetic with unsigned integer, and between integer of different signedness,
-  when this is not ambiguous.  At least, comparison and assignement with
-  constants should be allowed.
-- Allocate variables on the stack, and pass their address ("by reference") to
-  llexternal functions. For a typical usage, see
-  `pypy.rlib.rsocket.RSocket.getsockopt_int`.
-- Support context managers and the `with` statement. This could be a workaround
-  before the previous point is available.
-Extensible type system for llexternal
-llexternal allows the description of a C function, and conveys the same
-information about the arguments as a C header.  But this is often not enough.
-For example, a parameter of type `int*` is converted to
-`rffi.CArrayPtr(rffi.INT)`, but this information is not enough to use the
-function. The parameter could be an array of int, a reference to a single value,
-for input or output...
-A "type system" could hold this additional information, and automatically
-generate some conversion code to ease the usage of the function from
-rpython. For example::
-    # double frexp(double x, int *exp);
-    frexp = llexternal("frexp", [rffi.DOUBLE, OutPtr(rffi.int)], rffi.DOUBLE)
-`OutPtr` indicates that the parameter is output-only, which need not to be
-initialized, and which *value* is returned to the caller. In rpython the call
-    fraction, exponent = frexp(value)
-Also, we could imagine that one item in the llexternal argument list corresponds
-to two parameters in C. Here, OutCharBufferN indicates that the caller will pass
-a rpython string; the framework will pass buffer and length to the function::
-    # ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
-    write = llexternal("write", [rffi.INT, CharBufferAndSize], rffi.SSIZE_T)
-The rpython code that calls this function is very simple::
-    written = write(fd, data)
-compared with the present::
-    count = len(data)
-    buf = rffi.get_nonmovingbuffer(data)
-    try:
-        written = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, os_write(
-            rffi.cast(rffi.INT, fd),
-            buf, rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, count)))
-    finally:
-        rffi.free_nonmovingbuffer(data, buf)
-Typemaps are very useful for large APIs where the same conversions are needed in
-many places.  XXX example
+Possible improvements of the rpython language
+Improve the interpreter API
+- Rationalize the modules, and the names, of the differents functions needed to
+  implement a pypy module. A typical rpython file is likely to contain many
+  `import` statements::
+    from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import Wrappable
+    from pypy.interpreter.gateway import ObjSpace, W_Root, NoneNotWrapped
+    from pypy.interpreter.argument import Arguments
+    from pypy.interpreter.typedef import TypeDef, GetSetProperty
+    from pypy.interpreter.typedef import interp_attrproperty, interp_attrproperty_w
+    from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app
+    from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
+    from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rffi, lltype
+- A more direct declarative way to write Typedef::
+    class W_Socket(Wrappable):
+        _typedef_name_ = 'socket'
+        _typedef_base_ = W_EventualBaseClass
+        @interp2app_method("connect", ['self', ObjSpace, W_Root])
+        def connect_w(self, space, w_addr):
+            ...
+- Support for metaclasses written in rpython. For a sample, see the skipped test
+  `pypy.objspace.std.test.TestTypeObject.test_metaclass_typedef`
+RPython language
+- Arithmetic with unsigned integer, and between integer of different signedness,
+  when this is not ambiguous.  At least, comparison and assignement with
+  constants should be allowed.
+- Allocate variables on the stack, and pass their address ("by reference") to
+  llexternal functions. For a typical usage, see
+  `pypy.rlib.rsocket.RSocket.getsockopt_int`.
+- Support context managers and the `with` statement. This could be a workaround
+  before the previous point is available.
+Extensible type system for llexternal
+llexternal allows the description of a C function, and conveys the same
+information about the arguments as a C header.  But this is often not enough.
+For example, a parameter of type `int*` is converted to
+`rffi.CArrayPtr(rffi.INT)`, but this information is not enough to use the
+function. The parameter could be an array of int, a reference to a single value,
+for input or output...
+A "type system" could hold this additional information, and automatically
+generate some conversion code to ease the usage of the function from
+rpython. For example::
+    # double frexp(double x, int *exp);
+    frexp = llexternal("frexp", [rffi.DOUBLE, OutPtr(rffi.int)], rffi.DOUBLE)
+`OutPtr` indicates that the parameter is output-only, which need not to be
+initialized, and which *value* is returned to the caller. In rpython the call
+    fraction, exponent = frexp(value)
+Also, we could imagine that one item in the llexternal argument list corresponds
+to two parameters in C. Here, OutCharBufferN indicates that the caller will pass
+a rpython string; the framework will pass buffer and length to the function::
+    # ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
+    write = llexternal("write", [rffi.INT, CharBufferAndSize], rffi.SSIZE_T)
+The rpython code that calls this function is very simple::
+    written = write(fd, data)
+compared with the present::
+    count = len(data)
+    buf = rffi.get_nonmovingbuffer(data)
+    try:
+        written = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, os_write(
+            rffi.cast(rffi.INT, fd),
+            buf, rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, count)))
+    finally:
+        rffi.free_nonmovingbuffer(data, buf)
+Typemaps are very useful for large APIs where the same conversions are needed in
+many places.  XXX example

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/_collections/__init__.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/_collections/__init__.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/_collections/__init__.py	Tue Mar  9 15:46:14 2010
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-import py
-from pypy.interpreter.mixedmodule import MixedModule
-class Module(MixedModule):
-    appleveldefs = {}
-    interpleveldefs = {
-        'identity_dict'          : 'interp_collection.W_IdentityDict',
-        }
+import py
+from pypy.interpreter.mixedmodule import MixedModule
+class Module(MixedModule):
+    appleveldefs = {}
+    interpleveldefs = {
+        'identity_dict'          : 'interp_collection.W_IdentityDict',
+        }

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/_collections/interp_collection.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/_collections/interp_collection.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/_collections/interp_collection.py	Tue Mar  9 15:46:14 2010
@@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
-from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
-from pypy.interpreter.typedef import TypeDef
-from pypy.interpreter.gateway import ObjSpace, W_Root, NoneNotWrapped, interp2app
-from pypy.interpreter.gateway import Arguments, unwrap_spec
-from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import Wrappable
-class W_IdentityDict(Wrappable):
-    def __init__(self, space):
-        self.dict = {}
-    __init__.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace]
-    @unwrap_spec(ObjSpace, W_Root)
-    def descr_new(space, w_subtype):
-        self = space.allocate_instance(W_IdentityDict, w_subtype)
-        W_IdentityDict.__init__(self, space)
-        return space.wrap(self)
-    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace)
-    def descr_len(self, space):
-        return space.wrap(len(self.dict))
-    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace, W_Root)
-    def descr_contains(self, space, w_key):
-        return space.wrap(w_key in self.dict)
-    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace, W_Root, W_Root)
-    def descr_setitem(self, space, w_key, w_value):
-        self.dict[w_key] = w_value
-    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace, W_Root)
-    def descr_getitem(self, space, w_key):
-        try:
-            return self.dict[w_key]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise OperationError(space.w_KeyError, w_key)
-    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace, W_Root, W_Root)
-    def get(self, space, w_key, w_default=None):
-        return self.dict.get(w_key, w_default)
-    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace)
-    def keys(self, space):
-        return space.newlist(self.dict.keys())
-    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace)
-    def values(self, space):
-        return space.newlist(self.dict.values())
-    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace)
-    def clear(self, space):
-        self.dict.clear()
-W_IdentityDict.typedef = TypeDef("identity_dict",
-    __doc__="""\
-A dictionary that considers keys by object identity.
-Distinct objects that compare equal will have separate entries.
-All objects can be used as keys, even non-hashable ones.
-    __new__ = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.descr_new.im_func),
-    __len__ = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.descr_len),
-    __contains__ = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.descr_contains),
-    __setitem__ = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.descr_setitem),
-    __getitem__ = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.descr_getitem),
-    get = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.get),
-    keys = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.keys),
-    values = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.values),
-    clear = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.clear),
+from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
+from pypy.interpreter.typedef import TypeDef
+from pypy.interpreter.gateway import ObjSpace, W_Root, NoneNotWrapped, interp2app
+from pypy.interpreter.gateway import Arguments, unwrap_spec
+from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import Wrappable
+class W_IdentityDict(Wrappable):
+    def __init__(self, space):
+        self.dict = {}
+    __init__.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace]
+    @unwrap_spec(ObjSpace, W_Root)
+    def descr_new(space, w_subtype):
+        self = space.allocate_instance(W_IdentityDict, w_subtype)
+        W_IdentityDict.__init__(self, space)
+        return space.wrap(self)
+    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace)
+    def descr_len(self, space):
+        return space.wrap(len(self.dict))
+    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace, W_Root)
+    def descr_contains(self, space, w_key):
+        return space.wrap(w_key in self.dict)
+    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace, W_Root, W_Root)
+    def descr_setitem(self, space, w_key, w_value):
+        self.dict[w_key] = w_value
+    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace, W_Root)
+    def descr_getitem(self, space, w_key):
+        try:
+            return self.dict[w_key]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise OperationError(space.w_KeyError, w_key)
+    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace, W_Root, W_Root)
+    def get(self, space, w_key, w_default=None):
+        return self.dict.get(w_key, w_default)
+    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace)
+    def keys(self, space):
+        return space.newlist(self.dict.keys())
+    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace)
+    def values(self, space):
+        return space.newlist(self.dict.values())
+    @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace)
+    def clear(self, space):
+        self.dict.clear()
+W_IdentityDict.typedef = TypeDef("identity_dict",
+    __doc__="""\
+A dictionary that considers keys by object identity.
+Distinct objects that compare equal will have separate entries.
+All objects can be used as keys, even non-hashable ones.
+    __new__ = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.descr_new.im_func),
+    __len__ = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.descr_len),
+    __contains__ = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.descr_contains),
+    __setitem__ = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.descr_setitem),
+    __getitem__ = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.descr_getitem),
+    get = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.get),
+    keys = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.keys),
+    values = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.values),
+    clear = interp2app(W_IdentityDict.clear),

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/_collections/test/test_collection.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/_collections/test/test_collection.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/_collections/test/test_collection.py	Tue Mar  9 15:46:14 2010
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-import py
-from pypy.conftest import gettestobjspace
-class AppTestIdentityDict:
-    def setup_class(cls):
-        cls.space = gettestobjspace(usemodules=['_collections'])
-    def test_numbers(self):
-        from _collections import identity_dict
-        d = identity_dict()
-        d[0] = 1
-        d[0.0] = 2
-        d[long(0)] = 3
-        assert d
-        assert len(d) == 3
-        d.clear()
-        assert not d
-    def test_get(self):
-        from _collections import identity_dict
-        d = identity_dict()
-        d[None] = 1
-        assert d.get(None, 42) == 1
-        assert d.get(None) == 1
-        assert d.get(1) is None
-        assert d.get(1, 42) == 42
-    def test_unhashable(self):
-        from _collections import identity_dict
-        d = identity_dict()
-        d[[]] = 1
-        d[[]] = 2
-        a = []
-        d[a] = 3
-        assert len(d) == 3
-        d[a] = 4
-        assert len(d) == 3
-        assert d[a] == 4
-        raises(KeyError, d.__getitem__, [])
-    def test_keys(self):
-        from _collections import identity_dict
-        d = identity_dict()
-        d[[]] = 1
-        d[[]] = 2
-        d[[]] = 3
-        assert d.keys() == [[], [], []]
-        assert sorted(d.values()) == [1, 2, 3]
-    def test_in(self):
-        from _collections import identity_dict
-        d = identity_dict()
-        d[None] = 1
-        assert None in d
-        assert [] not in d
+import py
+from pypy.conftest import gettestobjspace
+class AppTestIdentityDict:
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        cls.space = gettestobjspace(usemodules=['_collections'])
+    def test_numbers(self):
+        from _collections import identity_dict
+        d = identity_dict()
+        d[0] = 1
+        d[0.0] = 2
+        d[long(0)] = 3
+        assert d
+        assert len(d) == 3
+        d.clear()
+        assert not d
+    def test_get(self):
+        from _collections import identity_dict
+        d = identity_dict()
+        d[None] = 1
+        assert d.get(None, 42) == 1
+        assert d.get(None) == 1
+        assert d.get(1) is None
+        assert d.get(1, 42) == 42
+    def test_unhashable(self):
+        from _collections import identity_dict
+        d = identity_dict()
+        d[[]] = 1
+        d[[]] = 2
+        a = []
+        d[a] = 3
+        assert len(d) == 3
+        d[a] = 4
+        assert len(d) == 3
+        assert d[a] == 4
+        raises(KeyError, d.__getitem__, [])
+    def test_keys(self):
+        from _collections import identity_dict
+        d = identity_dict()
+        d[[]] = 1
+        d[[]] = 2
+        d[[]] = 3
+        assert d.keys() == [[], [], []]
+        assert sorted(d.values()) == [1, 2, 3]
+    def test_in(self):
+        from _collections import identity_dict
+        d = identity_dict()
+        d[None] = 1
+        assert None in d
+        assert [] not in d

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/imp/interp_imp.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/imp/interp_imp.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/imp/interp_imp.py	Tue Mar  9 15:46:14 2010
@@ -1,154 +1,154 @@
-from pypy.module.imp import importing
-from pypy.module._file.interp_file import W_File
-from pypy.rlib import streamio
-from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError, operationerrfmt
-from pypy.interpreter.module import Module
-from pypy.interpreter.gateway import NoneNotWrapped
-import struct
-def get_suffixes(space):
-    w = space.wrap
-    return space.newlist([
-        space.newtuple([w('.py'), w('U'), w(importing.PY_SOURCE)]),
-        space.newtuple([w('.pyc'), w('rb'), w(importing.PY_COMPILED)]),
-        ])
-def get_magic(space):
-    x = importing.get_pyc_magic(space)
-    a = x & 0xff
-    x >>= 8
-    b = x & 0xff
-    x >>= 8
-    c = x & 0xff
-    x >>= 8
-    d = x & 0xff
-    return space.wrap(chr(a) + chr(b) + chr(c) + chr(d))
-def get_file(space, w_file, filename, filemode):
-    if w_file is None or space.is_w(w_file, space.w_None):
-        return streamio.open_file_as_stream(filename, filemode)
-    else:
-        return space.interp_w(W_File, w_file).stream
-def find_module(space, w_name, w_path=None):
-    name = space.str_w(w_name)
-    if space.is_w(w_path, space.w_None):
-        w_path = None
-    find_info = importing.find_module(
-        space, name, w_name, name, w_path, use_loader=False)
-    if not find_info:
-        raise operationerrfmt(
-            space.w_ImportError,
-            "No module named %s", name)
-    w_filename = space.wrap(find_info.filename)
-    stream = find_info.stream
-    if stream is not None:
-        fileobj = W_File(space)
-        fileobj.fdopenstream(
-            stream, stream.try_to_find_file_descriptor(),
-            find_info.filemode, w_filename)
-        w_fileobj = space.wrap(fileobj)
-    else:
-        w_fileobj = space.w_None
-    w_import_info = space.newtuple(
-        [space.wrap(find_info.suffix),
-         space.wrap(find_info.filemode),
-         space.wrap(find_info.modtype)])
-    return space.newtuple([w_fileobj, w_filename, w_import_info])
-def load_module(space, w_name, w_file, w_filename, w_info):
-    w_suffix, w_filemode, w_modtype = space.unpackiterable(w_info)
-    filename = space.str_w(w_filename)
-    filemode = space.str_w(w_filemode)
-    if space.is_w(w_file, space.w_None):
-        stream = None
-    else:
-        stream = get_file(space, w_file, filename, filemode)
-    find_info = importing.FindInfo(
-        space.int_w(w_modtype),
-        filename,
-        stream,
-        space.str_w(w_suffix),
-        filemode)
-    return importing.load_module(
-        space, w_name, find_info)
-def load_source(space, w_modulename, w_filename, w_file=None):
-    filename = space.str_w(w_filename)
-    stream = get_file(space, w_file, filename, 'U')
-    w_mod = space.wrap(Module(space, w_modulename))
-    importing._prepare_module(space, w_mod, filename, None)
-    importing.load_source_module(
-        space, w_modulename, w_mod, filename, stream.readall())
-    if space.is_w(w_file, space.w_None):
-        stream.close()
-    return w_mod
-def load_compiled(space, w_modulename, w_filename, w_file=None):
-    filename = space.str_w(w_filename)
-    stream = get_file(space, w_file, filename, 'rb')
-    w_mod = space.wrap(Module(space, w_modulename))
-    importing._prepare_module(space, w_mod, filename, None)
-    magic = importing._r_long(stream)
-    timestamp = importing._r_long(stream)
-    importing.load_compiled_module(
-        space, w_modulename, w_mod, filename, magic, timestamp,
-        stream.readall())
-    if space.is_w(w_file, space.w_None):
-        stream.close()
-    return w_mod
-def new_module(space, w_name):
-    return space.wrap(Module(space, w_name))
-def init_builtin(space, w_name):
-    name = space.str_w(w_name)
-    if name not in space.builtin_modules:
-        return
-    if space.finditem(space.sys.get('modules'), w_name) is not None:
-        raise OperationError(
-            space.w_ImportError,
-            space.wrap("cannot initialize a built-in module twice in PyPy"))
-    return space.getbuiltinmodule(name)
-def init_frozen(space, w_name):
-    return None
-def is_builtin(space, w_name):
-    name = space.str_w(w_name)
-    if name not in space.builtin_modules:
-        return space.wrap(0)
-    if space.finditem(space.sys.get('modules'), w_name) is not None:
-        return space.wrap(-1)   # cannot be initialized again
-    return space.wrap(1)
-def is_frozen(space, w_name):
-    return space.w_False
-def lock_held(space):
-    if space.config.objspace.usemodules.thread:
-        return space.wrap(importing.getimportlock(space).lock_held())
-    else:
-        return space.w_False
-def acquire_lock(space):
-    if space.config.objspace.usemodules.thread:
-        importing.getimportlock(space).acquire_lock()
-def release_lock(space):
-    if space.config.objspace.usemodules.thread:
-        importing.getimportlock(space).release_lock()
+from pypy.module.imp import importing
+from pypy.module._file.interp_file import W_File
+from pypy.rlib import streamio
+from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError, operationerrfmt
+from pypy.interpreter.module import Module
+from pypy.interpreter.gateway import NoneNotWrapped
+import struct
+def get_suffixes(space):
+    w = space.wrap
+    return space.newlist([
+        space.newtuple([w('.py'), w('U'), w(importing.PY_SOURCE)]),
+        space.newtuple([w('.pyc'), w('rb'), w(importing.PY_COMPILED)]),
+        ])
+def get_magic(space):
+    x = importing.get_pyc_magic(space)
+    a = x & 0xff
+    x >>= 8
+    b = x & 0xff
+    x >>= 8
+    c = x & 0xff
+    x >>= 8
+    d = x & 0xff
+    return space.wrap(chr(a) + chr(b) + chr(c) + chr(d))
+def get_file(space, w_file, filename, filemode):
+    if w_file is None or space.is_w(w_file, space.w_None):
+        return streamio.open_file_as_stream(filename, filemode)
+    else:
+        return space.interp_w(W_File, w_file).stream
+def find_module(space, w_name, w_path=None):
+    name = space.str_w(w_name)
+    if space.is_w(w_path, space.w_None):
+        w_path = None
+    find_info = importing.find_module(
+        space, name, w_name, name, w_path, use_loader=False)
+    if not find_info:
+        raise operationerrfmt(
+            space.w_ImportError,
+            "No module named %s", name)
+    w_filename = space.wrap(find_info.filename)
+    stream = find_info.stream
+    if stream is not None:
+        fileobj = W_File(space)
+        fileobj.fdopenstream(
+            stream, stream.try_to_find_file_descriptor(),
+            find_info.filemode, w_filename)
+        w_fileobj = space.wrap(fileobj)
+    else:
+        w_fileobj = space.w_None
+    w_import_info = space.newtuple(
+        [space.wrap(find_info.suffix),
+         space.wrap(find_info.filemode),
+         space.wrap(find_info.modtype)])
+    return space.newtuple([w_fileobj, w_filename, w_import_info])
+def load_module(space, w_name, w_file, w_filename, w_info):
+    w_suffix, w_filemode, w_modtype = space.unpackiterable(w_info)
+    filename = space.str_w(w_filename)
+    filemode = space.str_w(w_filemode)
+    if space.is_w(w_file, space.w_None):
+        stream = None
+    else:
+        stream = get_file(space, w_file, filename, filemode)
+    find_info = importing.FindInfo(
+        space.int_w(w_modtype),
+        filename,
+        stream,
+        space.str_w(w_suffix),
+        filemode)
+    return importing.load_module(
+        space, w_name, find_info)
+def load_source(space, w_modulename, w_filename, w_file=None):
+    filename = space.str_w(w_filename)
+    stream = get_file(space, w_file, filename, 'U')
+    w_mod = space.wrap(Module(space, w_modulename))
+    importing._prepare_module(space, w_mod, filename, None)
+    importing.load_source_module(
+        space, w_modulename, w_mod, filename, stream.readall())
+    if space.is_w(w_file, space.w_None):
+        stream.close()
+    return w_mod
+def load_compiled(space, w_modulename, w_filename, w_file=None):
+    filename = space.str_w(w_filename)
+    stream = get_file(space, w_file, filename, 'rb')
+    w_mod = space.wrap(Module(space, w_modulename))
+    importing._prepare_module(space, w_mod, filename, None)
+    magic = importing._r_long(stream)
+    timestamp = importing._r_long(stream)
+    importing.load_compiled_module(
+        space, w_modulename, w_mod, filename, magic, timestamp,
+        stream.readall())
+    if space.is_w(w_file, space.w_None):
+        stream.close()
+    return w_mod
+def new_module(space, w_name):
+    return space.wrap(Module(space, w_name))
+def init_builtin(space, w_name):
+    name = space.str_w(w_name)
+    if name not in space.builtin_modules:
+        return
+    if space.finditem(space.sys.get('modules'), w_name) is not None:
+        raise OperationError(
+            space.w_ImportError,
+            space.wrap("cannot initialize a built-in module twice in PyPy"))
+    return space.getbuiltinmodule(name)
+def init_frozen(space, w_name):
+    return None
+def is_builtin(space, w_name):
+    name = space.str_w(w_name)
+    if name not in space.builtin_modules:
+        return space.wrap(0)
+    if space.finditem(space.sys.get('modules'), w_name) is not None:
+        return space.wrap(-1)   # cannot be initialized again
+    return space.wrap(1)
+def is_frozen(space, w_name):
+    return space.w_False
+def lock_held(space):
+    if space.config.objspace.usemodules.thread:
+        return space.wrap(importing.getimportlock(space).lock_held())
+    else:
+        return space.w_False
+def acquire_lock(space):
+    if space.config.objspace.usemodules.thread:
+        importing.getimportlock(space).acquire_lock()
+def release_lock(space):
+    if space.config.objspace.usemodules.thread:
+        importing.getimportlock(space).release_lock()

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/imp/test/test_app.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/imp/test/test_app.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/imp/test/test_app.py	Tue Mar  9 15:46:14 2010
@@ -1,112 +1,112 @@
-MARKER = 42
-class AppTestImpModule:
-    def setup_class(cls):
-        cls.w_imp = cls.space.getbuiltinmodule('imp')
-        cls.w__py_file = cls.space.appexec(
-            [cls.space.wrap(__file__)], r"""(__file__):
-        def _py_file():
-            fn = __file__
-            if fn.lower().endswith('c') or fn.lower().endswith('o'):
-                fn = fn[:-1]
-            assert fn.lower().endswith('.py')
-            return fn
-        return _py_file""")
-        cls.w__pyc_file = cls.space.appexec([], r"""():
-        def _pyc_file():
-            import marshal, imp
-            co = compile("marker=42", "x.py", "exec")
-            f = open('@TEST.pyc', 'wb')
-            f.write(imp.get_magic())
-            f.write('\x00\x00\x00\x00')
-            marshal.dump(co, f)
-            f.close()
-            return '@TEST.pyc'
-        return _pyc_file""")
-    def test_find_module(self):
-        import os
-        file, pathname, description = self.imp.find_module('StringIO')
-        assert file is not None
-        file.close()
-        assert os.path.exists(pathname)
-        pathname = pathname.lower()
-        assert pathname.endswith('.py') # even if .pyc is up-to-date
-        assert description in self.imp.get_suffixes()
-    def test_suffixes(self):
-        for suffix, mode, type in self.imp.get_suffixes():
-            if mode == self.imp.PY_SOURCE:
-                assert suffix == '.py'
-                assert type == 'r'
-            elif mode == self.imp.PY_COMPILED:
-                assert suffix in ('.pyc', '.pyo')
-                assert type == 'rb'
-    def test_obscure_functions(self):
-        mod = self.imp.new_module('hi')
-        assert mod.__name__ == 'hi'
-        mod = self.imp.init_builtin('hello.world.this.is.never.a.builtin.module.name')
-        assert mod is None
-        mod = self.imp.init_frozen('hello.world.this.is.never.a.frozen.module.name')
-        assert mod is None
-        assert self.imp.is_builtin('sys')
-        assert not self.imp.is_builtin('hello.world.this.is.never.a.builtin.module.name')
-        assert not self.imp.is_frozen('hello.world.this.is.never.a.frozen.module.name')
-    def test_load_module_py(self):
-        fn = self._py_file()
-        descr = ('.py', 'U', self.imp.PY_SOURCE)
-        f = open(fn, 'U')
-        mod = self.imp.load_module('test_imp_extra_AUTO1', f, fn, descr)
-        f.close()
-        assert mod.MARKER == 42
-        import test_imp_extra_AUTO1
-        assert mod is test_imp_extra_AUTO1
-    def test_load_module_pyc(self):
-        fn = self._pyc_file()
-        try:
-            descr = ('.pyc', 'rb', self.imp.PY_COMPILED)
-            f = open(fn, 'rb')
-            mod = self.imp.load_module('test_imp_extra_AUTO2', f, fn, descr)
-            f.close()
-            assert mod.marker == 42
-            import test_imp_extra_AUTO2
-            assert mod is test_imp_extra_AUTO2
-        finally:
-            os.unlink(fn)
-    def test_load_source(self):
-        fn = self._py_file()
-        mod = self.imp.load_source('test_imp_extra_AUTO3', fn)
-        assert mod.MARKER == 42
-        import test_imp_extra_AUTO3
-        assert mod is test_imp_extra_AUTO3
-    def test_load_module_pyc(self):
-        import os
-        fn = self._pyc_file()
-        try:
-            mod = self.imp.load_compiled('test_imp_extra_AUTO4', fn)
-            assert mod.marker == 42
-            import test_imp_extra_AUTO4
-            assert mod is test_imp_extra_AUTO4
-        finally:
-            os.unlink(fn)
-    def test_load_broken_pyc(self):
-        fn = self._py_file()
-        try:
-            self.imp.load_compiled('test_imp_extra_AUTO5', fn)
-        except ImportError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            raise Exception("expected an ImportError")
+MARKER = 42
+class AppTestImpModule:
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        cls.w_imp = cls.space.getbuiltinmodule('imp')
+        cls.w__py_file = cls.space.appexec(
+            [cls.space.wrap(__file__)], r"""(__file__):
+        def _py_file():
+            fn = __file__
+            if fn.lower().endswith('c') or fn.lower().endswith('o'):
+                fn = fn[:-1]
+            assert fn.lower().endswith('.py')
+            return fn
+        return _py_file""")
+        cls.w__pyc_file = cls.space.appexec([], r"""():
+        def _pyc_file():
+            import marshal, imp
+            co = compile("marker=42", "x.py", "exec")
+            f = open('@TEST.pyc', 'wb')
+            f.write(imp.get_magic())
+            f.write('\x00\x00\x00\x00')
+            marshal.dump(co, f)
+            f.close()
+            return '@TEST.pyc'
+        return _pyc_file""")
+    def test_find_module(self):
+        import os
+        file, pathname, description = self.imp.find_module('StringIO')
+        assert file is not None
+        file.close()
+        assert os.path.exists(pathname)
+        pathname = pathname.lower()
+        assert pathname.endswith('.py') # even if .pyc is up-to-date
+        assert description in self.imp.get_suffixes()
+    def test_suffixes(self):
+        for suffix, mode, type in self.imp.get_suffixes():
+            if mode == self.imp.PY_SOURCE:
+                assert suffix == '.py'
+                assert type == 'r'
+            elif mode == self.imp.PY_COMPILED:
+                assert suffix in ('.pyc', '.pyo')
+                assert type == 'rb'
+    def test_obscure_functions(self):
+        mod = self.imp.new_module('hi')
+        assert mod.__name__ == 'hi'
+        mod = self.imp.init_builtin('hello.world.this.is.never.a.builtin.module.name')
+        assert mod is None
+        mod = self.imp.init_frozen('hello.world.this.is.never.a.frozen.module.name')
+        assert mod is None
+        assert self.imp.is_builtin('sys')
+        assert not self.imp.is_builtin('hello.world.this.is.never.a.builtin.module.name')
+        assert not self.imp.is_frozen('hello.world.this.is.never.a.frozen.module.name')
+    def test_load_module_py(self):
+        fn = self._py_file()
+        descr = ('.py', 'U', self.imp.PY_SOURCE)
+        f = open(fn, 'U')
+        mod = self.imp.load_module('test_imp_extra_AUTO1', f, fn, descr)
+        f.close()
+        assert mod.MARKER == 42
+        import test_imp_extra_AUTO1
+        assert mod is test_imp_extra_AUTO1
+    def test_load_module_pyc(self):
+        fn = self._pyc_file()
+        try:
+            descr = ('.pyc', 'rb', self.imp.PY_COMPILED)
+            f = open(fn, 'rb')
+            mod = self.imp.load_module('test_imp_extra_AUTO2', f, fn, descr)
+            f.close()
+            assert mod.marker == 42
+            import test_imp_extra_AUTO2
+            assert mod is test_imp_extra_AUTO2
+        finally:
+            os.unlink(fn)
+    def test_load_source(self):
+        fn = self._py_file()
+        mod = self.imp.load_source('test_imp_extra_AUTO3', fn)
+        assert mod.MARKER == 42
+        import test_imp_extra_AUTO3
+        assert mod is test_imp_extra_AUTO3
+    def test_load_module_pyc(self):
+        import os
+        fn = self._pyc_file()
+        try:
+            mod = self.imp.load_compiled('test_imp_extra_AUTO4', fn)
+            assert mod.marker == 42
+            import test_imp_extra_AUTO4
+            assert mod is test_imp_extra_AUTO4
+        finally:
+            os.unlink(fn)
+    def test_load_broken_pyc(self):
+        fn = self._py_file()
+        try:
+            self.imp.load_compiled('test_imp_extra_AUTO5', fn)
+        except ImportError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            raise Exception("expected an ImportError")

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/interp_lob.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/interp_lob.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/interp_lob.py	Tue Mar  9 15:46:14 2010
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
-from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import Wrappable
-from pypy.interpreter.typedef import TypeDef
-from pypy.interpreter.gateway import ObjSpace
-from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app
-from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
-from pypy.module.oracle.interp_error import get
-class W_ExternalLob(Wrappable):
-    def __init__(self, var, pos):
-        self.lobVar = var
-        self.pos = pos
-        self.internalFetchNum = var.internalFetchNum
-    def _verify(self, space):
-        if self.internalFetchNum != self.lobVar.internalFetchNum:
-            raise OperationError(
-                get(space).w_ProgrammingError,
-                space.wrap(
-                    "LOB variable no longer valid after subsequent fetch"))
-    def read(self, space, offset=-1, amount=-1):
-        self._verify(space)
-        return self.lobVar.read(space, self.pos, offset, amount)
-    read.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace, int, int]
-    def size(self, space):
-        self._verify(space)
-        return space.wrap(self.lobVar.getLength(space, self.pos))
-    size.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace]
-    def trim(self, space, newSize=0):
-        self._verify(space)
-        self.lobVar.trim(space, self.pos, newSize)
-    trim.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace, int]
-    def desc_str(self, space):
-        return self.read(space, offset=1, amount=-1)
-    desc_str.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace]
-W_ExternalLob.typedef = TypeDef(
-    'ExternalLob',
-    read = interp2app(W_ExternalLob.read),
-    size = interp2app(W_ExternalLob.size),
-    trim = interp2app(W_ExternalLob.trim),
-    __str__ = interp2app(W_ExternalLob.desc_str),
-    )
+from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import Wrappable
+from pypy.interpreter.typedef import TypeDef
+from pypy.interpreter.gateway import ObjSpace
+from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app
+from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
+from pypy.module.oracle.interp_error import get
+class W_ExternalLob(Wrappable):
+    def __init__(self, var, pos):
+        self.lobVar = var
+        self.pos = pos
+        self.internalFetchNum = var.internalFetchNum
+    def _verify(self, space):
+        if self.internalFetchNum != self.lobVar.internalFetchNum:
+            raise OperationError(
+                get(space).w_ProgrammingError,
+                space.wrap(
+                    "LOB variable no longer valid after subsequent fetch"))
+    def read(self, space, offset=-1, amount=-1):
+        self._verify(space)
+        return self.lobVar.read(space, self.pos, offset, amount)
+    read.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace, int, int]
+    def size(self, space):
+        self._verify(space)
+        return space.wrap(self.lobVar.getLength(space, self.pos))
+    size.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace]
+    def trim(self, space, newSize=0):
+        self._verify(space)
+        self.lobVar.trim(space, self.pos, newSize)
+    trim.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace, int]
+    def desc_str(self, space):
+        return self.read(space, offset=1, amount=-1)
+    desc_str.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace]
+W_ExternalLob.typedef = TypeDef(
+    'ExternalLob',
+    read = interp2app(W_ExternalLob.read),
+    size = interp2app(W_ExternalLob.size),
+    trim = interp2app(W_ExternalLob.trim),
+    __str__ = interp2app(W_ExternalLob.desc_str),
+    )

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/interp_object.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/interp_object.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/interp_object.py	Tue Mar  9 15:46:14 2010
@@ -1,516 +1,516 @@
-from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import Wrappable
-from pypy.interpreter.typedef import TypeDef, GetSetProperty
-from pypy.interpreter.typedef import interp_attrproperty
-from pypy.interpreter.gateway import ObjSpace
-from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app
-from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
-from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rffi, lltype
-from pypy.module.oracle import roci, config, transform
-from pypy.module.oracle.interp_error import get
-class W_ObjectType(Wrappable):
-    def __init__(self, connection, param):
-        self.tdo = lltype.nullptr(roci.dvoidp.TO)
-        self.environment = connection.environment
-        self.isCollection = False
-        self.initialize(connection, param)
-    def __del__(self):
-        if self.tdo:
-            roci.OCIObjectUnpin(
-                self.environment.handle,
-                self.environment.errorHandle,
-                self.tdo)
-    def initialize(self, connection, param):
-        nameptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.oratext).TO, 1,
-                                flavor='raw')
-        lenptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.ub4).TO, 1,
-                               flavor='raw')
-        try:
-            # determine the schema of the type
-            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
-                param, roci.OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE,
-                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, nameptr),
-                lenptr,
-                roci.OCI_ATTR_SCHEMA_NAME,
-                self.environment.errorHandle)
-            self.environment.checkForError(
-                status,
-                "ObjectType_Initialize(): get schema name")
-            self.schema = rffi.charpsize2str(nameptr[0], lenptr[0])
-            # determine the name of the type
-            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
-                param, roci.OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE,
-                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, nameptr),
-                lenptr,
-                roci.OCI_ATTR_TYPE_NAME,
-                self.environment.errorHandle)
-            self.environment.checkForError(
-                status,
-                "ObjectType_Initialize(): get schema name")
-            self.name = rffi.charpsize2str(nameptr[0], lenptr[0])
-        finally:
-            lltype.free(nameptr, flavor='raw')
-            lltype.free(lenptr, flavor='raw')
-        # retrieve TDO (type descriptor object) of the parameter
-        tdorefptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.OCIRef).TO, 1,
-                                  flavor='raw')
-        try:
-            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
-                param, roci.OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE,
-                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, tdorefptr),
-                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
-                roci.OCI_ATTR_REF_TDO,
-                self.environment.errorHandle)
-            self.environment.checkForError(
-                status,
-                "ObjectType_Initialize(): get TDO reference")
-            tdoref = tdorefptr[0]
-        finally:
-            lltype.free(tdorefptr, flavor='raw')
-        tdoptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.dvoidp).TO, 1,
-                               flavor='raw')
-        try:
-            status = roci.OCIObjectPin(
-                self.environment.handle,
-                self.environment.errorHandle,
-                tdoref,
-                None, roci.OCI_PIN_ANY,
-                roci.OCI_DURATION_SESSION, roci.OCI_LOCK_NONE,
-                tdoptr)
-            self.environment.checkForError(
-                status,
-                "ObjectType_Initialize(): pin TDO reference")
-            self.tdo = tdoptr[0]
-        finally:
-            lltype.free(tdoptr, flavor='raw')
-        # acquire a describe handle
-        handleptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.OCIDescribe).TO,
-                                  1, flavor='raw')
-        try:
-            status = roci.OCIHandleAlloc(
-                self.environment.handle,
-                handleptr, roci.OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE, 0,
-                lltype.nullptr(rffi.CArray(roci.dvoidp)))
-            self.environment.checkForError(
-                status, "ObjectType_Initialize(): allocate describe handle")
-            describeHandle = handleptr[0]
-        finally:
-            lltype.free(handleptr, flavor='raw')
-        # describe the type
-        try:
-            self.describe(connection, describeHandle)
-        finally:
-            roci.OCIHandleFree(describeHandle, roci.OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE)
-    def describe(self, connection, describeHandle):
-        "Describe the type and store information about it as needed"
-        # describe the type
-        status = roci.OCIDescribeAny(
-            connection.handle,
-            self.environment.errorHandle,
-            self.tdo, 0,
-            roci.OCI_OTYPE_PTR,
-            roci.OCI_DEFAULT,
-            roci.OCI_PTYPE_TYPE,
-            describeHandle)
-        self.environment.checkForError(
-            status, "ObjectType_Describe(): describe type")
-        # get top level parameter descriptor
-        paramptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIParam).TO,
-                                 1, flavor='raw')
-        try:
-            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
-                describeHandle, roci.OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE,
-                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, paramptr),
-                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
-                roci.OCI_ATTR_PARAM,
-                self.environment.errorHandle)
-            self.environment.checkForError(
-                status,
-                "ObjectType_Describe(): get top level parameter descriptor")
-            toplevelParam = paramptr[0]
-        finally:
-            lltype.free(paramptr, flavor='raw')
-        # determine type of type
-        typecodeptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCITypeCode).TO,
-                                    1, flavor='raw')
-        try:
-            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
-                toplevelParam, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
-                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, typecodeptr),
-                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
-                roci.OCI_ATTR_TYPECODE,
-                self.environment.errorHandle)
-            self.environment.checkForError(
-                status, "ObjectType_Describe(): get type code")
-            typeCode = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, typecodeptr[0])
-        finally:
-            lltype.free(typecodeptr, flavor='raw')
-        # if a collection, need to determine the sub type
-        if typeCode == roci.OCI_TYPECODE_NAMEDCOLLECTION:
-            self.isCollection = 1
-            # determine type of collection
-            typecodeptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCITypeCode).TO,
-                                        1, flavor='raw')
-            try:
-                status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
-                    toplevelParam, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
-                    rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, typecodeptr),
-                    lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
-                    roci.OCI_ATTR_TYPECODE,
-                    self.environment.errorHandle)
-                self.environment.checkForError(
-                    status, "ObjectType_Describe(): get collection type code")
-                self.collectionTypeCode = typecodeptr[0]
-            finally:
-                lltype.free(typecodeptr, flavor='raw')
-            # acquire collection parameter descriptor
-            paramptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIParam).TO,
-                                     1, flavor='raw')
-            try:
-                status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
-                    toplevelParam, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
-                    rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, paramptr),
-                    lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
-                    roci.OCI_ATTR_COLLECTION_ELEMENT,
-                    self.environment.errorHandle)
-                self.environment.checkForError(
-                    status,
-                    "ObjectType_Describe(): get collection descriptor")
-                collectionParam = paramptr[0]
-            finally:
-                lltype.free(paramptr, flavor='raw')
-            # determine type of element
-            typecodeptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCITypeCode).TO,
-                                        1, flavor='raw')
-            try:
-                status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
-                    collectionParam, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
-                    rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, typecodeptr),
-                    lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
-                    roci.OCI_ATTR_TYPECODE,
-                    self.environment.errorHandle)
-                self.environment.checkForError(
-                    status, "ObjectType_Describe(): get element type code")
-                self.elementTypeCode = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, typecodeptr[0])
-            finally:
-                lltype.free(typecodeptr, flavor='raw')
-            # if element type is an object type get its type
-            if self.elementTypeCode == roci.OCI_TYPECODE_OBJECT:
-                self.elementType = W_ObjectType(connection, collectionParam)
-            else:
-                self.elementType = None
-        # determine the number of attributes
-        numptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.ub2).TO,
-                               1, flavor='raw')
-        try:
-            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
-                toplevelParam, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
-                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, numptr),
-                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
-                roci.OCI_ATTR_NUM_TYPE_ATTRS,
-                self.environment.errorHandle)
-            self.environment.checkForError(
-                status, "ObjectType_Describe(): get number of attributes")
-            numAttributes = numptr[0]
-        finally:
-            lltype.free(numptr, flavor='raw')
-        # allocate the attribute list and dictionary
-        self.attributes = []
-        self.attributesByName = {}
-        # acquire the list parameter descriptor
-        listptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIParam).TO,
-                               1, flavor='raw')
-        try:
-            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
-                toplevelParam, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
-                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, listptr),
-                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
-                roci.OCI_ATTR_LIST_TYPE_ATTRS,
-                self.environment.errorHandle)
-            self.environment.checkForError(
-                status, "ObjectType_Describe(): get list parameter descriptor")
-            attributeListParam = listptr[0]
-        finally:
-            lltype.free(listptr, flavor='raw')
-        # create attribute information for each attribute
-        for i in range(numAttributes):
-            paramptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIParam).TO,
-                                    1, flavor='raw')
-            try:
-                status = roci.OCIParamGet(
-                    attributeListParam, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
-                    self.environment.errorHandle,
-                    paramptr, i + 1)
-                self.environment.checkForError(
-                    status,
-                    "ObjectType_Describe(): get attribute param descriptor")
-                attribute = W_ObjectAttribute(connection, paramptr[0])
-            finally:
-                lltype.free(paramptr, flavor='raw')
-            self.attributes.append(attribute)
-            self.attributesByName[attribute.name] = attribute
-    def get_attributes(space, self):
-        return space.newlist([space.wrap(attr) for attr in self.attributes])
-W_ObjectType.typedef = TypeDef(
-    'ObjectType',
-    schema = interp_attrproperty('schema', W_ObjectType),
-    name = interp_attrproperty('name', W_ObjectType),
-    attributes = GetSetProperty(W_ObjectType.get_attributes),
-    )
-class W_ObjectAttribute(Wrappable):
-    def __init__(self, connection, param):
-        self.initialize(connection, param)
-    def initialize(self, connection, param):
-        # determine the name of the attribute
-        nameptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.oratext).TO, 1,
-                                flavor='raw')
-        lenptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.ub4).TO, 1,
-                               flavor='raw')
-        try:
-            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
-                param, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
-                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, nameptr),
-                lenptr,
-                roci.OCI_ATTR_NAME,
-                connection.environment.errorHandle)
-            connection.environment.checkForError(
-                status,
-                "ObjectAttribute_Initialize(): get name")
-            self.name = rffi.charpsize2str(nameptr[0], lenptr[0])
-        finally:
-            lltype.free(nameptr, flavor='raw')
-            lltype.free(lenptr, flavor='raw')
-        # determine the type of the attribute
-        typecodeptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCITypeCode).TO,
-                                    1, flavor='raw')
-        try:
-            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
-                param, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
-                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, typecodeptr),
-                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
-                roci.OCI_ATTR_TYPECODE,
-                connection.environment.errorHandle)
-            connection.environment.checkForError(
-                status, "ObjectType_Describe(): get type code")
-            self.typeCode = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, typecodeptr[0])
-        finally:
-            lltype.free(typecodeptr, flavor='raw')
-        # if the type of the attribute is object, recurse
-        if self.typeCode in (roci.OCI_TYPECODE_NAMEDCOLLECTION,
-                             roci.OCI_TYPECODE_OBJECT):
-            self.subType = W_ObjectType(connection, param)
-        else:
-            self.subType = None
-W_ObjectAttribute.typedef = TypeDef(
-    'ObjectAttribute',
-    name = interp_attrproperty('name', W_ObjectAttribute),
-    )
-class W_ExternalObject(Wrappable):
-    def __init__(self, var, objectType, instance, indicator,
-                 isIndependent=True):
-        self.var = var # keepalive
-        self.objectType = objectType
-        self.instance = instance
-        self.indicator = indicator
-        self.isIndependent = isIndependent
-    def getattr(self, space, attr):
-        try:
-            attribute = self.objectType.attributesByName[attr]
-        except KeyError:
-            msg = "ExternalObject has no attribute '%s'" %(attr,)
-            raise OperationError(space.w_AttributeError, space.wrap(msg))
-        environment = self.objectType.environment
-        scalarvalueindicatorptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.OCIInd).TO,
-                                                1, flavor='raw')
-        valueindicatorptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.dvoidp).TO,
-                                          1, flavor='raw')
-        valueptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.dvoidp).TO,
-                                 1, flavor='raw')
-        tdoptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.OCIType).TO,
-                               1, flavor='raw')
-        nameptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.oratext).TO,
-                               1, flavor='raw')
-        nameptr[0] = rffi.str2charp(attr)
-        namelenptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.ub4).TO,
-                                   1, flavor='raw')
-        namelenptr[0] = rffi.cast(roci.ub4, len(attr))
-        try:
-            status = roci.OCIObjectGetAttr(
-                environment.handle,
-                environment.errorHandle,
-                self.instance,
-                self.indicator,
-                self.objectType.tdo,
-                nameptr, namelenptr, 1,
-                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO), 0,
-                scalarvalueindicatorptr,
-                valueindicatorptr,
-                valueptr,
-                tdoptr)
-            environment.checkForError(
-                status, "ExternalObject_GetAttributeValue(): getting value")
-            # determine the proper null indicator
-            valueIndicator = valueindicatorptr[0]
-            if not valueIndicator:
-                valueIndicator = rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp,
-                                           scalarvalueindicatorptr)
-            value = valueptr[0]
-            return convertObject(
-                space, environment,
-                attribute.typeCode,
-                value, valueIndicator,
-                self, attribute.subType)
-        finally:
-            lltype.free(scalarvalueindicatorptr, flavor='raw')
-            lltype.free(valueindicatorptr, flavor='raw')
-            lltype.free(valueptr, flavor='raw')
-            lltype.free(tdoptr, flavor='raw')
-            rffi.free_charp(nameptr[0])
-            lltype.free(nameptr, flavor='raw')
-            lltype.free(namelenptr, flavor='raw')
-    getattr.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace, str]
-W_ExternalObject.typedef = TypeDef(
-    'ExternalObject',
-    type = interp_attrproperty('objectType', W_ExternalObject),
-    __getattr__ = interp2app(W_ExternalObject.getattr),
-    )
-def convertObject(space, environment, typeCode,
-                  value, indicator, var, subtype):
-    # null values returned as None
-    if (rffi.cast(lltype.Signed,
-                  rffi.cast(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIInd),
-                            indicator)[0])
-        ==
-        rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, roci.OCI_IND_NULL)):
-        return space.w_None
-    if typeCode in (roci.OCI_TYPECODE_CHAR,
-                    roci.OCI_TYPECODE_VARCHAR,
-                    roci.OCI_TYPECODE_VARCHAR2):
-        strValue = rffi.cast(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIString), value)[0]
-        ptr = roci.OCIStringPtr(environment.handle, strValue)
-        size = roci.OCIStringSize(environment.handle, strValue)
-        return config.w_string(space, ptr, size)
-    elif typeCode == roci.OCI_TYPECODE_NUMBER:
-        return transform.OracleNumberToPythonFloat(
-            environment,
-            rffi.cast(roci.Ptr(roci.OCINumber), value))
-    elif typeCode == roci.OCI_TYPECODE_DATE:
-        dateValue = rffi.cast(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIDate), value)
-        return transform.OracleDateToPythonDateTime(environment, dateValue)
-    elif typeCode == roci.OCI_TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP:
-        dateValue = rffi.cast(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIDateTime), value)
-        return transform.OracleTimestampToPythonDate(environment, dateValue)
-    elif typeCode == roci.OCI_TYPECODE_OBJECT:
-        return space.wrap(W_ExternalObject(var, subtype, value, indicator,
-                                           isIndependent=False))
-    elif typeCode == roci.OCI_TYPECODE_NAMEDCOLLECTION:
-        return convertCollection(space, environment, value, var, subtype)
-    raise OperationError(
-        get(space).w_NotSupportedError,
-        space.wrap(
-            "ExternalObjectVar_GetAttributeValue(): unhandled data type %d" % (
-                typeCode,)))
-def convertCollection(space, environment, value, var, objectType):
-    "Convert a collection to a Python list"
-    result_w = []
-    iterptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.OCIIter).TO, 1, flavor='raw')
-    try:
-        # create the iterator
-        status = roci.OCIIterCreate(
-            environment.handle,
-            environment.errorHandle,
-            value,
-            iterptr)
-        environment.checkForError(
-            status, "ExternalObjectVar_ConvertCollection(): creating iterator")
-        try:
-            # create the result list
-            valueptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.dvoidp).TO,
-                                     1, flavor='raw')
-            indicatorptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.dvoidp).TO,
-                                         1, flavor='raw')
-            eofptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.boolean).TO,
-                                   1, flavor='raw')
-            try:
-                while True:
-                    status = roci.OCIIterNext(
-                        environment.handle,
-                        environment.errorHandle,
-                        iterptr[0],
-                        valueptr,
-                        indicatorptr,
-                        eofptr)
-                    environment.checkForError(
-                        status,
-                        "ExternalObjectVar_ConvertCollection(): get next")
-                    if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, eofptr[0]):
-                        break
-                    element = convertObject(
-                        space, environment,
-                        objectType.elementTypeCode,
-                        valueptr[0], indicatorptr[0],
-                        var, objectType.elementType)
-                    result_w.append(element)
-            finally:
-                lltype.free(valueptr, flavor='raw')
-                lltype.free(indicatorptr, flavor='raw')
-                lltype.free(eofptr, flavor='raw')
-        finally:
-            roci.OCIIterDelete(
-                environment.handle,
-                environment.errorHandle,
-                iterptr)
-    finally:
-        lltype.free(iterptr, flavor='raw')
-    return space.newlist(result_w)
+from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import Wrappable
+from pypy.interpreter.typedef import TypeDef, GetSetProperty
+from pypy.interpreter.typedef import interp_attrproperty
+from pypy.interpreter.gateway import ObjSpace
+from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app
+from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rffi, lltype
+from pypy.module.oracle import roci, config, transform
+from pypy.module.oracle.interp_error import get
+class W_ObjectType(Wrappable):
+    def __init__(self, connection, param):
+        self.tdo = lltype.nullptr(roci.dvoidp.TO)
+        self.environment = connection.environment
+        self.isCollection = False
+        self.initialize(connection, param)
+    def __del__(self):
+        if self.tdo:
+            roci.OCIObjectUnpin(
+                self.environment.handle,
+                self.environment.errorHandle,
+                self.tdo)
+    def initialize(self, connection, param):
+        nameptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.oratext).TO, 1,
+                                flavor='raw')
+        lenptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.ub4).TO, 1,
+                               flavor='raw')
+        try:
+            # determine the schema of the type
+            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
+                param, roci.OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE,
+                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, nameptr),
+                lenptr,
+                roci.OCI_ATTR_SCHEMA_NAME,
+                self.environment.errorHandle)
+            self.environment.checkForError(
+                status,
+                "ObjectType_Initialize(): get schema name")
+            self.schema = rffi.charpsize2str(nameptr[0], lenptr[0])
+            # determine the name of the type
+            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
+                param, roci.OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE,
+                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, nameptr),
+                lenptr,
+                roci.OCI_ATTR_TYPE_NAME,
+                self.environment.errorHandle)
+            self.environment.checkForError(
+                status,
+                "ObjectType_Initialize(): get schema name")
+            self.name = rffi.charpsize2str(nameptr[0], lenptr[0])
+        finally:
+            lltype.free(nameptr, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(lenptr, flavor='raw')
+        # retrieve TDO (type descriptor object) of the parameter
+        tdorefptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.OCIRef).TO, 1,
+                                  flavor='raw')
+        try:
+            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
+                param, roci.OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE,
+                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, tdorefptr),
+                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
+                roci.OCI_ATTR_REF_TDO,
+                self.environment.errorHandle)
+            self.environment.checkForError(
+                status,
+                "ObjectType_Initialize(): get TDO reference")
+            tdoref = tdorefptr[0]
+        finally:
+            lltype.free(tdorefptr, flavor='raw')
+        tdoptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.dvoidp).TO, 1,
+                               flavor='raw')
+        try:
+            status = roci.OCIObjectPin(
+                self.environment.handle,
+                self.environment.errorHandle,
+                tdoref,
+                None, roci.OCI_PIN_ANY,
+                roci.OCI_DURATION_SESSION, roci.OCI_LOCK_NONE,
+                tdoptr)
+            self.environment.checkForError(
+                status,
+                "ObjectType_Initialize(): pin TDO reference")
+            self.tdo = tdoptr[0]
+        finally:
+            lltype.free(tdoptr, flavor='raw')
+        # acquire a describe handle
+        handleptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.OCIDescribe).TO,
+                                  1, flavor='raw')
+        try:
+            status = roci.OCIHandleAlloc(
+                self.environment.handle,
+                handleptr, roci.OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE, 0,
+                lltype.nullptr(rffi.CArray(roci.dvoidp)))
+            self.environment.checkForError(
+                status, "ObjectType_Initialize(): allocate describe handle")
+            describeHandle = handleptr[0]
+        finally:
+            lltype.free(handleptr, flavor='raw')
+        # describe the type
+        try:
+            self.describe(connection, describeHandle)
+        finally:
+            roci.OCIHandleFree(describeHandle, roci.OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE)
+    def describe(self, connection, describeHandle):
+        "Describe the type and store information about it as needed"
+        # describe the type
+        status = roci.OCIDescribeAny(
+            connection.handle,
+            self.environment.errorHandle,
+            self.tdo, 0,
+            roci.OCI_OTYPE_PTR,
+            roci.OCI_DEFAULT,
+            roci.OCI_PTYPE_TYPE,
+            describeHandle)
+        self.environment.checkForError(
+            status, "ObjectType_Describe(): describe type")
+        # get top level parameter descriptor
+        paramptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIParam).TO,
+                                 1, flavor='raw')
+        try:
+            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
+                describeHandle, roci.OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE,
+                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, paramptr),
+                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
+                roci.OCI_ATTR_PARAM,
+                self.environment.errorHandle)
+            self.environment.checkForError(
+                status,
+                "ObjectType_Describe(): get top level parameter descriptor")
+            toplevelParam = paramptr[0]
+        finally:
+            lltype.free(paramptr, flavor='raw')
+        # determine type of type
+        typecodeptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCITypeCode).TO,
+                                    1, flavor='raw')
+        try:
+            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
+                toplevelParam, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
+                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, typecodeptr),
+                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
+                roci.OCI_ATTR_TYPECODE,
+                self.environment.errorHandle)
+            self.environment.checkForError(
+                status, "ObjectType_Describe(): get type code")
+            typeCode = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, typecodeptr[0])
+        finally:
+            lltype.free(typecodeptr, flavor='raw')
+        # if a collection, need to determine the sub type
+        if typeCode == roci.OCI_TYPECODE_NAMEDCOLLECTION:
+            self.isCollection = 1
+            # determine type of collection
+            typecodeptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCITypeCode).TO,
+                                        1, flavor='raw')
+            try:
+                status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
+                    toplevelParam, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
+                    rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, typecodeptr),
+                    lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
+                    roci.OCI_ATTR_TYPECODE,
+                    self.environment.errorHandle)
+                self.environment.checkForError(
+                    status, "ObjectType_Describe(): get collection type code")
+                self.collectionTypeCode = typecodeptr[0]
+            finally:
+                lltype.free(typecodeptr, flavor='raw')
+            # acquire collection parameter descriptor
+            paramptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIParam).TO,
+                                     1, flavor='raw')
+            try:
+                status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
+                    toplevelParam, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
+                    rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, paramptr),
+                    lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
+                    roci.OCI_ATTR_COLLECTION_ELEMENT,
+                    self.environment.errorHandle)
+                self.environment.checkForError(
+                    status,
+                    "ObjectType_Describe(): get collection descriptor")
+                collectionParam = paramptr[0]
+            finally:
+                lltype.free(paramptr, flavor='raw')
+            # determine type of element
+            typecodeptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCITypeCode).TO,
+                                        1, flavor='raw')
+            try:
+                status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
+                    collectionParam, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
+                    rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, typecodeptr),
+                    lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
+                    roci.OCI_ATTR_TYPECODE,
+                    self.environment.errorHandle)
+                self.environment.checkForError(
+                    status, "ObjectType_Describe(): get element type code")
+                self.elementTypeCode = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, typecodeptr[0])
+            finally:
+                lltype.free(typecodeptr, flavor='raw')
+            # if element type is an object type get its type
+            if self.elementTypeCode == roci.OCI_TYPECODE_OBJECT:
+                self.elementType = W_ObjectType(connection, collectionParam)
+            else:
+                self.elementType = None
+        # determine the number of attributes
+        numptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.ub2).TO,
+                               1, flavor='raw')
+        try:
+            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
+                toplevelParam, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
+                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, numptr),
+                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
+                roci.OCI_ATTR_NUM_TYPE_ATTRS,
+                self.environment.errorHandle)
+            self.environment.checkForError(
+                status, "ObjectType_Describe(): get number of attributes")
+            numAttributes = numptr[0]
+        finally:
+            lltype.free(numptr, flavor='raw')
+        # allocate the attribute list and dictionary
+        self.attributes = []
+        self.attributesByName = {}
+        # acquire the list parameter descriptor
+        listptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIParam).TO,
+                               1, flavor='raw')
+        try:
+            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
+                toplevelParam, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
+                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, listptr),
+                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
+                roci.OCI_ATTR_LIST_TYPE_ATTRS,
+                self.environment.errorHandle)
+            self.environment.checkForError(
+                status, "ObjectType_Describe(): get list parameter descriptor")
+            attributeListParam = listptr[0]
+        finally:
+            lltype.free(listptr, flavor='raw')
+        # create attribute information for each attribute
+        for i in range(numAttributes):
+            paramptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIParam).TO,
+                                    1, flavor='raw')
+            try:
+                status = roci.OCIParamGet(
+                    attributeListParam, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
+                    self.environment.errorHandle,
+                    paramptr, i + 1)
+                self.environment.checkForError(
+                    status,
+                    "ObjectType_Describe(): get attribute param descriptor")
+                attribute = W_ObjectAttribute(connection, paramptr[0])
+            finally:
+                lltype.free(paramptr, flavor='raw')
+            self.attributes.append(attribute)
+            self.attributesByName[attribute.name] = attribute
+    def get_attributes(space, self):
+        return space.newlist([space.wrap(attr) for attr in self.attributes])
+W_ObjectType.typedef = TypeDef(
+    'ObjectType',
+    schema = interp_attrproperty('schema', W_ObjectType),
+    name = interp_attrproperty('name', W_ObjectType),
+    attributes = GetSetProperty(W_ObjectType.get_attributes),
+    )
+class W_ObjectAttribute(Wrappable):
+    def __init__(self, connection, param):
+        self.initialize(connection, param)
+    def initialize(self, connection, param):
+        # determine the name of the attribute
+        nameptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.oratext).TO, 1,
+                                flavor='raw')
+        lenptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.ub4).TO, 1,
+                               flavor='raw')
+        try:
+            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
+                param, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
+                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, nameptr),
+                lenptr,
+                roci.OCI_ATTR_NAME,
+                connection.environment.errorHandle)
+            connection.environment.checkForError(
+                status,
+                "ObjectAttribute_Initialize(): get name")
+            self.name = rffi.charpsize2str(nameptr[0], lenptr[0])
+        finally:
+            lltype.free(nameptr, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(lenptr, flavor='raw')
+        # determine the type of the attribute
+        typecodeptr = lltype.malloc(roci.Ptr(roci.OCITypeCode).TO,
+                                    1, flavor='raw')
+        try:
+            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
+                param, roci.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
+                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, typecodeptr),
+                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
+                roci.OCI_ATTR_TYPECODE,
+                connection.environment.errorHandle)
+            connection.environment.checkForError(
+                status, "ObjectType_Describe(): get type code")
+            self.typeCode = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, typecodeptr[0])
+        finally:
+            lltype.free(typecodeptr, flavor='raw')
+        # if the type of the attribute is object, recurse
+        if self.typeCode in (roci.OCI_TYPECODE_NAMEDCOLLECTION,
+                             roci.OCI_TYPECODE_OBJECT):
+            self.subType = W_ObjectType(connection, param)
+        else:
+            self.subType = None
+W_ObjectAttribute.typedef = TypeDef(
+    'ObjectAttribute',
+    name = interp_attrproperty('name', W_ObjectAttribute),
+    )
+class W_ExternalObject(Wrappable):
+    def __init__(self, var, objectType, instance, indicator,
+                 isIndependent=True):
+        self.var = var # keepalive
+        self.objectType = objectType
+        self.instance = instance
+        self.indicator = indicator
+        self.isIndependent = isIndependent
+    def getattr(self, space, attr):
+        try:
+            attribute = self.objectType.attributesByName[attr]
+        except KeyError:
+            msg = "ExternalObject has no attribute '%s'" %(attr,)
+            raise OperationError(space.w_AttributeError, space.wrap(msg))
+        environment = self.objectType.environment
+        scalarvalueindicatorptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.OCIInd).TO,
+                                                1, flavor='raw')
+        valueindicatorptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.dvoidp).TO,
+                                          1, flavor='raw')
+        valueptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.dvoidp).TO,
+                                 1, flavor='raw')
+        tdoptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.OCIType).TO,
+                               1, flavor='raw')
+        nameptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.oratext).TO,
+                               1, flavor='raw')
+        nameptr[0] = rffi.str2charp(attr)
+        namelenptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.ub4).TO,
+                                   1, flavor='raw')
+        namelenptr[0] = rffi.cast(roci.ub4, len(attr))
+        try:
+            status = roci.OCIObjectGetAttr(
+                environment.handle,
+                environment.errorHandle,
+                self.instance,
+                self.indicator,
+                self.objectType.tdo,
+                nameptr, namelenptr, 1,
+                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO), 0,
+                scalarvalueindicatorptr,
+                valueindicatorptr,
+                valueptr,
+                tdoptr)
+            environment.checkForError(
+                status, "ExternalObject_GetAttributeValue(): getting value")
+            # determine the proper null indicator
+            valueIndicator = valueindicatorptr[0]
+            if not valueIndicator:
+                valueIndicator = rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp,
+                                           scalarvalueindicatorptr)
+            value = valueptr[0]
+            return convertObject(
+                space, environment,
+                attribute.typeCode,
+                value, valueIndicator,
+                self, attribute.subType)
+        finally:
+            lltype.free(scalarvalueindicatorptr, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(valueindicatorptr, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(valueptr, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(tdoptr, flavor='raw')
+            rffi.free_charp(nameptr[0])
+            lltype.free(nameptr, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(namelenptr, flavor='raw')
+    getattr.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace, str]
+W_ExternalObject.typedef = TypeDef(
+    'ExternalObject',
+    type = interp_attrproperty('objectType', W_ExternalObject),
+    __getattr__ = interp2app(W_ExternalObject.getattr),
+    )
+def convertObject(space, environment, typeCode,
+                  value, indicator, var, subtype):
+    # null values returned as None
+    if (rffi.cast(lltype.Signed,
+                  rffi.cast(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIInd),
+                            indicator)[0])
+        ==
+        rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, roci.OCI_IND_NULL)):
+        return space.w_None
+    if typeCode in (roci.OCI_TYPECODE_CHAR,
+                    roci.OCI_TYPECODE_VARCHAR,
+                    roci.OCI_TYPECODE_VARCHAR2):
+        strValue = rffi.cast(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIString), value)[0]
+        ptr = roci.OCIStringPtr(environment.handle, strValue)
+        size = roci.OCIStringSize(environment.handle, strValue)
+        return config.w_string(space, ptr, size)
+    elif typeCode == roci.OCI_TYPECODE_NUMBER:
+        return transform.OracleNumberToPythonFloat(
+            environment,
+            rffi.cast(roci.Ptr(roci.OCINumber), value))
+    elif typeCode == roci.OCI_TYPECODE_DATE:
+        dateValue = rffi.cast(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIDate), value)
+        return transform.OracleDateToPythonDateTime(environment, dateValue)
+    elif typeCode == roci.OCI_TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP:
+        dateValue = rffi.cast(roci.Ptr(roci.OCIDateTime), value)
+        return transform.OracleTimestampToPythonDate(environment, dateValue)
+    elif typeCode == roci.OCI_TYPECODE_OBJECT:
+        return space.wrap(W_ExternalObject(var, subtype, value, indicator,
+                                           isIndependent=False))
+    elif typeCode == roci.OCI_TYPECODE_NAMEDCOLLECTION:
+        return convertCollection(space, environment, value, var, subtype)
+    raise OperationError(
+        get(space).w_NotSupportedError,
+        space.wrap(
+            "ExternalObjectVar_GetAttributeValue(): unhandled data type %d" % (
+                typeCode,)))
+def convertCollection(space, environment, value, var, objectType):
+    "Convert a collection to a Python list"
+    result_w = []
+    iterptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.OCIIter).TO, 1, flavor='raw')
+    try:
+        # create the iterator
+        status = roci.OCIIterCreate(
+            environment.handle,
+            environment.errorHandle,
+            value,
+            iterptr)
+        environment.checkForError(
+            status, "ExternalObjectVar_ConvertCollection(): creating iterator")
+        try:
+            # create the result list
+            valueptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.dvoidp).TO,
+                                     1, flavor='raw')
+            indicatorptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.dvoidp).TO,
+                                         1, flavor='raw')
+            eofptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.boolean).TO,
+                                   1, flavor='raw')
+            try:
+                while True:
+                    status = roci.OCIIterNext(
+                        environment.handle,
+                        environment.errorHandle,
+                        iterptr[0],
+                        valueptr,
+                        indicatorptr,
+                        eofptr)
+                    environment.checkForError(
+                        status,
+                        "ExternalObjectVar_ConvertCollection(): get next")
+                    if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, eofptr[0]):
+                        break
+                    element = convertObject(
+                        space, environment,
+                        objectType.elementTypeCode,
+                        valueptr[0], indicatorptr[0],
+                        var, objectType.elementType)
+                    result_w.append(element)
+            finally:
+                lltype.free(valueptr, flavor='raw')
+                lltype.free(indicatorptr, flavor='raw')
+                lltype.free(eofptr, flavor='raw')
+        finally:
+            roci.OCIIterDelete(
+                environment.handle,
+                environment.errorHandle,
+                iterptr)
+    finally:
+        lltype.free(iterptr, flavor='raw')
+    return space.newlist(result_w)

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/interp_pool.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/interp_pool.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/interp_pool.py	Tue Mar  9 15:46:14 2010
@@ -1,216 +1,216 @@
-from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import Wrappable
-from pypy.interpreter.argument import Arguments, Signature
-from pypy.interpreter.gateway import ObjSpace, W_Root, NoneNotWrapped
-from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app
-from pypy.interpreter.typedef import TypeDef, GetSetProperty
-from pypy.interpreter.typedef import interp_attrproperty, interp_attrproperty_w
-from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
-from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rffi, lltype
-Null = NoneNotWrapped
-from pypy.module.oracle import roci, config
-from pypy.module.oracle import interp_error, interp_environ
-from pypy.module.oracle.interp_error import get
-class W_SessionPool(Wrappable):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.environment = None
-    def descr_new(space, w_subtype,
-                  w_user, w_password, w_dsn,
-                  min, max, increment,
-                  w_connectiontype=Null,
-                  threaded=False,
-                  getmode=roci.OCI_SPOOL_ATTRVAL_NOWAIT,
-                  events=False,
-                  homogeneous=True):
-        self = space.allocate_instance(W_SessionPool, w_subtype)
-        W_SessionPool.__init__(self)
-        if w_connectiontype is not None:
-            if not space.is_true(space.issubtype(w_connectiontype,
-                                                 get(space).w_Connection)):
-                raise OperationError(
-                    interp_error.get(space).w_ProgrammingError,
-                    space.wrap(
-                        "connectiontype must be a subclass of Connection"))
-            self.w_connectionType = w_connectiontype
-        else:
-            self.w_connectionType = get(space).w_Connection
-        self.w_username = w_user
-        self.w_password = w_password
-        self.w_tnsentry = w_dsn
-        self.minSessions = min
-        self.maxSessions = max
-        self.sessionIncrement = increment
-        self.homogeneous = homogeneous
-        # set up the environment
-        self.environment = interp_environ.Environment.create(
-            space, threaded, events)
-        # create the session pool handle
-        handleptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.OCIServer).TO,
-                                  1, flavor='raw')
-        try:
-            status = roci.OCIHandleAlloc(
-                self.environment.handle,
-                handleptr, roci.OCI_HTYPE_SPOOL, 0,
-                lltype.nullptr(rffi.CArray(roci.dvoidp)))
-            self.environment.checkForError(
-                status, "SessionPool_New(): allocate handle")
-            self.handle = handleptr[0]
-        finally:
-            lltype.free(handleptr, flavor='raw')
-        # prepare pool mode
-        poolMode = roci.OCI_SPC_STMTCACHE
-        if self.homogeneous:
-            poolMode |= roci.OCI_SPC_HOMOGENEOUS
-        # create the session pool
-        user_buf = config.StringBuffer()
-        user_buf.fill(space, self.w_username)
-        password_buf = config.StringBuffer()
-        password_buf.fill(space, self.w_password)
-        dsn_buf = config.StringBuffer()
-        dsn_buf.fill(space, self.w_tnsentry)
-        poolnameptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.oratext).TO, 1,
-                                    flavor='raw')
-        poolnamelenptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.ub4).TO, 1,
-                                       flavor='raw')
-        try:
-            status = roci.OCISessionPoolCreate(
-                self.environment.handle,
-                self.environment.errorHandle,
-                self.handle,
-                poolnameptr, poolnamelenptr,
-                dsn_buf.ptr, dsn_buf.size,
-                min, max, increment,
-                user_buf.ptr, user_buf.size,
-                password_buf.ptr, password_buf.size,
-                poolMode)
-            self.environment.checkForError(
-                status, "SessionPool_New(): create pool")
-            self.w_name = config.w_string(space, poolnameptr[0],
-                                          poolnamelenptr[0])
-        finally:
-            user_buf.clear()
-            password_buf.clear()
-            dsn_buf.clear()
-        return space.wrap(self)
-    descr_new.unwrap_spec = [ObjSpace, W_Root,
-                             W_Root, W_Root, W_Root,
-                             int, int, int,
-                             W_Root,
-                             bool, int, bool, bool]
-    def checkConnected(self, space):
-        if not self.handle:
-            raise OperationError(
-                get(space).w_InterfaceError,
-                space.wrap("not connected"))
-    def acquire(self, space, __args__):
-        (w_user, w_password, w_cclass, w_purity
-         ) = __args__.parse_obj(
-            None, "acquire",
-            Signature(["user", "password", "cclass", "purity"]),
-            defaults_w=[None, None, None, space.w_False])
-        if self.homogeneous and (w_user or w_password):
-            raise OperationError(
-                get(space).w_ProgrammingError,
-                space.wrap("pool is homogeneous. "
-                           "Proxy authentication is not possible."))
-        self.checkConnected(space)
-        newargs = Arguments(space,
-                            __args__.arguments_w,
-                            __args__.keywords + ["pool"],
-                            __args__.keywords_w + [space.wrap(self)])
-        return space.call_args(self.w_connectionType, newargs)
-    acquire.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace, Arguments]
-    def release(self, space, w_connection):
-        self._release(space, w_connection, roci.OCI_DEFAULT)
-    release.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace, W_Root]
-    def drop(self, space, w_connection):
-        self._release(space, w_connection, roci.OCI_SESSRLS_DROPSESS)
-    drop.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace, W_Root]
-    def _release(self, space, w_connection, mode):
-        from pypy.module.oracle.interp_connect import W_Connection
-        connection = space.interp_w(W_Connection, w_connection)
-        self.checkConnected(space)
-        if connection.sessionPool is not self:
-            raise OperationError(
-                get(space).w_ProgrammingError,
-                space.wrap("connection not acquired with this session pool"))
-        # attempt a rollback
-        status = roci.OCITransRollback(
-            connection.handle, connection.environment.errorHandle,
-            roci.OCI_DEFAULT)
-        # if dropping the connection from the pool, ignore the error
-        if mode != roci.OCI_SESSRLS_DROPSESS:
-            self.environment.checkForError(
-                status, "SessionPool_Release(): rollback")
-        # release the connection
-        status = roci.OCISessionRelease(
-            connection.handle, connection.environment.errorHandle,
-            None, 0, mode)
-        self.environment.checkForError(
-            status, "SessionPool_Release(): release session")
-        # ensure that the connection behaves as closed
-        connection.sessionPool = None
-        connection.handle = lltype.nullptr(roci.OCISvcCtx.TO)
-def computedProperty(oci_attr_code, oci_value_type):
-    def fget(space, self):
-        self.checkConnected(space)
-        valueptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(oci_value_type).TO,
-                                 1, flavor='raw')
-        try:
-            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
-                self.handle, roci.OCI_HTYPE_SPOOL,
-                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, valueptr),
-                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
-                oci_attr_code,
-                self.environment.errorHandle)
-            return space.wrap(valueptr[0])
-        finally:
-            lltype.free(valueptr, flavor='raw')
-    return GetSetProperty(fget, cls=W_SessionPool)
-W_SessionPool.typedef = TypeDef(
-    "SessionPool",
-    __new__ = interp2app(W_SessionPool.descr_new.im_func),
-    acquire = interp2app(W_SessionPool.acquire),
-    release = interp2app(W_SessionPool.release),
-    drop = interp2app(W_SessionPool.drop),
-    username = interp_attrproperty_w('w_username', W_SessionPool),
-    password = interp_attrproperty_w('w_password', W_SessionPool),
-    tnsentry = interp_attrproperty_w('w_tnsentry', W_SessionPool),
-    min = interp_attrproperty('minSessions', W_SessionPool),
-    max = interp_attrproperty('maxSessions', W_SessionPool),
-    increment = interp_attrproperty('sessionIncrement', W_SessionPool),
-    homogeneous = interp_attrproperty('homogeneous', W_SessionPool),
-    opened = computedProperty(roci.OCI_ATTR_SPOOL_OPEN_COUNT, roci.ub4),
-    busy = computedProperty(roci.OCI_ATTR_SPOOL_BUSY_COUNT, roci.ub4),
-    timeout = computedProperty(roci.OCI_ATTR_SPOOL_TIMEOUT, roci.ub4),
-    getmode = computedProperty(roci.OCI_ATTR_SPOOL_GETMODE, roci.ub1),
-    )
+from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import Wrappable
+from pypy.interpreter.argument import Arguments, Signature
+from pypy.interpreter.gateway import ObjSpace, W_Root, NoneNotWrapped
+from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app
+from pypy.interpreter.typedef import TypeDef, GetSetProperty
+from pypy.interpreter.typedef import interp_attrproperty, interp_attrproperty_w
+from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rffi, lltype
+Null = NoneNotWrapped
+from pypy.module.oracle import roci, config
+from pypy.module.oracle import interp_error, interp_environ
+from pypy.module.oracle.interp_error import get
+class W_SessionPool(Wrappable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.environment = None
+    def descr_new(space, w_subtype,
+                  w_user, w_password, w_dsn,
+                  min, max, increment,
+                  w_connectiontype=Null,
+                  threaded=False,
+                  getmode=roci.OCI_SPOOL_ATTRVAL_NOWAIT,
+                  events=False,
+                  homogeneous=True):
+        self = space.allocate_instance(W_SessionPool, w_subtype)
+        W_SessionPool.__init__(self)
+        if w_connectiontype is not None:
+            if not space.is_true(space.issubtype(w_connectiontype,
+                                                 get(space).w_Connection)):
+                raise OperationError(
+                    interp_error.get(space).w_ProgrammingError,
+                    space.wrap(
+                        "connectiontype must be a subclass of Connection"))
+            self.w_connectionType = w_connectiontype
+        else:
+            self.w_connectionType = get(space).w_Connection
+        self.w_username = w_user
+        self.w_password = w_password
+        self.w_tnsentry = w_dsn
+        self.minSessions = min
+        self.maxSessions = max
+        self.sessionIncrement = increment
+        self.homogeneous = homogeneous
+        # set up the environment
+        self.environment = interp_environ.Environment.create(
+            space, threaded, events)
+        # create the session pool handle
+        handleptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.OCIServer).TO,
+                                  1, flavor='raw')
+        try:
+            status = roci.OCIHandleAlloc(
+                self.environment.handle,
+                handleptr, roci.OCI_HTYPE_SPOOL, 0,
+                lltype.nullptr(rffi.CArray(roci.dvoidp)))
+            self.environment.checkForError(
+                status, "SessionPool_New(): allocate handle")
+            self.handle = handleptr[0]
+        finally:
+            lltype.free(handleptr, flavor='raw')
+        # prepare pool mode
+        poolMode = roci.OCI_SPC_STMTCACHE
+        if self.homogeneous:
+            poolMode |= roci.OCI_SPC_HOMOGENEOUS
+        # create the session pool
+        user_buf = config.StringBuffer()
+        user_buf.fill(space, self.w_username)
+        password_buf = config.StringBuffer()
+        password_buf.fill(space, self.w_password)
+        dsn_buf = config.StringBuffer()
+        dsn_buf.fill(space, self.w_tnsentry)
+        poolnameptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.oratext).TO, 1,
+                                    flavor='raw')
+        poolnamelenptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(roci.ub4).TO, 1,
+                                       flavor='raw')
+        try:
+            status = roci.OCISessionPoolCreate(
+                self.environment.handle,
+                self.environment.errorHandle,
+                self.handle,
+                poolnameptr, poolnamelenptr,
+                dsn_buf.ptr, dsn_buf.size,
+                min, max, increment,
+                user_buf.ptr, user_buf.size,
+                password_buf.ptr, password_buf.size,
+                poolMode)
+            self.environment.checkForError(
+                status, "SessionPool_New(): create pool")
+            self.w_name = config.w_string(space, poolnameptr[0],
+                                          poolnamelenptr[0])
+        finally:
+            user_buf.clear()
+            password_buf.clear()
+            dsn_buf.clear()
+        return space.wrap(self)
+    descr_new.unwrap_spec = [ObjSpace, W_Root,
+                             W_Root, W_Root, W_Root,
+                             int, int, int,
+                             W_Root,
+                             bool, int, bool, bool]
+    def checkConnected(self, space):
+        if not self.handle:
+            raise OperationError(
+                get(space).w_InterfaceError,
+                space.wrap("not connected"))
+    def acquire(self, space, __args__):
+        (w_user, w_password, w_cclass, w_purity
+         ) = __args__.parse_obj(
+            None, "acquire",
+            Signature(["user", "password", "cclass", "purity"]),
+            defaults_w=[None, None, None, space.w_False])
+        if self.homogeneous and (w_user or w_password):
+            raise OperationError(
+                get(space).w_ProgrammingError,
+                space.wrap("pool is homogeneous. "
+                           "Proxy authentication is not possible."))
+        self.checkConnected(space)
+        newargs = Arguments(space,
+                            __args__.arguments_w,
+                            __args__.keywords + ["pool"],
+                            __args__.keywords_w + [space.wrap(self)])
+        return space.call_args(self.w_connectionType, newargs)
+    acquire.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace, Arguments]
+    def release(self, space, w_connection):
+        self._release(space, w_connection, roci.OCI_DEFAULT)
+    release.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace, W_Root]
+    def drop(self, space, w_connection):
+        self._release(space, w_connection, roci.OCI_SESSRLS_DROPSESS)
+    drop.unwrap_spec = ['self', ObjSpace, W_Root]
+    def _release(self, space, w_connection, mode):
+        from pypy.module.oracle.interp_connect import W_Connection
+        connection = space.interp_w(W_Connection, w_connection)
+        self.checkConnected(space)
+        if connection.sessionPool is not self:
+            raise OperationError(
+                get(space).w_ProgrammingError,
+                space.wrap("connection not acquired with this session pool"))
+        # attempt a rollback
+        status = roci.OCITransRollback(
+            connection.handle, connection.environment.errorHandle,
+            roci.OCI_DEFAULT)
+        # if dropping the connection from the pool, ignore the error
+        if mode != roci.OCI_SESSRLS_DROPSESS:
+            self.environment.checkForError(
+                status, "SessionPool_Release(): rollback")
+        # release the connection
+        status = roci.OCISessionRelease(
+            connection.handle, connection.environment.errorHandle,
+            None, 0, mode)
+        self.environment.checkForError(
+            status, "SessionPool_Release(): release session")
+        # ensure that the connection behaves as closed
+        connection.sessionPool = None
+        connection.handle = lltype.nullptr(roci.OCISvcCtx.TO)
+def computedProperty(oci_attr_code, oci_value_type):
+    def fget(space, self):
+        self.checkConnected(space)
+        valueptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(oci_value_type).TO,
+                                 1, flavor='raw')
+        try:
+            status = roci.OCIAttrGet(
+                self.handle, roci.OCI_HTYPE_SPOOL,
+                rffi.cast(roci.dvoidp, valueptr),
+                lltype.nullptr(roci.Ptr(roci.ub4).TO),
+                oci_attr_code,
+                self.environment.errorHandle)
+            return space.wrap(valueptr[0])
+        finally:
+            lltype.free(valueptr, flavor='raw')
+    return GetSetProperty(fget, cls=W_SessionPool)
+W_SessionPool.typedef = TypeDef(
+    "SessionPool",
+    __new__ = interp2app(W_SessionPool.descr_new.im_func),
+    acquire = interp2app(W_SessionPool.acquire),
+    release = interp2app(W_SessionPool.release),
+    drop = interp2app(W_SessionPool.drop),
+    username = interp_attrproperty_w('w_username', W_SessionPool),
+    password = interp_attrproperty_w('w_password', W_SessionPool),
+    tnsentry = interp_attrproperty_w('w_tnsentry', W_SessionPool),
+    min = interp_attrproperty('minSessions', W_SessionPool),
+    max = interp_attrproperty('maxSessions', W_SessionPool),
+    increment = interp_attrproperty('sessionIncrement', W_SessionPool),
+    homogeneous = interp_attrproperty('homogeneous', W_SessionPool),
+    opened = computedProperty(roci.OCI_ATTR_SPOOL_OPEN_COUNT, roci.ub4),
+    busy = computedProperty(roci.OCI_ATTR_SPOOL_BUSY_COUNT, roci.ub4),
+    timeout = computedProperty(roci.OCI_ATTR_SPOOL_TIMEOUT, roci.ub4),
+    getmode = computedProperty(roci.OCI_ATTR_SPOOL_GETMODE, roci.ub1),
+    )

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/test/test_cursorvar.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/test/test_cursorvar.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/test/test_cursorvar.py	Tue Mar  9 15:46:14 2010
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
-from pypy.module.oracle.test.test_connect import OracleTestBase
-class AppTestCursorVar(OracleTestBase):
-    def test_bind_inout(self):
-        cur = self.cnx.cursor()
-        cursor = self.cnx.cursor()
-        assert cursor.description is None
-        cur.execute("""
-            begin
-              open :cursor for select 1 numbercol from dual;
-            end;""",
-            cursor=cursor)
-        assert (cursor.description ==
-                [('NUMBERCOL', oracle.NUMBER, 127, 2, 0, 0, 1)]
-                or cursor.description ==
-                [('NUMBERCOL', oracle.NUMBER, 127, 2, 0, -127, 1)])
-        data = cursor.fetchall()
-        assert data == [(1,)]
-    def test_bind_frompackage(self):
-        cur = self.cnx.cursor()
-        # create package
-        try:
-            cur.execute("drop package pypy_temp_cursorpkg")
-        except oracle.DatabaseError:
-            pass
-        cur.execute("""
-            create package pypy_temp_cursorpkg as
-                type refcur is ref cursor;
-                procedure test_cursor(cur out refcur);
-            end;""")
-        cur.execute("""
-            create package body pypy_temp_cursorpkg as
-                procedure test_cursor(cur out refcur) is
-                begin
-                    open cur for
-                      select level-1 intcol
-                      from dual connect by level-1<42;
-                end;
-            end;""")
-        cursor = self.cnx.cursor()
-        cur.callproc("pypy_temp_cursorpkg.test_cursor", (cursor,))
-        data = cursor.fetchall()
-        assert data == [(x,) for x in range(42)]
+from pypy.module.oracle.test.test_connect import OracleTestBase
+class AppTestCursorVar(OracleTestBase):
+    def test_bind_inout(self):
+        cur = self.cnx.cursor()
+        cursor = self.cnx.cursor()
+        assert cursor.description is None
+        cur.execute("""
+            begin
+              open :cursor for select 1 numbercol from dual;
+            end;""",
+            cursor=cursor)
+        assert (cursor.description ==
+                [('NUMBERCOL', oracle.NUMBER, 127, 2, 0, 0, 1)]
+                or cursor.description ==
+                [('NUMBERCOL', oracle.NUMBER, 127, 2, 0, -127, 1)])
+        data = cursor.fetchall()
+        assert data == [(1,)]
+    def test_bind_frompackage(self):
+        cur = self.cnx.cursor()
+        # create package
+        try:
+            cur.execute("drop package pypy_temp_cursorpkg")
+        except oracle.DatabaseError:
+            pass
+        cur.execute("""
+            create package pypy_temp_cursorpkg as
+                type refcur is ref cursor;
+                procedure test_cursor(cur out refcur);
+            end;""")
+        cur.execute("""
+            create package body pypy_temp_cursorpkg as
+                procedure test_cursor(cur out refcur) is
+                begin
+                    open cur for
+                      select level-1 intcol
+                      from dual connect by level-1<42;
+                end;
+            end;""")
+        cursor = self.cnx.cursor()
+        cur.callproc("pypy_temp_cursorpkg.test_cursor", (cursor,))
+        data = cursor.fetchall()
+        assert data == [(x,) for x in range(42)]

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/test/test_lobvar.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/test/test_lobvar.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/test/test_lobvar.py	Tue Mar  9 15:46:14 2010
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-from pypy.module.oracle.test.test_connect import OracleTestBase
-class LobTests(object):
-    @classmethod
-    def setup_class(cls):
-        super(LobTests, cls).setup_class()
-        cls.w_lobType = cls.space.wrap(cls.lobType)
-    def test_bind(self):
-        inputType = getattr(oracle, self.lobType)
-        cur = self.cnx.cursor()
-        try:
-            cur.execute("drop table pypy_temp_lobtable")
-        except oracle.DatabaseError:
-            pass
-        cur.execute("create table pypy_temp_lobtable "
-                    "(lobcol %s)" % self.lobType)
-        longString = ""
-        for i in range(2):
-            cur.execute("truncate table pypy_temp_lobtable")
-            if i > 0:
-                longString += chr(65+i) * 25000
-            cur.setinputsizes(lob=inputType)
-            cur.execute("insert into pypy_temp_lobtable values (:lob)",
-                        lob=longString)
-            cur.execute("select lobcol from pypy_temp_lobtable")
-            lob, = cur.fetchone()
-            assert lob.size() == len(longString)
-            assert lob.read() == longString
-    def test_trim(self):
-        inputType = getattr(oracle, self.lobType)
-        cur = self.cnx.cursor()
-        try:
-            cur.execute("drop table pypy_temp_lobtable")
-        except oracle.DatabaseError:
-            pass
-        cur.execute("create table pypy_temp_lobtable "
-                    "(lobcol %s)" % self.lobType)
-        longString = "X" * 75000
-        cur.setinputsizes(lob=inputType)
-        cur.execute("insert into pypy_temp_lobtable values (:lob)",
-                    lob=longString)
-        cur.execute("select lobcol from pypy_temp_lobtable")
-        lob, = cur.fetchone()
-        assert lob.size() == 75000
-        lob.trim(25000)
-        assert lob.size() == 25000
-        lob.trim()
-        assert lob.size() == 0
-class AppTestBlob(LobTests, OracleTestBase):
-    lobType = "BLOB"
-class AppTestClob(LobTests, OracleTestBase):
-    lobType = "CLOB"
+from pypy.module.oracle.test.test_connect import OracleTestBase
+class LobTests(object):
+    @classmethod
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        super(LobTests, cls).setup_class()
+        cls.w_lobType = cls.space.wrap(cls.lobType)
+    def test_bind(self):
+        inputType = getattr(oracle, self.lobType)
+        cur = self.cnx.cursor()
+        try:
+            cur.execute("drop table pypy_temp_lobtable")
+        except oracle.DatabaseError:
+            pass
+        cur.execute("create table pypy_temp_lobtable "
+                    "(lobcol %s)" % self.lobType)
+        longString = ""
+        for i in range(2):
+            cur.execute("truncate table pypy_temp_lobtable")
+            if i > 0:
+                longString += chr(65+i) * 25000
+            cur.setinputsizes(lob=inputType)
+            cur.execute("insert into pypy_temp_lobtable values (:lob)",
+                        lob=longString)
+            cur.execute("select lobcol from pypy_temp_lobtable")
+            lob, = cur.fetchone()
+            assert lob.size() == len(longString)
+            assert lob.read() == longString
+    def test_trim(self):
+        inputType = getattr(oracle, self.lobType)
+        cur = self.cnx.cursor()
+        try:
+            cur.execute("drop table pypy_temp_lobtable")
+        except oracle.DatabaseError:
+            pass
+        cur.execute("create table pypy_temp_lobtable "
+                    "(lobcol %s)" % self.lobType)
+        longString = "X" * 75000
+        cur.setinputsizes(lob=inputType)
+        cur.execute("insert into pypy_temp_lobtable values (:lob)",
+                    lob=longString)
+        cur.execute("select lobcol from pypy_temp_lobtable")
+        lob, = cur.fetchone()
+        assert lob.size() == 75000
+        lob.trim(25000)
+        assert lob.size() == 25000
+        lob.trim()
+        assert lob.size() == 0
+class AppTestBlob(LobTests, OracleTestBase):
+    lobType = "BLOB"
+class AppTestClob(LobTests, OracleTestBase):
+    lobType = "CLOB"

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/test/test_objectvar.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/test/test_objectvar.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/oracle/test/test_objectvar.py	Tue Mar  9 15:46:14 2010
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
-from pypy.module.oracle.test.test_connect import OracleTestBase
-class AppTestObjectVar(OracleTestBase):
-    def test_fetch_object(self):
-        import datetime
-        cur = self.cnx.cursor()
-        try:
-            cur.execute("drop table pypy_test_objtable")
-        except oracle.DatabaseError:
-            pass
-        try:
-            cur.execute("drop type pypy_test_objtype")
-        except oracle.DatabaseError:
-            pass
-        try:
-            cur.execute("drop type pypy_test_arraytype")
-        except oracle.DatabaseError:
-            pass
-        cur.execute("""\
-            create type pypy_test_objtype as object (
-                numbercol number,
-                stringcol varchar2(60),
-                datecol   date);
-            """)
-        cur.execute("""\
-            create type pypy_test_arraytype as varray(10) of number;
-            """)
-        cur.execute("""\
-            create table pypy_test_objtable (
-                objcol pypy_test_objtype,
-                arraycol pypy_test_arraytype)
-            """)
-        cur.execute("""\
-            insert into pypy_test_objtable values (
-            pypy_test_objtype(1, 'someText',
-                              to_date(20070306, 'YYYYMMDD')),
-            pypy_test_arraytype(5, 10, null, 20))
-            """)
-        cur.execute("select objcol, arraycol from pypy_test_objtable")
-        objValue, arrayValue = cur.fetchone()
-        assert objValue.type.schema == self.cnx.username.upper()
-        assert objValue.type.name == "PYPY_TEST_OBJTYPE"
-        assert objValue.type.attributes[0].name == "NUMBERCOL"
-        assert isinstance(arrayValue, list)
-        assert arrayValue == [5, 10, None, 20]
-        assert objValue.NUMBERCOL == 1
-        assert objValue.STRINGCOL == "someText"
-        assert objValue.DATECOL == datetime.datetime(2007, 03, 06)
-        raises(AttributeError, getattr, objValue, 'OTHER')
+from pypy.module.oracle.test.test_connect import OracleTestBase
+class AppTestObjectVar(OracleTestBase):
+    def test_fetch_object(self):
+        import datetime
+        cur = self.cnx.cursor()
+        try:
+            cur.execute("drop table pypy_test_objtable")
+        except oracle.DatabaseError:
+            pass
+        try:
+            cur.execute("drop type pypy_test_objtype")
+        except oracle.DatabaseError:
+            pass
+        try:
+            cur.execute("drop type pypy_test_arraytype")
+        except oracle.DatabaseError:
+            pass
+        cur.execute("""\
+            create type pypy_test_objtype as object (
+                numbercol number,
+                stringcol varchar2(60),
+                datecol   date);
+            """)
+        cur.execute("""\
+            create type pypy_test_arraytype as varray(10) of number;
+            """)
+        cur.execute("""\
+            create table pypy_test_objtable (
+                objcol pypy_test_objtype,
+                arraycol pypy_test_arraytype)
+            """)
+        cur.execute("""\
+            insert into pypy_test_objtable values (
+            pypy_test_objtype(1, 'someText',
+                              to_date(20070306, 'YYYYMMDD')),
+            pypy_test_arraytype(5, 10, null, 20))
+            """)
+        cur.execute("select objcol, arraycol from pypy_test_objtable")
+        objValue, arrayValue = cur.fetchone()
+        assert objValue.type.schema == self.cnx.username.upper()
+        assert objValue.type.name == "PYPY_TEST_OBJTYPE"
+        assert objValue.type.attributes[0].name == "NUMBERCOL"
+        assert isinstance(arrayValue, list)
+        assert arrayValue == [5, 10, None, 20]
+        assert objValue.NUMBERCOL == 1
+        assert objValue.STRINGCOL == "someText"
+        assert objValue.DATECOL == datetime.datetime(2007, 03, 06)
+        raises(AttributeError, getattr, objValue, 'OTHER')

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