[pypy-svn] r76464 - in pypy/branch/fast-ctypes/pypy: module/jitffi rlib

getxsick at codespeak.net getxsick at codespeak.net
Wed Aug 4 01:49:56 CEST 2010

Author: getxsick
Date: Wed Aug  4 01:49:55 2010
New Revision: 76464

use space.fromcache for compiled loops

Modified: pypy/branch/fast-ctypes/pypy/module/jitffi/interp_jitffi.py
--- pypy/branch/fast-ctypes/pypy/module/jitffi/interp_jitffi.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/fast-ctypes/pypy/module/jitffi/interp_jitffi.py	Wed Aug  4 01:49:55 2010
@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@
                                                                 W_Root, str])
+class Cache(object):
+    def __init__(self, space):
+        self.cache = {}
 class W_Get(Wrappable):
     def __init__(self, space, cpu, lib, func, args_type, res_type='v'):
@@ -68,19 +71,29 @@
         if res_type == 'i':
             self.rget = rjitffi._Get(cpu, lib, func, args_type,
-                                     res_type, self.wrap_int)
+                                     res_type, self.wrap_int, cache=True)
         elif res_type == 'f':
             self.rget = rjitffi._Get(cpu, lib, func, args_type,
-                                     res_type, self.wrap_float)
+                                     res_type, self.wrap_float, cache=True)
         elif res_type == 'v':
             self.rget = rjitffi._Get(cpu, lib, func, args_type,
-                                     res_type, self.wrap_void)
+                                     res_type, self.wrap_void, cache=True)
             raise OperationError(
                     space.wrap('Unsupported type of result: %s'
                                 % res_type))
+        # grab from the cache if possible
+        arg_classes = ''.join(args_type)
+        key = (res_type, arg_classes)
+        cache = space.fromcache(Cache).cache
+        try:
+            self.rget.looptoken = cache[key]
+        except KeyError:
+            self.rget.gen_looptaken()
+            cache[key] = self.rget.looptoken
     def call_w(self, space, w_args=None):
         if not space.is_w(w_args, space.w_None):
             i = 0

Modified: pypy/branch/fast-ctypes/pypy/rlib/rjitffi.py
--- pypy/branch/fast-ctypes/pypy/rlib/rjitffi.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/fast-ctypes/pypy/rlib/rjitffi.py	Wed Aug  4 01:49:55 2010
@@ -33,56 +33,51 @@
 class _Get(object):
-    def __init__(self, cpu, lib, func, args_type, res_type='v', push_result=None):
+    def __init__(self, cpu, lib, func, args_type, res_type='v',
+                 push_result=None, cache=False):
         assert isinstance(args_type, list)
         self.args_type = args_type
         self.res_type = res_type
         self.push_result = push_result
         self.cpu = cpu
+        self.bargs = []
         lib = lib.handler
-        bargs = []
-        self._cache = {}
             self.funcaddr = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, rdynload.dlsym(lib, func))
         except KeyError:
             raise ValueError("Cannot find symbol %s", func)
-        bargs.append(BoxInt())
+        self.bargs.append(BoxInt())
+        if not cache:
+            self.gen_looptaken()
+        self.setup_stack()
-        # grab from the cache if possible
-        arg_classes = ''.join(self.args_type)
-        key = (self.res_type, arg_classes)
-        try:
-            self.looptoken = self._cache[key]
-        except KeyError:
-            for arg in self.args_type:
-                if arg == 'i':
-                    bargs.append(BoxInt())
-                elif arg == 'f':
-                    bargs.append(BoxFloat())
-                else:
-                    raise ValueError(arg)
-            if self.res_type == 'i':
-                bres = BoxInt()
-            elif self.res_type == 'f':
-                bres = BoxFloat()
-            elif self.res_type == 'v':
-                bres = NULLBOX
+    def gen_looptaken(self):
+        for arg in self.args_type:
+            if arg == 'i':
+                self.bargs.append(BoxInt())
+            elif arg == 'f':
+                self.bargs.append(BoxFloat())
-                raise ValueError(self.res_type)
+                raise ValueError(arg)
-            calldescr = self.get_calldescr()
-            self.looptoken = LoopToken()
-            bargs = list(bargs) # make sure it's not resized before ResOperation
-            oplist = [ResOperation(rop.CALL, bargs, bres, descr=calldescr),
-                      ResOperation(rop.FINISH, [bres], None,
-                                   descr=BasicFailDescr(0))]
-            self.cpu.compile_loop(bargs, oplist, self.looptoken)
+        if self.res_type == 'i':
+            bres = BoxInt()
+        elif self.res_type == 'f':
+            bres = BoxFloat()
+        elif self.res_type == 'v':
+            bres = NULLBOX
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(self.res_type)
-            # add to the cache
-            self._cache[key] = self.looptoken
-        self.setup_stack()
+        calldescr = self.get_calldescr()
+        self.looptoken = LoopToken()
+        # make sure it's not resized before ResOperation
+        self.bargs = list(self.bargs) 
+        oplist = [ResOperation(rop.CALL, self.bargs, bres, descr=calldescr),
+                  ResOperation(rop.FINISH, [bres], None,
+                               descr=BasicFailDescr(0))]
+        self.cpu.compile_loop(self.bargs, oplist, self.looptoken)
     def get_calldescr(self):
         if self.res_type == 'i':

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