[pypy-svn] r76441 - pypy/extradoc/planning

agaynor at codespeak.net agaynor at codespeak.net
Mon Aug 2 21:56:56 CEST 2010

Author: agaynor
Date: Mon Aug  2 21:56:54 2010
New Revision: 76441

Added some notes on carding-marking GC.

Added: pypy/extradoc/planning/gc.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/extradoc/planning/gc.txt	Mon Aug  2 21:56:54 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Card marking GC for PyPy
+With a generational GC one needs to keep track of references from the old
+generation to the young one using a write barrier.  Currently this is
+implemented with a list of old objects that contain pointers to young objects.
+Then, when the nursery is collected each remembered old object is scanned for
+any pointers it contains to young objects, and those are promoted out of the
+nursery.  The problem with this is exceptionally large objects with pointers
+from the old generation to the young one:
+    def main():
+        objs = []
+        for i in xrange(10000000):
+            objs.append(i)
+            # A bunch of stuff here.
+If that loop does enough things on each iteration to force a garbage collection
+then every time through the loop ``objs`` will contain a pointer to a young
+object (``i``) and will be scanned, in it's entirety for young pointers.  This
+results in the loop taking quadratic time, where it ought to be linear.  The
+solution to this is a strategy named card marking.
+In a card marking generational collector, instead of storing a list of old
+objects, the heap is partitioned into sections, called cards (generally these
+are smaller than a page of memory), and the write barrier marks the card for
+the region of memory that contains the pointer.  Then, during collection
+instead of scanning objects for pointers, the regions of memory identified by
+marked cards are scanned.  This bounds the amount of space that must be scanned
+by the size of a card, rather than by the size of an object (which is variable,
+and could grow infinitely large).
+In principle this sounds nice, but there are a few issues:
+ * We have pre-built constants (PBCs), which don't live in our contiguous heap.
+   Since the write barrier is supposed to be very cheap, we don't want it to
+   need to special case PBCs.  There are two proposed solutions:
+   * Copy all PBCs to the heap on startup.  This requires double the memory for
+     PBCs.  (According to fijal, this is what the JVM does).
+   * Don't pre-build PBCs, instead allocate them fresh on startup.  The OO type
+     backends do this, and it results in very slow startup time (5-6 seconds),
+     though there are likely other factors involved.
+ * Currently the hybrid GC allocates large objects externally to the heap,
+   this causes the same problem as PBCs.
+   * The JVM apparently also allocates large objects externally, and pays a
+     similar price for it.

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