[pypy-svn] r73471 - in pypy/branch/decouple-host-opcodes/pypy: interpreter tool translator/goal

antoine at codespeak.net antoine at codespeak.net
Tue Apr 6 23:35:36 CEST 2010

Author: antoine
Date: Tue Apr  6 23:35:35 2010
New Revision: 73471

Translation finally works (after much bothering with unrolling_iterable's children)

Next step would be to add 2.7 support (which will probably unveil the bugs :-()

Modified: pypy/branch/decouple-host-opcodes/pypy/interpreter/pyopcode.py
--- pypy/branch/decouple-host-opcodes/pypy/interpreter/pyopcode.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/decouple-host-opcodes/pypy/interpreter/pyopcode.py	Tue Apr  6 23:35:35 2010
@@ -14,9 +14,8 @@
 from pypy.rlib import jit, rstackovf
 from pypy.rlib.rarithmetic import r_uint, intmask
 from pypy.rlib.unroll import unrolling_iterable
-from pypy.tool.stdlib_opcode import (unrolling_opcode_descs,
-    HAVE_ARGUMENT, host_HAVE_ARGUMENT, opcodedesc, host_opcodedesc,
-    opcode_method_names, host_opcode_method_names, )
+from pypy.tool.stdlib_opcode import (
+    bytecode_spec, host_bytecode_spec, unrolling_all_opcode_descs, opmap, host_opmap)
 def unaryoperation(operationname):
@@ -164,6 +163,9 @@
     def dispatch_bytecode(self, co_code, next_instr, ec):
         space = self.space
+        cls = self.__class__
+        # PyFrame is really an abstract class
+        assert self.__class__ is not pyframe.PyFrame
         while True:
             self.last_instr = intmask(next_instr)
             if not jit.we_are_jitted():
@@ -228,15 +230,19 @@
             if opcode == self.opcodedesc.JUMP_ABSOLUTE.index:
                 return self.jump_absolute(oparg, next_instr, ec)
-            if we_are_translated():
+            if 1 or we_are_translated():
                 from pypy.rlib import rstack # for resume points
-                for opdesc in unrolling_opcode_descs:
+                for opdesc in unrolling_all_opcode_descs:
                     # static checks to skip this whole case if necessary
+                    if opdesc.bytecode_spec is not self.bytecode_spec:
+                        continue
                     if not opdesc.is_enabled(space):
-                    if not hasattr(pyframe.PyFrame, opdesc.methodname):
-                        continue   # e.g. for JUMP_ABSOLUTE, implemented above
+                    if opdesc.methodname in (
+                        'EXTENDED_ARG', 'RETURN_VALUE', 'YIELD_VALUE',
+                        'END_FINALLY', 'JUMP_ABSOLUTE'):
+                        continue   # opcodes implemented above
                     if opcode == opdesc.index:
                         # dispatch to the opcode method
@@ -1001,9 +1007,11 @@
 class __extend__(pyframe.PyPyFrame):
-    opcode_method_names = opcode_method_names
-    opcodedesc = opcodedesc
+    bytecode_spec = bytecode_spec
+    opcode_method_names = bytecode_spec.method_names
+    opcodedesc = bytecode_spec.opcodedesc
+    opdescmap = bytecode_spec.opdescmap
+    HAVE_ARGUMENT = bytecode_spec.HAVE_ARGUMENT
     def BUILD_MAP(self, itemcount, next_instr):
         if itemcount != 0:
@@ -1017,9 +1025,11 @@
 host_version_info = sys.version_info
 class __extend__(pyframe.HostPyFrame):
-    opcode_method_names = host_opcode_method_names
-    opcodedesc = host_opcodedesc
+    bytecode_spec = host_bytecode_spec
+    opcode_method_names = host_bytecode_spec.method_names
+    opcodedesc = host_bytecode_spec.opcodedesc
+    opdescmap = host_bytecode_spec.opdescmap
+    HAVE_ARGUMENT = host_bytecode_spec.HAVE_ARGUMENT
     def BUILD_MAP(self, itemcount, next_instr):
         if host_version_info >= (2, 6):

Modified: pypy/branch/decouple-host-opcodes/pypy/tool/stdlib_opcode.py
--- pypy/branch/decouple-host-opcodes/pypy/tool/stdlib_opcode.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/decouple-host-opcodes/pypy/tool/stdlib_opcode.py	Tue Apr  6 23:35:35 2010
@@ -1,108 +1,131 @@
+Opcodes PyPy compiles Python source to.
+Also gives access to opcodes of the host Python PyPy was bootstrapped with
+(module attributes with the `host_` prefix).
 # load opcode.py as pythonopcode from our own lib
 __all__ = ['opmap', 'opname', 'HAVE_ARGUMENT',
            'hasconst', 'hasname', 'hasjrel', 'hasjabs',
            'haslocal', 'hascompare', 'hasfree', 'cmp_op']
-from opcode import (
-    opmap as host_opmap, HAVE_ARGUMENT as host_HAVE_ARGUMENT)
-def load_opcode():
-    import py
-    opcode_path = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath().dirpath().dirpath('lib-python/modified-2.5.2/opcode.py')
-    d = {}
-    execfile(str(opcode_path), d)
-    return d
-opcode_dict = load_opcode()
-del load_opcode
-# copy some stuff from opcode.py directly into our globals
-for name in __all__:
-    if name in opcode_dict:
-        globals()[name] = opcode_dict[name]
-SLICE = opmap["SLICE+0"]
-def make_method_names(opmap):
-    tbl = ['MISSING_OPCODE'] * 256
-    for name, index in opmap.items():
-        tbl[index] = name.replace('+', '_')
-    return tbl
-opcode_method_names = make_method_names(opmap)
-host_opcode_method_names = make_method_names(host_opmap)
-#print (
-    #set(enumerate(opcode_method_names)) ^ set(enumerate(host_opcode_method_names))
-del make_method_names
 # ____________________________________________________________
 # RPython-friendly helpers and structures
-from pypy.rlib.unroll import unrolling_iterable
+class _BaseOpcodeDesc(object):
+    def __init__(self, bytecode_spec, name, index, methodname):
+        self.bytecode_spec = bytecode_spec
+        self.name = name
+        self.methodname = methodname
+        self.index = index
+        self.hasarg = index >= self.HAVE_ARGUMENT
+    def _freeze_(self):
+        return True
+    def is_enabled(self, space):
+        """Check if the opcode should be enabled in the space's configuration.
+        (Returns True for all standard opcodes.)"""
+        opt = space.config.objspace.opcodes
+        return getattr(opt, self.name, True)
+    is_enabled._annspecialcase_ = 'specialize:memo'
+    # for predictable results, we try to order opcodes most-used-first
+    opcodeorder = [124, 125, 100, 105, 1, 131, 116, 111, 106, 83, 23, 93, 113, 25, 95, 64, 112, 66, 102, 110, 60, 92, 62, 120, 68, 87, 32, 136, 4, 103, 24, 63, 18, 65, 15, 55, 121, 3, 101, 22, 12, 80, 86, 135, 126, 90, 140, 104, 2, 33, 20, 108, 107, 31, 134, 132, 88, 30, 133, 130, 137, 141, 61, 122, 11, 40, 74, 73, 51, 96, 21, 42, 56, 85, 82, 89, 142, 77, 78, 79, 91, 76, 97, 57, 19, 43, 84, 50, 41, 99, 53, 26]
+    def sortkey(self):
+        try:
+            i = self.opcodeorder.index(self.index)
+        except ValueError:
+            i = 1000000
+        return i, self.index
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        return (cmp(self.__class__, other.__class__) or
+                cmp(self.sortkey(), other.sortkey()))
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "<OpcodeDesc code=%d name=%s at %x>" % (self.index, self.name, id(self))
+    __repr__ = __str__
-def make_opcode_desc(HAVE_ARGUMENT):
-    class OpcodeDesc(object):
-        def __init__(self, name, index):
-            self.name = name
-            self.methodname = opcode_method_names[index]
-            self.index = index
-            self.hasarg = index >= HAVE_ARGUMENT
-        def _freeze_(self):
-            return True
-        def is_enabled(self, space):
-            """Check if the opcode should be enabled in the space's configuration.
-            (Returns True for all standard opcodes.)"""
-            opt = space.config.objspace.opcodes
-            return getattr(opt, self.name, True)
-        is_enabled._annspecialcase_ = 'specialize:memo'
-        # for predictable results, we try to order opcodes most-used-first
-        opcodeorder = [124, 125, 100, 105, 1, 131, 116, 111, 106, 83, 23, 93, 113, 25, 95, 64, 112, 66, 102, 110, 60, 92, 62, 120, 68, 87, 32, 136, 4, 103, 24, 63, 18, 65, 15, 55, 121, 3, 101, 22, 12, 80, 86, 135, 126, 90, 140, 104, 2, 33, 20, 108, 107, 31, 134, 132, 88, 30, 133, 130, 137, 141, 61, 122, 11, 40, 74, 73, 51, 96, 21, 42, 56, 85, 82, 89, 142, 77, 78, 79, 91, 76, 97, 57, 19, 43, 84, 50, 41, 99, 53, 26]
-        def sortkey(self):
-            try:
-                i = self.opcodeorder.index(self.index)
-            except ValueError:
-                i = 1000000
-            return i, self.index
-        def __cmp__(self, other):
-            return (cmp(self.__class__, other.__class__) or
-                    cmp(self.sortkey(), other.sortkey()))
+class _baseopcodedesc:
+    """A namespace mapping OPCODE_NAME to _BaseOpcodeDescs."""
+    pass
-    return OpcodeDesc
-OpcodeDesc = make_opcode_desc(HAVE_ARGUMENT)
-HostOpcodeDesc = make_opcode_desc(host_HAVE_ARGUMENT)
+class BytecodeSpec(object):
+    """A bunch of mappings describing a bytecode instruction set."""
-opdescmap = {}
+    def __init__(self, name, opmap, HAVE_ARGUMENT):
+        """NOT_RPYTHON."""
+        class OpcodeDesc(_BaseOpcodeDesc):
+        class opcodedesc(_baseopcodedesc):
+            """A namespace mapping OPCODE_NAME to OpcodeDescs."""
+        self.name = name
+        self.OpcodeDesc = OpcodeDesc
+        self.opcodedesc = opcodedesc
+        # opname -> opcode
+        self.opmap = opmap
+        # opcode -> method name
+        self.method_names = tbl = ['MISSING_OPCODE'] * 256
+        # opcode -> opdesc
+        self.opdescmap = {}
+        for name, index in opmap.items():
+            tbl[index] = methodname = name.replace('+', '_')
+            desc = OpcodeDesc(self, name, index, methodname)
+            setattr(self.opcodedesc, name, desc)
+            self.opdescmap[index] = desc
+        # fill the ordered opdesc list
+        self.ordered_opdescs = lst = self.opdescmap.values() 
+        lst.sort()
+    def to_globals(self):
+        """NOT_RPYTHON. Add individual opcodes to the module constants."""
+        g = globals()
+        g.update(self.opmap)
+        g['SLICE'] = self.opmap["SLICE+0"]
+        g['STORE_SLICE'] = self.opmap["STORE_SLICE+0"]
+        g['DELETE_SLICE'] = self.opmap["DELETE_SLICE+0"]
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "<%s bytecode>" % (self.name,)
+    __repr__ = __str__
-class _baseopcodedesc:
-    pass
-class opcodedesc(_baseopcodedesc):
-    """A namespace mapping OPCODE_NAME to OpcodeDescs."""
+# Initialization
-class host_opcodedesc(_baseopcodedesc):
-    """A namespace mapping OPCODE_NAME to HostOpcodeDescs."""
+from pypy.rlib.unroll import unrolling_iterable
+from opcode import (
+    opmap as host_opmap, HAVE_ARGUMENT as host_HAVE_ARGUMENT)
+def load_pypy_opcode():
+    import py
+    opcode_path = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath().dirpath().dirpath('lib-python/modified-2.5.2/opcode.py')
+    d = {}
+    execfile(str(opcode_path), d)
+    for name in __all__:
+        if name in d:
+            globals()[name] = d[name]
+    return d
-for name, index in opmap.items():
-    desc = OpcodeDesc(name, index)
-    setattr(opcodedesc, name, desc)
-    opdescmap[index] = desc
-for name, index in host_opmap.items():
-    desc = HostOpcodeDesc(name, index)
-    setattr(host_opcodedesc, name, desc)
-lst = opdescmap.values()
-unrolling_opcode_descs = unrolling_iterable(lst)
+del load_pypy_opcode
-del name, index, desc, lst
+bytecode_spec = BytecodeSpec('pypy', opmap, HAVE_ARGUMENT)
+host_bytecode_spec = BytecodeSpec('host', host_opmap, host_HAVE_ARGUMENT)
+opcode_method_names = bytecode_spec.method_names
+opcodedesc = bytecode_spec.opcodedesc
+unrolling_all_opcode_descs = unrolling_iterable(
+    bytecode_spec.ordered_opdescs + host_bytecode_spec.ordered_opdescs)
+unrolling_opcode_descs = unrolling_iterable(
+    bytecode_spec.ordered_opdescs)

Modified: pypy/branch/decouple-host-opcodes/pypy/translator/goal/translate.py
--- pypy/branch/decouple-host-opcodes/pypy/translator/goal/translate.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/decouple-host-opcodes/pypy/translator/goal/translate.py	Tue Apr  6 23:35:35 2010
@@ -213,6 +213,10 @@
         prof = None
+    import gc
+    a, b, c = gc.get_threshold()
+    gc.set_threshold(a * 2, b * 2, c * 8)
     t = translator.TranslationContext(config=config)
     pdb_plus_show = PdbPlusShow(t) # need a translator to support extended commands

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