[pypy-svn] r67772 - pypy/trunk/pypy/annotation

cfbolz at codespeak.net cfbolz at codespeak.net
Fri Sep 18 15:14:31 CEST 2009

Author: cfbolz
Date: Fri Sep 18 15:14:30 2009
New Revision: 67772

(pedronis, cfbolz): kill commented out old stuff

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/annotation/specialize.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/annotation/specialize.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/annotation/specialize.py	Fri Sep 18 15:14:30 2009
@@ -322,113 +322,6 @@
         for value in lstlst[0]:
             yield (value,) + tuple_tail
-##    """NOT_RPYTHON"""
-##    if len(arglist_s) != 1:
-##        raise Exception("memo call: only 1 argument functions supported"
-##                        " at the moment (%r)" % (funcdesc,))
-##    s, = arglist_s
-##    from pypy.annotation.model import SomeImpossibleValue
-##    return memo1(funcdesc, func, s)
-### XXX OBSCURE to support methodmemo()... needs to find something more 
-###     reasonable :-(
-##def memo1(funcdesc, func, s, key='memo1'):
-##    from pypy.annotation.model import SomeImpossibleValue
-##    # compute the concrete results and store them directly on the descs,
-##    # using a strange attribute name
-##    num = KEY_NUMBERS.setdefault(key, len(KEY_NUMBERS))
-##    attrname = '$memo%d_%d_%s' % (uid(funcdesc), num, funcdesc.name)
-##    for desc in s.descriptions:
-##        s_result = desc.s_read_attribute(attrname)
-##        if isinstance(s_result, SomeImpossibleValue):
-##            # first time we see this 'desc'
-##            if desc.pyobj is None:
-##                raise Exception("memo call with a class or PBC that has no "
-##                                "corresponding Python object (%r)" % (desc,))
-##            result = func(desc.pyobj)
-##            desc.create_new_attribute(attrname, result)
-##    # get or build the graph of the function that reads this strange attr
-##    def memoized(x, y=None):
-##        return getattr(x, attrname)
-##    def builder(translator, func):
-##        return translator.buildflowgraph(memoized)   # instead of 'func'
-##    return funcdesc.cachedgraph(key, alt_name='memo_%s' % funcdesc.name, 
-##                                     builder=builder)
-##def methodmemo(funcdesc, arglist_s):
-##    """NOT_RPYTHON"""
-##    from pypy.annotation.model import SomePBC, SomeImpossibleValue
-##    # call the function now, and collect possible results
-##    for s in arglist_s:
-##        if not isinstance(s, SomePBC):
-##            if isinstance(s, SomeImpossibleValue):
-##                return s    # we will probably get more possible args later
-##            raise Exception("method-memo call: argument must be a class or"
-##                            " a frozen PBC, got %r" % (s,))
-##    if len(arglist_s) != 2:
-##        raise Exception("method-memo call: expected  2 arguments function" 
-##                        " at the moment (%r)" % (funcdesc,))
-##    from pypy.annotation.model import SomeImpossibleValue
-##    from pypy.annotation.description import FrozenDesc
-##    func = funcdesc.pyobj
-##    if func is None:
-##        raise Exception("method-memo call: no Python function object to call"
-##                        " (%r)" % (funcdesc,))
-##    # compute the concrete results and store them directly on the descs,
-##    # using a strange attribute name.  The goal is to store in the pbcs of
-##    # 's1' under the common 'attrname' a reader function; each reader function
-##    # will read a field 'attrname2' from the pbcs of 's2', where 'attrname2'
-##    # differs for each pbc of 's1'. This is all specialized also
-##    # considering the type of s1 to support return value 
-##    # polymorphism.
-##    s1, s2 = arglist_s
-##    s1_type = s1.knowntype
-##    if s2.is_constant():
-##        return memo1(funcdesc, lambda val1: func(val1, s2.const),
-##                    s1, ('memo1of2', s1_type, Constant(s2.const)))
-##    memosig = "%d_%d_%s" % (uid(funcdesc), uid(s1_type), funcdesc.name)
-##    attrname = '$memoreader%s' % memosig 
-##    for desc1 in s1.descriptions:
-##        attrname2 = '$memofield%d_%s' % (uid(desc1), memosig)
-##        s_reader = desc1.s_read_attribute(attrname)
-##        if isinstance(s_reader, SomeImpossibleValue):
-##            # first time we see this 'desc1': sanity-check 'desc1' and
-##            # create its reader function
-##            assert isinstance(desc1, FrozenDesc), (
-##                "XXX not implemented: memo call with a class as first arg")
-##            if desc1.pyobj is None:
-##                raise Exception("method-memo call with a class or PBC"
-##                                " that has no "
-##                                "corresponding Python object (%r)" % (desc1,))
-##            def reader(y, attrname2=attrname2):
-##                return getattr(y, attrname2)
-##            desc1.create_new_attribute(attrname, reader)
-##        for desc2 in s2.descriptions:
-##            s_result = desc2.s_read_attribute(attrname2)
-##            if isinstance(s_result, SomeImpossibleValue):
-##                # first time we see this 'desc1+desc2' combination
-##                if desc2.pyobj is None:
-##                    raise Exception("method-memo call with a class or PBC"
-##                                  " that has no "
-##                                  "corresponding Python object (%r)" % (desc2,))
-##                # concrete call, to get the concrete result
-##                result = func(desc1.pyobj, desc2.pyobj)
-##                #print 'func(%s, %s) -> %s' % (desc1.pyobj, desc2.pyobj, result)
-##                #print 'goes into %s.%s'% (desc2,attrname2)
-##                #print 'with reader %s.%s'% (desc1,attrname)
-##                desc2.create_new_attribute(attrname2, result)
-##    # get or build the graph of the function that reads this indirect
-##    # settings of attributes
-##    def memoized(x, y):
-##        reader_fn = getattr(x, attrname)
-##        return reader_fn(y)
-##    def builder(translator, func):
-##        return translator.buildflowgraph(memoized)   # instead of 'func'
-##    return funcdesc.cachedgraph(s1_type, alt_name='memo_%s' % funcdesc.name, 
-##                                         builder=builder)
 def make_constgraphbuilder(n, v=None, factory=None, srcmodule=None):
     def constgraphbuilder(translator, ignore):

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