[pypy-svn] r61614 - in pypy/trunk: lib-python/modified-2.5.2/test pypy/interpreter/astcompiler

laszlo at codespeak.net laszlo at codespeak.net
Sat Feb 7 17:22:35 CET 2009

Author: laszlo
Date: Sat Feb  7 17:22:32 2009
New Revision: 61614

   pypy/trunk/lib-python/modified-2.5.2/test/test_peepholer.py   (contents, props changed)
      - copied, changed from r61602, pypy/trunk/lib-python/2.5.2/test/test_peepholer.py
(fijal, laszlo, mastier) Hack at test_peepholer, until it works.

Copied: pypy/trunk/lib-python/modified-2.5.2/test/test_peepholer.py (from r61602, pypy/trunk/lib-python/2.5.2/test/test_peepholer.py)
--- pypy/trunk/lib-python/2.5.2/test/test_peepholer.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/lib-python/modified-2.5.2/test/test_peepholer.py	Sat Feb  7 17:22:32 2009
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 import sys
 from cStringIO import StringIO
 import unittest
+from test_support import check_impl_detail
 def disassemble(func):
     f = StringIO()
@@ -70,8 +71,8 @@
     def test_pack_unpack(self):
         for line, elem in (
             ('a, = a,', 'LOAD_CONST',),
-            ('a, b = a, b', 'ROT_TWO',),
-            ('a, b, c = a, b, c', 'ROT_THREE',),
+            ('x[3], x[4] = a, b', 'ROT_TWO',),
+            ('x[1], x[2], x[3] = a, b, c', 'ROT_THREE',),
             asm = dis_single(line)
             self.assert_(elem in asm)
@@ -82,9 +83,9 @@
         for line, elem in (
             ('a = 1,2,3', '((1, 2, 3))'),
             ('("a","b","c")', "(('a', 'b', 'c'))"),
-            ('a,b,c = 1,2,3', '((1, 2, 3))'),
-            ('(None, 1, None)', '((None, 1, None))'),
-            ('((1, 2), 3, 4)', '(((1, 2), 3, 4))'),
+            ('a,b,c = 1,2,3', ''),  # empty string - we only care to check BUILD_TUPLE 
+            ('x = (None, 1, None)', '((None, 1, None))'),
+            ('x = ((1, 2), 3, 4)', '(((1, 2), 3, 4))'),
             asm = dis_single(line)
             self.assert_(elem in asm)
@@ -118,13 +119,15 @@
             ('a = 14%4', '(2)'),                    # binary modulo
             ('a = 2+3', '(5)'),                     # binary add
             ('a = 13-4', '(9)'),                    # binary subtract
-            ('a = (12,13)[1]', '(13)'),             # binary subscr
+            ('a = (12,13)[1]#detail', '(13)'),      # binary subscr
             ('a = 13 << 2', '(52)'),                # binary lshift
             ('a = 13 >> 2', '(3)'),                 # binary rshift
             ('a = 13 & 7', '(5)'),                  # binary and
             ('a = 13 ^ 7', '(10)'),                 # binary xor
             ('a = 13 | 7', '(15)'),                 # binary or
+            if line.endswith('#detail') and not check_impl_detail():
+                continue
             asm = dis_single(line)
             self.assert_(elem in asm, asm)
             self.assert_('BINARY_' not in asm)

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/opt.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/opt.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/opt.py	Sat Feb  7 17:22:32 2009
@@ -240,9 +240,12 @@
             consts_w = [None] * len(nodes)
             for i in range(len(nodes)):
                 subnode = nodes[i]
-                if not isinstance(subnode, ast.Const):
+                if isinstance(subnode, ast.Const):
+                    consts_w[i] = subnode.value
+                elif isinstance(subnode, ast.Name) and subnode.varname == 'None':
+                    consts_w[i] = self.space.w_None
+                else:
                     return node     # not all constants
-                consts_w[i] = subnode.value
             return ast.Const(self.space.newtuple(consts_w))
         def visitFor(self, node):

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