[pypy-svn] r70023 - in pypy/branch/sepcomp/pypy/translator: . c/test

xoraxax at codespeak.net xoraxax at codespeak.net
Wed Dec 9 13:13:55 CET 2009

Author: xoraxax
Date: Wed Dec  9 13:13:55 2009
New Revision: 70023

Add separate compilation module and tests.

Added: pypy/branch/sepcomp/pypy/translator/c/test/test_separate.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/branch/sepcomp/pypy/translator/c/test/test_separate.py	Wed Dec  9 13:13:55 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+import sys
+import os
+import autopath
+import py
+from pypy import conftest
+from pypy.rlib.libffi import CDLL, cast_type_to_ffitype, dlsym, dlopen_global_persistent, RTLD_GLOBAL
+from pypy.annotation import model as annmodel
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.lltype import Signed, Void
+from pypy.translator.driver import TranslationDriver
+from pypy.translator.interactive import Translation
+from pypy.translator.sepcomp import ImportExportComponent, ExportTable, export, scimport, get_function_name, scimport
+def compile(fn, argtypes, gcpolicy="boehm", backendopt=True,
+        annotatorpolicy=None, standalone=False, iep_name=''):
+    t = Translation(fn, argtypes, gc=gcpolicy, backend="c",
+            policy=annotatorpolicy, generatemodule=not standalone, verbose=False, exportpackage=iep_name)
+    if not backendopt:
+        t.disable(["backendopt_lltype"])
+    t.ensure_setup(standalone=standalone)
+    t.annotate()
+    if conftest.option.view:
+        t.view()
+    t.source_c()
+    if conftest.option.view:
+        t.view()
+    cbuilder = t.driver.cbuilder
+    t.compile_c()
+    return cbuilder
+def make_main_entrypoint(module_main_function_name, init_func=lambda:None):
+    @export(package="", force_name=module_main_function_name, ret=int)
+    def dummy():
+        return 99
+    main_func = scimport(dummy, dynamic=True, forward_ref=True)
+    def f_main(argv):
+        init_func() # so we can force calls to the constructor 
+        so_filename = argv[1]
+        dlopen_global_persistent(so_filename)
+        print main_func()
+        return 0
+    return f_main
+class TestSeparateCompilation(object):
+    def setup_method(self, meth):
+        assert not getattr(self, 'packages_to_teardown', [])
+        self.packages_to_teardown = []
+    def teardown_method(self, meth):
+        for package in self.packages_to_teardown:
+            try:
+                package.dispose()
+            except OSError:
+                print "Could not dispose package information"
+        self.packages_to_teardown = []
+    def register_iep(self, package):
+        self.packages_to_teardown.append(package)
+    def get_iep(self, *args):
+        frame = sys._getframe()
+        iep = ImportExportComponent(frame.f_back.f_code.co_name, *args)
+        self.register_iep(iep)
+        return iep
+    def test_gather_llinfo(self):
+        @export(int, package="")
+        def f(x):
+            return x + 1
+        def entry():
+            return 0
+        iep = self.get_iep(locals())
+        driver = TranslationDriver(overrides={'translation.exportpackage': iep.name})
+        driver.setup(entry, [])
+        driver.proceed(["database_c"])
+        assert iep in ImportExportComponent.packages.values()
+        assert len(iep.entry_points) == 1
+        assert len(iep.export_tables) == 1
+        assert len(iep.export_tables.values()[0].functions) == 1
+    def test_export_wrong_rettype(self):
+        @export(int, package="", ret=str)
+        def f(x):
+            return x + 1
+        iep = self.get_iep(locals())
+        f_main = make_main_entrypoint("module_init")
+        py.test.raises(Exception, "compile(f_main, None, standalone=True, iep_name=iep.name)")
+    def test_export_wrong_rettype2(self):
+        class A:
+            _package_ = ""
+        class B(A):
+            _package_ = ""
+        @export(A, package="", ret=B)
+        def f(x):
+            return x
+        iep = self.get_iep(locals())
+        f_main = make_main_entrypoint("module_init")
+        py.test.raises(Exception, "compile(f_main, None, standalone=True, iep_name=iep.name)")
+    def test_import_export(self):
+        @export(int, package="")
+        def f(x):
+            return x + 1
+        iep = self.get_iep(locals())
+        f_main = make_main_entrypoint("module_init")
+        # compile f()+f_main() into an executable
+        builder = compile(f_main, None, standalone=True, iep_name=iep.name)
+        f_imp = scimport(f, iep)
+        @export(force_name="module_init", package="")
+        def g(): # equivalent to an init function of a module
+            return f_imp(41)
+        builder2 = compile(g, [])
+        retdata = builder.cmdexec(str(builder2.so_name))
+        print repr(retdata)
+        # XXX check whether function f_imp is correctly declared
+        assert int(retdata) == 42
+    def test_shaped_classes(self):
+        class foo:
+            _exported_ = True
+            _inheritable_ = True
+            _package_ = ""
+            def __init__(self, x):
+                self.x = x
+            def internal(self): # this method is internal
+                return self.x / 2
+            @export(package="")
+            def bar(self):
+                return self.x + 42
+        # main part of the program
+        @export(int, package="")
+        def create_foo(x):
+            return foo(x)
+        iep = self.get_iep(locals())
+        f_main = make_main_entrypoint("module_init", lambda: foo(10).bar() )
+        builder = compile(f_main, None, standalone=True, iep_name=iep.name)
+        # module part
+        create_foo_imp = scimport(create_foo, iep)
+        @export(force_name="module_init", package="")
+        def g(): # equivalent to an init function of a module
+            return create_foo_imp(13).bar()
+        builder2 = compile(g, [])
+        retdata = builder.cmdexec(str(builder2.so_name))
+        assert int(retdata) == 13 + 42
+    def test_check_broken_return_type(self):
+        class foo(object):
+            _exported_ = True
+            _package_ = ""
+            def __init__(self, x):
+                self.x = x
+            def internal(self): # this method is internal
+                return self.x / 2
+            @export(package="")
+            def bar(self):
+                return self.x + 2
+            @export(package="")
+            def foo(self):
+                return 16 + self.x
+        class barinternal(foo):
+            def bar(self):
+                return self.x + 64
+        @export(foo, package="")
+        def call_bar_and_foo(x):
+            return x.bar() + x.foo() + x.internal()
+        iep = self.get_iep(locals())
+        f_main = make_main_entrypoint("module_init", lambda: foo(256).bar() + barinternal(-7).bar())
+        builder = compile(f_main, None, standalone=True, iep_name=iep.name)
+        foo_imported = scimport(foo)
+        class baz(foo_imported):
+            def __init__(self, x):
+                self.y = x
+            def bar(self):
+                return self # broken type 
+        # module part
+        bar_caller = scimport(call_bar_and_foo, iep)
+        @export(force_name="module_init")
+        def g(): # equivalent to an init function of a module
+            return bar_caller(baz(4096))
+        py.test.raises(annmodel.UnionError, "compile(g, [])")
+    def test_avoid_move_up(self):
+        py.test.skip("not fixed yet")
+        class abstractbase(object):
+            pass
+        class foo(abstractbase):
+            _exported_ = True
+            _package_ = ""
+            def __init__(self, x):
+                self.x = x
+            def internal(self): # this method is internal
+                return self.x / 2
+            @export(package="")
+            def bar(self):
+                return self.x + 2
+            @export(package="")
+            def foo(self):
+                return 16 + self.x
+        class bar(abstractbase):
+            def foo(self):
+                return 20
+        def do_things(x):
+            return x.foo()
+        def f1(x):
+            if x > 5:
+                c = foo
+            else:
+                c = bar
+            return do_things(c())
+        iep = self.get_iep(locals())
+        builder = compile(f, None, standalone=True, iep_name=iep.name)
+    def test_inheriting_classes(self):
+        class foo(object):
+            _exported_ = True
+            _package_ = ""
+            def __init__(self, x):
+                self.x = x
+            def internal(self): # this method is internal
+                return self.x / 2
+            @export(package="", ret=int)
+            def bar(self):
+                return int(self.x + 2)
+            @export(Ellipsis, package="")
+            def foo(self, x):
+                return 16 + self.x + x
+        class barinternal(foo):
+            def internal(self):
+                return 9
+            def bar(self):
+                return self.x + 64
+        class foo2(foo):
+            _exported_ = True
+            _package_ = ""
+        @export(foo, package="")
+        def call_bar_and_foo(x):
+            return x.bar() + x.foo(5) + x.internal()
+        @export(int, package="")
+        def get_internal_instance(x):
+            if x > 5:
+                return barinternal(42)
+            else:
+                return foo2(21)
+        iep = self.get_iep(locals())
+        f_main = make_main_entrypoint("module_init", lambda: foo(256).foo(13) + barinternal(-7).bar())
+        builder = compile(f_main, None, standalone=True, iep_name=iep.name)
+        foo_imported = scimport(foo)
+        foo2_imported = scimport(foo2)
+        class baz(foo_imported):
+            def __init__(self, x):
+                self.y = x
+            def bar(self):
+                return -self.y + 1024 + self.y * 2
+        # module part
+        bar_caller = scimport(call_bar_and_foo, iep)
+        get_internal_instance_imp = scimport(get_internal_instance)
+        @export(force_name="module_init")
+        def g(): # equivalent to an init function of a module
+            b = baz(4096)
+            i = bar_caller(b)
+            inst = get_internal_instance_imp(2)
+            if isinstance(inst, foo_imported):
+                i += 2**16
+            if isinstance(inst, foo2_imported):
+                i += 2**17
+            inst = get_internal_instance_imp(6)
+            if isinstance(inst, foo_imported):
+                i += 2**18
+            if isinstance(inst, foo2_imported):
+                i += 2**19
+            return i
+        builder2 = compile(g, [])
+        retdata = builder.cmdexec(str(builder2.so_name))
+        assert int(retdata) == 5 + 4096 + 1024 + 16 + 0 + 2**16 + 2**17 + 2**18
+    def test_isinstance(self):
+        class foo(object):
+            _exported_ = True
+            _package_ = ""
+            def __init__(self, x):
+                self.x = x
+            @export(package="")
+            def bar(self):
+                return self.x + 1
+        class barinternal(foo):
+            def bar(self):
+                return self.x + 2
+        @export(foo, package="")
+        def call_bar_and_foo(x):
+            r = 0
+            if isinstance(x, foo):
+                r += 16
+            if isinstance(x, barinternal):
+                r += 32
+            return x.bar() + r
+        iep = self.get_iep(locals())
+        f_main = make_main_entrypoint("module_init", lambda: foo(11).bar())
+        builder = compile(f_main, None, standalone=True, iep_name=iep.name)
+        foo_imported = scimport(foo)
+        class baz(foo_imported):
+            def bar(self):
+                return 4
+        # module part
+        bar_caller = scimport(call_bar_and_foo, iep)
+        @export(force_name="module_init")
+        def g(): # equivalent to an init function of a module
+            return bar_caller(baz())
+        builder2 = compile(g, [])
+        retdata = builder.cmdexec(str(builder2.so_name))
+        assert int(retdata) == 20
+    def test_abstract_classes(self):
+        py.test.skip("currently not supported")
+        class foo(object):
+            _abstract_ = True
+            _exported_ = True
+            _package_ = ""
+            @export(package="", ret=int)
+            def bar(self):
+                raise NotImplementedError
+            @export(int, ret=int, package="")
+            def foo(self, x):
+                return 16
+        class barinternal(foo):
+            def __init__(self, x):
+                self.z = x
+            def internal(self):
+                return 9
+            def bar(self):
+                return self.z + 64
+        @export(foo, ret=int, package="")
+        def call_bar_and_foo(x):
+            return x.bar() + x.foo(5)
+        @export(int, ret=foo, package="")
+        def get_internal_instance(x):
+            if x > 5:
+                return barinternal(42)
+        iep = self.get_iep(locals())
+        f_main = make_main_entrypoint("module_init", lambda: barinternal(-7).bar())
+        builder = compile(f_main, None, standalone=True, iep_name=iep.name)
+        foo_imported = scimport(foo)
+        class baz(foo_imported):
+            def __init__(self, x):
+                self.y = x
+            def bar(self):
+                return -self.y + 1024 + self.y * 2
+        # module part
+        bar_caller = scimport(call_bar_and_foo, iep)
+        get_internal_instance_imp = scimport(get_internal_instance)
+        @export(force_name="module_init")
+        def g(): # equivalent to an init function of a module
+            b = baz(4096)
+            i = bar_caller(b)
+            inst = get_internal_instance_imp(6)
+            if isinstance(inst, foo_imported):
+                i += 2**16
+            return i
+        builder2 = compile(g, [])
+        retdata = builder.cmdexec(str(builder2.so_name))
+        assert int(retdata) == 4096 + 1024 + 16 + 2**16

Added: pypy/branch/sepcomp/pypy/translator/sepcomp.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/branch/sepcomp/pypy/translator/sepcomp.py	Wed Dec  9 13:13:55 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import random
+import pickle
+import types
+import pypy
+from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated
+from pypy.rlib.libffi import dlsym, dlopen, RTLD_GLOBAL, RTLD_NOW
+from pypy.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rffi
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.rffi import llexternal, CConstant, VOIDP
+from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import Symbolic
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype
+from pypy.annotation.model import lltype_to_annotation, SomeString, SomeInstance, SomeObject, SomePBC
+from pypy.rpython.annlowlevel import llhelper, PseudoHighLevelCallable, PseudoHighLevelCallableEntry, MixLevelHelperAnnotator
+from pypy.rpython.typesystem import getfunctionptr
+from pypy.annotation.signature import annotationoftype
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.lltype import LowLevelType
+from pypy.annotation import model as annmodel
+from pypy.annotation.bookkeeper import getbookkeeper
+from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Constant
+from pypy.translator.simplify import get_functype
+from pypy.tool.sourcetools import compile_template
+class NonInheritable(type):
+    def __init__(self, clsname, bases, namespace):
+        for cls in bases:
+            if isinstance(cls, NonInheritable):
+                raise TypeError("While creating the class " + clsname + ": " + str(cls) +
+                                " is not suitable as a base class")
+        super(NonInheritable, self).__init__(clsname, bases, namespace)
+class ExportTablePickler(pickle.Pickler):
+    def persistent_id(self, obj):
+        if obj is type(None): # grrrr
+            return "NONETYPE"
+        return None
+class ExportTableUnpickler(pickle.Unpickler):
+    def persistent_load(self, key):
+        if key == "NONETYPE":
+            return type(None)
+        raise pickle.UnpicklingError, 'Invalid persistent id'
+class ExternalClassRegistryImpl(object):
+    classes_by_ci = {}
+    def get_class(self, classinfo):
+        try:
+            cls = self.classes_by_ci[classinfo.key()]
+        except KeyError:
+            self.classes_by_ci[classinfo.key()] = cls = classinfo._build_class()
+        return cls
+external_class_registry = ExternalClassRegistryImpl()
+class ClassInfo(object):
+    def __init__(self, baseinfo, cls, inst, vtablename):
+        self.cls = cls
+        self.inst = inst
+        self.vtablename = vtablename
+        self.baseinfo = baseinfo
+    def key(self):
+        return self.vtablename
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<ClassInfo name=%r cls=%r inst=%r>" % (self.vtablename, self.cls, self.inst)
+    def convert_llvalues(self, c_db):
+        for name in ("cls", "inst"):
+            new = []
+            for key, attrname, val in getattr(self, name):
+                if attrname is None:
+                    if isinstance(val, lltype._ptr):
+                        llvalue = val._obj
+                        assert isinstance(llvalue, lltype._container)
+                        assert hasattr(llvalue, "_exported")
+                        llvalue._exported = True
+                        handle = c_db.get(val)
+                        T = lltype.Ptr(lltype.OpaqueType(handle, hints=dict(external_void=True)))
+                        val = CConstant("&" + handle, T)
+                    elif not "Signed" in repr(val): # XXX
+                        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+                new.append((key, attrname, val))
+            setattr(self, name, new)
+    def _build_class(self):
+        if self.baseinfo is None:
+            base = object
+        else:
+            base = external_class_registry.get_class(self.baseinfo)
+        clsdict = dict(__slots__=(), _settled_=True, _force_virtual_=True, _importinfo_=self)
+        for key, attrname, typ in self.cls:
+            if attrname is None: # anonymous
+                continue
+            assert isinstance(typ, FunctionInfo) # XXX lift
+            extfunc = typ.get_func()
+            args_string = ", ".join(['arg_%i' % i for i in xrange(len(typ.s_args))])
+            # XXX we dont have more of the sig than just the param count
+            wrap = compile_template("""def wrap_func(%s): return extfunc(%s)""" % (args_string, args_string), "wrap_func")
+            wrap.is_wrapping = extfunc
+            sig_helpers = []
+            def make_helper(i):
+                def inputtypecalc(*arg):
+                    extfunc.compute_rebuilt_args_result(getbookkeeper())
+                    return extfunc.args_s_rebuilt[i]
+                return inputtypecalc
+            for i in xrange(len(typ.s_args)):
+                sig_helpers.append(make_helper(i))
+            wrap._annenforceargs_ = tuple(sig_helpers)
+            wrap._force_virtual_ = True
+            clsdict[attrname] = wrap
+        newcls = type(str(self.vtablename), (base,), clsdict)
+        return newcls
+class Instance(object):
+    def __init__(self, classinfo):
+        self.classinfo = classinfo
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<Instance of %r>" % (self.classinfo, )
+class FunctionInfo(object):
+    def __init__(self, s_args, s_result, T_args, T_result):
+        self.T_args = T_args
+        self.T_result = T_result
+        self.s_args = s_args
+        self.s_result = s_result
+        self.link_key = None
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<FunctionInfo, %r -> %r, %r -> %r>" % (self.T_args, self.T_result, self.s_args, self.s_result)
+    def get_func(self, dll=False):
+        smfc = SeparateModuleFunctionCallable(self.link_key, self.T_args, self.T_result, self.s_args, self.s_result, dll)
+        return smfc
+class ExportTable(object):
+    """ A table with information about the exported symbols of a module compiled by pypy."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.functions = None
+        self.classinfos_by_name = {}
+        self.methods = set()
+        self.functions_by_obj = {}
+        self.classinfos_by_cdef = {}
+        self.classes_by_ci = {}
+        self.vtable_vals = {}
+        self.fi_llvalues = {}
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<ExportTable funcs=%r classes=%r,%r>" % (self.functions, self.classinfos_by_cdef, self.classinfos_by_name)
+    def convert_llvalues(self, c_database):
+        for fi in self.functions_by_obj.values():
+            dbname = c_database.get(self.fi_llvalues[fi])
+            fi.link_key = dbname
+        for cdef, ci in self.classinfos_by_cdef.items():
+            dbname = c_database.getcontainernode(self.vtable_vals[ci]._obj).name
+            ci.vtablename = (cdef.classdesc.pyobj._component_.name, cdef.name)
+            ci.convert_llvalues(c_database)
+    def load_entrypoint_annotations(self, translator, entrypoints):
+        ann = translator.annotator
+        for func, types in entrypoints:
+            func = unwrap_meth_wrapper(func)
+            graph = ann.bookkeeper.getdesc(func).getuniquegraph()
+            inputargs = graph.getargs()
+            s_list = []
+            for var in inputargs:
+                s_ann = ann.binding(var)
+                s_ann_exp = s_ann.make_acceptable_in_interface()
+                if s_ann_exp is None:
+                    raise Exception("Unsuitable parameter type found: %r" % (s_ann, ))
+                if s_ann_exp != s_ann:
+                    ann.setbinding(var, s_ann_exp)
+                s_list.append(s_ann_exp)
+            s_ret = ann.binding(graph.getreturnvar())
+            s_ret_exp = s_ret.make_acceptable_in_interface()
+            if "str" in repr(s_ret): 1/0
+            checktype = func._check_ret_type_
+            if checktype is not None:
+                if not isinstance(checktype, annmodel.SomeObject):
+                    checktype = annotationoftype(checktype, ann.bookkeeper)
+                checktype = checktype.make_acceptable_in_interface()
+                if s_ret != annmodel.s_ImpossibleValue:
+                    assert checktype == s_ret_exp, "Wrong type!"
+            if s_ret != annmodel.s_ImpossibleValue:
+                if s_ret_exp is None:
+                    raise Exception("Unsuitable return type found: %r" % (s_ret,))
+                if s_ret_exp is not s_ret:
+                    ann.setbinding(graph.getreturnvar(), s_ret_exp)
+            else:
+                ann.setbinding(graph.getreturnvar(), checktype)
+                s_ret_exp = checktype
+            if "classdef=object" in repr(s_ret_exp): 1/0
+            self.functions_by_obj[func] = FunctionInfo(s_list, s_ret_exp, None, None)
+    def load_entrypoints(self, translator, entrypoints):
+        rtyper = translator.rtyper
+        from pypy.rpython.typesystem import getfunctionptr
+        for func, types in entrypoints:
+            func = unwrap_meth_wrapper(func)
+            finfo = self.functions_by_obj[func]
+            graph = translator.annotator.bookkeeper.getdesc(func).getuniquegraph()
+            llvalue = getfunctionptr(graph)
+            FT = llvalue._T
+            new_args = []
+            for i, arg in enumerate(FT.ARGS):
+                new_args.append(self.opaquify_type(rtyper, arg, finfo.s_args[i]))
+            ARGS = tuple(new_args)
+            RESULT = self.opaquify_type(rtyper, FT.RESULT, finfo.s_result)
+            finfo.T_args = ARGS
+            finfo.T_result = RESULT
+            self.fi_llvalues[finfo] = llvalue
+            finfo.s_args = [self.externalize_annotation(s_arg) for s_arg in finfo.s_args]
+            finfo.s_result = self.externalize_annotation(finfo.s_result)
+        # even if clsdefs dont show up in the external interface of a function,
+        # they might be exported and need to be available
+        for clsdef in translator.annotator.getuserclassdefinitions():
+            if clsdef.is_exported(False):
+                self.get_classinfo(clsdef)
+    def lookup_function(self, funcname):
+        return self.functions[funcname]
+    def lookup_class(self, classname):
+        return self.classinfos_by_name[classname]
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        if self.functions is not None:
+            return self.__dict__.copy()
+        self.functions = {}
+        for func, fi in self.functions_by_obj.items():
+            if func in self.methods: # are linked via classinfo
+                continue
+            name = get_function_name(func)
+            assert name not in self.functions
+            self.functions[name] = fi
+        odict = self.__dict__.copy()
+        del odict['classinfos_by_cdef']
+        del odict['classes_by_ci']
+        del odict['functions_by_obj']
+        del odict['methods']
+        del odict['vtable_vals']
+        del odict['fi_llvalues']
+        return odict
+    def __setstate__(self, d):
+        self.__dict__.update(d)
+        self.classes_by_ci = {}
+        self.classinfos_by_cdef = None
+        self.functions_by_obj = None
+    def convertexportinfo_to_finfo(self, ei_items):
+        result = []
+        for key, name, typ in ei_items:
+            if is_exported(typ):
+                self.methods.add(typ)
+                typ = self.functions_by_obj[typ]
+            result.append((key, name, typ))
+        return result
+    def get_classinfo(self, cdef):
+        try:
+            return self.classinfos_by_cdef[cdef]
+        except KeyError:
+            if cdef is None:
+                return None
+            cdict = cdef.classdesc.classdict
+            assert '_exported_' in cdict, "Found non-exported class type in interface: %r" % (cdef, )
+            obj = cdef.classdesc.pyobj
+            name = get_class_name(obj)
+            ci = ClassInfo(self.get_classinfo(cdef.basedef), self.convertexportinfo_to_finfo(cdef.exportinfo_cls), self.convertexportinfo_to_finfo(cdef.exportinfo_inst), None)
+            self.vtable_vals[ci] = cdef.exportinfo_vtableval
+            cdef.exportinfo_vtableval._obj._exported = True
+            self.classinfos_by_cdef[cdef] = ci
+            assert name not in self.classinfos_by_name
+            self.classinfos_by_name[name] = ci
+            return ci
+    def opaquify_type(self, rtyper, T, s_ann):
+        if type(s_ann) in (SomeInstance, ):
+            return self.make_instance_wrapper(rtyper, s_ann)
+        if hasattr(T, "TO") and type(s_ann) not in (SomeString, ):
+            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+        return T
+    def make_instance_wrapper(self, rtyper, s_ann):
+        cdef = s_ann.classdef
+        importinfo = s_ann.classdef.classdesc.classdict.get('_importinfo_')
+        if importinfo is not None:
+            return Instance(importinfo.value)
+        assert hasattr(cdef, "exportinfo_cls") and hasattr(cdef, "exportinfo_inst")
+        if rtyper is not None:
+            rtyper.getrepr(s_ann).get_reusable_prebuilt_instance()
+        return Instance(self.get_classinfo(s_ann.classdef))
+    def externalize_annotation(self, s_thing):
+        assert s_thing
+        if isinstance(s_thing, annmodel.SomeInstance):
+            return self.make_instance_wrapper(None, s_thing)
+        return s_thing
+def rebuild_annotation(info, bk):
+    if isinstance(info, SomeObject):
+        return info
+    if isinstance(info, Instance):
+        classinfo = info.classinfo
+        obj = external_class_registry.get_class(classinfo)
+    else:
+        obj = info
+    s_foo = annotationoftype(obj, bk)
+    return s_foo
+class ImportExportComponent(object):
+    """ An ImportExportComponent holds separate compilation data and information about exported
+    functions. """
+    interface_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pypy.__file__), "interfaces")
+    packages = {}
+    translation_key = random.randrange(0, 2**30)
+    def __init__(self, name, *args):
+        assert name not in ImportExportComponent.packages
+        self.name = name
+        self.export_tables = None # {}: translation-run-id -> export_table
+        self.entry_points = []
+        self.update(*args)
+        ImportExportComponent.packages[name] = self
+        self.dll = None
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<ImportExportComponent %r export_tbls=%r entry_points: %i>" % (self.name,
+                self.export_tables, len(self.entry_points))
+    def load_from_namespace(self, ns):
+        if isinstance(ns, dict):
+            dic = ns
+        else:
+            dic = ns.__dict__
+        entrypoints = []
+        for item in dic.itervalues():
+            if is_exported(item):
+                item._component_ = self
+                llfnattrs = item._llfnobjattrs_
+                if '_name' not in llfnattrs:
+                    llfnattrs['_extname'] = get_function_name(item)
+                entrypoints.append((item, item._inputtypes_))
+            elif isinstance(item, types.ClassType) or isinstance(item, type):
+                if getattr(item, '_exported_', None):
+                    item._component_ = self
+                    item._force_name_ = get_class_name(item)
+                    entrypoints += collect_class_entrypoints(item, self)
+        self.entry_points.extend(entrypoints)
+    def update(self, *args):
+        for arg in args:
+            self.load_from_namespace(arg)
+    def ensure_load(self):
+        if self.export_tables is None:
+            self.load()
+    @property
+    def interface_filename(self):
+        return os.path.join(self.interface_directory, self.name)
+    def load(self):
+        if not os.path.exists(self.interface_filename):
+            self.export_tables = {}
+        else:
+            f = file(self.interface_filename, "rb")
+            unpickler = ExportTableUnpickler(f)
+            self.export_tables = unpickler.load()
+            f.close()
+    def save(self):
+        assert self.export_tables is not None
+        if not os.path.exists(self.interface_directory):
+            os.mkdir(self.interface_directory)
+        f = file(self.interface_filename, "wb")
+        pickler = ExportTablePickler(f)
+        pickler.dump(self.export_tables)
+        f.close()
+    def new_table(self):
+        self.export_tables = {}
+        table = ExportTable()
+        self.export_tables[self.translation_key] = table
+        return table
+    @property
+    def table(self):
+        self.ensure_load()
+        if self.translation_key in self.export_tables:
+            return self.export_tables[self.translation_key]
+        return self.new_table()
+    @property
+    def chosen_export_table(self): # XXX add invalidation
+        assert len(self.export_tables) == 1
+        return self.export_tables[max(self.export_tables.keys())]
+    @classmethod
+    def search_external_object_info(cls, obj):
+        for package in cls.packages.values():
+            try:
+                return package, package.get_external_object_info(obj)
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+        raise KeyError("Object %r not found in any export table (loaded: %r)." % (obj, cls.packages.keys()))
+    def get_external_object_info(self, obj):
+        self.ensure_load()
+        if not self.export_tables:
+            raise KeyError("No export definitions found.")
+        if type(obj) is type: # forcing new style classes
+            classinfo = self.chosen_export_table.lookup_class(get_class_name(obj))
+            return external_class_registry.get_class(classinfo)
+        assert isinstance(obj, type(lambda:None))
+        funcname = get_function_name(obj)
+        info = self.chosen_export_table.lookup_function(funcname)
+        if info is not None:
+            return info.get_func()
+        raise KeyError("Object %r not found in export table." % (obj, ))
+    @classmethod
+    def save_all(cls):
+        for package in cls.packages.values():
+            if package.export_tables is not None:
+                package.save()
+    def dispose(self):
+        os.remove(self.interface_filename)
+        del ImportExportComponent.packages[self.name]
+class export(object): # based on code from carbonpython, XXX merge
+    def __new__(self, *args, **kwds):
+        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], types.FunctionType):
+            func = args[0]
+            return export()(func)
+        return object.__new__(self, *args, **kwds)
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
+        if args == (Ellipsis, ):
+            self.inputtypes = Ellipsis
+        else:
+            self.inputtypes = args
+        self.package = kwds.pop("package", None)
+        self.force_name = kwds.pop("force_name", None)
+        self.return_type = kwds.pop("ret", None)
+        if len(kwds) > 0:
+            raise TypeError, "unexpected keyword argument: '%s'" % kwds.keys()[0]
+    def __call__(self, func):
+        func._inputtypes_ = self.inputtypes
+        func._package_ = self.package
+        llattrs = {'_exported': True}
+        if self.force_name:
+            llattrs.update({'_name': self.force_name, 'external': 'C'})
+        func._llfnobjattrs_ = llattrs
+        func._export_ = True
+        func._force_virtual_ = True
+        func._check_ret_type_ = self.return_type
+        return func
+def inputtype_to_instance(it):
+    obj = synthesize_abstract_class_info(it)
+    if isinstance(obj, ClassInfo):
+        return Instance(obj)
+    return obj
+def scimport_forward_reference(obj):
+    inputtypes = obj._inputtypes_
+    rettype = obj._check_ret_type_
+    fi = FunctionInfo(inputtypes, rettype, None, None)
+    link_key = obj._llfnobjattrs_.get('_name')
+    assert link_key
+    fi.link_key = link_key
+    return fi
+def synthesize_abstract_class_info(obj):
+    if obj is None:
+        return None
+    if type(obj) is not type:
+        return obj
+    if not obj.__dict__.get('_exported_'):
+        return obj
+    if not obj.__dict__.get('_abstract_'):
+        return None
+    if hasattr(obj, "_local_importinfo_"):
+        return obj._local_importinfo_
+    name = get_class_name(obj)
+    bases = obj.__bases__
+    base = None
+    if bases and bases[0] is not object:
+        base = bases[0]
+    ci = ClassInfo(synthesize_abstract_class_info(base), [], (), None)
+    obj._local_importinfo_ = ci
+    ci.vtablename = (obj._component_.name, name)
+    for name in obj.__dict__.keys():
+        if name.startswith("_"):
+            continue
+        typ = obj.__dict__[name]
+        assert is_exported(typ)
+        ci.cls.append(("cls_" + name, name, synthesize_function(typ, obj)))
+    return ci
+def scimport(obj, iep=None, dynamic=False, forward_ref=False):
+    if forward_ref:
+        return scimport_forward_reference(obj).get_func(dynamic)
+    if iep is not None:
+        info = iep.get_external_object_info(obj)
+    else:
+        iep, info = ImportExportComponent.search_external_object_info(obj)
+    return info
+def instance_to_lltype(rtyper, val):
+    if isinstance(val, Instance):
+        return rtyper.getrepr(SomeInstance(rtyper.annotator.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(external_class_registry.get_class(val.classinfo)))).lowleveltype
+    return val
+def check_package(package_path, checkobj):
+    package, objname = package_path.rsplit(".", 1)
+    __import__(package)
+    mod = sys.modules[package]
+    objcheck = getattr(mod, objname)
+    assert checkobj is objcheck
+def get_function_name(func, package=None, cls=None):
+    func_string = func
+    if not isinstance(func_string, str):
+        func_string = func.func_name
+    if package is None and hasattr(func, "_package_"):
+        package = func._package_
+    if package is None:
+        if cls is not None:
+            package_path = get_class_name(cls) + "." + func_string
+        else:
+            package_path = func.__module__ + "." + func_string
+            check_package(package_path, func)
+    else:
+        if package != "":
+            package += "."
+        package_path = package + func_string
+    return "func_" + package_path
+def get_class_name(cls):
+    if hasattr(cls, "_package_"):
+        classname = cls._package_ + cls.__name__
+    else:
+        classname = cls.__module__ + "." + cls.__name__
+        check_package(classname, cls)
+    return "class_" + classname
+class SeparateModuleFunctionCallable(PseudoHighLevelCallable):
+    def __init__(self, link_key, T_args, T_ret, args_s, s_result, dll=False):
+        self.link_key = link_key
+        self.T_args = T_args
+        self.T_ret = T_ret
+        self.dll = dll
+        assert s_result
+        PseudoHighLevelCallable.__init__(self, None, args_s, s_result)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<SeparateModuleFunctionCallable %r>" % (self.link_key,)
+    def compute_rebuilt_args_result(self, bk):
+        if hasattr(self, 'args_s_rebuilt') and bk is self.used_bk:
+            return
+        self.args_s_rebuilt = [rebuild_annotation(s_arg, bk) for s_arg in self.args_s]
+        self.s_result_rebuilt = rebuild_annotation(self.s_result, bk)
+        self.used_bk = bk
+class SeparateModuleFunctionCallableEntry(PseudoHighLevelCallableEntry):
+    _type_ = SeparateModuleFunctionCallable
+    def compute_result_annotation(self, *args_s):
+        bk = self.bookkeeper
+        self.instance.compute_rebuilt_args_result(bk)
+        s_args_given, s_result = self.instance.args_s_rebuilt, self.instance.s_result_rebuilt
+        assert len(s_args_given) == len(args_s)
+        for arg_s_1, arg_s_2 in zip(s_args_given, args_s):
+            assert arg_s_1.contains(arg_s_2)
+        return s_result
+    def make_helper(self, rtyper, PFT, link_key, s_args, s_ret):
+        def caller(*args): # XXX breaks if the dlopen arguments are changed because the type is unknown
+            return rffi.cast(PFT, dlsym(dlopen(lltype.nullptr(rffi.CCHARP.TO), RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_NOW), link_key))(*args)
+        caller._annspecialcase_ = 'specialize:ll'
+        return rtyper.getannmixlevel().delayedfunction(caller, s_args, s_ret, True)
+    def specialize_call(self, hop):
+        # XXX probably we can retrieve the old graph and make it usable for the llinterpreter?
+        args_r = [hop.rtyper.getrepr(s) for s in self.instance.args_s_rebuilt]
+        r_res = hop.rtyper.getrepr(self.instance.s_result_rebuilt)
+        if self.instance.T_args:
+            T_args = [instance_to_lltype(hop.rtyper, i) for i in self.instance.T_args]
+            T_ret = instance_to_lltype(hop.rtyper, self.instance.T_ret)
+        else:
+            T_args = [r.lowleveltype for r in args_r]
+            T_ret = r_res.lowleveltype
+        vlist = hop.inputargs(*args_r)
+        for r_arg, ARGTYPE in zip(args_r, T_args):
+            assert r_arg.lowleveltype == ARGTYPE
+        assert r_res.lowleveltype == T_ret
+        component = None
+        lkey = self.instance.link_key
+        if isinstance(lkey, tuple):
+            component, lkey = lkey
+        FT = lltype.FuncType(T_args, T_ret)
+        if self.instance.dll:
+            fnptr = self.make_helper(hop.rtyper, lltype.Ptr(FT), lkey, [annmodel.lltype_to_annotation(T) for T in T_args], annmodel.lltype_to_annotation(T_ret))
+        else:
+            fnptr = lltype.functionptr(FT, lkey, component=component, external='C', canraise=True)
+        TYPE = lltype.typeOf(fnptr)
+        c_func = Constant(fnptr, TYPE)
+        hop.exception_is_here()
+        return hop.genop('direct_call', [c_func] + vlist, resulttype=r_res)
+def is_exported(obj):
+    return isinstance(obj, (types.FunctionType, types.UnboundMethodType)) \
+           and hasattr(obj, '_inputtypes_')
+def collect_class_entrypoints(cls, component):
+    from pypy.translator.cli.carbonpython import wrap_method
+    entrypoints = []
+    for item in cls.__dict__.itervalues():
+        if is_exported(item):
+            inputtypes = item._inputtypes_
+            if inputtypes != Ellipsis:
+                inputtypes = (cls,) + item._inputtypes_
+                wrapped = wrap_method(item)
+                wrapped._meth_wrapper_info_ = (cls, item)
+                wrapped._check_ret_type_ = item._check_ret_type_
+                wrapped._force_virtual_ = item._force_virtual_
+            else:
+                wrapped = item
+            item._component_ = component
+            llfnattrs = item._llfnobjattrs_
+            if '_name' not in llfnattrs:
+                llfnattrs['_extname'] = get_function_name(item, cls=cls)
+            entrypoints.append((wrapped, inputtypes))
+    return entrypoints
+def unwrap_meth_wrapper(func):
+    if hasattr(func, '_meth_wrapper_info_'):
+        mwi = func._meth_wrapper_info_
+        assert mwi is not None # XXX ctor
+        func = mwi[1]
+    return func

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