[pypy-svn] r59106 - in pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64: . test

witulski at codespeak.net witulski at codespeak.net
Wed Oct 15 16:33:52 CEST 2008

Author: witulski
Date: Wed Oct 15 16:33:51 2008
New Revision: 59106

Added spilling features
-Registers which contain GenConst are thrown away by spilling
-compares use the throw away method
-Added a new atribute in Register: throw away. The value inside is not
needed anymore, so dont spill it

FIXED some spilling bugs.
-IMUL Exception: the result is in the other operand, it wont be thrown away
-fixed the wrong calc of the stack in move_back_to_register
-fixed bug in move_to_registers:append the alocatet registers to the dont_alloc list

Modified: pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/assembler.py
--- pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/assembler.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/assembler.py	Wed Oct 15 16:33:51 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+from pypy.jit.codegen import model
 from pypy.jit.codegen.x86_64.objmodel import IntVar, Register8, Register64, Immediate8, Immediate32, Immediate64, Stack64
 # Mapping from 64Bit-Register to coding (Rex.W or Rex.B , ModRM)
@@ -270,6 +271,10 @@
         # exchange the two arguments because 
         # the result is in the first register 
         if(op1.to_string()=="_QWREG" and op2.to_string()=="_QWREG"):
+            # after this operation, op2 contains 
+            # the genVar/result, dont throw is away
+            op1.location.contains_genConst = False
+            op1.location.dont_spill(False)
             method(op2, op1)
             method(op1, op2)
@@ -305,6 +310,7 @@
         method = getattr(self, "_PUSH"+op1.to_string())
+    # TODO: support Register8
     def MOV(self, op1, op2):
         method = getattr(self, "_MOV"+op1.to_string()+op2.to_string())
         method(op1, op2)

Modified: pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/objmodel.py
--- pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/objmodel.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/objmodel.py	Wed Oct 15 16:33:51 2008
@@ -12,10 +12,26 @@
 class Register64(Location):
     def __init__(self, reg):
         self.reg = reg
+        self.throw_away = False
+        self.contains_genConst = False
+    def dont_spill(self, throw_away):
+        self.throw_away = throw_away # this value is not needed anymore
+    def contains_Const(self):
+        self.contains_genConst = True
 class Register8(Location):
     def __init__(self, reg):
         self.reg = reg
+        self.throw_away = False
+        self.contains_genConst = False
+    def dont_spill(self, throw_away):
+        self.throw_away = throw_away # this value is not needed anymore
+    def contains_Const(self):
+        self.contains_genConst = True
 class Stack64(Location):
     def __init__(self, offset):

Modified: pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/rgenop.py
--- pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/rgenop.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/rgenop.py	Wed Oct 15 16:33:51 2008
@@ -18,19 +18,24 @@
 # to choose the right method in assembler.py
 def make_two_argument_method(name):
     def op_int(self, gv_x, gv_y):
-        gv_z = self.allocate_register()
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.move_to_registers([gv_x, gv_y]) 
+        dont_alloc = []
+        if not isinstance(gv_x, model.GenConst):
+            dont_alloc.append(gv_x.location.reg)
+        if not isinstance(gv_y, model.GenConst):
+            dont_alloc.append(gv_y.location.reg)
+        gv_z = self.allocate_register(None, dont_alloc)
         self.mc.MOV(gv_z, gv_x)
         method = getattr(self.mc, name)
         # Many operations don't support
         # 64 Bit Immmediates directly
         if isinstance(gv_y,Immediate64):
-            gv_w = self.allocate_register()
+            dont_alloc.append(gv_z.location.reg)
+            gv_w = self.allocate_register(None, dont_alloc)
             self.mc.MOV(gv_w, gv_y)
-            [gv_z, gv_w] = self.move_to_registers([gv_z, gv_w]) 
             method(gv_z, gv_w)
-            [gv_z, gv_y] = self.move_to_registers([gv_z, gv_y]) 
             method(gv_z, gv_y)
         return gv_z
     return op_int
@@ -106,39 +111,38 @@
-    def genop1(self, opname, gv_arg):
-        [gv_arg] = self.move_to_registers([gv_arg])  
+    def genop1(self, opname, gv_arg): 
         genmethod = getattr(self, 'op_' + opname)
         return genmethod(gv_arg)
-    # TODO: check at the right point: always after the last allocton!
-    def genop2(self, opname, gv_arg1, gv_arg2):
-        [gv_arg1, gv_arg2] = self.move_to_registers([gv_arg1, gv_arg2])  
+    def genop2(self, opname, gv_arg1, gv_arg2): 
         genmethod = getattr(self, 'op_' + opname)
         return genmethod(gv_arg1, gv_arg2)
-    op_int_add  = make_two_argument_method("ADD") #TODO: use inc
+    op_int_add  = make_two_argument_method("ADD")  # TODO: use inc
     op_int_and  = make_two_argument_method("AND")
-    op_int_dec  = make_one_argument_method("DEC")  #for debuging
-    op_int_inc  = make_one_argument_method("INC")  #for debuging
+    op_int_dec  = make_one_argument_method("DEC")  # for debuging
+    op_int_inc  = make_one_argument_method("INC")  # for debuging
     op_int_mul  = make_two_argument_method("IMUL")
     op_int_neg  = make_one_argument_method("NEG")
-    op_int_not  = make_one_argument_method("NOT")  #for debuging
+    op_int_not  = make_one_argument_method("NOT")  # for debuging
     op_int_or   = make_two_argument_method("OR")
-    op_int_push = make_one_argument_method("PUSH") #for debuging
-    op_int_pop  = make_one_argument_method("POP")  #for debuging
-    op_int_sub  = make_two_argument_method("SUB") # TODO: use DEC
+    op_int_push = make_one_argument_method("PUSH") # for debuging
+    op_int_pop  = make_one_argument_method("POP")  # for debuging
+    op_int_sub  = make_two_argument_method("SUB")  # TODO: use DEC
     op_int_xor  = make_two_argument_method("XOR")
     # TODO: support reg8
     def op_cast_bool_to_int(self, gv_x):
+        [gv_x] = self.move_to_registers([gv_x]) 
         assert isinstance(gv_x, IntVar) and isinstance(gv_x.location,Register64)
         return gv_x
     # 0 xor 1 == 1
     # 1 xor 1 == 0
     def op_bool_not(self, gv_x):
+        [gv_x] = self.move_to_registers([gv_x]) 
         self.mc.XOR(gv_x, Immediate32(1))
         return gv_x
@@ -146,6 +150,7 @@
     # FIXME: uses rcx insted of cl
     def op_int_lshift(self, gv_x, gv_y):
         gv_z = self.allocate_register("rcx")
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.move_to_registers([gv_x, gv_y], ["rcx"]) 
         self.mc.MOV(gv_z, gv_y)
         return gv_x
@@ -153,6 +158,7 @@
     # FIXME: uses rcx insted of cl
     def op_int_rshift(self, gv_x, gv_y):
         gv_z = self.allocate_register("rcx")
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.move_to_registers([gv_x, gv_y], ["rcx"]) 
         self.mc.MOV(gv_z, gv_y)
         return gv_x
@@ -164,34 +170,33 @@
         for i in range(len(registers)):
             if isinstance(registers[i], model.GenVar) and isinstance(registers[i].location, Stack64):
                 registers[i] = self.move_back_to_register(registers[i], dont_alloc)
+                dont_alloc.append(registers[i].location.reg)
             # some operations dont suppoert immediateoperands
             if move_imm_too and isinstance(registers[i], Immediate32): 
                 gv_new = self.allocate_register(None, dont_alloc)
                 self.mc.MOV(gv_new, registers[i])
                 registers[i] = gv_new
+                dont_alloc.append(registers[i].location.reg)
+                registers[i].location.contains_Const()
         return registers         
     # IDIV RDX:RAX with QWREG
     # supports only RAX (64bit) with QWREG  
     def op_int_floordiv(self, gv_x, gv_y):
         gv_z = self.allocate_register("rax")
-        gv_w = self.allocate_register("rdx",["rax"])
+        gv_w = self.allocate_register("rdx")
         [gv_x, gv_y] = self.move_to_registers([gv_x, gv_y], ["rax", "rdx"], move_imm_too=True) 
         self.mc.MOV(gv_z, gv_x)
         self.mc.CDQ() #sign extention of rdx:rax
-        if isinstance(gv_y, Immediate32): #support imm32
-            gv_u = self.allocate_register()
-            self.mc.MOV(gv_u,gv_y)
-            self.mc.IDIV(gv_u)
-        else:
-            self.mc.IDIV(gv_y)
+        self.mc.IDIV(gv_y)
         return gv_z 
     # IDIV RDX:RAX with QWREG
     # FIXME: supports only RAX with QWREG
     def op_int_mod(self, gv_x, gv_y):
         gv_z = self.allocate_register("rax")
-        gv_w = self.allocate_register("rdx",["rax"])
+        gv_w = self.allocate_register("rdx")
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.move_to_registers([gv_x, gv_y], ["rax", "rdx"], move_imm_too=True) 
         self.mc.MOV(gv_z, gv_x)
         self.mc.XOR(gv_w, gv_w)
@@ -200,72 +205,60 @@
 #    def op_int_invert(self, gv_x):
 #       return self.mc.NOT(gv_x)
+    def throw_away_if_const(self, registers):
+        for i in range(len(registers)):
+            if registers[i].location.contains_genConst:
+                registers[i].location.dont_spill(True)
+        return registers
+    # You can not use every register for
+    # 8 bit operations, so you have to
+    # choose rax,rcx or rdx 
+    # TODO: use also rcx rdx
     def op_int_gt(self, gv_x, gv_y):
-        if gv_x.to_string() == "_IMM32":
-            gv_w = self.allocate_register(None, ["rax"])
-            self.mc.MOV(gv_w, gv_x)
-            self.mc.CMP(gv_w, gv_y)
-        else:    
-            self.mc.CMP(gv_x, gv_y)
-        # You can not use every register for
-        # 8 bit operations, so you have to
-        # choose rax,rcx or rdx 
-        # TODO: use also rcx rdx
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.move_to_registers([gv_x, gv_y], None, move_imm_too=True)  
+        self.mc.CMP(gv_x, gv_y)
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.throw_away_if_const([gv_x,gv_y])
         gv_z = self.allocate_register("rax")
         return gv_z
     def op_int_lt(self, gv_x, gv_y):
-        if gv_x.to_string() == "_IMM32":
-            gv_w = self.allocate_register(None, ["rax"])
-            self.mc.MOV(gv_w, gv_x)
-            self.mc.CMP(gv_w, gv_y)
-        else:    
-            self.mc.CMP(gv_x, gv_y)
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.move_to_registers([gv_x, gv_y], None, move_imm_too=True)  
+        self.mc.CMP(gv_x, gv_y)
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.throw_away_if_const([gv_x,gv_y])
         gv_z = self.allocate_register("rax")
         return gv_z
     def op_int_le(self, gv_x, gv_y):
-        if gv_x.to_string() == "_IMM32":
-            gv_w = self.allocate_register(None, ["rax"])
-            self.mc.MOV(gv_w, gv_x)
-            self.mc.CMP(gv_w, gv_y)
-        else:    
-            self.mc.CMP(gv_x, gv_y)
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.move_to_registers([gv_x, gv_y], None, move_imm_too=True)  
+        self.mc.CMP(gv_x, gv_y)
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.throw_away_if_const([gv_x,gv_y])
         gv_z = self.allocate_register("rax")
         return gv_z
     def op_int_eq(self, gv_x, gv_y):
-        if gv_x.to_string() == "_IMM32":
-            gv_w = self.allocate_register(None, ["rax"])
-            self.mc.MOV(gv_w, gv_x)
-            self.mc.CMP(gv_w, gv_y)
-        else:    
-            self.mc.CMP(gv_x, gv_y)
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.move_to_registers([gv_x, gv_y], None, move_imm_too=True)  
+        self.mc.CMP(gv_x, gv_y)
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.throw_away_if_const([gv_x,gv_y])
         gv_z = self.allocate_register("rax")
         return gv_z
     def op_int_ne(self, gv_x, gv_y):
-        if gv_x.to_string() == "_IMM32":
-            gv_w = self.allocate_register(None, ["rax"])
-            self.mc.MOV(gv_w, gv_x)
-            self.mc.CMP(gv_w, gv_y)
-        else:    
-            self.mc.CMP(gv_x, gv_y)
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.move_to_registers([gv_x, gv_y], None, move_imm_too=True)  
+        self.mc.CMP(gv_x, gv_y)
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.throw_away_if_const([gv_x,gv_y])
         gv_z = self.allocate_register("rax")
         return gv_z
     def op_int_ge(self, gv_x, gv_y):
-        if gv_x.to_string() == "_IMM32":
-            gv_w = self.allocate_register(None, ["rax"])
-            self.mc.MOV(gv_w, gv_x)
-            self.mc.CMP(gv_w, gv_y)
-        else:    
-            self.mc.CMP(gv_x, gv_y)
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.move_to_registers([gv_x, gv_y], None, move_imm_too=True)  
+        self.mc.CMP(gv_x, gv_y)
+        [gv_x, gv_y] = self.throw_away_if_const([gv_x,gv_y])
         gv_z = self.allocate_register("rax")
         return gv_z
@@ -305,6 +298,7 @@
     jump_if_false = _new_jump("jump_if_false", 1)
     jump_if_true  = _new_jump('jump_if_true', 0)
+    # TODO: move stackpointer
     def finish_and_return(self, sigtoken, gv_returnvar):
@@ -314,13 +308,14 @@
         while not self.stackdepth == 0:
             self.stackdepth = self.stackdepth -1
-        if not gv_returnvar == None:#check void return
+        if not gv_returnvar == None:#check void return      
             self.mc.MOV(gv_return, gv_returnvar)
         assert self.stackdepth == 0
-    #FIXME: uses 32bit displ  
+    # FIXME: uses 32bit displ 
+    # TODO: return also stackdepth or pop! 
     # if the label is greater than 32bit
     # it must be in a register (not supported)
     def finish_and_goto(self, outputargs_gv, target):
@@ -337,6 +332,7 @@
     # FIXME: returns only IntVars    
     # TODO: support the allocation of 8bit Reg
+    # TODO: (Optimization)Don't remember genVars which contain konstants
     def allocate_register(self, register=None, dontalloc = None):
         if dontalloc is None:
             dontalloc = []
@@ -349,7 +345,7 @@
             reg = None
             seen_reg = 0
             while not leave:
-                # no or only "dontalloc" regs. are left
+                # none or only "dontalloc" regs. are left
                 if not self.freeregisters or seen_reg == len(self.freeregisters):
                     new_gv = self.spill_register(dontalloc)
@@ -400,8 +396,8 @@
     # TODO: args_gv muste be a list of unique GenVars
     # Spilling could change the location of a
-    # genVar after this Label. That will result in
-    # wrong a mapping in _compute_moves when leaving this block.
+    # genVar after this Label. That will result in a
+    # wrong mapping in _compute_moves when leaving this block.
     # So the parameters must be inmutable(copy them)
     def enter_next_block(self, args_gv):
         # move constants into an register
@@ -437,27 +433,28 @@
         # inside an register so:
         if gv_to_spill == None:
             raise WrongArgException("to many dont_spill/dont_alloc registers")
-        assert isinstance(gv_to_spill.location, Register64) 
-        self.stackdepth = self.stackdepth +1 
-        self.mc.PUSH(gv_to_spill)      
-        new_gv = IntVar(Register64(gv_to_spill.location.reg))
-        gv_to_spill.location = Stack64(self.stackdepth)         
-        return new_gv
+        assert isinstance(gv_to_spill.location, Register64)
+        # if the register contains a genCons
+        # it has not to be saved 
+        if gv_to_spill.location.throw_away:
+            return gv_to_spill
+        else:
+            self.stackdepth = self.stackdepth +1 
+            self.mc.PUSH(gv_to_spill)    
+            new_gv = IntVar(Register64(gv_to_spill.location.reg))
+            gv_to_spill.location = Stack64(self.stackdepth)         
+            return new_gv
     # FIXME: pushed values are not allways poped (if not TOS)
     def move_back_to_register(self, a_spilled_gv, dont_alloc):
         # if a_spilled_gv is the top of stack
+        gv_new = self.allocate_register(None, dont_alloc)
         if a_spilled_gv.location.offset ==  self.stackdepth:
-            gv_new = self.allocate_register(None, dont_alloc)
             self.stackdepth = self.stackdepth -1
             assert self.stackdepth >= 0 
-            #update all offsets
-            for i in range(len(self.known_gv)):
-               if isinstance(self.known_gv[i].location, Stack64):
-                    self.known_gv[i].location.offset = self.known_gv[i].location.offset -1
-            a_spilled_gv = gv_new
-            # TODO: free gv_new (no double values in known_gv)
+            a_spilled_gv.location = Register64(gv_new.location.reg)
+            self.known_gv.remove(gv_new)
             # TODO: look if there is a genVar with stackdepth
             #       if not it has already been moved to a reg. 
             #       pop it or change the stackpointer
@@ -465,9 +462,11 @@
         # else access the memory
         # FIXME: if this genVar becomes the top of stack it will never be pushed
-            gv_new = self.allocate_register(None, dont_alloc)
-            self.mc.MOV(gv_new, IntVar(Stack64(8*(self.stackdepth-a_spilled_gv.location.offset))))
-            a_spilled_gv = gv_new 
+            self.mc.MOV(gv_new, IntVar(Stack64(8*(self.stackdepth-a_spilled_gv.location.offset))))#8=scale
+            #print "debug:",self.stackdepth
+            #print a_spilled_gv.location.offset
+            a_spilled_gv.location = Register64(gv_new.location.reg)
+            self.known_gv.remove(gv_new) 
             return a_spilled_gv

Modified: pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/test/test_rgenop.py
--- pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/test/test_rgenop.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/test/test_rgenop.py	Wed Oct 15 16:33:51 2008
@@ -105,13 +105,16 @@
     return gv_bool_op
-def make_cmp(rgenop, which_cmp, const=None):
+def make_cmp(rgenop, which_cmp, const=None, switch_arg = False):
     sigtoken = rgenop.sigToken(lltype.FuncType([lltype.Signed, lltype.Signed], lltype.Signed))
     builder, gv_cmp, [gv_x, gv_y] = rgenop.newgraph(sigtoken, "cmp")
     if not const == None:
-        gv_result = builder.genop2(which_cmp, gv_x, rgenop.genconst(const))
+        if switch_arg:
+            gv_result = builder.genop2(which_cmp, rgenop.genconst(const), gv_x)
+        else:
+            gv_result = builder.genop2(which_cmp, gv_x, rgenop.genconst(const))
         gv_result = builder.genop2(which_cmp, gv_x, gv_y)
@@ -286,6 +289,22 @@
         assert res == 0
         res = fnptr(-4,0)
         assert res == 1
+        cmp_function = make_cmp(self.RGenOp(), "int_lt", 4)
+        fnptr = self.cast(cmp_function,1)
+        res = fnptr(3)  # 3<4
+        assert res == 1
+        res = fnptr(4)  # 4<4
+        assert res == 0 # False
+        cmp_function = make_cmp(self.RGenOp(), "int_lt", 3, switch_arg=True)
+        fnptr = self.cast(cmp_function,1)
+        res = fnptr(4)  # 3<4
+        assert res == 1
+        res = fnptr(3)  # 3<3
+        assert res == 0 # False
+        cmp_function = make_cmp(self.RGenOp(), "int_lt", 1, switch_arg=True)
+        fnptr = self.cast(cmp_function,1)
+        res = fnptr(0)  # 1<0
+        assert res == 0
     def test_less_or_equal(self):
         cmp_function = make_cmp(self.RGenOp(), "int_le")

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