[pypy-svn] r52364 - in pypy/branch/jit-hotpath/pypy/jit/rainbow: . test

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Mon Mar 10 21:05:58 CET 2008

Author: arigo
Date: Mon Mar 10 21:05:56 2008
New Revision: 52364

First test passes.  There is a lot of code in jit/rainbow/hotpath.py
that comes more or less directly from jit/rainbow/portal.py.

Modified: pypy/branch/jit-hotpath/pypy/jit/rainbow/hotpath.py
--- pypy/branch/jit-hotpath/pypy/jit/rainbow/hotpath.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/jit-hotpath/pypy/jit/rainbow/hotpath.py	Mon Mar 10 21:05:56 2008
@@ -1,36 +1,168 @@
+from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Constant, Variable, SpaceOperation
+from pypy.rpython.annlowlevel import llhelper
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype
+from pypy.rpython.llinterp import LLInterpreter
+from pypy.rpython.extregistry import ExtRegistryEntry
+from pypy.rlib.unroll import unrolling_iterable
+from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated
+from pypy.jit.hintannotator.model import originalconcretetype
+from pypy.jit.timeshifter import rvalue
 class EntryPointsRewriter:
-    def __init__(self, rtyper, hannotator, jitcode,
-                 translate_support_code=True):
+    def __init__(self, hintannotator, rtyper, entryjitcode, RGenOp,
+                 codewriter, threshold, translate_support_code = True):
+        self.hintannotator = hintannotator
+        self.entryjitcode = entryjitcode
         self.rtyper = rtyper
-        self.hannotator = hannotator
-        self.jitcode = jitcode
+        self.RGenOp = RGenOp
+        self.interpreter = codewriter.interpreter
+        self.codewriter = codewriter
+        self.threshold = threshold
         self.translate_support_code = translate_support_code
+    def _freeze_(self):
+        return True
     def rewrite_all(self):
-        for graph in self.hannotator.base_translator.graphs:
+        self.make_args_specification()
+        self.make_enter_function()
+        for graph in self.hintannotator.base_translator.graphs:
             for block in graph.iterblocks():
                 for op in block.operations:
-                    if op.opname == 'hint':
-                        hints = op.args[1].value
-                        if hints.get('can_enter_jit'):
-                            index = block.operations.index(op)
-                            self.rewrite_can_enter_jit(graph, block, index)
+                    if op.opname == 'can_enter_jit':
+                        index = block.operations.index(op)
+                        self.rewrite_can_enter_jit(graph, block, index)
+    def make_args_specification(self):
+        origportalgraph = self.hintannotator.portalgraph
+        for block in origportalgraph.iterblocks():
+            if block is origportalgraph.returnblock:
+                raise Exception("XXX doesn't support portal functions with"
+                                " a 'return' yet - leave it with 'raise' :-)")
+        newportalgraph = self.hintannotator.translator.graphs[0]
+        ALLARGS = []
+        RESARGS = []
+        self.args_specification = []
+        for v in newportalgraph.getargs():
+            TYPE = v.concretetype
+            ALLARGS.append(TYPE)
+            if self.hintannotator.binding(v).is_green():
+                xxx
+            else:
+                RESARGS.append(TYPE)
+                kind = self.RGenOp.kindToken(TYPE)
+                boxcls = rvalue.ll_redboxcls(TYPE)
+                self.args_specification.append((kind, boxcls))
+        self.JIT_ENTER_FUNCTYPE = lltype.FuncType(ALLARGS, lltype.Void)
+        self.RESIDUAL_FUNCTYPE = lltype.FuncType(RESARGS, lltype.Void)
+        self.sigtoken = self.RGenOp.sigToken(self.RESIDUAL_FUNCTYPE)
+    def make_enter_function(self):
+        HotEnterState = make_state_class(self)
+        state = HotEnterState()
+        def jit_may_enter(*args):
+            if not state.machine_code:
+                state.counter += 1
+                if state.counter < self.threshold:
+                    return
+                state.compile()
+            maybe_on_top_of_llinterp(self, state.machine_code)(*args)
+        HotEnterState.compile.im_func._dont_inline_ = True
+        jit_may_enter._always_inline = True
+        self.jit_enter_fn = jit_may_enter
     def rewrite_can_enter_jit(self, graph, block, index):
-        if graph is not self.hannotator.portalgraph:
-            raise Exception("for now, can_enter_jit must be in the"
-                            " same function as global_merge_point")
-        # find out ./.
         if not self.translate_support_code:
             # this case is used for most tests: the jit stuff should be run
             # directly to make these tests faster
-            portal_entry_graph_ptr = llhelper(lltype.Ptr(self.PORTAL_FUNCTYPE),
-                                              self.portal_entry)
+            op = block.operations[index]
+            numgreens = op.args[0].value
+            numreds = op.args[1].value
+            assert numgreens == 0    # XXX for the first test
+            reds_v = op.args[2+numgreens:2+numgreens+numreds]
+            FUNCPTR = lltype.Ptr(self.JIT_ENTER_FUNCTYPE)
+            jit_enter_graph_ptr = llhelper(FUNCPTR, self.jit_enter_fn)
+            vlist = [Constant(jit_enter_graph_ptr, FUNCPTR)] + reds_v
+            v_result = Variable()
+            v_result.concretetype = lltype.Void
+            newop = SpaceOperation('direct_call', vlist, v_result)
+            block.operations[index] = newop
+def make_state_class(rewriter):
+    # very minimal, just to make the first test pass
+    args_specification = unrolling_iterable(rewriter.args_specification)
+    class HotEnterState:
+        def __init__(self):
+            self.graph_compilation_queue = []
+            self.machine_code = lltype.nullptr(rewriter.RESIDUAL_FUNCTYPE)
+            self.counter = 0
+        def compile_more_functions(self):
+            while self.graph_compilation_queue:
+                top_jitstate, greenargs, redargs = self.graph_compilation_queue.pop()
+                builder = top_jitstate.curbuilder
+                builder.start_writing()
+                top_jitstate = rewriter.interpreter.run(top_jitstate,
+                                                        rewriter.entryjitcode,
+                                                        greenargs, redargs)
+                if top_jitstate is not None:
+                    rewriter.interpreter.finish_jitstate_gray(
+                        rewriter.sigtoken)
+                builder.end()
+                builder.show_incremental_progress()
+        def compile(self):
+            rgenop = rewriter.interpreter.rgenop
+            builder, gv_generated, inputargs_gv = rgenop.newgraph(
+                rewriter.sigtoken, "residual")
+            top_jitstate = rewriter.interpreter.fresh_jitstate(builder)
+            greenargs = ()
+            redargs = ()
+            red_i = 0
+            for kind, boxcls in args_specification:
+                gv_arg = inputargs_gv[red_i]
+                red_i += 1
+                box = boxcls(kind, gv_arg)
+                redargs += (box,)
+            greenargs = list(greenargs)
+            redargs = list(redargs)
+            self.graph_compilation_queue.append((top_jitstate,
+                                                 greenargs, redargs))
+            self.compile_more_functions()
+            FUNCPTR = lltype.Ptr(rewriter.RESIDUAL_FUNCTYPE)
+            self.machine_code = gv_generated.revealconst(FUNCPTR)
+    return HotEnterState
+def maybe_on_top_of_llinterp(rewriter, fnptr):
+    # Run a generated graph on top of the llinterp for testing.
+    # When translated, this just returns the fnptr.
+    exc_data_ptr = rewriter.codewriter.exceptiondesc.exc_data_ptr
+    llinterp = LLInterpreter(rewriter.rtyper, exc_data_ptr=exc_data_ptr)
+    def on_top_of_llinterp(*args):
+        return llinterp.eval_graph(fnptr._obj.graph, list(args))
+    return on_top_of_llinterp
+class Entry(ExtRegistryEntry):
+    _about_ = maybe_on_top_of_llinterp
+    def compute_result_annotation(self, s_rewriter, s_fnptr):
+        return s_fnptr
+    def specialize_call(self, hop):
+        return hop.inputarg(hop.args_r[1], arg=1)

Modified: pypy/branch/jit-hotpath/pypy/jit/rainbow/interpreter.py
--- pypy/branch/jit-hotpath/pypy/jit/rainbow/interpreter.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/jit-hotpath/pypy/jit/rainbow/interpreter.py	Mon Mar 10 21:05:56 2008
@@ -244,6 +244,18 @@
         jitstate.curbuilder.finish_and_return(graphsigtoken, gv_ret)
+    def finish_jitstate_gray(self, graphsigtoken):
+        jitstate = self.jitstate
+        exceptiondesc = self.exceptiondesc
+        builder = jitstate.curbuilder
+        for virtualizable_box in jitstate.virtualizables:
+            assert isinstance(virtualizable_box, rvalue.PtrRedBox)
+            content = virtualizable_box.content
+            assert isinstance(content, rcontainer.VirtualizableStruct)
+            content.store_back(jitstate)        
+        exceptiondesc.store_global_excdata(jitstate)
+        jitstate.curbuilder.finish_and_return(graphsigtoken, None)
     def bytecode_loop(self):
         while 1:
             bytecode = self.load_2byte()
@@ -267,7 +279,7 @@
                 is_portal = frame.bytecode.is_portal
                 graph_color = frame.bytecode.graph_color
                 if graph_color == "gray":
-                    assert not is_portal
+                    #assert not is_portal
                     newjitstate = rtimeshift.leave_graph_gray(queue)
                 elif is_portal or graph_color == "red":
                     newjitstate = rtimeshift.leave_graph_red(
@@ -794,7 +806,8 @@
     def opimpl_jit_merge_point(self):
-        xxx
+        # xxx in-progress
+        pass
     # ____________________________________________________________
     # construction-time interface

Modified: pypy/branch/jit-hotpath/pypy/jit/rainbow/test/test_hotpath.py
--- pypy/branch/jit-hotpath/pypy/jit/rainbow/test/test_hotpath.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/jit-hotpath/pypy/jit/rainbow/test/test_hotpath.py	Mon Mar 10 21:05:56 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 from pypy.rlib.jit import jit_merge_point, can_enter_jit, we_are_jitted
 from pypy.jit.rainbow.test import test_interpreter
+from pypy.jit.rainbow.hotpath import EntryPointsRewriter
 from pypy.jit.hintannotator.policy import HintAnnotatorPolicy
 from pypy.rpython.llinterp import LLInterpreter
@@ -13,6 +14,11 @@
     def run(self, main, main_args, threshold, policy=P_HOTPATH):
         self.serialize(main, main_args, policy=policy, backendoptimize=True)
+        rewriter = EntryPointsRewriter(self.hintannotator, self.rtyper,
+                                       self.jitcode, self.RGenOp, self.writer,
+                                       threshold, self.translate_support_code)
+        self.rewriter = rewriter
+        rewriter.rewrite_all()
         graph = self.rtyper.annotator.translator.graphs[0]
         assert graph.func is main
         llinterp = LLInterpreter(
@@ -20,6 +26,10 @@
         return llinterp.eval_graph(graph, main_args)
     def test_simple_loop(self):
+        class Exit(Exception):
+            def __init__(self, result):
+                self.result = result
         def ll_function(n):
             n1 = n * 2
             total = 0
@@ -30,10 +40,13 @@
                     total += 1000
                 total += n1
                 n1 -= 1
-            return total
+            raise Exit(total)
         def main(n, m):
-            return ll_function(n * m)
+            try:
+                ll_function(n * m)
+            except Exit, e:
+                return e.result
         res = self.run(main, [2, 5], threshold=7)
-        assert res == 210 + 13*1000
+        assert res == 210 + 14*1000

Modified: pypy/branch/jit-hotpath/pypy/jit/rainbow/test/test_interpreter.py
--- pypy/branch/jit-hotpath/pypy/jit/rainbow/test/test_interpreter.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/jit-hotpath/pypy/jit/rainbow/test/test_interpreter.py	Mon Mar 10 21:05:56 2008
@@ -125,11 +125,6 @@
         self.jitcode = jitcode
         if policy.hotpath:
-            from pypy.jit.rainbow.hotpath import EntryPointsRewriter
-            rewriter = EntryPointsRewriter(rtyper, hannotator, jitcode,
-                                           self.translate_support_code)
-            self.rewriter = rewriter
-            rewriter.rewrite_all()

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