[pypy-svn] r51044 - pypy/dist/pypy/lib/app_test/ctypes

fijal at codespeak.net fijal at codespeak.net
Fri Jan 25 18:56:57 CET 2008

Author: fijal
Date: Fri Jan 25 18:56:56 2008
New Revision: 51044

   pypy/dist/pypy/lib/app_test/ctypes/test_callbacks.py   (contents, props changed)
This one passes

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/app_test/ctypes/test_callbacks.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/app_test/ctypes/test_callbacks.py	Fri Jan 25 18:56:56 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+from ctypes import *
+import py
+class TestCallbacks:
+    functype = CFUNCTYPE
+##    def tearDown(self):
+##        import gc
+##        gc.collect()
+    def callback(self, *args):
+        self.got_args = args
+        return args[-1]
+    def check_type(self, typ, arg):
+        PROTO = self.functype.im_func(typ, typ)
+        result = PROTO(self.callback)(arg)
+        if typ == c_float:
+            assert abs(result - arg) < 0.000001
+        else:
+            assert self.got_args == (arg,)
+            assert result == arg
+        PROTO = self.functype.im_func(typ, c_byte, typ)
+        result = PROTO(self.callback)(-3, arg)
+        if typ == c_float:
+            assert abs(result - arg) < 0.000001
+        else:
+            assert self.got_args == (-3, arg)
+            assert result == arg
+    ################
+    def test_byte(self):
+        self.check_type(c_byte, 42)
+        self.check_type(c_byte, -42)
+    def test_ubyte(self):
+        self.check_type(c_ubyte, 42)
+    def test_short(self):
+        self.check_type(c_short, 42)
+        self.check_type(c_short, -42)
+    def test_ushort(self):
+        self.check_type(c_ushort, 42)
+    def test_int(self):
+        self.check_type(c_int, 42)
+        self.check_type(c_int, -42)
+    def test_uint(self):
+        self.check_type(c_uint, 42)
+    def test_long(self):
+        self.check_type(c_long, 42)
+        self.check_type(c_long, -42)
+    def test_ulong(self):
+        self.check_type(c_ulong, 42)
+    def test_longlong(self):
+        self.check_type(c_longlong, 42)
+        self.check_type(c_longlong, -42)
+    def test_ulonglong(self):
+        self.check_type(c_ulonglong, 42)
+    def test_float(self):
+        # only almost equal: double -> float -> double
+        import math
+        self.check_type(c_float, math.e)
+        self.check_type(c_float, -math.e)
+    def test_double(self):
+        self.check_type(c_double, 3.14)
+        self.check_type(c_double, -3.14)
+    def test_char(self):
+        self.check_type(c_char, "x")
+        self.check_type(c_char, "a")
+    # disabled: would now (correctly) raise a RuntimeWarning about
+    # a memory leak.  A callback function cannot return a non-integral
+    # C type without causing a memory leak.
+##    def test_char_p(self):
+##        self.check_type(c_char_p, "abc")
+##        self.check_type(c_char_p, "def")
+    def test_unsupported_restype_1(self):
+        py.test.skip("I don't understand this limitation")
+        # Only "fundamental" result types are supported for callback
+        # functions, the type must have a non-NULL stgdict->setfunc.
+        # POINTER(c_double), for example, is not supported.
+        prototype = self.functype.im_func(POINTER(c_double))
+        # The type is checked when the prototype is called
+        raises(TypeError, prototype, lambda: None)
+except NameError:
+    pass
+    class StdcallCallbacks(Callbacks):
+        functype = WINFUNCTYPE
+class TestSampleCallbacks:
+    def test_integrate(self):
+        # Derived from some then non-working code, posted by David Foster
+        import conftest
+        _ctypes_test = str(conftest.sofile)
+        dll = CDLL(_ctypes_test)
+        # The function prototype called by 'integrate': double func(double);
+        CALLBACK = CFUNCTYPE(c_double, c_double)
+        # The integrate function itself, exposed from the _ctypes_test dll
+        integrate = dll.integrate
+        integrate.argtypes = (c_double, c_double, CALLBACK, c_long)
+        integrate.restype = c_double
+        def func(x):
+            return x**2
+        result = integrate(0.0, 1.0, CALLBACK(func), 10)
+        diff = abs(result - 1./3.)
+        assert diff < 0.01, "%s not less than 0.01" % diff

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