[pypy-svn] r53898 - pypy/dist/pypy/doc

fijal at codespeak.net fijal at codespeak.net
Sun Apr 20 10:15:42 CEST 2008

Author: fijal
Date: Sun Apr 20 10:15:40 2008
New Revision: 53898

   pypy/dist/pypy/doc/extending.txt   (contents, props changed)
Document that was laying down in my wc forever.

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/doc/extending.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/doc/extending.txt	Sun Apr 20 10:15:40 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+Writing extension modules for pypy
+This document tries to explain how to interface the PyPy python interpreter
+with any external library.
+Note: We try to describe state-of-the art, but it
+might fade out of date as this is the front on which things are changing
+in pypy rapidly.
+Right now, there are three posibilities of providing third-party modules
+for the PyPy python interpreter (in order of usefulnes):
+* Write them in pure python and use ctypes, see ctypes_
+  section
+* Write them in pure python and use direct libffi low-level bindings, See
+  \_rawffi_ module description.
+* Write them in RPython as mixedmodule_, using *rffi* as bindings.
+.. _ctypes: #CTypes
+.. _\_rawffi: #LibFFI
+.. _mixedmodule: #Mixed Modules
+The ctypes module in PyPy is ready to use.
+It's goal is to be as-compatible-as-possible with the
+`CPython ctypes`_ version. Right now it's able to support large examples,
+such as pyglet. PyPy is planning to have a 100% compatible ctypes
+implementation, without the CPython C-level API bindings (so it is very
+unlikely that direct object-manipulation trickery through this API will work).
+We also provide a `ctypes-configure`_ for overcoming the platform dependencies,
+not relying on the ctypes codegen. This tool works by querying gcc about
+platform-depenent details (compiling small snippets of C code and running
+them), so it'll benefit not pypy-related ctypes-based modules as well.
+.. _`ctypes-configure`: http://codespeak.net/~fijal/configure.html
+Stable, CPython-compatible API
+Only pure-python code (slow), problems with platform-dependency (although
+we partially solve those). PyPy implementation is now very slow.
+_`CPython ctypes`: XXX link
+Mostly in order to be able to write a ctypes module, we developed a very
+low-level libffi_ bindings. (libffi is a C-level library for dynamic calling,
+which is used by CPython ctypes). This library provides stable and usable API,
+although it's API is a very low-level one. It does not contain any
+Works. Combines disadvantages of using ctypes with disadvantages of
+using mixed modules. Probably more suitable for a delicate code
+where ctypes magic goes in a way.
+Slow. CPython-incompatible API, very rough and low-level
+.. _libffi: XXX link
+Mixed Modules
+This is the most advanced and powerful way of writing extension modules.
+It has some serious disadvantages:
+* a mixed module needs to be written in RPython, which is far more
+  complicated than Python (XXX link)
+* due to lack of separate compilation (as of April 2008), each
+  compilation-check requires to recompile whole PyPy python interpreter,
+  which takes 0.5-1h. We plan to solve this at some point in near future.
+* although rpython is a garabage-collected language, the border between
+  C and RPython needs to be managed by hand (each object that goes into the
+  C level must be explicitely freed) XXX we try to solve this
+Some document is available `here`_
+.. _`here`:: rffi.html
+XXX we should provide detailed docs about lltype and rffi, especially if we
+    want people to follow that way.

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