[pypy-svn] r44978 - in pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem: . test

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Thu Jul 12 17:34:44 CEST 2007

Author: arigo
Date: Thu Jul 12 17:34:42 2007
New Revision: 44978

   pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/compactlltype.py   (contents, props changed)
      - copied, changed from r44949, pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/test/test_lltype.py
(lac, arigo)
Intermediate check-in: a very broken attempt.  Will be removed anyway.

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/compactlltype.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/compactlltype.py	Thu Jul 12 17:34:42 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+import ctypes, sys, weakref
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.lltype import Signed, Struct, GcStruct, Ptr
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.lltype import ContainerType, Array, GcArray
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.lltype import typeOf, castable
+_Ctypes_PointerType = type(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int))
+def cast_pointer(PTRTYPE, ptr):
+    CURTYPE = typeOf(ptr)
+    if not isinstance(CURTYPE, Ptr) or not isinstance(PTRTYPE, Ptr):
+        raise TypeError, "can only cast pointers to other pointers"
+    return ptr._cast_to(PTRTYPE)
+class _parentable(ctypes.Structure):   # won't work with Union
+    __slots__ = ()
+# ____________________________________________________________
+_ctypes_cache = {
+    Signed: ctypes.c_long,
+    }
+def _build_ctypes_struct(S, max_n=None):
+    fields = []
+    for fieldname in S._names:
+        FIELDTYPE = S._flds[fieldname]
+        if max_n is not None and fieldname == S._arrayfld:
+            cls = _build_ctypes_array(FIELDTYPE, max_n)
+        else:
+            cls = _get_ctypes_type(FIELDTYPE)
+        fields.append((fieldname, cls))
+    class CStruct(_parentable):
+        _fields_ = fields
+        _TYPE    = S
+        def malloc(cls, n=None):
+            S = cls._TYPE
+            if S._arrayfld is None:
+                if n is not None:
+                    raise TypeError("%r is not variable-sized" % (S,))
+                return ctypes.pointer(cls())
+            else:
+                if n is None:
+                    raise TypeError("%r is variable-sized" % (S,))
+                smallercls = _build_ctypes_struct(S, n)
+                smallstruct = smallercls()
+                getattr(smallstruct, S._arrayfld).length = n
+                structptr = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(smallstruct),
+                                        ctypes.POINTER(cls))
+                return structptr
+        malloc = classmethod(malloc)
+    CStruct.__name__ = 'ctypes_%s' % (S,)
+    return CStruct
+def _build_ctypes_array(A, max_n=None):
+    ITEM = A.OF
+    ctypes_item = _get_ctypes_type(ITEM)
+    if max_n is None:
+        max_n = sys.maxint // ctypes.sizeof(ctypes_item)
+        max_n //= 2   # XXX better safe than sorry about ctypes bugs
+    class CArray(_parentable):
+        _fields_ = [('length', ctypes.c_int),
+                    ('items',  max_n * ctypes_item)]
+        _TYPE    = A
+        def malloc(cls, n=None):
+            if not isinstance(n, int):
+                raise TypeError, "array length must be an int"
+            smallercls = _build_ctypes_array(cls._TYPE, n)
+            smallarray = smallercls()
+            smallarray.length = n
+            arrayptr = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(smallarray),
+                                   ctypes.POINTER(cls))
+            return arrayptr
+        malloc = classmethod(malloc)
+    CArray.__name__ = 'ctypes_%s' % (A,)
+    return CArray
+def _get_ctypes_type(T):
+    try:
+        return _ctypes_cache[T]
+    except KeyError:
+        if isinstance(T, Ptr):
+            cls = ctypes.POINTER(_get_ctypes_type(T.TO))
+        elif isinstance(T, Struct):
+            cls = _build_ctypes_struct(T)
+        elif isinstance(T, Array):
+            cls = _build_ctypes_array(T)
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError(T)
+        _ctypes_cache[T] = cls
+        return cls
+def _expose(val):
+    if isinstance(type(val), _Ctypes_PointerType):
+        val = val.contents
+    T = typeOf(val)
+    if isinstance(T, ContainerType):
+        val = _ptr(ctypes.pointer(val))
+    return val
+def _lltype2ctypes(val):
+    T = typeOf(val)
+    if isinstance(T, Ptr):
+        return val._storageptr
+    return val
+class _ptr(object):
+    __slots__ = ['_storageptr', '_TYPE']
+    def __init__(self, storageptr):
+        assert isinstance(type(storageptr), _Ctypes_PointerType)
+        _ptr._storageptr.__set__(self, storageptr)
+        _ptr._TYPE.__set__(self, Ptr(type(storageptr)._type_._TYPE))
+    def __getattr__(self, field_name):
+        if isinstance(self._TYPE.TO, Struct):
+            if field_name in self._TYPE.TO._flds:
+                return _expose(getattr(self._storageptr.contents, field_name))
+        raise AttributeError("%r instance has no field %r" % (self._TYPE.TO,
+                                                              field_name))
+    def __setattr__(self, field_name, value):
+        if isinstance(self._TYPE.TO, Struct):
+            if field_name in self._TYPE.TO._flds:
+                setattr(self._storageptr.contents, field_name,
+                        _lltype2ctypes(value))
+                return
+        raise AttributeError("%r instance has no field %r" % (self._TYPE.TO,
+                                                              field_name))
+    def __nonzero__(self):
+        return bool(self._storageptr)
+    def __len__(self):
+        T = self._TYPE.TO
+        if isinstance(T, Array):# ,FixedSizeArray)):
+            #if self._T._hints.get('nolength', False):
+            #    raise TypeError("%r instance has no length attribute" %
+            #                        (self._T,))
+            return self._storageptr.contents.length
+        raise TypeError("%r instance is not an array" % (T,))
+    def __getitem__(self, i):
+        T = self._TYPE.TO
+        if isinstance(T, Array):
+            start, stop = 0, self._storageptr.contents.length
+            if not (start <= i < stop):
+                if isinstance(i, slice):
+                    raise TypeError("array slicing not supported")
+                raise IndexError("array index out of bounds")
+            return _expose(self._storageptr.contents.items[i])
+        raise TypeError("%r instance is not an array" % (T,))
+    def _cast_to(self, PTRTYPE):
+        CURTYPE = self._TYPE
+        down_or_up = castable(PTRTYPE, CURTYPE)
+        if down_or_up == 0:
+            return self
+        if not self: # null pointer cast
+            return PTRTYPE._defl()
+        WAAA
+        if isinstance(self._obj, int):
+            return _ptr(PTRTYPE, self._obj, solid=True)
+        if down_or_up > 0:
+            p = self
+            while down_or_up:
+                p = getattr(p, typeOf(p).TO._names[0])
+                down_or_up -= 1
+            return _ptr(PTRTYPE, p._obj, solid=self._solid)
+        u = -down_or_up
+        struc = self._obj
+        while u:
+            parent = struc._parentstructure()
+            if parent is None:
+                raise RuntimeError("widening to trash: %r" % self)
+            PARENTTYPE = struc._parent_type
+            if getattr(parent, PARENTTYPE._names[0]) is not struc:
+                raise InvalidCast(CURTYPE, PTRTYPE) # xxx different exception perhaps?
+            struc = parent
+            u -= 1
+            raise RuntimeError("widening %r inside %r instead of %r" % (CURTYPE, PARENTTYPE, PTRTYPE.TO))
+        return _ptr(PTRTYPE, struc, solid=self._solid)
+# ____________________________________________________________
+def malloc(T, n=None, immortal=False):
+    if T._gckind != 'gc' and not immortal:# and flavor.startswith('gc'):
+        raise TypeError, "gc flavor malloc of a non-GC non-immortal structure"
+    if isinstance(T, (Struct, Array)):
+        cls = _get_ctypes_type(T)
+        return _ptr(cls.malloc(n))
+    else:
+        raise TypeError, "malloc for Structs and Arrays only"
+def nullptr(T):
+    cls = _get_ctypes_type(T)
+    return _ptr(ctypes.POINTER(cls)())

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