[pypy-svn] r44889 - pypy/extradoc/talk/ep2007

bea at codespeak.net bea at codespeak.net
Tue Jul 10 07:51:03 CEST 2007

Author: bea
Date: Tue Jul 10 07:51:02 2007
New Revision: 44889

my talk

Added: pypy/extradoc/talk/ep2007/pypy_work.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/extradoc/talk/ep2007/pypy_work.txt	Tue Jul 10 07:51:02 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+PyPy: Why and how dit it (not) work?
+:Authors: Bea Düring (Change Maker) & Holger Krekel (merlinux GmbH)
+:Place: Europython 2007, Vilnius 
+:Date: 10th July 2007 
+Introduction: Bea´s 2cents
+- Mostly my personal views - so who am I? 
+- Old school gamer (non-profit work), high school 
+  teacher, education and software development 
+  project management,instructor, newbie agilista  
+The PyPy Long Island Ice Tea
+- If PyPy was a drink - what would it be?
+- Long Island Ice Tea - why?
+- Why have one alcohol base when you can have seven?
+- And you do get drunk -  and confused ;-)
+- What worked for us 
+- Mostly parts already used by other projects
+- Unique for PyPy was the blend of OSS/agile practices
+  within a EU contractual environment
+Automated Test-Driven Development
+- py.test --> supports rapid prototyping
+  in a single code base
+- Combined with efficient version control (svn)
+- Version control and test on both code and documentation
+- Automated commot mailinglists for both
+---> supports open and transparent workstyle
+Mobile Sprints
+- Sprints: one week (in our case) co-located
+  coding sessions in different locations
+- "Open and closed" sprints
+- In the EU-funded project: 19 sprints
+- Combined with Summer of Code/PyPy
+---> supports open and transparent workstyle
+- IRC: #pypy on freenode.org (+others)
+- Mailinglists: manage, technical board, dev, sprints
+- Automated mailinglists (code and documentation)
+---> supports open and transparent workstyle
+- Sprint reports
+- EU-reports written with a dual use purpose 
+  (EU, industry, community)
+- Video documentation (tutorials, talks, interviews, sprints)  
+- All consortium involved persons could access _all_ data
+---> supports open and transparent workstyle
+- Sync-meetings: weekly dev-IRC meetings with a fixed date
+- Fixed agenda: last, next, blockers
+- Not more than 30 minutes
+- Inspired by Canonical
+---> supports open and transparent workstyle
+Conceptual integrity
+- How to maintain the core developers OSS mandate 
+   within EU-contract?
+- Technical board driving the technical development
+- GUI between EU-level and OSS community level
+- Also driving management ;-) 
+---> supports open and transparent workstyle
+Learning by burnings:
+- Learning by doing - learning by reflection
+- In japanese: learning by burning
+Open and transparent is costly
+- Formal roles existed but PyPy is a "beyond the call of duty" project
+- Cost in time, energy and resources to keep everyone involved
+-->Main cost though was making this fit into the EU-structure
+-->It was worth it ("excellent technical results"), but the price was high
+Increased contribution is costly
+- Open sprints, IRC-mentoring and Summer of Code/PyPy 
+  meant new core developers
+- Cost in time, energy and resources to mentor and support
+-->Main cost though was making this fit into the EU-structure
+-->It was worth it ("excellent technical results") and new friends!
+Overlapping realities is costly
+- PyPy - a practical EU OSS research project
+- Is that an oxymoron?
+- Goals too high and too wide (novel approaches)?
+-->Main cost though was making this fit into the EU-structure
+     while evolving the community
+-->It was worth it ("excellent technical results")  - really cool stuff ;-)
+What now?
+- We continue as an OSS project: http://codespeak.net/pypy
+- We sprint: welcome to the EP2007 sprint on Thursday!
+- We have an Open Space session inviting PyPy users and would-be
+  users to to discuss their needs on Wednesday - join us! 
\ No newline at end of file

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