[pypy-svn] r38466 - in pypy/dist/pypy: module/_sre module/_sre/test rlib/rsre rlib/rsre/test

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Sun Feb 11 15:50:51 CET 2007

Author: arigo
Date: Sun Feb 11 15:50:48 2007
New Revision: 38466

   pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/rsre/   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/rsre/__init__.py   (contents, props changed)
      - copied unchanged from r38442, pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/autopath.py
      - copied, changed from r38442, pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/interp_sre.py
      - copied, changed from r38442, pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/interp_sre.py
      - copied, changed from r38442, pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/interp_sre.py
   pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/rsre/test/   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/rsre/test/__init__.py   (contents, props changed)
      - copied unchanged from r38442, pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/autopath.py
      - copied, changed from r38442, pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/test/test_interp_sre.py
Move the regexp core to pypy/rlib/rsre.  Split it and hack a bit so that
it can be parametrized by how input characters are fetched.  The
module/_sre has three variants: one for matching or searching strings,
one for unicode strings, and a general one that handles a wrapped

There is support for a space-vs-time kind of optimization: if you set a
flag to True you get three copies of the whole regexp core (string,
unicode, wrapped).  The time gains are probably minor (didn't try yet)
so it's False by default.

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/app_sre.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/app_sre.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/app_sre.py	Sun Feb 11 15:50:48 2007
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
         state = _sre._State(string, pos, endpos, self.flags)
         while state.start <= state.end:
-            state.string_position = state.start
             if not _sre._search(state, self._code):
             match = SRE_Match(self, state)
@@ -84,7 +83,6 @@
         n = last_pos = 0
         while not count or n < count:
-            state.string_position = state.start
             if not _sre._search(state, self._code):
             if last_pos < state.start:
@@ -122,7 +120,6 @@
         last = state.start
         while not maxsplit or n < maxsplit:
-            state.string_position = state.start
             if not _sre._search(state, self._code):
             if state.start == state.string_position: # zero-width match
@@ -165,7 +162,6 @@
     def _match_search(self, matcher):
         state = self._state
-        state.string_position = state.start
         match = None
         if matcher(state, self.pattern._code):
             match = SRE_Match(self.pattern, state)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/interp_sre.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/interp_sre.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/interp_sre.py	Sun Feb 11 15:50:48 2007
@@ -4,129 +4,104 @@
 from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app, ObjSpace, W_Root
 from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
 from pypy.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask
-import sys
-#### Constants and exposed functions
-# Identifying as _sre from Python 2.3 or 2.4
-MAGIC = 20031017
+# This can be compiled in two ways:
+# * THREE_VERSIONS_OF_CORE=True: you get three copies of the whole
+#   regexp searching and matching code: for strings, for unicode strings,
+#   and for generic wrapped objects (like mmap.mmap or array.array).
+# * THREE_VERSIONS_OF_CORE=False: there is only one copy of the code,
+#   at the cost of an indirect method call to fetch each character.
-# In _sre.c this is bytesize of the code word type of the C implementation.
-# There it's 2 for normal Python builds and more for wide unicode builds (large 
-# enough to hold a 32-bit UCS-4 encoded character). Since here in pure Python
-# we only see re bytecodes as Python longs, we shouldn't have to care about the
-# codesize. But sre_compile will compile some stuff differently depending on the
-# codesize (e.g., charsets).
-if sys.maxunicode == 65535:
-    CODESIZE = 2
-    CODESIZE = 4
-copyright = "_sre.py 2.4 Copyright 2005 by Nik Haldimann"
-BIG_ENDIAN = sys.byteorder == "big"
+#### Constants and exposed functions
-# XXX can we import those safely from sre_constants?
-SRE_FLAG_LOCALE = 4 # honour system locale
-SRE_FLAG_UNICODE = 32 # use unicode locale
-MAXREPEAT = 65535
+from pypy.rlib.rsre import rsre
+from pypy.rlib.rsre.rsre_char import MAGIC, CODESIZE, getlower
+copyright = "_sre.py 2.4 Copyright 2005 by Nik Haldimann"
 def w_getlower(space, char_ord, flags):
-    return space.wrap(getlower(space, char_ord, flags))
+    return space.wrap(getlower(char_ord, flags))
 w_getlower.unwrap_spec = [ObjSpace, int, int]
-def getlower(space, char_ord, flags):
-    if (char_ord < 128) or (flags & SRE_FLAG_UNICODE) \
-                              or (flags & SRE_FLAG_LOCALE and char_ord < 256):
-        w_uni_char = space.newunicode([char_ord])
-        w_lowered = space.call_method(w_uni_char, "lower")
-        return space.int_w(space.ord(w_lowered))
-    else:
-        return char_ord
 def w_getcodesize(space):
     return space.wrap(CODESIZE)
-#### Core classes
+# use the same version of unicodedb as the standard objspace
+from pypy.objspace.std.unicodeobject import unicodedb
+#### State classes
 def make_state(space, w_string, start, end, flags):
     # XXX maybe turn this into a __new__ method of W_State
-    return space.wrap(W_State(space, w_string, start, end, flags))
+    if space.is_true(space.isinstance(w_string, space.w_str)):
+        cls = W_StringState
+    elif space.is_true(space.isinstance(w_string, space.w_unicode)):
+        cls = W_UnicodeState
+    else:
+        cls = W_GenericState
+    return space.wrap(cls(space, w_string, start, end, flags))
 make_state.unwrap_spec = [ObjSpace, W_Root, int, int, int]
 class W_State(Wrappable):
+        rsre.insert_sre_methods(locals(), 'all')
     def __init__(self, space, w_string, start, end, flags):
         self.space = space
         self.w_string = w_string
+        length = self.unwrap_object()
         if start < 0:
             start = 0
-        if end > space.int_w(space.len(w_string)):
-            end = space.int_w(space.len(w_string))
+        if end > length:
+            end = length
         self.start = start
-        self.string_position = start
-        self.end = end
-        self.pos = start
+        self.pos   = start     # records the original start position
+        self.end   = end
         self.flags = flags
-        self.w_reset()
+        self.reset()
-    def w_reset(self):
-        self.marks = []
-        self.lastindex = -1
-        self.marks_stack = []
-        self.context_stack = []
-        self.repeat = None
+    def lower(self, char_ord):
+        return getlower(char_ord, self.flags)
-    def w_create_regs(self, w_group_count):
-        """Creates a tuple of index pairs representing matched groups, a format
-        that's convenient for SRE_Match."""
-        regs = [self.space.newtuple([self.space.wrap(self.start), self.space.wrap(self.string_position)])]
-        for group in range(self.space.int_w(w_group_count)):
-            mark_index = 2 * group
-            if mark_index + 1 < len(self.marks):
-                regs.append(self.space.newtuple([self.space.wrap(self.marks[mark_index]),
-                                                 self.space.wrap(self.marks[mark_index + 1])]))
-            else:
-                regs.append(self.space.newtuple([self.space.wrap(-1),
-                                                        self.space.wrap(-1)]))
-        return self.space.newtuple(regs)
-    def set_mark(self, mark_nr, position):
-        if mark_nr & 1:
-            # This id marks the end of a group.
-            self.lastindex = mark_nr / 2 + 1
-        if mark_nr >= len(self.marks):
-            self.marks.extend([-1] * (mark_nr - len(self.marks) + 1))
-        self.marks[mark_nr] = position
-    def get_marks(self, group_index):
-        marks_index = 2 * group_index
-        if len(self.marks) > marks_index + 1:
-            return self.marks[marks_index], self.marks[marks_index + 1]
-        else:
-            return -1, -1
-    def marks_push(self):
-        self.marks_stack.append((self.marks[:], self.lastindex))
+    # methods overridden by subclasses
-    def marks_pop(self):
-        self.marks, self.lastindex = self.marks_stack.pop()
+    def unwrap_object(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
-    def marks_pop_keep(self):
-        self.marks, self.lastindex = self.marks_stack[-1]
+    if 'reset' not in locals():
+        def reset(self):
+            raise NotImplementedError
-    def marks_pop_discard(self):
-        self.marks_stack.pop()
+    if 'search' not in locals():
+        def search(self, pattern_codes):
+            raise NotImplementedError
-    def lower(self, char_ord):
-        return getlower(self.space, char_ord, self.flags)
+    if 'match' not in locals():
+        def match(self, pattern_codes):
+            raise NotImplementedError
     # Accessors for the typedef
+    def w_reset(self):
+        self.reset()
+    def w_create_regs(self, group_count):
+        """Creates a tuple of index pairs representing matched groups, a format
+        that's convenient for SRE_Match."""
+        space = self.space
+        lst = []
+        for value1, value2 in self.create_regs(group_count):
+            lst.append(space.newtuple([space.wrap(value1),
+                                       space.wrap(value2)]))
+        return space.newtuple(lst)
+    w_create_regs.unwrap_spec = ['self', int]
     def fget_start(space, self):
         return space.wrap(self.start)
@@ -154,1035 +129,54 @@
     create_regs = interp2app(W_State.w_create_regs),
-class MatchContext(object):
-    UNDECIDED = 0
-    MATCHED = 1
-    NOT_MATCHED = 2
-    def __init__(self, space, state, pattern_codes, offset=0):
-        self.space = space
-        self.state = state
-        self.pattern_codes = pattern_codes
-        self.string_position = state.string_position
-        self.code_position = offset
-        self.has_matched = self.UNDECIDED
-        self.backup = []
-        self.resume_at_opcode = -1
-    def push_new_context(self, pattern_offset):
-        """Creates a new child context of this context and pushes it on the
-        stack. pattern_offset is the offset off the current code position to
-        start interpreting from."""
-        offset = self.code_position + pattern_offset
-        assert offset >= 0
-        child_context = MatchContext(self.space, self.state, self.pattern_codes, offset)
-        self.state.context_stack.append(child_context)
-        self.child_context = child_context
-        return child_context
-    def is_resumed(self):
-        return self.resume_at_opcode > -1
-    def backup_value(self, value):
-        self.backup.append(value)
-    def restore_values(self):
-        values = self.backup
-        self.backup = []
-        return values
-    def peek_char(self, peek=0):
-        return self.space.getitem(self.state.w_string,
-                                   self.space.wrap(self.string_position + peek))
-    def peek_char_ord(self, peek=0):
-        # XXX this is not very nice
-        return self.space.int_w(self.space.ord(self.peek_char(peek)))
-    def skip_char(self, skip_count):
-        self.string_position = self.string_position + skip_count
-    def remaining_chars(self):
-        return self.state.end - self.string_position
-    def peek_code(self, peek=0):
-        return self.pattern_codes[self.code_position + peek]
-    def skip_code(self, skip_count):
-        self.code_position = self.code_position + skip_count
-    def has_remaining_codes(self):
-        return len(self.pattern_codes) != self.code_position
-    def at_beginning(self):
-        return self.string_position == 0
-    def at_end(self):
-        return self.string_position == self.state.end
-    def at_linebreak(self):
-        return not self.at_end() and is_linebreak(self.space, self.peek_char())
-    def at_boundary(self, word_checker):
-        if self.at_beginning() and self.at_end():
-            return False
-        that = not self.at_beginning() \
-                            and word_checker(self.space, self.peek_char(-1))
-        this = not self.at_end() \
-                            and word_checker(self.space, self.peek_char())
-        return this != that
-class RepeatContext(MatchContext):
-    def __init__(self, space, context):
-        offset = context.code_position
-        assert offset >= 0
-        MatchContext.__init__(self, space, context.state,
-                                context.pattern_codes, offset)
-        self.count = -1
-        self.previous = context.state.repeat
-        self.last_position = -1
-        self.repeat_stack = []
-#### Main opcode dispatch loop
-def w_search(space, w_state, w_pattern_codes):
-    state = space.interp_w(W_State, w_state)
-    pattern_codes = [intmask(space.uint_w(code)) for code
-                                    in space.unpackiterable(w_pattern_codes)]
-    return space.newbool(search(space, state, pattern_codes))
+class W_StringState(W_State):
+        rsre.insert_sre_methods(locals(), 'str')
-def search(space, state, pattern_codes):
-    flags = 0
-    if pattern_codes[0] == OPCODE_INFO:
-        # optimization info block
-        # <INFO> <1=skip> <2=flags> <3=min> <4=max> <5=prefix info>
-        if pattern_codes[2] & SRE_INFO_PREFIX and pattern_codes[5] > 1:
-            return fast_search(space, state, pattern_codes)
-        flags = pattern_codes[2]
-        offset = pattern_codes[1] + 1
-        assert offset >= 0
-        #pattern_codes = pattern_codes[offset:]
-    string_position = state.start
-    while string_position <= state.end:
-        state.w_reset()
-        state.start = state.string_position = string_position
-        if match(space, state, pattern_codes):
-            return True
-        string_position += 1
-    return False
-def fast_search(space, state, pattern_codes):
-    """Skips forward in a string as fast as possible using information from
-    an optimization info block."""
-    # pattern starts with a known prefix
-    # <5=length> <6=skip> <7=prefix data> <overlap data>
-    flags = pattern_codes[2]
-    prefix_len = pattern_codes[5]
-    assert prefix_len >= 0
-    prefix_skip = pattern_codes[6] # don't really know what this is good for
-    assert prefix_skip >= 0
-    prefix = pattern_codes[7:7 + prefix_len]
-    overlap_offset = 7 + prefix_len - 1
-    overlap_stop = pattern_codes[1] + 1
-    assert overlap_offset >= 0
-    assert overlap_stop >= 0
-    overlap = pattern_codes[overlap_offset:overlap_stop]
-    pattern_offset = pattern_codes[1] + 1
-    assert pattern_offset >= 0
-    pattern_codes = pattern_codes[pattern_offset:]
-    i = 0
-    string_position = state.string_position
-    while string_position < state.end:
-        while True:
-            char_ord = space.int_w(space.ord(
-                space.getitem(state.w_string, space.wrap(string_position))))
-            if char_ord != prefix[i]:
-                if i == 0:
-                    break
-                else:
-                    i = overlap[i]
-            else:
-                i += 1
-                if i == prefix_len:
-                    # found a potential match
-                    state.start = string_position + 1 - prefix_len
-                    state.string_position = string_position + 1 \
-                                                 - prefix_len + prefix_skip
-                    if flags & SRE_INFO_LITERAL:
-                        return True # matched all of pure literal pattern
-                    if match(space, state, pattern_codes[2 * prefix_skip:]):
-                        return True
-                    i = overlap[i]
-                break
-        string_position += 1
-    return False
+    def unwrap_object(self):
+        self.string = self.space.str_w(self.w_string)
+        return len(self.string)
-def w_match(space, w_state, w_pattern_codes):
-    state = space.interp_w(W_State, w_state)
-    pattern_codes = [intmask(space.uint_w(code)) for code
-                                    in space.unpackiterable(w_pattern_codes)]
-    return space.newbool(match(space, state, pattern_codes))
+    def get_char_ord(self, p):
+        return ord(self.string[p])
-def match(space, state, pattern_codes):
-    # Optimization: Check string length. pattern_codes[3] contains the
-    # minimum length for a string to possibly match.
-    if pattern_codes[0] == OPCODE_INFO and pattern_codes[3] > 0:
-        if state.end - state.string_position < pattern_codes[3]:
-            return False
-    state.context_stack.append(MatchContext(space, state, pattern_codes))
-    has_matched = MatchContext.UNDECIDED
-    while len(state.context_stack) > 0:
-        context = state.context_stack[-1]
-        if context.has_matched == context.UNDECIDED:
-            has_matched = dispatch_loop(space, context)
-        else:
-            has_matched = context.has_matched
-        if has_matched != context.UNDECIDED: # don't pop if context isn't done
-            state.context_stack.pop()
-    return has_matched == MatchContext.MATCHED
-def dispatch_loop(space, context):
-    """Returns MATCHED if the current context matches, NOT_MATCHED if it doesn't
-    and UNDECIDED if matching is not finished, ie must be resumed after child
-    contexts have been matched."""
-    while context.has_remaining_codes() and context.has_matched == context.UNDECIDED:
-        if context.is_resumed():
-            opcode = context.resume_at_opcode
-        else:
-            opcode = context.peek_code()
-        try:
-            has_finished = opcode_dispatch_table[opcode](space, context)
-        except IndexError:
-            raise RuntimeError("Internal re error. Unknown opcode: %s" % opcode)
-        if not has_finished:
-            context.resume_at_opcode = opcode
-            return context.UNDECIDED
-        context.resume_at_opcode = -1
-    if context.has_matched == context.UNDECIDED:
-        context.has_matched = context.NOT_MATCHED
-    return context.has_matched
-def op_success(space, ctx):
-    # end of pattern
-    ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-    ctx.has_matched = ctx.MATCHED
-    return True
-def op_failure(space, ctx):
-    # immediate failure
-    ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-    return True
-def op_literal(space, ctx):
-    # match literal string
-    # <LITERAL> <code>
-    if ctx.at_end() or ctx.peek_char_ord() != ctx.peek_code(1):
-        ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-    ctx.skip_code(2)
-    ctx.skip_char(1)
-    return True
-def op_not_literal(space, ctx):
-    # match anything that is not the given literal character
-    # <NOT_LITERAL> <code>
-    if ctx.at_end() or ctx.peek_char_ord() == ctx.peek_code(1):
-        ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-    ctx.skip_code(2)
-    ctx.skip_char(1)
-    return True
-def op_literal_ignore(space, ctx):
-    # match literal regardless of case
-    # <LITERAL_IGNORE> <code>
-    if ctx.at_end() or \
-      ctx.state.lower(ctx.peek_char_ord()) != ctx.state.lower(ctx.peek_code(1)):
-        ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-    ctx.skip_code(2)
-    ctx.skip_char(1)
-    return True
-def op_not_literal_ignore(space, ctx):
-    # match literal regardless of case
-    # <LITERAL_IGNORE> <code>
-    if ctx.at_end() or \
-      ctx.state.lower(ctx.peek_char_ord()) == ctx.state.lower(ctx.peek_code(1)):
-        ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-    ctx.skip_code(2)
-    ctx.skip_char(1)
-    return True
-def op_at(space, ctx):
-    # match at given position
-    # <AT> <code>
-    if not at_dispatch(space, ctx.peek_code(1), ctx):
-        ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-        return True
-    ctx.skip_code(2)
-    return True
-def op_category(space, ctx):
-    # match at given category
-    # <CATEGORY> <code>
-    if ctx.at_end() or \
-                not category_dispatch(space, ctx.peek_code(1), ctx.peek_char()):
-        ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-        return True
-    ctx.skip_code(2)
-    ctx.skip_char(1)
-    return True
-def op_any(self, ctx):
-    # match anything (except a newline)
-    # <ANY>
-    if ctx.at_end() or ctx.at_linebreak():
-        ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-        return True
-    ctx.skip_code(1)
-    ctx.skip_char(1)
-    return True
-def op_any_all(space, ctx):
-    # match anything
-    # <ANY_ALL>
-    if ctx.at_end():
-        ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-        return True
-    ctx.skip_code(1)
-    ctx.skip_char(1)
-    return True
-def general_op_in(space, ctx, ignore=False):
-    if ctx.at_end():
-        ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-        return
-    skip = ctx.peek_code(1)
-    ctx.skip_code(2) # set op pointer to the set code
-    char_code = ctx.peek_char_ord()
-    if ignore:
-        char_code = ctx.state.lower(char_code)
-    if not check_charset(space, char_code, ctx):
-        ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-        return
-    ctx.skip_code(skip - 1)
-    ctx.skip_char(1)
-def op_in(space, ctx):
-    # match set member (or non_member)
-    # <IN> <skip> <set>
-    general_op_in(space, ctx)
-    return True
-def op_in_ignore(space, ctx):
-    # match set member (or non_member), disregarding case of current char
-    # <IN_IGNORE> <skip> <set>
-    general_op_in(space, ctx, ignore=True)
-    return True
-def op_branch(space, ctx):
-    # alternation
-    # <BRANCH> <0=skip> code <JUMP> ... <NULL>
-    if not ctx.is_resumed():
-        ctx.state.marks_push()
-        ctx.skip_code(1)
-        current_branch_length = ctx.peek_code(0)
-    else:
-        if ctx.child_context.has_matched == ctx.MATCHED:
-            ctx.has_matched = ctx.MATCHED
-            return True
-        ctx.state.marks_pop_keep()
-        last_branch_length = ctx.restore_values()[0]
-        ctx.skip_code(last_branch_length)
-        current_branch_length = ctx.peek_code(0)
-    if current_branch_length:
-        ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-        ctx.push_new_context(1)
-        ctx.backup_value(current_branch_length)
-        return False
-    ctx.state.marks_pop_discard()
-    ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-    return True
-def op_repeat_one(space, ctx):
-    # match repeated sequence (maximizing).
-    # this operator only works if the repeated item is exactly one character
-    # wide, and we're not already collecting backtracking points.
-    # <REPEAT_ONE> <skip> <1=min> <2=max> item <SUCCESS> tail
-    # Case 1: First entry point
-    if not ctx.is_resumed():
-        mincount = ctx.peek_code(2)
-        maxcount = ctx.peek_code(3)
-        if ctx.remaining_chars() < mincount:
-            ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-            return True
-        ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-        count = count_repetitions(space, ctx, maxcount)
-        ctx.skip_char(count)
-        if count < mincount:
-            ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-            return True
-        if ctx.peek_code(ctx.peek_code(1) + 1) == 1: # 1 == OPCODES["success"]
-            # tail is empty.  we're finished
-            ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-            ctx.has_matched = ctx.MATCHED
-            return True
-        ctx.state.marks_push()
-        # XXX literal optimization missing here
-    # Case 2: Repetition is resumed (aka backtracked)
-    else:
-        if ctx.child_context.has_matched == ctx.MATCHED:
-            ctx.has_matched = ctx.MATCHED
-            return True
-        values = ctx.restore_values()
-        mincount = values[0]
-        count = values[1]
-        ctx.skip_char(-1)
-        count -= 1
-        ctx.state.marks_pop_keep()
-    # Initialize the actual backtracking
-    if count >= mincount:
-        ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-        ctx.push_new_context(ctx.peek_code(1) + 1)
-        ctx.backup_value(mincount)
-        ctx.backup_value(count)
-        return False
-    # Backtracking failed
-    ctx.state.marks_pop_discard()
-    ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-    return True
-def op_min_repeat_one(space, ctx):
-    # match repeated sequence (minimizing)
-    # <MIN_REPEAT_ONE> <skip> <1=min> <2=max> item <SUCCESS> tail
-    # Case 1: First entry point
-    if not ctx.is_resumed():
-        mincount = ctx.peek_code(2)
-        maxcount = ctx.peek_code(3)
-        if ctx.remaining_chars() < mincount:
-            ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-            return True
-        ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-        if mincount == 0:
-            count = 0
-        else:
-            count = count_repetitions(space, ctx, mincount)
-            if count < mincount:
-                ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-                return True
-            ctx.skip_char(count)
-        if ctx.peek_code(ctx.peek_code(1) + 1) == 1: # OPCODES["success"]
-            # tail is empty.  we're finished
-            ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-            ctx.has_matched = ctx.MATCHED
-            return True
-        ctx.state.marks_push()
+class W_UnicodeState(W_State):
+        rsre.insert_sre_methods(locals(), 'unicode')
-    # Case 2: Repetition resumed, "forwardtracking"
-    else:
-        if ctx.child_context.has_matched == ctx.MATCHED:
-            ctx.has_matched = ctx.MATCHED
-            return True
-        values = ctx.restore_values()
-        maxcount = values[0]
-        count = values[1]        
-        ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-        if count_repetitions(space, ctx, 1) == 0:
-            # Tail didn't match and no more repetitions --> fail
-            ctx.state.marks_pop_discard()
-            ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-            return True
-        ctx.skip_char(1)
-        count += 1
-        ctx.state.marks_pop_keep()
-    # Try to match tail
-    if maxcount == MAXREPEAT or count <= maxcount:
-        ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-        ctx.push_new_context(ctx.peek_code(1) + 1)
-        ctx.backup_value(maxcount)
-        ctx.backup_value(count)
-        return False
-    # Failed
-    ctx.state.marks_pop_discard()
-    ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-    return True
-def op_repeat(space, ctx):
-    # create repeat context.  all the hard work is done by the UNTIL
-    # operator (MAX_UNTIL, MIN_UNTIL)
-    # <REPEAT> <skip> <1=min> <2=max> item <UNTIL> tail
-    if not ctx.is_resumed():
-        ctx.repeat = RepeatContext(space, ctx)
-        ctx.state.repeat = ctx.repeat
-        ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-        ctx.push_new_context(ctx.peek_code(1) + 1)
-        return False
-    else:
-        ctx.state.repeat = ctx.repeat
-        ctx.has_matched = ctx.child_context.has_matched
-        return True
-def op_max_until(space, ctx):
-    # maximizing repeat
-    # <REPEAT> <skip> <1=min> <2=max> item <MAX_UNTIL> tail
-    # Case 1: First entry point
-    if not ctx.is_resumed():
-        repeat = ctx.state.repeat
-        if repeat is None:
-            raise RuntimeError("Internal re error: MAX_UNTIL without REPEAT.")
-        mincount = repeat.peek_code(2)
-        maxcount = repeat.peek_code(3)
-        ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-        count = repeat.count + 1
-        if count < mincount:
-            # not enough matches
-            repeat.count = count
-            repeat.repeat_stack.append(repeat.push_new_context(4))
-            ctx.backup_value(mincount)
-            ctx.backup_value(maxcount)
-            ctx.backup_value(count)
-            ctx.backup_value(0) # Dummy for last_position
-            ctx.backup_value(0)
-            ctx.repeat = repeat
-            return False
-        if (count < maxcount or maxcount == MAXREPEAT) \
-                        and ctx.state.string_position != repeat.last_position:
-            # we may have enough matches, if we can match another item, do so
-            repeat.count = count
-            ctx.state.marks_push()
-            repeat.last_position = ctx.state.string_position
-            repeat.repeat_stack.append(repeat.push_new_context(4))
-            ctx.backup_value(mincount)
-            ctx.backup_value(maxcount)
-            ctx.backup_value(count)
-            ctx.backup_value(repeat.last_position) # zero-width match protection
-            ctx.backup_value(2) # more matching
-            ctx.repeat = repeat
-            return False
-        # Cannot match more repeated items here. Make sure the tail matches.
-        ctx.state.repeat = repeat.previous
-        ctx.push_new_context(1)
-        ctx.backup_value(mincount)
-        ctx.backup_value(maxcount)
-        ctx.backup_value(count)
-        ctx.backup_value(repeat.last_position) # zero-width match protection
-        ctx.backup_value(1) # tail matching
-        ctx.repeat = repeat
-        return False
+    def unwrap_object(self):
+        self.unichars = self.space.unichars_w(self.w_string)
+        return len(self.unichars)
-    # Case 2: Resumed
-    else:
-        repeat = ctx.repeat
-        values = ctx.restore_values()
-        mincount = values[0]
-        maxcount = values[1]
-        count = values[2]
-        save_last_position = values[3]
-        tail_matching = values[4]
-        if tail_matching == 0:
-            ctx.has_matched = repeat.repeat_stack.pop().has_matched
-            if ctx.has_matched == ctx.NOT_MATCHED:
-                repeat.count = count - 1
-                ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-            return True
-        elif tail_matching == 2:
-            repeat.last_position = save_last_position
-            if repeat.repeat_stack.pop().has_matched == ctx.MATCHED:
-                ctx.state.marks_pop_discard()
-                ctx.has_matched = ctx.MATCHED
-                return True
-            ctx.state.marks_pop()
-            repeat.count = count - 1
-            ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-            # Cannot match more repeated items here. Make sure the tail matches.
-            ctx.state.repeat = repeat.previous
-            ctx.push_new_context(1)
-            ctx.backup_value(mincount)
-            ctx.backup_value(maxcount)
-            ctx.backup_value(count)
-            ctx.backup_value(repeat.last_position) # zero-width match protection
-            ctx.backup_value(1) # tail matching
-            return False
-        else: # resuming after tail matching
-            ctx.has_matched = ctx.child_context.has_matched
-            if ctx.has_matched == ctx.NOT_MATCHED:
-                ctx.state.repeat = repeat
-                ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-            return True
-def op_min_until(space, ctx):
-    # minimizing repeat
-    # <REPEAT> <skip> <1=min> <2=max> item <MIN_UNTIL> tail
-    # Case 1: First entry point
-    if not ctx.is_resumed():
-        repeat = ctx.state.repeat
-        if repeat is None:
-            raise RuntimeError("Internal re error: MIN_UNTIL without REPEAT.")
-        mincount = repeat.peek_code(2)
-        maxcount = repeat.peek_code(3)
-        ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-        count = repeat.count + 1
-        if count < mincount:
-            # not enough matches
-            repeat.count = count
-            repeat.repeat_stack.append(repeat.push_new_context(4))
-            ctx.backup_value(mincount)
-            ctx.backup_value(maxcount)
-            ctx.backup_value(count)
-            ctx.backup_value(0)
-            ctx.repeat = repeat
-            return False
-        # see if the tail matches
-        ctx.state.marks_push()
-        ctx.state.repeat = repeat.previous
-        ctx.push_new_context(1)
-        ctx.backup_value(mincount)
-        ctx.backup_value(maxcount)
-        ctx.backup_value(count)
-        ctx.backup_value(1)
-        ctx.repeat = repeat
-        return False
+    def get_char_ord(self, p):
+        return ord(self.unichars[p])
-    # Case 2: Resumed
-    else:
-        repeat = ctx.repeat
-        if repeat.has_matched == ctx.MATCHED:
-            ctx.has_matched = ctx.MATCHED
-            return True
-        values = ctx.restore_values()
-        mincount = values[0]
-        maxcount = values[1]
-        count = values[2]
-        matching_state = values[3]
-        if count < mincount:
-            # not enough matches
-            ctx.has_matched = repeat.repeat_stack.pop().has_matched
-            if ctx.has_matched == ctx.NOT_MATCHED:
-                repeat.count = count - 1
-                ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-            return True
-        if matching_state == 1:
-            # returning from tail matching
-            if ctx.child_context.has_matched == ctx.MATCHED:
-                ctx.has_matched = ctx.MATCHED
-                return True
-            ctx.state.repeat = repeat
-            ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-            ctx.state.marks_pop()
-        if not matching_state == 2:
-            # match more until tail matches
-            if count >= maxcount and maxcount != MAXREPEAT:
-                ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-                return True
-            repeat.count = count
-            repeat.repeat_stack.append(repeat.push_new_context(4))
-            ctx.backup_value(mincount)
-            ctx.backup_value(maxcount)
-            ctx.backup_value(count)
-            ctx.backup_value(2)
-            ctx.repeat = repeat
-            return False
-        # Final return
-        ctx.has_matched = repeat.repeat_stack.pop().has_matched
-        repeat.has_matched = ctx.has_matched
-        if ctx.has_matched == ctx.NOT_MATCHED:
-            repeat.count = count - 1
-            ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position
-        return True
-def op_jump(space, ctx):
-    # jump forward
-    # <JUMP>/<INFO> <offset>
-    ctx.skip_code(ctx.peek_code(1) + 1)
-    return True
-def op_mark(space, ctx):
-    # set mark
-    # <MARK> <gid>
-    ctx.state.set_mark(ctx.peek_code(1), ctx.string_position)
-    ctx.skip_code(2)
-    return True
-def general_op_groupref(space, ctx, ignore=False):
-    group_start, group_end = ctx.state.get_marks(ctx.peek_code(1))
-    if group_start == -1 or group_end == -1 or group_end < group_start \
-                            or group_end - group_start > ctx.remaining_chars():
-        ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-        return True
-    while group_start < group_end:
-        # XXX This is really a bit unwieldy. Can this be improved?
-        new_char = ctx.peek_char_ord()
-        old_char = space.int_w(space.ord(
-                    space.getitem(ctx.state.w_string, space.wrap(group_start))))
-        if ctx.at_end() or (not ignore and old_char != new_char) \
-                or (ignore and ctx.state.lower(old_char) != ctx.state.lower(new_char)):
-            ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-            return True
-        group_start += 1
-        ctx.skip_char(1)
-    ctx.skip_code(2)
-    return True
-def op_groupref(space, ctx):
-    # match backreference
-    # <GROUPREF> <zero-based group index>
-    return general_op_groupref(space, ctx)
-def op_groupref_ignore(space, ctx):
-    # match backreference case-insensitive
-    # <GROUPREF_IGNORE> <zero-based group index>
-    return general_op_groupref(space, ctx, ignore=True)
-def op_groupref_exists(space, ctx):
-    # <GROUPREF_EXISTS> <group> <skip> codeyes <JUMP> codeno ...
-    group_start, group_end = ctx.state.get_marks(ctx.peek_code(1))
-    if group_start == -1 or group_end == -1 or group_end < group_start:
-        ctx.skip_code(ctx.peek_code(2) + 1)
-    else:
-        ctx.skip_code(3)
-    return True
-def op_assert(space, ctx):
-    # assert subpattern
-    # <ASSERT> <skip> <back> <pattern>
-    if not ctx.is_resumed():
-        ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position - ctx.peek_code(2)
-        if ctx.state.string_position < 0:
-            ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-            return True
-        ctx.push_new_context(3)
-        return False
-    else:
-        if ctx.child_context.has_matched == ctx.MATCHED:
-            ctx.skip_code(ctx.peek_code(1) + 1)
-        else:
-            ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-        return True
-def op_assert_not(space, ctx):
-    # assert not subpattern
-    # <ASSERT_NOT> <skip> <back> <pattern>
-    if not ctx.is_resumed():
-        ctx.state.string_position = ctx.string_position - ctx.peek_code(2)
-        if ctx.state.string_position >= 0:
-            ctx.push_new_context(3)
-            return False
-    else:
-        if ctx.child_context.has_matched == ctx.MATCHED:
-            ctx.has_matched = ctx.NOT_MATCHED
-            return True
-    ctx.skip_code(ctx.peek_code(1) + 1)
-    return True
-def count_repetitions(space, ctx, maxcount):
-    """Returns the number of repetitions of a single item, starting from the
-    current string position. The code pointer is expected to point to a
-    REPEAT_ONE operation (with the repeated 4 ahead)."""
-    count = 0
-    real_maxcount = ctx.state.end - ctx.string_position
-    if maxcount < real_maxcount and maxcount != MAXREPEAT:
-        real_maxcount = maxcount
-    # XXX could special case every single character pattern here, as in C.
-    # This is a general solution, a bit hackisch, but works and should be
-    # efficient.
-    code_position = ctx.code_position
-    string_position = ctx.string_position
-    ctx.skip_code(4)
-    reset_position = ctx.code_position
-    while count < real_maxcount:
-        # this works because the single character pattern is followed by
-        # a success opcode
-        ctx.code_position = reset_position
-        opcode_dispatch_table[ctx.peek_code()](space, ctx)
-        if ctx.has_matched == ctx.NOT_MATCHED:
-            break
-        count += 1
-    ctx.has_matched = ctx.UNDECIDED
-    ctx.code_position = code_position
-    ctx.string_position = string_position
-    return count
-opcode_dispatch_table = [
-    op_failure, op_success,
-    op_any, op_any_all,
-    op_assert, op_assert_not,
-    op_at,
-    op_branch,
-    None, #CALL,
-    op_category,
-    None, None, #CHARSET, BIGCHARSET,
-    op_groupref, op_groupref_exists, op_groupref_ignore,
-    op_in, op_in_ignore,
-    op_jump, op_jump,
-    op_literal, op_literal_ignore,
-    op_mark,
-    op_max_until,
-    op_min_until,
-    op_not_literal, op_not_literal_ignore,
-    None, #NEGATE,
-    None, #RANGE,
-    op_repeat,
-    op_repeat_one,
-    None, #SUBPATTERN,
-    op_min_repeat_one,
-#### Category helpers
-ascii_char_info = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 2,
-2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0,
-0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25,
-25, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
-24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 0, 0,
-0, 0, 16, 0, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
-24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
-linebreak = ord("\n")
-underline = ord("_")
-# Static list of all unicode codepoints reported by Py_UNICODE_ISLINEBREAK.
-uni_linebreaks = [10, 13, 28, 29, 30, 133, 8232, 8233]
-def is_digit(space, w_char):
-    code = space.int_w(space.ord(w_char))
-    return code < 128 and (ascii_char_info[code] & 1 != 0)
-def is_uni_digit(space, w_char):
-    return space.is_true(space.call_method(w_char, "isdigit"))
-def is_space(space, w_char):
-    code = space.int_w(space.ord(w_char))
-    return code < 128 and (ascii_char_info[code] & 2 != 0)
-def is_uni_space(space, w_char):
-    return space.is_true(space.call_method(w_char, "isspace"))
-def is_word(space, w_char):
-    code = space.int_w(space.ord(w_char))
-    return code < 128 and (ascii_char_info[code] & 16 != 0)
-def is_uni_word(space, w_char):
-    code = space.int_w(space.ord(w_char))
-    w_unichar = space.newunicode([code])
-    isalnum = space.is_true(space.call_method(w_unichar, "isalnum"))
-    return isalnum or code == underline
-def is_loc_word(space, w_char):
-    code = space.int_w(space.ord(w_char))
-    if code > 255:
-        return False
-    # Need to use this new w_char_not_uni from here on, because this one is
-    # guaranteed to be not unicode.
-    w_char_not_uni = space.wrap(chr(code))
-    isalnum = space.is_true(space.call_method(w_char_not_uni, "isalnum"))
-    return isalnum or code == underline
-def is_linebreak(space, w_char):
-    return space.int_w(space.ord(w_char)) == linebreak
-def is_uni_linebreak(space, w_char):
-    code = space.int_w(space.ord(w_char))
-    return code in uni_linebreaks
-#### Category dispatch
-def category_dispatch(space, chcode, w_char):
-    try:
-        function, negate = category_dispatch_table[chcode]
-    except IndexError:
-        return False
-    result = function(space, w_char)
-    if negate:
-        return not result
-    else:
-        return result
+class W_GenericState(W_State):
+        rsre.insert_sre_methods(locals(), 'generic')
-# Maps opcodes by indices to (function, negate) tuples.
-category_dispatch_table = [
-    (is_digit, False), (is_digit, True), (is_space, False),
-    (is_space, True), (is_word, False), (is_word, True),
-    (is_linebreak, False), (is_linebreak, True), (is_loc_word, False),
-    (is_loc_word, True), (is_uni_digit, False), (is_uni_digit, True),
-    (is_uni_space, False), (is_uni_space, True), (is_uni_word, False),
-    (is_uni_word, True), (is_uni_linebreak, False),
-    (is_uni_linebreak, True)
-##### At dispatch
-def at_dispatch(space, atcode, context):
-    try:
-        function, negate = at_dispatch_table[atcode]
-    except IndexError:
-        return False
-    result = function(space, context)
-    if negate:
-        return not result
-    else:
-        return result
+    def unwrap_object(self):
+        # cannot unwrap in the general case
+        space = self.space
+        return space.int_w(space.len(self.w_string))
-def at_beginning(space, ctx):
-    return ctx.at_beginning()
+    def get_char_ord(self, p):
+        space = self.space
+        w_char = space.getitem(self.w_string, space.wrap(p))
+        return space.int_w(space.ord(w_char))
-def at_beginning_line(space, ctx):
-    return ctx.at_beginning() or is_linebreak(space, ctx.peek_char(-1))
-def at_end(space, ctx):
-    return ctx.at_end() or (ctx.remaining_chars() == 1 and ctx.at_linebreak())
-def at_end_line(space, ctx):
-    return ctx.at_linebreak() or ctx.at_end()
-def at_end_string(space, ctx):
-    return ctx.at_end()
-def at_boundary(space, ctx):
-    return ctx.at_boundary(is_word)
-def at_loc_boundary(space, ctx):
-    return ctx.at_boundary(is_loc_word)
-def at_uni_boundary(space, ctx):
-    return ctx.at_boundary(is_uni_word)
-# Maps opcodes by indices to (function, negate) tuples.
-at_dispatch_table = [
-    (at_beginning, False), (at_beginning_line, False), (at_beginning, False),
-    (at_boundary, False), (at_boundary, True),
-    (at_end, False), (at_end_line, False), (at_end_string, False),
-    (at_loc_boundary, False), (at_loc_boundary, True), (at_uni_boundary, False),
-    (at_uni_boundary, True)
-##### Charset evaluation
-SET_OK = 1
-SET_NOT_OK = -1
-def check_charset(space, char_code, context):
-    """Checks whether a character matches set of arbitrary length. Currently
-    assumes the set starts at the first member of pattern_codes."""
-    result = SET_NOT_FINISHED
-    context.set_ok = SET_OK
-    backup_code_position = context.code_position
-    while result == SET_NOT_FINISHED:
-        opcode = context.peek_code()
-        try:
-            function = set_dispatch_table[opcode]
-        except IndexError:
-            return False
-        result = function(space, context, char_code)
-    context.code_position = backup_code_position
-    return result == SET_OK
-def set_failure(space, ctx, char_code):
-    return -ctx.set_ok
-def set_literal(space, ctx, char_code):
-    # <LITERAL> <code>
-    if ctx.peek_code(1) == char_code:
-        return ctx.set_ok
-    else:
-        ctx.skip_code(2)
-        return SET_NOT_FINISHED
-def set_category(space, ctx, char_code):
-    # <CATEGORY> <code>
-    if category_dispatch(space, ctx.peek_code(1), ctx.peek_char()):
-        return ctx.set_ok
-    else:
-        ctx.skip_code(2)
-        return SET_NOT_FINISHED
+def w_search(space, w_state, w_pattern_codes):
+    state = space.interp_w(W_State, w_state)
+    pattern_codes = [intmask(space.uint_w(code)) for code
+                                    in space.unpackiterable(w_pattern_codes)]
+    return space.newbool(state.search(pattern_codes))
-def set_charset(space, ctx, char_code):
-    # <CHARSET> <bitmap> (16 bits per code word)
-    ctx.skip_code(1) # point to beginning of bitmap
-    if CODESIZE == 2:
-        if char_code < 256 and ctx.peek_code(char_code >> 4) \
-                                        & (1 << (char_code & 15)):
-            return ctx.set_ok
-        ctx.skip_code(16) # skip bitmap
-    else:
-        if char_code < 256 and ctx.peek_code(char_code >> 5) \
-                                        & (1 << (char_code & 31)):
-            return ctx.set_ok
-        ctx.skip_code(8) # skip bitmap
-    return SET_NOT_FINISHED
-def set_range(space, ctx, char_code):
-    # <RANGE> <lower> <upper>
-    if ctx.peek_code(1) <= char_code <= ctx.peek_code(2):
-        return ctx.set_ok
-    ctx.skip_code(3)
-    return SET_NOT_FINISHED
-def set_negate(space, ctx, char_code):
-    ctx.set_ok = -ctx.set_ok
-    ctx.skip_code(1)
-    return SET_NOT_FINISHED
-def set_bigcharset(space, ctx, char_code):
-    # <BIGCHARSET> <blockcount> <256 blockindices> <blocks>
-    # XXX this function probably needs a makeover
-    count = ctx.peek_code(1)
-    ctx.skip_code(2)
-    if char_code < 65536:
-        block_index = char_code >> 8
-        # NB: there are CODESIZE block indices per bytecode
-        a = to_byte_array(ctx.peek_code(block_index / CODESIZE))
-        block = a[block_index % CODESIZE]
-        ctx.skip_code(256 / CODESIZE) # skip block indices
-        if CODESIZE == 2:
-            shift = 4
-        else:
-            shift = 5
-        block_value = ctx.peek_code(block * (32 / CODESIZE)
-                                                + ((char_code & 255) >> shift))
-        if block_value & (1 << (char_code & ((8 * CODESIZE) - 1))):
-            return ctx.set_ok
-    else:
-        ctx.skip_code(256 / CODESIZE) # skip block indices
-    ctx.skip_code(count * (32 / CODESIZE)) # skip blocks
-    return SET_NOT_FINISHED
-def to_byte_array(int_value):
-    """Creates a list of bytes out of an integer representing data that is
-    CODESIZE bytes wide."""
-    byte_array = [0] * CODESIZE
-    for i in range(CODESIZE):
-        byte_array[i] = int_value & 0xff
-        int_value = int_value >> 8
-    if BIG_ENDIAN:
-        byte_array.reverse()
-    return byte_array
-set_dispatch_table = [
-    set_failure, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None,
-    set_category, set_charset, set_bigcharset, None, None, None,
-    None, None, None, None, set_literal, None, None, None, None,
-    None, None, set_negate, set_range
+def w_match(space, w_state, w_pattern_codes):
+    state = space.interp_w(W_State, w_state)
+    pattern_codes = [intmask(space.uint_w(code)) for code
+                                    in space.unpackiterable(w_pattern_codes)]
+    return space.newbool(state.match(pattern_codes))

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/rsre/__init__.py

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/rsre/test/__init__.py

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