[pypy-svn] r49814 - in pypy/dist/pypy/jit/hintannotator: . test

antocuni at codespeak.net antocuni at codespeak.net
Sat Dec 15 13:53:33 CET 2007

Author: antocuni
Date: Sat Dec 15 13:53:32 2007
New Revision: 49814

port hintannotator to ootype. Relevant tests in test_annotator pass,
but test_toy still fails

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/jit/hintannotator/annotator.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/jit/hintannotator/annotator.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/jit/hintannotator/annotator.py	Sat Dec 15 13:53:32 2007
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
 from pypy.jit.hintannotator.bookkeeper import HintBookkeeper
 from pypy.jit.hintannotator.policy import HintAnnotatorPolicy
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype
+from pypy.rpython.ootypesystem import ootype
+from pypy.translator.simplify import get_funcobj
 class HintAnnotator(RPythonAnnotator):
@@ -28,6 +29,15 @@
     def getuserclassdefinitions(self):
         return []
+    def consider_op_new(self, hs_TYPE):
+        TYPE = hs_TYPE.const
+        if self.policy.novirtualcontainer:
+            return hintmodel.SomeLLAbstractVariable(TYPE)
+        else:
+            # XXX: ootype
+            vstructdef = self.bookkeeper.getvirtualcontainerdef(TYPE)
+            return hintmodel.SomeLLAbstractContainer(vstructdef)        
     def consider_op_malloc(self, hs_TYPE, hs_flags):
         TYPE = hs_TYPE.const
         flags = hs_flags.const
@@ -65,10 +75,15 @@
     def consider_op_ts_metacall(self, hs_f1, hs_metadesccls, *args_hs):
         bookkeeper = self.bookkeeper
-        fnobj = hs_f1.const._obj
+        fnobj = get_funcobj(hs_f1.const)
         return hintmodel.cannot_follow_call(bookkeeper, fnobj.graph, args_hs,
+    def consider_op_oosend(self, hs_name, *args_hs):
+        assert hs_name.concretetype is ootype.Void
+        hs_obj, args_hs = args_hs[0], args_hs[1:]
+        return hs_obj.oosend(hs_name, *args_hs)
     def simplify(self):
         RPythonAnnotator.simplify(self, extra_passes=[])

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/jit/hintannotator/model.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/jit/hintannotator/model.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/jit/hintannotator/model.py	Sat Dec 15 13:53:32 2007
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 from pypy.tool.pairtype import pair, pairtype
 from pypy.jit.hintannotator.bookkeeper import getbookkeeper
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype, lloperation
+from pypy.rpython.ootypesystem import ootype
+from pypy.translator.simplify import get_funcobj
 UNARY_OPERATIONS = """same_as hint getfield setfield getsubstruct getarraysize
                       getinteriorfield getinteriorarraysize setinteriorfield
@@ -20,6 +22,14 @@
+                      oogetfield
+                      oosetfield
+                      oononnull
+                      ooupcast
+                      oodowncast
+                      oois
+                      subclassof
+                      instanceof
 BINARY_OPERATIONS = """int_add int_sub int_mul int_mod int_and int_rshift
@@ -244,7 +254,11 @@
     def __init__(self, contentdef):
         self.contentdef = contentdef
-        self.concretetype = lltype.Ptr(contentdef.T)
+        T = contentdef.T
+        if isinstance(T, ootype.OOType):
+            self.concretetype = T
+        else:
+            self.concretetype = lltype.Ptr(T)
     def annotationcolor(self):
         """Compute the color of the variables with this annotation
@@ -339,9 +353,16 @@
         FIELD_TYPE = getattr(S, hs_fieldname.const)
         return variableoftype(FIELD_TYPE, hs_v1.deepfrozen)
+    def oogetfield(hs_v1, hs_fieldname):
+        _, FIELD_TYPE = hs_v1.concretetype._lookup_field(hs_fieldname.const)
+        return variableoftype(FIELD_TYPE, hs_v1.deepfrozen)
     def setfield(hs_v1, hs_fieldname, hs_value):
+    def oosetfield(hs_v1, hs_fieldname, hs_value):
+        pass
     def getsubstruct(hs_v1, hs_fieldname):
         S = hs_v1.concretetype.TO
         FIELD_TYPE = getattr(S, hs_fieldname.const)
@@ -406,6 +427,9 @@
         # function
         return annmodel.unionof(hs_res, bookkeeper.current_op_binding())
+    def oosend(hs_v1, hs_name, *args_hs): 
+        RESTYPE = getbookkeeper().current_op_concretetype()
+        return SomeLLAbstractVariable(RESTYPE)
 class __extend__(SomeLLAbstractConstant):
@@ -428,7 +452,7 @@
     def direct_call(hs_f1, *args_hs):
         bookkeeper = getbookkeeper()
-        fnobj = hs_f1.const._obj
+        fnobj = get_funcobj(hs_f1.const)
         if (bookkeeper.annotator.policy.oopspec and
             hasattr(fnobj._callable, 'oopspec')):
             # try to handle the call as a high-level operation
@@ -473,9 +497,34 @@
         # function
         return annmodel.unionof(hs_res, bookkeeper.current_op_binding())
+    def oosend(hs_c1, hs_name, *args_hs): 
+        TYPE = hs_c1.concretetype
+        name = hs_name.const
+        graph_list = TYPE._lookup_graphs(name)
+        if not graph_list:
+            # it's a method of a BuiltinType
+            bk = getbookkeeper()
+            origin = bk.myorigin()
+            d = setadd(hs_c1.origins, origin)
+            RESTYPE = bk.current_op_concretetype() 
+            hs_res = SomeLLAbstractConstant(RESTYPE, d,
+                                            eager_concrete = hs_c1.eager_concrete,
+                                            myorigin = origin)
+            # if hs_c1.is_constant(): ...
+            return hs_res
+        #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
     def getfield(hs_c1, hs_fieldname):
         S = hs_c1.concretetype.TO
         FIELD_TYPE = getattr(S, hs_fieldname.const)
+        return hs_c1.getfield_impl(S, FIELD_TYPE)
+    def oogetfield(hs_c1, hs_fieldname):
+        S = hs_c1.concretetype
+        _, FIELD_TYPE = S._lookup_field(hs_fieldname.const)
+        return hs_c1.getfield_impl(S, FIELD_TYPE)
+    def getfield_impl(hs_c1, S, FIELD_TYPE):
         if S._hints.get('immutable', False) or hs_c1.deepfrozen:
             origin = getbookkeeper().myorigin()
             d = setadd(hs_c1.origins, origin)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/jit/hintannotator/test/test_annotator.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/jit/hintannotator/test/test_annotator.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/jit/hintannotator/test/test_annotator.py	Sat Dec 15 13:53:32 2007
@@ -20,956 +20,1002 @@
 P_NOVIRTUAL = HintAnnotatorPolicy(novirtualcontainer=True,
-def hannotate(func, argtypes, policy=P_DEFAULT, annotator=False, inline=None,
-              backendoptimize=False):
-    # build the normal ll graphs for ll_function
-    t = TranslationContext()
-    a = t.buildannotator()
-    a.build_types(func, argtypes)
-    rtyper = t.buildrtyper()
-    rtyper.specialize()
-    if inline:
-        auto_inlining(t, threshold=inline)
-    if backendoptimize:
-        from pypy.translator.backendopt.all import backend_optimizations
-        backend_optimizations(t)
-    graph1 = graphof(t, func)
-    # build hint annotator types
-    hannotator = HintAnnotator(base_translator=t, policy=policy)
-    hs = hannotator.build_types(graph1, [SomeLLAbstractConstant(v.concretetype,
-                                                                {OriginFlags(): True})
-                                         for v in graph1.getargs()])
-    hannotator.simplify()
-    t = hannotator.translator
-    if conftest.option.view:
-        t.view()
-    if annotator:
-        return hs, hannotator
-    else:
-        return hs
-def test_simple():
-    def ll_function(x, y):
-        return x + y
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [int, int])
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert len(hs.origins) == 3
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-def test_join():
-    def ll_function(cond, x,y):
-        if cond:
-            z = x+y
-        else:
-            z = x-y
-        return z
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [bool, int, int])
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert len(hs.origins) == 4
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+class AbstractAnnotatorTest:
+    type_system = None
+    def hannotate(self, func, argtypes, policy=P_DEFAULT, annotator=False, inline=None,
+                  backendoptimize=False):
+        # build the normal ll graphs for ll_function
+        t = TranslationContext()
+        a = t.buildannotator()
+        a.build_types(func, argtypes)
+        rtyper = t.buildrtyper(type_system = self.type_system)
+        rtyper.specialize()
+        if inline:
+            auto_inlining(t, threshold=inline)
+        if backendoptimize:
+            from pypy.translator.backendopt.all import backend_optimizations
+            backend_optimizations(t)
+        graph1 = graphof(t, func)
+        # build hint annotator types
+        hannotator = HintAnnotator(base_translator=t, policy=policy)
+        hs = hannotator.build_types(graph1, [SomeLLAbstractConstant(v.concretetype,
+                                                                    {OriginFlags(): True})
+                                             for v in graph1.getargs()])
+        hannotator.simplify()
+        t = hannotator.translator
+        if conftest.option.view:
+            t.view()
+        if annotator:
+            return hs, hannotator
+        else:
+            return hs
+class BaseAnnotatorTest(AbstractAnnotatorTest):
+    def test_simple(self):
+        def ll_function(x, y):
+            return x + y
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int, int])
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert len(hs.origins) == 3
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+    def test_join(self):
+        def ll_function(cond, x,y):
+            if cond:
+                z = x+y
+            else:
+                z = x-y
+            return z
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [bool, int, int])
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert len(hs.origins) == 4
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-def test_simple_hint_result():
-    def ll_function(cond, x,y):
-        if cond:
-            z = x+y
-        else:
-            z = x-y
-        z = hint(z, concrete=True)
-        return z
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [bool, int, int])
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert hs.eager_concrete
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+    def test_simple_hint_result(self):
+        def ll_function(cond, x,y):
+            if cond:
+                z = x+y
+            else:
+                z = x-y
+            z = hint(z, concrete=True)
+            return z
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [bool, int, int])
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert hs.eager_concrete
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+    def test_deepfreeze(self):
+        A = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Signed)
+        def ll_function(a, i):
+            a = hint(a, deepfreeze=True)
+            res = a[i]
+            res = hint(res, concrete=True)
+            res = hint(res, variable=True)
+            return res
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [annmodel.SomePtr(lltype.Ptr(A)), int])
+        assert type(hs) is SomeLLAbstractVariable
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+    def test_lists_deepfreeze(self):
+        l1 = [1,2,3,4,5]
+        l2 = [6,7,8,9,10]
+        def getlist(n):
+            if n:
+                return l1
+            else:
+                return l2
-def test_deepfreeze():
+        def ll_function(n, i):
+            l = getlist(n)
+            l = hint(l, deepfreeze=True)
-    A = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Signed)
-    def ll_function(a, i):
-        a = hint(a, deepfreeze=True)
-        res = a[i]
-        res = hint(res, concrete=True)
-        res = hint(res, variable=True)
-        return res
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [annmodel.SomePtr(lltype.Ptr(A)), int])
-    assert type(hs) is SomeLLAbstractVariable
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+            res = l[i]
+            res = hint(res, concrete=True)
-def test_lists_deepfreeze():
+            res = hint(res, variable=True)
+            return res
-    l1 = [1,2,3,4,5]
-    l2 = [6,7,8,9,10]
-    def getlist(n):
-        if n:
-            return l1
-        else:
-            return l2
-    def ll_function(n, i):
-        l = getlist(n)
-        l = hint(l, deepfreeze=True)
-        res = l[i]
-        res = hint(res, concrete=True)
-        res = hint(res, variable=True)
-        return res
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int, int], policy=P_NOVIRTUAL)
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [int, int], policy=P_NOVIRTUAL)
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+    def test_dicts_deepfreeze(self):
-def test_dicts_deepfreeze():
+        d1 = {1:2, 2:3}
+        d2 = {2:3, 3:4}
-    d1 = {1:2, 2:3}
-    d2 = {2:3, 3:4}
-    def getdict(n):
-        if n:
-            return d1
-        else:
-            return d2
-    def ll_function(n, i):
-        d = getdict(n)
-        d = hint(d, deepfreeze=True)
-        res = d[i]
-        res = hint(res, concrete=True)
-        res = hint(res, variable=True)
-        return res
-    # must backendoptimize to remove the mallocs related to the interior ptrs
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [int, int], policy=P_NOVIRTUAL,
-                   backendoptimize=True)
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-def test_simple_hint_origins():
-    def ll_function(cond, x,y):
-        if cond:
-            z = x+y
-        else:
-            z = x-y
-        z1 = hint(z, concrete=True)
-        return z # origin of z1
-    hs, ha = hannotate(ll_function, [bool, int, int], annotator=True)
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert len(hs.origins) == 4
-    assert hs.is_fixed()
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-    ll_function_graph = graphof(ha.base_translator, ll_function)
-    gdesc = ha.bookkeeper.getdesc(ll_function_graph)
-    _, x_v, y_v = gdesc._cache[None].getargs()
-    assert ha.binding(x_v).is_fixed()
-    assert ha.binding(y_v).is_fixed()
-def test_simple_variable():
-    def ll_function(x,y):
-        x = hint(x, variable=True) # special hint only for testing purposes!!!
-        return x + y
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [int, int])
-    assert type(hs) is SomeLLAbstractVariable
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-def test_simple_concrete_propagation():
-    def ll_function(x,y):
-        x = hint(x, concrete=True)
-        return x + y
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [int, int])
-    assert type(hs) is SomeLLAbstractConstant
-    assert hs.eager_concrete
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-def test_union():
-    unionof = annmodel.unionof
-    av1, av2 = SomeLLAbstractVariable(lltype.Signed), SomeLLAbstractVariable(lltype.Signed)
-    cv1, cv2 = SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {}, eager_concrete=True), SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {}, eager_concrete=True)
-    ac1, ac2 = SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {}), SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {})
-    ac3 = SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {})
-    ac3.const = 3
-    ac4 = SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {})
-    ac4.const = 4
-    assert unionof(av1, av2) == av1
-    assert unionof(cv1, cv2) == cv2
-    assert unionof(ac1, ac2) == ac1
-    assert unionof(ac3, ac3) == ac3
-    assert unionof(ac3, ac2) == ac1
-    assert unionof(ac4, ac3) == ac1
-    # degenerating cases
-    py.test.raises(annmodel.UnionError, "unionof(cv1, av1)")
-    py.test.raises(annmodel.UnionError, "unionof(av1, cv1)")
-    # MAYBE...
-    #py.test.raises(annmodel.UnionError, "unionof(ac1, cv1)")
-    #py.test.raises(annmodel.UnionError, "unionof(cv1, ac1)")
-    assert unionof(cv1, ac1) == ac1
-    assert unionof(ac1, cv1) == ac1
-    # constant with values
-    assert unionof(av1, ac1) == av1
-    assert unionof(ac1, av1) == av1
-    assert unionof(ac3, av1) == av1
-    assert unionof(av2, ac4) == av1
-def test_op_meet():
-    def meet(hs1, hs2):
-        bk = HintBookkeeper(None)
-        block = flowmodel.Block([])
-        block.operations.append(flowmodel.SpaceOperation('x', [],
-                                                         flowmodel.Variable()))
-        bk.enter(("graph", block, 0))
-        bk.current_op_concretetype = lambda: lltype.Signed     # hack
-        return pair(hs1, hs2).int_add()
-    av1, av2 = SomeLLAbstractVariable(lltype.Signed), SomeLLAbstractVariable(lltype.Signed)
-    cv1, cv2 = SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {}, True), SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {}, True)
-    ac1, ac2 = SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {}), SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {})
-    assert meet(av1, av2) == av1
-    res = meet(cv1, cv2)
-    assert res.eager_concrete
-    assert isinstance(meet(ac1, ac2), SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert meet(ac1, cv1).eager_concrete
-    assert meet(cv1, ac1).eager_concrete
-    assert meet(av1, cv1) == av1
-    assert meet(cv1, av1) == av1
-    assert meet(ac1, av1) == av1
-    assert meet(av1, ac1) == av1
-def test_loop():
-    def ll_function(x, y):
-        while x > 0:
-            y += x
-            x -= 1
-        return y
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [int, int])
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-    assert len(hs.origins) == 4
-def test_loop1():
-    def ll_function(x, y):
-        while x > 0:
-            x1 = hint(x, concrete=True)
-            if x1 == 7:
+        def getdict(n):
+            if n:
+                return d1
+            else:
+                return d2
+        def ll_function(n, i):
+            d = getdict(n)
+            d = hint(d, deepfreeze=True)
+            res = d[i]
+            res = hint(res, concrete=True)
+            res = hint(res, variable=True)
+            return res
+        # must backendoptimize to remove the mallocs related to the interior ptrs
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int, int], policy=P_NOVIRTUAL,
+                       backendoptimize=True)
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+    def test_simple_hint_origins(self):
+        def ll_function(cond, x,y):
+            if cond:
+                z = x+y
+            else:
+                z = x-y
+            z1 = hint(z, concrete=True)
+            return z # origin of z1
+        hs, ha = self.hannotate(ll_function, [bool, int, int], annotator=True)
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert len(hs.origins) == 4
+        assert hs.is_fixed()
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+        ll_function_graph = graphof(ha.base_translator, ll_function)
+        gdesc = ha.bookkeeper.getdesc(ll_function_graph)
+        _, x_v, y_v = gdesc._cache[None].getargs()
+        assert ha.binding(x_v).is_fixed()
+        assert ha.binding(y_v).is_fixed()
+    def test_simple_variable(self):
+        def ll_function(x,y):
+            x = hint(x, variable=True) # special hint only for testing purposes!!!
+            return x + y
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int, int])
+        assert type(hs) is SomeLLAbstractVariable
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+    def test_simple_concrete_propagation(self):
+        def ll_function(x,y):
+            x = hint(x, concrete=True)
+            return x + y
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int, int])
+        assert type(hs) is SomeLLAbstractConstant
+        assert hs.eager_concrete
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+    def test_union(self):
+        unionof = annmodel.unionof
+        av1, av2 = SomeLLAbstractVariable(lltype.Signed), SomeLLAbstractVariable(lltype.Signed)
+        cv1, cv2 = SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {}, eager_concrete=True), SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {}, eager_concrete=True)
+        ac1, ac2 = SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {}), SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {})
+        ac3 = SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {})
+        ac3.const = 3
+        ac4 = SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {})
+        ac4.const = 4
+        assert unionof(av1, av2) == av1
+        assert unionof(cv1, cv2) == cv2
+        assert unionof(ac1, ac2) == ac1
+        assert unionof(ac3, ac3) == ac3
+        assert unionof(ac3, ac2) == ac1
+        assert unionof(ac4, ac3) == ac1
+        # degenerating cases
+        py.test.raises(annmodel.UnionError, "unionof(cv1, av1)")
+        py.test.raises(annmodel.UnionError, "unionof(av1, cv1)")
+        # MAYBE...
+        #py.test.raises(annmodel.UnionError, "unionof(ac1, cv1)")
+        #py.test.raises(annmodel.UnionError, "unionof(cv1, ac1)")
+        assert unionof(cv1, ac1) == ac1
+        assert unionof(ac1, cv1) == ac1
+        # constant with values
+        assert unionof(av1, ac1) == av1
+        assert unionof(ac1, av1) == av1
+        assert unionof(ac3, av1) == av1
+        assert unionof(av2, ac4) == av1
+    def test_op_meet(self):
+        def meet(hs1, hs2):
+            bk = HintBookkeeper(None)
+            block = flowmodel.Block([])
+            block.operations.append(flowmodel.SpaceOperation('x', [],
+                                                             flowmodel.Variable()))
+            bk.enter(("graph", block, 0))
+            bk.current_op_concretetype = lambda: lltype.Signed     # hack
+            return pair(hs1, hs2).int_add()
+        av1, av2 = SomeLLAbstractVariable(lltype.Signed), SomeLLAbstractVariable(lltype.Signed)
+        cv1, cv2 = SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {}, True), SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {}, True)
+        ac1, ac2 = SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {}), SomeLLAbstractConstant(lltype.Signed, {})
+        assert meet(av1, av2) == av1
+        res = meet(cv1, cv2)
+        assert res.eager_concrete
+        assert isinstance(meet(ac1, ac2), SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert meet(ac1, cv1).eager_concrete
+        assert meet(cv1, ac1).eager_concrete
+        assert meet(av1, cv1) == av1
+        assert meet(cv1, av1) == av1
+        assert meet(ac1, av1) == av1
+        assert meet(av1, ac1) == av1
+    def test_loop(self):
+        def ll_function(x, y):
+            while x > 0:
                 y += x
-            x -= 1
-        return y
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [int, int])
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-    assert len(hs.origins) == 4
-def test_simple_struct():
-    S = lltype.GcStruct('helloworld', ('hello', lltype.Signed),
-                                      ('world', lltype.Signed),
-                        hints={'immutable': True})
-    def ll_function(s):
-        return s.hello * s.world
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [annmodel.SomePtr(lltype.Ptr(S))])
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-    assert len(hs.origins) == 4
-def test_simple_struct_malloc():
-    S = lltype.GcStruct('helloworld', ('hello', lltype.Signed),
-                                      ('world', lltype.Signed))               
-    def ll_function(x):
-        s = lltype.malloc(S)
-        s.hello = x
-        return s.hello + s.world
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [int])
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-    assert len(hs.origins) == 2
-def test_container_union():
-    S = lltype.GcStruct('helloworld', ('hello', lltype.Signed),
-                                      ('world', lltype.Signed))               
-    def ll_function(cond, x, y):
-        if cond:
-            s = lltype.malloc(S)
+                x -= 1
+            return y
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int, int])
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+        assert len(hs.origins) == 4
+    def test_loop1(self):
+        def ll_function(x, y):
+            while x > 0:
+                x1 = hint(x, concrete=True)
+                if x1 == 7:
+                    y += x
+                x -= 1
+            return y
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int, int])
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+        assert len(hs.origins) == 4
+    def test_simple_struct(self):
+        S = self.make_struct('helloworld', ('hello', lltype.Signed),
+                                           ('world', lltype.Signed),
+                             hints={'immutable': True})
+        def ll_function(s):
+            return s.hello * s.world
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [self.annotate_struct(S)])
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+        assert len(hs.origins) == 4
+    def test_simple_struct_malloc(self):
+        S = self.make_struct('helloworld', ('hello', lltype.Signed),
+                                           ('world', lltype.Signed))
+        malloc = self.malloc
+        def ll_function(x):
+            s = malloc(S)
             s.hello = x
-        else:
-            s = lltype.malloc(S)
-            s.world = y
-        return s.hello + s.world
+            return s.hello + s.world
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [bool, int, int])
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-    assert len(hs.origins) == 3
-def test_simple_call():
-    def ll2(x, y, z):
-        return x + (y + 42)
-    def ll1(x, y, z):
-        return ll2(x, y - z, x + y + z)
-    hs = hannotate(ll1, [int, int, int])
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-    assert len(hs.origins) == 5
-def test_simple_list_operations():
-    def ll_function(x, y, index):
-        l = [x]
-        l.append(y)
-        return l[index]
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [int, int, int], policy=P_OOPSPEC)
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-    assert len(hs.origins) == 4
-def test_some_more_list_operations():
-    def ll_function(x, y, index):
-        l = []
-        l.append(x)
-        l[0] = y
-        return (l+list(l))[index]
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [int, int, int], policy=P_OOPSPEC)
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-    assert len(hs.origins) == 4
-def test_make_a_list():
-    def ll_function(x, y):
-        return [x, y]
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [int, int], policy=P_OOPSPEC)
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
-def test_frozen_list():
-    lst = [5, 7, 9]
-    def ll_function(x):
-        mylist = hint(lst, deepfreeze=True)
-        z = mylist[x]
-        hint(z, concrete=True)
-        return z
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [int], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
-    assert hs.is_green()
-def test_simple_cast_pointer():
-    GCS1 = lltype.GcStruct('s1', ('x', lltype.Signed))
-    GCS2 = lltype.GcStruct('s2', ('sub', GCS1), ('y', lltype.Signed))
-    PGCS1 = lltype.Ptr(GCS1)
-    PGCS2 = lltype.Ptr(GCS2)
-    def ll1():
-        s2 = lltype.malloc(GCS2)
-        return lltype.cast_pointer(PGCS1, s2)
-    hs = hannotate(ll1, [])
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
-    assert hs.concretetype == PGCS1
-    def ll1():
-        s2 = lltype.malloc(GCS2)
-        s1 = s2.sub
-        return lltype.cast_pointer(PGCS2, s1)
-    hs = hannotate(ll1, [])
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
-    assert hs.concretetype == PGCS2
-def test_getarrayitem():
-    A = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Signed, hints={'immutable': True})
-    a = lltype.malloc(A, 10)
-    def ll1(n):
-        v = a[n]
-        v = hint(v, concrete=True)
-        return v
-    hs, ha = hannotate(ll1, [int], annotator=True)
-    assert hs.eager_concrete
-    g1 = graphof(ha.translator, ll1)
-    hs_n = ha.binding(g1.getargs()[0])
-    assert hs_n.origins.keys()[0].fixed
-def test_getvarrayitem():
-    A = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Signed, hints={'immutable': True})
-    def ll1(n):
-        a = lltype.malloc(A, 10)
-        v = a[n]
-        v = hint(v, concrete=True)
-        return v
-    hs, ha = hannotate(ll1, [int], annotator=True)
-    assert hs.eager_concrete
-    g1 = graphof(ha.translator, ll1)
-    hs_n = ha.binding(g1.getargs()[0])
-    assert hs_n.origins.keys()[0].fixed
-def test_prebuilt_structure():
-    S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('n', lltype.Signed))
-    s = lltype.malloc(S)
-    def ll1(n):
-        s.n = n
-        return s.n
-    hs = hannotate(ll1, [int])
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractVariable)
-def test_degenerated_merge_substructure():
-    S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('n', lltype.Signed))
-    T = lltype.GcStruct('T', ('s', S), ('n', lltype.Float))
-    def ll_function(flag):
-        t = lltype.malloc(T)
-        t.s.n = 3
-        s = lltype.malloc(S)
-        s.n = 4
-        if flag:
-            s = t.s
-        return s, t
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [bool])
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
-    assert not hs.contentdef.degenerated
-    assert len(hs.contentdef.fields) == 2
-    hs0 = hs.contentdef.fields['item0'].s_value       # 's'
-    assert isinstance(hs0, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
-    assert hs0.contentdef.degenerated
-    hs1 = hs.contentdef.fields['item1'].s_value       # 't'
-    assert isinstance(hs1, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
-    assert hs1.contentdef.degenerated
-def test_degenerated_merge_cross_substructure():
-    py.test.skip("no longer a valid test")
-    from pypy.rlib import objectmodel
-    S = lltype.Struct('S', ('n', lltype.Signed))
-    T = lltype.GcStruct('T', ('s', S), ('s1', S), ('n', lltype.Float))
-    def ll_function(flag):
-        t = lltype.malloc(T)
-        t.s.n = 3
-        t.s1.n = 3
-        if flag:
-            s = t.s
-        else:
-            s = t.s1
-        objectmodel.keepalive_until_here(t)
-        return s, t
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [bool])    
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
-    assert not hs.contentdef.degenerated
-    assert len(hs.contentdef.fields) == 2
-    hs0 = hs.contentdef.fields['item0'].s_value       # 's'
-    assert isinstance(hs0, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
-    assert hs0.contentdef.degenerated
-    hs1 = hs.contentdef.fields['item1'].s_value       # 't'
-    assert isinstance(hs1, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
-    assert hs1.contentdef.degenerated
-def test_simple_fixed_call():
-    def ll_help(cond, x, y):
-        if cond:
-            z = x+y
-        else:
-            z = x-y
-        return z
-    def ll_function(cond, x,y, x1, y1):
-        z1 = ll_help(cond, x1, y1)
-        z = ll_help(cond, x, y)
-        z = hint(z, concrete=True)
-        return z
-    hs, ha  = hannotate(ll_function, [bool, int, int, int, int], annotator=True)
-    assert hs.eager_concrete
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-    ll_help_graph = graphof(ha.base_translator, ll_help)
-    gdesc = ha.bookkeeper.getdesc(ll_help_graph)
-    assert not ha.binding(gdesc._cache[None].getreturnvar()).is_fixed()
-    assert len(gdesc._cache) == 2
-    assert ha.binding(gdesc._cache['fixed'].getreturnvar()).is_fixed()    
-def test_specialize_calls():
-    def ll_add(x, y):
-        return x+y
-    def ll_function(x,y):
-        z0 = ll_add(y, 2)
-        z1 = ll_add(x, y)
-        x1 = hint(x, concrete=True)
-        z2 = ll_add(x1, y)
-        return z2
-    hs, ha  = hannotate(ll_function, [int, int], annotator=True)
-    assert hs.eager_concrete
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-    ll_add_graph = graphof(ha.base_translator, ll_add)
-    gdesc = ha.bookkeeper.getdesc(ll_add_graph)    
-    assert len(gdesc._cache) == 2
-    assert 'Exxx' in gdesc._cache
-    v1, v2 = gdesc._cache['Exxx'].getargs()
-    assert isinstance(ha.binding(v1), SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert isinstance(ha.binding(v2), SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert ha.binding(v1).eager_concrete
-    assert not ha.binding(v2).is_fixed()
-def test_specialize_deepfreeze_calls():
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int])
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+        assert len(hs.origins) == 2
+    def test_container_union(self):
+        S = self.make_struct('helloworld', ('hello', lltype.Signed),
+                                           ('world', lltype.Signed))
+        malloc = self.malloc
+        def ll_function(cond, x, y):
+            if cond:
+                s = malloc(S)
+                s.hello = x
+            else:
+                s = malloc(S)
+                s.world = y
+            return s.hello + s.world
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [bool, int, int])
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+        assert len(hs.origins) == 3
+    def test_simple_call(self):
+        def ll2(x, y, z):
+            return x + (y + 42)
+        def ll1(x, y, z):
+            return ll2(x, y - z, x + y + z)
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll1, [int, int, int])
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+        assert len(hs.origins) == 5
+    def test_simple_list_operations(self):
+        def ll_function(x, y, index):
+            l = [x]
+            l.append(y)
+            return l[index]
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int, int, int], policy=P_OOPSPEC)
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+        assert len(hs.origins) == 4
+    def test_some_more_list_operations(self):
+        def ll_function(x, y, index):
+            l = []
+            l.append(x)
+            l[0] = y
+            return (l+list(l))[index]
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int, int, int], policy=P_OOPSPEC)
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+        assert len(hs.origins) == 4
+    def test_make_a_list(self):
+        def ll_function(x, y):
+            return [x, y]
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int, int], policy=P_OOPSPEC)
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
+    def test_frozen_list(self):
+        lst = [5, 7, 9]
+        def ll_function(x):
+            mylist = hint(lst, deepfreeze=True)
+            z = mylist[x]
+            hint(z, concrete=True)
+            return z
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
+        assert hs.is_green()
+    def test_prebuilt_structure(self):
+        S = self.make_struct('S', ('n', lltype.Signed))
+        s = self.malloc(S)
+        def ll1(n):
+            s.n = n
+            return s.n
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll1, [int])
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractVariable)
+    def test_simple_fixed_call(self):
+        def ll_help(cond, x, y):
+            if cond:
+                z = x+y
+            else:
+                z = x-y
+            return z
+        def ll_function(cond, x,y, x1, y1):
+            z1 = ll_help(cond, x1, y1)
+            z = ll_help(cond, x, y)
+            z = hint(z, concrete=True)
+            return z
+        hs, ha  = self.hannotate(ll_function, [bool, int, int, int, int], annotator=True)
+        assert hs.eager_concrete
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+        ll_help_graph = graphof(ha.base_translator, ll_help)
+        gdesc = ha.bookkeeper.getdesc(ll_help_graph)
+        assert not ha.binding(gdesc._cache[None].getreturnvar()).is_fixed()
+        assert len(gdesc._cache) == 2
+        assert ha.binding(gdesc._cache['fixed'].getreturnvar()).is_fixed()    
+    def test_specialize_calls(self):
+        def ll_add(x, y):
+            return x+y
+        def ll_function(x,y):
+            z0 = ll_add(y, 2)
+            z1 = ll_add(x, y)
+            x1 = hint(x, concrete=True)
+            z2 = ll_add(x1, y)
+            return z2
+        hs, ha  = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int, int], annotator=True)
+        assert hs.eager_concrete
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+        ll_add_graph = graphof(ha.base_translator, ll_add)
+        gdesc = ha.bookkeeper.getdesc(ll_add_graph)    
+        assert len(gdesc._cache) == 2
+        assert 'Exxx' in gdesc._cache
+        v1, v2 = gdesc._cache['Exxx'].getargs()
+        assert isinstance(ha.binding(v1), SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert isinstance(ha.binding(v2), SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert ha.binding(v1).eager_concrete
+        assert not ha.binding(v2).is_fixed()
+    def test_specialize_deepfreeze_calls(self):
+        l1 = [1,2,3,4,5]
+        l2 = [6,7,8,9,10]
+        def getlist(n):
+            if n:
+                return l1
+            else:
+                return l2
-    l1 = [1,2,3,4,5]
-    l2 = [6,7,8,9,10]
-    def getlist(n):
-        if n:
-            return l1
-        else:
-            return l2
+        def ll_get(l, i):
+            return l[i]
-    def ll_get(l, i):
-        return l[i]
+        def ll_function(n, i):
+            l = getlist(n)
-    def ll_function(n, i):
-        l = getlist(n)
+            l2 = ll_get(l, 0)
+            l = hint(l, deepfreeze=True)
+            res = ll_get(l, i)
+            return res
+        hs, ha = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int, int], annotator=True, policy=P_NOVIRTUAL)
+        assert hs.deepfrozen
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+        ll_get_graph = graphof(ha.base_translator, ll_get)
+        gdesc = ha.bookkeeper.getdesc(ll_get_graph)    
+        assert len(gdesc._cache) == 2
+        assert 'xDxx' in gdesc._cache
+        v1, v2 = gdesc._cache['xDxx'].getargs()
+        assert isinstance(ha.binding(v1), SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert isinstance(ha.binding(v2), SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert ha.binding(v1).deepfrozen
+    def test_deepfreeze_variables(self):
+        l1 = [[1], [2, 3], [4], []]
+        def ll_function(i):
+            i = hint(i, variable=True)
+            l = hint(l1, deepfreeze=True)
+            return l[i]
+        hs, ha = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int], annotator=True, policy=P_NOVIRTUAL)
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractVariable)
+        assert hs.deepfrozen
+    def test_propagate_fixing_across_func_arguments(self):
+        def ll_func2(z):
+            z = hint(z, concrete=True)
+            return z + 1
+        def ll_function(cond, x,y):
+            if cond:
+                z = x+y
+            else:
+                z = x-y
+            z = ll_func2(z)
+            return z
+        hs, ha = self.hannotate(ll_function, [bool, int, int], annotator=True)
+        assert hs.eager_concrete
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+        ll_function_graph = graphof(ha.base_translator, ll_function)
+        gdesc = ha.bookkeeper.getdesc(ll_function_graph)
+        _, x_v, y_v = gdesc._cache[None].getargs()
+        assert ha.binding(x_v).is_fixed()
+        assert ha.binding(y_v).is_fixed()
+    def test_hannotate_plus_minus(self):
+        def ll_plus_minus(s, x, y):
+            acc = x
+            n = len(s)
+            pc = 0
+            while pc < n:
+                op = s[pc]
+                op = hint(op, concrete=True)
+                if op == '+':
+                    acc += y
+                elif op == '-':
+                    acc -= y
+                pc += 1
+            return acc
+        assert ll_plus_minus("+-+", 0, 2) == 2
+        self.hannotate(ll_plus_minus, [str, int, int])
+        self.hannotate(ll_plus_minus, [str, int, int], inline=100000)
+    def test_invalid_hint_1(self):
+        S = self.make_struct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed))
+        def ll_getitem_switch(s):
+            n = s.x    # -> variable
+            return hint(n, concrete=True)
+        py.test.raises(HintError, self.hannotate,
+                       ll_getitem_switch, [self.annotate_struct(S)])
+    def undecided_relevance_test_invalid_hint_2(self):
+        S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed))
+        def ll_getitem_switch(s):
+            if s.x > 0:   # variable exitswitch
+                sign = 1
+            else:
+                sign = -1
+            return hint(sign, concrete=True)
+        py.test.skip("in-progress: I think we expect a HintError here, do we?")
+        py.test.raises(HintError, hannotate,
+                       ll_getitem_switch, [annmodel.SomePtr(lltype.Ptr(S))])
-        l2 = ll_get(l, 0)
-        l = hint(l, deepfreeze=True)
-        res = ll_get(l, i)
-        return res
-    hs, ha = hannotate(ll_function, [int, int], annotator=True, policy=P_NOVIRTUAL)
-    assert hs.deepfrozen
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-    ll_get_graph = graphof(ha.base_translator, ll_get)
-    gdesc = ha.bookkeeper.getdesc(ll_get_graph)    
-    assert len(gdesc._cache) == 2
-    assert 'xDxx' in gdesc._cache
-    v1, v2 = gdesc._cache['xDxx'].getargs()
-    assert isinstance(ha.binding(v1), SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert isinstance(ha.binding(v2), SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert ha.binding(v1).deepfrozen
-def test_deepfreeze_variables():
-    l1 = [[1], [2, 3], [4], []]
-    def ll_function(i):
-        i = hint(i, variable=True)
-        l = hint(l1, deepfreeze=True)
-        return l[i]
-    hs, ha = hannotate(ll_function, [int], annotator=True, policy=P_NOVIRTUAL)
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractVariable)
-    assert hs.deepfrozen
-def test_propagate_fixing_across_func_arguments():
-    def ll_func2(z):
-        z = hint(z, concrete=True)
-        return z + 1
-    def ll_function(cond, x,y):
-        if cond:
-            z = x+y
-        else:
-            z = x-y
-        z = ll_func2(z)
-        return z
-    hs, ha = hannotate(ll_function, [bool, int, int], annotator=True)
-    assert hs.eager_concrete
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-    ll_function_graph = graphof(ha.base_translator, ll_function)
-    gdesc = ha.bookkeeper.getdesc(ll_function_graph)
-    _, x_v, y_v = gdesc._cache[None].getargs()
-    assert ha.binding(x_v).is_fixed()
-    assert ha.binding(y_v).is_fixed()
-def test_hannotate_plus_minus():
-    def ll_plus_minus(s, x, y):
-        acc = x
-        n = len(s)
-        pc = 0
-        while pc < n:
-            op = s[pc]
-            op = hint(op, concrete=True)
-            if op == '+':
-                acc += y
-            elif op == '-':
-                acc -= y
-            pc += 1
-        return acc
-    assert ll_plus_minus("+-+", 0, 2) == 2
-    hannotate(ll_plus_minus, [str, int, int])
-    hannotate(ll_plus_minus, [str, int, int], inline=100000)
-def test_invalid_hint_1():
-    S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed))
-    def ll_getitem_switch(s):
-        n = s.x    # -> variable
-        return hint(n, concrete=True)
-    py.test.raises(HintError, hannotate,
-                   ll_getitem_switch, [annmodel.SomePtr(lltype.Ptr(S))])
-def undecided_relevance_test_invalid_hint_2():
-    S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed))
-    def ll_getitem_switch(s):
-        if s.x > 0:   # variable exitswitch
-            sign = 1
-        else:
-            sign = -1
-        return hint(sign, concrete=True)
-    py.test.skip("in-progress: I think we expect a HintError here, do we?")
-    py.test.raises(HintError, hannotate,
-                   ll_getitem_switch, [annmodel.SomePtr(lltype.Ptr(S))])
-def test_raise_exc():
-    class E(Exception):
-        pass
-    def f1():
-        raise E
-    hannotate(f1, [], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
-    def f2():
-        e = E()
-        e.a = 3
-        raise e
-    hannotate(f2, [], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)    
-def test_raise_and_catch_exc():
-    class E(Exception):
-        pass
-    def f(flag):
-        if flag:
+    def test_raise_exc(self):
+        class E(Exception):
+            pass
+        def f1():
             raise E
+        self.hannotate(f1, [], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
-    def g(flag):
-        try:
-            f(flag)
-        except E:
-            return -1
-        return 0
-    hs = hannotate(g, [bool], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
-    def f(flag):
-        if flag:
+        def f2():
             e = E()
             e.a = 3
             raise e
-    hs = hannotate(g, [bool], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)    
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed    
-def test_more_green():
-    def f(x):
-        z = x + 1
-        x2 = hint(x, concrete=True)
-        return z
-    hs = hannotate(f, [int])
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    assert hs.is_green()
-    assert not hs.is_fixed()
-def test_blue_simple_meth():
-    py.test.skip("with abstract containers this test explode in the cast_pointer annotation logic")
-    class Base(object):
-        def m(self):
-            raise NotImplementedError
-    class Concrete(Base):
-        def m(self):
-            return 42
-    def f(flag):
-        if flag:
-            o = Base()
-        else:
-            o = Concrete()
-        return o.m()
+        self.hannotate(f2, [], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)    
-    hs = hannotate(f, [bool], policy=P_OOPSPEC)
+    def test_raise_and_catch_exc(self):
+        class E(Exception):
+            pass
+        def f(flag):
+            if flag:
+                raise E
+        def g(flag):
+            try:
+                f(flag)
+            except E:
+                return -1
+            return 0
+        hs = self.hannotate(g, [bool], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed
+        def f(flag):
+            if flag:
+                e = E()
+                e.a = 3
+                raise e
+        hs = self.hannotate(g, [bool], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)    
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert hs.concretetype == lltype.Signed    
+    def test_more_green(self):
+        def f(x):
+            z = x + 1
+            x2 = hint(x, concrete=True)
+            return z
+        hs = self.hannotate(f, [int])
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        assert hs.is_green()
+        assert not hs.is_fixed()
+    def test_blue_simple_meth(self):
+        py.test.skip("with abstract containers this test explode in the cast_pointer annotation logic")
+        class Base(object):
+            def m(self):
+                raise NotImplementedError
+        class Concrete(Base):
+            def m(self):
+                return 42
+        def f(flag):
+            if flag:
+                o = Base()
+            else:
+                o = Concrete()
+            return o.m()
-def test_simple_meth():
-    class Base(object):
-        def m(self):
-            raise NotImplementedError
-        pass  # for inspect.getsource() bugs
-    class Concrete(Base):
-        def m(self):
-            return 42
-        pass  # for inspect.getsource() bugs
-    def f(flag):
-        if flag:
-            o = Base()
-        else:
-            o = Concrete()
-        return o.m()
+        hs = self.hannotate(f, [bool], policy=P_OOPSPEC)
-    hs = hannotate(f, [bool], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
+    def test_simple_meth(self):
+        class Base(object):
+            def m(self):
+                raise NotImplementedError
+            pass  # for inspect.getsource() bugs
+        class Concrete(Base):
+            def m(self):
+                return 42
+            pass  # for inspect.getsource() bugs
+        def f(flag):
+            if flag:
+                o = Base()
+            else:
+                o = Concrete()
+            return o.m()
-def test_green_isinstance():
-    class Base(object):
-        pass
-    class Concrete(Base):
-        pass
+        hs = self.hannotate(f, [bool], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
-    def f(o):
-        hint(o, concrete=True)
-        return isinstance(o, Concrete)
-    hs = hannotate(f, [Base], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
-    assert hs.is_green()
+    def test_green_isinstance(self):
+        class Base(object):
+            pass
+        class Concrete(Base):
+            pass
+        def f(o):
+            hint(o, concrete=True)
+            return isinstance(o, Concrete)
-def test_cast_pointer_keeps_deepfreeze():
+        hs = self.hannotate(f, [Base], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
+        assert hs.is_green()
-    class A(object):
-        pass
-    class B(A):
-        pass
-    def getinstance(n):
-        if n:
-            return A()
-        else:
-            return B()
-    def ll_function(n):
-        a = getinstance(n)
-        a = hint(a, promote=True)
-        a = hint(a, deepfreeze=True)
-        if isinstance(a, B):
-            return a
-        return None
+    def test_cast_pointer_keeps_deepfreeze(self):
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [int], policy=P_NOVIRTUAL)
-    assert hs.deepfrozen
+        class A(object):
+            pass
+        class B(A):
+            pass
+        def getinstance(n):
+            if n:
+                return A()
+            else:
+                return B()
-def test_concrete_fnptr_for_green_call():
+        def ll_function(n):
+            a = getinstance(n)
+            a = hint(a, promote=True)
+            a = hint(a, deepfreeze=True)
-    def h1(n):
-        return n * 10
-    def h2(n):
-        return n + 20
-    lst = [h1, h2]
-    def ll_function(n, m):
-        h = hint(lst, deepfreeze=True)[m]
-        res = h(n)
-        hint(res, concrete=True)   # so 'h' gets green, so 'm' gets green
-        return m
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [int, int], policy=P_NOVIRTUAL)
-    assert hs.is_green()
-def test_indirect_yellow_call():
-    def h1(n):
-        return 123
-    def h2(n):
-        return 456
-    lst = [h1, h2]
-    def ll_function(n, m):
-        h = hint(lst, deepfreeze=True)[m]
-        return h(n)
-    hs = hannotate(ll_function, [int, int], policy=P_NOVIRTUAL)
-    assert not hs.is_green()
-def test_indirect_sometimes_residual_pure_red_call():
-    def h1(x):
-        return x-2
-    def h2(x):
-        return x*4
-    l = [h1, h2]
-    def f(n, x):
-        frozenl = hint(l, deepfreeze=True)
-        h = frozenl[n&1]
-        return h(x)
-    P = StopAtXPolicy(h1)
-    P.oopspec = True
-    P.entrypoint_returns_red = False
-    hs, hannotator = hannotate(f, [int, int], policy=P, annotator=True)
-    assert not hs.is_green()
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
-    tsgraph = graphof(hannotator.translator, h2)
-    hs = hannotator.binding(tsgraph.getargs()[0])
-    assert not hs.is_green()
-def test_indirect_sometimes_residual_red_call():
-    class Stuff:
-        pass
-    stuff = Stuff()
-    def h1(x):
-        stuff.hello = 123
-        return x-2
-    def h2(x):
-        return x*4
-    l = [h1, h2]
-    def f(n, x):
-        frozenl = hint(l, deepfreeze=True)
-        h = frozenl[n&1]
-        return h(x)
-    P = StopAtXPolicy(h1)
-    P.oopspec = True
-    P.entrypoint_returns_red = False
-    hs, hannotator = hannotate(f, [int, int], policy=P, annotator=True)
-    assert not hs.is_green()
-    tsgraph = graphof(hannotator.translator, h2)
-    hs = hannotator.binding(tsgraph.getargs()[0])
-    assert not hs.is_green()
-def test_indirect_sometimes_residual_pure_but_fixed_red_call():
-    def h1(x):
-        return x-2
-    def h2(x):
-        return x*4
-    l = [h1, h2]
-    def f(n, x):
-        frozenl = hint(l, deepfreeze=True)
-        h = frozenl[n&1]
-        z = h(x)
-        hint(z, concrete=True)
-        return z
-    P = StopAtXPolicy(h1)
-    P.oopspec = True
-    P.entrypoint_returns_red = False
-    hs, hannotator = hannotate(f, [int, int], policy=P, annotator=True)
-    assert hs.is_green()
-    #tsgraph = graphof(hannotator.translator, h2)
-    #hs = hannotator.binding(tsgraph.getargs()[0])
-    #assert hs.is_green()
-    tsgraph = graphof(hannotator.translator, f)
-    hs = hannotator.binding(tsgraph.getargs()[0])
-    assert hs.is_green()
-    hs = hannotator.binding(tsgraph.getargs()[1])
-    assert hs.is_green()
-def test_ignore_nonjitted_path():
-    def f(n):
-        if we_are_jitted():
-            return 5
-        else:
-            return n
-    hs = hannotate(f, [int])
-    assert hs.is_green()
-    def g(n):
-        if not we_are_jitted():
-            return n
-        else:
-            return 5
-    hs = hannotate(g, [int])
-    assert hs.is_green()
-    def g(n):
-        if not we_are_jitted():
-            return n
-        else:
-            return 5
-    hs = hannotate(g, [int], backendoptimize=True)
-    assert hs.is_green()
-def test_substitute_graph():
-    class MetaG:
-        pass    # the details are only used by the timeshifter
-    def g(m):
-        return m * 17
-    def f(n, m):
-        x = g(n)
-        y = g(m)
-        hint(y, concrete=True)
-        return g(m)
-    class MyPolicy(HintAnnotatorPolicy):
-        entrypoint_returns_red = False
-        def look_inside_graph(self, graph):
-            if graph.func is g:
-                return MetaG   # replaces g with a meta-call to metafunc()
-            else:
-                return True
-    hs, hannotator = hannotate(f, [int, int], policy=MyPolicy(),
-                               annotator=True)
-    assert hs.is_green()
-    for graph in hannotator.translator.graphs:
-        assert 'int_mul' not in flowmodel.summary(graph)
-def test_cast_ptr_to_int():
-    GCS1 = lltype.GcStruct('s1', ('x', lltype.Signed))
-    def f():
-        p = lltype.malloc(GCS1)
-        return lltype.cast_ptr_to_int(p)
-    hs = hannotate(f, [], policy=P_NOVIRTUAL)
-    assert not hs.is_green()
-def test_strange_green_result_after_red_switch():
-    py.test.skip("is this right?")
-    class LinkedRules(object):
-        _immutable_ = True
-        def __init__(self, data, next=None):
-            self.data = data
-            self.next = next
-        def find_applicable_rule(self, query):
-            # self is green, query isn't
-            # should the result really be green?
-            while self:
-                data = self.data
-                hint(data, concrete=True)
-                j = 0
-                if self.data == query:
-                    return self
-                self = self.next
+            if isinstance(a, B):
+                return a
             return None
-    chain = LinkedRules(1, LinkedRules(2, LinkedRules(0)))
-    def f(x):
-        rulechain = chain.find_applicable_rule(x)
-        return rulechain
-    hs = hannotate(f, [int], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
-    assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractVariable)
-def test_manual_marking_of_pure_functions():
-    d = {}
-    def h1(s):
-        try:
-            return d[s]
-        except KeyError:
-            d[s] = r = hash(s)
-            return r
-    h1._pure_function_ = True
-    def f(n):
-        hint(n, concrete=True)
-        if n == 0:
-            s = "abc"
-        else:
-            s = "123"
-        a = h1(s)
-        return a
-    P = StopAtXPolicy(h1)
-    P.oopspec = True
-    P.entrypoint_returns_red = False
-    hs = hannotate(f, [int], policy=P)
-    assert hs.is_green()
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int], policy=P_NOVIRTUAL)
+        assert hs.deepfrozen
+    def test_concrete_fnptr_for_green_call(self):
+        def h1(n):
+            return n * 10
+        def h2(n):
+            return n + 20
+        lst = [h1, h2]
+        def ll_function(n, m):
+            h = hint(lst, deepfreeze=True)[m]
+            res = h(n)
+            hint(res, concrete=True)   # so 'h' gets green, so 'm' gets green
+            return m
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int, int], policy=P_NOVIRTUAL)
+        assert hs.is_green()
+    def test_indirect_yellow_call(self):
+        def h1(n):
+            return 123
+        def h2(n):
+            return 456
+        lst = [h1, h2]
+        def ll_function(n, m):
+            h = hint(lst, deepfreeze=True)[m]
+            return h(n)
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [int, int], policy=P_NOVIRTUAL)
+        assert not hs.is_green()
+    def test_indirect_sometimes_residual_pure_red_call(self):
+        def h1(x):
+            return x-2
+        def h2(x):
+            return x*4
+        l = [h1, h2]
+        def f(n, x):
+            frozenl = hint(l, deepfreeze=True)
+            h = frozenl[n&1]
+            return h(x)
+        P = StopAtXPolicy(h1)
+        P.oopspec = True
+        P.entrypoint_returns_red = False
+        hs, hannotator = self.hannotate(f, [int, int], policy=P, annotator=True)
+        assert not hs.is_green()
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractConstant)
+        tsgraph = graphof(hannotator.translator, h2)
+        hs = hannotator.binding(tsgraph.getargs()[0])
+        assert not hs.is_green()
+    def test_indirect_sometimes_residual_red_call(self):
+        class Stuff:
+            pass
+        stuff = Stuff()
+        def h1(x):
+            stuff.hello = 123
+            return x-2
+        def h2(x):
+            return x*4
+        l = [h1, h2]
+        def f(n, x):
+            frozenl = hint(l, deepfreeze=True)
+            h = frozenl[n&1]
+            return h(x)
+        P = StopAtXPolicy(h1)
+        P.oopspec = True
+        P.entrypoint_returns_red = False
+        hs, hannotator = self.hannotate(f, [int, int], policy=P, annotator=True)
+        assert not hs.is_green()
+        tsgraph = graphof(hannotator.translator, h2)
+        hs = hannotator.binding(tsgraph.getargs()[0])
+        assert not hs.is_green()
+    def test_indirect_sometimes_residual_pure_but_fixed_red_call(self):
+        def h1(x):
+            return x-2
+        def h2(x):
+            return x*4
+        l = [h1, h2]
+        def f(n, x):
+            frozenl = hint(l, deepfreeze=True)
+            h = frozenl[n&1]
+            z = h(x)
+            hint(z, concrete=True)
+            return z
+        P = StopAtXPolicy(h1)
+        P.oopspec = True
+        P.entrypoint_returns_red = False
+        hs, hannotator = self.hannotate(f, [int, int], policy=P, annotator=True)
+        assert hs.is_green()
+        #tsgraph = graphof(hannotator.translator, h2)
+        #hs = hannotator.binding(tsgraph.getargs()[0])
+        #assert hs.is_green()
+        tsgraph = graphof(hannotator.translator, f)
+        hs = hannotator.binding(tsgraph.getargs()[0])
+        assert hs.is_green()
+        hs = hannotator.binding(tsgraph.getargs()[1])
+        assert hs.is_green()
+    def test_ignore_nonjitted_path(self):
+        def f(n):
+            if we_are_jitted():
+                return 5
+            else:
+                return n
+        hs = self.hannotate(f, [int])
+        assert hs.is_green()
+        def g(n):
+            if not we_are_jitted():
+                return n
+            else:
+                return 5
+        hs = self.hannotate(g, [int])
+        assert hs.is_green()
+        def g(n):
+            if not we_are_jitted():
+                return n
+            else:
+                return 5
+        hs = self.hannotate(g, [int], backendoptimize=True)
+        assert hs.is_green()
+    def test_substitute_graph(self):
+        class MetaG:
+            pass    # the details are only used by the timeshifter
+        def g(m):
+            return m * 17
+        def f(n, m):
+            x = g(n)
+            y = g(m)
+            hint(y, concrete=True)
+            return g(m)
+        class MyPolicy(HintAnnotatorPolicy):
+            entrypoint_returns_red = False
+            def look_inside_graph(self, graph):
+                if graph.func is g:
+                    return MetaG   # replaces g with a meta-call to metafunc()
+                else:
+                    return True
+        hs, hannotator = self.hannotate(f, [int, int], policy=MyPolicy(),
+                                   annotator=True)
+        assert hs.is_green()
+        for graph in hannotator.translator.graphs:
+            assert 'int_mul' not in flowmodel.summary(graph)
+    def test_strange_green_result_after_red_switch(self):
+        py.test.skip("is this right?")
+        class LinkedRules(object):
+            _immutable_ = True
+            def __init__(self, data, next=None):
+                self.data = data
+                self.next = next
+            def find_applicable_rule(self, query):
+                # self is green, query isn't
+                # should the result really be green?
+                while self:
+                    data = self.data
+                    hint(data, concrete=True)
+                    j = 0
+                    if self.data == query:
+                        return self
+                    self = self.next
+                return None
+        chain = LinkedRules(1, LinkedRules(2, LinkedRules(0)))
+        def f(x):
+            rulechain = chain.find_applicable_rule(x)
+            return rulechain
+        hs = self.hannotate(f, [int], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractVariable)
+    def test_manual_marking_of_pure_functions(self):
+        d = {}
+        def h1(s):
+            try:
+                return d[s]
+            except KeyError:
+                d[s] = r = hash(s)
+                return r
+        h1._pure_function_ = True
+        def f(n):
+            hint(n, concrete=True)
+            if n == 0:
+                s = "abc"
+            else:
+                s = "123"
+            a = h1(s)
+            return a
+        P = StopAtXPolicy(h1)
+        P.oopspec = True
+        P.entrypoint_returns_red = False
+        hs = self.hannotate(f, [int], policy=P)
+        assert hs.is_green()
+class TestLLType(BaseAnnotatorTest):
+    type_system = 'lltype'
+    malloc = property(lambda self: lltype.malloc)
+    def make_struct(self, name, *fields, **kwds):
+        return lltype.GcStruct(name, *fields, **kwds)
+    def annotate_struct(self, S):
+        return annmodel.SomePtr(lltype.Ptr(S))
+    def test_simple_cast_pointer(self):
+        GCS1 = lltype.GcStruct('s1', ('x', lltype.Signed))
+        GCS2 = lltype.GcStruct('s2', ('sub', GCS1), ('y', lltype.Signed))
+        PGCS1 = lltype.Ptr(GCS1)
+        PGCS2 = lltype.Ptr(GCS2)
+        def ll1():
+            s2 = lltype.malloc(GCS2)
+            return lltype.cast_pointer(PGCS1, s2)
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll1, [])
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
+        assert hs.concretetype == PGCS1
+        def ll1():
+            s2 = lltype.malloc(GCS2)
+            s1 = s2.sub
+            return lltype.cast_pointer(PGCS2, s1)
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll1, [])
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
+        assert hs.concretetype == PGCS2
+    def test_getarrayitem(self):
+        A = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Signed, hints={'immutable': True})
+        a = lltype.malloc(A, 10)
+        def ll1(n):
+            v = a[n]
+            v = hint(v, concrete=True)
+            return v
+        hs, ha = self.hannotate(ll1, [int], annotator=True)
+        assert hs.eager_concrete
+        g1 = graphof(ha.translator, ll1)
+        hs_n = ha.binding(g1.getargs()[0])
+        assert hs_n.origins.keys()[0].fixed
+    def test_getvarrayitem(self):
+        A = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Signed, hints={'immutable': True})
+        def ll1(n):
+            a = lltype.malloc(A, 10)
+            v = a[n]
+            v = hint(v, concrete=True)
+            return v
+        hs, ha = self.hannotate(ll1, [int], annotator=True)
+        assert hs.eager_concrete
+        g1 = graphof(ha.translator, ll1)
+        hs_n = ha.binding(g1.getargs()[0])
+        assert hs_n.origins.keys()[0].fixed
+    def test_degenerated_merge_substructure(self):
+        S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('n', lltype.Signed))
+        T = lltype.GcStruct('T', ('s', S), ('n', lltype.Float))
+        def ll_function(flag):
+            t = lltype.malloc(T)
+            t.s.n = 3
+            s = lltype.malloc(S)
+            s.n = 4
+            if flag:
+                s = t.s
+            return s, t
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [bool])
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
+        assert not hs.contentdef.degenerated
+        assert len(hs.contentdef.fields) == 2
+        hs0 = hs.contentdef.fields['item0'].s_value       # 's'
+        assert isinstance(hs0, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
+        assert hs0.contentdef.degenerated
+        hs1 = hs.contentdef.fields['item1'].s_value       # 't'
+        assert isinstance(hs1, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
+        assert hs1.contentdef.degenerated
+    def test_degenerated_merge_cross_substructure(self):
+        py.test.skip("no longer a valid test")
+        from pypy.rlib import objectmodel
+        S = lltype.Struct('S', ('n', lltype.Signed))
+        T = lltype.GcStruct('T', ('s', S), ('s1', S), ('n', lltype.Float))
+        def ll_function(flag):
+            t = lltype.malloc(T)
+            t.s.n = 3
+            t.s1.n = 3
+            if flag:
+                s = t.s
+            else:
+                s = t.s1
+            objectmodel.keepalive_until_here(t)
+            return s, t
+        hs = self.hannotate(ll_function, [bool])    
+        assert isinstance(hs, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
+        assert not hs.contentdef.degenerated
+        assert len(hs.contentdef.fields) == 2
+        hs0 = hs.contentdef.fields['item0'].s_value       # 's'
+        assert isinstance(hs0, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
+        assert hs0.contentdef.degenerated
+        hs1 = hs.contentdef.fields['item1'].s_value       # 't'
+        assert isinstance(hs1, SomeLLAbstractContainer)
+        assert hs1.contentdef.degenerated
+    def test_cast_ptr_to_int(self):
+        GCS1 = lltype.GcStruct('s1', ('x', lltype.Signed))
+        def f():
+            p = lltype.malloc(GCS1)
+            return lltype.cast_ptr_to_int(p)
+        hs = self.hannotate(f, [], policy=P_NOVIRTUAL)
+        assert not hs.is_green()
+class TestOOType(BaseAnnotatorTest):
+    type_system = 'ootype'
+    malloc = property(lambda self: ootype.new)
+    def make_struct(self, name, *fields, **kwds):
+        fields = dict(fields)
+        hints = kwds.pop('hints', None)
+        if hints:
+            kwds['_hints'] = hints
+        return ootype.Instance(name, ootype.ROOT, fields, **kwds)
+    def annotate_struct(self, S):
+        return annmodel.SomeOOInstance(S)
+    def skip_policy(self):
+        py.test.skip('fixme? (This policy is not relevant for now)')
+    test_simple_list_operations = skip_policy
+    test_some_more_list_operations = skip_policy
+    test_make_a_list = skip_policy
+    test_simple_struct_malloc = skip_policy
+    test_container_union = skip_policy
+    test_specialize_deepfreeze_calls = skip_policy
+    test_deepfreeze_variables = skip_policy
+    test_cast_pointer_keeps_deepfreeze = skip_policy
+    test_concrete_fnptr_for_green_call = skip_policy

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/jit/hintannotator/test/test_toy.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/jit/hintannotator/test/test_toy.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/jit/hintannotator/test/test_toy.py	Sat Dec 15 13:53:32 2007
@@ -1,20 +1,27 @@
-from pypy.jit.hintannotator.test.test_annotator import hannotate, P_OOPSPEC
-from pypy.jit.hintannotator.test.test_annotator import P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL
+from pypy.jit.hintannotator.test.test_annotator import AbstractAnnotatorTest
+from pypy.jit.hintannotator.test.test_annotator import P_OOPSPEC, P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL
+class BaseToyTest(AbstractAnnotatorTest):
+    def test_hannotate_tl(self):
+        from pypy.jit.tl import tl
+        self.hannotate(tl.interp, [str, int, int], policy=P_OOPSPEC)
-def test_hannotate_tl():
-    from pypy.jit.tl import tl
-    hannotate(tl.interp, [str, int, int], policy=P_OOPSPEC)
-def test_hannotate_tl_novirtual():
-    from pypy.jit.tl import tl
-    hannotate(tl.interp, [str, int, int], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
-def test_hannotate_tlr_novirtual():
-    from pypy.jit.tl import tlr
-    hannotate(tlr.interpret, [str, int], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
-def test_hannotate_tlc_novirtual():
-    from pypy.jit.tl import tlc
-    hannotate(tlc.interp_without_call, [str, int, int],
-              policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL, backendoptimize=True)
+    def test_hannotate_tl_novirtual(self):
+        from pypy.jit.tl import tl
+        self.hannotate(tl.interp, [str, int, int], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
+    def test_hannotate_tlr_novirtual(self):
+        from pypy.jit.tl import tlr
+        self.hannotate(tlr.interpret, [str, int], policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL)
+    def test_hannotate_tlc_novirtual(self):
+        from pypy.jit.tl import tlc
+        self.hannotate(tlc.interp_without_call, [str, int, int],
+                       policy=P_OOPSPEC_NOVIRTUAL, backendoptimize=True)
+class TestLLType(BaseToyTest):
+    type_system = 'lltype'
+## XXX: all tests fail :-(
+##class TestOOType(BaseToyTest):
+##    type_system = 'ootype'

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