[pypy-svn] r42151 - in pypy/dist/pypy: doc doc/config lang/js lib lib/distributed/test module/pypyjit/test objspace/std objspace/std/test rlib tool translator/js/examples/console translator/js/examples/console/test translator/js/test translator/jvm/test translator/oosupport/test

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Wed Apr 18 16:00:55 CEST 2007

Author: arigo
Date: Wed Apr 18 16:00:54 2007
New Revision: 42151

   pypy/dist/pypy/doc/config/objspace.std.withrope.txt   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/doc/config/translation.noprofopt.txt   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/doc/distribution.txt   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/doc/javascript-interpreter.txt   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/doc/parse_logs.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/constants.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/lib/_functools.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/lib/distributed/test/test_greensock.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/module/pypyjit/test/__init__.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/module/pypyjit/test/conftest.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/rope.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/ropeobject.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_index.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_rope.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_ropeobject.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/getaddrinfo.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/getnameinfo.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/tool/ansi_mandelbrot.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/examples/console/docloader.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/examples/console/play1_snippets.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/examples/console/test/test_docloader.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/examples/console/test/test_snippets.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/test/test_rfloat.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/test/test_str.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/translator/jvm/test/test_objectmodel.py   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/translator/oosupport/test/   (props changed)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/getaddrinfo.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/getaddrinfo.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/getaddrinfo.py	Wed Apr 18 16:00:54 2007
@@ -1,229 +1,229 @@
-An RPython implementation of getaddrinfo() based on ctypes.
-This is a rewrite of the CPython source: Modules/getaddrinfo.c
-from ctypes import POINTER, sizeof, cast, pointer
-from pypy.rlib import _rsocket_ctypes as _c
-from pypy.rlib.rsocket import GAIError, CSocketError
-from pypy.rlib.rsocket import gethost_common, make_address
-# valid flags for addrinfo
-    (1, 'EAI_ADDRFAMILY', "address family for hostname not supported"),
-    (2, 'EAI_AGAIN', "temporary failure in name resolution"),
-    (3, 'EAI_BADFLAGS', "invalid value for ai_flags"),
-    (4, 'EAI_FAIL', "failure in name resolution"),
-    (5, 'EAI_FAMILY', "ai_family not supported"),
-    (6, 'EAI_MEMORY', "memory allocation failure"),
-    (7, 'EAI_NODATA', "no address associated with hostname"),
-    (8, 'EAI_NONAME', "hostname nor servname provided, or not known"),
-    (9, 'EAI_SERVICE', "servname not supported for ai_socktype"),
-    (10, 'EAI_SOCKTYPE', "ai_socktype not supported"),
-    (11, 'EAI_SYSTEM', "system error returned in errno"),
-    (12, 'EAI_BADHINTS', "invalid value for hints"),
-    (13, 'EAI_PROTOCOL', "resolved protocol is unknown."),
-    (14, 'EAI_MAX', "unknown error"),
-for value, name, text in GAI_ERRORS:
-    globals()[name] = value
-    GAI_ERROR_MESSAGES[value] = text
-# Replacement function for rsocket.GAIError.get_msg
-def GAIError_getmsg(self):
-    return GAI_ERROR_MESSAGES[self.errno]
-# str.isdigit is not RPython, so provide our own
-def str_isdigit(name):
-    if name == "":
-        return False
-    for c in name:
-        if c not in "012345789":
-            return False
-    return True
-GAI_ANY = 0
-def getaddrinfo(hostname, servname,
-                family=_c.AF_UNSPEC, socktype=0,
-                protocol=0, flags=0,
-                address_to_fill=None):
-    if not hostname and not servname:
-        raise GAIError(EAI_NONAME)
-    # error checks for hints
-    if flags & ~AI_MASK:
-        raise GAIError(EAI_BADFLAGS)
-    if family not in (_c.AF_UNSPEC, _c.AF_INET):
-        raise GAIError(EAI_FAMILY)
-    if socktype == GAI_ANY:
-        if protocol == GAI_ANY:
-            pass
-        elif protocol == _c.IPPROTO_UDP:
-            socktype = _c.SOCK_DGRAM
-        elif protocol == _c.IPPROTO_TCP:
-            socktype = _c.SOCK_STREAM
-        else:
-            socktype = _c.SOCK_RAW
-    elif socktype == _c.SOCK_RAW:
-        pass
-    elif socktype == _c.SOCK_DGRAM:
-        if protocol not in (_c.IPPROTO_UDP, GAI_ANY):
-            raise GAIError(EAI_BADHINTS)
-        protocol = _c.IPPROTO_UDP
-    elif socktype == _c.SOCK_STREAM:
-        if protocol not in (_c.IPPROTO_TCP, GAI_ANY):
-            raise GAIError(EAI_BADHINTS)
-        protocol = _c.IPPROTO_TCP
-    else:
-        raise GAIError(EAI_SOCKTYPE)
-    port = GAI_ANY
-    # service port
-    if servname:
-        if str_isdigit(servname):
-            port = _c.htons(int(servname))
-            # On windows, python2.3 uses getattrinfo.c,
-            # python2.4 uses VC2003 implementation of getaddrinfo().
-            # if sys.version < (2, 4)
-            #     socktype = _c.SOCK_DGRAM
-            #     protocol = _c.IPPROTO_UDP
-        else:
-            if socktype == _c.SOCK_DGRAM:
-                proto = "udp"
-            elif socktype == _c.SOCK_STREAM:
-                proto = "tcp"
-            else:
-                proto = None
-            sp = _c.getservbyname(servname, proto)
-            if not sp:
-                raise GAIError(EAI_SERVICE)
-            port = sp.contents.s_port
-            if socktype == GAI_ANY:
-                if sp.contents.s_proto == "udp":
-                    socktype = _c.SOCK_DGRAM
-                    protocol = _c.IPPROTO_UDP
-                elif sp.contents.s_proto == "tcp":
-                    socktype = _c.SOCK_STREAM
-                    protocol = _c.IPPROTO_TCP
-                else:
-                    raise GAIError(EAI_PROTOCOL)
-    # hostname == NULL
-    # passive socket -> anyaddr ( or ::)
-    # non-passive socket -> localhost ( or ::1)
-    if not hostname:
-        result = []
-        if family in (_c.AF_UNSPEC, _c.AF_INET):
-            sin = _c.sockaddr_in(sin_family=_c.AF_INET, sin_port=port)
-            if flags & _c.AI_PASSIVE:
-                sin.sin_addr.s_addr = 0x0        # addrany
-            else:
-                sin.sin_addr.s_addr = 0x0100007f # loopback
-            addr = make_address(cast(pointer(sin), POINTER(_c.sockaddr)),
-                                sizeof(_c.sockaddr_in), address_to_fill)
-            result.append((_c.AF_INET, socktype, protocol, "",  # xxx canonname meaningless? "anyaddr"
-                           addr))
-        if not result:
-            raise GAIError(EAI_FAMILY)
-        return result
-    # hostname as numeric name
-    if family in (_c.AF_UNSPEC, _c.AF_INET):
-        packedaddr = _c.inet_addr(hostname)
-        if packedaddr != INADDR_NONE:
-            v4a = _c.ntohl(packedaddr)
-            if (v4a & 0xf0000000 == 0xe0000000 or # IN_MULTICAST()
-                v4a & 0xe0000000 == 0xe0000000):  # IN_EXPERIMENTAL()
-                flags &= ~_c.AI_CANONNAME
-            v4a >>= 24 # = IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT
-            if v4a in (0, 127): # = IN_LOOPBACKNET
-                flags &= ~_c.AI_CANONNAME
-            if not flags & _c.AI_CANONNAME:
-                sin = _c.sockaddr_in(sin_family=_c.AF_INET, sin_port=port)
-                sin.sin_addr.s_addr = packedaddr
-                addr = make_address(cast(pointer(sin), POINTER(_c.sockaddr)),
-                                    sizeof(_c.sockaddr_in), address_to_fill)
-                return [(_c.AF_INET, socktype, protocol, None, addr)]
-            else:
-                sin = _c.sockaddr_in(sin_family=_c.AF_INET, sin_port=port)
-                sin.sin_addr.s_addr = packedaddr
-                # getaddrinfo() is a name->address translation function,
-                # and it looks strange that we do addr->name translation here.
-                # This is what python2.3 did on Windows:
-                # if sys.version < (2, 4):
-                #     canonname = get_name(hostname, sin.sin_addr,
-                #                          sizeof(_c.in_addr))
-                canonname = hostname
-                addr = make_address(cast(pointer(sin), POINTER(_c.sockaddr)),
-                                    sizeof(_c.sockaddr_in), address_to_fill)
-                return [(_c.AF_INET, socktype, protocol, canonname, addr)]
-    if flags & _c.AI_NUMERICHOST:
-        raise GAIError(EAI_NONAME)
-    # hostname as alphabetical name
-    result = get_addr(hostname, socktype, protocol, port, address_to_fill)
-    if result:
-        return result
-    raise GAIError(EAI_FAIL)
-def get_name(hostname, addr, addrlen):
-    hostent = _c.gethostbyaddr(pointer(addr), addrlen, _c.AF_INET)
-    # if reverse lookup fail,
-    # return address anyway to pacify calling application.
-    if not hostent:
-        return hostname
-    hname, aliases, address_list = gethost_common("", hostent)
-    if hostent and hostent.contents.h_name and hostent.contents.h_addr_list[0]:
-        return hostent.contents.h_name
-    else:
-        return hostname
-def get_addr(hostname, socktype, protocol, port, address_to_fill):
-    hostent = _c.gethostbyname(hostname)
-    if not hostent:
-        raise GAIError(EAI_FAIL)
-    hname, aliases, address_list = gethost_common("", hostent)
-    result = []
-    for address in address_list:
-        if address.addr.sa_family == _c.AF_INET:
-            a = cast(pointer(address.addr), POINTER(_c.sockaddr_in)).contents
-            a.sin_port = port & 0xffff
-        addr = make_address(pointer(address.addr),address.addrlen,address_to_fill)
-        result.append((address.addr.sa_family,
-                       socktype,
-                       protocol,
-                       "", # XXX canonname?
-                       addr))
-    return result
+An RPython implementation of getaddrinfo() based on ctypes.
+This is a rewrite of the CPython source: Modules/getaddrinfo.c
+from ctypes import POINTER, sizeof, cast, pointer
+from pypy.rlib import _rsocket_ctypes as _c
+from pypy.rlib.rsocket import GAIError, CSocketError
+from pypy.rlib.rsocket import gethost_common, make_address
+# valid flags for addrinfo
+    (1, 'EAI_ADDRFAMILY', "address family for hostname not supported"),
+    (2, 'EAI_AGAIN', "temporary failure in name resolution"),
+    (3, 'EAI_BADFLAGS', "invalid value for ai_flags"),
+    (4, 'EAI_FAIL', "failure in name resolution"),
+    (5, 'EAI_FAMILY', "ai_family not supported"),
+    (6, 'EAI_MEMORY', "memory allocation failure"),
+    (7, 'EAI_NODATA', "no address associated with hostname"),
+    (8, 'EAI_NONAME', "hostname nor servname provided, or not known"),
+    (9, 'EAI_SERVICE', "servname not supported for ai_socktype"),
+    (10, 'EAI_SOCKTYPE', "ai_socktype not supported"),
+    (11, 'EAI_SYSTEM', "system error returned in errno"),
+    (12, 'EAI_BADHINTS', "invalid value for hints"),
+    (13, 'EAI_PROTOCOL', "resolved protocol is unknown."),
+    (14, 'EAI_MAX', "unknown error"),
+for value, name, text in GAI_ERRORS:
+    globals()[name] = value
+    GAI_ERROR_MESSAGES[value] = text
+# Replacement function for rsocket.GAIError.get_msg
+def GAIError_getmsg(self):
+    return GAI_ERROR_MESSAGES[self.errno]
+# str.isdigit is not RPython, so provide our own
+def str_isdigit(name):
+    if name == "":
+        return False
+    for c in name:
+        if c not in "012345789":
+            return False
+    return True
+GAI_ANY = 0
+def getaddrinfo(hostname, servname,
+                family=_c.AF_UNSPEC, socktype=0,
+                protocol=0, flags=0,
+                address_to_fill=None):
+    if not hostname and not servname:
+        raise GAIError(EAI_NONAME)
+    # error checks for hints
+    if flags & ~AI_MASK:
+        raise GAIError(EAI_BADFLAGS)
+    if family not in (_c.AF_UNSPEC, _c.AF_INET):
+        raise GAIError(EAI_FAMILY)
+    if socktype == GAI_ANY:
+        if protocol == GAI_ANY:
+            pass
+        elif protocol == _c.IPPROTO_UDP:
+            socktype = _c.SOCK_DGRAM
+        elif protocol == _c.IPPROTO_TCP:
+            socktype = _c.SOCK_STREAM
+        else:
+            socktype = _c.SOCK_RAW
+    elif socktype == _c.SOCK_RAW:
+        pass
+    elif socktype == _c.SOCK_DGRAM:
+        if protocol not in (_c.IPPROTO_UDP, GAI_ANY):
+            raise GAIError(EAI_BADHINTS)
+        protocol = _c.IPPROTO_UDP
+    elif socktype == _c.SOCK_STREAM:
+        if protocol not in (_c.IPPROTO_TCP, GAI_ANY):
+            raise GAIError(EAI_BADHINTS)
+        protocol = _c.IPPROTO_TCP
+    else:
+        raise GAIError(EAI_SOCKTYPE)
+    port = GAI_ANY
+    # service port
+    if servname:
+        if str_isdigit(servname):
+            port = _c.htons(int(servname))
+            # On windows, python2.3 uses getattrinfo.c,
+            # python2.4 uses VC2003 implementation of getaddrinfo().
+            # if sys.version < (2, 4)
+            #     socktype = _c.SOCK_DGRAM
+            #     protocol = _c.IPPROTO_UDP
+        else:
+            if socktype == _c.SOCK_DGRAM:
+                proto = "udp"
+            elif socktype == _c.SOCK_STREAM:
+                proto = "tcp"
+            else:
+                proto = None
+            sp = _c.getservbyname(servname, proto)
+            if not sp:
+                raise GAIError(EAI_SERVICE)
+            port = sp.contents.s_port
+            if socktype == GAI_ANY:
+                if sp.contents.s_proto == "udp":
+                    socktype = _c.SOCK_DGRAM
+                    protocol = _c.IPPROTO_UDP
+                elif sp.contents.s_proto == "tcp":
+                    socktype = _c.SOCK_STREAM
+                    protocol = _c.IPPROTO_TCP
+                else:
+                    raise GAIError(EAI_PROTOCOL)
+    # hostname == NULL
+    # passive socket -> anyaddr ( or ::)
+    # non-passive socket -> localhost ( or ::1)
+    if not hostname:
+        result = []
+        if family in (_c.AF_UNSPEC, _c.AF_INET):
+            sin = _c.sockaddr_in(sin_family=_c.AF_INET, sin_port=port)
+            if flags & _c.AI_PASSIVE:
+                sin.sin_addr.s_addr = 0x0        # addrany
+            else:
+                sin.sin_addr.s_addr = 0x0100007f # loopback
+            addr = make_address(cast(pointer(sin), POINTER(_c.sockaddr)),
+                                sizeof(_c.sockaddr_in), address_to_fill)
+            result.append((_c.AF_INET, socktype, protocol, "",  # xxx canonname meaningless? "anyaddr"
+                           addr))
+        if not result:
+            raise GAIError(EAI_FAMILY)
+        return result
+    # hostname as numeric name
+    if family in (_c.AF_UNSPEC, _c.AF_INET):
+        packedaddr = _c.inet_addr(hostname)
+        if packedaddr != INADDR_NONE:
+            v4a = _c.ntohl(packedaddr)
+            if (v4a & 0xf0000000 == 0xe0000000 or # IN_MULTICAST()
+                v4a & 0xe0000000 == 0xe0000000):  # IN_EXPERIMENTAL()
+                flags &= ~_c.AI_CANONNAME
+            v4a >>= 24 # = IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT
+            if v4a in (0, 127): # = IN_LOOPBACKNET
+                flags &= ~_c.AI_CANONNAME
+            if not flags & _c.AI_CANONNAME:
+                sin = _c.sockaddr_in(sin_family=_c.AF_INET, sin_port=port)
+                sin.sin_addr.s_addr = packedaddr
+                addr = make_address(cast(pointer(sin), POINTER(_c.sockaddr)),
+                                    sizeof(_c.sockaddr_in), address_to_fill)
+                return [(_c.AF_INET, socktype, protocol, None, addr)]
+            else:
+                sin = _c.sockaddr_in(sin_family=_c.AF_INET, sin_port=port)
+                sin.sin_addr.s_addr = packedaddr
+                # getaddrinfo() is a name->address translation function,
+                # and it looks strange that we do addr->name translation here.
+                # This is what python2.3 did on Windows:
+                # if sys.version < (2, 4):
+                #     canonname = get_name(hostname, sin.sin_addr,
+                #                          sizeof(_c.in_addr))
+                canonname = hostname
+                addr = make_address(cast(pointer(sin), POINTER(_c.sockaddr)),
+                                    sizeof(_c.sockaddr_in), address_to_fill)
+                return [(_c.AF_INET, socktype, protocol, canonname, addr)]
+    if flags & _c.AI_NUMERICHOST:
+        raise GAIError(EAI_NONAME)
+    # hostname as alphabetical name
+    result = get_addr(hostname, socktype, protocol, port, address_to_fill)
+    if result:
+        return result
+    raise GAIError(EAI_FAIL)
+def get_name(hostname, addr, addrlen):
+    hostent = _c.gethostbyaddr(pointer(addr), addrlen, _c.AF_INET)
+    # if reverse lookup fail,
+    # return address anyway to pacify calling application.
+    if not hostent:
+        return hostname
+    hname, aliases, address_list = gethost_common("", hostent)
+    if hostent and hostent.contents.h_name and hostent.contents.h_addr_list[0]:
+        return hostent.contents.h_name
+    else:
+        return hostname
+def get_addr(hostname, socktype, protocol, port, address_to_fill):
+    hostent = _c.gethostbyname(hostname)
+    if not hostent:
+        raise GAIError(EAI_FAIL)
+    hname, aliases, address_list = gethost_common("", hostent)
+    result = []
+    for address in address_list:
+        if address.addr.sa_family == _c.AF_INET:
+            a = cast(pointer(address.addr), POINTER(_c.sockaddr_in)).contents
+            a.sin_port = port & 0xffff
+        addr = make_address(pointer(address.addr),address.addrlen,address_to_fill)
+        result.append((address.addr.sa_family,
+                       socktype,
+                       protocol,
+                       "", # XXX canonname?
+                       addr))
+    return result

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/getnameinfo.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/getnameinfo.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rlib/getnameinfo.py	Wed Apr 18 16:00:54 2007
@@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
-An RPython implementation of getnameinfo() based on ctypes.
-This is a rewrite of the CPython source: Modules/getaddrinfo.c
-from ctypes import POINTER, sizeof, cast, pointer
-from pypy.rlib import _rsocket_ctypes as _c
-from pypy.rlib.rsocket import RSocketError, GAIError
-NI_NOFQDN = 0x00000001
-NI_NUMERICHOST = 0x00000002
-NI_NAMEREQD = 0x00000004
-NI_NUMERICSERV = 0x00000008
-NI_DGRAM = 0x00000010
-def _getservicename(sin_port, flags):
-    if flags & NI_NUMERICSERV:
-        sp = None
-    elif flags & NI_DGRAM:
-        sp = _c.getservbyport(sin_port, "udp")
-    else:
-        sp = _c.getservbyport(sin_port, "tcp")
-    if sp:
-        serv = sp.contents.s_name
-    else:
-        serv = "%d" % _c.ntohs(sin_port)
-    return serv
-def getnameinfo(_addr, flags):
-    addr = _addr.addr
-    if addr.sa_family != _c.AF_INET:
-        raise RSocketError("unknown address family")
-    sockaddr = cast(pointer(addr), POINTER(_c.sockaddr_in)).contents
-    sin_port = sockaddr.sin_port
-    sin_addr = sockaddr.sin_addr
-    v4a = _c.ntohl(sin_addr.s_addr)
-    if (v4a & 0xf0000000 == 0xe0000000 or # IN_MULTICAST()
-        v4a & 0xe0000000 == 0xe0000000):  # IN_EXPERIMENTAL()
-        flags |= NI_NUMERICHOST
-    # XXX Why does this work in CPython?
-    # v4a >>= 24 # = IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT
-    # if v4a in (0, 127): # = IN_LOOPBACKNET
-    #     flags |= NI_NUMERICHOST
-    numsize = _c.INET_ADDRSTRLEN
-    serv = _getservicename(sin_port, flags)
-    if not (flags & NI_NUMERICHOST):
-        hostent = _c.gethostbyaddr(pointer(sin_addr), sizeof(_c.in_addr), addr.sa_family)
-    else:
-        hostent = None
-    if hostent:
-        from pypy.rlib.rsocket import gethost_common
-        host, _, _ = gethost_common("", hostent)
-    else:
-        from pypy.rlib.rsocket import copy_buffer
-        host = _c.inet_ntoa(sin_addr)
-        #buf = copy_buffer(ptr, len(ptr))
-        #host = buf.raw
-    return host, serv
+An RPython implementation of getnameinfo() based on ctypes.
+This is a rewrite of the CPython source: Modules/getaddrinfo.c
+from ctypes import POINTER, sizeof, cast, pointer
+from pypy.rlib import _rsocket_ctypes as _c
+from pypy.rlib.rsocket import RSocketError, GAIError
+NI_NOFQDN = 0x00000001
+NI_NUMERICHOST = 0x00000002
+NI_NAMEREQD = 0x00000004
+NI_NUMERICSERV = 0x00000008
+NI_DGRAM = 0x00000010
+def _getservicename(sin_port, flags):
+    if flags & NI_NUMERICSERV:
+        sp = None
+    elif flags & NI_DGRAM:
+        sp = _c.getservbyport(sin_port, "udp")
+    else:
+        sp = _c.getservbyport(sin_port, "tcp")
+    if sp:
+        serv = sp.contents.s_name
+    else:
+        serv = "%d" % _c.ntohs(sin_port)
+    return serv
+def getnameinfo(_addr, flags):
+    addr = _addr.addr
+    if addr.sa_family != _c.AF_INET:
+        raise RSocketError("unknown address family")
+    sockaddr = cast(pointer(addr), POINTER(_c.sockaddr_in)).contents
+    sin_port = sockaddr.sin_port
+    sin_addr = sockaddr.sin_addr
+    v4a = _c.ntohl(sin_addr.s_addr)
+    if (v4a & 0xf0000000 == 0xe0000000 or # IN_MULTICAST()
+        v4a & 0xe0000000 == 0xe0000000):  # IN_EXPERIMENTAL()
+        flags |= NI_NUMERICHOST
+    # XXX Why does this work in CPython?
+    # v4a >>= 24 # = IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT
+    # if v4a in (0, 127): # = IN_LOOPBACKNET
+    #     flags |= NI_NUMERICHOST
+    numsize = _c.INET_ADDRSTRLEN
+    serv = _getservicename(sin_port, flags)
+    if not (flags & NI_NUMERICHOST):
+        hostent = _c.gethostbyaddr(pointer(sin_addr), sizeof(_c.in_addr), addr.sa_family)
+    else:
+        hostent = None
+    if hostent:
+        from pypy.rlib.rsocket import gethost_common
+        host, _, _ = gethost_common("", hostent)
+    else:
+        from pypy.rlib.rsocket import copy_buffer
+        host = _c.inet_ntoa(sin_addr)
+        #buf = copy_buffer(ptr, len(ptr))
+        #host = buf.raw
+    return host, serv

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