[pypy-svn] r33937 - pypy/dist/pypy/jit/timeshifter/test

pedronis at codespeak.net pedronis at codespeak.net
Tue Oct 31 10:56:46 CET 2006

Author: pedronis
Date: Tue Oct 31 10:56:44 2006
New Revision: 33937

(arre, pedronis)

add caching to the portl tests infrastructure

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/jit/timeshifter/test/test_portal.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/jit/timeshifter/test/test_portal.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/jit/timeshifter/test/test_portal.py	Tue Oct 31 10:56:44 2006
@@ -2,47 +2,74 @@
 from pypy.translator.translator import graphof
 from pypy.jit.timeshifter.test.test_timeshift import hannotate
 from pypy.jit.timeshifter.rtyper import HintRTyper
-from pypy.jit.codegen.llgraph.rgenop import RGenOp
 from pypy.rpython.llinterp import LLInterpreter
 from pypy.objspace.flow.model import checkgraph
 from pypy.rpython.objectmodel import hint
-def timeshift_from_portal(main, portal, main_args):
-    hs, ha, rtyper = hannotate(main, main_args, portal=portal)
+class TestPortal(object):
+    from pypy.jit.codegen.llgraph.rgenop import RGenOp
-    # make the timeshifted graphs
-    hrtyper = HintRTyper(ha, rtyper, RGenOp)
-    t = rtyper.annotator.translator
-    origportalgraph = graphof(t, portal)
-    hrtyper.specialize(origportalgraph=origportalgraph,
-                       view = conftest.option.view)
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        cls._cache = {}
+        cls._cache_order = []
+    def teardown_class(cls):
+        del cls._cache
+        del cls._cache_order
+    def timeshift_from_portal(self, main, portal, main_args,
+                              inline=None, policy=None,
+                              backendoptimize=False):
+        key = main, portal, inline, policy, backendoptimize
+        try:
+            maingraph, rtyper = self._cache[key]
+        except KeyError:
+            if len(self._cache_order) >= 3:
+                del self._cache[self._cache_order.pop(0)]
+            hs, ha, rtyper = hannotate(main, main_args, portal=portal,
+                                       policy=policy, inline=inline,
+                                       backendoptimize=backendoptimize)
+            # make the timeshifted graphs
+            hrtyper = HintRTyper(ha, rtyper, self.RGenOp)
+            t = rtyper.annotator.translator
+            origportalgraph = graphof(t, portal)
+            hrtyper.specialize(origportalgraph=origportalgraph,
+                               view = conftest.option.view)
+            for graph in ha.translator.graphs:
+                checkgraph(graph)
+                t.graphs.append(graph)
+            if conftest.option.view:
+                t.view()
+            maingraph = graphof(t, main)
+            self._cache[key] = maingraph, rtyper
+            self._cache_order.append(key)
+        llinterp = LLInterpreter(rtyper)
+        return llinterp.eval_graph(maingraph, main_args)
+    def test_simple(self):
+        def main(code, x):
+            return evaluate(code, x)
+        def evaluate(y, x):
+            hint(y, concrete=True)
+            z = y+x
+            return z
-    for graph in ha.translator.graphs:
-        checkgraph(graph)
-        t.graphs.append(graph)
+        res = self.timeshift_from_portal(main, evaluate, [3, 2])
+        assert res == 5
-    if conftest.option.view:
-        t.view()
-    maingraph = graphof(t, main)
+        res = self.timeshift_from_portal(main, evaluate, [3, 5])
+        assert res == 8
-    llinterp = LLInterpreter(rtyper)
-    return llinterp.eval_graph(maingraph, main_args)
-def test_simple():
-    def main(code, x):
-        return evaluate(code, x)
-    def evaluate(y, x):
-        hint(y, concrete=True)
-        z = y+x
-        return z
-    res = timeshift_from_portal(main, evaluate, [3, 2])
-    assert res == 5
+        res = self.timeshift_from_portal(main, evaluate, [4, 7])
+        assert res == 11

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