[pypy-svn] r33892 - in pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js: . js test

fijal at codespeak.net fijal at codespeak.net
Mon Oct 30 15:39:22 CET 2006

Author: fijal
Date: Mon Oct 30 15:39:21 2006
New Revision: 33892

   pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/__init__.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/astgen.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/interpreter.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/parser.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/test/   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/test/__init__.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/test/test_interp.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/test/test_parser.py   (contents, props changed)
(santagada, fijal, arigo) - Added simple js stuff.

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/__init__.py

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/astgen.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/astgen.py	Mon Oct 30 15:39:21 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+from pypy.annotation.pairtype import extendabletype
+class Node(object):
+    __metaclass__ = extendabletype
+#    def __init__(self, lineno = 1):
+#        self.lineno = lineno
+#    def getlist(d):
+#        lgt = int(d['length'])
+#        output = [d[str(i)] for i in range(lgt)]
+#        return output
+#    getlist = staticmethod(getlist)
+class Script(Node):
+    def __init__(self, nodes, var_decl, func_decl):
+        self.nodes = nodes
+        self.var_decl = var_decl
+        self.func_decl = func_decl
+#    def from_dict(d):
+#        return Script(self.getlist(d), d['varDecl'], d['funcDecl'])
+#    from_dict = staticmethod(from_dict)
+class Semicolon(Node):
+    def __init__(self, expr):
+        self.expr = expr
+class Plus(Node):
+    def __init__(self, left, right):
+        self.left = left
+        self.right = right
+class Number(Node):
+    def __init__(self, num):
+        self.num = num
+#class Print(Node):
+#    def __init__(self, expr):

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/interpreter.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/interpreter.py	Mon Oct 30 15:39:21 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from pypy.lang.js.astgen import *
+class __extend__(Number):
+    def call(self):
+        return self.num
+class __extend__(Plus):
+    def call(self):
+        return self.left.call() + self.right.call()
+class __extend__(Semicolon):
+    def call(self):
+        self.expr.call()
+class __extend__(Script):
+    def call(self):
+        for node in self.nodes:
+            node.call()

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/js/jsdefs.js
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/js/jsdefs.js	Mon Oct 30 15:39:21 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is the Narcissus JavaScript engine.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Brendan Eich <brendan at mozilla.org>.
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ *
+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+ * Narcissus - JS implemented in JS.
+ *
+ * Well-known constants and lookup tables.  Many consts are generated from the
+ * tokens table via eval to minimize redundancy, so consumers must be compiled
+ * separately to take advantage of the simple switch-case constant propagation
+ * done by SpiderMonkey.
+ */
+const GLOBAL = this;
+var tokens = [
+    // End of source.
+    "END",
+    // Operators and punctuators.  Some pair-wise order matters, e.g. (+, -)
+    // and (UNARY_PLUS, UNARY_MINUS).
+    "\n", ";",
+    ",",
+    "=",
+    "?", ":", "CONDITIONAL",
+    "||",
+    "&&",
+    "|",
+    "^",
+    "&",
+    "==", "!=", "===", "!==",
+    "<", "<=", ">=", ">",
+    "<<", ">>", ">>>",
+    "+", "-",
+    "*", "/", "%",
+    "!", "~", "UNARY_PLUS", "UNARY_MINUS",
+    "++", "--",
+    ".",
+    "[", "]",
+    "{", "}",
+    "(", ")",
+    // Nonterminal tree node type codes.
+    "GROUP", "LIST",
+    // Terminals.
+    // Keywords.
+    "break",
+    "case", "catch", "const", "continue",
+    "debugger", "default", "delete", "do",
+    "else", "enum",
+    "false", "finally", "for", "function",
+    "if", "in", "instanceof",
+    "new", "null",
+    "return",
+    "switch",
+    "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof",
+    "var", "void",
+    "while", "with",
+// Operator and punctuator mapping from token to tree node type name.
+// NB: superstring tokens (e.g., ++) must come before their substring token
+// counterparts (+ in the example), so that the opRegExp regular expression
+// synthesized from this list makes the longest possible match.
+var opTypeNames = {
+    '\n':   "NEWLINE",
+    ';':    "SEMICOLON",
+    ',':    "COMMA",
+    '?':    "HOOK",
+    ':':    "COLON",
+    '||':   "OR",
+    '&&':   "AND",
+    '|':    "BITWISE_OR",
+    '^':    "BITWISE_XOR",
+    '&':    "BITWISE_AND",
+    '===':  "STRICT_EQ",
+    '==':   "EQ",
+    '=':    "ASSIGN",
+    '!==':  "STRICT_NE",
+    '!=':   "NE",
+    '<<':   "LSH",
+    '<=':   "LE",
+    '<':    "LT",
+    '>>>':  "URSH",
+    '>>':   "RSH",
+    '>=':   "GE",
+    '>':    "GT",
+    '++':   "INCREMENT",
+    '--':   "DECREMENT",
+    '+':    "PLUS",
+    '-':    "MINUS",
+    '*':    "MUL",
+    '/':    "DIV",
+    '%':    "MOD",
+    '!':    "NOT",
+    '~':    "BITWISE_NOT",
+    '.':    "DOT",
+    '[':    "LEFT_BRACKET",
+    ']':    "RIGHT_BRACKET",
+    '{':    "LEFT_CURLY",
+    '}':    "RIGHT_CURLY",
+    '(':    "LEFT_PAREN",
+    ')':    "RIGHT_PAREN"
+// Hash of keyword identifier to tokens index.  NB: we must null __proto__ to
+// avoid toString, etc. namespace pollution.
+var keywords = {__proto__: null};
+// Define const END, etc., based on the token names.  Also map name to index.
+var consts = "const ";
+for (var i = 0, j = tokens.length; i < j; i++) {
+    if (i > 0)
+        consts += ", ";
+    var t = tokens[i];
+    if (/^[a-z]/.test(t)) {
+        consts += t.toUpperCase();
+        keywords[t] = i;
+    } else {
+        consts += (/^\W/.test(t) ? opTypeNames[t] : t);
+    }
+    consts += " = " + i;
+    tokens[t] = i;
+eval(consts + ";");
+// Map assignment operators to their indexes in the tokens array.
+var assignOps = ['|', '^', '&', '<<', '>>', '>>>', '+', '-', '*', '/', '%'];
+for (i = 0, j = assignOps.length; i < j; i++) {
+    t = assignOps[i];
+    assignOps[t] = tokens[t];

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/js/jsparse.js
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/js/jsparse.js	Mon Oct 30 15:39:21 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,1007 @@
+/* vim: set sw=4 ts=8 et tw=80: */
+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is the Narcissus JavaScript engine.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Brendan Eich <brendan at mozilla.org>.
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ *
+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+ * Narcissus - JS implemented in JS.
+ *
+ * Lexical scanner and parser.
+ */
+// Build a regexp that recognizes operators and punctuators (except newline).
+var opRegExpSrc = "^";
+for (i in opTypeNames) {
+    if (i == '\n')
+        continue;
+    if (opRegExpSrc != "^")
+        opRegExpSrc += "|^";
+    opRegExpSrc += i.replace(/[?|^&(){}\[\]+\-*\/\.]/g, "\\$&");
+var opRegExp = new RegExp(opRegExpSrc);
+// A regexp to match floating point literals (but not integer literals).
+var fpRegExp = /^\d+\.\d*(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?|^\d+(?:\.\d*)?[eE][-+]?\d+|^\.\d+(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/;
+function Tokenizer(s, f, l) {
+    this.cursor = 0;
+    this.source = String(s);
+    this.tokens = [];
+    this.tokenIndex = 0;
+    this.lookahead = 0;
+    this.scanNewlines = false;
+    this.scanOperand = true;
+    this.filename = f || "";
+    this.lineno = l || 1;
+Tokenizer.prototype = {
+    get input() {
+        return this.source.substring(this.cursor);
+    },
+    get done() {
+        return this.peek() == END;
+    },
+    get token() {
+        return this.tokens[this.tokenIndex];
+    },
+    match: function (tt) {
+        return this.get() == tt || this.unget();
+    },
+    mustMatch: function (tt) {
+        if (!this.match(tt))
+            throw this.newSyntaxError("Missing " + tokens[tt].toLowerCase());
+        return this.token;
+    },
+    peek: function () {
+        var tt;
+        if (this.lookahead) {
+            tt = this.tokens[(this.tokenIndex + this.lookahead) & 3].type;
+        } else {
+            tt = this.get();
+            this.unget();
+        }
+        return tt;
+    },
+    peekOnSameLine: function () {
+        this.scanNewlines = true;
+        var tt = this.peek();
+        this.scanNewlines = false;
+        return tt;
+    },
+    get: function () {
+        var token;
+        while (this.lookahead) {
+            --this.lookahead;
+            this.tokenIndex = (this.tokenIndex + 1) & 3;
+            token = this.tokens[this.tokenIndex];
+            if (token.type != NEWLINE || this.scanNewlines)
+                return token.type;
+        }
+        for (;;) {
+            var input = this.input;
+            var match = (this.scanNewlines ? /^[ \t]+/ : /^\s+/)(input);
+            if (match) {
+                var spaces = match[0];
+                this.cursor += spaces.length;
+                var newlines = spaces.match(/\n/g);
+                if (newlines)
+                    this.lineno += newlines.length;
+                input = this.input;
+            }
+            if (!(match = /^\/(?:\*(?:.|\n)*?\*\/|\/.*)/(input)))
+                break;
+            var comment = match[0];
+            this.cursor += comment.length;
+            newlines = comment.match(/\n/g);
+            if (newlines)
+                this.lineno += newlines.length
+        }
+        this.tokenIndex = (this.tokenIndex + 1) & 3;
+        token = this.tokens[this.tokenIndex];
+        if (!token)
+            this.tokens[this.tokenIndex] = token = {};
+        if (!input)
+            return token.type = END;
+        if ((match = fpRegExp(input))) {
+            token.type = NUMBER;
+            token.value = parseFloat(match[0]);
+        } else if ((match = /^0[xX][\da-fA-F]+|^0[0-7]*|^\d+/(input))) {
+            token.type = NUMBER;
+            token.value = parseInt(match[0]);
+        } else if ((match = /^\w+/(input))) {
+            var id = match[0];
+            token.type = keywords[id] || IDENTIFIER;
+            token.value = id;
+        } else if ((match = /^"(?:\\.|[^"])*"|^'(?:[^']|\\.)*'/(input))) { //"){
+            token.type = STRING;
+            token.value = eval(match[0]);
+        } else if (this.scanOperand &&
+                   (match = /^\/((?:\\.|[^\/])+)\/([gi]*)/(input))) {
+            token.type = REGEXP;
+            token.value = new RegExp(match[1], match[2]);
+        } else if ((match = opRegExp(input))) {
+            var op = match[0];
+            if (assignOps[op] && input[op.length] == '=') {
+                token.type = ASSIGN;
+                token.assignOp = GLOBAL[opTypeNames[op]];
+                match[0] += '=';
+            } else {
+                token.type = GLOBAL[opTypeNames[op]];
+                if (this.scanOperand &&
+                    (token.type == PLUS || token.type == MINUS)) {
+                    token.type += UNARY_PLUS - PLUS;
+                }
+                token.assignOp = null;
+            }
+            token.value = op;
+        } else {
+            throw this.newSyntaxError("Illegal token");
+        }
+        token.start = this.cursor;
+        this.cursor += match[0].length;
+        token.end = this.cursor;
+        token.lineno = this.lineno;
+        return token.type;
+    },
+    unget: function () {
+        if (++this.lookahead == 4) throw "PANIC: too much lookahead!";
+        this.tokenIndex = (this.tokenIndex - 1) & 3;
+    },
+    newSyntaxError: function (m) {
+        var e = new SyntaxError(m, this.filename, this.lineno);
+        e.source = this.source;
+        e.cursor = this.cursor;
+        return e;
+    }
+function CompilerContext(inFunction) {
+    this.inFunction = inFunction;
+    this.stmtStack = [];
+    this.funDecls = [];
+    this.varDecls = [];
+var CCp = CompilerContext.prototype;
+CCp.bracketLevel = CCp.curlyLevel = CCp.parenLevel = CCp.hookLevel = 0;
+CCp.ecmaStrictMode = CCp.inForLoopInit = false;
+function Script(t, x) {
+    var n = Statements(t, x);
+    n.type = SCRIPT;
+    n.funDecls = x.funDecls;
+    n.varDecls = x.varDecls;
+    return n;
+// Node extends Array, which we extend slightly with a top-of-stack method.
+    'top',
+    function () { 
+        return this.length && this[this.length-1]; 
+    },
+    false, false, true
+Array.prototype.top =     function () { 
+        return this.length && this[this.length-1]; 
+    };
+function Node(t, type) {
+    var token = t.token;
+    if (token) {
+        this.type = type || token.type;
+        this.value = token.value;
+        this.lineno = token.lineno;
+        this.start = token.start;
+        this.end = token.end;
+    } else {
+        this.type = type;
+        this.lineno = t.lineno;
+    }
+    this.tokenizer = t;
+    for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++)
+        this.push(arguments[i]);
+var Np = Node.prototype = new Array;
+Np.constructor = Node;
+Np.toSource = Object.prototype.toSource;
+// Always use push to add operands to an expression, to update start and end.
+Np.push = function (kid) {
+    if (kid.start < this.start)
+        this.start = kid.start;
+    if (this.end < kid.end)
+        this.end = kid.end;
+    return Array.prototype.push.call(this, kid);
+Node.indentLevel = 0;
+function tokenstr(tt) {
+    var t = tokens[tt];
+    return /^\W/.test(t) ? opTypeNames[t] : t.toUpperCase();
+Np.toString = function () {
+    var a = [];
+    for (var i in this) {
+        if (this.hasOwnProperty(i) && i != 'type')
+            a.push({id: i, value: this[i]});
+    }
+    a.sort(function (a,b) { return (a.id < b.id) ? -1 : 1; });
+    const INDENTATION = "    ";
+    var n = ++Node.indentLevel;
+    var s = "{\n" + INDENTATION.repeat(n) + "type: " + tokenstr(this.type);
+    for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
+        s += ",\n" + INDENTATION.repeat(n) + a[i].id + ": " + a[i].value;
+    n = --Node.indentLevel;
+    s += "\n" + INDENTATION.repeat(n) + "}";
+    return s;
+Np.getSource = function () {
+    return this.tokenizer.source.slice(this.start, this.end);
+                    function () { return this.tokenizer.filename; });
+    'repeat',
+    function (n) {
+        var s = "", t = this + s;
+        while (--n >= 0)
+            s += t;
+        return s;
+    },
+    false, false, true
+String.prototype.repeat = function (n) {
+        var s = "", t = this + s;
+        while (--n >= 0)
+            s += t;
+        return s;
+    };
+// Statement stack and nested statement handler.
+function nest(t, x, node, func, end) {
+    x.stmtStack.push(node);
+    var n = func(t, x);
+    x.stmtStack.pop();
+    end && t.mustMatch(end);
+    return n;
+function Statements(t, x) {
+    var n = new Node(t, BLOCK);
+    x.stmtStack.push(n);
+    while (!t.done && t.peek() != RIGHT_CURLY)
+        n.push(Statement(t, x));
+    x.stmtStack.pop();
+    return n;
+function Block(t, x) {
+    t.mustMatch(LEFT_CURLY);
+    var n = Statements(t, x);
+    t.mustMatch(RIGHT_CURLY);
+    return n;
+function Statement(t, x) {
+    var i, label, n, n2, ss, tt = t.get();
+    // Cases for statements ending in a right curly return early, avoiding the
+    // common semicolon insertion magic after this switch.
+    switch (tt) {
+      case FUNCTION:
+        return FunctionDefinition(t, x, true,
+                                  (x.stmtStack.length > 1)
+                                  ? STATEMENT_FORM
+                                  : DECLARED_FORM);
+      case LEFT_CURLY:
+        n = Statements(t, x);
+        t.mustMatch(RIGHT_CURLY);
+        return n;
+      case IF:
+        n = new Node(t);
+        n.condition = ParenExpression(t, x);
+        x.stmtStack.push(n);
+        n.thenPart = Statement(t, x);
+        n.elsePart = t.match(ELSE) ? Statement(t, x) : null;
+        x.stmtStack.pop();
+        return n;
+      case SWITCH:
+        n = new Node(t);
+        t.mustMatch(LEFT_PAREN);
+        n.discriminant = Expression(t, x);
+        t.mustMatch(RIGHT_PAREN);
+        n.cases = [];
+        n.defaultIndex = -1;
+        x.stmtStack.push(n);
+        t.mustMatch(LEFT_CURLY);
+        while ((tt = t.get()) != RIGHT_CURLY) {
+            switch (tt) {
+              case DEFAULT:
+                if (n.defaultIndex >= 0)
+                    throw t.newSyntaxError("More than one switch default");
+                // FALL THROUGH
+              case CASE:
+                n2 = new Node(t);
+                if (tt == DEFAULT)
+                    n.defaultIndex = n.cases.length;
+                else
+                    n2.caseLabel = Expression(t, x, COLON);
+                break;
+              default:
+                throw t.newSyntaxError("Invalid switch case");
+            }
+            t.mustMatch(COLON);
+            n2.statements = new Node(t, BLOCK);
+            while ((tt=t.peek()) != CASE && tt != DEFAULT && tt != RIGHT_CURLY)
+                n2.statements.push(Statement(t, x));
+            n.cases.push(n2);
+        }
+        x.stmtStack.pop();
+        return n;
+      case FOR:
+        n = new Node(t);
+        n.isLoop = true;
+        t.mustMatch(LEFT_PAREN);
+        if ((tt = t.peek()) != SEMICOLON) {
+            x.inForLoopInit = true;
+            if (tt == VAR || tt == CONST) {
+                t.get();
+                n2 = Variables(t, x);
+            } else {
+                n2 = Expression(t, x);
+            }
+            x.inForLoopInit = false;
+        }
+        if (n2 && t.match(IN)) {
+            n.type = FOR_IN;
+            if (n2.type == VAR) {
+                if (n2.length != 1) {
+                    throw new SyntaxError("Invalid for..in left-hand side",
+                                          t.filename, n2.lineno);
+                }
+                // NB: n2[0].type == IDENTIFIER and n2[0].value == n2[0].name.
+                n.iterator = n2[0];
+                n.varDecl = n2;
+            } else {
+                n.iterator = n2;
+                n.varDecl = null;
+            }
+            n.object = Expression(t, x);
+        } else {
+            n.setup = n2 || null;
+            t.mustMatch(SEMICOLON);
+            n.condition = (t.peek() == SEMICOLON) ? null : Expression(t, x);
+            t.mustMatch(SEMICOLON);
+            n.update = (t.peek() == RIGHT_PAREN) ? null : Expression(t, x);
+        }
+        t.mustMatch(RIGHT_PAREN);
+        n.body = nest(t, x, n, Statement);
+        return n;
+      case WHILE:
+        n = new Node(t);
+        n.isLoop = true;
+        n.condition = ParenExpression(t, x);
+        n.body = nest(t, x, n, Statement);
+        return n;
+      case DO:
+        n = new Node(t);
+        n.isLoop = true;
+        n.body = nest(t, x, n, Statement, WHILE);
+        n.condition = ParenExpression(t, x);
+        if (!x.ecmaStrictMode) {
+            // <script language="JavaScript"> (without version hints) may need
+            // automatic semicolon insertion without a newline after do-while.
+            // See http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=238945.
+            t.match(SEMICOLON);
+            return n;
+        }
+        break;
+      case BREAK:
+      case CONTINUE:
+        n = new Node(t);
+        if (t.peekOnSameLine() == IDENTIFIER) {
+            t.get();
+            n.label = t.token.value;
+        }
+        ss = x.stmtStack;
+        i = ss.length;
+        label = n.label;
+        if (label) {
+            do {
+                if (--i < 0)
+                    throw t.newSyntaxError("Label not found");
+            } while (ss[i].label != label);
+        } else {
+            do {
+                if (--i < 0) {
+                    throw t.newSyntaxError("Invalid " + ((tt == BREAK)
+                                                         ? "break"
+                                                         : "continue"));
+                }
+            } while (!ss[i].isLoop && (tt != BREAK || ss[i].type != SWITCH));
+        }
+        n.target = ss[i];
+        break;
+      case TRY:
+        n = new Node(t);
+        n.tryBlock = Block(t, x);
+        n.catchClauses = [];
+        while (t.match(CATCH)) {
+            n2 = new Node(t);
+            t.mustMatch(LEFT_PAREN);
+            n2.varName = t.mustMatch(IDENTIFIER).value;
+            if (t.match(IF)) {
+                if (x.ecmaStrictMode)
+                    throw t.newSyntaxError("Illegal catch guard");
+                if (n.catchClauses.length && !n.catchClauses.top().guard)
+                    throw t.newSyntaxError("Guarded catch after unguarded");
+                n2.guard = Expression(t, x);
+            } else {
+                n2.guard = null;
+            }
+            t.mustMatch(RIGHT_PAREN);
+            n2.block = Block(t, x);
+            n.catchClauses.push(n2);
+        }
+        if (t.match(FINALLY))
+            n.finallyBlock = Block(t, x);
+        if (!n.catchClauses.length && !n.finallyBlock)
+            throw t.newSyntaxError("Invalid try statement");
+        return n;
+      case CATCH:
+      case FINALLY:
+        throw t.newSyntaxError(tokens[tt] + " without preceding try");
+      case THROW:
+        n = new Node(t);
+        n.exception = Expression(t, x);
+        break;
+      case RETURN:
+        if (!x.inFunction)
+            throw t.newSyntaxError("Invalid return");
+        n = new Node(t);
+        tt = t.peekOnSameLine();
+        if (tt != END && tt != NEWLINE && tt != SEMICOLON && tt != RIGHT_CURLY)
+            n.value = Expression(t, x);
+        break;
+      case WITH:
+        n = new Node(t);
+        n.object = ParenExpression(t, x);
+        n.body = nest(t, x, n, Statement);
+        return n;
+      case VAR:
+      case CONST:
+        n = Variables(t, x);
+        break;
+      case DEBUGGER:
+        n = new Node(t);
+        break;
+      case NEWLINE:
+      case SEMICOLON:
+        n = new Node(t, SEMICOLON);
+        n.expression = null;
+        return n;
+      default:
+        if (tt == IDENTIFIER && t.peek() == COLON) {
+            label = t.token.value;
+            ss = x.stmtStack;
+            for (i = ss.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
+                if (ss[i].label == label)
+                    throw t.newSyntaxError("Duplicate label");
+            }
+            t.get();
+            n = new Node(t, LABEL);
+            n.label = label;
+            n.statement = nest(t, x, n, Statement);
+            return n;
+        }
+        n = new Node(t, SEMICOLON);
+        t.unget();
+        n.expression = Expression(t, x);
+        n.end = n.expression.end;
+        break;
+    }
+    if (t.lineno == t.token.lineno) {
+        tt = t.peekOnSameLine();
+        if (tt != END && tt != NEWLINE && tt != SEMICOLON && tt != RIGHT_CURLY)
+            throw t.newSyntaxError("Missing ; before statement");
+    }
+    t.match(SEMICOLON);
+    return n;
+function FunctionDefinition(t, x, requireName, functionForm) {
+    var f = new Node(t);
+    if (f.type != FUNCTION)
+        f.type = (f.value == "get") ? GETTER : SETTER;
+    if (t.match(IDENTIFIER))
+        f.name = t.token.value;
+    else if (requireName)
+        throw t.newSyntaxError("Missing function identifier");
+    t.mustMatch(LEFT_PAREN);
+    f.params = [];
+    var tt;
+    while ((tt = t.get()) != RIGHT_PAREN) {
+        if (tt != IDENTIFIER)
+            throw t.newSyntaxError("Missing formal parameter");
+        f.params.push(t.token.value);
+        if (t.peek() != RIGHT_PAREN)
+            t.mustMatch(COMMA);
+    }
+    t.mustMatch(LEFT_CURLY);
+    var x2 = new CompilerContext(true);
+    f.body = Script(t, x2);
+    t.mustMatch(RIGHT_CURLY);
+    f.end = t.token.end;
+    f.functionForm = functionForm;
+    if (functionForm == DECLARED_FORM)
+        x.funDecls.push(f);
+    return f;
+function Variables(t, x) {
+    var n = new Node(t);
+    do {
+        t.mustMatch(IDENTIFIER);
+        var n2 = new Node(t);
+        n2.name = n2.value;
+        if (t.match(ASSIGN)) {
+            if (t.token.assignOp)
+                throw t.newSyntaxError("Invalid variable initialization");
+            n2.initializer = Expression(t, x, COMMA);
+        }
+        n2.readOnly = (n.type == CONST);
+        n.push(n2);
+        x.varDecls.push(n2);
+    } while (t.match(COMMA));
+    return n;
+function ParenExpression(t, x) {
+    t.mustMatch(LEFT_PAREN);
+    var n = Expression(t, x);
+    t.mustMatch(RIGHT_PAREN);
+    return n;
+var opPrecedence = {
+    SEMICOLON: 0,
+    COMMA: 1,
+    // The above all have to have the same precedence, see bug 330975.
+    OR: 4,
+    AND: 5,
+    BITWISE_OR: 6,
+    BITWISE_XOR: 7,
+    BITWISE_AND: 8,
+    EQ: 9, NE: 9, STRICT_EQ: 9, STRICT_NE: 9,
+    LT: 10, LE: 10, GE: 10, GT: 10, IN: 10, INSTANCEOF: 10,
+    LSH: 11, RSH: 11, URSH: 11,
+    PLUS: 12, MINUS: 12,
+    MUL: 13, DIV: 13, MOD: 13,
+    INCREMENT: 15, DECREMENT: 15,     // postfix
+    NEW: 16,
+    DOT: 17
+// Map operator type code to precedence.
+for (i in opPrecedence)
+    opPrecedence[GLOBAL[i]] = opPrecedence[i];
+var opArity = {
+    COMMA: -2,
+    ASSIGN: 2,
+    OR: 2,
+    AND: 2,
+    BITWISE_OR: 2,
+    BITWISE_XOR: 2,
+    BITWISE_AND: 2,
+    EQ: 2, NE: 2, STRICT_EQ: 2, STRICT_NE: 2,
+    LT: 2, LE: 2, GE: 2, GT: 2, IN: 2, INSTANCEOF: 2,
+    LSH: 2, RSH: 2, URSH: 2,
+    PLUS: 2, MINUS: 2,
+    MUL: 2, DIV: 2, MOD: 2,
+    INCREMENT: 1, DECREMENT: 1,     // postfix
+    NEW: 1, NEW_WITH_ARGS: 2, DOT: 2, INDEX: 2, CALL: 2,
+// Map operator type code to arity.
+for (i in opArity)
+    opArity[GLOBAL[i]] = opArity[i];
+function Expression(t, x, stop) {
+    var n, id, tt, operators = [], operands = [];
+    var bl = x.bracketLevel, cl = x.curlyLevel, pl = x.parenLevel,
+        hl = x.hookLevel;
+    function reduce() {
+        var n = operators.pop();
+        var op = n.type;
+        var arity = opArity[op];
+        if (arity == -2) {
+            // Flatten left-associative trees.
+            var left = operands.length >= 2 && operands[operands.length-2];
+            if (left.type == op) {
+                var right = operands.pop();
+                left.push(right);
+                return left;
+            }
+            arity = 2;
+        }
+        // Always use push to add operands to n, to update start and end.
+        var a = operands.splice(operands.length - arity);
+        for (var i = 0; i < arity; i++)
+            n.push(a[i]);
+        // Include closing bracket or postfix operator in [start,end).
+        if (n.end < t.token.end)
+            n.end = t.token.end;
+        operands.push(n);
+        return n;
+    }
+    while ((tt = t.get()) != END) {
+        if (tt == stop &&
+            x.bracketLevel == bl && x.curlyLevel == cl && x.parenLevel == pl &&
+            x.hookLevel == hl) {
+            // Stop only if tt matches the optional stop parameter, and that
+            // token is not quoted by some kind of bracket.
+            break;
+        }
+        switch (tt) {
+          case SEMICOLON:
+            // NB: cannot be empty, Statement handled that.
+            break loop;
+          case ASSIGN:
+          case HOOK:
+          case COLON:
+            if (t.scanOperand)
+                break loop;
+            // Use >, not >=, for right-associative ASSIGN and HOOK/COLON.
+            while (opPrecedence[operators.top().type] > opPrecedence[tt] ||
+                   (tt == COLON && operators.top().type == ASSIGN)) {
+                reduce();
+            }
+            if (tt == COLON) {
+                n = operators.top();
+                if (n.type != HOOK)
+                    throw t.newSyntaxError("Invalid label");
+                n.type = CONDITIONAL;
+                --x.hookLevel;
+            } else {
+                operators.push(new Node(t));
+                if (tt == ASSIGN)
+                    operands.top().assignOp = t.token.assignOp;
+                else
+                    ++x.hookLevel;      // tt == HOOK
+            }
+            t.scanOperand = true;
+            break;
+          case IN:
+            // An in operator should not be parsed if we're parsing the head of
+            // a for (...) loop, unless it is in the then part of a conditional
+            // expression, or parenthesized somehow.
+            if (x.inForLoopInit && !x.hookLevel &&
+                !x.bracketLevel && !x.curlyLevel && !x.parenLevel) {
+                break loop;
+            }
+            // FALL THROUGH
+          case COMMA:
+            // Treat comma as left-associative so reduce can fold left-heavy
+            // COMMA trees into a single array.
+            // FALL THROUGH
+          case OR:
+          case AND:
+          case BITWISE_OR:
+          case BITWISE_XOR:
+          case BITWISE_AND:
+          case EQ: case NE: case STRICT_EQ: case STRICT_NE:
+          case LT: case LE: case GE: case GT:
+          case INSTANCEOF:
+          case LSH: case RSH: case URSH:
+          case PLUS: case MINUS:
+          case MUL: case DIV: case MOD:
+          case DOT:
+            if (t.scanOperand)
+                break loop;
+            while (opPrecedence[operators.top().type] >= opPrecedence[tt])
+                reduce();
+            if (tt == DOT) {
+                t.mustMatch(IDENTIFIER);
+                operands.push(new Node(t, DOT, operands.pop(), new Node(t)));
+            } else {
+                operators.push(new Node(t));
+                t.scanOperand = true;
+            }
+            break;
+          case DELETE: case VOID: case TYPEOF:
+          case NOT: case BITWISE_NOT: case UNARY_PLUS: case UNARY_MINUS:
+          case NEW:
+            if (!t.scanOperand)
+                break loop;
+            operators.push(new Node(t));
+            break;
+          case INCREMENT: case DECREMENT:
+            if (t.scanOperand) {
+                operators.push(new Node(t));  // prefix increment or decrement
+            } else {
+                // Use >, not >=, so postfix has higher precedence than prefix.
+                while (opPrecedence[operators.top().type] > opPrecedence[tt])
+                    reduce();
+                n = new Node(t, tt, operands.pop());
+                n.postfix = true;
+                operands.push(n);
+            }
+            break;
+          case FUNCTION:
+            if (!t.scanOperand)
+                break loop;
+            operands.push(FunctionDefinition(t, x, false, EXPRESSED_FORM));
+            t.scanOperand = false;
+            break;
+          case NULL: case THIS: case TRUE: case FALSE:
+          case IDENTIFIER: case NUMBER: case STRING: case REGEXP:
+            if (!t.scanOperand)
+                break loop;
+            operands.push(new Node(t));
+            t.scanOperand = false;
+            break;
+          case LEFT_BRACKET:
+            if (t.scanOperand) {
+                // Array initialiser.  Parse using recursive descent, as the
+                // sub-grammar here is not an operator grammar.
+                n = new Node(t, ARRAY_INIT);
+                while ((tt = t.peek()) != RIGHT_BRACKET) {
+                    if (tt == COMMA) {
+                        t.get();
+                        n.push(null);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    n.push(Expression(t, x, COMMA));
+                    if (!t.match(COMMA))
+                        break;
+                }
+                t.mustMatch(RIGHT_BRACKET);
+                operands.push(n);
+                t.scanOperand = false;
+            } else {
+                // Property indexing operator.
+                operators.push(new Node(t, INDEX));
+                t.scanOperand = true;
+                ++x.bracketLevel;
+            }
+            break;
+          case RIGHT_BRACKET:
+            if (t.scanOperand || x.bracketLevel == bl)
+                break loop;
+            while (reduce().type != INDEX)
+                continue;
+            --x.bracketLevel;
+            break;
+          case LEFT_CURLY:
+            if (!t.scanOperand)
+                break loop;
+            // Object initialiser.  As for array initialisers (see above),
+            // parse using recursive descent.
+            ++x.curlyLevel;
+            n = new Node(t, OBJECT_INIT);
+          object_init:
+            if (!t.match(RIGHT_CURLY)) {
+                do {
+                    tt = t.get();
+                    if ((t.token.value == "get" || t.token.value == "set") &&
+                        t.peek() == IDENTIFIER) {
+                        if (x.ecmaStrictMode)
+                            throw t.newSyntaxError("Illegal property accessor");
+                        n.push(FunctionDefinition(t, x, true, EXPRESSED_FORM));
+                    } else {
+                        switch (tt) {
+                          case IDENTIFIER:
+                          case NUMBER:
+                          case STRING:
+                            id = new Node(t);
+                            break;
+                          case RIGHT_CURLY:
+                            if (x.ecmaStrictMode)
+                                throw t.newSyntaxError("Illegal trailing ,");
+                            break object_init;
+                          default:
+                            throw t.newSyntaxError("Invalid property name");
+                        }
+                        t.mustMatch(COLON);
+                        n.push(new Node(t, PROPERTY_INIT, id,
+                                        Expression(t, x, COMMA)));
+                    }
+                } while (t.match(COMMA));
+                t.mustMatch(RIGHT_CURLY);
+            }
+            operands.push(n);
+            t.scanOperand = false;
+            --x.curlyLevel;
+            break;
+          case RIGHT_CURLY:
+            if (!t.scanOperand && x.curlyLevel != cl)
+                throw "PANIC: right curly botch";
+            break loop;
+          case LEFT_PAREN:
+            if (t.scanOperand) {
+                operators.push(new Node(t, GROUP));
+            } else {
+                while (opPrecedence[operators.top().type] > opPrecedence[NEW])
+                    reduce();
+                // Handle () now, to regularize the n-ary case for n > 0.
+                // We must set scanOperand in case there are arguments and
+                // the first one is a regexp or unary+/-.
+                n = operators.top();
+                t.scanOperand = true;
+                if (t.match(RIGHT_PAREN)) {
+                    if (n.type == NEW) {
+                        --operators.length;
+                        n.push(operands.pop());
+                    } else {
+                        n = new Node(t, CALL, operands.pop(),
+                                     new Node(t, LIST));
+                    }
+                    operands.push(n);
+                    t.scanOperand = false;
+                    break;
+                }
+                if (n.type == NEW)
+                    n.type = NEW_WITH_ARGS;
+                else
+                    operators.push(new Node(t, CALL));
+            }
+            ++x.parenLevel;
+            break;
+          case RIGHT_PAREN:
+            if (t.scanOperand || x.parenLevel == pl)
+                break loop;
+            while ((tt = reduce().type) != GROUP && tt != CALL &&
+                   tt != NEW_WITH_ARGS) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (tt != GROUP) {
+                n = operands.top();
+                if (n[1].type != COMMA)
+                    n[1] = new Node(t, LIST, n[1]);
+                else
+                    n[1].type = LIST;
+            }
+            --x.parenLevel;
+            break;
+          // Automatic semicolon insertion means we may scan across a newline
+          // and into the beginning of another statement.  If so, break out of
+          // the while loop and let the t.scanOperand logic handle errors.
+          default:
+            break loop;
+        }
+    }
+    if (x.hookLevel != hl)
+        throw t.newSyntaxError("Missing : after ?");
+    if (x.parenLevel != pl)
+        throw t.newSyntaxError("Missing ) in parenthetical");
+    if (x.bracketLevel != bl)
+        throw t.newSyntaxError("Missing ] in index expression");
+    if (t.scanOperand)
+        throw t.newSyntaxError("Missing operand");
+    // Resume default mode, scanning for operands, not operators.
+    t.scanOperand = true;
+    t.unget();
+    while (operators.length)
+        reduce();
+    return operands.pop();
+function parse(s, f, l) {
+    var t = new Tokenizer(s, f, l);
+    var x = new CompilerContext(false);
+    var n = Script(t, x);
+    if (!t.done)
+        throw t.newSyntaxError("Syntax error");
+    return n;

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/parser.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/parser.py	Mon Oct 30 15:39:21 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+""" Using narcisus to generate code
+# 1st attempt - exec the code
+import py
+import re
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
+class JsSyntaxError(Exception):
+    pass
+def read_js_output(code_string):
+    stripped_code = code_string.replace("\n", "")
+    jsdir = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath().join("js")
+    jsdefs = jsdir.join("jsdefs.js").read()
+    jsparse = jsdir.join("jsparse.js").read()
+    pipe = Popen("js", stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    pipe.stdin.write(jsdefs + jsparse + "\n")
+    pipe.stdin.write("print(parse('%s'));\n" % stripped_code)
+    pipe.stdin.close()
+    retval = pipe.stdout.read()
+    if retval.startswith(":"):
+        raise JsSyntaxError(retval)
+    return retval
+def parse(code_string):
+    read_code = read_js_output(code_string)
+    #print read_code
+    output = []
+    for line in read_code.split("\n"):
+        m = re.search('^(\s*)(\w+): (.*?)(,)?$', line)
+        if m and (m.group(3) != '{' or m.group(4)):
+            output.append("%s'%s': '%s'," % (m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)))
+        else:
+            m = re.search('^(\s*)(\w+):(.*)$', line)
+            if m:
+                output.append("%s'%s': %s" % (m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)))
+            else:
+                output.append(line)
+    #print "\n".join(output)
+    d = {}
+    exec "code =" + "\n".join(output) in d
+    return d['code']

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/test/__init__.py

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/test/test_interp.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/test/test_interp.py	Mon Oct 30 15:39:21 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+from pypy.lang.js.astgen import *
+from pypy.lang.js import interpreter
+def test_simple():
+    assert Plus(Number(3), Number(4)).call() == 7
+#    s = Script([Semicolon(Plus(Number(3), Number(4)))], [], [])
+#    s.call()

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/test/test_parser.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lang/js/test/test_parser.py	Mon Oct 30 15:39:21 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+from pypy.lang.js.parser import read_js_output, JsSyntaxError, parse
+import py
+def test_read_js_output():
+    assert read_js_output("1+1").find("PLUS") > -1
+    assert read_js_output("""
+    function f(x) {
+        return (x);
+    }
+    """).find("RETURN") != -1
+    py.test.raises(JsSyntaxError, "read_js_output(\"1+\")")
+    py.test.raises(JsSyntaxError, "read_js_output(\"xx xxx\")")
+def test_simple_parse():
+    data = parse("1+1")
+    assert data['type'] == 'SCRIPT'
+    assert data['0']['type'] == 'SEMICOLON'
+    data = parse("function s(x) { return 1;}")
+    assert data['0']['body']['0']['value']['value'] == '1'
+    assert sorted(data.keys()) == ['0', 'funDecls', 'length', 'lineno', \
+                                  'tokenizer', 'type', 'varDecls']

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