[pypy-svn] r33390 - in pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy: config translator translator/goal

cfbolz at codespeak.net cfbolz at codespeak.net
Tue Oct 17 21:42:30 CEST 2006

Author: cfbolz
Date: Tue Oct 17 21:42:29 2006
New Revision: 33390

(pedronis, cfbolz): intermediate check in: refactor translate.py to use
configuration handling (also to generate all the commandline options). Seems to
work so far, more refactorings needed.

Modified: pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/config/pypyoption.py
--- pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/config/pypyoption.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/config/pypyoption.py	Tue Oct 17 21:42:29 2006
@@ -144,13 +144,6 @@
         StrOption("cc", "Specify compiler", default='', cmdline="--cc"),
         StrOption("profopt", "Specify profile based optimization script",
                   default="", cmdline="--profopt"),
-        BoolOption("batch", "Don't run interactive helpers", default=False,
-                   cmdline="--batch", negation=False),
-        IntOption("huge", "Threshold in the number of functions after which"
-                          "a local call graph and not a full one is displayed",
-                  default=100, cmdline="--huge"),
-        BoolOption("text", "Don't start the pygame viewer", default=False,
-                   cmdline="--text", negation=False),
         BoolOption("debug_transform", "Perform the debug transformation",
                    default=False, cmdline=None, negation=False),
@@ -162,6 +155,10 @@
         BoolOption("list_comprehension_operations", "XXX", default=False,
+        ChoiceOption("fork_before",
+                     "(UNIX) Create restartable checkpoint before step",
+                     ["annotate", "rtype", "backendopt", "database", "source"], 
+                     default=None, cmdline="--fork-before"),
         OptionDescription("backendopt", "Backend Optimization Options", [
             BoolOption("print_statistics", "Print statistics while optimizing",
@@ -184,36 +181,6 @@
             IntOption("inline_threshold", "Threshold when to inline functions",
                       default=1, cmdline=None),
-        OptionDescription("goals",
-                          "Goals that should be reached during translation", [
-            BoolOption("annotate", "Do type inference", default=False,
-                       cmdline="-a --annotate", negation=False),
-            BoolOption("no_annotate", "Don't do type inference", default=False,
-                       cmdline="--no-annotate", negation=False),
-            BoolOption("rtype", "Do rtyping", default=False,
-                       cmdline="-t --rtype", negation=False),
-            BoolOption("no_rtype", "Don't do rtyping", default=False,
-                       cmdline="--no-rtype", negation=False),
-            BoolOption("backendopt", "Do backend optimizations", default=False,
-                       cmdline="--backendopt", negation=False),
-            BoolOption("no_backenopt", "Don't do backend optimizations",
-                       default=False, cmdline="--no-backendopt", negation=False),
-            BoolOption("source", "Create source", default=False,
-                       cmdline="-s --source", negation=False),
-            BoolOption("no_source", "Don't create source", default=False,
-                       cmdline="--no-source", negation=False),
-            BoolOption("compile", "Compile", default=False,
-                       cmdline="--compile", negation=False),
-            BoolOption("no_compile", "Don't compile", default=False,
-                       cmdline="--no-compile", negation=False),
-            BoolOption("llinterpret", "Interpret the rtyped flow graphs",
-                       default=False, cmdline="--llinterpret", negation=False),
-            ChoiceOption("fork_before",
-                         "(UNIX) Create restartable checkpoint before step",
-                         ["annotate", "rtype", "backendopt", "database",
-                          "source"], default=None, cmdline="--fork-before"),
-        ]),

Modified: pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/translator/driver.py
--- pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/translator/driver.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/translator/driver.py	Tue Oct 17 21:42:29 2006
@@ -533,14 +533,15 @@
         goals = self.backend_select_goals(goals)
         return self._execute(goals, task_skip = self._maybe_skip())
-    def from_targetspec(targetspec_dic, options=None, args=None,
+    def from_targetspec(targetspec_dic, config=None, args=None,
         if args is None:
             args = []
-        driver = TranslationDriver(options, default_goal, disable)
+        driver = TranslationDriver(config=config, default_goal=default_goal,
+                                   disable=disable)
         # patch some attributes of the os module to make sure they
         # have the same value on every platform.
         backend, ts = driver.get_backend_and_type_system()
@@ -575,7 +576,7 @@
     # checkpointing support
     def _event(self, kind, goal, func):
         if kind == 'pre':
-            fork_before = self.config.translation.goals.fork_before
+            fork_before = self.config.translation.fork_before
             if fork_before:
                 fork_before, = self.backend_select_goals([fork_before])
                 if not fork_before in self.done and fork_before == goal:

Modified: pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/translator/goal/targetpypystandalone.py
--- pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/translator/goal/targetpypystandalone.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/translator/goal/targetpypystandalone.py	Tue Oct 17 21:42:29 2006
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
     config = Config(pypy_optiondescription)
     opt_parser = py.compat.optparse.OptionParser(usage="target PyPy standalone",
-    to_optparse(config, parser=parser)
+    to_optparse(config, useoption=["objspace.*"], parser=parser)
     return config, parser
 def print_help():

Modified: pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/translator/goal/translate.py
--- pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/translator/goal/translate.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/translator/goal/translate.py	Tue Oct 17 21:42:29 2006
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@
 import autopath 
+from pypy.config.config import to_optparse, OptionDescription, BoolOption, \
+                               ArbitraryOption, StrOption, IntOption, Config, \
+                               ChoiceOption
+from pypy.config.pypyoption import pypy_optiondescription
 # dict are not ordered, cheat with #_xyz keys and bunchiter
 def OPT(*args):
@@ -89,38 +94,69 @@
-defaults = {
-    'help': False,
+        ("annotate", "do type inference", "-a --annotate"),
+        ("rtype", "do rtyping", "-t --rtype"),
+        ("backendopt", "do backend optimizations", "--backendopt"),
+        ("source", "create source", "-s --source"),
+        ("compile", "compile", "-c --compile"),
+        ("run", "run the resulting binary", "--run"),
+        ("llinterpret", "interpret the rtyped flow graphs", "--llinterpret"),
+       ]
+def goal_options():
+    result = []
+    for name, doc, cmdline in GOALS:
+        result.append(BoolOption(name, doc.title(), default=False, cmdline=cmdline,
+                                 negation=False))
+        result.append(BoolOption("no_%s" % name, "Don't "+doc, default=False,
+                                 cmdline="--no-"+name, negation=False))
+    return result
+translate_optiondescr = OptionDescription("translate", "XXX", [
+    IntOption("graphserve", """Serve analysis graphs on port number
+(see pypy/translator/tool/pygame/graphclient.py)""", default=0,
+              cmdline="--graphserve"),
+    StrOption("targetspec", "XXX", default='targetpypystandalone',
+              cmdline=None),
+    BoolOption("profile",
+               "cProfile (to debug the speed of the translation process)",
+               default=False,
+               cmdline="--profile"),
+    BoolOption("batch", "Don't run interactive helpers", default=False,
+               cmdline="--batch", negation=False),
+    IntOption("huge", "Threshold in the number of functions after which"
+                      "a local call graph and not a full one is displayed",
+              default=100, cmdline="--huge"),
+    BoolOption("text", "Don't start the pygame viewer", default=False,
+               cmdline="--text", negation=False),
+    BoolOption("help", "show this help message and exit", default=False,
+               cmdline="-h --help", negation=False),
+    ArbitraryOption("goals", "XXX",
+                    defaultfactory=list),
+    # xxx default goals ['annotate', 'rtype', 'backendopt', 'source', 'compile']
+    ArbitraryOption("skipped_goals", "XXX",
+                    defaultfactory=lambda: ['run']),
+    OptionDescription("goal_options",
+                      "Goals that should be reached during translation", 
+                      goal_options()),        
-    'targetspec': 'targetpypystandalone',
-    'goals': [],
+    'translation.debug': False,
+    'translation.insist': False,
+    'translation.gc': 'boehm',
+    'translation.backend': 'c',
+    'translation.stackless': False,
+    'translation.backendopt.raisingop2direct_call' : False,
+    'translation.backendopt.merge_if_blocks': True,
-    'default_goals': ['annotate', 'rtype', 'backendopt', 'source', 'compile'],
-    'skipped_goals': ['run'],
-    'lowmem': False,
-    'debug': False,
-    'insist': False,
+    'translation.cc': None,
+    'translation.profopt': None,
-    'gc': 'boehm',
-    'backend': 'c',
-    'type_system': None,
-    'stackless': False,
-    'raisingop2direct_call' : False,
-    'merge_if_blocks': True,
-    'batch': False,
-    'text': False,
-    'graphserve': None,
-    'huge': 100,
-    'cc': None,
-    'profopt': None,
-    'fork_before': None,
-    'profile': False,
-    'debug_transform': False,
+    'translation.debug_transform': False,
 import py
@@ -176,88 +212,60 @@
 def parse_options_and_load_target():
     opt_parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] [target] [target-specific-options]",
-                                       formatter=OptHelpFormatter(),
+                                       #formatter=OptHelpFormatter(),
-    for group_name, grp_opts in bunchiter(opts):
-        grp = opt_parser.add_option_group(group_name)
-        for dest, dest_opts in bunchiter(grp_opts):
-            for names, descr, choice in dest_opts:
-                opt_setup = {'action': 'store',
-                             'dest': dest,
-                             'help': descr+" %defl"}
-                if choice in (GOAL, SKIP_GOAL):
-                    del opt_setup['dest']
-                    opt_setup['action'] = 'callback'
-                    opt_setup['nargs'] = 0
-                    opt_setup['callback'] = goal_cb
-                    opt_setup['callback_args'] = (choice is GOAL, dest,)                    
-                elif isinstance(choice, list):
-                    opt_setup['type'] = 'choice'
-                    opt_setup['choices'] = choice
-                    opt_setup['metavar'] = "[%s]" % '|'.join(choice)
-                elif isinstance(choice, bool):
-                    opt_setup['action'] = ['store_false', 'store_true'][choice]
-                elif choice is int:
-                    opt_setup['type'] = 'int'
-                elif choice is str:
-                    opt_setup['type'] = 'string'
-                else:
-                    opt_setup['action'] = 'store_const'
-                    opt_setup['const'] = choice
-                grp.add_option(*names, **opt_setup)
-    # add help back as a flag
-    opt_parser.add_option("-h", "--help",
-                          action="store_true", dest="help",
-                          help="show this help message and exit")
+    config = Config(pypy_optiondescription,
+                    **OVERRIDES)
+    to_optparse(config, parser=opt_parser, useoptions=['translation.*'])
+    translateconfig = Config(translate_optiondescr)
+    to_optparse(translateconfig, parser=opt_parser)
     options, args = opt_parser.parse_args()
+    # set goals and skipped_goals
+    for name, _, _ in GOALS:
+        if getattr(translateconfig.goal_options, name):
+            if name not in translateconfig.goals:
+                translateconfig.goals.append(name)
+        if getattr(translateconfig.goal_options, 'no_'+name):
+            if name not in translateconfig.skipped_goals:
+                translateconfig.skipped_goals.append(name)
     if args:
         arg = args[0]
         args = args[1:]
         if os.path.isfile(arg+'.py'):
             assert not os.path.isfile(arg), (
                 "ambiguous file naming, please rename %s" % arg)
-            options.targetspec = arg
+            translateconfig.targetspec = arg
         elif os.path.isfile(arg) and arg.endswith('.py'):
-            options.targetspec = arg[:-3]
+            translateconfig.targetspec = arg[:-3]
             args = [arg] + args
-    # for help, applied later
-    opt_parser.set_defaults(**defaults)
-    targetspec = options.ensure_value('targetspec', opt_parser.defaults['targetspec'])
+    targetspec = translateconfig.targetspec
     targetspec_dic = load_target(targetspec)
     if args and not targetspec_dic.get('take_options', False):
         log.WARNING("target specific arguments supplied but will be ignored: %s" % ' '.join(args))
     # target specific defaults taking over
+    # xxx change this interface
     if 'opt_defaults' in targetspec_dic:
-        opt_parser.set_defaults(**targetspec_dic['opt_defaults'])
+        config.translation.override(targetspec_dic['opt_defaults'])
-    if options.help:
+    if translateconfig.help: 
+        # xxx change interface
         if 'print_help' in targetspec_dic:
-    # apply defaults
-    for name, val in opt_parser.defaults.iteritems():
-        options.ensure_value(name, val)
-    # tweak: default_goals into default_goal
-    del options.default_goals
-    options.default_goal = 'compile'
-    return targetspec_dic, options, args
+    return targetspec_dic, translateconfig, config, args
 def log_options(options, header="options in effect"):
     # list options (xxx filter, filter for target)
@@ -273,20 +281,19 @@
 def main():
-    targetspec_dic, options, args = parse_options_and_load_target()
+    targetspec_dic, translateconfig, config, args = parse_options_and_load_target()
     from pypy.translator import translator
     from pypy.translator import driver
     from pypy.translator.tool.pdbplus import PdbPlusShow
-    if options.profile:
+    if translateconfig.profile:
         from cProfile import Profile
         prof = Profile()
         prof = None
-    t = translator.TranslationContext()
-    t.driver_options = options
+    t = translator.TranslationContext(config=config)
     class ServerSetup:
         async_server = None
@@ -294,16 +301,16 @@
         def __call__(self, port=None, async_only=False):
             if self.async_server is not None:
                 return self.async_server
-            elif port is not None:
+            elif port != 0:
                 from pypy.translator.tool.graphserver import run_async_server
-                serv_start, serv_show, serv_stop = self.async_server = run_async_server(t, options, port)
+                serv_start, serv_show, serv_stop = self.async_server = run_async_server(t, translateconfig, port)
                 return serv_start, serv_show, serv_stop
             elif not async_only:
                 from pypy.translator.tool.graphserver import run_server_for_inprocess_client
-                return run_server_for_inprocess_client(t, options)
+                return run_server_for_inprocess_client(t, translateconfig)
     server_setup = ServerSetup()
-    server_setup(options.graphserve, async_only=True)
+    server_setup(translateconfig.graphserve, async_only=True)
     pdb_plus_show = PdbPlusShow(t) # need a translator to support extended commands
@@ -330,27 +337,28 @@
-        if options.batch:
+        if translateconfig.batch:
             log.event("batch mode, not calling interactive helpers")
         log.event("start debugger...")
-        pdb_plus_show.start(tb, server_setup, graphic=not options.text)
+        pdb_plus_show.start(tb, server_setup, graphic=not translateconfig.text)
-    log_options(options)
+    log_config(translateconfig)
+    log_config(config)
-        drv = driver.TranslationDriver.from_targetspec(targetspec_dic, options, args,
-                                                      empty_translator=t,
-                                                      disable=options.skipped_goals,
-                                                      default_goal='compile')
+        drv = driver.TranslationDriver.from_targetspec(targetspec_dic, config, args,
+                                                       empty_translator=t,
+                                                       disable=translateconfig.skipped_goals,
+                                                       default_goal='compile')
         pdb_plus_show.expose({'drv': drv, 'prof': prof})
         if drv.exe_name is None and '__name__' in targetspec_dic:
             drv.exe_name = targetspec_dic['__name__'] + '-%(backend)s'
-        goals = options.goals
+        goals = translateconfig.goals
     except SystemExit:

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