[pypy-svn] r32817 - in pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology: . test

ale at codespeak.net ale at codespeak.net
Mon Oct 2 14:27:05 CEST 2006

Author: ale
Date: Mon Oct  2 14:27:03 2006
New Revision: 32817

Some progress in adding sparql queries

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/constraint_classes.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/constraint_classes.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/constraint_classes.py	Mon Oct  2 14:27:03 2006
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
                 for item in val:
                     for otheritem in val:
                         if (otheritem == item) == False: 
-                            raise ConsistencyFailure("FunctionalCardinality error: %s for property %s" % (cls, self.variable))
+                            raise ConsistencyFailure("FunctionalCardinality error: %s for property %s with %r" % (cls, self.variable, val))
             return 0

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/pyontology.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/pyontology.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/pyontology.py	Mon Oct  2 14:27:03 2006
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 from logilab.constraint.fd import  Expression, FiniteDomain as fd
 from logilab.constraint.propagation import AbstractDomain, AbstractConstraint,\
+from pypy.lib.pyontology.sparql_grammar import SPARQLGrammar as SP
 from constraint_classes import *
 import sys, py
 import datetime, time
@@ -40,10 +41,12 @@
 def check_format(f):
     if type(f) == str:
         tmp = file(f, "r")
-    else:
+    elif hasattr(f, 'open'):
         tmp = f.open()
+    else:
+        tmp = f
     start = tmp.read(10)
-    tmp.close()
+    tmp.seek(0)
     if "<" in start:
         format = "xml"
@@ -430,6 +433,7 @@
         tmp.load(f, format=format)
         for triple in tmp.triples((None,)*3):
+#            self.consider_triple(triple)
     def load_file(self, f, format=None):
         if not format:
@@ -449,7 +453,106 @@
                 if isinstance( self.variables[key], fd):
                 self.variables[key].finish(self.variables, self.constraints)
+#            try:
+#            except ConsistencyFailure, e:
+#                print "FAilure", e
+    def _sparql(self, query):
+        qe = SP.Query.parseString(query)[0]
+        prefixes = qe.PrefixDecl[0]
+        resvars = []
+        for v in qe.SelectQuery[0].VARNAME:
+            resvars.append(v[0])
+        where = qe.SelectQuery[0].WhereClause[0]
+        triples = where.GroupGraphPattern[0].Triples
+#        import pdb
+#        pdb.set_trace()
+        new = []
+        for trip in triples:
+            case = 1
+            inc = 0
+            newtrip = []
+            trip = list(trip)
+            for item in trip:
+                if isinstance(item, Literal):
+                    print "!!!!!!!",item
+                    newtrip.append(item)
+                elif item.NCNAME_PREFIX:
+                    uri = prefixes[item.NCNAME_PREFIX[0]] + item.NCNAME[0]
+                    newtrip.append(URIRef(uri))
+                elif item.getName() == 'VAR1':
+                    newtrip.append(URIRef('query_'+item[0]))
+                    case += trip.index(item) + inc
+                    print "Case calc", case, inc, list(trip).index(item),item
+                    if inc:
+                        inc = 1
+                    else:
+                        inc = 2
+                else:
+                    newtrip.append(item[0])
+            newtrip.append(case)
+            new.append(newtrip)
+        constrain = where.GroupGraphPattern[0].Constraint
+        return new, prefixes, resvars, constrain
+# There are 8 ways of having the triples in the query, if predicate is not a builtin owl predicate
+# case  s               p               o
+# 0     bound           bound           bound  ; Check if this triple entails
+# 1     var             bound           bound  ; add a hasvalue constraint
+# 2     bound           var             bound  ; for all p's return p if p[0]==s and p[1]==o 
+# 3     bound           bound           var    ; search for s in p
+# 4     var             var             bound  ; for all p's return p[0] if p[1]==o 
+# 5     var             bound           var    ; return the values of p
+# 6     bound           var             var    ; for all p's return p[1] if p[0]==s
+# 7     var             var             var    ; for all p's return p.getvalues
+    def sparql(self, query):
+        new, prefixes, resvars, constrain = self._sparql(query)
+        for trip in new:
+            case = trip.pop(-1)
+            if case == 0:
+                # Check if this triple entails
+                self.consider_triple(trip)
+            elif case == 1:
+                # Add a HasValue constraint
+                var = self.make_var(Restriction, URIRef(trip[0]))
+                self.onProperty(var, URIRef(trip[1]))
+                self.hasValue(var, trip[2])
+            elif case == 2:
+                #  for all p's return p if p[0]==s and p[1]==o 
+                prop = self.make_var(Property, URIRef(trip[1]))
+                self.type(URIRef(trip[1]), namespaces['owl']+'Property')
+            elif case == 3:
+                #  search for s in p
+                prop = self.make_var(None, trip[1])
+                p_vals = self.variables[prop].getValuesPrKey(self.make_var(trip[0]))
+                print "========",p_vals
+                p_vals = p_vals[0][1]
+                var = self.make_var(Thing, trip[2])
+                self.variables[var].setValues((p_vals))
+            elif case == 4:
+                #  for all p's return p[0] if p[1]==o 
+                pass
+            elif case == 5:
+                #  return the values of p
+                pass
+            elif case == 6:
+                #  for all p's return p[1] if p[0]==s  
+                pass
+            elif case == 7:
+                #  for all p's return p.getvalues 
+                pass
+        self.consistency()
     def consider_triple(self,(s, p, o)):
         if (s, p, o) in self.seen:
@@ -622,8 +725,6 @@
         # the extension of s it must be in the extension of
         # var
-        # what I really  want is to just say s.bases.append(var)
         log("%r subClassOf %r "%(s, var))
         avar = self.make_var(ClassDomain, var)
         svar = self.make_var(ClassDomain, s)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/sparql_grammar.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/sparql_grammar.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/sparql_grammar.py	Mon Oct  2 14:27:03 2006
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
      TokenConverter, Empty, Suppress, NoMatch, CharsNotIn, ParseResults
 from pyparsing import Literal as ppLiteral  # name Literal assigned by grammar
+from rdflib import Literal as rdfliteral
 DEBUG = 0
 def punctuation(lit, d=False):
@@ -23,6 +23,15 @@
     if DEBUG or d: o.setDebug()
     return o
+def replace_int(s, loc, toks):
+    return [rdfliteral(int(toks[0]), datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int")]
+def replace_string(s, loc, toks):
+    return [rdfliteral((toks[0]), datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#String")]
+def replace_float(s, loc, toks):
+    return [rdfliteral(float(toks[0]), datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float")]
 class SPARQLGrammar(object):
@@ -166,7 +175,7 @@
     NumericLiteral = production('NumericLiteral')
     RDFLiteral = production('RDFLiteral')
     BooleanLiteral = production('BooleanLiteral')
-    String = production('String')
+    String = production('String').setParseAction(replace_string)
     IRIref = production('IRIref')
     QName = production('QName')
     BlankNode = production('BlankNode')
@@ -177,10 +186,10 @@
     VAR1 = production('VAR1')
     VAR2 = production('VAR2')
     LANGTAG = production('LANGTAG')
-    INTEGER = production('INTEGER')
-    DECIMAL = production('DECIMAL')
-    EXPONENT = production('EXPONENT')
+    INTEGER = production('INTEGER').setParseAction(replace_int)
+    DECIMAL = production('DECIMAL').setParseAction(replace_float)
+    FLOATING_POINT = production('FLOATING_POINT').setParseAction(replace_float)
+    EXPONENT = production('EXPONENT').setParseAction(replace_float)
     STRING_LITERAL1 = production('STRING_LITERAL1')
     STRING_LITERAL2 = production('STRING_LITERAL2')
@@ -324,7 +333,7 @@
     # ObjectList ::= Object ( ',' ObjectList )?
-    ObjectList << Group(Object + Optional(comma + ObjectList))
+    ObjectList << (Object + Optional(comma + ObjectList))
     # Verb ::= VarOrBlankNodeOrIRIref | 'a'
@@ -364,7 +373,7 @@
     # Var ::= VAR1 | VAR2
-    Var << (VAR1 | VAR2)
+    Var << (VAR1 | VAR2) 
     # GraphTerm ::= RDFTerm | '(' ')'

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/test/test_sparql.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/test/test_sparql.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/test/test_sparql.py	Mon Oct  2 14:27:03 2006
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
     import pyparsing
+    import rdflib
 except ImportError:
     from py.test import skip
-    skip("Pyparsing not installed")
+    skip("Pyparsing or Rdflib not installed")
 from pypy.lib.pyontology.sparql_grammar import SPARQLGrammar as SP
+from pypy.lib.pyontology.pyontology import Ontology, ConsistencyFailure
+import py
 qt = """
          PREFIX ns: <http://example.org/ns#>
@@ -26,52 +30,24 @@
     assert len(triples) == 2
     assert triples[0][0].getName() == 'VAR1' 
     assert triples[1][0].getName() == 'VAR1' 
-    assert triples[1][0][0] == 'x' 
-    assert triples[0][0][0] == 'y' 
+    assert triples[1][0][0][0] == 'x' 
+    assert triples[0][0][0][0] == 'y' 
     assert triples[1][1].asList() == ['ns', 'p'] 
     assert triples[0][1].asList() == ['ns', 'q'] 
-    assert triples[1][2][0] == '123'
-    assert triples[1][2].getName() == 'Object'
-    vars = query.SelectQuery[0].VARNAME
+    assert triples[1][2] == '123'
+    assert type(triples[1][2]) == rdflib.Literal
+    vars = query.SelectQuery[0].VAR1
     assert len(vars) == 2
     assert 'x' in vars[0][0]
     assert 'y' in vars[1][0]
-class notest:
-    def sparql(self, query):
-        qe = SP.Query.parseString(query)[0]
-        prefixes = qe.PrefixDecl[0]
-        resvars = []
-        for v in qe.SelectQuery[0].VARNAME:
-            resvars.append(v[0])
-        where = qe.SelectQuery[0].WhereClause[0]
-        triples = where.GroupGraphPattern[0].Triples
-        new = []
-        for trip in triples:
-            newtrip = []
-            for item in trip:
-                if item.NCNAME_PREFIX:
-                    uri = prefixes[item.NCNAME_PREFIX[0]] + item.NCNAME[0]
-                    newtrip.append(uri)
-                elif item.getName() == 'VAR1':
-                    newtrip.append(item[0])
-                else:
-                    newtrip.append(item)
-            new.append(newtrip)
-        constrain = where.GroupGraphPattern[0].Constraint
-        return new, prefixes, resvars, constrain
 def test_sparql():
-    n = notest()
-    result = n.sparql(qt)
+    n = Ontology()
+    result = n._sparql(qt)
     res = result[0]
     assert len(res) == 2
-    assert len(res[0]) == len(res[1]) == 3
+    assert len(res[0]) == len(res[1]) == 4
     assert res[0][1] in ['http://example.org/ns#p', 'http://example.org/ns#q']
     assert res[1][1] in ['http://example.org/ns#p', 'http://example.org/ns#q']
     assert result[3][0] == 'x<2'
@@ -90,4 +66,124 @@
 #   var             var             var    ; for all p's return p.getvalues
 # If p is a builtin owl property
+Onto = """<rdf:RDF
+      xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+      xmlns:owl="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#"
+      xmlns:ns="http://example.org/ns#" >
+<owl:Class rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing">
+        <owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
+            <owl:Thing rdf:about="#s"/>
+       </owl:oneOf>
+      </owl:Class>
+    <owl:Thing rdf:ID="sub">
+        <ns:p rdf:datatype=
+        "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int">123</ns:p>
+    </owl:Thing>
+  </rdf:RDF>
+    """
+qt_proto = """
+        PREFIX ns: <http://example.org/ns#>
+        SELECT %s
+        WHERE {
+                %s 
+              }
+                                                                                          """
+from StringIO import StringIO
+def test_case_0():
+    """ Check if the triple is entailed """
+    py.test.skip("Doesn't work yet")
+    query = qt_proto % ('?x', 'ns:sub ns:p 123 .')
+    O = Ontology()
+    O.add_file(StringIO(Onto))
+    raises(ConsistencyFailure, O.sparql, query)
+def test_case_1():
+    #""" add a hasvalue constraint """
+    query = qt_proto % ('?x', '?x ns:p 123 .')
+    O = Ontology()
+    O.add_file(StringIO(Onto))
+    O.attach_fd()
+    print "Attached"
+    O.sparql(query)
+    assert list(O.variables['query_x_'].getValues())[0].uri == u'#sub' 
+def test_case_2():
+    "for all p's return p if p[0]==s and p[1]==o """
+    py.test.skip("Doesn't work yet")
+    query = qt_proto % ('?x', 'ns:sub  ?x 123 .')
+    O = Ontology()
+    O.add_file(StringIO(Onto))
+    O.attach_fd()
+    O.sparql(query)
+    assert list(O.variables['query_x_'].getValues())[0] == 'ns:sub' 
+def test_case_3():
+    """search for s in p"""
+#    py.test.skip("Doesn't work yet")
+    query = qt_proto % ('?x', 'ns:sub ns:p ?x .')
+    O = Ontology()
+    O.add_file(StringIO(Onto))
+    O.attach_fd()
+    O.sparql(query)
+    assert list(O.variables['query_x_'].getValues())[0] == '123' 
+def test_case_4():
+    """ search for s in p """
+    py.test.skip("Doesn't work yet")
+    query = qt_proto % ('?x ?y', '?x ?y 123 .')
+    O = Ontology()
+    O.add_file(StringIO(Onto))
+    O.attach_fd()
+    O.sparql(query)
+    assert list(O.variables['query_x_'].getValues())[0].uri == u'#sub' 
+def test_case_5():
+    """ for all p's return p[0] if p[1]==o """
+    py.test.skip("Doesn't work yet")
+    query = qt_proto % ('?x ?y', '?x ns:p ?y .')
+    O = Ontology()
+    O.add_file(StringIO(Onto))
+    O.attach_fd()
+    O.sparql(query)
+    assert list(O.variables['query_x_'].getValues())[0].uri == u'#sub' 
+def test_case_6():
+    """ return the values of p """
+    py.test.skip("Doesn't work yet")
+    query = qt_proto % ('?x ?y', 'ns:sub ?x ?y .')
+    O = Ontology()
+    O.add_file(StringIO(Onto))
+    O.attach_fd()
+    O.sparql(query)
+    assert list(O.variables['query_x_'].getValues())[0].uri == u'#sub' 
+def test_case_7():
+    """ for all p's return p[1] if p[0]==s """
+    py.test.skip("Doesn't work yet")
+    query = qt_proto % ('?x ?y ?z', '?x ?y ?z .')
+    O = Ontology()
+    O.add_file(StringIO(Onto))
+    O.attach_fd()
+    O.sparql(query)
+    assert list(O.variables['query_x_'].getValues())[0].uri == u'#sub' 

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