[pypy-svn] r24516 - in pypy/dist/pypy/translator/squeak: . test

nik at codespeak.net nik at codespeak.net
Fri Mar 17 12:25:05 CET 2006

Author: nik
Date: Fri Mar 17 12:24:59 2006
New Revision: 24516

support (almost) all integer operations for all integer types. 

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/squeak/opformatter.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/squeak/opformatter.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/squeak/opformatter.py	Fri Mar 17 12:24:59 2006
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 def _setup_int_masks():
     """Generates code for helpers to mask the various integer types."""
     masks = {}
-    for name, r_type in ("int", r_int), ("uint", r_uint), \
-            ("llong", r_longlong), ("ullong", r_ulonglong):
+    # NB: behaviour of signed long longs is undefined on overflow
+    for name, r_type in ("int", r_int), ("uint", r_uint), ("ullong", r_ulonglong):
         helper_name = "mask%s" % name.capitalize()
         if name[0] == "u":
             # Unsigned integer type
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
         'abs':       'abs',
         'is_true':   'isZero not',
         'neg':       'negated',
-        'invert':    'bitInvert', # maybe bitInvert32?
+        'invert':    'bitInvert',
         'add':       '+',
         'sub':       '-',
@@ -44,13 +44,25 @@
         'mul':       '*',
         'div':       '//',
         'floordiv':  '//',
-        #'truediv':   '/',:   '/',
+        #'truediv':   '/', # XXX fix this when we have float support
         'mod':       r'\\',
+        'eq':        '=',
+        'ne':        '~=',
+        'lt':        '<',
+        'le':        '<=',
+        'gt':        '>',
+        'ge':        '>=',
+        'and':       'bitAnd',
+        'or':        'bitOr',
+        'lshift':    '<<',
+        'rshift':    '>>',
+        'xor':       'bitXor',
+        # XXX need to support x_ovf ops
     number_opprefixes = "int", "uint", "llong", "ullong", "float"
-    wrapping_ops = "neg", "invert", "add", "sub", "mul"
+    wrapping_ops = "neg", "invert", "add", "sub", "mul", "lshift"
     int_masks = _setup_int_masks()

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/squeak/test/test_llops.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/squeak/test/test_llops.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/squeak/test/test_llops.py	Fri Mar 17 12:24:59 2006
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 import sys
 from pypy.translator.squeak.test.runtest import compile_function
-from pypy.rpython.rarithmetic import r_uint
+from pypy.rpython.rarithmetic import r_uint, r_longlong, r_ulonglong
 from pypy.rpython.annlowlevel import LowLevelAnnotatorPolicy
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.lloperation import llop
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.lltype import Signed, Unsigned, Bool
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.lltype import SignedLongLong, UnsignedLongLong
 from pypy.rpython.test.test_llinterp import interpret
 def optest(testcase):
@@ -11,7 +12,7 @@
     RESTYPE = testcase[1] 
     args = testcase[2:]
-    arg_signature = ", ".join(["v%s" % n for n in range(len(args))])
+    arg_signature = ", ".join(["a%s" % n for n in range(len(args))])
     exec """def lloptest(%s):
         return llop.%s(%s, %s)""" \
                 % (arg_signature, llopname, RESTYPE._name,
@@ -50,28 +51,63 @@
     ("sub", Signed, 1, 3),
     ("mul", Signed, 2, 3),
     ("div", Signed, 7, 3),
-    ("floordiv", Signed, 7, 3),
+    ("floordiv", Signed, 7, 3), # XXX what about division by zero?
     ("floordiv", Signed, -7, 3),
     ("mod", Signed, 9, 4),
     ("mod", Signed, 9, -4),
+    ("eq", Bool, 1, 1),
+    ("eq", Bool, 1, 2),
+    ("ne", Bool, 1, 1),
+    ("ne", Bool, 1, 2),
+    ("lt", Bool, 1, 2),
+    ("le", Bool, 1, 2),
+    ("gt", Bool, 1, 2),
+    ("ge", Bool, 1, 2),
+int_tests = general_tests + [
+    ("and", Signed, 9, 5),
+    ("and", Signed, 9, -5),
+    ("or", Signed, 4, 5),
+    ("or", Signed, 4, -5),
+    ("lshift", Signed, 16, 2),
+    ("rshift", Signed, 16, 2),
+    ("xor", Signed, 9, 5),
+    ("xor", Signed, 9, -5),
 def test_intoperations():
-    tests = adapt_tests(general_tests, int, Signed, "int") + [
+    tests = adapt_tests(int_tests, int, Signed, "int") + [
         # binary wraparounds
         ("int_add", Signed, sys.maxint, 1),
         ("int_sub", Signed, -sys.maxint-1, 2),
         ("int_mul", Signed, sys.maxint/2, 3),
+        ("int_lshift", Signed, sys.maxint, 1),
     for t in tests:
         yield optest, t
 def test_uintoperations():
-    tests = adapt_tests(general_tests, r_uint, Unsigned, "uint") + [
+    tests = adapt_tests(int_tests, r_uint, Unsigned, "uint") + [
         # binary wraparounds
         ("uint_add", Unsigned, r_uint(2*sys.maxint), r_uint(2)),
         ("uint_sub", Unsigned, r_uint(1), r_uint(3)),
         ("uint_mul", Unsigned, r_uint(sys.maxint), r_uint(3)),
+        ("uint_lshift", Unsigned, r_uint(2*sys.maxint), r_uint(1)),
+    ]
+    for t in tests:
+        yield optest, t
+def test_llongoperations():
+    tests = adapt_tests(general_tests, r_longlong, SignedLongLong, "llong")
+    for t in tests:
+        yield optest, t
+def test_ullongoperations():
+    tests = adapt_tests(general_tests, r_ulonglong, UnsignedLongLong, "ullong") + [
+        # binary wraparounds
+        ("ullong_add", UnsignedLongLong,
+                r_ulonglong(r_ulonglong.MASK), r_ulonglong(10)),
     for t in tests:
         yield optest, t

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