[pypy-svn] r28070 - pypy/dist/pypy/doc

ale at codespeak.net ale at codespeak.net
Fri Jun 2 10:33:46 CEST 2006

Author: ale
Date: Fri Jun  2 10:33:45 2006
New Revision: 28070

Random ramblings on OWL posing as the begining of documentationfor pyontology

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/doc/pyontology.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/doc/pyontology.txt	Fri Jun  2 10:33:45 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+Documentation of pyontology.py
+.. contents::
+.. sectnum::
+The fundamental concepts of OWL (Web Ontology Language) are:
+Classes are defined in the following ways:
+    1. a class identifier (a URI reference) (ie. (?, owl:type, owl:Classes) triples)
+    2. an exhaustive enumeration of individuals that together form the instances of a class
+    3. a property restriction
+    4. the intersection of two or more class descriptions (intersectionOf predicate)
+    5. the union of two or more class descriptions (unionOf predicate)
+    6. the complement of a class description (complementOf predicate)
+Properties can be of the types owl:ObjectProperty, owl:DatatypeProperty, owl:FunctionalProperty, 
+owl: InverseFunctionalProperty, owl:SymmetricProperty.
+Properties can have restrictions on them, either value restrictions, cardinality restrictions or global
+restrictions in the form of domain and range restrictions. 
+Individuals are instances of classes. Individuals are created either with  a owl:type predicate with object being userdefined class, by a owl:type, owl:Thing triple or by a triple with a userdefined property as predicate. Individuals has to be able to been compared. The comparison can return true, false or unknown. Individuals are equal if it has the same names, or there has been a owl:sameAs triple relating the two Individuals. Two Individuals compare unequal (return false) if there has been a owl:differentFrom (or a Alldifferent) triple.
+The Ontology is read from a file (either in RDF-XML or N3 format) into a RDFLIB Graph. The triples of the 
+Graph are considered individually by calling the methods on the Ontology class. 
+Since the ordering of triples is random the final processing has to be postponed until all triples have been
+When all triples have been processed the semantics of the Ontology will be contained in the objects in self.variables. In order to complete the conversion from the OWL ontology to a constraint problem the finish method of the objects needs to be called.
+The result of considering all the triples is a constraint problem. A constraint problem cosists of variables domains an constraints. The variables of the OWL constraint problem are the names of the userdefined classses and userdefined properties. Each variable has a domain which hold the individuals. The constraints makes relations between variables. By setting the domain of each variables, which have an empty domain (meaningthat it have no explicit individuals) to the domain of everything (owl:Thing or owl:Property for properties) the constraints can narrow the domain to the subset that satisfies the constraints imposed on this class.
+The domains of properties contain tuples of individual and value, so the triple (Peter, hasParent, Mary) will put the tuple (Peter, Mary) into the domain of the property hasParent.
+Some special variables and domains are created to enable to infer facts on Ontologies that have no individuals. 
+Restrictions are anonymous classes that define restrictions on properties. The individuals that satisfies The restriction are the Individuals that shall be in the domain of this anonymous class. 
+Cardinality restrictions
+Cardinality restrictions have two implications. The can be used to assert the restrictions on individuals, 
+to check that an individual of class fulfills the restriction, and to check the schema of a class is consistent.
+That is to check for example that a certain class is not defined to have a maxCardinality lower than a 
+minCardinality for a certain property.
+The result of a maxCardinality restriction is all the individuals that have at most the number of values for the property as stated in the object of the triple. 
+This is achieved by adding a constraint that will use the "getValuesPrKey" method of the property domain and remove the individuals that do not satisfy the constraint from the domain of the restriction. The constraint is implementedby the class CardinalityConstraint, which takes a property class, a restriction name, a val and a comparison string (can be '<','>' or '=').
+To check for the consistency in absence of individuals, a special variable is created with the domain of range(val + 1). This is the domain of possible values for the cardinality.
+As the name of the property might not be known when the triple containing the cardinality restriction is being processed the actual addition of the domains and constraint is being deferred to the finish method of the restriction class.
+The hasvalue restriction defines the set of individuals which have the value for the property concerned.
+The subClassOf triple states that the set of individuals of the subject class shall be a subset of the setof individuals of the object class. 
+When a triple with predicate "subClassOf" is considered, we add the object to the bases attribute of the subjecct class. When the finish method is called the domains and constraints of the subject class will be augmented with those of the object class.
+The equivalentClass states that the subject class and object class contain the same elements.
+If the two classes has a different number of elements it must mean that all elements must be the same.
+The Ontology class
+    1. Evaluate the uninitialised constraints of the class.
+        sadsda
+    2. Loop through the bases list and for each class:
+        call finish()
+        instantiate the constraints found in the baseclasses
+        remove BNodes from the domain store

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