[pypy-svn] r30218 - pypy/dist/pypy/module/_stackless

auc at codespeak.net auc at codespeak.net
Wed Jul 19 12:43:48 CEST 2006

Author: auc
Date: Wed Jul 19 12:43:46 2006
New Revision: 30218

clonable coroutines with more cholesterol

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/module/_stackless/__init__.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/module/_stackless/__init__.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/module/_stackless/__init__.py	Wed Jul 19 12:43:46 2006
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
     interpleveldefs = {
         'tasklet'    : 'interp_stackless.tasklet',
         'coroutine'  : 'coroutine.AppCoroutine',
+        'clonable'   : 'interp_clonable.ClonableCoroutine',
         'greenlet'   : 'interp_greenlet.AppGreenlet',
@@ -22,6 +23,8 @@
         # are not yet directly supported
         from pypy.module._stackless.coroutine import post_install as post_install_coro
+        from pypy.module._stackless.interp_clonable import post_install as post_install_clonable
+        post_install_clonable(self)
         from pypy.module._stackless.interp_greenlet import post_install as post_install_greenlet

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/module/_stackless/interp_clonable.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/module/_stackless/interp_clonable.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/module/_stackless/interp_clonable.py	Wed Jul 19 12:43:46 2006
@@ -1,26 +1,25 @@
-from pypy.module._stackless.interp_coroutine import AbstractThunk
-from pypy.module._stackless.coroutine import AppCoroutine
+from pypy.module._stackless.interp_coroutine import AbstractThunk, BaseCoState, Coroutine
 from pypy.rpython.rgc import gc_swap_pool, gc_clone
 from pypy.rpython.objectmodel import we_are_translated
-class InterpClonableCoroutine(AppCoroutine):
+from pypy.module._stackless.stackless_flags import StacklessFlags
+from pypy.interpreter.function import StaticMethod
+from pypy.interpreter.typedef import GetSetProperty, TypeDef
+from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app, ObjSpace, W_Root
+from pypy.rpython import rstack # for resume points
+from pypy.tool import stdlib_opcode as pythonopcode
+class InterpClonableCoroutine(Coroutine):
     local_pool = None
     def hello(self):
         if we_are_translated():
             self.saved_pool = gc_swap_pool(self.local_pool)
-        else:
-            AppCoroutine.hello(self)
     def goodbye(self):
         if we_are_translated():
             self.local_pool = gc_swap_pool(self.saved_pool)
-        else:
-            AppCoroutine.goodbye(self)
-    def w_getcurrent(space):
-        return space.wrap(InterpClonableCoroutine._get_state(space).current)
-    w_getcurrent = staticmethod(w_getcurrent)
     def clone(self):
         if not we_are_translated():
@@ -39,6 +38,220 @@
         return copy
+class ClonableCoroutine(InterpClonableCoroutine): 
+    #XXX yes, cut'n'pasted from AppCoroutine, how nice
+    def __init__(self, space, is_main=False):
+        self.space = space
+        state = self._get_state(space)
+        Coroutine.__init__(self, state)
+        self.flags = 0
+        self.framestack = None
+        if not is_main:
+             space.getexecutioncontext().subcontext_new(self)
+        self._exc = None # not space.w_None ?
+    def hello(self):
+        if we_are_translated():
+            super(ClonableCoroutine, self).hello()
+        else:
+            ec = self.space.getexecutioncontext()
+            ec.subcontext_enter(self)
+    def goodbye(self):
+        if we_are_translated():
+            super(ClonableCoroutine, self).goodbye()
+        else:
+            ec = self.space.getexecutioncontext()
+            ec.subcontext_leave(self)
+    def w_getcurrent(space):
+        return space.wrap(ClonableCoroutine._get_state(space).current)
+    w_getcurrent = staticmethod(w_getcurrent)
+    def w_finished(self, w_excinfo):
+        """called by AppCoroutine.finish"""
+        self._exc = w_excinfo
+    def is_dead(self):
+        return self._exc is not None
+    def w_switch(self):
+        space = self.space
+        if self.frame is None:
+            raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
+                "cannot switch to an unbound Coroutine"))
+        self.switch()
+        rstack.resume_point("w_switch", self, space)
+        state = self.costate
+        w_ret, state.w_tempval = state.w_tempval, space.w_None
+        return w_ret
+    def _get_state(space):
+        return space.fromcache(AppCoState)
+    _get_state = staticmethod(_get_state)
+    def descr_method__new__(space, w_subtype):
+        co = space.allocate_instance(ClonableCoroutine, w_subtype)
+        ClonableCoroutine.__init__(co, space)
+        return space.wrap(co)
+    def finish(self, operror=None):
+        space = self.space
+        if isinstance(operror, OperationError):
+            w_exctype = operror.w_type
+            w_excvalue = operror.w_value
+            w_exctraceback = operror.application_traceback
+            w_excinfo = space.newtuple([w_exctype, w_excvalue, w_exctraceback])
+        else:
+            w_N = space.w_None
+            w_excinfo = space.newtuple([w_N, w_N, w_N])
+        return space.call_method(space.wrap(self),'finished', w_excinfo)
+    # pickling interface
+    def descr__reduce__(self, space):
+        # this is trying to be simplistic at the moment.
+        # we neither allow to pickle main (which can become a mess
+        # since it has some deep anchestor frames)
+        # nor we allowto pickle the current coroutine.
+        # rule: switch before pickling.
+        # you cannot construct the tree that you are climbing.
+        # XXX missing checks!
+        from pypy.interpreter.mixedmodule import MixedModule
+        w_mod    = space.getbuiltinmodule('_stackless')
+        mod      = space.interp_w(MixedModule, w_mod)
+        w_mod2    = space.getbuiltinmodule('_pickle_support')
+        mod2      = space.interp_w(MixedModule, w_mod2)
+        new_inst = mod.get('coroutine')
+        w        = space.wrap
+        nt = space.newtuple
+        ec = self.space.getexecutioncontext()
+        if self is self._get_state(space).main:
+            return space.newtuple([mod2.get('return_main'), space.newtuple([])])
+        tup_base = [
+            ]
+        tup_state = [
+            w(self.flags),
+            ec.subcontext_getstate(self),
+            ]
+        return nt([new_inst, nt(tup_base), nt(tup_state)])
+    def descr__setstate__(self, space, w_args):
+        args_w = space.unpackiterable(w_args)
+        w_flags, w_state = args_w
+        self.flags = space.int_w(w_flags)
+        self.parent = ClonableCoroutine._get_state(space).current
+        ec = self.space.getexecutioncontext()
+        ec.subcontext_setstate(self, w_state)
+        self.reconstruct_framechain()
+    def reconstruct_framechain(self):
+        from pypy.interpreter.pyframe import PyFrame
+        from pypy.rpython.rstack import resume_state_create
+        if self.framestack.empty():
+            self.frame = None
+            return
+        space = self.space
+        ec = space.getexecutioncontext()
+        costate = self.costate
+        # now the big fun of recreating tiny things...
+        bottom = resume_state_create(None, "yield_current_frame_to_caller_1")
+        # resume_point("coroutine__bind", self, state)
+        _bind_frame = resume_state_create(bottom, "coroutine__bind", self, costate)
+        # rstack.resume_point("appthunk", costate, returns=w_result)
+        appthunk_frame = resume_state_create(_bind_frame, "appthunk", costate)
+        chain = appthunk_frame
+        for frame in self.framestack.items:
+            assert isinstance(frame, PyFrame)
+            # rstack.resume_point("evalframe", self, executioncontext, returns=result)
+            evalframe_frame = resume_state_create(chain, "evalframe", frame, ec)
+            # rstack.resume_point("eval", self, executioncontext)
+            eval_frame = resume_state_create(evalframe_frame, "eval", frame, ec)
+            # rstack.resume_point("dispatch_call", self, code, ec)
+            code = frame.getcode().co_code
+            dispatch_call_frame = resume_state_create(eval_frame, "dispatch_call", frame, code, ec)
+            instr = frame.last_instr
+            opcode = ord(code[instr])
+            assert opcode == pythonopcode.opmap['CALL_FUNCTION']
+            instr += 1
+            oparg = ord(code[instr]) | ord(code[instr + 1]) << 8
+            if (oparg >> 8) & 0xff == 0:
+                # Only positional arguments
+                nargs = oparg & 0xff
+                # case1: rstack.resume_point("CALL_FUNCTION", f, nargs, returns=w_result)
+                call_frame = resume_state_create(dispatch_call_frame, 'CALL_FUNCTION', frame, nargs)
+            else:
+                # case2: rstack.resume_point("call_function", f, returns=w_result)
+                call_frame = resume_state_create(dispatch_call_frame, 'call_function', frame)
+            chain = call_frame
+        # rstack.resume_point("w_switch", self, space)
+        w_switch_frame = resume_state_create(chain, 'w_switch', self, space)
+        # resume_point("coroutine_switch", self, state, returns=incoming_frame)
+        switch_frame = resume_state_create(w_switch_frame, "coroutine_switch", self, costate)
+        self.frame = switch_frame
+def makeStaticMethod(module, classname, funcname):
+    space = module.space
+    space.appexec(map(space.wrap, (module, classname, funcname)), """
+        (module, klassname, funcname):
+            klass = getattr(module, klassname)
+            func = getattr(klass, funcname)
+            setattr(klass, funcname, staticmethod(func.im_func))
+    """)
+def post_install(module):
+    makeStaticMethod(module, 'clonable', 'getcurrent')
+    space = module.space
+    ClonableCoroutine._get_state(space).post_install()
+class AppCoState(BaseCoState):
+    def __init__(self, space):
+        BaseCoState.__init__(self)
+        self.w_tempval = space.w_None
+        self.space = space
+    def post_install(self):
+        self.current = self.main = ClonableCoroutine(self.space, is_main=True)
+def w_descr__framestack(space, self):
+    assert isinstance(self, ClonableCoroutine)
+    if self.framestack:
+        items = [space.wrap(item) for item in self.framestack.items]
+        return space.newtuple(items)
+    else:
+        return space.newtuple([])
+# _mixin_ did not work
+for methname in StacklessFlags.__dict__:
+    meth = getattr(StacklessFlags, methname)
+    if hasattr(meth, 'im_func'):
+        setattr(ClonableCoroutine, meth.__name__, meth.im_func)
+del meth, methname
+ClonableCoroutine.typedef = TypeDef("clonable",
+    __new__ = interp2app(ClonableCoroutine.descr_method__new__.im_func),
+    _framestack = GetSetProperty(w_descr__framestack),
+    getcurrent = interp2app(ClonableCoroutine.w_getcurrent),
+    __reduce__   = interp2app(ClonableCoroutine.descr__reduce__,
+                              unwrap_spec=['self', ObjSpace]),
+    __setstate__ = interp2app(ClonableCoroutine.descr__setstate__,
+                              unwrap_spec=['self', ObjSpace, W_Root]),
+    __module__ = '_stackless',
 class ForkThunk(AbstractThunk):
     def __init__(self, coroutine):
         self.coroutine = coroutine
@@ -54,11 +267,12 @@
     into the parent), or None (if returning into the child).  This returns
     into the parent first, which can switch to the child later.
+    #XXX ClonableCoroutine might well be InterpClonableCoroutine
     current = ClonableCoroutine.getcurrent()
     if not isinstance(current, ClonableCoroutine):
         raise RuntimeError("fork() in a non-clonable coroutine")
     thunk = ForkThunk(current)
-    coro_fork = ClonableCoroutine()
+    coro_fork = ClonableCoroutine() 
     # we resume here twice.  The following would need explanations about

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