[pypy-svn] r22888 - in pypy/dist/pypy: rpython/raisingops translator/backendopt translator/c/src translator/c/test

ericvrp at codespeak.net ericvrp at codespeak.net
Tue Jan 31 13:18:04 CET 2006

Author: ericvrp
Date: Tue Jan 31 13:18:00 2006
New Revision: 22888

Refactored raising operations out of the external functions C code.

There are some XXX's left in raisingops.py that I would very much like
someone to have a look at. (I hope this is not too much work)
Related to there XXX's is probably the currently skipped test_int_mod_ovf_zer
test in test-typed.py

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/raisingops/raisingops.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/raisingops/raisingops.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/raisingops/raisingops.py	Tue Jan 31 13:18:00 2006
@@ -1,26 +1,252 @@
-from pypy.rpython.rarithmetic import r_longlong
+from pypy.rpython.rarithmetic import r_longlong, r_uint, intmask
-def _pypyop_divmod_adj(x, y, p_rem=None):
-  xdivy = r_longlong(x / y)
-  xmody = r_longlong(x - xdivy * y)
+#XXX original SIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_ZERO_FILLS not taken into account
+#XXX assuming HAVE_LONG_LONG (int_mul_ovf)
+#XXX should int_mod and int_floordiv return an intmask(...) instead?
+def int_floordiv_zer(x, y):
+    '''#define OP_INT_FLOORDIV_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
+        if ((y)) { OP_INT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err); } \
+        else FAIL_ZER(err, "integer division")
+    '''
+    if y:
+        return int_floordiv(x, y)
+    else:
+        raise ZeroDivisionError("integer division")
+def uint_floordiv_zer(x, y):
+    '''#define OP_UINT_FLOORDIV_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
+        if ((y)) { OP_UINT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err); } \
+        else FAIL_ZER(err, "unsigned integer division")
+    '''
+    if y:
+        return x / y
+    else:
+        raise ZeroDivisionError("unsigned integer division")
+def int_neg_ovf(x):
+    '''#define OP_INT_NEG_OVF(x,r,err) \
+        OP_INT_NEG(x,r,err); \
+        if ((x) >= 0 || (x) != -(x)); \
+        else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer negate")
+    '''
+    r = -x
+    if x >= 0 or x != r:
+        return r
+    else:
+        raise OverflowError("integer negate")
+def int_abs_ovf(x):
+    '''#define OP_INT_ABS_OVF(x,r,err) \
+        OP_INT_ABS(x,r,err); \
+        if ((x) >= 0 || (x) != -(x)); \
+        else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer absolute")
+    '''
+    if x >= 0:
+        r = x
+    else:
+        r = -x
+    if x >= 0 or x != r:
+        return r
+    else:
+        raise OverflowError("integer absolute")
+def int_add_ovf(x, y):
+    '''#define OP_INT_ADD_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
+        OP_INT_ADD(x,y,r,err); \
+        if ((r^(x)) >= 0 || (r^(y)) >= 0); \
+        else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer addition")
+    '''
+    r = x + y
+    if r^x >= 0 or r^y >= 0:
+        return r
+    else:
+        raise OverflowError("integer addition")
+def int_sub_ovf(x, y):
+    '''#define OP_INT_SUB_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
+        OP_INT_SUB(x,y,r,err); \
+        if ((r^(x)) >= 0 || (r^~(y)) >= 0); \
+        else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer subtraction")
+    '''
+    r = x - y
+    if r^x >= 0 or r^~y >= 0:
+        return r
+    else:
+        raise OverflowError("integer subtraction")
+def int_lshift_ovf(x, y):
+    '''#define OP_INT_LSHIFT_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
+        OP_INT_LSHIFT(x,y,r,err); \
+        if ((x) != Py_ARITHMETIC_RIGHT_SHIFT(long, r, (y))) \
+                FAIL_OVF(err, "x<<y loosing bits or changing sign")
+    '''
+    r = x << y
+    if x != _Py_ARITHMETIC_RIGHT_SHIFT(r, y):
+        raise OverflowError("x<<y loosing bits or changing sign")
+    else:
+        return r
+def int_rshift_val(x, y):
+    '''#define OP_INT_RSHIFT_VAL(x,y,r,err) \
+        if ((y) >= 0) { OP_INT_RSHIFT(x,y,r,err); } \
+        else FAIL_VAL(err, "negative shift count")
+    '''
+    if y >= 0:
+        return _Py_ARITHMETIC_RIGHT_SHIFT(x, y)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("negative shift count")
+def int_lshift_val(x, y):
+    '''#define OP_INT_LSHIFT_VAL(x,y,r,err) \
+        if ((y) >= 0) { OP_INT_LSHIFT(x,y,r,err); } \
+        else FAIL_VAL(err, "negative shift count")
+    '''
+    if y >= 0:
+        return x << y
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("negative shift count")
+def int_lshift_ovf_val(x, y):
+    '''#define OP_INT_LSHIFT_OVF_VAL(x,y,r,err) \
+        if ((y) >= 0) { OP_INT_LSHIFT_OVF(x,y,r,err); } \
+        else FAIL_VAL(err, "negative shift count")
+    '''
+    if y >= 0:
+        return int_lshift_ovf(x, y)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("negative shift count")
+def int_floordiv_ovf(x, y):
+    '''#define OP_INT_FLOORDIV_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
+        if ((y) == -1 && (x) < 0 && ((unsigned long)(x) << 1) == 0) \
+                FAIL_OVF(err, "integer division"); \
+        OP_INT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err)
+    '''
+    if y == -1 and x < 0 and (r_uint(x) << 1) == 0:
+        raise OverflowError("integer division")
+    else:
+        return int_floordiv(x, y)
+def int_floordiv_ovf_zer(x, y):
+    '''#define OP_INT_FLOORDIV_OVF_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
+        if ((y)) { OP_INT_FLOORDIV_OVF(x,y,r,err); } \
+        else FAIL_ZER(err, "integer division")
+    '''
+    if y:
+        return int_floordiv_ovf(x, y)
+    else:
+        raise ZeroDivisionError("integer division")
+def int_mod_ovf(x, y):
+    '''#define OP_INT_MOD_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
+        if ((y) == -1 && (x) < 0 && ((unsigned long)(x) << 1) == 0) \
+                FAIL_OVF(err, "integer modulo"); \
+        OP_INT_MOD(x,y,r,err)
+    '''
+    if y == -1 and x < 0 and (r_uint(x) << 1) == 0:
+        raise OverflowError("integer modulo")
+    else:
+        return int_mod(x, y)
+def int_mod_zer(x, y):
+    '''#define OP_INT_MOD_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
+        if ((y)) { OP_INT_MOD(x,y,r,err); } \
+        else FAIL_ZER(err, "integer modulo")
+    '''
+    if y:
+        return int_mod(x, y)
+    else:
+        raise ZeroDivisionError("integer modulo")
+def uint_mod_zer(x, y):
+    '''#define OP_UINT_MOD_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
+        if ((y)) { OP_UINT_MOD(x,y,r,err); } \
+        else FAIL_ZER(err, "unsigned integer modulo")
+    '''
+    if y:
+        return x % y
+    else:
+        raise ZeroDivisionError("unsigned integer modulo")
+def int_mod_ovf_zer(x, y):
+    '''#define OP_INT_MOD_OVF_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
+        if ((y)) { OP_INT_MOD_OVF(x,y,r,err); } \
+        else FAIL_ZER(err, "integer modulo")
+    '''
+    if y:
+        return int_mod_ovf(x, y)
+    else:
+        ZeroDivisionError("integer modulo")
+# Helpers...
+def int_floordiv(x, y):
+    xdivy = r_longlong(x / y)
+    xmody = r_longlong(x - xdivy * y)
-  # If the signs of x and y differ, and the remainder is non-0,
-  # C89 doesn't define whether xdivy is now the floor or the
-  # ceiling of the infinitely precise quotient.  We want the floor,
-  # and we have it iff the remainder's sign matches y's.
-  if xmody and ((y ^ xmody) < 0):
+    # If the signs of x and y differ, and the remainder is non-0,
+    # C89 doesn't define whether xdivy is now the floor or the
+    # ceiling of the infinitely precise quotient.  We want the floor,
+    # and we have it iff the remainder's sign matches y's.
+    if xmody and ((y ^ xmody) < 0):
+        xmody += y
+        xdivy -= 1
+        assert xmody and ((y ^ xmody) >= 0)
+    return xdivy
+def int_mod(x, y):
+    xdivy = r_longlong(x / y)
+    xmody = r_longlong(x - xdivy * y)
-    xmody += y
-    xdivy -= 1
-    assert xmody and ((y ^ xmody) >= 0)
-  #XXX was a pointer
-  # if p_rem
-  #  p_rem = xmody;
-  return xdivy
-def int_floordiv_zer(x,y):
-  if y:
-    return _pypyop_divmod_adj(x, y)
-  else:
-    raise ZeroDivisionError("integer division")
+    # If the signs of x and y differ, and the remainder is non-0,
+    # C89 doesn't define whether xdivy is now the floor or the
+    # ceiling of the infinitely precise quotient.  We want the floor,
+    # and we have it iff the remainder's sign matches y's.
+    if xmody and ((y ^ xmody) < 0):
+        xmody += y
+        xdivy -= 1
+        assert xmody and ((y ^ xmody) >= 0)
+    return xmody
+    '''
+// C doesn't define whether a right-shift of a signed integer sign-extends
+// or zero-fills.  Here a macro to force sign extension:
+//    Return I >> J, forcing sign extension.
+// Requirements:
+//    I is of basic signed type TYPE (char, short, int, long, or long long).
+//    TYPE is one of char, short, int, long, or long long, although long long
+//    must not be used except on platforms that support it.
+//    J is an integer >= 0 and strictly less than the number of bits in TYPE
+//    (because C doesn't define what happens for J outside that range either).
+// Caution:
+//    I may be evaluated more than once.
+            ((I) < 0 ? ~((~(unsigned TYPE)(I)) >> (J)) : (I) >> (J))
+    #define Py_ARITHMETIC_RIGHT_SHIFT(TYPE, I, J) ((I) >> (J))
+    '''
+    return i >> j
+def int_mul_ovf(x, y):
+    '''{ \
+        PY_LONG_LONG lr = (PY_LONG_LONG)(x) * (PY_LONG_LONG)(y); \
+        r = (long)lr; \
+        if ((PY_LONG_LONG)r == lr); \
+        else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer multiplication"); \
+    }
+    '''
+    lr = r_longlong(x) * r_longlong(y);
+    r  = intmask(lr)
+    if r_longlong(r) == lr:
+        return r
+    else:
+        raise OverflowError("integer multiplication")

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt/all.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt/all.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt/all.py	Tue Jan 31 13:18:00 2006
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 from pypy.translator.backendopt.escape import malloc_to_stack
-def backend_optimizations(translator, raisingop2direct_call_all=False,
+def backend_optimizations(translator, raisingop2direct_call_all=True,

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt/raisingop2direct_call.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt/raisingop2direct_call.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt/raisingop2direct_call.py	Tue Jan 31 13:18:00 2006
@@ -6,13 +6,17 @@
     """search for operations that could raise an exception and change that
     operation into a direct_call to a function from the raisingops directory.
     This function also needs to be annotated and specialized.
+    note: this could be extended to allow for any operation to be changed into
+          a direct_call to a (RPython) function!
     seen = {}
     for op in all_operations(translator):
         s = op.opname
         if not s.startswith('int_') and not s.startswith('uint_') and not s.startswith('float_'):
-        if not s.endswith('_zer') and not s.endswith('_ovf') and not s.endswith('_val'):
+        if not s.endswith('_zer') and not s.endswith('_ovf') and not s.endswith('_val') and \
+           not s in ('int_floordiv', 'int_mod'):
         func = getattr(pypy.rpython.raisingops.raisingops, s, None)
         assert func, "exception raising operation %s was not found" % s

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/int.h
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/int.h	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/int.h	Tue Jan 31 13:18:00 2006
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
  /***  C header subsection: operations between ints        ***/
@@ -12,19 +11,9 @@
 #define OP_INT_NEG(x,r,err)    r = -(x)
-#define OP_INT_NEG_OVF(x,r,err) \
-	OP_INT_NEG(x,r,err); \
-	if ((x) >= 0 || (x) != -(x)); \
-	else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer negate")
 #define OP_INT_ABS(x,r,err)    r = (x) >= 0 ? x : -(x)
 #define OP_UINT_ABS(x,r,err)   r = (x)
-#define OP_INT_ABS_OVF(x,r,err) \
-	OP_INT_ABS(x,r,err); \
-	if ((x) >= 0 || (x) != -(x)); \
-	else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer absolute")
 /***  binary operations ***/
 #define OP_INT_EQ(x,y,r,err)	  r = ((x) == (y))
@@ -41,37 +30,10 @@
 #define OP_INT_ADD(x,y,r,err)     r = (x) + (y)
-#define OP_INT_ADD_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
-	OP_INT_ADD(x,y,r,err); \
-	if ((r^(x)) >= 0 || (r^(y)) >= 0); \
-	else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer addition")
 #define OP_INT_SUB(x,y,r,err)     r = (x) - (y)
-#define OP_INT_SUB_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
-	OP_INT_SUB(x,y,r,err); \
-	if ((r^(x)) >= 0 || (r^~(y)) >= 0); \
-	else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer subtraction")
 #define OP_INT_MUL(x,y,r,err)     r = (x) * (y)
-#define OP_INT_MUL_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
-	if (op_int_mul_ovf(x,y,&r)); \
-	else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer multiplication")
-#define OP_INT_MUL_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
-	{ \
-		PY_LONG_LONG lr = (PY_LONG_LONG)(x) * (PY_LONG_LONG)(y); \
-		r = (long)lr; \
-		if ((PY_LONG_LONG)r == lr); \
-		else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer multiplication"); \
-	}
 /* shifting */
 /* NB. shifting has same limitations as C: the shift count must be
@@ -82,68 +44,18 @@
 #define OP_INT_LSHIFT(x,y,r,err)    r = (x) << (y)
 #define OP_UINT_LSHIFT(x,y,r,err)   r = (x) << (y)
-#define OP_INT_LSHIFT_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
-	OP_INT_LSHIFT(x,y,r,err); \
-	if ((x) != Py_ARITHMETIC_RIGHT_SHIFT(long, r, (y))) \
-		FAIL_OVF(err, "x<<y loosing bits or changing sign")
-/* the safe value-checking version of the above macros */
-#define OP_INT_RSHIFT_VAL(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y) >= 0) { OP_INT_RSHIFT(x,y,r,err); } \
-	else FAIL_VAL(err, "negative shift count")
-#define OP_INT_LSHIFT_VAL(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y) >= 0) { OP_INT_LSHIFT(x,y,r,err); } \
-	else FAIL_VAL(err, "negative shift count")
-#define OP_INT_LSHIFT_OVF_VAL(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y) >= 0) { OP_INT_LSHIFT_OVF(x,y,r,err); } \
-	else FAIL_VAL(err, "negative shift count")
 /* floor division */
-#define OP_INT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err)    r = op_divmod_adj(x, y, NULL)
+/* NB: OP_INT_FLOORDIV and OP_INT_MOD are the operations that end up in the graphs
+       after the raisingop2direct_call transformation has been done. */
+#define OP_INT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err)    r = (x) / (y)
 #define OP_UINT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err)   r = (x) / (y)
-#define OP_INT_FLOORDIV_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y) == -1 && (x) < 0 && ((unsigned long)(x) << 1) == 0) \
-		FAIL_OVF(err, "integer division"); \
-	OP_INT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err)
-#define OP_INT_FLOORDIV_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y)) { OP_INT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err); } \
-	else FAIL_ZER(err, "integer division")
-#define OP_UINT_FLOORDIV_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y)) { OP_UINT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err); } \
-	else FAIL_ZER(err, "unsigned integer division")
-#define OP_INT_FLOORDIV_OVF_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y)) { OP_INT_FLOORDIV_OVF(x,y,r,err); } \
-	else FAIL_ZER(err, "integer division")
 /* modulus */
-#define OP_INT_MOD(x,y,r,err)     op_divmod_adj(x, y, &r)
+#define OP_INT_MOD(x,y,r,err)     r = (x) % (y)
 #define OP_UINT_MOD(x,y,r,err)    r = (x) % (y)
-#define OP_INT_MOD_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y) == -1 && (x) < 0 && ((unsigned long)(x) << 1) == 0) \
-		FAIL_OVF(err, "integer modulo"); \
-	OP_INT_MOD(x,y,r,err)
-#define OP_INT_MOD_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y)) { OP_INT_MOD(x,y,r,err); } \
-	else FAIL_ZER(err, "integer modulo")
-#define OP_UINT_MOD_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y)) { OP_UINT_MOD(x,y,r,err); } \
-	else FAIL_ZER(err, "unsigned integer modulo")
-#define OP_INT_MOD_OVF_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y)) { OP_INT_MOD_OVF(x,y,r,err); } \
-	else FAIL_ZER(err, "integer modulo")
 /* bit operations */
 #define OP_INT_AND(x,y,r,err)     r = (x) & (y)
@@ -172,85 +84,6 @@
 /* _________________ certain implementations __________________ */
-/* adjusted from intobject.c, Python 2.3.3 */
-/* prototypes */
-op_int_mul_ovf(long a, long b, long *longprod);
-/* implementations */
-op_int_mul_ovf(long a, long b, long *longprod)
-	double doubled_longprod;	/* (double)longprod */
-	double doubleprod;		/* (double)a * (double)b */
-	*longprod = a * b;
-	doubleprod = (double)a * (double)b;
-	doubled_longprod = (double)*longprod;
-	/* Fast path for normal case:  small multiplicands, and no info
-	   is lost in either method. */
-	if (doubled_longprod == doubleprod)
-		return 1;
-	/* Somebody somewhere lost info.  Close enough, or way off?  Note
-	   that a != 0 and b != 0 (else doubled_longprod == doubleprod == 0).
-	   The difference either is or isn't significant compared to the
-	   true value (of which doubleprod is a good approximation).
-	*/
-	{
-		const double diff = doubled_longprod - doubleprod;
-		const double absdiff = diff >= 0.0 ? diff : -diff;
-		const double absprod = doubleprod >= 0.0 ? doubleprod :
-							  -doubleprod;
-		/* absdiff/absprod <= 1/32 iff
-		   32 * absdiff <= absprod -- 5 good bits is "close enough" */
-		if (32.0 * absdiff <= absprod)
-			return 1;
-		return 0;
-	}
-#endif /* PYPY_NOT_MAIN_FILE */
-#endif /* HAVE_LONG_LONG */
-/* XXX we might probe the compiler whether it does what we want */
-/* prototypes */
-long op_divmod_adj(long x, long y, long *p_rem);
-/* implementations */
-long op_divmod_adj(long x, long y, long *p_rem)
-	long xdivy = x / y;
-	long xmody = x - xdivy * y;
-	/* If the signs of x and y differ, and the remainder is non-0,
-	 * C89 doesn't define whether xdivy is now the floor or the
-	 * ceiling of the infinitely precise quotient.  We want the floor,
-	 * and we have it iff the remainder's sign matches y's.
-	 */
-	if (xmody && ((y ^ xmody) < 0) /* i.e. and signs differ */) {
-		xmody += y;
-		--xdivy;
-		assert(xmody && ((y ^ xmody) >= 0));
-	}
-	if (p_rem)
-		*p_rem = xmody;
-	return xdivy;
-#endif /* PYPY_NOT_MAIN_FILE */
 /* no editing below this point */
 /* following lines are generated by mkuint.py */

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/test/test_backendoptimized.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/test/test_backendoptimized.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/test/test_backendoptimized.py	Tue Jan 31 13:18:00 2006
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
     def process(self, t):
         _TestTypedTestCase.process(self, t)
         self.t = t
-        backend_optimizations(t, merge_if_blocks_to_switch=False)
+        backend_optimizations(t, raisingop2direct_call_all=False, merge_if_blocks_to_switch=False)
     def test_remove_same_as(self):
         def f(n=bool):
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
         def process(self, t):
             _TestTypedTestCase.process(self, t)
             self.t = t
-            backend_optimizations(t, raisingop2direct_call_all=True)
+            backend_optimizations(t)
     def test_int_floordiv_zer(self):
         def f(x=int):

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/test/test_stackless.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/test/test_stackless.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/test/test_stackless.py	Tue Jan 31 13:18:00 2006
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 from pypy.annotation.listdef import ListDef
 from pypy.rpython.rstack import stack_unwind, stack_frames_depth, stack_too_big
 from pypy.rpython.rstack import yield_current_frame_to_caller
+from pypy.translator.backendopt.raisingop2direct_call import raisingop2direct_call
 import os
 def wrap_stackless_function(fn):
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@
     t = TranslationContext()
     t.buildannotator().build_types(entry_point, [s_list_of_strings])
+    raisingop2direct_call(t)
     cbuilder = CStandaloneBuilder(t, entry_point)
     cbuilder.stackless = True

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/test/test_typed.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/test/test_typed.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/test/test_typed.py	Tue Jan 31 13:18:00 2006
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 import py
 from py.test import raises
 from pypy.translator.test import snippet 
-from pypy.rpython.rarithmetic import r_uint, intmask
+from pypy.rpython.rarithmetic import r_uint, r_longlong, intmask
+from pypy.translator.backendopt.raisingop2direct_call import raisingop2direct_call
 from pypy.translator.c.test.test_annotated import TestAnnotatedTestCase as _TestAnnotatedTestCase
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
     def process(self, t):
         _TestAnnotatedTestCase.process(self, t)
+        raisingop2direct_call(t)
     def test_call_five(self):
         # --  the result of call_five() isn't a real list, but an rlist
@@ -205,12 +207,23 @@
         fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.add_func)
         raises(OverflowError, fn, sys.maxint)
-    def test_int_div_ovf_zer(self): # 
+    def test_int_div_ovf_zer(self):
         fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.div_func)
         raises(OverflowError, fn, -1)
         raises(ZeroDivisionError, fn, 0)
+    def test_int_mul_ovf(self):
+        fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.mul_func)
+        for y in range(-5, 5):
+            for x in range(-5, 5):
+                assert fn(x, y) == snippet.mul_func(x, y)
+        n = sys.maxint / 4
+        assert fn(n, 3) == snippet.mul_func(n, 3)
+        assert fn(n, 4) == snippet.mul_func(n, 4)
+        raises(OverflowError, fn, n, 5)
     def test_int_mod_ovf_zer(self):
+        py.test.skip("XXX does not annotate anymore after raisingops2direct_call transformation")
         fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.mod_func)
         raises(OverflowError, fn, -1)
         raises(ZeroDivisionError, fn, 0)

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