[pypy-svn] r22718 - pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic

auc at codespeak.net auc at codespeak.net
Fri Jan 27 10:56:24 CET 2006

Author: auc
Date: Fri Jan 27 10:56:20 2006
New Revision: 22718

(ale, auc)
merge store and computation space
 - the diff contains a lot of garbage

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/computationspace.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/computationspace.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/computationspace.py	Fri Jan 27 10:56:20 2006
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-## The Constraint-based computation model
+# The Constraint-based computation model
 ## ======================================
 ## A computation space collects together basic constraints (in fact
@@ -177,14 +177,21 @@
 ## space = ComputationSpace(fun=my_problem)
-from unification import Store, var
-from constraint import ConsistencyFailure
-from threading import Thread, Condition
+from threading import Thread, Condition, RLock, local
-class Unprocessed:
+from variable import EqSet, Var, \
+     VariableException, NotAVariable, AlreadyInStore
+from constraint import FiniteDomain, ConsistencyFailure
+EmptyDom = FiniteDomain([])
+class Succeeded:
+    """It contains no choice points but a solution to
+       the logic program.
+    """
-class Working:
+class Distributable:
 class Failed(Exception):
@@ -197,38 +204,372 @@
-class Succeeded:
-    """It contains no choice points but a solution to
-       the logic program.
-    """
-    pass
+class Alternatives(object):
+    def __init__(self, nb_alternatives):
+        self._nbalt = nb_alternatives
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if other is None: return False
+        return self._nbalt == other._nbalt
+#----------- Store Exceptions ----------------------------
+class UnboundVariable(VariableException):
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "%s has no value yet" % self.name
+class AlreadyBound(VariableException):
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "%s is already bound" % self.name
+class NotInStore(VariableException):
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "%s not in the store" % self.name
+class OutOfDomain(VariableException):
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "value not in domain of %s" % self.name
+class UnificationFailure(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, var1, var2, cause=None):
+        self.var1, self.var2 = (var1, var2)
+        self.cause = cause
+    def __str__(self):
+        diag = "%s %s can't be unified"
+        if self.cause:
+            diag += " because %s" % self.cause
+        return diag % (self.var1, self.var2)
+class IncompatibleDomains(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, var1, var2):
+        self.var1, self.var2 = (var1, var2)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "%s %s have incompatible domains" % \
+               (self.var1, self.var2)
+class Foo(object):
+    pass
+#---- ComputationSpace -------------------------------
 class ComputationSpace(object):
+    """The Store consists of a set of k variables
+       x1,...,xk that are partitioned as follows: 
+       * set of unbound variables that are equal
+         (also called equivalence sets of variables).
+         The variables in each set are equal to each
+         other but not to any other variables.
+       * variables bound to a number, record or procedure
+         (also called determined variables)."""
+    def __init__(self, problem, parent=None):
+        self.parent = parent
-    def __init__(self, program, parent=None):
+        # current/working computation space, per thread
+        # self.TLS = local()
+        self.TLS = Foo()
+        self.TLS.current_cs = self
+        # consistency-preserving stuff
+        self.in_transaction = False
+        self.bind_lock = RLock()
+        self.status = None
+        self.status_condition = Condition()
         if parent is None:
-            self.store = Store()
-            self.root = self.store.var('root')
-            self.store.bind(self.root, program(self))
+            self.vars = set()
+            # mapping of names to vars (all of them)
+            self.names = {}
+            # mapping of vars to constraints
+            self.var_const_map = {}
+            # set of all constraints 
+            self.constraints = set()
+            self.root = self.var('__root__')
+            self.bind(self.root, problem(self))
-            self.store = parent.store
+            self.vars = parent.vars
+            self.names = parent.names
+            self.var_const_map = parent.var_const_map
+            self.constraints = parent.constraints
             self.root = parent.root
-        self.program = program
-        self.parent = parent
-        # status
-        self.status = Unprocessed
-        self.status_condition = Condition()
         # run ...
+    #-- Variables ----------------------------
+    def var(self, name):
+        """creates a variable of name name and put
+           it into the store"""
+        v = Var(name, self)
+        self.add_unbound(v)
+        return v
+    def add_unbound(self, var):
+        """add unbound variable to the store"""
+        if var in self.vars:
+            raise AlreadyInStore(var.name)
+        print "adding %s to the store" % var
+        self.vars.add(var)
+        self.names[var.name] = var
+        # put into new singleton equiv. set
+        var.val = EqSet([var])
+    def set_domain(self, var, dom):
+        """bind variable to domain"""
+        assert(isinstance(var, Var) and (var in self.vars))
+        if var.is_bound():
+            raise AlreadyBound
+        var.dom = FiniteDomain(dom)
+    def get_var_by_name(self, name):
+        try:
+            return self.names[name]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise NotInStore(name)
+    #-- Constraints -------------------------
+    def add_constraint(self, constraint):
+        self.constraints.add(constraint)
+        for var in constraint.affectedVariables():
+            self.var_const_map.setdefault(var, [])
+            self.var_const_map[var].append(constraint)
+    def get_variables_with_a_domain(self):
+        varset = set()
+        for var in self.vars:
+            if var.dom != EmptyDom: varset.add(var)
+        return varset
+    def satisfiable(self, constraint):
+        """ * satisfiable (k) checks that the constraint k
+              can be satisfied wrt its variable domains
+              and other constraints on these variables
+            * does NOT mutate the store
+        """
+        # Satisfiability of one constraints entails
+        # satisfiability of the transitive closure
+        # of all constraints associated with the vars
+        # of our given constraint.
+        # We make a copy of the domains
+        # then traverse the constraints & attached vars
+        # to collect all (in)directly affected vars
+        # then compute narrow() on all (in)directly
+        # affected constraints.
+        assert constraint in self.constraints
+        varset = set()
+        constset = set()
+        self._compute_dependant_vars(constraint, varset, constset)
+        old_domains = collect_domains(varset)
+        for const in constset:
+            try:
+                const.narrow()
+            except ConsistencyFailure:
+                restore_domains(old_domains)
+                return False
+        restore_domains(old_domains)
+        return True
+    def get_satisfying_domains(self, constraint):
+        assert constraint in self.constraints
+        varset = set()
+        constset = set()
+        self._compute_dependant_vars(constraint, varset,
+                                     constset)
+        old_domains = collect_domains(varset)
+        for const in constset:
+            try:
+                const.narrow()
+            except ConsistencyFailure:
+                restore_domains(old_domains)
+                return {}
+        narrowed_domains = collect_domains(varset)
+        restore_domains(old_domains)
+        return narrowed_domains
+    def satisfy(self, constraint):
+        assert constraint in self.constraints
+        varset = set()
+        constset = set()
+        self._compute_dependant_vars(constraint, varset, constset)
+        old_domains = collect_domains(varset)
+        for const in constset:
+            try:
+                const.narrow()
+            except ConsistencyFailure:
+                restore_domains(old_domains)
+                raise
+    def satisfy_all(self):
+        old_domains = collect_domains(self.vars)
+        for const in self.constraints:
+            try:
+                const.narrow()
+            except ConsistencyFailure:
+                restore_domains(old_domains)
+                raise
+    def _compute_dependant_vars(self, constraint, varset,
+                               constset):
+        if constraint in constset: return
+        constset.add(constraint)
+        for var in constraint.affectedVariables():
+            varset.add(var)
+            dep_consts = self.var_const_map[var]
+            for const in dep_consts:
+                if const in constset:
+                    continue
+                self._compute_dependant_vars(const, varset,
+                                            constset)
+    #-- BIND -------------------------------------------
+    def bind(self, var, val):
+        """1. (unbound)Variable/(unbound)Variable or
+           2. (unbound)Variable/(bound)Variable or
+           3. (unbound)Variable/Value binding
+        """
+        try:
+            self.bind_lock.acquire()
+            assert(isinstance(var, Var) and (var in self.vars))
+            if var == val:
+                return
+            if _both_are_vars(var, val):
+                if _both_are_bound(var, val):
+                    raise AlreadyBound(var.name)
+                if var._is_bound(): # 2b. var is bound, not var
+                    self.bind(val, var)
+                elif val._is_bound(): # 2a.var is bound, not val
+                    self._bind(var.val, val.val)
+                else: # 1. both are unbound
+                    self._merge(var, val)
+            else: # 3. val is really a value
+                print "%s, is that you ?" % var
+                if var._is_bound():
+                    raise AlreadyBound(var.name)
+                self._bind(var.val, val)
+        finally:
+            self.bind_lock.release()
+    def _bind(self, eqs, val):
+        # print "variable - value binding : %s %s" % (eqs, val)
+        # bind all vars in the eqset to val
+        for var in eqs:
+            if var.dom != EmptyDom:
+                if val not in var.dom.get_values():
+                    print val, var.dom, var.dom.get_values()
+                    # undo the half-done binding
+                    for v in eqs:
+                        v.val = eqs
+                    raise OutOfDomain(var)
+            var.val = val
+    def _merge(self, v1, v2):
+        for v in v1.val:
+            if not _compatible_domains(v, v2.val):
+                raise IncompatibleDomains(v1, v2)
+        self._really_merge(v1.val, v2.val)
+    def _really_merge(self, eqs1, eqs2):
+        # print "unbound variables binding : %s %s" % (eqs1, eqs2)
+        if eqs1 == eqs2: return
+        # merge two equisets into one
+        eqs1 |= eqs2
+        # let's reassign everybody to the merged eq
+        for var in eqs1:
+            var.val = eqs1
+    #-- UNIFY ------------------------------------------
+    def unify(self, x, y):
+        self.in_transaction = True
+        try:
+            try:
+                self._really_unify(x, y)
+                for var in self.vars:
+                    if var.changed:
+                        var._commit()
+            except Exception, cause:
+                for var in self.vars:
+                    if var.changed:
+                        var._abort()
+                if isinstance(cause, UnificationFailure):
+                    raise
+                raise UnificationFailure(x, y, cause)
+        finally:
+            self.in_transaction = False
+    def _really_unify(self, x, y):
+        # print "unify %s with %s" % (x,y)
+        if not _unifiable(x, y): raise UnificationFailure(x, y)
+        if not x in self.vars:
+            if not y in self.vars:
+                # duh ! x & y not vars
+                if x != y: raise UnificationFailure(x, y)
+                else: return
+            # same call, reverse args. order
+            self._unify_var_val(y, x)
+        elif not y in self.vars:
+            # x is Var, y a value
+            self._unify_var_val(x, y)
+        elif _both_are_bound(x, y):
+            self._unify_bound(x,y)
+        elif x._is_bound():
+            self.bind(x,y)
+        else:
+            self.bind(y,x)
+    def _unify_var_val(self, x, y):
+        if x.val != y:
+            try:
+                self.bind(x, y)
+            except AlreadyBound:
+                raise UnificationFailure(x, y)
+    def _unify_bound(self, x, y):
+        # print "unify bound %s %s" % (x, y)
+        vx, vy = (x.val, y.val)
+        if type(vx) in [list, set] and isinstance(vy, type(vx)):
+            self._unify_iterable(x, y)
+        elif type(vx) is dict and isinstance(vy, type(vx)):
+            self._unify_mapping(x, y)
+        else:
+            if vx != vy:
+                raise UnificationFailure(x, y)
+    def _unify_iterable(self, x, y):
+        print "unify sequences %s %s" % (x, y)
+        vx, vy = (x.val, y.val)
+        idx, top = (0, len(vx))
+        while (idx < top):
+            self._really_unify(vx[idx], vy[idx])
+            idx += 1
+    def _unify_mapping(self, x, y):
+        # print "unify mappings %s %s" % (x, y)
+        vx, vy = (x.val, y.val)
+        for xk in vx.keys():
+            self._really_unify(vx[xk], vy[xk])
+#-- Computation Space -----------------------------------------
     def _process(self):
-            self.store.satisfy_all()
+            self.satisfy_all()
         except ConsistencyFailure:
             self.status = Failed
-            self.status = Succeeded
+            if self._distributable():
+                self.status = Distributable
+            else:
+                self.status = Succeeded
     def _stable(self):
         #XXX: really ?
@@ -246,12 +587,18 @@
     def _distributable(self):
         if self.status not in (Failed, Succeeded, Merged):
-            return self.distributor.findSmallestDomain() > 1
+            return self._distributable_domains()
         # in The Book : "the space has one thread that is
         # suspended on a choice point with two or more alternatives.
         # A space canhave at most one choice point; attempting to
         # create another gives an error."
+    def _distributable_domains(self):
+        for var in self.vars:
+            if var.dom.size() > 1 :
+                return True
+        return False
     def set_distributor(self, dist):
         self.distributor = dist
@@ -262,7 +609,7 @@
             while not self._stable():
             if self._distributable():
-                return self.distributor.nb_subdomains()
+                return Alternatives(self.distributor.nb_subdomains())
             return self.status
@@ -309,4 +656,137 @@
+def _compatible_domains(var, eqs):
+    """check that the domain of var is compatible
+       with the domains of the vars in the eqs
+    """
+    if var.dom == EmptyDom: return True
+    empty = set()
+    for v in eqs:
+        if v.dom == EmptyDom: continue
+        if v.dom.intersection(var.dom) == empty:
+            return False
+    return True
+#-- collect / restore utilities for domains
+def collect_domains(varset):
+    """makes a copy of domains of a set of vars
+       into a var -> dom mapping
+    """
+    dom = {}
+    for var in varset:
+        if var.dom != EmptyDom:
+            dom[var] = FiniteDomain(var.dom)
+    return dom
+def restore_domains(domains):
+    """sets the domain of the vars in the domains mapping
+       to their (previous) value 
+    """
+    for var, dom in domains.items():
+        var.dom = dom
+#-- Unifiability checks---------------------------------------
+#-- quite costly & could be merged back in unify
+def _iterable(thing):
+    return type(thing) in [list, set]
+def _mapping(thing):
+    return type(thing) is dict
+# memoizer for _unifiable
+_unifiable_memo = set()
+def _unifiable(term1, term2):
+    global _unifiable_memo
+    _unifiable_memo = set()
+    return _really_unifiable(term1, term2)
+def _really_unifiable(term1, term2):
+    """Checks wether two terms can be unified"""
+    if ((id(term1), id(term2))) in _unifiable_memo: return False
+    _unifiable_memo.add((id(term1), id(term2)))
+    # print "unifiable ? %s %s" % (term1, term2)
+    if _iterable(term1):
+        if _iterable(term2):
+            return _iterable_unifiable(term1, term2)
+        return False
+    if _mapping(term1) and _mapping(term2):
+        return _mapping_unifiable(term1, term2)
+    if not(isinstance(term1, Var) or isinstance(term2, Var)):
+        return term1 == term2 # same 'atomic' object
+    return True
+def _iterable_unifiable(c1, c2):
+   """Checks wether two iterables can be unified"""
+   # print "unifiable sequences ? %s %s" % (c1, c2)
+   if len(c1) != len(c2): return False
+   idx, top = (0, len(c1))
+   while(idx < top):
+       if not _really_unifiable(c1[idx], c2[idx]):
+           return False
+       idx += 1
+   return True
+def _mapping_unifiable(m1, m2):
+    """Checks wether two mappings can be unified"""
+    # print "unifiable mappings ? %s %s" % (m1, m2)
+    if len(m1) != len(m2): return False
+    if m1.keys() != m2.keys(): return False
+    v1, v2 = (m1.items(), m2.items())
+    v1.sort()
+    v2.sort()
+    return _iterable_unifiable([e[1] for e in v1],
+                               [e[1] for e in v2])
+#-- Some utilities -----------------------------------------------
+def _both_are_vars(v1, v2):
+    return isinstance(v1, Var) and isinstance(v2, Var)
+def _both_are_bound(v1, v2):
+    return v1._is_bound() and v2._is_bound()
+#-- the global store
+from problems import dummy_problem
+_store = ComputationSpace(dummy_problem)
+#-- global accessor functions
+def var(name):
+    v = Var(name, _store)
+    _store.add_unbound(v)
+    return v
+def set_domain(var, dom):
+    return _store.set_domain(var, dom)
+def add_constraint(constraint):
+    return _store.add_constraint(constraint)
+def satisfiable(constraint):
+    return _store.satisfiable(constraint)
+def get_satisfying_domains(constraint):
+    return _store.get_satisfying_domains(constraint)
+def satisfy(constraint):
+    return _store.satisfy(constraint)
+def bind(var, val):
+    return _store.bind(var, val)
+def unify(var1, var2):
+    return _store.unify(var1, var2)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/constraint.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/constraint.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/constraint.py	Fri Jan 27 10:56:20 2006
@@ -109,22 +109,27 @@
         if other is None: return False
         return self._values == other._values
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        return not self == other
     def intersection(self, other):
         if other is None: return self.get_values()
         return self._values & other._values
 #-- Constraints ------------------------------------------
+EmptyDom = FiniteDomain([])
 class AbstractConstraint(object):
     def __init__(self, variables):
         """variables is a list of variables which appear in the formula"""
         self._names_to_vars = {}
         for var in variables:
-            if var.dom is None:
+            if var.dom == EmptyDom:
                 raise DomainlessVariables
             self._names_to_vars[var.name] = var
-            var.add_constraint(self)
         self._variables = variables
     def affectedVariables(self):
@@ -194,12 +199,12 @@
     """A constraint represented as a python expression."""
     _FILTER_CACHE = {}
-    def __init__(self, variables, formula, type='fd.Expression'):
+    def __init__(self, variables, formula, typ='fd.Expression'):
         """variables is a list of variables which appear in the formula
         formula is a python expression that will be evaluated as a boolean"""
-        AbstractConstraint.__init__(self, variables)
         self.formula = formula
-        self.type = type
+        self.type = typ
+        AbstractConstraint.__init__(self, variables)
             self.filterFunc = Expression._FILTER_CACHE[formula]
         except KeyError:

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/distributor.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/distributor.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/distributor.py	Fri Jan 27 10:56:20 2006
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
         """returns the variable having the smallest domain.
         (or one of such varibles if there is a tie)
-        vars_ = [var for var in self.c_space.store.get_variables_with_a_domain()
+        vars_ = [var for var in self.c_space.get_variables_with_a_domain()
                  if var.dom.size() > 1]
         best = vars_[0]
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
         """returns the variable having the largest domain.
         (or one of such variables if there is a tie)
-        vars_ = [var for var in self.c_space.store.get_variables_with_a_domain()
+        vars_ = [var for var in self.c_space.get_variables_with_a_domain()
                  if var.dom.size() > 1]
         best = vars_[0]
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
         """do the minimal job and let concrete class distribute variables
         self.verbose = verbose
-        variables = self.c_space.store.get_variables_with_a_domain()
+        variables = self.c_space.get_variables_with_a_domain()
         replicas = []
         for i in range(self.nb_subdomains()):

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/problems.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/problems.py	Fri Jan 27 10:56:20 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import computationspace as cs
+import constraint as c
+import distributor as di
+def satisfiable_problem(computation_space):
+    cs = computation_space
+    x, y, z, w = (cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'),
+                  cs.var('z'), cs.var('w'))
+    x.cs_set_dom(cs, c.FiniteDomain([2, 6]))
+    y.cs_set_dom(cs, c.FiniteDomain([2, 3]))
+    z.cs_set_dom(cs, c.FiniteDomain([4, 5]))
+    w.cs_set_dom(cs, c.FiniteDomain([1, 4, 5, 6, 7]))
+    cs.add_constraint(c.Expression([x, y, z], 'x == y + z'))
+    cs.add_constraint(c.Expression([z, w], 'z < w'))
+    # set up a distribution strategy
+    cs.set_distributor(di.DichotomyDistributor(cs))
+    return (x, w, y)
+def one_solution_problem(computation_space):
+    cs = computation_space
+    x, y, z, w = (cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'),
+                  cs.var('z'), cs.var('w'))
+    x.cs_set_dom(cs, c.FiniteDomain([2, 6]))
+    y.cs_set_dom(cs, c.FiniteDomain([2, 3]))
+    z.cs_set_dom(cs, c.FiniteDomain([4, 5]))
+    w.cs_set_dom(cs, c.FiniteDomain([1, 4, 5]))
+    cs.add_constraint(c.Expression([x, y, z], 'x == y + z'))
+    cs.add_constraint(c.Expression([z, w], 'z < w'))
+    # set up a distribution strategy
+    cs.set_distributor(di.DichotomyDistributor(cs))
+    return (x, w, y)
+def unsatisfiable_problem(computation_space):
+    cs = computation_space
+    x, y, z, w = (cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'),
+                  cs.var('z'), cs.var('w'))
+    x.cs_set_dom(cs, c.FiniteDomain([2, 6]))
+    y.cs_set_dom(cs, c.FiniteDomain([2, 3]))
+    z.cs_set_dom(cs, c.FiniteDomain([4, 5]))
+    w.cs_set_dom(cs, c.FiniteDomain([1]))
+    cs.add_constraint(c.Expression([x, y, z], 'x == y + z'))
+    cs.add_constraint(c.Expression([z, w], 'z < w'))
+    # set up a distribution strategy
+    cs.set_distributor(di.DichotomyDistributor(cs))
+    return (x, w, y)
+def dummy_problem(computation_space):
+    ret = computation_space.var('__dummy__')
+    ret.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1, 2])
+    return ret

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/test_computationspace.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/test_computationspace.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/test_computationspace.py	Fri Jan 27 10:56:20 2006
@@ -1,51 +1,412 @@
-import unification as u
+from threading import Thread
 import variable as v
 import constraint as c
 import computationspace as cs
 import distributor as di
+from problems import *
 from py.test import raises
-#-- utility ------------------
+#-- helpers -----------------
-class hdict(dict):
-    """a hashable dict"""
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return id(self)
+#-- meat ------------------------
-#-- helpers -----------------
+class FunThread(Thread):
-def satisfiable_problem(computation_space):
-    cs = computation_space
-    s = cs.store 
-    x, y, z, w = (s.var('x'), s.var('y'),
-                  s.var('z'), s.var('w'))
-    s.set_domain(x, c.FiniteDomain([2, 6]))
-    s.set_domain(y, c.FiniteDomain([2, 3]))
-    s.set_domain(z, c.FiniteDomain([4, 5]))
-    s.set_domain(w, c.FiniteDomain([1, 4, 5, 6, 7]))
-    s.add_constraint(c.Expression([x, y, z], 'x == y + z'))
-    s.add_constraint(c.Expression([z, w], 'z < w'))
-    # set up a distribution strategy
-    cs.set_distributor(di.DichotomyDistributor(cs))
-    return (x, w, y)
-def unsatisfiable_problem(computation_space):
-    cs = computation_space
-    s = cs.store 
-    x, y, z, w = (s.var('x'), s.var('y'),
-                  s.var('z'), s.var('w'))
-    s.set_domain(x, c.FiniteDomain([2, 6]))
-    s.set_domain(y, c.FiniteDomain([2, 3]))
-    s.set_domain(z, c.FiniteDomain([4, 5]))
-    s.set_domain(w, c.FiniteDomain([1]))
-    s.add_constraint(c.Expression([x, y, z], 'x == y + z'))
-    s.add_constraint(c.Expression([z, w], 'z < w'))
-    # set up a distribution strategy
-    cs.set_distributor(di.DichotomyDistributor(cs))
-    return (x, w, y)
+    def __init__(self, fun, *args):
+        Thread.__init__(self)
+        self.fun = fun
+        self.args = args
+    def run(self):
+        self.fun(self, *self.args)
+class TestStoreUnification:
+    def setup_method(self, meth):
+        cs._store = cs.ComputationSpace(dummy_problem)
+    def test_already_in_store(self):
+        x = cs.var('x')
+        raises(v.AlreadyInStore, cs.var, 'x')
+    def test_already_bound(self):
+        x = cs.var('x')
+        cs.bind(x, 42)
+        raises(cs.AlreadyBound, cs.bind, x, 42)
+    def test_bind_var_var(self):
+        x = cs.var('x')
+        y = cs.var('y')
+        z = cs.var('z')
+        cs.bind(x, z)
+        assert x.val == cs.EqSet([x, z])
+        assert y.val == cs.EqSet([y])
+        assert z.val == cs.EqSet([x, z])
+    def test_bind_var_val(self):
+        x, y, z = cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'), cs.var('z')
+        cs.bind(x, z)
+        cs.bind(y, 42)
+        cs.bind(z, 3.14)
+        assert x.val == 3.14
+        assert y.val == 42
+        assert z.val == 3.14
+    def test_unify_same(self):
+        x,y,z,w = (cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'),
+                   cs.var('z'), cs.var('w'))
+        cs.bind(x, [42, z])
+        cs.bind(y, [z, 42])
+        cs.bind(w, [z, 43])
+        raises(cs.UnificationFailure, cs.unify, x, w)
+        cs.unify(x, y)
+        assert z.val == 42
+    def test_double_unification(self):
+        x, y, z = (cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'),
+                   cs.var('z'))
+        cs.bind(x, 42)
+        cs.bind(y, z)
+        cs.unify(x, y)
+        assert z.val == 42
+        cs.unify(x, y)
+        assert (z.val == x.val) and (x.val == y.val)
+    def test_unify_values(self):
+        x, y = cs.var('x'), cs.var('y')
+        cs.bind(x, [1, 2, 3])
+        cs.bind(y, [1, 2, 3])
+        cs.unify(x, y)
+        assert x.val == [1, 2, 3]
+        assert y.val == [1, 2, 3]
+    def test_unify_lists_success(self):
+        x,y,z,w = (cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'),
+                   cs.var('z'), cs.var('w'))
+        cs.bind(x, [42, z])
+        cs.bind(y, [w, 44])
+        cs.unify(x, y)
+        assert x.val == [42, z]
+        assert y.val == [w, 44]
+        assert z.val == 44
+        assert w.val == 42
+    def test_unify_dicts_success(self):
+        x,y,z,w = (cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'),
+                   cs.var('z'), cs.var('w'))
+        cs.bind(x, {1:42, 2:z})
+        cs.bind(y, {1:w,  2:44})
+        cs.unify(x, y)
+        assert x.val == {1:42, 2:z}
+        assert y.val == {1:w,  2:44}
+        assert z.val == 44
+        assert w.val == 42
+    def test_unify_failure(self):
+        x,y,z = cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'), cs.var('z')
+        cs.bind(x, [42, z])
+        cs.bind(y, [z, 44])
+        raises(cs.UnificationFailure, cs.unify, x, y)
+        # check store consistency
+        assert x.val == [42, z]
+        assert y.val == [z, 44]
+        assert z.val == cs.EqSet([z])
+    def test_unify_failure2(self):
+        x,y,z,w = (cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'),
+                   cs.var('z'), cs.var('w'))
+        cs.bind(x, [42, z])
+        cs.bind(y, [w, 44])
+        cs.bind(z, w)
+        assert cs._store.in_transaction == False
+        raises(cs.UnificationFailure, cs.unify, x, y)
+        assert cs._store.in_transaction == False
+        # check store consistency
+        assert x.val == [42, z]
+        assert y.val == [w, 44]
+        assert z.val == cs.EqSet([z,w])
+        assert w.val == cs.EqSet([z,w])
+    def test_unify_circular(self):
+        x, y, z, w, a, b = (cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'),
+                            cs.var('z'), cs.var('w'),
+                            cs.var('a'), cs.var('b'))
+        cs.bind(x, [y])
+        cs.bind(y, [x])
+        raises(cs.UnificationFailure, cs.unify, x, y)
+        cs.bind(z, [1, w])
+        cs.bind(w, [z, 2])
+        raises(cs.UnificationFailure, cs.unify, z, w)
+        cs.bind(a, {1:42, 2:b})
+        cs.bind(b, {1:a,  2:42})
+        raises(cs.UnificationFailure, cs.unify, a, b)
+        # check store consistency
+        assert x.val == [y]
+        assert y.val == [x]
+        assert z.val == [1, w]
+        assert w.val == [z, 2]
+        assert a.val == {1:42, 2:b}
+        assert b.val == {1:a,  2:42}
+    def test_threads_creating_vars(self):
+        def create_var(thread, *args):
+            x = cs.var('x')
+        def create_var2(thread, *args):
+            raises(v.AlreadyExists, cs.var, 'x')
+        t1, t2 = (FunThread(create_var),
+                  FunThread(create_var2))
+        t1.start()
+        t2.start()
+    def test_threads_binding_vars(self):
+        def do_stuff(thread, var, val):
+            thread.raised = False
+            try:
+                # pb. with TLS (thread-local-stuff) in
+                # cs class
+                cs.bind(var, val)
+            except Exception, e:
+                print e
+                thread.raised = True
+                assert isinstance(e, cs.AlreadyBound)
+        x = cs.var('x')
+        vars_ = []
+        for nvar in range(1000):
+            v = cs.var('x-'+str(nvar))
+            cs.bind(x, v)
+            vars_.append(v)
+        for var in vars_:
+            assert var in cs._store.vars
+            assert var.val == x.val
+        t1, t2 = (FunThread(do_stuff, x, 42),
+                  FunThread(do_stuff, x, 43))
+        t1.start()
+        t2.start()
+        t1.join()
+        t2.join()
+        #check that every var is really bound to 42 or 43
+        for var in vars_:
+            assert var in cs._store.vars
+            assert var.val == x.val
+        assert (t2.raised and not t1.raised) or \
+               (t1.raised and not t2.raised)
+    def test_set_var_domain(self):
+        x = cs.var('x')
+        cs.set_domain(x, [1, 3, 5])
+        assert x.dom == c.FiniteDomain([1, 3, 5])
+    def test_bind_with_domain(self):
+        x = cs.var('x')
+        cs.set_domain(x, [1, 2, 3])
+        raises(cs.OutOfDomain, cs.bind, x, 42)
+        cs.bind(x, 3)
+        assert x.val == 3
+    def test_bind_with_incompatible_domains(self):
+        x, y = cs.var('x'), cs.var('y')
+        cs.set_domain(x, [1, 2])
+        cs.set_domain(y, [3, 4])
+        raises(cs.IncompatibleDomains, cs.bind, x, y)
+        cs.set_domain(y, [2, 4])
+        cs.bind(x, y)
+        # check x and y are in the same equiv. set
+        assert x.val == y.val
+    def test_unify_with_domains(self):
+        x,y,z = cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'), cs.var('z')
+        cs.bind(x, [42, z])
+        cs.bind(y, [z, 42])
+        cs.set_domain(z, [1, 2, 3])
+        raises(cs.UnificationFailure, cs.unify, x, y)
+        cs.set_domain(z, [41, 42, 43])
+        cs.unify(x, y)
+        assert z.val == 42
+        assert z.dom == c.FiniteDomain([41, 42, 43])
+    def test_add_constraint(self):
+        x,y,z = cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'), cs.var('z')
+        raises(c.DomainlessVariables,
+               c.Expression, [x, y, z], 'x == y + z')
+        x.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1, 2])
+        y.dom = c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        z.dom = c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        k = c.Expression([x, y, z], 'x == y + z')
+        cs.add_constraint(k)
+        assert k in cs._store.constraints
+    def test_narrowing_domains_failure(self):
+        x,y,z = cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'), cs.var('z')
+        x.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1, 2])
+        y.dom = c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        z.dom = c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        k = c.Expression([x, y, z], 'x == y + z')
+        raises(c.ConsistencyFailure, k.narrow)
+    def test_narrowing_domains_success(self):
+        x,y,z = cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'), cs.var('z')
+        x.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1, 2, 5])
+        y.dom = c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        z.dom = c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        k = c.Expression([x, y, z], 'x == y + z')
+        k.narrow()
+        assert x.dom == c.FiniteDomain([5])
+        assert y.dom == c.FiniteDomain([2])
+        assert z.dom == c.FiniteDomain([3])
+    def test_store_satisfiable_success(self):
+        x,y,z = cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'), cs.var('z')
+        x.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1, 2, 5])
+        y.dom = c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        z.dom = c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        k = c.Expression([x, y, z], 'x == y + z')
+        cs.add_constraint(k)
+        assert cs.satisfiable(k) == True
+        assert x.dom == c.FiniteDomain([1, 2, 5])
+        assert y.dom == c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        assert z.dom == c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+    def test_store_satisfiable_failure(self):
+        x,y,z = cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'), cs.var('z')
+        x.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1, 2])
+        y.dom = c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        z.dom = c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        k = c.Expression([x, y, z], 'x == y + z')
+        cs.add_constraint(k)
+        assert cs.satisfiable(k) == False
+        assert x.dom == c.FiniteDomain([1, 2])
+        assert y.dom == c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        assert z.dom == c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+    def test_compute_dependant_vars(self):
+        x,y,z,w = (cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'),
+                   cs.var('z'), cs.var('w'))
+        x.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1, 2, 5])
+        y.dom = c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        z.dom = c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        w.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1, 4, 5])
+        k1 = c.Expression([x, y, z], 'x == y + z')
+        k2 = c.Expression([z, w], 'z < w')
+        cs.add_constraint(k1)
+        cs.add_constraint(k2)
+        varset = set()
+        constset = set()
+        cs._store._compute_dependant_vars(k1, varset, constset)
+        assert varset == set([x, y, z, w])
+        assert constset == set([k1, k2])
+    def test_satisfiable_many_const_success(self):
+        x,y,z,w = (cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'),
+                   cs.var('z'), cs.var('w'))
+        x.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1, 2, 5])
+        y.dom = c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        z.dom = c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        w.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1, 4, 5])
+        k1 = c.Expression([x, y, z], 'x == y + z')
+        k2 = c.Expression([z, w], 'z < w')
+        cs.add_constraint(k1)
+        cs.add_constraint(k2)
+        assert cs.satisfiable(k1) == True
+        assert x.dom == c.FiniteDomain([1, 2, 5])
+        assert y.dom == c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        assert z.dom == c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        assert w.dom == c.FiniteDomain([1, 4, 5])
+        assert cs.satisfiable(k2) == True
+        assert x.dom == c.FiniteDomain([1, 2, 5])
+        assert y.dom == c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        assert z.dom == c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        assert w.dom == c.FiniteDomain([1, 4, 5])
+        narrowed_doms = cs.get_satisfying_domains(k1)
+        assert narrowed_doms == {x:c.FiniteDomain([5]),
+                                 y:c.FiniteDomain([2]),
+                                 z:c.FiniteDomain([3]),
+                                 w:c.FiniteDomain([4, 5])}
+        narrowed_doms = cs.get_satisfying_domains(k2)
+        assert narrowed_doms == {x:c.FiniteDomain([5]),
+                                 y:c.FiniteDomain([2]),
+                                 z:c.FiniteDomain([3]),
+                                 w:c.FiniteDomain([4, 5])}
+    def test_satisfiable_many_const_failure(self):
+        x,y,z,w = (cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'),
+                   cs.var('z'), cs.var('w'))
+        x.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1, 2, 5])
+        y.dom = c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        z.dom = c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        w.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1])
+        k1 = c.Expression([x, y, z], 'x == y + z')
+        k2 = c.Expression([z, w], 'z < w')
+        cs.add_constraint(k1)
+        cs.add_constraint(k2)
+        assert cs.satisfiable(k1) == False
+        assert x.dom == c.FiniteDomain([1, 2, 5])
+        assert y.dom == c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        assert z.dom == c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        assert w.dom == c.FiniteDomain([1])
+        assert cs.satisfiable(k2) == False
+        assert x.dom == c.FiniteDomain([1, 2, 5])
+        assert y.dom == c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        assert z.dom == c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        assert w.dom == c.FiniteDomain([1])
+        narrowed_doms = cs.get_satisfying_domains(k1)
+        assert narrowed_doms == {}
+        narrowed_doms = cs.get_satisfying_domains(k2)
+        assert narrowed_doms == {}
+    def test_satisfy_many_const_failure(self):
+        x,y,z,w = (cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'),
+                   cs.var('z'), cs.var('w'))
+        x.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1, 2, 5])
+        y.dom = c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        z.dom = c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        w.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1])
+        k1 = c.Expression([x, y, z], 'x == y + z')
+        k2 = c.Expression([z, w], 'z < w')
+        cs.add_constraint(k1)
+        cs.add_constraint(k2)
+        raises(cs.ConsistencyFailure, cs.satisfy, k1)
+        assert x.dom == c.FiniteDomain([1, 2, 5])
+        assert y.dom == c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        assert z.dom == c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        assert w.dom == c.FiniteDomain([1])
+        raises(cs.ConsistencyFailure, cs.satisfy, k2)
+        assert x.dom == c.FiniteDomain([1, 2, 5])
+        assert y.dom == c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        assert z.dom == c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        assert w.dom == c.FiniteDomain([1])
+    def test_satisfy_many_const_success(self):
+        x,y,z,w = (cs.var('x'), cs.var('y'),
+                   cs.var('z'), cs.var('w'))
+        x.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1, 2, 5])
+        y.dom = c.FiniteDomain([2, 3])
+        z.dom = c.FiniteDomain([3, 4])
+        w.dom = c.FiniteDomain([1, 4, 5])
+        k1 = c.Expression([x, y, z], 'x == y + z')
+        k2 = c.Expression([z, w], 'z < w')
+        cs.add_constraint(k1)
+        cs.add_constraint(k2)
+        cs.satisfy(k2)
+        print x.dom
+        assert x.dom == c.FiniteDomain([5])
+        assert y.dom == c.FiniteDomain([2])
+        assert z.dom == c.FiniteDomain([3])
+        assert w.dom == c.FiniteDomain([4, 5])
-#-- meat ------------------------
 class TestComputationSpace:
@@ -54,26 +415,30 @@
     def test_bind_cs_root(self):
         spc = cs.ComputationSpace(satisfiable_problem)
-        assert 'root' in spc.store.names
+        assert '__root__' in spc.names
         assert set(['x', 'y', 'w']) == \
                set([var.name for var in spc.root.val])
-    def test_process_and_ask_success(self):
-        spc = cs.ComputationSpace(satisfiable_problem)
+    def test_ask_success(self):
+        spc = cs.ComputationSpace(one_solution_problem)
         assert spc.ask() == cs.Succeeded
-    def test_process_and_ask_failure(self):
+    def test_ask_failure(self):
         spc = cs.ComputationSpace(unsatisfiable_problem)
         assert spc.ask() == cs.Failed
+    def test_ask_alternatives(self):
+        spc = cs.ComputationSpace(satisfiable_problem)
+        assert spc.ask() == cs.Alternatives(2)
     def test_distribute(self):
         spc = cs.ComputationSpace(satisfiable_problem)
         new_domains = [tuple(d.items()) for d in
-        x, y, z, w = (spc.store.get_var_by_name('x'),
-                      spc.store.get_var_by_name('y'),
-                      spc.store.get_var_by_name('z'),
-                      spc.store.get_var_by_name('w'))
+        x, y, z, w = (spc.get_var_by_name('x'),
+                      spc.get_var_by_name('y'),
+                      spc.get_var_by_name('z'),
+                      spc.get_var_by_name('w'))
         expected_domains = [tuple({x: c.FiniteDomain([6]),
                              y: c.FiniteDomain([2]),
                              z: c.FiniteDomain([4]),

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/test_variable.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/test_variable.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/test_variable.py	Fri Jan 27 10:56:20 2006
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+from threading import Thread
 from py.test import raises
-import unification as u
+import computationspace as u
 import variable as v
-from threading import Thread
+from problems import *
 class Consumer(Thread):
@@ -22,7 +25,7 @@
 class TestVariable:
     def setup_method(self, meth):
-        u._store = u.Store()
+        u._store = u.ComputationSpace(dummy_problem)
     def test_no_same_name(self):
         x = u.var('x')

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/variable.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/variable.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/logic/variable.py	Fri Jan 27 10:56:20 2006
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-# First cut at representing Oz dataflow variable
 import threading
+from constraint import FiniteDomain
 #----------- Exceptions ---------------------------------
 class VariableException(Exception):
     def __init__(self, name):
@@ -30,19 +31,15 @@
 class Var(object):
-    def __init__(self, name, store):
-        if name in store.names:
+    def __init__(self, name, cs):
+        if name in cs.names:
             raise AlreadyInStore(name)
         self.name = name
-        self.store = store
+        self.cs = cs
         # top-level 'commited' binding
         self._val = NoValue
-        # domain in a flat world
-        self.dom = None
         # domains in multiple spaces
-        self.doms = {}
-        # constraints
-        self.constraints = set()
+        self._doms = {cs : FiniteDomain([])}
         # when updated in a 'transaction', keep track
         # of our initial value (for abort cases)
         self.previous = None
@@ -51,7 +48,7 @@
         self.mutex = threading.Lock()
         self.value_condition = threading.Condition(self.mutex)
-    # for consumption by the global store
+    # for consumption by the global cs
     def _is_bound(self):
         return not isinstance(self._val, EqSet) \
@@ -69,7 +66,7 @@
     # value accessors
     def _set_val(self, val):
-        if self.store.in_transaction:
+        if self.cs.in_transaction:
             if not self.changed:
                 self.previous = self._val
                 self.changed = True
@@ -103,15 +100,27 @@
     is_bound = _is_bound
     def cs_set_dom(self, cs, dom):
-        self.doms[cs] = dom
+        self._doms[cs] = dom
     def cs_get_dom(self, cs):
-        return self.doms[cs]
+        return self._doms[cs]
     #---- Concurrent public ops --------------------------
     # should be used by threads that want to block on
     # unbound variables
+    def set_dom(self, dom):
+        self.cs_set_dom(self.cs.TLS.current_cs, dom)
+    def get_dom(self):
+        return self.cs_get_dom(self.cs.TLS.current_cs)
+    dom = property(get_dom, set_dom)
     def get(self):
+        """Make threads wait on the variable
+           being bound
+        """
             while not self._is_bound():

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