[pypy-svn] r22620 - pypy/dist/pypy/translator/goal

tismer at codespeak.net tismer at codespeak.net
Tue Jan 24 19:39:06 CET 2006

Author: tismer
Date: Tue Jan 24 19:39:04 2006
New Revision: 22620

   pypy/dist/pypy/translator/goal/targetpypy_stacklesstest.py   (contents, props changed)
a version of targetpypystandalone that is suitable for testing stackless

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/goal/targetpypy_stacklesstest.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/goal/targetpypy_stacklesstest.py	Tue Jan 24 19:39:04 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+This is a hacked version of targetpypystandalone.py
+with options set and optimized for testing stackless
+on application level.
+The problem is, that with the standard interpreter,
+we have no choice for testing but to build everything.
+Trying to reduce time by disabling all optimizations.
+import os, sys
+from pypy.objspace.std.objspace import StdObjSpace
+# XXX from pypy.annotation.model import *
+# since we are execfile()'ed this would pull some
+# weird objects into the globals, which we would try to pickle.
+from pypy.annotation.model import SomeList, SomeString
+from pypy.annotation.listdef import ListDef
+from pypy.interpreter import gateway
+from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
+from pypy.translator.goal.ann_override import PyPyAnnotatorPolicy
+# WARNING: this requires the annotator.
+# There is no easy way to build all caches manually,
+# but the annotator can do it for us for free.
+    this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+except NameError:
+    this_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
+def debug(msg): 
+    os.write(2, "debug: " + msg + '\n')
+# __________  Entry point  __________
+def entry_point(argv):
+    debug("entry point starting") 
+    for arg in argv: 
+        debug(" argv -> " + arg)
+    try:
+        w_executable = space.wrap(argv[0])
+        w_argv = space.newlist([space.wrap(s) for s in argv[1:]])
+        w_exitcode = space.call_function(w_entry_point, w_executable, w_argv)
+        # try to pull it all in
+    ##    from pypy.interpreter import main, interactive, error
+    ##    con = interactive.PyPyConsole(space)
+    ##    con.interact()
+    except OperationError, e:
+        debug("OperationError:")
+        debug(" operror-type: " + e.w_type.getname(space, '?'))
+        debug(" operror-value: " + space.str_w(space.str(e.w_value)))
+        return 1
+    return space.int_w(w_exitcode)
+# _____ Define and setup target ___
+# for now this will do for option handling
+take_options = True
+stackless_options = {
+    'text': True,
+    'lowmem': True,
+    }
+def opt_parser():
+    import py
+    defl = {'thread': False}
+    defl.update(stackless_options)
+    parser = py.compat.optparse.OptionParser(usage="target PyPy standalone", add_help_option=False)
+    parser.set_defaults(**defl)
+    parser.add_option("--thread", action="store_true", dest="thread", help="enable threading")
+    return parser
+def print_help():
+    opt_parser().print_help()
+def target(driver, args):
+    options = driver.options
+    driver.disable(["backendopt"])
+    tgt_options, _ = opt_parser().parse_args(args)
+    translate_pypy.log_options(tgt_options, "target PyPy options in effect")
+    options.thread = tgt_options.thread
+    global space, w_entry_point
+    geninterp = not getattr(options, 'lowmem', False)
+    # obscure hack to stuff the translation options into the translated PyPy
+    import pypy.module.sys
+    wrapstr = 'space.wrap(%r)' % (options.__dict__)
+    pypy.module.sys.Module.interpleveldefs['pypy_translation_info'] = wrapstr
+    # disable translation of the whole of classobjinterp.py
+    StdObjSpace.setup_old_style_classes = lambda self: None
+    usemodules = ['stackless']
+    if options.thread:
+        usemodules.append('thread')
+    space = StdObjSpace(nofaking=True,
+                        compiler="ast", # interpreter/astcompiler
+                        translating=True,
+                        usemodules=usemodules,
+                        geninterp=geninterp)
+    # manually imports app_main.py
+    filename = os.path.join(this_dir, 'app_main.py')
+    w_dict = space.newdict([])
+    space.exec_(open(filename).read(), w_dict, w_dict)
+    w_entry_point = space.getitem(w_dict, space.wrap('entry_point'))
+    # sanity-check: call the entry point
+    res = entry_point(["pypy", "app_basic_example.py"])
+    assert res == 0
+    return entry_point, None, PyPyAnnotatorPolicy(single_space = space)

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