[pypy-svn] r21691 - in pypy/dist/pypy/translator: goal llvm

ericvrp at codespeak.net ericvrp at codespeak.net
Wed Jan 4 11:47:54 CET 2006

Author: ericvrp
Date: Wed Jan  4 11:47:52 2006
New Revision: 21691

Modified nightly benchmark to generate four executables with genllvm.
 * llvm1.6 with -march=c
 * llvm1.6 with -march=x86
 * llvm1.7 with -march=c
 * llvm1.7 with -march=x86

Added some llvm optimization option as suggested by Chris Lattner (mr. llvm)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/goal/bench-cronjob.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/goal/bench-cronjob.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/goal/bench-cronjob.py	Wed Jan  4 11:47:52 2006
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
+import autopath
+import py
 import time, os, sys, stat
 homedir = os.getenv('HOME')
 def update_pypy():
     os.chdir(homedir + '/projects/pypy-dist')
@@ -15,6 +16,80 @@
     os.system('make clean 2>&1')
     os.system('make -j3 tools-only 2>&1')
+def compile_llvm_variants(revision):
+    tmpdir = py.std.tempfile.gettempdir() + '/usession-' + os.environ['USER'] + '/'
+    cmd = 'cp %sentry_point.ll pypy/translator/goal/entry_point-%s.ll' % (tmpdir, revision)
+    print cmd
+    os.system(cmd)
+    #this assumes entry_point.bc is created with llvm 1.6 and pypy-llvm-<revision> is already created with the llvm c backend
+    b = "pypy/translator/goal/pypy-llvm-%s" % revision
+    cmd = "mv %s %s-llvm1_6_c" % (b, b)
+    print cmd
+    os.system(cmd)
+    #
+    b = "%spypy-llvm-%s-llvm1_6_x86" % (tmpdir, revision)
+    cmd = "llc %sentry_point.bc -f -o %s.s" % (tmpdir, b)
+    print cmd
+    os.system(cmd)
+    cmd = "as %s.s -o %s.o" % (b, b)
+    print cmd
+    os.system(cmd)
+    cmd = "gcc %s.o -static -lgc -lm -lpthread -pipe -o %s" % (b, b)
+    print cmd
+    os.system(cmd)
+    cmd = "cp %s pypy/translator/goal" % b
+    print cmd
+    os.system(cmd)
+    #
+    b = "%spypy-llvm-%s-llvm1_7_c" % (tmpdir, revision)
+    cmd = '~/bin/llvm-as < %sentry_point.ll | ~/bin/opt -verify -lowersetjmp -funcresolve -raiseallocs -simplifycfg -mem2reg -globalopt -globaldce -ipconstprop -deadargelim -instcombine -simplifycfg -basiccg -prune-eh -inline -simplify-libcalls -basiccg -argpromotion -raise -tailduplicate -simplifycfg -scalarrepl -instcombine -break-crit-edges -condprop -tailcallelim -simplifycfg -reassociate -loopsimplify -licm -instcombine -indvars -loop-unroll -instcombine -load-vn -gcse -sccp -instcombine -break-crit-edges -condprop -dse -mergereturn -adce -simplifycfg -deadtypeelim -constmerge -verify -globalopt -constmerge -ipsccp -deadargelim -inline -instcombine -scalarrepl -globalsmodref-aa -licm -load-vn -gcse -instcombine -simplifycfg -globaldce -f -o %sentry_point_llvm1_7.bc' % (tmpdir, tmpdir)
+    print cmd
+    os.system(cmd)
+    cmd = "~/bin/llc %sentry_point_llvm1_7.bc -march=c -f -o %s.c" % (tmpdir, b)
+    print cmd
+    os.system(cmd)
+    cmd = "gcc %s.c -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -static -lgc -lm -lpthread -pipe -o %s" % (b, b)
+    print cmd
+    os.system(cmd)
+    cmd = "cp %s pypy/translator/goal" % b
+    print cmd
+    os.system(cmd)
+    #
+    b = "%spypy-llvm-%s-llvm1_7_x86" % (tmpdir, revision)
+    os.system('~/bin/llc -version 2>&1')
+    cmd = "~/bin/llc %sentry_point_llvm1_7.bc -f -o %s.s" % (tmpdir, b)
+    print cmd
+    os.system(cmd)
+    cmd = "as %s.s -o %s.o" % (b, b)
+    print cmd
+    os.system(cmd)
+    cmd = "gcc %s.o -static -lgc -lm -lpthread -pipe -o %s" % (b, b)
+    print cmd
+    os.system(cmd)
+    cmd = "cp %s pypy/translator/goal" % b
+    print cmd
+    os.system(cmd)
 def compile(backend):
     os.chdir(homedir + '/projects/pypy-dist')
     os.system('rm `find . -name *.pyc`')
@@ -23,7 +98,7 @@
     os.system('rm *')
     os.chdir(homedir + '/projects/pypy-dist/pypy/translator/goal')
-    os.system('python translate_pypy.py --backend=%(backend)s --text --batch targetpypystandalone 2>&1' % locals())
+    os.system('/usr/local/bin/python translate_pypy.py --backend=%(backend)s --text --batch targetpypystandalone.py 2>&1' % locals())
     os.chdir(homedir + '/projects/pypy-dist')
@@ -39,11 +114,14 @@
     os.chmod(realname, stat.S_IRWXU)
+    if backend == 'llvm':
+        compile_llvm_variants(revision)
 def benchmark():
     os.system('cat /proc/cpuinfo')
     os.chdir(homedir + '/projects/pypy-dist/pypy/translator/goal')
-    os.system('python bench-unix.py 2>&1 | tee benchmark.txt' % locals())
+    os.system('/usr/local/bin/python bench-unix.py 2>&1 | tee benchmark.txt' % locals())
     os.system('echo "<html><body><pre>"    >  benchmark.html')
     os.system('cat benchmark.txt           >> benchmark.html')
     os.system('echo "</pre></body></html>" >> benchmark.html')

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/goal/bench-unix.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/goal/bench-unix.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/goal/bench-unix.py	Wed Jan  4 11:47:52 2006
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
     pipe = os.popen(cmd + ' 2>&1')
     return pipe.read()
-def run_pystone(executable='python', n=0):
+def run_pystone(executable='/usr/local/bin/python', n=0):
     argstr = PYSTONE_CMD % (str(n) and n or '')
     txt = run_cmd('%s -c "%s"' % (executable, argstr))
     return get_result(txt, PYSTONE_PATTERN)
-def run_richards(executable='python', n=10):
+def run_richards(executable='/usr/local/bin/python', n=10):
     argstr = RICHARDS_CMD % n
     txt = run_cmd('%s -c "%s"' % (executable, argstr))
     return get_result(txt, RICHARDS_PATTERN)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/build_llvm_module.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/build_llvm_module.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/build_llvm_module.py	Wed Jan  4 11:47:52 2006
@@ -32,10 +32,7 @@
 flags = os.popen("gccas /dev/null -o /dev/null -debug-pass=Arguments 2>&1").read()[17:-1].split()
-#if int(os.popen("opt --help 2>&1").read().find('-heap2stack')) >= 0:
-#    flags.insert(flags.index("-inline")+1, "-heap2stack -debug")
+flags += "-globalopt -constmerge -ipsccp -deadargelim -inline -instcombine -scalarrepl -globalsmodref-aa -licm -load-vn -gcse -instcombine -simplifycfg -globaldce".split()
 OPTIMIZATION_SWITCHES = " ".join(flags)
 def compile_module(module, source_files, object_files, library_files):

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