[pypy-svn] r23498 - pypy/dist/pypy/doc

tismer at codespeak.net tismer at codespeak.net
Sun Feb 19 22:10:45 CET 2006

Author: tismer
Date: Sun Feb 19 22:10:40 2006
New Revision: 23498

   pypy/dist/pypy/doc/cpython-ctypes-behaviour.txt   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/doc/ctypes-integration.txt   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/doc/events.txt   (props changed)
please stop forgetting eolstyle

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/doc/cpython-ctypes-behaviour.txt
--- pypy/dist/pypy/doc/cpython-ctypes-behaviour.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/doc/cpython-ctypes-behaviour.txt	Sun Feb 19 22:10:40 2006
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-CPython's Ctype's Behaviour
-.. contents::
-.. sectnum::
-This documents describes ctypes behaviour on CPython, as fas as it
-is know to the author and relevant for rctypes.
-Primitive Types
-All primitive types behave like their CPython counterparts.
-Some types like `c_long` and `c_int` are identical on some hardware platforms,
-depending on size of C's int type on those platforms.
-Heap Allocated Types
-Ctypes deals with heap allocated instances of types in a simple
-and straightforward manner. However documentationwise it 
-has some shady corners when it comes to heap allocated types.
-Structures allocated by ctypes
-Structure instances in ctypes are actually proxies for C-compatible
-memory. The behaviour of such instances is illustrated by the following
-example structure throughout this document::
-    class TS( Structure ):
-        _fields_ = [ ( "f0", c_int ), ( "f1", c_float ) ]
-    ts0 = TS( 42, -42 )
-    ts1 = TS( -17, 17 )
-    p0 = pointer( ts0 )
-    p1 = pointer( ts1 )
-You can not assign structures by value as in C or C++.
-But ctypes provides a memmove-function just like C does.
-You do not need to pass a ctype's pointer to the structure type to
-memmove. Instead you can pass the structures directly as in the
-example below::
-    memmove( ts0, ts1, sizeof( ts0 ) )
-    assert ts0.f0 == -17
-    assert ts0.f1 == 17 
-Structures created from foreign pointers
-The author is currently not shure, whether the text below
-is correct in all aspects, but carefully planned trials did
-not provide any evidence to the contrary.
-Structure instances can also be created by dereferencing pointers
-that where returned by a call to an external function.
-More on pointers in the next section.
-Pointers, especially pointers to Structures
-Pointer types are created by a factory function named `POINTER`.
-Pointers can be created by either calling and thus istanciating a
-pointer type or by calling another function named `pointer` that
-creates the neccessary pointer type on the fly and returns
-a pointer to the instance. 
-Pointers only implement one attribute named contents which 
-references the ctypes instance the pointer points to. Assigning to 
-this attribute only changes the pointers notion of the object it points
-to. The instances themselves are not touched, especially structures are
-not copied by value. 
-Pointers to Structures Allocated by The Ctypes
-Pointers to structures that where allocated by ctypes contain
-a reference to the structure in the contents attribute
-mentioned above. This reference is know to the garbage collector,
-which means that even if the last structure instance is deallocated,
-the C-compatible memory is not, provides a pointer still points to it.
-Pointers to Structures Allocated by Foreign Modules
-In this case the structure was probably allocated by the foreign module - at
-least ctypes must assume it was. In this case the pointer's reference to the 
-structure should not be made known to the GC. In the same sense the structure itself
-must record the fact that its C-compatible memory was not allocated by ctypes itself.
+CPython's Ctype's Behaviour
+.. contents::
+.. sectnum::
+This documents describes ctypes behaviour on CPython, as fas as it
+is know to the author and relevant for rctypes.
+Primitive Types
+All primitive types behave like their CPython counterparts.
+Some types like `c_long` and `c_int` are identical on some hardware platforms,
+depending on size of C's int type on those platforms.
+Heap Allocated Types
+Ctypes deals with heap allocated instances of types in a simple
+and straightforward manner. However documentationwise it 
+has some shady corners when it comes to heap allocated types.
+Structures allocated by ctypes
+Structure instances in ctypes are actually proxies for C-compatible
+memory. The behaviour of such instances is illustrated by the following
+example structure throughout this document::
+    class TS( Structure ):
+        _fields_ = [ ( "f0", c_int ), ( "f1", c_float ) ]
+    ts0 = TS( 42, -42 )
+    ts1 = TS( -17, 17 )
+    p0 = pointer( ts0 )
+    p1 = pointer( ts1 )
+You can not assign structures by value as in C or C++.
+But ctypes provides a memmove-function just like C does.
+You do not need to pass a ctype's pointer to the structure type to
+memmove. Instead you can pass the structures directly as in the
+example below::
+    memmove( ts0, ts1, sizeof( ts0 ) )
+    assert ts0.f0 == -17
+    assert ts0.f1 == 17 
+Structures created from foreign pointers
+The author is currently not shure, whether the text below
+is correct in all aspects, but carefully planned trials did
+not provide any evidence to the contrary.
+Structure instances can also be created by dereferencing pointers
+that where returned by a call to an external function.
+More on pointers in the next section.
+Pointers, especially pointers to Structures
+Pointer types are created by a factory function named `POINTER`.
+Pointers can be created by either calling and thus istanciating a
+pointer type or by calling another function named `pointer` that
+creates the neccessary pointer type on the fly and returns
+a pointer to the instance. 
+Pointers only implement one attribute named contents which 
+references the ctypes instance the pointer points to. Assigning to 
+this attribute only changes the pointers notion of the object it points
+to. The instances themselves are not touched, especially structures are
+not copied by value. 
+Pointers to Structures Allocated by The Ctypes
+Pointers to structures that where allocated by ctypes contain
+a reference to the structure in the contents attribute
+mentioned above. This reference is know to the garbage collector,
+which means that even if the last structure instance is deallocated,
+the C-compatible memory is not, provides a pointer still points to it.
+Pointers to Structures Allocated by Foreign Modules
+In this case the structure was probably allocated by the foreign module - at
+least ctypes must assume it was. In this case the pointer's reference to the 
+structure should not be made known to the GC. In the same sense the structure itself
+must record the fact that its C-compatible memory was not allocated by ctypes itself.

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