[pypy-svn] r36017 - pypy/dist/pypy/doc/discussion

guido at codespeak.net guido at codespeak.net
Thu Dec 28 13:02:52 CET 2006

Author: guido
Date: Thu Dec 28 13:02:51 2006
New Revision: 36017

Updated build tool description doc a bit, added document describing what I have
in mind for the web frontend.

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/doc/discussion/build-tool-description.txt
--- pypy/dist/pypy/doc/discussion/build-tool-description.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/doc/discussion/build-tool-description.txt	Thu Dec 28 13:02:51 2006
@@ -23,24 +23,27 @@
 The application consists of 3 main components: a server component, a client 
 component that handles compilations (let's call this a 'participating client')
-and a small client component to start compile jobs (which we'll call 'compiling
-client' for now).
+and a small client component to start compile jobs (which we'll call
+'requesting clients' for now).
 The server waits for participating clients to register, and for compile job
 requests. When participating clients register, they pass the server information
-about what compilations they can handle (system info). Then when a compiling
-client requests a compilation job, the server checks whether a binary is
-already available, and if so returns that. 
+about what compilations the system can handle (system info).
-If there isn't one, the server walks through a list of connected participating
+When now a requesting client requests a compilation job, the server checks
+whether a suitable binary is already available, and if so returns that. If
+there isn't one, the server walks through a list of connected participating
 clients to see if one of them can handle the job, and if so dispatches the
 compilation. If there's no participating client to handle the job, it gets
-queued until there is. Also, if a client crashes during compilation, the job
-gets re-queued. This process will continue until a suitable build is available.
-Once a build is available, the server will send an email to all email addresses
-(it could be that more than one person asked for some build at the same time!)
-passed to it by the compiling clients.
+queued until there is. If a client crashes during compilation, the build is
+restarted, or error information is sent to the logs and requesting client,
+depending on the type of error. As long as no compilation error occurs (read:
+on disconnects, system errors, etc.) compilation will be retried until a
+build is available.
+Once a build is available, the server will send an email to all clients waiting
+for the build (it could be that more than one person asked for some build at
+the same time!).
@@ -48,47 +51,55 @@
 There are several aspects to configuration on this system. Of course, for the
 server, client and startcompile components there is configuration for the host
 and port to connect to, and there is some additional configuration for things
-like which mailhost to use (only applies to the server), but also there are
-configurations passed around to determine what client is picked, and what the
-client needs to compile exactly.
-Application configuration
-The 'host and port configuration' as dicussed in the previous paragraph, for
-all components this can be found in 'pypy/tool/build/config.py'. Unless you are
-using a test version of the build tool, participate in a project that is not
-PyPy, or want to do testing yourself, this should generally be left alone.
+like which mailhost to use (only applies to the server), but also there is
+configuration data passed around to determine what client is picked, and what
+the client needs to compile exactly.
+Config file
+The host/port configuration etc. can be found in the file 'config.py' in the
+build tool dir. There are several things that can be configured here, mostly
+related to what application to build, and where to build it. Please read the
+file carefully when setting up a new build network, or when participating for
+compilation, because certain items (e.g. the svnpath_to_url function, or the
+client_checkers) can make the system a lot less secure when not configured
+Note that all client-related configuration is done from command-line switches,
+so the configuration file is supposed to be changed on a per-project basis:
+unless you have specific needs, use a test version of the build tool, or are
+working on another project than PyPy, you will not want to modify the it.
 System configuration
 This information is used by the client and startcompile components. On the
 participating clients this information is retrieved by querying the system, on
-the compiling clients the system values are used by default, but may be
-overridden (so a compiling client running an x86 can still request PPC builds,
-for instance). The server finds a matching participant client for a certain
-compilation request by determining if the provided compilation system
-configuration is a subset of that provided by participating clients. Note that
-the version of the source code (either the release number or SVN revision)
-is a special part of this configuration, the participating clients tell what
-PyPy versions they can provide, the compiling clients give a range of versions
-that it doesn't mind getting (XXX not sure if I agree here, I think having the
-participating clients 'svn switch' for each compilation makes more sense...)
+the requesting clients the system values are used by default, but may be
+overridden (so a requesting client running an x86 can still request PPC builds,
+for instance). The clients compare their own system config to that of a build
+request, and will (should) refuse a build if it can not be executed because
+of incompatibilities.
 Compilation configuration
 The third form of configuration is that of the to-be-built application itself,
 its compilation arguments. This configuration is only provided by the
-compiling clients, assumed is that participating clients can deal with any
-application configuration. (XXX oops, this is not by default true, is it?
-For instance, not all modules can be built on all systems, depending on which
-libraries are installed, right? Or can we deal with that through system 
-config somehow?)
-Compilation configuration can be controlled using command-line arguments (use 
-'--help' for an overview).
+requesting clients, participating clients can examine the information and
+refuse a compilation based on this configuration (just like with the system
+config, see 'client_checkers' in 'config.py'). Compilation configuration can be
+controlled using command-line arguments (use 'bin/startcompile --help' for an
+Build tool options
+Yet another part of the configuration are the options that can be passed to
+the 'request a build' script, the requesting client can specify what SVN path
+(relative to a certain base path) and what Subversion revision is desired.
+The revision can either be specified exactly, or as a range of versions.
@@ -105,16 +116,64 @@
 Also for the server there's no real setup required, and again there's a 
 dependency on the `py lib`_. Starting it is done by running './bin/server'.
-.. _`py lib`: http://codespeak.net/py
 Running a compile job
 Again installation is not required, just run './bin/startcompile [options]
-<email>' (see --help for the options) to start.
+<email>' (see --help for the options) to start. Again, you need to have the
+`py lib`_ installed.
+.. _`py lib`: http://codespeak.net/py
+Using the build tool for other projects
+The code for the build tool is meant to be generic. Using it for other projects
+than PyPy (for which it was originally written) is relatively straight-forward:
+just change the configuration, and implement a build client script (probably
+highly resembling bin/client).
+Your project can use the build tool if:
+  * it can be built from Python
+    Of course this is a rather vague requirement: theoretically _anything_ can
+    be built from Python; it's just a matter of integrating it into the tool
+    properly... A project that can entirely be built from Python code (like
+    PyPy) is easier to integrate than something that is built from the command
+    line, though (although implementing that won't be very hard either).
+  * it is located in Subversion
+    The build tool makes very little hard-coded assumptions, but having code
+    in Subversion is one of them. There are several locations in the code where
+    SVN is assumed: the command line options (see `build tool options`_),
+    the server (which checks SVN urls for validity, and converts HEAD revision
+    requests to actual revision ids) and and build client (which checks out the
+    data) all make this assumption, changing to a different revision control
+    system is currently not easy and unsupported (but who knows what the future
+    will bring).
+  * it uses PyPy's config mechanism
+    PyPy has a very nice, generic configuration mechanism (essentially wrapper
+    OptionParser stuff) that makes dealing with fragmented configuration
+    and command-line options a lot easier. This mechanism is used by the build
+    tool: it assumes configuration is provided in this format. If your project
+    uses this configuration mechanism already, you can provide the root Config
+    object from config.compile_config; if not it should be fairly straight-
+    forward to wrap your existing configuration with the PyPy stuff.
+Basically that's it: if your project is stored in SVN, and you don't mind using
+Python a bit, it shouldn't be too hard to get things going (note that more
+documentation about this subject will follow in the future).
 More info
 For more information, bug reports, patches, etc., please send an email to 
 guido at merlinux.de.

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/doc/discussion/build-tool-web-frontend.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/doc/discussion/build-tool-web-frontend.txt	Thu Dec 28 13:02:51 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+Build tool web frontend
+What is it?
+This document describes the web front-end for the 'build tool' that is part of
+the PyPy package, and used to compile PyPy on clients that participate in the
+PyPy build network. Both the build tool and this web front-end are generic, so
+they can be used for other projects too.
+See `build-tool-description.txt`_ for more details about the tool itself.
+.. _`build-tool-description.txt`: build-tool-description.txt
+The front-end consists of a single page, and uses XMLHttpRequest to communicate
+with the server. It presents a form that lets the user provide:
+  * an email address
+    this to send mail to when a build is done, or has failed
+  * system information
+    certain specifications of the system the build will run on, such as the
+    operating system and cpu type
+  * compilation options
+    the features the build should contain
+  * svn revision/range
+    what svn revision to use, optionally with a range that specifies which
+    other revisions are allowed
+Once the user has filled in the form, the information is sent to the server
+where it is validated. If validation is not successful, a message is sent to
+the client about what fields need to be filled in, or clash (certain
+compilation options can clash); the user can modify the form and re-submit. If
+validation succeeds, a build is requested, which can either result in a URL
+returned (if a build is already available) or a message about whether a build
+is already in progress, or if the request is queued instead.
+Technical details
+The form is a single static HTML page, that is blank when the user enters the
+page. The client then requests (using XMLHttpRequest) the form fields that are
+not static (system information + compilation options, email and svn info are
+hard-coded in the form), and presents them (using JavaScript that is generated
+from RPython using PyPy). The user can now fill in the form, when done it can
+press 'submit' to send the form contents to the server (again using XHR) for
+validation and (if validation is successful) execution. The results are sent
+back to the client and presented to the user: if it consists of validation
+error information it is presented in the form (as red fields or something),
+if it's a url it is presented as a download, and if it's a message it's
+Some random notes about implementation:
+  * If this was a 'personal project', I would have used some simple templating
+    language I wrote myself (`Templess`_), but to not depend on some external
+    lib, and to make it easier for others to work with this (or is it?) I
+    decided to work with static HTML that is filled with JSON data from JS
+    instead... Not sure if it indeed works out well, who knows at some point
+    we may decide to use a templating language of some sort (you probably
+    guess which I'd vote for ;) after all... Another option would be
+    py.xml.html, although I don't like having to deal with presentation details
+    from code too much...
+  * The first idea I had for this application was to use
+    pypy.translator.js.examples.web for the web server, which provides 
+    transparent XMLHttpRequest and JSON functionality... However, because this
+    is rather ad-hoc, and doesn't seem suitable for production situations,
+    I decided that was not a good idea... Making it more suitable for
+    production doesn't seem like an easy task (currently it uses
+    BaseHTTPServer for instance), although very tempting, since this can imo
+    become one of the most interesting web application frameworks available...
+    If this would be made solid and more usable (read: more docs and a cleaner,
+    higher level API), especially after adding features like transparent
+    session handling, better HTTP support and more browser abstractions, it 
+    can make development of larger web applications that use 'AJAX'
+    (XMLHttpRequest, perhaps with some XML) a lot easier, I think...
+.. _`Templess`: http://templess.johnnydebris.net/

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