[pypy-svn] r26598 - pypy/dist/pypy/translator/cl

sanxiyn at codespeak.net sanxiyn at codespeak.net
Sun Apr 30 15:53:46 CEST 2006

Author: sanxiyn
Date: Sun Apr 30 15:53:40 2006
New Revision: 26598

      - copied, changed from r26597, pypy/dist/pypy/translator/cl/gencl.py
Split Op class to opformatter.py and rename to OpFormatter

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/cl/gencl.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/cl/gencl.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/cl/gencl.py	Sun Apr 30 15:53:40 2006
@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
 from pypy.tool.udir import udir
 from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Constant, c_last_exception
 from pypy.translator.translator import graphof
-from pypy.rpython.ootypesystem.ootype import dynamicType, oodowncast, List, Record, Instance, _class, _static_meth, _meth, ROOT
+from pypy.rpython.ootypesystem.ootype import dynamicType, oodowncast, Instance, _class, _static_meth, _meth, ROOT
 from pypy.rpython.ootypesystem.rclass import OBJECT
 from pypy.translator.cl.clrepr import clrepr
+from pypy.translator.cl.opformatter import OpFormatter
 class InsertionOrderedDict(dict):
     def __init__(self):
@@ -20,184 +21,6 @@
     def values(self):
         return [self[key] for key in self.ordered_keys]
-class Op:
-    def __init__(self, gen, op):
-        self.gen = gen
-        self.op = op
-        self.opname = op.opname
-        self.args = op.args
-        self.result = op.result
-    def __iter__(self):
-        method = getattr(self, "op_" + self.opname)
-        result = clrepr(self.result)
-        args = map(self.gen.check_declaration, self.args)
-        for line in method(result, *args):
-            yield line
-    def nop(self, result, arg):
-        yield "(setf %s %s)" % (clrepr(result, True), clrepr(arg, True))
-    op_same_as = nop
-    op_ooupcast = nop
-    op_oodowncast = nop
-    def make_unary_op(cl_op):
-        def _(self, result, arg):
-            yield "(setf %s (%s %s))" % (clrepr(result, True),
-                                         cl_op,
-                                         clrepr(arg, True))
-        return _
-    op_bool_not = make_unary_op("not")
-    op_cast_char_to_int = make_unary_op("char-code")
-    op_cast_int_to_char = make_unary_op("code-char")
-    op_cast_float_to_int = make_unary_op("truncate")
-    op_cast_int_to_float = make_unary_op("float")
-    def make_binary_op(cl_op):
-        def _(self, result, arg1, arg2):
-            yield "(setf %s (%s %s %s))" % (clrepr(result, True),
-                                            cl_op,
-                                            clrepr(arg1, True),
-                                            clrepr(arg2, True))
-        return _
-    op_int_add = make_binary_op("+")
-    op_int_mul = make_binary_op("*")
-    op_int_eq = make_binary_op("=")
-    op_int_gt = make_binary_op(">")
-    op_int_ge = make_binary_op(">=")
-    op_int_lt = make_binary_op("<")
-    op_int_le = make_binary_op("<=")
-    op_int_and = make_binary_op("logand")
-    op_int_mod = make_binary_op("mod")
-    op_int_sub = make_binary_op("-")
-    op_float_sub = make_binary_op("-")
-    op_float_truediv = make_binary_op("/")
-    op_char_eq = make_binary_op("char=")
-    op_char_le = make_binary_op("char<=")
-    op_char_ne = make_binary_op("char/=")
-    def op_int_is_true(self, result, arg):
-        yield "(setf %s (not (zerop %s)))" % (clrepr(result, True),
-                                              clrepr(arg, True))
-    def op_direct_call(self, result, fun, *args):
-        funobj = self.args[0].value
-        self.gen.pendinggraphs.append(funobj)
-        args = " ".join(args)
-        yield "(setf %s (%s %s))" % (clrepr(result, True),
-                                     clrepr(fun, True),
-                                     clrepr(args, True))
-    def op_new(self, result, clsname):
-        cls = self.args[0].value
-        if isinstance(cls, List):
-            yield "(setf %s (make-array 0 :adjustable t))" % (clrepr(result, True),)
-        elif isinstance(cls, Record):
-            clsname = self.gen.declare_struct(cls)
-            yield "(setf %s (make-%s))" % (clrepr(result, True),
-                                           clrepr(clsname, True))
-        elif isinstance(cls, Instance):
-            clsname = clrepr(cls)
-            if self.gen.is_exception_instance(cls):
-                self.gen.declare_exception(cls)
-                yield "(setf %s (make-condition %s))" % (result, clsname)
-            else:
-                self.gen.declare_class(cls)
-                yield "(setf %s (make-instance %s))" % (result, clsname)
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError()
-    def op_runtimenew(self, result, arg):
-        yield "(setf %s (make-instance %s))" % (clrepr(result, True),
-                                                clrepr(arg, True))
-    def op_instanceof(self, result, arg, clsname):
-        clsname = clrepr(self.args[1].value)
-        yield "(setf %s (typep %s %s))" % (clrepr(result, True),
-                                           clrepr(arg, True),
-                                           clrepr(clsname, True))
-    def op_oosend(self, result, *ignore):
-        method = self.args[0].value
-        receiver = self.args[1]
-        cls = receiver.concretetype
-        args = self.args[2:]
-        if isinstance(cls, List):
-            impl = ListImpl(receiver)
-            code = getattr(impl, method)(*args)
-            yield "(setf %s %s)" % (clrepr(result, True), clrepr(code, True))
-        elif isinstance(cls, Instance):
-            name = clrepr(method, symbol=True)
-            selfvar = clrepr(receiver)
-            args = map(self.gen.check_declaration, args)
-            args = " ".join(args)
-            if args:
-                yield "(setf %s (%s %s %s))" % (clrepr(result, True),
-                                                clrepr(name, True),
-                                                clrepr(selfvar, True),
-                                                clrepr(args, True))
-            else:
-                yield "(setf %s (%s %s))" % (clrepr(result, True),
-                                             clrepr(name, True),
-                                             clrepr(selfvar, True))
-    def op_oogetfield(self, result, obj, _):
-        fieldname = self.args[1].value
-        if isinstance(self.args[0].concretetype, Record):
-            yield "(setf %s (slot-value %s '%s))" % (clrepr(result, True),
-                                                   clrepr(obj, True),
-                                                   clrepr(fieldname, True))
-        else:
-            yield "(setf %s (%s %s))" % (clrepr(result, True),
-                                         clrepr(fieldname, True),
-                                         clrepr(obj, True))
-    def op_oosetfield(self, result, obj, _, value):
-        fieldname = self.args[1].value
-        if isinstance(self.args[0].concretetype, Record):
-            yield "(setf (slot-value %s '%s) %s)" % (clrepr(obj, True),
-                                                     clrepr(fieldname, True),
-                                                     clrepr(value, True))
-        else:
-            yield "(setf (%s %s) %s)" % (clrepr(fieldname, True),
-                                         clrepr(obj, True),
-                                         clrepr(value, True))
-    def op_ooidentityhash(self, result, arg):
-        yield "(setf %s (sxhash %s))" % (clrepr(result, True),
-                                         clrepr(arg, True))
-    def op_oononnull(self, result, arg):
-        yield "(setf %s (not (null %s)))" % (clrepr(result, True),
-                                             clrepr(arg, True))
-class ListImpl:
-    def __init__(self, receiver):
-        self.obj = clrepr(receiver)
-    def ll_length(self):
-        return "(length %s)" % (self.obj,)
-    def ll_getitem_fast(self, index):
-        index = clrepr(index)
-        return "(aref %s %s)" % (self.obj, index)
-    def ll_setitem_fast(self, index, value):
-        index = clrepr(index)
-        value = clrepr(value)
-        return "(setf (aref %s %s) %s)" % (self.obj, index, value)
-    def _ll_resize(self, size):
-        size = clrepr(size)
-        return "(adjust-array %s %s)" % (self.obj, size)
 class GenCL:
     def __init__(self, context, funobj):
@@ -387,7 +210,7 @@
         if block.exitswitch is c_last_exception:
             yield "(handler-case (progn"
         for op in block.operations:
-            emit_op = Op(self, op)
+            emit_op = OpFormatter(self, op)
             for line in emit_op:
                 yield line
         exits = block.exits

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