[pypy-svn] r26352 - pypy/dist/pypy/doc/discussion

auc at codespeak.net auc at codespeak.net
Wed Apr 26 11:00:12 CEST 2006

Author: auc
Date: Wed Apr 26 11:00:10 2006
New Revision: 26352

About logic programming in PyPy and what it needs.

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/doc/discussion/logic-plan.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/doc/discussion/logic-plan.txt	Wed Apr 26 11:00:10 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+Some ideas about implementation of Logic Programming
+The problem
+Logic and contraint programming as envisionned in PyPy draws heavily
+on the Computation Space concept present in the Oz language.
+Computation spaces provide an infrastructure and API that allows
+seamless integration of concurrent constraint and logic programming in
+the language.
+Currently, there is an implementation of computation spaces that is
+sufficient enough for constraint solving. It uses :
+in straightforward ways. This space is merely a constraint store for
+finite domain constraint variables. It does not really support
+execution of arbitrary computations 'inside' the space ; only
+constraint propagation, i.e. a fixed interrpeter-level algorithm, is
+triggered on commit() calls. [note: don't look at the current code ...]
+Choice points
+For logic programming we need more. Basically a 'logic program' is a
+standard Python program augmented with the 'choice' operator. The
+program's entry point must be a zero arity procedure. Any program
+whose execution path contains a 'choice' is a logic, or relational (in
+Oz parlance) program.
+For instance :
+ def foo():
+     choice:
+         return bar()
+     or:
+         from math import sqrt
+         return sqrt(4)
+def bar():
+    choice: return 0 or: return 1
+ def entry_point():
+     a = foo()
+     if a < 2:
+        fail()
+     return a
+What should happen when we encounter a choice ? One of the choice
+points ought to be chosen 'non-deterministically'. That means that the
+decision to choose does not belong to the program istelf (it is not an
+'if clause' depending on the internal state of the program) but to
+some external entity having interest in the program outcomes depending
+on the various choices that can be made in a choice-littered program.
+Such an entity is typically a 'solver' exploring the space of the
+program outcomes. The solver can use a variety of search strategies,
+for instance depth-first, breadth-first, discrepancy search,
+best-search, A* ... It can provide just one solution or some or all of
+Thus the program and the methods to extract information from it are
+truly independant, contrarily to Prolog programs which are hard-wired
+for depth-first exploration (and do not support concurrency, at least
+not easily).
+Choice, continued
+The above program contains just one choice point. If given to a depth
+first search solver, it will produce three spaces : the two first
+spaces will be failed and thus discarded, the third will be a solution
+space and ready to be later merged. We leave the semantics of space
+merging for another day.
+Pardon the silly ascii art :
+entry_point -> foo : choice
+                       /\
+                      /  \
+                     /    2 (solution)
+            bar : choice
+                   /\
+                  /  \
+                 /    \
+                0      1
+           (failure)(failure)
+Search and spaces
+To allow this de-coupling between program execution and search
+strategy, the computation space comes handily. Basically, choices are
+made, and program branches are taken, in speculative computations
+which are embedded, or encapsulated in the so-called computation
+space, and thus do not affect the whole program, nor each other, until
+some outcome (failure, values, updated speculative world) is
+considered and eventually merged back into the parent world (which
+could be the 'top-level' space, aka normal Python world, or another
+speculative space).
+For this we need another method of spaces : 
+The choice operator can be written straightforwardly in terms of
+choose :
+ def foo():
+     choice = choose(3)
+     if choice == 1:
+         return 1
+     elif choice == 2:
+         from math import sqrt
+         return sqrt(4)
+     else: # choice == 3
+         return 3
+Choose is more general than choice since the number of branches can be
+determined at runtime. Conversely, choice is a special case of choose
+where the number of branches is statically determined. It is thus
+possible to provide syntactic sugar for it.
+It is important to see the relationship between ask(), choose() and
+commit(). Ask and commit are used by the search engine running in the
+top-level space, in its own thread, as follows :
+ask() wait for the space to be 'stable', which means that the program
+running inside is blocked on a choose() call. It returns precisely the
+value provided by choose, thus notifying the search engine about the
+number of available choice points. The search engine can then,
+depending on its strategy, commit() the space to one of its branches,
+thus unblocking the choose() call and giving a return value which
+represent the branch to be taken. The program encapsulated in the
+space can thus run until :
+* it encounters another choice point, 
+* it fails (by way of explicitly calling the fail() operator, or
+  raising an uncatched exception up to its entry point),
+* properly terminating, thus being a candidate 'satisfying' solution
+  to the problem it stands for.
+Commit and choose allow a disciplined communication between the world
+of the search engine (the normal Python world) and the speculative
+computation embedded in the space. Of course the search and the
+embedded computation run in different threads. We need at least one
+thread for the search engine and one per space for this scheme to
+The problematic thing for us is what happens before we commit to a
+specific choice point. Since the are many of them, the solver
+typically needs to take a snapshot of the current computation space so
+as to be able to later try the other choice points (possibly all of
+them if it has been asked to enumerate all solutions of a relational
+or constraint program).
+Taking a snapshot, aka cloning, is easy when the space is merely a
+constraint store. It is more involved when it comes to snapshotting a
+whole tree of threads. It is akin to saving and making copies of the
+current continuation (up to some thread frame).
+Solutions, or ideas in the direction of
+Copying collector
+In Mozart computation space cloning is implemented by leveraging the
+copying garbage collector. There is basically a switch on the GC entry
+point which tells whether it is asked to really do GC or just clone a
+Thread cloning
+It is expected that PyPy coroutines/greenlets/microthreads be at some
+point picklable. One could implement clone() using the thread pickling

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