[pypy-svn] r17634 - pypy/dist/pypy/translator/goal

tismer at codespeak.net tismer at codespeak.net
Sun Sep 18 00:07:00 CEST 2005

Author: tismer
Date: Sun Sep 18 00:06:59 2005
New Revision: 17634

did two extra tests, see the last two entries of the list.
Undoing both the threshold and the rlist change makes richards
a bit better, but pystone much worse.
Undoing only the rlist change, keeping the new threshold leaves richards
unchanged but makes pystone even worse.

Conclusion: I don't revert anything and stick with this.

executable           abs.richards   abs.pystone   rel.richards   rel.pystone
pypy-c-17439           35671 ms         649.430      41.5           57.5
pypy-c-17512           46917 ms         661.685      54.6           56.4
pypy-c-17516           38585 ms         670.494      44.9           55.7
pypy-c-17545-intern    34849 ms         781.101      40.6           47.8
pypy-c-17572           36892 ms         755.969      42.9           49.4
pypy-c-17600           26828 ms         919.220      31.2           40.6
pypy-c-17600_ll_list   27138 ms         815.223      31.6           45.8
pypy-c-17623-32_4      25107 ms         994.383      29.2           37.6
pypy-c-17626-undo2     23873 ms         903.937      27.8           41.3
pypy-c-17626-unrlist   25206 ms         847.455      29.3           44.1
python 2.3.3             859 ms       37339.500       1.0            1.0

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/goal/bench-windows.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/goal/bench-windows.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/goal/bench-windows.py	Sun Sep 18 00:06:59 2005
@@ -2,6 +2,21 @@
 # to be executed in the goal folder,
 # where a couple of .exe files is expected.
+current_result = """
+executable           abs.richards   abs.pystone   rel.richards   rel.pystone
+pypy-c-17439           35671 ms         649.430      41.5           57.5
+pypy-c-17512           46917 ms         661.685      54.6           56.4
+pypy-c-17516           38585 ms         670.494      44.9           55.7
+pypy-c-17545-intern    34849 ms         781.101      40.6           47.8
+pypy-c-17572           36892 ms         755.969      42.9           49.4
+pypy-c-17600           26828 ms         919.220      31.2           40.6
+pypy-c-17600_ll_list   27138 ms         815.223      31.6           45.8
+pypy-c-17623-32_4      25107 ms         994.383      29.2           37.6
+pypy-c-17626-undo2     23873 ms         903.937      27.8           41.3
+pypy-c-17626-unrlist   25206 ms         847.455      29.3           44.1
+python 2.3.3             859 ms       37339.500       1.0            1.0
 import os, sys
 PYSTONE_CMD = 'from test import pystone;pystone.main(%s)'

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