[pypy-svn] r13479 - pypy/dist/pypy/translator

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Thu Jun 16 17:17:09 CEST 2005

Author: arigo
Date: Thu Jun 16 17:17:08 2005
New Revision: 13479

Removed the old typer.  Most of the logic was copied into the rtyper.

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/translator/typer.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/translator/typer.py	Thu Jun 16 17:17:08 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import generators
-import autopath
-from pypy.objspace.flow.model import SpaceOperation, Variable, Constant
-from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Block, Link, uniqueitems
-from pypy.translator.unsimplify import insert_empty_block
-class TyperError(Exception):
-    def __str__(self):
-        result = Exception.__str__(self)
-        if hasattr(self, 'where'):
-            result += '\n.. %r\n.. %r' % self.where
-        return result
-class Specializer:
-    def __init__(self, annotator, defaultconcretetype, typematches,
-                 specializationtable):
-        self.annotator = annotator
-        self.defaultconcretetype = defaultconcretetype
-        self.typematches = typematches
-        # turn the table into a dict for faster look-ups
-        d = {}
-        for e in specializationtable:
-            opname1    = e[0]
-            opname2    = e[1]
-            spectypes  = e[2:-1]
-            restype    = e[-1]
-            info = opname2, spectypes, restype
-            d.setdefault(opname1, []).append(info)
-            d.setdefault(opname2, []).append(info)
-        self.specializationdict = d
-    def specialize(self):
-        """Main entry point: specialize all annotated blocks of the program."""
-        # new blocks can be created as a result of specialize_block(), so
-        # we need to be careful about the loop here.
-        already_seen = {}
-        pending = self.annotator.annotated.keys()
-        while pending:
-            for block in pending:
-                if block.operations != ():
-                    self.specialize_block(block)
-                already_seen[block] = True
-            pending = [block for block in self.annotator.annotated
-                             if block not in already_seen]
-    def settype(self, a, concretetype):
-        """Set the concretetype of a Variable."""
-        assert isinstance(a, Variable)
-        if hasattr(a, 'concretetype') and a.concretetype != concretetype:
-            raise TyperError, "inconsitent type for %r: %r != %r" % (
-                a, a.concretetype, concretetype)
-        a.concretetype = concretetype
-    def setbesttype(self, a):
-        """Set the best concretetype for a Variable according to
-        the annotations."""
-        try:
-            return a.concretetype
-        except AttributeError:
-            s_value = self.annotator.binding(a, True)
-            if s_value is not None:
-                besttype = self.annotation2concretetype(s_value)
-            else:
-                besttype = self.defaultconcretetype
-            self.settype(a, besttype)
-            return besttype
-    def annotation2concretetype(self, s_value):
-        for concretetype in self.typematches:
-            if concretetype.s_annotation.contains(s_value):
-                return concretetype
-        return self.defaultconcretetype
-    def convertvar(self, v, concretetype):
-        """Get the operation(s) needed to convert 'v' to the given type."""
-        ops = []
-        if isinstance(v, Constant):
-            # we should never modify a Constant in-place
-            v = Constant(v.value)
-            v.concretetype = concretetype
-        elif hasattr(v, 'concretetype') and v.concretetype != concretetype:
-            # XXX do we need better conversion paths?
-            # 1) convert to the generic type
-            if v.concretetype != self.defaultconcretetype:
-                v2 = Variable()
-                v2.concretetype = self.defaultconcretetype
-                newops = list(v.concretetype.convert_to_obj(self, v, v2))
-                v = v2
-                ops += newops
-            # 2) convert back from the generic type
-            if concretetype != self.defaultconcretetype:
-                v2 = Variable()
-                v2.concretetype = concretetype
-                newops = list(concretetype.convert_from_obj(self, v, v2))
-                v = v2
-                ops += newops
-        return v, ops
-    def specialize_block(self, block):
-        # give the best possible types to the input args
-        for a in block.inputargs:
-            self.setbesttype(a)
-        # specialize all the operations, as far as possible
-        newops = []
-        for op in block.operations:
-            args = list(op.args)
-            bindings = [self.annotator.binding(a, True) for a in args]
-            # replace constant annotations with real Constants
-            for i in range(len(op.args)):
-                if isinstance(args[i], Variable) and bindings[i] is not None:
-                    if bindings[i].is_constant():
-                        args[i] = Constant(bindings[i].const)
-                        op = SpaceOperation(op.opname, args, op.result)
-            # make a specialized version of the current operation
-            # (which may become several operations)
-            try:
-                flatten_ops(self.specialized_op(op, bindings), newops)
-            except TyperError, e:
-                e.where = (block, op)
-                raise
-        block.operations[:] = newops
-        self.insert_link_conversions(block)
-    def typed_op(self, op, argtypes, restype, newopname=None):
-        """Make a typed copy of the given SpaceOperation."""
-        result = []
-        args = list(op.args)
-        assert len(argtypes) == len(args)
-        # type-convert the input arguments
-        for i in range(len(args)):
-            args[i], convops = self.convertvar(args[i], argtypes[i])
-            result += convops
-        # store the result variable's type
-        self.settype(op.result, restype)
-        # store the possibly modified SpaceOperation
-        op = SpaceOperation(newopname or op.opname, args, op.result)
-        result.append(op)
-        return result
-    def insert_link_conversions(self, block):
-        # insert the needed conversions on the links
-        can_insert_here = block.exitswitch is None and len(block.exits) == 1
-        for link in block.exits:
-            try:
-                for i in range(len(link.args)):
-                    a1 = link.args[i]
-                    if a1 in (link.last_exception, link.last_exc_value):# treated specially in gen_link
-                        continue
-                    a2 = link.target.inputargs[i]
-                    a2type = self.setbesttype(a2)
-                    a1, convops = self.convertvar(a1, a2type)
-                    if convops and not can_insert_here:
-                        # cannot insert conversion operations around a single
-                        # link, unless it is the only exit of this block.
-                        # create a new block along the link...
-                        newblock = insert_empty_block(self.annotator.translator,
-                                                      link)
-                        # ...and do the conversions there.
-                        self.insert_link_conversions(newblock)
-                        break   # done with this link
-                    flatten_ops(convops, block.operations)
-                    link.args[i] = a1
-            except TyperError, e:
-                e.where = (block, link)
-                raise
-    def specialized_op(self, op, bindings):
-        specializations = self.specializationdict.get(op.opname, ())
-        for opname2, spectypes, restype in specializations:
-            assert len(spectypes) == len(op.args) == len(bindings)
-            for i in range(len(spectypes)):
-                if bindings[i] is None:
-                    break
-                if not spectypes[i].s_annotation.contains(bindings[i]):
-                    break
-            else:
-                # specialization found
-                yield self.typed_op(op, spectypes, restype, newopname=opname2)
-                return
-        # specialization not found
-        argtypes = [self.defaultconcretetype] * len(op.args)
-        yield self.typed_op(op, argtypes, self.defaultconcretetype)
-def flatten_ops(op, newops):
-    # Flatten lists and generators and record all SpaceOperations found
-    if isinstance(op, SpaceOperation):
-        newops.append(op)
-    else:
-        for op1 in op:
-            flatten_ops(op1, newops)

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