[pypy-svn] r13020 - pypy/branch/rpython-refactoring

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Thu Jun 2 22:55:14 CEST 2005

Author: arigo
Date: Thu Jun  2 22:55:14 2005
New Revision: 13020

   pypy/branch/rpython-refactoring/rmodel.py   (contents, props changed)
Forgot to check this file in.

Added: pypy/branch/rpython-refactoring/rmodel.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/branch/rpython-refactoring/rmodel.py	Thu Jun  2 22:55:14 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+from pypy.annotation.pairtype import pair, pairtype, extendabletype
+from pypy.annotation import model as annmodel
+from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Constant
+from pypy.rpython.lltype import Void, Bool
+class Repr:
+    """ An instance of Repr is associated with each instance of SomeXxx.
+    It defines the chosen representation for the SomeXxx.  The Repr subclasses
+    generally follows the SomeXxx subclass hierarchy, but there are numerous
+    exceptions.  For example, the anotator uses SomeIter for any iterator, but
+    we need different representations according to the type of container we are
+    iterating over.
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = extendabletype
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.lowleveltype)
+    # default implementation of some operations
+    def rtype_getattr(self, hop):
+        s_attr = hop.args_s[1]
+        if s_attr.is_constant() and isinstance(s_attr.const, str):
+            attr = s_attr.const
+            s_obj = hop.args_s[0]
+            try:
+                s_obj.find_method(attr)   # just to check it is here
+            except AttributeError:
+                raise TyperError("no method %s on %r" % (attr, s_obj))
+            else:
+                # implement methods (of a known name) as just their 'self'
+                return hop.inputarg(self, arg=0)
+        else:
+            raise TyperError("getattr() with a non-constant attribute name")
+    def rtype_nonzero(self, hop):
+        return self.rtype_is_true(hop)   # can call a subclass' rtype_is_true()
+    def rtype_is_true(self, hop):
+        try:
+            vlen = self.rtype_len(hop)
+        except MissingRTypeOperation:
+            return hop.inputconst(Bool, True)
+        else:
+            return hop.genop('int_is_true', [vlen], resulttype=Bool)
+# ____________________________________________________________
+class TyperError(Exception):
+    def __str__(self):
+        result = Exception.__str__(self)
+        if hasattr(self, 'where'):
+            result += '\n.. %r\n.. %r' % self.where
+        return result
+class MissingRTypeOperation(TyperError):
+    pass
+def missing_rtype_operation(self, hop):
+    raise MissingRTypeOperation("unimplemented operation: '%s' on %r" % (
+        hop.spaceop.opname, self))
+def setattr_default(obj, attr, value):
+    if not hasattr(obj, attr):
+        setattr(obj, attr, value)
+for opname in annmodel.UNARY_OPERATIONS:
+    setattr_default(Repr, 'rtype_' + opname, missing_rtype_operation)
+for opname in annmodel.BINARY_OPERATIONS:
+    setattr_default(pairtype(Repr, Repr),
+                    'rtype_' + opname, missing_rtype_operation)
+class __extend__(pairtype(Repr, Repr)):
+    def convert_from_to((r_from, r_to), v, llops):
+        return NotImplemented
+# ____________________________________________________________
+# Primitive Repr classes, in the same hierarchical order as
+# the corresponding SomeObjects
+class FloatRepr(Repr):
+    lowleveltype = Float
+class IntegerRepr(FloatRepr):
+    lowleveltype = Signed
+class BoolRepr(IntegerRepr):
+    lowleveltype = Bool
+class StringRepr(Repr):
+    pass
+class CharRepr(StringRepr):
+    lowleveltype = Char
+# ____________________________________________________________
+def inputconst(reqtype, value):
+    """Return a Constant with the given value, of the requested type,
+    which can be a Repr instance or a low-level type.
+    """
+    if isinstance(reqtype, Repr):
+        reqtype = reqtype.lowleveltype
+    # Void Constants can hold any value;
+    # non-Void Constants must hold a correctly ll-typed value
+    # XXX ---- not enforced yet ----
+    #if reqtype is not Void:
+    #    assert typeOf(value) == reqtype
+    c = Constant(value)
+    c.concretetype = reqtype
+    return c

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