[pypy-svn] r15217 - in pypy/dist/pypy: lib module/__builtin__ module/__builtin__/test/impsubdir/compiled translator

tismer at codespeak.net tismer at codespeak.net
Thu Jul 28 01:48:26 CEST 2005

Author: tismer
Date: Thu Jul 28 01:48:22 2005
New Revision: 15217

optimized the snot out of _marshal.py

timing on my machine for "import os" is now:

writing all the .pyc files:  75 sec
loading all the .pyc files: 105 sec

Every other optimization is considered insane I guess.
We really should writemore interplevel

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/_marshal.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lib/_marshal.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/_marshal.py	Thu Jul 28 01:48:22 2005
@@ -229,10 +229,10 @@
         self.bufpos = 0
     def read(self, n):
-        start = self.bufpos
-        end = start + n
-        ret = self.bufstr[start:end]
-        self.bufpos = end
+        pos = self.bufpos
+        newpos = pos + n
+        ret = self.bufstr[pos : newpos]
+        self.bufpos = newpos
         return ret
@@ -270,7 +270,9 @@
         x = a | (b<<8) | (c<<16) | (d<<24)
         if d & 0x80 and x > 0:
             x = -((1L<<32) - x)
-        return int(x)
+            return int(x)
+        else:
+            return x
     def r_long64(self):
         a = ord(self._read(1))
@@ -423,6 +425,226 @@
         return frozenset(args)
     dispatch[TYPE_FROZENSET] = load_frozenset
+# ________________________________________________________________
+def _read(self, n):
+    pos = self.bufpos
+    newpos = pos + n
+    ret = self.bufstr[pos : newpos]
+    self.bufpos = newpos
+    return ret
+def _read1(self):
+    ret = self.bufstr[self.bufpos]
+    self.bufpos += 1
+    return ret
+def _r_short(self):
+    lo = ord(_read1(self))
+    hi = ord(_read1(self))
+    x = lo | (hi<<8)
+    if x & 0x8000:
+        x = x - 0x10000
+    return x
+def _r_long(self):
+    # inlined this most common case
+    p = self.bufpos
+    s = self.bufstr
+    a = ord(s[p])
+    b = ord(s[p+1])
+    c = ord(s[p+2])
+    d = ord(s[p+3])
+    self.bufpos += 4
+    x = a | (b<<8) | (c<<16) | (d<<24)
+    if d & 0x80 and x > 0:
+        x = -((1L<<32) - x)
+        return int(x)
+    else:
+        return x
+def _r_long64(self):
+    a = ord(_read1(self))
+    b = ord(_read1(self))
+    c = ord(_read1(self))
+    d = ord(_read1(self))
+    e = long(ord(_read1(self)))
+    f = long(ord(_read1(self)))
+    g = long(ord(_read1(self)))
+    h = long(ord(_read1(self)))
+    x = a | (b<<8) | (c<<16) | (d<<24)
+    x = x | (e<<32) | (f<<40) | (g<<48) | (h<<56)
+    if h & 0x80 and x > 0:
+        x = -((1L<<64) - x)
+    return x
+_load_dispatch = {}
+class _FastUnmarshaller:
+    dispatch = {}
+    def __init__(self, buffer):
+        self.bufstr = buffer
+        self.bufpos = 0
+        self._stringtable = []
+    def load(self):
+        # make flow space happy
+        c = '?'
+        try:
+            c = self.bufstr[self.bufpos]
+            self.bufpos += 1
+            return _load_dispatch[c](self)
+        except KeyError:
+            raise ValueError, "bad marshal code: %c (%d)" % (c, ord(c))
+        except IndexError:
+            raise EOFError
+    def load_null(self):
+        return _NULL
+    dispatch[TYPE_NULL] = load_null
+    def load_none(self):
+        return None
+    dispatch[TYPE_NONE] = load_none
+    def load_true(self):
+        return True
+    dispatch[TYPE_TRUE] = load_true
+    def load_false(self):
+        return False
+    dispatch[TYPE_FALSE] = load_false
+    def load_stopiter(self):
+        return StopIteration
+    dispatch[TYPE_STOPITER] = load_stopiter
+    def load_ellipsis(self):
+        return Ellipsis
+    dispatch[TYPE_ELLIPSIS] = load_ellipsis
+    def load_int(self):
+        return _r_long(self)
+    dispatch[TYPE_INT] = load_int
+    def load_int64(self):
+        return _r_long64(self)
+    dispatch[TYPE_INT64] = load_int64
+    def load_long(self):
+        size = _r_long(self)
+        sign = 1
+        if size < 0:
+            sign = -1
+            size = -size
+        x = 0L
+        for i in range(size):
+            d = _r_short(self)
+            x = x | (d<<(i*15L))
+        return x * sign
+    dispatch[TYPE_LONG] = load_long
+    def load_float(self):
+        n = ord(_read1(self))
+        s = _read(self, n)
+        return float(s)
+    dispatch[TYPE_FLOAT] = load_float
+    def load_complex(self):
+        n = ord(_read1(self))
+        s = _read(self, n)
+        real = float(s)
+        n = ord(_read1(self))
+        s = _read(self, n)
+        imag = float(s)
+        return complex(real, imag)
+    dispatch[TYPE_COMPLEX] = load_complex
+    def load_string(self):
+        n = _r_long(self)
+        return _read(self, n)
+    dispatch[TYPE_STRING] = load_string
+    def load_interned(self):
+        n = _r_long(self)
+        ret = intern(_read(self, n))
+        self._stringtable.append(ret)
+        return ret
+    dispatch[TYPE_INTERNED] = load_interned
+    def load_stringref(self):
+        n = _r_long(self)
+        return self._stringtable[n]
+    dispatch[TYPE_STRINGREF] = load_stringref
+    def load_unicode(self):
+        n = _r_long(self)
+        s = _read(self, n)
+        ret = s.decode('utf8')
+        return ret
+    dispatch[TYPE_UNICODE] = load_unicode
+    def load_tuple(self):
+        return tuple(self.load_list())
+    dispatch[TYPE_TUPLE] = load_tuple
+    def load_list(self):
+        n = _r_long(self)
+        list = []
+        for i in range(n):
+            list.append(self.load())
+        return list
+    dispatch[TYPE_LIST] = load_list
+    def load_dict(self):
+        d = {}
+        while 1:
+            key = self.load()
+            if key is _NULL:
+                break
+            value = self.load()
+            d[key] = value
+        return d
+    dispatch[TYPE_DICT] = load_dict
+    def load_code(self):
+        argcount = _r_long(self)
+        nlocals = _r_long(self)
+        stacksize = _r_long(self)
+        flags = _r_long(self)
+        code = self.load()
+        consts = self.load()
+        names = self.load()
+        varnames = self.load()
+        freevars = self.load()
+        cellvars = self.load()
+        filename = self.load()
+        name = self.load()
+        firstlineno = _r_long(self)
+        lnotab = self.load()
+        if not new:
+            raise RuntimeError, "can't unmarshal code objects; no 'new' module"
+        return new.code(argcount, nlocals, stacksize, flags, code, consts,
+                        names, varnames, filename, name, firstlineno, lnotab,
+                        freevars, cellvars)
+    dispatch[TYPE_CODE] = load_code
+    def load_set(self):
+        n = _r_long(self)
+        args = [self.load() for i in range(n)]
+        return set(args)
+    dispatch[TYPE_SET] = load_set
+    def load_frozenset(self):
+        n = _r_long(self)
+        args = [self.load() for i in range(n)]
+        return frozenset(args)
+    dispatch[TYPE_FROZENSET] = load_frozenset
+_load_dispatch = _FastUnmarshaller.dispatch
 except NameError:
@@ -445,6 +667,5 @@
     return ''.join(buffer)
 def loads(s):
-    buffer = _StringBuffer(s)
-    um = _Unmarshaller(buffer.read)
+    um = _FastUnmarshaller(s)
     return um.load()

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/module/__builtin__/importing.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/module/__builtin__/importing.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/module/__builtin__/importing.py	Thu Jul 28 01:48:22 2005
@@ -455,6 +455,7 @@
         raise OperationError(space.w_ImportError, w(
             "Bad magic number in %s" % cpathname))
     _r_long(osfile) # skip time stamp
+    print "loading pyc file:", cpathname
     code_w = read_compiled_module(space, cpathname, osfile)
     #if (Py_VerboseFlag)
     #    PySys_WriteStderr("import %s # precompiled from %s\n",

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/module/__builtin__/test/impsubdir/compiled/x.pyc
Binary files. No diff available.

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/geninterplevel.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/geninterplevel.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/geninterplevel.py	Thu Jul 28 01:48:22 2005
@@ -365,6 +365,9 @@
                 # shortcutting references to __builtin__
                 if id(obj) in self.builtin_ids:
                     func = self.builtin_ids[id(obj)]
+                    #name = self.get_nameof_builtin_func(func)
+                    # the above is quicker in principle, but pulls more
+                    # stuff in, so it is slower right now.
                     name = "(space.builtin.get(space.str_w(%s)))" % self.nameof(func.__name__)
                     for cls in type(obj).__mro__:
@@ -386,6 +389,27 @@
             self.rpynames[key] = name
             return name
+    def get_nameof_builtin_func(self, func):
+        # this is a hack!
+        # in some cases, like exceptions, we don't have space.builtin available,
+        #so we crate a fall-back...
+        name = self.uniquename('gbltin_' + func.__name__)
+        self.initcode.append1('''\
+    # see if we have space.builtin in this context
+    space.builtin
+except AttributeError:
+    print "didn't get", %(bltin)r
+    def %(name)s(space, __args__):
+        w_func = space.builtin.get(%(bltin)r)
+        return space.call_args(w_func, __args__)
+    %(name)s = space.wrap(gateway.interp2app(%(name)s, unwrap_spec=[gateway.ObjSpace, gateway.Arguments]))
+        print "got it:", %(bltin)r
+        %(name)s = space.builtin.get(%(bltin)r)'''
+        % {'name': name, 'bltin': func.__name__} )
+        return name
     def uniquename(self, basename):
         name = self.namespace.uniquename(basename)

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