[pypy-svn] r8650 - in pypy/dist/pypy: interpreter module translator

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Fri Jan 28 11:10:39 CET 2005

Author: arigo
Date: Fri Jan 28 11:10:39 2005
New Revision: 8650

Don't import pypy.tool.udir or pypy.translator.geninterplevel at start-up!

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/interpreter/py.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/interpreter/py.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/interpreter/py.py	Fri Jan 28 11:10:39 2005
@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@
     space = None
         space = option.objspace()
+        assert 'pypy.tool.udir' not in sys.modules, (
+            "running py.py should not import pypy.tool.udir, which is\n"
+            "only for testing or translating purposes.")
         go_interactive = Options.interactive
         banner = ''

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/module/exceptionsinterp.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/module/exceptionsinterp.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/module/exceptionsinterp.py	Fri Jan 28 11:10:39 2005
@@ -1,1603 +1,1609 @@
-#!/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: LATIN-1 -*-
-## filename    'D:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\translator\\geninterplevel.py'
-## function    'test_exceptions'
-## firstlineno 1253
-# global declarations
-# global object gfunc_test_exceptions
-# global object gbltinmethod_keys
-# global object g48dict
-# global object gs_keys
-def test_exceptions(space, *args_w):
-    """ enumerate all exceptions """
-    kwlist = []
-    _args_w = args_w
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "test_exceptions"
-    PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 0, 0, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_test_exceptions(space, )
-f_test_exceptions = globals().pop("test_exceptions")
-def test_exceptions(space, ):
-    """ enumerate all exceptions """
-    w_0=w_0=w_1=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            _tup = space.newtuple([])
-            w_0 = space.call(gbltinmethod_keys, _tup)
-            w_1 = w_0
-            goto = 2
-        if goto == 2:
-            return w_1
-fastf_test_exceptions = globals().pop("test_exceptions")
-# global declarations
-# global object gs_MemoryError
-# global object gcls_MemoryError
-# global object gcls_StandardError
-# global object gcls_Exception
-# global object gs___module__
-# global object gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions
-# global object gs___doc__
-# global object gs_Exception
-# global object gs_StandardError
-# global object gs_ImportError
-# global object gcls_ImportError
-# global object gs_RuntimeError
-# global object gcls_RuntimeError
-# global object gs_UnicodeTranslateError
-# global object gcls_UnicodeTranslateError
-# global object gcls_UnicodeError
-# global object gcls_ValueError
-# global object gs_ValueError
-# global object gs_UnicodeError
-# global object gs_KeyError
-# global object gcls_KeyError
-# global object gcls_LookupError
-# global object gs_LookupError
-# global object gs_SyntaxWarning
-# global object gcls_SyntaxWarning
-# global object gcls_Warning
-# global object gs_Warning
-# global object gs_StopIteration
-# global object gcls_StopIteration
-# global object gs_PendingDeprecationWarning
-# global object gcls_PendingDeprecationWarning
-# global object gs_EnvironmentError
-# global object gcls_EnvironmentError
-# global object gs_SyntaxError
-# global object gcls_SyntaxError
-# global object gs_OSError
-# global object gcls_OSError
-# global object gs_DeprecationWarning
-# global object gcls_DeprecationWarning
-# global object gs_FloatingPointError
-# global object gcls_FloatingPointError
-# global object gcls_ArithmeticError
-# global object gs_ArithmeticError
-# global object gs_ReferenceError
-# global object gcls_ReferenceError
-# global object gs_NameError
-# global object gcls_NameError
-# global object gs_OverflowWarning
-# global object gcls_OverflowWarning
-# global object gs_IOError
-# global object gcls_IOError
-# global object gs_FutureWarning
-# global object gcls_FutureWarning
-# global object gs_SystemExit
-# global object gcls_SystemExit
-# global object gs_EOFError
-# global object gcls_EOFError
-# global object gs___file__
-# global object gs_D___pypy__dist__pypy__appspace__
-# global object gs_TabError
-# global object gcls_TabError
-# global object gcls_IndentationError
-# global object gs_IndentationError
-# global object gs_ZeroDivisionError
-# global object gcls_ZeroDivisionError
-# global object gs_UnicodeEncodeError
-# global object gcls_UnicodeEncodeError
-# global object gs_SystemError
-# global object gcls_SystemError
-# global object gs___name__
-# global object gs_AssertionError
-# global object gcls_AssertionError
-# global object gs_UnicodeDecodeError
-# global object gcls_UnicodeDecodeError
-# global object gs_TypeError
-# global object gcls_TypeError
-# global object gs_IndexError
-# global object gcls_IndexError
-# global object gs_RuntimeWarning
-# global object gcls_RuntimeWarning
-# global object gs_KeyboardInterrupt
-# global object gcls_KeyboardInterrupt
-# global object gs_UserWarning
-# global object gcls_UserWarning
-# global object gs_TaskletExit
-# global object gcls_TaskletExit
-# global object gs_UnboundLocalError
-# global object gcls_UnboundLocalError
-# global object gs_NotImplementedError
-# global object gcls_NotImplementedError
-# global object gs_AttributeError
-# global object gcls_AttributeError
-# global object gs_OverflowError
-# global object gcls_OverflowError
-# global object gs_WindowsError
-# global object gcls_WindowsError
-# global object gs___init__
-# global object gfunc_UnicodeDecodeError___init__
-# global object gs___str__
-# global object gfunc_UnicodeDecodeError___str__
-# global object gfunc_UnicodeEncodeError___init__
-# global object gfunc_UnicodeEncodeError___str__
-# global object gfunc_SystemExit___init__
-# global object gfunc_SyntaxError___init__
-# global object gfunc_SyntaxError___str__
-# global object gs_filename
-# global object gs_lineno
-# global object gs_msg
-# global object gs__emptystr_
-# global object gs_offset
-# global object gs_print_file_and_line
-# global object gs_text
-# global object gfunc_EnvironmentError___init__
-# global object gfunc_EnvironmentError___str__
-# global object gfunc_KeyError___str__
-# global object gfunc_UnicodeTranslateError___init__
-# global object gfunc_UnicodeTranslateError___str__
-# global object gs___getitem__
-# global object gfunc_Exception___getitem__
-# global object gfunc_Exception___init__
-# global object gfunc_Exception___str__
-## filename    'd:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.py'
-## function    '__getitem__'
-## firstlineno 5
-def __getitem__(space, *args_w):
-    kwlist = ["self", "idx"]
-    _args_w = args_w
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "__getitem__"
-    w_self_1, w_idx_3 = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 2, 2, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_Exception___getitem__(space, w_self_1, w_idx_3)
-f_Exception___getitem__ = globals().pop("__getitem__")
-def __getitem__(space, w_self_1, w_idx_3):
-    w_0=w_0=w_2=w_4=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
-            w_2 = space.getitem(w_0, w_idx_3)
-            w_4 = w_2
-            goto = 2
-        if goto == 2:
-            return w_4
-fastf_Exception___getitem__ = globals().pop("__getitem__")
-## filename    'd:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.py'
-## function    '__init__'
-## firstlineno 9
-def __init__(space, *args_w):
-    kwlist = ["self"]
-    w_args_2 = space.newtuple(list(args_w[1:]))
-    _args_w = args_w[:1]
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "__init__"
-    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_Exception___init__(space, w_self_1, w_args_2)
-f_Exception___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
-def __init__(space, w_self_1, w_args_2):
-    w_0=w_0=w_3=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            w_0 = space.setattr(w_self_1, gs_args, w_args_2)
-            w_3 = space.w_None
-            goto = 2
-        if goto == 2:
-            return w_3
-fastf_Exception___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
-## filename    'd:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.py'
-## function    '__str__'
-## firstlineno 13
-# global declarations
-# global object gs_args
-# global object gi_0
-# global object gi_1
-def __str__(space, *args_w):
-    kwlist = ["self"]
-    _args_w = args_w
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "__str__"
-    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_Exception___str__(space, w_self_1)
-f_Exception___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
-def __str__(space, w_self_1):
-    w_0=w_0=w_argc_2=w_3=v4=w_self_6=w_argc_7=w_8=w_9=v10=w_self_16=None
-    w_argc_17=w_argc_17=w_18=w_22=w_23=w_5=w_self_11=w_argc_12=w_13=None
-    w_14=w_14=w_15=w_19=w_20=w_21=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
-            w_argc_2 = space.len(w_0)
-            w_3 = space.eq(w_argc_2, gi_0)
-            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
-            if v4 == True:
-                w_5 = gs__emptystr_
-                goto = 5
-            else:
-                assert v4 == False
-                w_self_6, w_argc_7, w_8 = w_self_1, w_argc_2, w_3
-                goto = 2
-        if goto == 2:
-            w_9 = space.eq(w_argc_7, gi_1)
-            v10 = space.is_true(w_9)
-            if v10 == True:
-                (w_self_11, w_argc_12, w_13, w_14, w_15) = (w_self_6, w_argc_7,
-                 w_8, w_9, v10)
-                goto = 3
-            else:
-                assert v10 == False
-                w_self_16, w_argc_17, w_18 = w_self_6, w_argc_7, w_9
-                goto = 4
-        if goto == 3:
-            w_19 = space.getattr(w_self_11, gs_args)
-            w_20 = space.getitem(w_19, gi_0)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_20])
-            w_21 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_5 = w_21
-            goto = 5
-        if goto == 4:
-            w_22 = space.getattr(w_self_16, gs_args)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_22])
-            w_23 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_5 = w_23
-            goto = 5
-        if goto == 5:
-            return w_5
-fastf_Exception___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
-## filename    'd:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.py'
-## function    '__init__'
-## firstlineno 41
-# global declarations
-# global object gi_4
-# global object gi_2
-# global object gi_3
-def __init__(space, *args_w):
-    kwlist = ["self"]
-    w_args_1 = space.newtuple(list(args_w[1:]))
-    _args_w = args_w[:1]
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "__init__"
-    w_self_3, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_UnicodeTranslateError___init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1)
-f_UnicodeTranslateError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
-def __init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1):
-    w_argc_0=w_argc_0=w_2=w_4=v5=w_12=w_self_6=w_args_7=w_argc_8=None
-    w_9=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_13=w_14=w_15=w_16=w_17=w_18=w_19=w_20=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            w_argc_0 = space.len(w_args_1)
-            w_2 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_args, w_args_1)
-            w_4 = space.eq(w_argc_0, gi_4)
-            v5 = space.is_true(w_4)
-            if v5 == True:
-                (w_self_6, w_args_7, w_argc_8, w_9, w_10, w_11) = (w_self_3,
-                 w_args_1, w_argc_0, w_2, w_4, v5)
-                goto = 2
-            else:
-                assert v5 == False
-                w_12 = space.w_None
-                goto = 3
-        if goto == 2:
-            w_13 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_0)
-            w_14 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_object, w_13)
-            w_15 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_1)
-            w_16 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_start, w_15)
-            w_17 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_2)
-            w_18 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_end, w_17)
-            w_19 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_3)
-            w_20 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_reason, w_19)
-            w_12 = space.w_None
-            goto = 3
-        if goto == 3:
-            return w_12
-fastf_UnicodeTranslateError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
-## filename    'd:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.py'
-## function    '__str__'
-## firstlineno 51
-# global declarations
-# global object gs_start
-# global object gs_start_
-# global object gs_reason
-# global object gs_reason_
-# global object gs_args_
-# global object gs_end
-# global object gs_end_
-# global object gs_object
-# global object gs_object_
-# global object gbltinmethod_join
-# global object gs__
-# global object gs_join
-def __str__(space, *args_w):
-    kwlist = ["self"]
-    _args_w = args_w
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "__str__"
-    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_UnicodeTranslateError___str__(space, w_self_1)
-f_UnicodeTranslateError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
-def __str__(space, w_self_1):
-    w_0=w_0=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_7=w_8=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_12=w_13=w_14=None
-    w_15=w_15=w_16=w_res_17=w_18=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_start)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_0])
-            w_2 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_3 = space.add(gs_start_, w_2)
-            w_4 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_reason)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_4])
-            w_5 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_6 = space.add(gs_reason_, w_5)
-            w_7 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_7])
-            w_8 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_9 = space.add(gs_args_, w_8)
-            w_10 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_end)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_10])
-            w_11 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_12 = space.add(gs_end_, w_11)
-            w_13 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_object)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_13])
-            w_14 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_15 = space.add(gs_object_, w_14)
-            w_16 = space.newlist([w_3, w_6, w_9, w_12, w_15])
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_16])
-            w_res_17 = space.call(gbltinmethod_join, _tup)
-            w_18 = w_res_17
-            goto = 2
-        if goto == 2:
-            return w_18
-fastf_UnicodeTranslateError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
-## filename    'd:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.py'
-## function    '__str__'
-## firstlineno 69
-def __str__(space, *args_w):
-    kwlist = ["self"]
-    _args_w = args_w
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "__str__"
-    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_KeyError___str__(space, w_self_1)
-f_KeyError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
-def __str__(space, w_self_1):
-    w_0=w_0=w_argc_2=w_3=v4=w_self_6=w_argc_7=w_8=w_9=v10=w_self_16=None
-    w_argc_17=w_argc_17=w_18=w_22=w_23=w_5=w_self_11=w_argc_12=w_13=None
-    w_14=w_14=w_15=w_19=w_20=w_21=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
-            w_argc_2 = space.len(w_0)
-            w_3 = space.eq(w_argc_2, gi_0)
-            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
-            if v4 == True:
-                w_5 = gs__emptystr_
-                goto = 5
-            else:
-                assert v4 == False
-                w_self_6, w_argc_7, w_8 = w_self_1, w_argc_2, w_3
-                goto = 2
-        if goto == 2:
-            w_9 = space.eq(w_argc_7, gi_1)
-            v10 = space.is_true(w_9)
-            if v10 == True:
-                (w_self_11, w_argc_12, w_13, w_14, w_15) = (w_self_6, w_argc_7,
-                 w_8, w_9, v10)
-                goto = 3
-            else:
-                assert v10 == False
-                w_self_16, w_argc_17, w_18 = w_self_6, w_argc_7, w_9
-                goto = 4
-        if goto == 3:
-            w_19 = space.getattr(w_self_11, gs_args)
-            w_20 = space.getitem(w_19, gi_0)
-            w_21 = space.repr(w_20)
-            w_5 = w_21
-            goto = 5
-        if goto == 4:
-            w_22 = space.getattr(w_self_16, gs_args)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_22])
-            w_23 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_5 = w_23
-            goto = 5
-        if goto == 5:
-            return w_5
-fastf_KeyError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
-## filename    'd:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.py'
-## function    '__init__'
-## firstlineno 94
-def __init__(space, *args_w):
-    kwlist = ["self"]
-    w_args_1 = space.newtuple(list(args_w[1:]))
-    _args_w = args_w[:1]
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "__init__"
-    w_self_3, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_EnvironmentError___init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1)
-f_EnvironmentError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
-def __init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1):
-    w_argc_0=w_argc_0=w_2=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_7=v8=w_self_18=w_args_19=None
-    w_argc_20=w_argc_20=w_21=v23=w_self_29=w_args_30=w_argc_31=w_36=None
-    v37=v37=w_43=w_self_38=w_args_39=w_argc_40=w_41=w_42=w_44=w_45=None
-    w_46=w_46=w_47=w_48=w_49=w_self_24=w_args_25=w_argc_26=w_27=w_28=None
-    w_32=w_32=w_33=w_34=w_35=w_self_9=w_args_10=w_argc_11=w_12=w_13=None
-    w_14=w_14=w_15=w_16=w_17=w_22=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            w_argc_0 = space.len(w_args_1)
-            w_2 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_args, w_args_1)
-            w_4 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_errno, space.w_None)
-            w_5 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_strerror, space.w_None)
-            w_6 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_filename, space.w_None)
-            w_7 = space.le(gi_2, w_argc_0)
-            v8 = space.is_true(w_7)
-            if v8 == True:
-                (w_self_9, w_args_10, w_argc_11, w_12, w_13, w_14, w_15, w_16,
-                 w_17) = (w_self_3, w_args_1, w_argc_0, w_2, w_4, w_5, w_6, w_7,
-                 v8)
-                goto = 2
-            else:
-                assert v8 == False
-                (w_self_18, w_args_19, w_argc_20, w_21) = (w_self_3, w_args_1,
-                 w_argc_0, w_7)
-                goto = 3
-        if goto == 2:
-            w_22 = space.le(w_argc_11, gi_3)
-            (w_self_18, w_args_19, w_argc_20, w_21) = (w_self_9, w_args_10,
-             w_argc_11, w_22)
-            goto = 3
-        if goto == 3:
-            v23 = space.is_true(w_21)
-            if v23 == True:
-                (w_self_24, w_args_25, w_argc_26, w_27, w_28) = (w_self_18,
-                 w_args_19, w_argc_20, w_21, v23)
-                goto = 4
-            else:
-                assert v23 == False
-                w_self_29, w_args_30, w_argc_31 = w_self_18, w_args_19, w_argc_20
-                goto = 5
-        if goto == 4:
-            w_32 = space.getitem(w_args_25, gi_0)
-            w_33 = space.setattr(w_self_24, gs_errno, w_32)
-            w_34 = space.getitem(w_args_25, gi_1)
-            w_35 = space.setattr(w_self_24, gs_strerror, w_34)
-            w_self_29, w_args_30, w_argc_31 = w_self_24, w_args_25, w_argc_26
-            goto = 5
-        if goto == 5:
-            w_36 = space.eq(w_argc_31, gi_3)
-            v37 = space.is_true(w_36)
-            if v37 == True:
-                (w_self_38, w_args_39, w_argc_40, w_41, w_42) = (w_self_29,
-                 w_args_30, w_argc_31, w_36, v37)
-                goto = 6
-            else:
-                assert v37 == False
-                w_43 = space.w_None
-                goto = 7
-        if goto == 6:
-            w_44 = space.getitem(w_args_39, gi_2)
-            w_45 = space.setattr(w_self_38, gs_filename, w_44)
-            w_46 = space.getitem(w_args_39, gi_0)
-            w_47 = space.getitem(w_args_39, gi_1)
-            w_48 = space.newtuple([w_46, w_47])
-            w_49 = space.setattr(w_self_38, gs_args, w_48)
-            w_43 = space.w_None
-            goto = 7
-        if goto == 7:
-            return w_43
-fastf_EnvironmentError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
-## filename    'd:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.py'
-## function    '__str__'
-## firstlineno 108
-# global declarations
-# global object gs_errno
-# global object gs_errno_
-# global object gs_strerror
-# global object gs_strerror_
-# global object gs_filename_
-# global object gbltinmethod_join_1
-def __str__(space, *args_w):
-    kwlist = ["self"]
-    _args_w = args_w
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "__str__"
-    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_EnvironmentError___str__(space, w_self_1)
-f_EnvironmentError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
-def __str__(space, w_self_1):
-    w_0=w_0=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_7=w_8=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_12=w_13=w_res_14=None
-    w_15=w_15=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_errno)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_0])
-            w_2 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_3 = space.add(gs_errno_, w_2)
-            w_4 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_4])
-            w_5 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_6 = space.add(gs_args_, w_5)
-            w_7 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_strerror)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_7])
-            w_8 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_9 = space.add(gs_strerror_, w_8)
-            w_10 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_filename)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_10])
-            w_11 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_12 = space.add(gs_filename_, w_11)
-            w_13 = space.newlist([w_3, w_6, w_9, w_12])
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_13])
-            w_res_14 = space.call(gbltinmethod_join_1, _tup)
-            w_15 = w_res_14
-            goto = 2
-        if goto == 2:
-            return w_15
-fastf_EnvironmentError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
-## filename    'd:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.py'
-## function    '__init__'
-## firstlineno 128
-# global declaration
-# global object gi_5
-def __init__(space, *args_w):
-    kwlist = ["self"]
-    w_args_1 = space.newtuple(list(args_w[1:]))
-    _args_w = args_w[:1]
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "__init__"
-    w_self_3, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_UnicodeEncodeError___init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1)
-f_UnicodeEncodeError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
-def __init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1):
-    w_argc_0=w_argc_0=w_2=w_4=v5=w_12=w_self_6=w_args_7=w_argc_8=None
-    w_9=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_13=w_14=w_15=w_16=w_17=w_18=w_19=w_20=w_21=None
-    w_22=w_22=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            w_argc_0 = space.len(w_args_1)
-            w_2 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_args, w_args_1)
-            w_4 = space.eq(w_argc_0, gi_5)
-            v5 = space.is_true(w_4)
-            if v5 == True:
-                (w_self_6, w_args_7, w_argc_8, w_9, w_10, w_11) = (w_self_3,
-                 w_args_1, w_argc_0, w_2, w_4, v5)
-                goto = 2
-            else:
-                assert v5 == False
-                w_12 = space.w_None
-                goto = 3
-        if goto == 2:
-            w_13 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_0)
-            w_14 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_encoding, w_13)
-            w_15 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_1)
-            w_16 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_object, w_15)
-            w_17 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_2)
-            w_18 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_start, w_17)
-            w_19 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_3)
-            w_20 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_end, w_19)
-            w_21 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_4)
-            w_22 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_reason, w_21)
-            w_12 = space.w_None
-            goto = 3
-        if goto == 3:
-            return w_12
-fastf_UnicodeEncodeError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
-## filename    'd:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.py'
-## function    '__str__'
-## firstlineno 139
-# global declarations
-# global object gs_encoding
-# global object gs_encoding_
-# global object gbltinmethod_join_3
-def __str__(space, *args_w):
-    kwlist = ["self"]
-    _args_w = args_w
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "__str__"
-    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_UnicodeEncodeError___str__(space, w_self_1)
-f_UnicodeEncodeError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
-def __str__(space, w_self_1):
-    w_0=w_0=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_7=w_8=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_12=w_13=w_14=None
-    w_15=w_15=w_16=w_17=w_18=w_19=w_res_20=w_21=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_object)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_0])
-            w_2 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_3 = space.add(gs_object_, w_2)
-            w_4 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_end)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_4])
-            w_5 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_6 = space.add(gs_end_, w_5)
-            w_7 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_encoding)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_7])
-            w_8 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_9 = space.add(gs_encoding_, w_8)
-            w_10 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_10])
-            w_11 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_12 = space.add(gs_args_, w_11)
-            w_13 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_start)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_13])
-            w_14 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_15 = space.add(gs_start_, w_14)
-            w_16 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_reason)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_16])
-            w_17 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_18 = space.add(gs_reason_, w_17)
-            w_19 = space.newlist([w_3, w_6, w_9, w_12, w_15, w_18])
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_19])
-            w_res_20 = space.call(gbltinmethod_join_3, _tup)
-            w_21 = w_res_20
-            goto = 2
-        if goto == 2:
-            return w_21
-fastf_UnicodeEncodeError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
-## filename    'd:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.py'
-## function    '__init__'
-## firstlineno 179
-def __init__(space, *args_w):
-    kwlist = ["self"]
-    w_args_1 = space.newtuple(list(args_w[1:]))
-    _args_w = args_w[:1]
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "__init__"
-    w_self_3, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_SyntaxError___init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1)
-f_SyntaxError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
-def __init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1):
-    w_argc_0=w_argc_0=w_2=w_4=v5=w_self_12=w_args_13=w_argc_14=w_17=None
-    v18=v18=w_24=w_self_19=w_args_20=w_argc_21=w_22=w_23=w_25=w_26=None
-    w_27=w_27=w_28=w_29=w_30=w_31=w_32=w_33=w_34=w_35=w_36=w_self_6=None
-    w_args_7=w_args_7=w_argc_8=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_15=w_16=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            w_argc_0 = space.len(w_args_1)
-            w_2 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_args, w_args_1)
-            w_4 = space.ge(w_argc_0, gi_1)
-            v5 = space.is_true(w_4)
-            if v5 == True:
-                (w_self_6, w_args_7, w_argc_8, w_9, w_10, w_11) = (w_self_3,
-                 w_args_1, w_argc_0, w_2, w_4, v5)
-                goto = 2
-            else:
-                assert v5 == False
-                w_self_12, w_args_13, w_argc_14 = w_self_3, w_args_1, w_argc_0
-                goto = 3
-        if goto == 2:
-            w_15 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_0)
-            w_16 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_msg, w_15)
-            w_self_12, w_args_13, w_argc_14 = w_self_6, w_args_7, w_argc_8
-            goto = 3
-        if goto == 3:
-            w_17 = space.eq(w_argc_14, gi_2)
-            v18 = space.is_true(w_17)
-            if v18 == True:
-                (w_self_19, w_args_20, w_argc_21, w_22, w_23) = (w_self_12,
-                 w_args_13, w_argc_14, w_17, v18)
-                goto = 4
-            else:
-                assert v18 == False
-                w_24 = space.w_None
-                goto = 5
-        if goto == 4:
-            w_25 = space.getitem(w_args_20, gi_1)
-            w_26 = space.getitem(w_25, gi_0)
-            w_27 = space.setattr(w_self_19, gs_filename, w_26)
-            w_28 = space.getitem(w_args_20, gi_1)
-            w_29 = space.getitem(w_28, gi_1)
-            w_30 = space.setattr(w_self_19, gs_lineno, w_29)
-            w_31 = space.getitem(w_args_20, gi_1)
-            w_32 = space.getitem(w_31, gi_2)
-            w_33 = space.setattr(w_self_19, gs_offset, w_32)
-            w_34 = space.getitem(w_args_20, gi_1)
-            w_35 = space.getitem(w_34, gi_3)
-            w_36 = space.setattr(w_self_19, gs_text, w_35)
-            w_24 = space.w_None
-            goto = 5
-        if goto == 5:
-            return w_24
-fastf_SyntaxError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
-## filename    'd:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.py'
-## function    '__str__'
-## firstlineno 191
-# global declaration
-# global object gbltinmethod_join_2
-def __str__(space, *args_w):
-    kwlist = ["self"]
-    _args_w = args_w
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "__str__"
-    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_SyntaxError___str__(space, w_self_1)
-f_SyntaxError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
-def __str__(space, w_self_1):
-    w_0=w_0=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_res_5=w_6=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_0])
-            w_2 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_3 = space.add(gs_args_, w_2)
-            w_4 = space.newlist([w_3])
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_4])
-            w_res_5 = space.call(gbltinmethod_join_2, _tup)
-            w_6 = w_res_5
-            goto = 2
-        if goto == 2:
-            return w_6
-fastf_SyntaxError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
-## filename    'd:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.py'
-## function    '__init__'
-## firstlineno 205
-# global declaration
-# global object gs_code
-def __init__(space, *args_w):
-    kwlist = ["self"]
-    w_args_1 = space.newtuple(list(args_w[1:]))
-    _args_w = args_w[:1]
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "__init__"
-    w_self_4, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_SystemExit___init__(space, w_self_4, w_args_1)
-f_SystemExit___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
-def __init__(space, w_self_4, w_args_1):
-    w_argc_0=w_argc_0=w_2=v3=w_self_10=w_args_11=w_argc_12=w_14=w_15=None
-    v16=v16=w_self_23=w_args_24=w_argc_25=w_28=v29=w_35=w_self_30=None
-    w_args_31=w_args_31=w_argc_32=w_33=w_34=w_36=w_self_17=w_args_18=None
-    w_argc_19=w_argc_19=w_20=w_21=w_22=w_26=w_27=w_self_5=w_args_6=None
-    w_argc_7=w_argc_7=w_8=w_9=w_13=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            w_argc_0 = space.len(w_args_1)
-            w_2 = space.eq(w_argc_0, gi_0)
-            v3 = space.is_true(w_2)
-            if v3 == True:
-                (w_self_5, w_args_6, w_argc_7, w_8, w_9) = (w_self_4, w_args_1,
-                 w_argc_0, w_2, v3)
-                goto = 2
-            else:
-                assert v3 == False
-                w_self_10, w_args_11, w_argc_12 = w_self_4, w_args_1, w_argc_0
-                goto = 3
-        if goto == 2:
-            w_13 = space.setattr(w_self_5, gs_code, space.w_None)
-            w_self_10, w_args_11, w_argc_12 = w_self_5, w_args_6, w_argc_7
-            goto = 3
-        if goto == 3:
-            w_14 = space.setattr(w_self_10, gs_args, w_args_11)
-            w_15 = space.eq(w_argc_12, gi_1)
-            v16 = space.is_true(w_15)
-            if v16 == True:
-                (w_self_17, w_args_18, w_argc_19, w_20, w_21, w_22) = (w_self_10,
-                 w_args_11, w_argc_12, w_14, w_15, v16)
-                goto = 4
-            else:
-                assert v16 == False
-                w_self_23, w_args_24, w_argc_25 = w_self_10, w_args_11, w_argc_12
-                goto = 5
-        if goto == 4:
-            w_26 = space.getitem(w_args_18, gi_0)
-            w_27 = space.setattr(w_self_17, gs_code, w_26)
-            w_self_23, w_args_24, w_argc_25 = w_self_17, w_args_18, w_argc_19
-            goto = 5
-        if goto == 5:
-            w_28 = space.ge(w_argc_25, gi_2)
-            v29 = space.is_true(w_28)
-            if v29 == True:
-                (w_self_30, w_args_31, w_argc_32, w_33, w_34) = (w_self_23,
-                 w_args_24, w_argc_25, w_28, v29)
-                goto = 6
-            else:
-                assert v29 == False
-                w_35 = space.w_None
-                goto = 7
-        if goto == 6:
-            w_36 = space.setattr(w_self_30, gs_code, w_args_31)
-            w_35 = space.w_None
-            goto = 7
-        if goto == 7:
-            return w_35
-fastf_SystemExit___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
-## filename    'd:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.py'
-## function    '__init__'
-## firstlineno 240
-def __init__(space, *args_w):
-    kwlist = ["self"]
-    w_args_1 = space.newtuple(list(args_w[1:]))
-    _args_w = args_w[:1]
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "__init__"
-    w_self_3, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_UnicodeDecodeError___init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1)
-f_UnicodeDecodeError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
-def __init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1):
-    w_argc_0=w_argc_0=w_2=w_4=v5=w_12=w_self_6=w_args_7=w_argc_8=None
-    w_9=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_13=w_14=w_15=w_16=w_17=w_18=w_19=w_20=w_21=None
-    w_22=w_22=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            w_argc_0 = space.len(w_args_1)
-            w_2 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_args, w_args_1)
-            w_4 = space.eq(w_argc_0, gi_5)
-            v5 = space.is_true(w_4)
-            if v5 == True:
-                (w_self_6, w_args_7, w_argc_8, w_9, w_10, w_11) = (w_self_3,
-                 w_args_1, w_argc_0, w_2, w_4, v5)
-                goto = 2
-            else:
-                assert v5 == False
-                w_12 = space.w_None
-                goto = 3
-        if goto == 2:
-            w_13 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_0)
-            w_14 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_encoding, w_13)
-            w_15 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_1)
-            w_16 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_object, w_15)
-            w_17 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_2)
-            w_18 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_start, w_17)
-            w_19 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_3)
-            w_20 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_end, w_19)
-            w_21 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_4)
-            w_22 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_reason, w_21)
-            w_12 = space.w_None
-            goto = 3
-        if goto == 3:
-            return w_12
-fastf_UnicodeDecodeError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
-## filename    'd:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.py'
-## function    '__str__'
-## firstlineno 251
-# global declaration
-# global object gbltinmethod_join_4
-def __str__(space, *args_w):
-    kwlist = ["self"]
-    _args_w = args_w
-    defaults_w = ()
-    funcname = "__str__"
-    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
-    return fastf_UnicodeDecodeError___str__(space, w_self_1)
-f_UnicodeDecodeError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
-def __str__(space, w_self_1):
-    w_0=w_0=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_7=w_8=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_12=w_13=w_14=None
-    w_15=w_15=w_16=w_17=w_18=w_19=w_res_20=w_21=None
-    goto = 1 # startblock
-    while True:
-        if goto == 1:
-            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_object)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_0])
-            w_2 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_3 = space.add(gs_object_, w_2)
-            w_4 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_end)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_4])
-            w_5 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_6 = space.add(gs_end_, w_5)
-            w_7 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_encoding)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_7])
-            w_8 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_9 = space.add(gs_encoding_, w_8)
-            w_10 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_10])
-            w_11 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_12 = space.add(gs_args_, w_11)
-            w_13 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_start)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_13])
-            w_14 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_15 = space.add(gs_start_, w_14)
-            w_16 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_reason)
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_16])
-            w_17 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
-            w_18 = space.add(gs_reason_, w_17)
-            w_19 = space.newlist([w_3, w_6, w_9, w_12, w_15, w_18])
-            _tup = space.newtuple([w_19])
-            w_res_20 = space.call(gbltinmethod_join_4, _tup)
-            w_21 = w_res_20
-            goto = 2
-        if goto == 2:
-            return w_21
-fastf_UnicodeDecodeError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
-def inittest_exceptions_1(space):
-    """NOT_RPYTHON"""
-    class m: pass # fake module
-    m.__dict__ = globals()
-    from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app
-    m.gfunc_test_exceptions = space.wrap(interp2app(f_test_exceptions))
-    m.g48dict = space.newdict([])
-    m.gs_keys = space.wrap('keys')
-    m.gbltinmethod_keys = space.getattr(g48dict, gs_keys)
-    from pypy.translator.geninterplevel import PyArg_ParseMini
-    m.PyArg_ParseMini = PyArg_ParseMini
-    from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
-    m.OperationError = OperationError
-    m.gs_MemoryError = space.wrap('MemoryError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    m.gs___module__ = space.wrap('__module__')
-    m.gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions = space.wrap('pypy.appspace._exceptions')
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    m.gs___doc__ = space.wrap('__doc__')
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Common base class for all exceptions.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    m.gs_Exception = space.wrap('Exception')
-    _bases = space.newtuple([])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_Exception, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_Exception = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for all standard Python exceptions.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    m.gs_StandardError = space.wrap('StandardError')
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Exception])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_StandardError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_StandardError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Out of memory.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_MemoryError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_MemoryError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_MemoryError, gcls_MemoryError)
-    m.gs_ImportError = space.wrap('ImportError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Import can't find module, or can't find name in module.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_ImportError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_ImportError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_ImportError, gcls_ImportError)
-    m.gs_RuntimeError = space.wrap('RuntimeError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Unspecified run-time error.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_RuntimeError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_RuntimeError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_RuntimeError, gcls_RuntimeError)
-    m.gs_UnicodeTranslateError = space.wrap('UnicodeTranslateError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    m.gs_ValueError = space.wrap('ValueError')
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_ValueError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_ValueError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Unicode related error.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    m.gs_UnicodeError = space.wrap('UnicodeError')
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_ValueError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_UnicodeError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_UnicodeError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Unicode translation error.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_UnicodeError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_UnicodeTranslateError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_UnicodeTranslateError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_UnicodeTranslateError, gcls_UnicodeTranslateError)
-    m.gs_KeyError = space.wrap('KeyError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for lookup errors.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    m.gs_LookupError = space.wrap('LookupError')
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_LookupError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_LookupError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Mapping key not found.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_LookupError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_KeyError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_KeyError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_KeyError, gcls_KeyError)
-    m.gs_SyntaxWarning = space.wrap('SyntaxWarning')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warning categories.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    m.gs_Warning = space.wrap('Warning')
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Exception])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_Warning, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_Warning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warnings about dubious syntax.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Warning])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_SyntaxWarning, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_SyntaxWarning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_SyntaxWarning, gcls_SyntaxWarning)
-    m.gs_StopIteration = space.wrap('StopIteration')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Signal the end from iterator.next().""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Exception])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_StopIteration, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_StopIteration = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_StopIteration, gcls_StopIteration)
-    m.gs_PendingDeprecationWarning = space.wrap('PendingDeprecationWarning')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warnings about features which will be deprecated in the future.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Warning])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_PendingDeprecationWarning, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_PendingDeprecationWarning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_PendingDeprecationWarning, gcls_PendingDeprecationWarning)
-    m.gs_EnvironmentError = space.wrap('EnvironmentError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for I/O related errors.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_EnvironmentError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_EnvironmentError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_EnvironmentError, gcls_EnvironmentError)
-    m.gs_SyntaxError = space.wrap('SyntaxError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Invalid syntax.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_SyntaxError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_SyntaxError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_SyntaxError, gcls_SyntaxError)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_LookupError, gcls_LookupError)
-    m.gs_OSError = space.wrap('OSError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""OS system call failed.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_EnvironmentError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_OSError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_OSError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_OSError, gcls_OSError)
-    m.gs_DeprecationWarning = space.wrap('DeprecationWarning')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warnings about deprecated features.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Warning])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_DeprecationWarning, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_DeprecationWarning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_DeprecationWarning, gcls_DeprecationWarning)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_UnicodeError, gcls_UnicodeError)
-    m.gs_FloatingPointError = space.wrap('FloatingPointError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for arithmetic errors.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    m.gs_ArithmeticError = space.wrap('ArithmeticError')
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_ArithmeticError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_ArithmeticError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Floating point operation failed.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_ArithmeticError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_FloatingPointError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_FloatingPointError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_FloatingPointError, gcls_FloatingPointError)
-    m.gs_ReferenceError = space.wrap('ReferenceError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Weak ref proxy used after referent went away.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_ReferenceError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_ReferenceError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_ReferenceError, gcls_ReferenceError)
-    m.gs_NameError = space.wrap('NameError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Name not found globally.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_NameError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_NameError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_NameError, gcls_NameError)
-    m.gs_OverflowWarning = space.wrap('OverflowWarning')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warnings about numeric overflow.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Warning])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_OverflowWarning, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_OverflowWarning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_OverflowWarning, gcls_OverflowWarning)
-    m.gs_IOError = space.wrap('IOError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""I/O operation failed.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_EnvironmentError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_IOError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_IOError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_IOError, gcls_IOError)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_ValueError, gcls_ValueError)
-    m.gs_FutureWarning = space.wrap('FutureWarning')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warnings about constructs that will change semantically in the future.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Warning])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_FutureWarning, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_FutureWarning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_FutureWarning, gcls_FutureWarning)
-    m.gs_SystemExit = space.wrap('SystemExit')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Request to exit from the interpreter.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Exception])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_SystemExit, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_SystemExit = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_SystemExit, gcls_SystemExit)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_Exception, gcls_Exception)
-    m.gs_EOFError = space.wrap('EOFError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Read beyond end of file.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_EOFError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_EOFError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_EOFError, gcls_EOFError)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_StandardError, gcls_StandardError)
-    m.gs___file__ = space.wrap('__file__')
-    m.gs_D___pypy__dist__pypy__appspace__ = space.wrap('D:\\pypy\\dist\\pypy\\appspace\\_exceptions.pyc')
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs___file__, gs_D___pypy__dist__pypy__appspace__)
-    m.gs_TabError = space.wrap('TabError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Improper indentation.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    m.gs_IndentationError = space.wrap('IndentationError')
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_SyntaxError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_IndentationError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_IndentationError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Improper mixture of spaces and tabs.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_IndentationError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_TabError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_TabError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_TabError, gcls_TabError)
-    m.gs_ZeroDivisionError = space.wrap('ZeroDivisionError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Second argument to a division or modulo operation was zero.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_ArithmeticError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_ZeroDivisionError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_ZeroDivisionError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_ZeroDivisionError, gcls_ZeroDivisionError)
-    m.gs_UnicodeEncodeError = space.wrap('UnicodeEncodeError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Unicode encoding error.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_UnicodeError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_UnicodeEncodeError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_UnicodeEncodeError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_UnicodeEncodeError, gcls_UnicodeEncodeError)
-    m.gs_SystemError = space.wrap('SystemError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Internal error in the Python interpreter.
-    Please report this to the Python maintainer, along with the traceback,
-    the Python version, and the hardware/OS platform and version.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_SystemError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_SystemError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_SystemError, gcls_SystemError)
-    m.gs___name__ = space.wrap('__name__')
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs___name__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_IndentationError, gcls_IndentationError)
-    m.gs_AssertionError = space.wrap('AssertionError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Assertion failed.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_AssertionError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_AssertionError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_AssertionError, gcls_AssertionError)
-    m.gs_UnicodeDecodeError = space.wrap('UnicodeDecodeError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Unicode decoding error.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_UnicodeError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_UnicodeDecodeError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_UnicodeDecodeError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_UnicodeDecodeError, gcls_UnicodeDecodeError)
-    m.gs_TypeError = space.wrap('TypeError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Inappropriate argument type.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_TypeError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_TypeError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_TypeError, gcls_TypeError)
-    m.gs_IndexError = space.wrap('IndexError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Sequence index out of range.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_LookupError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_IndexError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_IndexError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_IndexError, gcls_IndexError)
-    m.gs_RuntimeWarning = space.wrap('RuntimeWarning')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warnings about dubious runtime behavior.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Warning])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_RuntimeWarning, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_RuntimeWarning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_RuntimeWarning, gcls_RuntimeWarning)
-    m.gs_KeyboardInterrupt = space.wrap('KeyboardInterrupt')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Program interrupted by user.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_KeyboardInterrupt, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_KeyboardInterrupt = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_KeyboardInterrupt, gcls_KeyboardInterrupt)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs___doc__, space.w_None)
-    m.gs_UserWarning = space.wrap('UserWarning')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warnings generated by user code.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Warning])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_UserWarning, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_UserWarning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_UserWarning, gcls_UserWarning)
-    m.gs_TaskletExit = space.wrap('TaskletExit')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Request to exit from a tasklet.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_SystemExit])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_TaskletExit, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_TaskletExit = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_TaskletExit, gcls_TaskletExit)
-    m.gs_UnboundLocalError = space.wrap('UnboundLocalError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Local name referenced but not bound to a value.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_NameError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_UnboundLocalError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_UnboundLocalError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_UnboundLocalError, gcls_UnboundLocalError)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_ArithmeticError, gcls_ArithmeticError)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_Warning, gcls_Warning)
-    m.gs_NotImplementedError = space.wrap('NotImplementedError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Method or function hasn't been implemented yet.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_RuntimeError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_NotImplementedError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_NotImplementedError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_NotImplementedError, gcls_NotImplementedError)
-    m.gs_AttributeError = space.wrap('AttributeError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Attribute not found.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_AttributeError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_AttributeError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_AttributeError, gcls_AttributeError)
-    m.gs_OverflowError = space.wrap('OverflowError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""Result too large to be represented.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_ArithmeticError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_OverflowError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_OverflowError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_OverflowError, gcls_OverflowError)
-    m.gs_WindowsError = space.wrap('WindowsError')
-    _dic = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
-    _doc = space.wrap("""MS-Windows OS system call failed.""")
-    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
-    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_OSError])
-    _args = space.newtuple([gs_WindowsError, _bases, _dic])
-    m.gcls_WindowsError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
-    space.setitem(g48dict, gs_WindowsError, gcls_WindowsError)
-    m.gs___init__ = space.wrap('__init__')
-    m.gfunc_UnicodeDecodeError___init__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_UnicodeDecodeError___init__))
-    space.setattr(gcls_UnicodeDecodeError, gs___init__, gfunc_UnicodeDecodeError___init__)
-    m.gs___str__ = space.wrap('__str__')
-    m.gfunc_UnicodeDecodeError___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_UnicodeDecodeError___str__))
-    space.setattr(gcls_UnicodeDecodeError, gs___str__, gfunc_UnicodeDecodeError___str__)
-    m.gfunc_UnicodeEncodeError___init__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_UnicodeEncodeError___init__))
-    space.setattr(gcls_UnicodeEncodeError, gs___init__, gfunc_UnicodeEncodeError___init__)
-    m.gfunc_UnicodeEncodeError___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_UnicodeEncodeError___str__))
-    space.setattr(gcls_UnicodeEncodeError, gs___str__, gfunc_UnicodeEncodeError___str__)
-    m.gfunc_SystemExit___init__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_SystemExit___init__))
-    space.setattr(gcls_SystemExit, gs___init__, gfunc_SystemExit___init__)
-    m.gfunc_SyntaxError___init__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_SyntaxError___init__))
-    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs___init__, gfunc_SyntaxError___init__)
-    m.gfunc_SyntaxError___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_SyntaxError___str__))
-    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs___str__, gfunc_SyntaxError___str__)
-    m.gs_filename = space.wrap('filename')
-    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs_filename, space.w_None)
-    m.gs_lineno = space.wrap('lineno')
-    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs_lineno, space.w_None)
-    m.gs_msg = space.wrap('msg')
-    m.gs__emptystr_ = space.wrap('')
-    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs_msg, gs__emptystr_)
-    m.gs_offset = space.wrap('offset')
-    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs_offset, space.w_None)
-    m.gs_print_file_and_line = space.wrap('print_file_and_line')
-    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs_print_file_and_line, space.w_None)
-    m.gs_text = space.wrap('text')
-    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs_text, space.w_None)
-    m.gfunc_EnvironmentError___init__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_EnvironmentError___init__))
-    space.setattr(gcls_EnvironmentError, gs___init__, gfunc_EnvironmentError___init__)
-    m.gfunc_EnvironmentError___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_EnvironmentError___str__))
-    space.setattr(gcls_EnvironmentError, gs___str__, gfunc_EnvironmentError___str__)
-    m.gfunc_KeyError___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_KeyError___str__))
-    space.setattr(gcls_KeyError, gs___str__, gfunc_KeyError___str__)
-    m.gfunc_UnicodeTranslateError___init__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_UnicodeTranslateError___init__))
-    space.setattr(gcls_UnicodeTranslateError, gs___init__, gfunc_UnicodeTranslateError___init__)
-    m.gfunc_UnicodeTranslateError___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_UnicodeTranslateError___str__))
-    space.setattr(gcls_UnicodeTranslateError, gs___str__, gfunc_UnicodeTranslateError___str__)
-    m.gs___getitem__ = space.wrap('__getitem__')
-    m.gfunc_Exception___getitem__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_Exception___getitem__))
-    space.setattr(gcls_Exception, gs___getitem__, gfunc_Exception___getitem__)
-    m.gfunc_Exception___init__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_Exception___init__))
-    space.setattr(gcls_Exception, gs___init__, gfunc_Exception___init__)
-    m.gfunc_Exception___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_Exception___str__))
-    space.setattr(gcls_Exception, gs___str__, gfunc_Exception___str__)
-    m.gs_args = space.wrap('args')
-    m.gi_0 = space.newint(0)
-    m.gi_1 = space.newint(1)
-    m.gs_start = space.wrap('start')
-    m.gs_start_ = space.wrap('start=')
-    m.gs_reason = space.wrap('reason')
-    m.gs_reason_ = space.wrap('reason=')
-    m.gs_args_ = space.wrap('args=')
-    m.gs_end = space.wrap('end')
-    m.gs_end_ = space.wrap('end=')
-    m.gs_object = space.wrap('object')
-    m.gs_object_ = space.wrap('object=')
-    m.gs__ = space.wrap(' ')
-    m.gs_join = space.wrap('join')
-    m.gbltinmethod_join = space.getattr(gs__, gs_join)
-    m.gi_4 = space.newint(4)
-    m.gi_2 = space.newint(2)
-    m.gi_3 = space.newint(3)
-    m.gs_errno = space.wrap('errno')
-    m.gs_errno_ = space.wrap('errno=')
-    m.gs_strerror = space.wrap('strerror')
-    m.gs_strerror_ = space.wrap('strerror=')
-    m.gs_filename_ = space.wrap('filename=')
-    m.gbltinmethod_join_1 = space.getattr(gs__, gs_join)
-    m.gbltinmethod_join_2 = space.getattr(gs__, gs_join)
-    m.gs_code = space.wrap('code')
-    m.gs_encoding = space.wrap('encoding')
-    m.gs_encoding_ = space.wrap('encoding=')
-    m.gbltinmethod_join_3 = space.getattr(gs__, gs_join)
-    m.gi_5 = space.newint(5)
-    m.gbltinmethod_join_4 = space.getattr(gs__, gs_join)
-# entry point: test_exceptions, gfunc_test_exceptions)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    from pypy.objspace.std import StdObjSpace
-    space = StdObjSpace()
-    inittest_exceptions_1(space)
-    print space.unwrap(space.call(
-            gfunc_test_exceptions, space.newtuple([])))
+#!/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: LATIN-1 -*-
+## filename    '/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.py'
+## function    '__getitem__'
+## firstlineno 5
+def __getitem__(space, *args_w):
+    kwlist = ["self", "idx"]
+    _args_w = args_w
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "__getitem__"
+    w_self_1, w_idx_3 = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 2, 2, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_Exception___getitem__(space, w_self_1, w_idx_3)
+f_Exception___getitem__ = globals().pop("__getitem__")
+def __getitem__(space, w_self_1, w_idx_3):
+    w_0=w_0=w_2=w_4=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
+            w_2 = space.getitem(w_0, w_idx_3)
+            w_4 = w_2
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_4
+fastf_Exception___getitem__ = globals().pop("__getitem__")
+## filename    '/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.py'
+## function    '__init__'
+## firstlineno 9
+def __init__(space, *args_w):
+    kwlist = ["self"]
+    w_args_2 = space.newtuple(list(args_w[1:]))
+    _args_w = args_w[:1]
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "__init__"
+    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_Exception___init__(space, w_self_1, w_args_2)
+f_Exception___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
+def __init__(space, w_self_1, w_args_2):
+    w_0=w_0=w_3=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.setattr(w_self_1, gs_args, w_args_2)
+            w_3 = space.w_None
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_3
+fastf_Exception___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
+## filename    '/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.py'
+## function    '__str__'
+## firstlineno 13
+# global declarations
+# global object gs_args
+# global object gi_0
+# global object gi_1
+def __str__(space, *args_w):
+    kwlist = ["self"]
+    _args_w = args_w
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "__str__"
+    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_Exception___str__(space, w_self_1)
+f_Exception___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
+def __str__(space, w_self_1):
+    w_0=w_0=w_argc_2=w_3=v4=w_self_6=w_argc_7=w_8=w_9=v10=w_self_16=None
+    w_argc_17=w_argc_17=w_18=w_22=w_23=w_5=w_self_11=w_argc_12=w_13=None
+    w_14=w_14=w_15=w_19=w_20=w_21=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
+            w_argc_2 = space.len(w_0)
+            w_3 = space.eq(w_argc_2, gi_0)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_5 = gs__emptystr_
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_6, w_argc_7, w_8 = w_self_1, w_argc_2, w_3
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_9 = space.eq(w_argc_7, gi_1)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_9)
+            if v10 == True:
+                (w_self_11, w_argc_12, w_13, w_14, w_15) = (w_self_6, w_argc_7,
+                 w_8, w_9, v10)
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_self_16, w_argc_17, w_18 = w_self_6, w_argc_7, w_9
+                goto = 4
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_19 = space.getattr(w_self_11, gs_args)
+            w_20 = space.getitem(w_19, gi_0)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_20])
+            w_21 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_5 = w_21
+            goto = 5
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_22 = space.getattr(w_self_16, gs_args)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_22])
+            w_23 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_5 = w_23
+            goto = 5
+        if goto == 5:
+            return w_5
+fastf_Exception___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
+## filename    '/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.py'
+## function    '__init__'
+## firstlineno 41
+# global declarations
+# global object gi_4
+# global object gi_2
+# global object gi_3
+def __init__(space, *args_w):
+    kwlist = ["self"]
+    w_args_1 = space.newtuple(list(args_w[1:]))
+    _args_w = args_w[:1]
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "__init__"
+    w_self_3, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_UnicodeTranslateError___init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1)
+f_UnicodeTranslateError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
+def __init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1):
+    w_argc_0=w_argc_0=w_2=w_4=v5=w_12=w_self_6=w_args_7=w_argc_8=None
+    w_9=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_13=w_14=w_15=w_16=w_17=w_18=w_19=w_20=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_argc_0 = space.len(w_args_1)
+            w_2 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_args, w_args_1)
+            w_4 = space.eq(w_argc_0, gi_4)
+            v5 = space.is_true(w_4)
+            if v5 == True:
+                (w_self_6, w_args_7, w_argc_8, w_9, w_10, w_11) = (w_self_3,
+                 w_args_1, w_argc_0, w_2, w_4, v5)
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v5 == False
+                w_12 = space.w_None
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_13 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_0)
+            w_14 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_object, w_13)
+            w_15 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_1)
+            w_16 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_start, w_15)
+            w_17 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_2)
+            w_18 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_end, w_17)
+            w_19 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_3)
+            w_20 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_reason, w_19)
+            w_12 = space.w_None
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_12
+fastf_UnicodeTranslateError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
+## filename    '/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.py'
+## function    '__str__'
+## firstlineno 51
+# global declarations
+# global object gs_start
+# global object gs_start_
+# global object gs_reason
+# global object gs_reason_
+# global object gs_args_
+# global object gs_end
+# global object gs_end_
+# global object gs_object
+# global object gs_object_
+# global object gbltinmethod_join
+# global object gs__
+# global object gs_join
+def __str__(space, *args_w):
+    kwlist = ["self"]
+    _args_w = args_w
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "__str__"
+    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_UnicodeTranslateError___str__(space, w_self_1)
+f_UnicodeTranslateError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
+def __str__(space, w_self_1):
+    w_0=w_0=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_7=w_8=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_12=w_13=w_14=None
+    w_15=w_15=w_16=w_res_17=w_18=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_start)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_0])
+            w_2 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_3 = space.add(gs_start_, w_2)
+            w_4 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_reason)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_4])
+            w_5 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_6 = space.add(gs_reason_, w_5)
+            w_7 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_7])
+            w_8 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_9 = space.add(gs_args_, w_8)
+            w_10 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_end)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_10])
+            w_11 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_12 = space.add(gs_end_, w_11)
+            w_13 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_object)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_13])
+            w_14 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_15 = space.add(gs_object_, w_14)
+            w_16 = space.newlist([w_3, w_6, w_9, w_12, w_15])
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_16])
+            w_res_17 = space.call(gbltinmethod_join, _tup)
+            w_18 = w_res_17
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_18
+fastf_UnicodeTranslateError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
+## filename    '/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.py'
+## function    '__str__'
+## firstlineno 69
+def __str__(space, *args_w):
+    kwlist = ["self"]
+    _args_w = args_w
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "__str__"
+    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_KeyError___str__(space, w_self_1)
+f_KeyError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
+def __str__(space, w_self_1):
+    w_0=w_0=w_argc_2=w_3=v4=w_self_6=w_argc_7=w_8=w_9=v10=w_self_16=None
+    w_argc_17=w_argc_17=w_18=w_22=w_23=w_5=w_self_11=w_argc_12=w_13=None
+    w_14=w_14=w_15=w_19=w_20=w_21=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
+            w_argc_2 = space.len(w_0)
+            w_3 = space.eq(w_argc_2, gi_0)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_5 = gs__emptystr_
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_6, w_argc_7, w_8 = w_self_1, w_argc_2, w_3
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_9 = space.eq(w_argc_7, gi_1)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_9)
+            if v10 == True:
+                (w_self_11, w_argc_12, w_13, w_14, w_15) = (w_self_6, w_argc_7,
+                 w_8, w_9, v10)
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_self_16, w_argc_17, w_18 = w_self_6, w_argc_7, w_9
+                goto = 4
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_19 = space.getattr(w_self_11, gs_args)
+            w_20 = space.getitem(w_19, gi_0)
+            w_21 = space.repr(w_20)
+            w_5 = w_21
+            goto = 5
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_22 = space.getattr(w_self_16, gs_args)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_22])
+            w_23 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_5 = w_23
+            goto = 5
+        if goto == 5:
+            return w_5
+fastf_KeyError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
+## filename    '/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.py'
+## function    '__init__'
+## firstlineno 91
+def __init__(space, *args_w):
+    kwlist = ["self"]
+    w_args_1 = space.newtuple(list(args_w[1:]))
+    _args_w = args_w[:1]
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "__init__"
+    w_self_3, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_EnvironmentError___init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1)
+f_EnvironmentError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
+def __init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1):
+    w_argc_0=w_argc_0=w_2=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_7=v8=w_self_18=w_args_19=None
+    w_argc_20=w_argc_20=w_21=v23=w_self_29=w_args_30=w_argc_31=w_36=None
+    v37=v37=w_43=w_self_38=w_args_39=w_argc_40=w_41=w_42=w_44=w_45=None
+    w_46=w_46=w_47=w_48=w_49=w_self_24=w_args_25=w_argc_26=w_27=w_28=None
+    w_32=w_32=w_33=w_34=w_35=w_self_9=w_args_10=w_argc_11=w_12=w_13=None
+    w_14=w_14=w_15=w_16=w_17=w_22=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_argc_0 = space.len(w_args_1)
+            w_2 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_args, w_args_1)
+            w_4 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_errno, space.w_None)
+            w_5 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_strerror, space.w_None)
+            w_6 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_filename, space.w_None)
+            w_7 = space.le(gi_2, w_argc_0)
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_7)
+            if v8 == True:
+                (w_self_9, w_args_10, w_argc_11, w_12, w_13, w_14, w_15, w_16,
+                 w_17) = (w_self_3, w_args_1, w_argc_0, w_2, w_4, w_5, w_6, w_7,
+                 v8)
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                (w_self_18, w_args_19, w_argc_20, w_21) = (w_self_3, w_args_1,
+                 w_argc_0, w_7)
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_22 = space.le(w_argc_11, gi_3)
+            (w_self_18, w_args_19, w_argc_20, w_21) = (w_self_9, w_args_10,
+             w_argc_11, w_22)
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v23 = space.is_true(w_21)
+            if v23 == True:
+                (w_self_24, w_args_25, w_argc_26, w_27, w_28) = (w_self_18,
+                 w_args_19, w_argc_20, w_21, v23)
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v23 == False
+                w_self_29, w_args_30, w_argc_31 = w_self_18, w_args_19, w_argc_20
+                goto = 5
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_32 = space.getitem(w_args_25, gi_0)
+            w_33 = space.setattr(w_self_24, gs_errno, w_32)
+            w_34 = space.getitem(w_args_25, gi_1)
+            w_35 = space.setattr(w_self_24, gs_strerror, w_34)
+            w_self_29, w_args_30, w_argc_31 = w_self_24, w_args_25, w_argc_26
+            goto = 5
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_36 = space.eq(w_argc_31, gi_3)
+            v37 = space.is_true(w_36)
+            if v37 == True:
+                (w_self_38, w_args_39, w_argc_40, w_41, w_42) = (w_self_29,
+                 w_args_30, w_argc_31, w_36, v37)
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v37 == False
+                w_43 = space.w_None
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_44 = space.getitem(w_args_39, gi_2)
+            w_45 = space.setattr(w_self_38, gs_filename, w_44)
+            w_46 = space.getitem(w_args_39, gi_0)
+            w_47 = space.getitem(w_args_39, gi_1)
+            w_48 = space.newtuple([w_46, w_47])
+            w_49 = space.setattr(w_self_38, gs_args, w_48)
+            w_43 = space.w_None
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_43
+fastf_EnvironmentError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
+## filename    '/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.py'
+## function    '__str__'
+## firstlineno 105
+# global declarations
+# global object gs_errno
+# global object gs_errno_
+# global object gs_strerror
+# global object gs_strerror_
+# global object gs_filename_
+# global object gbltinmethod_join_1
+def __str__(space, *args_w):
+    kwlist = ["self"]
+    _args_w = args_w
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "__str__"
+    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_EnvironmentError___str__(space, w_self_1)
+f_EnvironmentError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
+def __str__(space, w_self_1):
+    w_0=w_0=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_7=w_8=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_12=w_13=w_res_14=None
+    w_15=w_15=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_errno)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_0])
+            w_2 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_3 = space.add(gs_errno_, w_2)
+            w_4 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_4])
+            w_5 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_6 = space.add(gs_args_, w_5)
+            w_7 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_strerror)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_7])
+            w_8 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_9 = space.add(gs_strerror_, w_8)
+            w_10 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_filename)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_10])
+            w_11 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_12 = space.add(gs_filename_, w_11)
+            w_13 = space.newlist([w_3, w_6, w_9, w_12])
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_13])
+            w_res_14 = space.call(gbltinmethod_join_1, _tup)
+            w_15 = w_res_14
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_15
+fastf_EnvironmentError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
+## filename    '/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.py'
+## function    '__init__'
+## firstlineno 149
+def __init__(space, *args_w):
+    kwlist = ["self"]
+    w_args_1 = space.newtuple(list(args_w[1:]))
+    _args_w = args_w[:1]
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "__init__"
+    w_self_3, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_SyntaxError___init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1)
+f_SyntaxError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
+def __init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1):
+    w_argc_0=w_argc_0=w_2=w_4=v5=w_self_12=w_args_13=w_argc_14=w_17=None
+    v18=v18=w_24=w_self_19=w_args_20=w_argc_21=w_22=w_23=w_25=w_26=None
+    w_27=w_27=w_28=w_29=w_30=w_31=w_32=w_33=w_34=w_35=w_36=w_self_6=None
+    w_args_7=w_args_7=w_argc_8=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_15=w_16=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_argc_0 = space.len(w_args_1)
+            w_2 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_args, w_args_1)
+            w_4 = space.ge(w_argc_0, gi_1)
+            v5 = space.is_true(w_4)
+            if v5 == True:
+                (w_self_6, w_args_7, w_argc_8, w_9, w_10, w_11) = (w_self_3,
+                 w_args_1, w_argc_0, w_2, w_4, v5)
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v5 == False
+                w_self_12, w_args_13, w_argc_14 = w_self_3, w_args_1, w_argc_0
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_15 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_0)
+            w_16 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_msg, w_15)
+            w_self_12, w_args_13, w_argc_14 = w_self_6, w_args_7, w_argc_8
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_17 = space.eq(w_argc_14, gi_2)
+            v18 = space.is_true(w_17)
+            if v18 == True:
+                (w_self_19, w_args_20, w_argc_21, w_22, w_23) = (w_self_12,
+                 w_args_13, w_argc_14, w_17, v18)
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v18 == False
+                w_24 = space.w_None
+                goto = 5
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_25 = space.getitem(w_args_20, gi_1)
+            w_26 = space.getitem(w_25, gi_0)
+            w_27 = space.setattr(w_self_19, gs_filename, w_26)
+            w_28 = space.getitem(w_args_20, gi_1)
+            w_29 = space.getitem(w_28, gi_1)
+            w_30 = space.setattr(w_self_19, gs_lineno, w_29)
+            w_31 = space.getitem(w_args_20, gi_1)
+            w_32 = space.getitem(w_31, gi_2)
+            w_33 = space.setattr(w_self_19, gs_offset, w_32)
+            w_34 = space.getitem(w_args_20, gi_1)
+            w_35 = space.getitem(w_34, gi_3)
+            w_36 = space.setattr(w_self_19, gs_text, w_35)
+            w_24 = space.w_None
+            goto = 5
+        if goto == 5:
+            return w_24
+fastf_SyntaxError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
+## filename    '/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.py'
+## function    '__str__'
+## firstlineno 161
+# global declaration
+# global object gbltinmethod_join_2
+def __str__(space, *args_w):
+    kwlist = ["self"]
+    _args_w = args_w
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "__str__"
+    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_SyntaxError___str__(space, w_self_1)
+f_SyntaxError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
+def __str__(space, w_self_1):
+    w_0=w_0=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_res_5=w_6=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_0])
+            w_2 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_3 = space.add(gs_args_, w_2)
+            w_4 = space.newlist([w_3])
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_4])
+            w_res_5 = space.call(gbltinmethod_join_2, _tup)
+            w_6 = w_res_5
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_6
+fastf_SyntaxError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
+## filename    '/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.py'
+## function    '__init__'
+## firstlineno 175
+# global declaration
+# global object gs_code
+def __init__(space, *args_w):
+    kwlist = ["self"]
+    w_args_1 = space.newtuple(list(args_w[1:]))
+    _args_w = args_w[:1]
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "__init__"
+    w_self_4, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_SystemExit___init__(space, w_self_4, w_args_1)
+f_SystemExit___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
+def __init__(space, w_self_4, w_args_1):
+    w_argc_0=w_argc_0=w_2=v3=w_self_10=w_args_11=w_argc_12=w_14=w_15=None
+    v16=v16=w_self_23=w_args_24=w_argc_25=w_28=v29=w_35=w_self_30=None
+    w_args_31=w_args_31=w_argc_32=w_33=w_34=w_36=w_self_17=w_args_18=None
+    w_argc_19=w_argc_19=w_20=w_21=w_22=w_26=w_27=w_self_5=w_args_6=None
+    w_argc_7=w_argc_7=w_8=w_9=w_13=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_argc_0 = space.len(w_args_1)
+            w_2 = space.eq(w_argc_0, gi_0)
+            v3 = space.is_true(w_2)
+            if v3 == True:
+                (w_self_5, w_args_6, w_argc_7, w_8, w_9) = (w_self_4, w_args_1,
+                 w_argc_0, w_2, v3)
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v3 == False
+                w_self_10, w_args_11, w_argc_12 = w_self_4, w_args_1, w_argc_0
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_13 = space.setattr(w_self_5, gs_code, space.w_None)
+            w_self_10, w_args_11, w_argc_12 = w_self_5, w_args_6, w_argc_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_14 = space.setattr(w_self_10, gs_args, w_args_11)
+            w_15 = space.eq(w_argc_12, gi_1)
+            v16 = space.is_true(w_15)
+            if v16 == True:
+                (w_self_17, w_args_18, w_argc_19, w_20, w_21, w_22) = (w_self_10,
+                 w_args_11, w_argc_12, w_14, w_15, v16)
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v16 == False
+                w_self_23, w_args_24, w_argc_25 = w_self_10, w_args_11, w_argc_12
+                goto = 5
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_26 = space.getitem(w_args_18, gi_0)
+            w_27 = space.setattr(w_self_17, gs_code, w_26)
+            w_self_23, w_args_24, w_argc_25 = w_self_17, w_args_18, w_argc_19
+            goto = 5
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_28 = space.ge(w_argc_25, gi_2)
+            v29 = space.is_true(w_28)
+            if v29 == True:
+                (w_self_30, w_args_31, w_argc_32, w_33, w_34) = (w_self_23,
+                 w_args_24, w_argc_25, w_28, v29)
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v29 == False
+                w_35 = space.w_None
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_36 = space.setattr(w_self_30, gs_code, w_args_31)
+            w_35 = space.w_None
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_35
+fastf_SystemExit___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
+## filename    '/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.py'
+## function    '__init__'
+## firstlineno 210
+def __init__(space, *args_w):
+    kwlist = ["self"]
+    w_args_1 = space.newtuple(list(args_w[1:]))
+    _args_w = args_w[:1]
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "__init__"
+    w_self_3, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_UnicodeDecodeError___init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1)
+f_UnicodeDecodeError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
+def __init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1):
+    w_argc_0=w_argc_0=w_2=w_4=v5=w_12=w_self_6=w_args_7=w_argc_8=None
+    w_9=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_13=w_14=w_15=w_16=w_17=w_18=w_19=w_20=w_21=None
+    w_22=w_22=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_argc_0 = space.len(w_args_1)
+            w_2 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_args, w_args_1)
+            w_4 = space.eq(w_argc_0, gi_5)
+            v5 = space.is_true(w_4)
+            if v5 == True:
+                (w_self_6, w_args_7, w_argc_8, w_9, w_10, w_11) = (w_self_3,
+                 w_args_1, w_argc_0, w_2, w_4, v5)
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v5 == False
+                w_12 = space.w_None
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_13 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_0)
+            w_14 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_encoding, w_13)
+            w_15 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_1)
+            w_16 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_object, w_15)
+            w_17 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_2)
+            w_18 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_start, w_17)
+            w_19 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_3)
+            w_20 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_end, w_19)
+            w_21 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_4)
+            w_22 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_reason, w_21)
+            w_12 = space.w_None
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_12
+fastf_UnicodeDecodeError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
+## filename    '/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.py'
+## function    '__str__'
+## firstlineno 221
+# global declaration
+# global object gbltinmethod_join_4
+def __str__(space, *args_w):
+    kwlist = ["self"]
+    _args_w = args_w
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "__str__"
+    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_UnicodeDecodeError___str__(space, w_self_1)
+f_UnicodeDecodeError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
+def __str__(space, w_self_1):
+    w_0=w_0=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_7=w_8=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_12=w_13=w_14=None
+    w_15=w_15=w_16=w_17=w_18=w_19=w_res_20=w_21=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_object)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_0])
+            w_2 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_3 = space.add(gs_object_, w_2)
+            w_4 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_end)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_4])
+            w_5 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_6 = space.add(gs_end_, w_5)
+            w_7 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_encoding)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_7])
+            w_8 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_9 = space.add(gs_encoding_, w_8)
+            w_10 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_10])
+            w_11 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_12 = space.add(gs_args_, w_11)
+            w_13 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_start)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_13])
+            w_14 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_15 = space.add(gs_start_, w_14)
+            w_16 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_reason)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_16])
+            w_17 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_18 = space.add(gs_reason_, w_17)
+            w_19 = space.newlist([w_3, w_6, w_9, w_12, w_15, w_18])
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_19])
+            w_res_20 = space.call(gbltinmethod_join_4, _tup)
+            w_21 = w_res_20
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_21
+fastf_UnicodeDecodeError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
+## filename    '/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.py'
+## function    '__init__'
+## firstlineno 270
+# global declaration
+# global object gi_5
+def __init__(space, *args_w):
+    kwlist = ["self"]
+    w_args_1 = space.newtuple(list(args_w[1:]))
+    _args_w = args_w[:1]
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "__init__"
+    w_self_3, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_UnicodeEncodeError___init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1)
+f_UnicodeEncodeError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
+def __init__(space, w_self_3, w_args_1):
+    w_argc_0=w_argc_0=w_2=w_4=v5=w_12=w_self_6=w_args_7=w_argc_8=None
+    w_9=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_13=w_14=w_15=w_16=w_17=w_18=w_19=w_20=w_21=None
+    w_22=w_22=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_argc_0 = space.len(w_args_1)
+            w_2 = space.setattr(w_self_3, gs_args, w_args_1)
+            w_4 = space.eq(w_argc_0, gi_5)
+            v5 = space.is_true(w_4)
+            if v5 == True:
+                (w_self_6, w_args_7, w_argc_8, w_9, w_10, w_11) = (w_self_3,
+                 w_args_1, w_argc_0, w_2, w_4, v5)
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v5 == False
+                w_12 = space.w_None
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_13 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_0)
+            w_14 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_encoding, w_13)
+            w_15 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_1)
+            w_16 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_object, w_15)
+            w_17 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_2)
+            w_18 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_start, w_17)
+            w_19 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_3)
+            w_20 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_end, w_19)
+            w_21 = space.getitem(w_args_7, gi_4)
+            w_22 = space.setattr(w_self_6, gs_reason, w_21)
+            w_12 = space.w_None
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_12
+fastf_UnicodeEncodeError___init__ = globals().pop("__init__")
+## filename    '/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.py'
+## function    '__str__'
+## firstlineno 281
+# global declarations
+# global object gs_encoding
+# global object gs_encoding_
+# global object gbltinmethod_join_3
+def __str__(space, *args_w):
+    kwlist = ["self"]
+    _args_w = args_w
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "__str__"
+    w_self_1, = PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 1, 1, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_UnicodeEncodeError___str__(space, w_self_1)
+f_UnicodeEncodeError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
+def __str__(space, w_self_1):
+    w_0=w_0=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_7=w_8=w_9=w_10=w_11=w_12=w_13=w_14=None
+    w_15=w_15=w_16=w_17=w_18=w_19=w_res_20=w_21=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_object)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_0])
+            w_2 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_3 = space.add(gs_object_, w_2)
+            w_4 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_end)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_4])
+            w_5 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_6 = space.add(gs_end_, w_5)
+            w_7 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_encoding)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_7])
+            w_8 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_9 = space.add(gs_encoding_, w_8)
+            w_10 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_args)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_10])
+            w_11 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_12 = space.add(gs_args_, w_11)
+            w_13 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_start)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_13])
+            w_14 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_15 = space.add(gs_start_, w_14)
+            w_16 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs_reason)
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_16])
+            w_17 = space.call(space.w_str, _tup)
+            w_18 = space.add(gs_reason_, w_17)
+            w_19 = space.newlist([w_3, w_6, w_9, w_12, w_15, w_18])
+            _tup = space.newtuple([w_19])
+            w_res_20 = space.call(gbltinmethod_join_3, _tup)
+            w_21 = w_res_20
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_21
+fastf_UnicodeEncodeError___str__ = globals().pop("__str__")
+## filename    'geninterplevel.py'
+## function    'test_exceptions'
+## firstlineno 1253
+# global declarations
+# global object gfunc_test_exceptions
+# global object gbltinmethod_keys
+# global object g46dict
+# global object gs_keys
+def test_exceptions(space, *args_w):
+    """ enumerate all exceptions """
+    kwlist = []
+    _args_w = args_w
+    defaults_w = ()
+    funcname = "test_exceptions"
+    PyArg_ParseMini(space, funcname, 0, 0, _args_w, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_test_exceptions(space, )
+f_test_exceptions = globals().pop("test_exceptions")
+def test_exceptions(space, ):
+    """ enumerate all exceptions """
+    w_0=w_0=w_1=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            _tup = space.newtuple([])
+            w_0 = space.call(gbltinmethod_keys, _tup)
+            w_1 = w_0
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_1
+fastf_test_exceptions = globals().pop("test_exceptions")
+# global declarations
+# global object gs_MemoryError
+# global object gcls_MemoryError
+# global object gcls_StandardError
+# global object gcls_Exception
+# global object gs___module__
+# global object gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions
+# global object gs___doc__
+# global object gs_Exception
+# global object gs_StandardError
+# global object gs_ImportError
+# global object gcls_ImportError
+# global object gs_RuntimeError
+# global object gcls_RuntimeError
+# global object gs_UnicodeTranslateError
+# global object gcls_UnicodeTranslateError
+# global object gcls_UnicodeError
+# global object gcls_ValueError
+# global object gs_ValueError
+# global object gs_UnicodeError
+# global object gs_KeyError
+# global object gcls_KeyError
+# global object gcls_LookupError
+# global object gs_LookupError
+# global object gs_StopIteration
+# global object gcls_StopIteration
+# global object gs_SyntaxWarning
+# global object gcls_SyntaxWarning
+# global object gcls_Warning
+# global object gs_Warning
+# global object gs_EnvironmentError
+# global object gcls_EnvironmentError
+# global object gs_OSError
+# global object gcls_OSError
+# global object gs_DeprecationWarning
+# global object gcls_DeprecationWarning
+# global object gs_FloatingPointError
+# global object gcls_FloatingPointError
+# global object gcls_ArithmeticError
+# global object gs_ArithmeticError
+# global object gs_ReferenceError
+# global object gcls_ReferenceError
+# global object gs_NameError
+# global object gcls_NameError
+# global object gs_OverflowWarning
+# global object gcls_OverflowWarning
+# global object gs_IOError
+# global object gcls_IOError
+# global object gs_FutureWarning
+# global object gcls_FutureWarning
+# global object gs_ZeroDivisionError
+# global object gcls_ZeroDivisionError
+# global object gs_SystemExit
+# global object gcls_SystemExit
+# global object gs_EOFError
+# global object gcls_EOFError
+# global object gs___file__
+# global object gs__home_arigo_svn_pypy_dist_pypy_a
+# global object gs_TabError
+# global object gcls_TabError
+# global object gcls_IndentationError
+# global object gcls_SyntaxError
+# global object gs_SyntaxError
+# global object gs_IndentationError
+# global object gs_UnicodeEncodeError
+# global object gcls_UnicodeEncodeError
+# global object gs_SystemError
+# global object gcls_SystemError
+# global object gs___name__
+# global object gs_AssertionError
+# global object gcls_AssertionError
+# global object gs_UnicodeDecodeError
+# global object gcls_UnicodeDecodeError
+# global object gs_TypeError
+# global object gcls_TypeError
+# global object gs_IndexError
+# global object gcls_IndexError
+# global object gs_RuntimeWarning
+# global object gcls_RuntimeWarning
+# global object gs_KeyboardInterrupt
+# global object gcls_KeyboardInterrupt
+# global object gs_UserWarning
+# global object gcls_UserWarning
+# global object gs_PendingDeprecationWarning
+# global object gcls_PendingDeprecationWarning
+# global object gs_UnboundLocalError
+# global object gcls_UnboundLocalError
+# global object gs_NotImplementedError
+# global object gcls_NotImplementedError
+# global object gs_AttributeError
+# global object gcls_AttributeError
+# global object gs_OverflowError
+# global object gcls_OverflowError
+# global object gs___init__
+# global object gfunc_UnicodeDecodeError___init__
+# global object gs___str__
+# global object gfunc_UnicodeDecodeError___str__
+# global object gfunc_UnicodeEncodeError___init__
+# global object gfunc_UnicodeEncodeError___str__
+# global object gfunc_SyntaxError___init__
+# global object gfunc_SyntaxError___str__
+# global object gs_filename
+# global object gs_lineno
+# global object gs_msg
+# global object gs__emptystr_
+# global object gs_offset
+# global object gs_print_file_and_line
+# global object gs_text
+# global object gfunc_SystemExit___init__
+# global object gfunc_EnvironmentError___init__
+# global object gfunc_EnvironmentError___str__
+# global object gfunc_KeyError___str__
+# global object gfunc_UnicodeTranslateError___init__
+# global object gfunc_UnicodeTranslateError___str__
+# global object gs___getitem__
+# global object gfunc_Exception___getitem__
+# global object gfunc_Exception___init__
+# global object gfunc_Exception___str__
+def inittest_exceptions_1(space):
+    """NOT_RPYTHON"""
+    class m: pass # fake module
+    m.__dict__ = globals()
+    from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app
+    m.gfunc_test_exceptions = space.wrap(interp2app(f_test_exceptions))
+    m.g46dict = space.newdict([])
+    m.gs_keys = space.wrap('keys')
+    m.gbltinmethod_keys = space.getattr(g46dict, gs_keys)
+    def PyArg_ParseMini(space, name, minargs, maxargs, args_w, defaults_w):
+        err = None
+        if len(args_w) < minargs:
+            txt = "%s() takes at least %d argument%s (%d given)"
+            plural = ['s', ''][minargs == 1]
+            err = (name, minargs, plural, len(args_w))
+        if len(args_w) > maxargs:
+            plural = ['s', ''][maxargs == 1]
+            if minargs == maxargs:
+                if minargs == 0:
+                    txt = '%s() takes no arguments (%d given)'
+                    err = (name, len(args_w))
+                elif minargs == 1:
+                    txt = '%s() takes exactly %d argument%s (%d given)'
+                    err = (name, maxargs, plural, len(args_w))
+            else:
+                txt = '%s() takes at most %d argument%s (%d given)'
+                err = (name, maxargs, plural, len(args_w))
+        if err:
+            w_txt = space.wrap(txt)
+            w_tup = space.wrap(err)
+            w_txt = space.mod(w_txt, w_tup)
+            raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError, w_txt)
+        # finally, we create the result ;-)
+        res_w = args_w + defaults_w[len(args_w) - minargs:]
+        assert len(res_w) == maxargs
+        return res_w
+    m.PyArg_ParseMini = PyArg_ParseMini
+    from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
+    m.OperationError = OperationError
+    m.gs_MemoryError = space.wrap('MemoryError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    m.gs___module__ = space.wrap('__module__')
+    m.gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions = space.wrap('pypy.appspace._exceptions')
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    m.gs___doc__ = space.wrap('__doc__')
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Common base class for all exceptions.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    m.gs_Exception = space.wrap('Exception')
+    _bases = space.newtuple([])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_Exception, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_Exception = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for all standard Python exceptions.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    m.gs_StandardError = space.wrap('StandardError')
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Exception])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_StandardError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_StandardError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Out of memory.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_MemoryError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_MemoryError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_MemoryError, gcls_MemoryError)
+    m.gs_ImportError = space.wrap('ImportError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Import can't find module, or can't find name in module.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_ImportError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_ImportError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_ImportError, gcls_ImportError)
+    m.gs_RuntimeError = space.wrap('RuntimeError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Unspecified run-time error.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_RuntimeError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_RuntimeError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_RuntimeError, gcls_RuntimeError)
+    m.gs_UnicodeTranslateError = space.wrap('UnicodeTranslateError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    m.gs_ValueError = space.wrap('ValueError')
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_ValueError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_ValueError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Unicode related error.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    m.gs_UnicodeError = space.wrap('UnicodeError')
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_ValueError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_UnicodeError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_UnicodeError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Unicode translation error.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_UnicodeError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_UnicodeTranslateError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_UnicodeTranslateError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_UnicodeTranslateError, gcls_UnicodeTranslateError)
+    m.gs_KeyError = space.wrap('KeyError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for lookup errors.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    m.gs_LookupError = space.wrap('LookupError')
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_LookupError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_LookupError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Mapping key not found.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_LookupError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_KeyError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_KeyError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_KeyError, gcls_KeyError)
+    m.gs_StopIteration = space.wrap('StopIteration')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Signal the end from iterator.next().""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Exception])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_StopIteration, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_StopIteration = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_StopIteration, gcls_StopIteration)
+    m.gs_SyntaxWarning = space.wrap('SyntaxWarning')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warning categories.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    m.gs_Warning = space.wrap('Warning')
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Exception])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_Warning, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_Warning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warnings about dubious syntax.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Warning])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_SyntaxWarning, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_SyntaxWarning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_SyntaxWarning, gcls_SyntaxWarning)
+    m.gs_EnvironmentError = space.wrap('EnvironmentError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for I/O related errors.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_EnvironmentError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_EnvironmentError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_EnvironmentError, gcls_EnvironmentError)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_LookupError, gcls_LookupError)
+    m.gs_OSError = space.wrap('OSError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""OS system call failed.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_EnvironmentError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_OSError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_OSError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_OSError, gcls_OSError)
+    m.gs_DeprecationWarning = space.wrap('DeprecationWarning')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warnings about deprecated features.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Warning])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_DeprecationWarning, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_DeprecationWarning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_DeprecationWarning, gcls_DeprecationWarning)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_UnicodeError, gcls_UnicodeError)
+    m.gs_FloatingPointError = space.wrap('FloatingPointError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for arithmetic errors.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    m.gs_ArithmeticError = space.wrap('ArithmeticError')
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_ArithmeticError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_ArithmeticError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Floating point operation failed.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_ArithmeticError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_FloatingPointError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_FloatingPointError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_FloatingPointError, gcls_FloatingPointError)
+    m.gs_ReferenceError = space.wrap('ReferenceError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Weak ref proxy used after referent went away.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_ReferenceError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_ReferenceError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_ReferenceError, gcls_ReferenceError)
+    m.gs_NameError = space.wrap('NameError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Name not found globally.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_NameError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_NameError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_NameError, gcls_NameError)
+    m.gs_OverflowWarning = space.wrap('OverflowWarning')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warnings about numeric overflow.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Warning])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_OverflowWarning, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_OverflowWarning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_OverflowWarning, gcls_OverflowWarning)
+    m.gs_IOError = space.wrap('IOError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""I/O operation failed.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_EnvironmentError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_IOError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_IOError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_IOError, gcls_IOError)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_ValueError, gcls_ValueError)
+    m.gs_FutureWarning = space.wrap('FutureWarning')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warnings about constructs that will change semantically in the future.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Warning])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_FutureWarning, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_FutureWarning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_FutureWarning, gcls_FutureWarning)
+    m.gs_ZeroDivisionError = space.wrap('ZeroDivisionError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Second argument to a division or modulo operation was zero.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_ArithmeticError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_ZeroDivisionError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_ZeroDivisionError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_ZeroDivisionError, gcls_ZeroDivisionError)
+    m.gs_SystemExit = space.wrap('SystemExit')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Request to exit from the interpreter.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Exception])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_SystemExit, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_SystemExit = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_SystemExit, gcls_SystemExit)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_Exception, gcls_Exception)
+    m.gs_EOFError = space.wrap('EOFError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Read beyond end of file.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_EOFError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_EOFError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_EOFError, gcls_EOFError)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_StandardError, gcls_StandardError)
+    m.gs___file__ = space.wrap('__file__')
+    m.gs__home_arigo_svn_pypy_dist_pypy_a = space.wrap('/home/arigo/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/_exceptions.pyc')
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs___file__, gs__home_arigo_svn_pypy_dist_pypy_a)
+    m.gs_TabError = space.wrap('TabError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Invalid syntax.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    m.gs_SyntaxError = space.wrap('SyntaxError')
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_SyntaxError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_SyntaxError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Improper indentation.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    m.gs_IndentationError = space.wrap('IndentationError')
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_SyntaxError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_IndentationError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_IndentationError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Improper mixture of spaces and tabs.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_IndentationError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_TabError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_TabError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_TabError, gcls_TabError)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_SyntaxError, gcls_SyntaxError)
+    m.gs_UnicodeEncodeError = space.wrap('UnicodeEncodeError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Unicode encoding error.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_UnicodeError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_UnicodeEncodeError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_UnicodeEncodeError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_UnicodeEncodeError, gcls_UnicodeEncodeError)
+    m.gs_SystemError = space.wrap('SystemError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Internal error in the Python interpreter.
+    Please report this to the Python maintainer, along with the traceback,
+    the Python version, and the hardware/OS platform and version.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_SystemError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_SystemError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_SystemError, gcls_SystemError)
+    m.gs___name__ = space.wrap('__name__')
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs___name__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_IndentationError, gcls_IndentationError)
+    m.gs_AssertionError = space.wrap('AssertionError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Assertion failed.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_AssertionError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_AssertionError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_AssertionError, gcls_AssertionError)
+    m.gs_UnicodeDecodeError = space.wrap('UnicodeDecodeError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Unicode decoding error.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_UnicodeError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_UnicodeDecodeError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_UnicodeDecodeError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_UnicodeDecodeError, gcls_UnicodeDecodeError)
+    m.gs_TypeError = space.wrap('TypeError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Inappropriate argument type.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_TypeError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_TypeError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_TypeError, gcls_TypeError)
+    m.gs_IndexError = space.wrap('IndexError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Sequence index out of range.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_LookupError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_IndexError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_IndexError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_IndexError, gcls_IndexError)
+    m.gs_RuntimeWarning = space.wrap('RuntimeWarning')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warnings about dubious runtime behavior.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Warning])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_RuntimeWarning, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_RuntimeWarning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_RuntimeWarning, gcls_RuntimeWarning)
+    m.gs_KeyboardInterrupt = space.wrap('KeyboardInterrupt')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Program interrupted by user.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_KeyboardInterrupt, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_KeyboardInterrupt = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_KeyboardInterrupt, gcls_KeyboardInterrupt)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs___doc__, space.w_None)
+    m.gs_UserWarning = space.wrap('UserWarning')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warnings generated by user code.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Warning])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_UserWarning, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_UserWarning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_UserWarning, gcls_UserWarning)
+    m.gs_PendingDeprecationWarning = space.wrap('PendingDeprecationWarning')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Base class for warnings about features which will be deprecated in the future.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_Warning])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_PendingDeprecationWarning, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_PendingDeprecationWarning = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_PendingDeprecationWarning, gcls_PendingDeprecationWarning)
+    m.gs_UnboundLocalError = space.wrap('UnboundLocalError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Local name referenced but not bound to a value.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_NameError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_UnboundLocalError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_UnboundLocalError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_UnboundLocalError, gcls_UnboundLocalError)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_ArithmeticError, gcls_ArithmeticError)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_Warning, gcls_Warning)
+    m.gs_NotImplementedError = space.wrap('NotImplementedError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Method or function hasn't been implemented yet.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_RuntimeError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_NotImplementedError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_NotImplementedError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_NotImplementedError, gcls_NotImplementedError)
+    m.gs_AttributeError = space.wrap('AttributeError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Attribute not found.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_StandardError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_AttributeError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_AttributeError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_AttributeError, gcls_AttributeError)
+    m.gs_OverflowError = space.wrap('OverflowError')
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs_pypy_appspace__exceptions)
+    _doc = space.wrap("""Result too large to be represented.""")
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___doc__, _doc)
+    _bases = space.newtuple([gcls_ArithmeticError])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_OverflowError, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_OverflowError = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    space.setitem(g46dict, gs_OverflowError, gcls_OverflowError)
+    m.gs___init__ = space.wrap('__init__')
+    m.gfunc_UnicodeDecodeError___init__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_UnicodeDecodeError___init__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_UnicodeDecodeError, gs___init__, gfunc_UnicodeDecodeError___init__)
+    m.gs___str__ = space.wrap('__str__')
+    m.gfunc_UnicodeDecodeError___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_UnicodeDecodeError___str__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_UnicodeDecodeError, gs___str__, gfunc_UnicodeDecodeError___str__)
+    m.gfunc_UnicodeEncodeError___init__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_UnicodeEncodeError___init__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_UnicodeEncodeError, gs___init__, gfunc_UnicodeEncodeError___init__)
+    m.gfunc_UnicodeEncodeError___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_UnicodeEncodeError___str__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_UnicodeEncodeError, gs___str__, gfunc_UnicodeEncodeError___str__)
+    m.gfunc_SyntaxError___init__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_SyntaxError___init__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs___init__, gfunc_SyntaxError___init__)
+    m.gfunc_SyntaxError___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_SyntaxError___str__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs___str__, gfunc_SyntaxError___str__)
+    m.gs_filename = space.wrap('filename')
+    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs_filename, space.w_None)
+    m.gs_lineno = space.wrap('lineno')
+    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs_lineno, space.w_None)
+    m.gs_msg = space.wrap('msg')
+    m.gs__emptystr_ = space.wrap('')
+    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs_msg, gs__emptystr_)
+    m.gs_offset = space.wrap('offset')
+    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs_offset, space.w_None)
+    m.gs_print_file_and_line = space.wrap('print_file_and_line')
+    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs_print_file_and_line, space.w_None)
+    m.gs_text = space.wrap('text')
+    space.setattr(gcls_SyntaxError, gs_text, space.w_None)
+    m.gfunc_SystemExit___init__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_SystemExit___init__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_SystemExit, gs___init__, gfunc_SystemExit___init__)
+    m.gfunc_EnvironmentError___init__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_EnvironmentError___init__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_EnvironmentError, gs___init__, gfunc_EnvironmentError___init__)
+    m.gfunc_EnvironmentError___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_EnvironmentError___str__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_EnvironmentError, gs___str__, gfunc_EnvironmentError___str__)
+    m.gfunc_KeyError___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_KeyError___str__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_KeyError, gs___str__, gfunc_KeyError___str__)
+    m.gfunc_UnicodeTranslateError___init__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_UnicodeTranslateError___init__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_UnicodeTranslateError, gs___init__, gfunc_UnicodeTranslateError___init__)
+    m.gfunc_UnicodeTranslateError___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_UnicodeTranslateError___str__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_UnicodeTranslateError, gs___str__, gfunc_UnicodeTranslateError___str__)
+    m.gs___getitem__ = space.wrap('__getitem__')
+    m.gfunc_Exception___getitem__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_Exception___getitem__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_Exception, gs___getitem__, gfunc_Exception___getitem__)
+    m.gfunc_Exception___init__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_Exception___init__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_Exception, gs___init__, gfunc_Exception___init__)
+    m.gfunc_Exception___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_Exception___str__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_Exception, gs___str__, gfunc_Exception___str__)
+    m.gs_args = space.wrap('args')
+    m.gi_0 = space.newint(0)
+    m.gi_1 = space.newint(1)
+    m.gs_start = space.wrap('start')
+    m.gs_start_ = space.wrap('start=')
+    m.gs_reason = space.wrap('reason')
+    m.gs_reason_ = space.wrap('reason=')
+    m.gs_args_ = space.wrap('args=')
+    m.gs_end = space.wrap('end')
+    m.gs_end_ = space.wrap('end=')
+    m.gs_object = space.wrap('object')
+    m.gs_object_ = space.wrap('object=')
+    m.gs__ = space.wrap(' ')
+    m.gs_join = space.wrap('join')
+    m.gbltinmethod_join = space.getattr(gs__, gs_join)
+    m.gi_4 = space.newint(4)
+    m.gi_2 = space.newint(2)
+    m.gi_3 = space.newint(3)
+    m.gs_errno = space.wrap('errno')
+    m.gs_errno_ = space.wrap('errno=')
+    m.gs_strerror = space.wrap('strerror')
+    m.gs_strerror_ = space.wrap('strerror=')
+    m.gs_filename_ = space.wrap('filename=')
+    m.gbltinmethod_join_1 = space.getattr(gs__, gs_join)
+    m.gs_code = space.wrap('code')
+    m.gbltinmethod_join_2 = space.getattr(gs__, gs_join)
+    m.gs_encoding = space.wrap('encoding')
+    m.gs_encoding_ = space.wrap('encoding=')
+    m.gbltinmethod_join_3 = space.getattr(gs__, gs_join)
+    m.gi_5 = space.newint(5)
+    m.gbltinmethod_join_4 = space.getattr(gs__, gs_join)
+# entry point: test_exceptions, gfunc_test_exceptions)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    from pypy.objspace.std import StdObjSpace
+    space = StdObjSpace()
+    inittest_exceptions_1(space)
+    print space.unwrap(space.call(
+            gfunc_test_exceptions, space.newtuple([])))

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/geninterplevel.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/geninterplevel.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/geninterplevel.py	Fri Jan 28 11:10:39 2005
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 from __future__ import generators
-import autopath, os, sys, exceptions
+import autopath, os, sys, exceptions, inspect
 from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Variable, Constant, SpaceOperation
 from pypy.objspace.flow.model import FunctionGraph, Block, Link
 from pypy.objspace.flow.model import last_exception, last_exc_value
@@ -889,7 +889,7 @@
         print >> f, '    defaults_w = (%s)' % tupstr(name_of_defaults)
         theargs = [arg for arg in fast_args if arg != varname]
-        txt = ('from pypy.translator.geninterplevel import PyArg_ParseMini\n'
+        txt = inspect.getsource(PyArg_ParseMini) + ('\n'
                'm.PyArg_ParseMini = PyArg_ParseMini\n'
                'from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError\n'
                'm.OperationError = OperationError')
@@ -1291,7 +1291,7 @@
     gen.use_fast_call = True
     import pypy.appspace.generated as tmp
     pth = os.path.dirname(tmp.__file__)
-    ftmpname = "d:/tmp/look.py"
+    ftmpname = "/tmp/look.py"
     fname = os.path.join(pth, gen.modname+".py")
     gen.gen_source(fname, ftmpname)

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