[pypy-svn] r8542 - pypy/dist/pypy/appspace

tismer at codespeak.net tismer at codespeak.net
Tue Jan 25 11:40:12 CET 2005

Author: tismer
Date: Tue Jan 25 11:40:12 2005
New Revision: 8542

temporary auto-generated exceptions.py file.
This will be enhanced wit a few auto-generated
commends and some slots to be filled in by hand.
Later, this might be turned into an early importable

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/exceptions.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/exceptions.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/exceptions.py	Tue Jan 25 11:40:12 2005
@@ -1,43 +1,204 @@
-ArithmeticError = ArithmeticError
-AssertionError = AssertionError
-AttributeError = AttributeError
-DeprecationWarning = DeprecationWarning
-EOFError = EOFError
-EnvironmentError = EnvironmentError
-Exception = Exception
-FloatingPointError = FloatingPointError
-FutureWarning = FutureWarning
-IOError = IOError
-ImportError = ImportError
-IndentationError = IndentationError
-IndexError = IndexError
-KeyError = KeyError
-KeyboardInterrupt = KeyboardInterrupt
-LookupError = LookupError
-MemoryError = MemoryError
-NameError = NameError
-NotImplementedError = NotImplementedError
-OSError = OSError
-OverflowError = OverflowError
-OverflowWarning = OverflowWarning
-PendingDeprecationWarning = PendingDeprecationWarning
-ReferenceError = ReferenceError
-RuntimeError = RuntimeError
-RuntimeWarning = RuntimeWarning
-StandardError = StandardError
-StopIteration = StopIteration
-SyntaxError = SyntaxError
-SyntaxWarning = SyntaxWarning
-SystemError = SystemError
-SystemExit = SystemExit
-TabError = TabError
-TypeError = TypeError
-UnboundLocalError = UnboundLocalError
-UnicodeDecodeError = UnicodeDecodeError
-UnicodeEncodeError = UnicodeEncodeError
-UnicodeError = UnicodeError
-UnicodeTranslateError = UnicodeTranslateError
-UserWarning = UserWarning
-ValueError = ValueError
-Warning = Warning
-ZeroDivisionError = ZeroDivisionError
+class Exception:
+    """Common base class for all exceptions."""
+    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!
+    def __getitem__(self, idx):
+        return self.args[idx]
+    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        pass
+    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!
+    # please implement Exception.__str__
+    # instantiation of Exception works with 13119 solutions
+class StandardError(Exception):
+    """Base class for all standard Python exceptions."""
+class ValueError(StandardError):
+    """Inappropriate argument value (of correct type)."""
+class ImportError(StandardError):
+    """Import can't find module, or can't find name in module."""
+class RuntimeError(StandardError):
+    """Unspecified run-time error."""
+class UnicodeError(ValueError):
+    """Unicode related error."""
+class UnicodeTranslateError(UnicodeError):
+    """Unicode translation error."""
+    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        pass
+    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!
+    # please implement UnicodeTranslateError.__str__
+    # instantiation of UnicodeTranslateError works with 1 solutions
+class LookupError(StandardError):
+    """Base class for lookup errors."""
+class KeyError(LookupError):
+    """Mapping key not found."""
+    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!
+    # please implement KeyError.__str__
+    # instantiation of KeyError works with 13119 solutions
+class Warning(Exception):
+    """Base class for warning categories."""
+class SyntaxWarning(Warning):
+    """Base class for warnings about dubious syntax."""
+class StopIteration(Exception):
+    """Signal the end from iterator.next()."""
+class PendingDeprecationWarning(Warning):
+    """Base class for warnings about features which will be deprecated in the future."""
+class EnvironmentError(StandardError):
+    """Base class for I/O related errors."""
+    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        pass
+    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!
+    # please implement EnvironmentError.__str__
+    # instantiation of EnvironmentError works with 13119 solutions
+class OSError(EnvironmentError):
+    """OS system call failed."""
+class DeprecationWarning(Warning):
+    """Base class for warnings about deprecated features."""
+class UnicodeEncodeError(UnicodeError):
+    """Unicode encoding error."""
+    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        pass
+    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!
+    # please implement UnicodeEncodeError.__str__
+    # instantiation of UnicodeEncodeError works with 1 solutions
+class ArithmeticError(StandardError):
+    """Base class for arithmetic errors."""
+class FloatingPointError(ArithmeticError):
+    """Floating point operation failed."""
+class ReferenceError(StandardError):
+    """Weak ref proxy used after referent went away."""
+class NameError(StandardError):
+    """Name not found globally."""
+class OverflowWarning(Warning):
+    """Base class for warnings about numeric overflow."""
+class IOError(EnvironmentError):
+    """I/O operation failed."""
+class SyntaxError(StandardError):
+    """Invalid syntax."""
+    filename = None
+    lineno = None
+    msg = ''
+    offset = None
+    print_file_and_line = None
+    text = None
+    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        pass
+    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!
+    # please implement SyntaxError.__str__
+    # instantiation of SyntaxError works with 13116 solutions
+class FutureWarning(Warning):
+    """Base class for warnings about constructs that will change semantically in the future."""
+class SystemExit(Exception):
+    """Request to exit from the interpreter."""
+    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        pass
+class EOFError(StandardError):
+    """Read beyond end of file."""
+class IndentationError(SyntaxError):
+    """Improper indentation."""
+class TabError(IndentationError):
+    """Improper mixture of spaces and tabs."""
+class ZeroDivisionError(ArithmeticError):
+    """Second argument to a division or modulo operation was zero."""
+class SystemError(StandardError):
+    """Internal error in the Python interpreter.
+Please report this to the Python maintainer, along with the traceback,
+the Python version, and the hardware/OS platform and version."""
+class AssertionError(StandardError):
+    """Assertion failed."""
+class UnicodeDecodeError(UnicodeError):
+    """Unicode decoding error."""
+    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        pass
+    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!
+    # please implement UnicodeDecodeError.__str__
+    # instantiation of UnicodeDecodeError works with 1 solutions
+class TypeError(StandardError):
+    """Inappropriate argument type."""
+class IndexError(LookupError):
+    """Sequence index out of range."""
+class RuntimeWarning(Warning):
+    """Base class for warnings about dubious runtime behavior."""
+class KeyboardInterrupt(StandardError):
+    """Program interrupted by user."""
+class UserWarning(Warning):
+    """Base class for warnings generated by user code."""
+class TaskletExit(SystemExit):
+    """Request to exit from a tasklet."""
+class MemoryError(StandardError):
+    """Out of memory."""
+class UnboundLocalError(NameError):
+    """Local name referenced but not bound to a value."""
+class NotImplementedError(RuntimeError):
+    """Method or function hasn't been implemented yet."""
+class AttributeError(StandardError):
+    """Attribute not found."""
+class OverflowError(ArithmeticError):
+    """Result too large to be represented."""
+class WindowsError(OSError):
+    """MS-Windows OS system call failed."""

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