[pypy-svn] r9050 - in pypy/dist/pypy: lib module

pedronis at codespeak.net pedronis at codespeak.net
Thu Feb 10 17:01:54 CET 2005

Author: pedronis
Date: Thu Feb 10 17:01:54 2005
New Revision: 9050

   pypy/dist/pypy/module/classobjinterp.py   (contents, props changed)

- slight change to _classobj to have it work both under CPython and app-level and in the
  geninterplevel-ed form  (could use the globals identity itself as marker perhaps?)

- purify function to be called when using the geninterplevel code to redo the removals
that are lost because they are at global level

- classobjinterp obtained from _classobj with:
translator/tool/tointerplevel.py --modname=classobj --out module/classobjinterp.py lib/_classobj.py 
classobj instance purify

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py	Thu Feb 10 17:01:54 2005
@@ -100,6 +100,8 @@
         i += 1
 class classobj(object):
     __slots__ = ('_name', '_bases', '__dict__')
@@ -126,7 +128,12 @@
         except KeyError:
-                g = sys._getframe(1).f_globals
+                i = 0
+                while 1:
+                    g = sys._getframe(i).f_globals
+                    if not g.get('OLD_STYLE_CLASSES_IMPL',None) is OLD_STYLE_CLASSES_IMPL:
+                        break
+                    i += 1
             except ValueError:
@@ -557,5 +564,13 @@
 # capture _class slot for usage and then hide them!
 instance_class_slot = instance._class
 del instance._class
+def purify(): # to use in geninterplevel case, because global side-effects are lost
+    del classobj._name
+    del classobj._bases
+    del classobj.__slots__
+    del instance._class
+    del instance.__slots__
 del _compile, NiceCompile

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/module/classobjinterp.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/module/classobjinterp.py	Thu Feb 10 17:01:54 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,7635 @@
+#!/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: LATIN-1 -*-
+from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
+from pypy.interpreter.argument import Arguments
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '_coerce'
+## firstlineno 7
+def _coerce(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "_coerce"
+    signature = ['left', 'right'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_left, w_right = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf__coerce(space, w_left, w_right)
+f__coerce = _coerce
+def _coerce(space, w_left, w_right):
+    w_0=w_3=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.coerce(w_left, w_right)
+            w_3 = w_0
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_3
+fastf__coerce = _coerce
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    'uid'
+## firstlineno 18
+# global declarations
+# global object gi_0
+# global object glong_0xffffffffL
+# global object gi_1
+def uid(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "uid"
+    signature = ['o'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_o, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_uid(space, w_o)
+f_uid = uid
+def uid(space, w_o):
+    w_v=w_2=v3=w_v_2=w_4=w_5=w_v_1=w_v_3=w_v_4=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_v = space.id(w_o)
+            w_2 = space.lt(w_v, gi_0)
+            v3 = space.is_true(w_2)
+            if v3 == True:
+                w_v_1 = w_v
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v3 == False
+                w_v_2 = w_v
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_v_3 = space.inplace_add(w_v_1, glong_0xffffffffL)
+            w_v_4 = space.inplace_add(w_v_3, gi_1)
+            w_v_2 = w_v_4
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_4 = space.and_(w_v_2, glong_0xffffffffL)
+            w_5 = w_4
+            goto = 4
+        if goto == 4:
+            return w_5
+fastf_uid = uid
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    'type_err'
+## firstlineno 34
+# global declaration
+# global object gs_argument__s_must_be__s__not__s
+def type_err(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "type_err"
+    signature = ['arg', 'expected', 'v'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_arg, w_expected, w_v = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_type_err(space, w_arg, w_expected, w_v)
+f_type_err = type_err
+def type_err(space, w_arg, w_expected, w_v):
+    w_0=w_2=w_3=w_6=w_7=w_8=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.call_function(space.w_type, w_v)
+            w_2 = space.getattr(w_0, gs___name__)
+            w_3 = space.newtuple([w_arg, w_expected, w_2])
+            w_6 = space.mod(gs_argument__s_must_be__s__not__s, w_3)
+            w_7 = space.call_function(gcls_TypeError, w_6)
+            w_8 = w_7
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_8
+fastf_type_err = type_err
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    'set_name'
+## firstlineno 37
+# global declarations
+# global object gs___name___must_be_a_string_object
+# global object gdescriptor_classobj__name
+def set_name(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "set_name"
+    signature = ['cls', 'name'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_cls, w_name = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_set_name(space, w_cls, w_name)
+f_set_name = set_name
+def set_name(space, w_cls, w_name):
+    w_0=v2=w_etype=w_evalue=w_cls_1=w_name_1=w_6=w_7=w_8=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.isinstance(w_name, space.w_str)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_cls_1, w_name_1 = w_cls, w_name
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                (w_etype, w_evalue) = (gcls_TypeError,
+                 gs___name___must_be_a_string_object)
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getattr(gdescriptor_classobj__name, gs___set__)
+            w_7 = space.call_function(w_6, w_cls_1, w_name_1)
+            w_8 = space.w_None
+            goto = 4
+        if goto == 3:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 4:
+            return w_8
+fastf_set_name = set_name
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    'set_bases'
+## firstlineno 42
+# global declarations
+# global object gs___bases___must_be_a_tuple_object
+# global object gcls_StopIteration
+# global object gs___bases___items_must_be_classes
+# global object gdescriptor_classobj__bases
+# global object gs___set__
+def set_bases(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "set_bases"
+    signature = ['cls', 'bases'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_cls, w_bases = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_set_bases(space, w_cls, w_bases)
+f_set_bases = set_bases
+def set_bases(space, w_cls, w_bases):
+    w_0=v2=w_etype=w_evalue=w_cls_1=w_bases_1=w_6=w_cls_2=w_bases_2=None
+    w_7=w_b=w_cls_3=w_bases_3=w_9=w_b_1=w_10=v11=w_cls_4=w_bases_4=None
+    w_12=w_13=w_14=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.isinstance(w_bases, space.w_tuple)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_cls_1, w_bases_1 = w_cls, w_bases
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                (w_etype, w_evalue) = (gcls_TypeError,
+                 gs___bases___must_be_a_tuple_object)
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.iter(w_bases_1)
+            w_cls_2, w_bases_2, w_7 = w_cls_1, w_bases_1, w_6
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            try:
+                w_b = space.next(w_7)
+                w_cls_3, w_bases_3, w_9, w_b_1 = w_cls_2, w_bases_2, w_7, w_b
+                goto = 4
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, space.w_StopIteration)):
+                    w_cls_4, w_bases_4 = w_cls_2, w_bases_2
+                    goto = 5
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_10 = space.isinstance(w_b_1, gcls_classobj)
+            v11 = space.is_true(w_10)
+            if v11 == True:
+                w_cls_2, w_bases_2, w_7 = w_cls_3, w_bases_3, w_9
+                goto = 3
+                continue
+            else:
+                assert v11 == False
+                (w_etype, w_evalue) = (gcls_TypeError,
+                 gs___bases___items_must_be_classes)
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.getattr(gdescriptor_classobj__bases, gs___set__)
+            w_13 = space.call_function(w_12, w_cls_4, w_bases_4)
+            w_14 = space.w_None
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_14
+fastf_set_bases = set_bases
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    'set_dict'
+## firstlineno 50
+# global declarations
+# global object gcls_TypeError
+# global object gs___dict___must_be_a_dictionary_ob
+def set_dict(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "set_dict"
+    signature = ['cls', 'dic'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_cls, w_dic = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_set_dict(space, w_cls, w_dic)
+f_set_dict = set_dict
+def set_dict(space, w_cls, w_dic):
+    w_0=v2=w_etype=w_evalue=w_cls_1=w_dic_1=w_6=w_7=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.isinstance(w_dic, space.w_dict)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_cls_1, w_dic_1 = w_cls, w_dic
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                (w_etype, w_evalue) = (gcls_TypeError,
+                 gs___dict___must_be_a_dictionary_ob)
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.call_function(gdescriptor_object___setattr__, w_cls_1, gs___dict__, w_dic_1)
+            w_7 = space.w_None
+            goto = 4
+        if goto == 3:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 4:
+            return w_7
+fastf_set_dict = set_dict
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    'retrieve'
+## firstlineno 55
+# global declarations
+# global object gdescriptor_object___getattribute__
+# global object gcls_IndexError
+# global object gcls_KeyError
+def retrieve(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "retrieve"
+    signature = ['obj', 'attr'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_obj, w_attr = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_retrieve(space, w_obj, w_attr)
+f_retrieve = retrieve
+def retrieve(space, w_obj, w_attr):
+    w_dic=w_2=w_4=w_attr_1=w_5=w_6=w_7=w_8=v9=w_attr_2=w_12=w_13=None
+    w_14=w_15=v16=w_etype=w_evalue=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_dic = space.call_function(gdescriptor_object___getattribute__, w_obj, gs___dict__)
+            try:
+                w_2 = space.getitem(w_dic, w_attr)
+                w_4 = w_2
+                goto = 5
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, space.w_IndexError)):
+                    (w_attr_1, w_5, w_6, w_7) = (w_attr, space.w_IndexError,
+                     e.w_value, space.w_IndexError)
+                    goto = 2
+                elif space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, space.w_KeyError)):
+                    (w_attr_1, w_5, w_6, w_7) = (w_attr, space.w_KeyError, e.w_value,
+                     space.w_KeyError)
+                    goto = 2
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_8 = space.is_(w_7, space.w_KeyError)
+            v9 = space.is_true(w_8)
+            if v9 == True:
+                w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_AttributeError, w_attr_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v9 == False
+                w_attr_2, w_12, w_13, w_14 = w_attr_1, w_5, w_6, w_7
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_15 = space.issubtype(w_14, space.w_KeyError)
+            v16 = space.is_true(w_15)
+            if v16 == True:
+                w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_AttributeError, w_attr_2
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v16 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_12, w_13
+                goto = 4
+        if goto == 4:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 5:
+            return w_4
+fastf_retrieve = retrieve
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    'lookup'
+## firstlineno 62
+# global declaration
+# global object g2tuple_1
+def lookup(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "lookup"
+    signature = ['cls', 'attr'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_cls, w_attr = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_lookup(space, w_cls, w_attr)
+f_lookup = lookup
+def lookup(space, w_cls, w_attr):
+    w_v=w_cls_1=w_v_1=w_6=w_7=w_cls_2=w_attr_1=w_3=w_4=w_5=w_8=v9=None
+    w_cls_4=w_attr_3=w_10=w_11=w_12=w_13=v14=w_etype=w_evalue=w_cls_5=None
+    w_attr_4=w_17=w_18=w_19=w_attr_5=w_20=w_b=w_attr_6=w_25=w_b_1=None
+    w_26=w_27=w_28=v29=w_attr_7=w_30=w_31=w_v_2=w_found=v33=w_v_3=None
+    w_found_1=w_34=w_cls_3=w_attr_2=w_21=w_22=w_23=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            try:
+                w_v = fastf_retrieve(space, w_cls, w_attr)
+                w_cls_1, w_v_1 = w_cls, w_v
+                goto = 2
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    (w_cls_2, w_attr_1, w_3, w_4, w_5) = (w_cls, w_attr, e.w_type,
+                     e.w_value, e.w_type)
+                    goto = 3
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.newtuple([w_v_1, w_cls_1])
+            w_7 = w_6
+            goto = 12
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_8 = space.is_(w_5, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v9 = space.is_true(w_8)
+            if v9 == True:
+                w_cls_3, w_attr_2 = w_cls_2, w_attr_1
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v9 == False
+                (w_cls_4, w_attr_3, w_10, w_11, w_12) = (w_cls_2, w_attr_1, w_3,
+                 w_4, w_5)
+                goto = 4
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_13 = space.issubtype(w_12, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v14 = space.is_true(w_13)
+            if v14 == True:
+                w_cls_5, w_attr_4 = w_cls_4, w_attr_3
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v14 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_10, w_11
+                goto = 11
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_17 = space.getattr(gdescriptor_classobj__bases, gs___get__)
+            w_18 = space.call_function(w_17, w_cls_5)
+            w_19 = space.iter(w_18)
+            w_attr_5, w_20 = w_attr_4, w_19
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_21 = space.getattr(gdescriptor_classobj__bases, gs___get__)
+            w_22 = space.call_function(w_21, w_cls_3)
+            w_23 = space.iter(w_22)
+            w_attr_5, w_20 = w_attr_2, w_23
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            try:
+                w_b = space.next(w_20)
+                w_attr_6, w_25, w_b_1 = w_attr_5, w_20, w_b
+                goto = 8
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, space.w_StopIteration)):
+                    w_7 = g2tuple_1
+                    goto = 12
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 8:
+            w_26 = fastf_lookup(space, w_b_1, w_attr_6)
+            w_27 = space.len(w_26)
+            w_28 = space.eq(w_27, gi_2)
+            v29 = space.is_true(w_28)
+            if v29 == True:
+                w_attr_7, w_30, w_31 = w_attr_6, w_25, w_26
+                goto = 9
+            else:
+                assert v29 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = space.w_ValueError, space.w_None
+                goto = 11
+        if goto == 9:
+            w_v_2 = space.getitem(w_31, gi_0)
+            w_found = space.getitem(w_31, gi_1)
+            v33 = space.is_true(w_found)
+            if v33 == True:
+                w_v_3, w_found_1 = w_v_2, w_found
+                goto = 10
+            else:
+                assert v33 == False
+                w_attr_5, w_20 = w_attr_7, w_30
+                goto = 7
+                continue
+        if goto == 10:
+            w_34 = space.newtuple([w_v_3, w_found_1])
+            w_7 = w_34
+            goto = 12
+        if goto == 11:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 12:
+            return w_7
+fastf_lookup = lookup
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    'get_class_module'
+## firstlineno 74
+# global declarations
+# global object gfunc_retrieve
+# global object gcls_Exception
+# global object gcls_AttributeError
+def get_class_module(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "get_class_module"
+    signature = ['cls'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_cls, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_get_class_module(space, w_cls)
+f_get_class_module = get_class_module
+def get_class_module(space, w_cls):
+    w_mod=w_mod_1=w_10=v11=w_12=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_5=v6=w_7=w_8=w_9=w_13=None
+    v14=w_etype=w_evalue=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            try:
+                w_mod = fastf_retrieve(space, w_cls, gs___module__)
+                w_mod_1 = w_mod
+                goto = 3
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_2, w_3, w_4 = e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 2
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.is_(w_4, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v6 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v6 == True:
+                w_mod_1 = space.w_None
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v6 == False
+                w_7, w_8, w_9 = w_2, w_3, w_4
+                goto = 4
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_10 = space.isinstance(w_mod_1, space.w_str)
+            v11 = space.is_true(w_10)
+            if v11 == True:
+                w_12 = w_mod_1
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v11 == False
+                w_12 = gs__
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_13 = space.issubtype(w_9, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v14 = space.is_true(w_13)
+            if v14 == True:
+                w_mod_1 = space.w_None
+                goto = 3
+                continue
+            else:
+                assert v14 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_7, w_8
+                goto = 5
+        if goto == 5:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 6:
+            return w_12
+fastf_get_class_module = get_class_module
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    'mro_lookup'
+## firstlineno 83
+# global declaration
+# global object gs___mro__
+def mro_lookup(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "mro_lookup"
+    signature = ['v', 'name'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_v, w_name = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_mro_lookup(space, w_v, w_name)
+f_mro_lookup = mro_lookup
+def mro_lookup(space, w_v, w_name):
+    w_0=w_mro=w_name_1=w_mro_1=w_5=w_name_2=w_6=w_x=w_name_3=w_8=None
+    w_x_1=w_9=w_10=v11=w_name_4=w_x_2=w_12=w_13=w_4=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.call_function(space.w_type, w_v)
+            try:
+                w_mro = space.getattr(w_0, gs___mro__)
+                w_name_1, w_mro_1 = w_name, w_mro
+                goto = 2
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_AttributeError)):
+                    w_4 = space.w_None
+                    goto = 6
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.iter(w_mro_1)
+            w_name_2, w_6 = w_name_1, w_5
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            try:
+                w_x = space.next(w_6)
+                w_name_3, w_8, w_x_1 = w_name_2, w_6, w_x
+                goto = 4
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, space.w_StopIteration)):
+                    w_4 = space.w_None
+                    goto = 6
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_9 = space.getattr(w_x_1, gs___dict__)
+            w_10 = space.contains(w_9, w_name_3)
+            v11 = space.is_true(w_10)
+            if v11 == True:
+                w_name_4, w_x_2 = w_name_3, w_x_1
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v11 == False
+                w_name_2, w_6 = w_name_3, w_8
+                goto = 3
+                continue
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.getattr(w_x_2, gs___dict__)
+            w_13 = space.getitem(w_12, w_name_4)
+            w_4 = w_13
+            goto = 6
+        if goto == 6:
+            return w_4
+fastf_mro_lookup = mro_lookup
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    'seqiter'
+## firstlineno 93
+def seqiter(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "seqiter"
+    signature = ['func'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_func, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_seqiter(space, w_func)
+f_seqiter = seqiter
+def seqiter(space, w_func):
+    w_1=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_5=w_6=v7=w_10=w_11=w_12=w_13=v14=w_etype=w_evalue=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            try:
+                w_1 = space.call_function(w_func, gi_0)
+                w_2 = w_1
+                goto = 5
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_3, w_4, w_5 = e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 2
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.is_(w_5, space.w_IndexError)
+            v7 = space.is_true(w_6)
+            if v7 == True:
+                w_etype, w_evalue = space.w_StopIteration, space.w_None
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v7 == False
+                w_10, w_11, w_12 = w_3, w_4, w_5
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_13 = space.issubtype(w_12, space.w_IndexError)
+            v14 = space.is_true(w_13)
+            if v14 == True:
+                w_etype, w_evalue = space.w_StopIteration, space.w_None
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v14 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_10, w_11
+                goto = 4
+        if goto == 4:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 5:
+            return w_2
+fastf_seqiter = seqiter
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__new__'
+## firstlineno 109
+# global declarations
+# global object gfunc_type_err
+# global object gs_name
+# global object gs_string
+# global object g0tuple
+# global object gs_bases
+# global object gs_tuple
+# global object gs_dict
+# global object gs___doc__
+# global object gs__getframe
+# global object gs_f_globals
+# global object gs_get
+# global object gs_OLD_STYLE_CLASSES_IMPL
+# global object g_object
+# global object gcls_OverflowError
+# global object gcls_FloatingPointError
+# global object gs_callable
+# global object gs_base_must_be_class
+def __new__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__new__"
+    signature = ['subtype', 'name', 'bases', 'dic'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_subtype, w_name, w_bases, w_dic = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf___new__(space, w_subtype, w_name, w_bases, w_dic)
+f___new__ = __new__
+def __new__(space, w_subtype, w_name, w_bases, w_dic):
+    w_0=v2=w_name_2=w_5=w_6=w_etype=w_evalue=w_name_1=w_bases_1=w_dic_1=None
+    w_9=v10=w_name_3=w_bases_2=w_dic_2=w_11=v12=w_bases_4=w_13=w_14=None
+    w_name_4=w_bases_3=w_dic_3=w_15=v16=w_dic_5=w_17=w_18=w_name_5=None
+    w_bases_5=w_dic_4=w_19=w_name_6=w_bases_6=w_dic_6=w_30=w_name_11=None
+    w_bases_11=w_dic_11=w_65=w_name_23=w_bases_23=w_dic_23=w_66=w_b=None
+    w_name_24=w_bases_24=w_dic_24=w_68=w_b_1=w_71=v72=w_name_26=w_bases_26=None
+    w_dic_26=w_b_2=w_73=w_74=v75=w_name_27=w_bases_27=w_dic_27=w_b_3=None
+    w_76=w_77=w_78=w_name_25=w_bases_25=w_dic_25=w_new_class=w_80=None
+    w_81=w_82=w_83=w_84=w_name_12=w_bases_12=w_dic_12=w_31=w_32=w_33=None
+    w_34=v35=w_name_14=w_bases_14=w_dic_14=w_37=w_38=w_39=w_69=v70=None
+    w_name_13=w_bases_13=w_dic_13=w_i=w_42=w_g=w_name_15=w_bases_15=None
+    w_dic_15=w_i_1=w_g_1=w_47=w_name_17=w_bases_17=w_dic_17=w_i_2=None
+    w_g_2=w_48=w_49=w_name_18=w_bases_18=w_dic_18=w_i_3=w_g_3=w_50=None
+    w_51=v52=w_name_20=w_bases_20=w_dic_20=w_g_4=w_60=w_modname=w_62=None
+    v63=w_name_22=w_bases_22=w_dic_22=w_modname_1=w_64=w_name_19=None
+    w_bases_19=w_dic_19=w_i_4=w_i_5=w_name_16=w_bases_16=w_dic_16=None
+    w_44=w_45=w_46=w_58=v59=w_name_21=w_bases_21=w_dic_21=w_56=w_57=None
+    w_54=w_53=v55=w_name_7=w_bases_7=w_dic_7=w_20=w_21=w_22=w_23=None
+    v24=w_name_9=w_bases_9=w_dic_9=w_25=w_26=w_27=w_40=v41=w_name_10=None
+    w_bases_10=w_dic_10=w_28=w_name_8=w_bases_8=w_dic_8=w_29=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.isinstance(w_name, space.w_str)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_name_1, w_bases_1, w_dic_1 = w_name, w_bases, w_dic
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_name_2 = w_name
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = fastf_type_err(space, gs_name, gs_string, w_name_2)
+            w_6 = space.type(w_5)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = w_6, w_5
+            goto = 31
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_9 = space.is_(w_bases_1, space.w_None)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_9)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_name_3, w_bases_2, w_dic_2 = w_name_1, g0tuple, w_dic_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_name_3, w_bases_2, w_dic_2 = w_name_1, w_bases_1, w_dic_1
+                goto = 4
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_11 = space.isinstance(w_bases_2, space.w_tuple)
+            v12 = space.is_true(w_11)
+            if v12 == True:
+                w_name_4, w_bases_3, w_dic_3 = w_name_3, w_bases_2, w_dic_2
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v12 == False
+                w_bases_4 = w_bases_2
+                goto = 5
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_13 = fastf_type_err(space, gs_bases, gs_tuple, w_bases_4)
+            w_14 = space.type(w_13)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = w_14, w_13
+            goto = 31
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_15 = space.isinstance(w_dic_3, space.w_dict)
+            v16 = space.is_true(w_15)
+            if v16 == True:
+                w_name_5, w_bases_5, w_dic_4 = w_name_4, w_bases_3, w_dic_3
+                goto = 8
+            else:
+                assert v16 == False
+                w_dic_5 = w_dic_3
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            w_17 = fastf_type_err(space, gs_dict, gs_dict, w_dic_5)
+            w_18 = space.type(w_17)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = w_18, w_17
+            goto = 31
+        if goto == 8:
+            try:
+                w_19 = space.getitem(w_dic_4, gs___doc__)
+                w_name_6, w_bases_6, w_dic_6 = w_name_5, w_bases_5, w_dic_4
+                goto = 12
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, space.w_IndexError)):
+                    (w_name_7, w_bases_7, w_dic_7, w_20, w_21, w_22) = (w_name_5,
+                     w_bases_5, w_dic_4, space.w_IndexError, e.w_value,
+                     space.w_IndexError)
+                    goto = 9
+                elif space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, space.w_KeyError)):
+                    (w_name_7, w_bases_7, w_dic_7, w_20, w_21, w_22) = (w_name_5,
+                     w_bases_5, w_dic_4, space.w_KeyError, e.w_value,
+                     space.w_KeyError)
+                    goto = 9
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 9:
+            w_23 = space.is_(w_22, space.w_KeyError)
+            v24 = space.is_true(w_23)
+            if v24 == True:
+                w_name_8, w_bases_8, w_dic_8 = w_name_7, w_bases_7, w_dic_7
+                goto = 11
+            else:
+                assert v24 == False
+                (w_name_9, w_bases_9, w_dic_9, w_25, w_26, w_27) = (w_name_7,
+                 w_bases_7, w_dic_7, w_20, w_21, w_22)
+                goto = 14
+        if goto == 10:
+            w_28 = space.setitem(w_dic_10, gs___doc__, space.w_None)
+            w_name_6, w_bases_6, w_dic_6 = w_name_10, w_bases_10, w_dic_10
+            goto = 12
+        if goto == 11:
+            w_29 = space.setitem(w_dic_8, gs___doc__, space.w_None)
+            w_name_6, w_bases_6, w_dic_6 = w_name_8, w_bases_8, w_dic_8
+            goto = 12
+        if goto == 12:
+            try:
+                w_30 = space.getitem(w_dic_6, gs___module__)
+                w_name_11, w_bases_11, w_dic_11 = w_name_6, w_bases_6, w_dic_6
+                goto = 24
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, space.w_IndexError)):
+                    (w_name_12, w_bases_12, w_dic_12, w_31, w_32, w_33) = (w_name_6,
+                     w_bases_6, w_dic_6, space.w_IndexError, e.w_value,
+                     space.w_IndexError)
+                    goto = 13
+                elif space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, space.w_KeyError)):
+                    (w_name_12, w_bases_12, w_dic_12, w_31, w_32, w_33) = (w_name_6,
+                     w_bases_6, w_dic_6, space.w_KeyError, e.w_value,
+                     space.w_KeyError)
+                    goto = 13
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 13:
+            w_34 = space.is_(w_33, space.w_KeyError)
+            v35 = space.is_true(w_34)
+            if v35 == True:
+                (w_name_13, w_bases_13, w_dic_13, w_i) = (w_name_12, w_bases_12,
+                 w_dic_12, gi_0)
+                goto = 15
+            else:
+                assert v35 == False
+                (w_name_14, w_bases_14, w_dic_14, w_37, w_38, w_39) = (w_name_12,
+                 w_bases_12, w_dic_12, w_31, w_32, w_33)
+                goto = 26
+        if goto == 14:
+            w_40 = space.issubtype(w_27, space.w_KeyError)
+            v41 = space.is_true(w_40)
+            if v41 == True:
+                w_name_10, w_bases_10, w_dic_10 = w_name_9, w_bases_9, w_dic_9
+                goto = 10
+                continue
+            else:
+                assert v41 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_25, w_26
+                goto = 31
+        if goto == 15:
+            w_42 = space.call_function((space.getattr(space.w_sys, gs__getframe)), w_i)
+            try:
+                w_g = space.getattr(w_42, gs_f_globals)
+                (w_name_15, w_bases_15, w_dic_15, w_i_1, w_g_1) = (w_name_13,
+                 w_bases_13, w_dic_13, w_i, w_g)
+                goto = 16
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_AttributeError)):
+                    (w_name_16, w_bases_16, w_dic_16, w_44, w_45, w_46) = (w_name_13,
+                     w_bases_13, w_dic_13, gcls_AttributeError, e.w_value,
+                     gcls_AttributeError)
+                    goto = 21
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 16:
+            try:
+                w_47 = space.getattr(w_g_1, gs_get)
+                (w_name_17, w_bases_17, w_dic_17, w_i_2, w_g_2,
+                 w_48) = (w_name_15, w_bases_15, w_dic_15, w_i_1, w_g_1, w_47)
+                goto = 17
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_AttributeError)):
+                    (w_name_16, w_bases_16, w_dic_16, w_44, w_45, w_46) = (w_name_15,
+                     w_bases_15, w_dic_15, gcls_AttributeError, e.w_value,
+                     gcls_AttributeError)
+                    goto = 21
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 17:
+            try:
+                w_49 = space.call_function(w_48, gs_OLD_STYLE_CLASSES_IMPL, space.w_None)
+                (w_name_18, w_bases_18, w_dic_18, w_i_3, w_g_3,
+                 w_50) = (w_name_17, w_bases_17, w_dic_17, w_i_2, w_g_2, w_49)
+                goto = 18
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    (w_name_16, w_bases_16, w_dic_16, w_44, w_45, w_46) = (w_name_17,
+                     w_bases_17, w_dic_17, e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type)
+                    goto = 21
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 18:
+            w_51 = space.is_(w_50, g_object)
+            v52 = space.is_true(w_51)
+            if v52 == True:
+                (w_name_19, w_bases_19, w_dic_19, w_i_4) = (w_name_18, w_bases_18,
+                 w_dic_18, w_i_3)
+                goto = 19
+            else:
+                assert v52 == False
+                (w_name_20, w_bases_20, w_dic_20, w_g_4) = (w_name_18, w_bases_18,
+                 w_dic_18, w_g_3)
+                goto = 22
+        if goto == 19:
+            try:
+                w_i_5 = space.inplace_add(w_i_4, gi_1)
+                (w_name_13, w_bases_13, w_dic_13, w_i) = (w_name_19, w_bases_19,
+                 w_dic_19, w_i_5)
+                goto = 15
+                continue
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_OverflowError)):
+                    (w_name_16, w_bases_16, w_dic_16, w_44, w_45, w_46) = (w_name_19,
+                     w_bases_19, w_dic_19, gcls_OverflowError, e.w_value,
+                     gcls_OverflowError)
+                    goto = 21
+                elif space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_FloatingPointError)):
+                    (w_name_16, w_bases_16, w_dic_16, w_44, w_45, w_46) = (w_name_19,
+                     w_bases_19, w_dic_19, gcls_FloatingPointError, e.w_value,
+                     gcls_FloatingPointError)
+                    goto = 21
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 20:
+            w_53 = space.issubtype(w_54, space.w_ValueError)
+            v55 = space.is_true(w_53)
+            if v55 == True:
+                w_name_11, w_bases_11, w_dic_11 = w_name_21, w_bases_21, w_dic_21
+                goto = 24
+            else:
+                assert v55 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_56, w_57
+                goto = 31
+        if goto == 21:
+            w_58 = space.is_(w_46, space.w_ValueError)
+            v59 = space.is_true(w_58)
+            if v59 == True:
+                w_name_11, w_bases_11, w_dic_11 = w_name_16, w_bases_16, w_dic_16
+                goto = 24
+            else:
+                assert v59 == False
+                (w_name_21, w_bases_21, w_dic_21, w_56, w_57, w_54) = (w_name_16,
+                 w_bases_16, w_dic_16, w_44, w_45, w_46)
+                goto = 20
+                continue
+        if goto == 22:
+            w_60 = space.getattr(w_g_4, gs_get)
+            w_modname = space.call_function(w_60, gs___name__, space.w_None)
+            w_62 = space.is_(w_modname, space.w_None)
+            v63 = space.is_true(w_62)
+            if v63 == True:
+                w_name_11, w_bases_11, w_dic_11 = w_name_20, w_bases_20, w_dic_20
+                goto = 24
+            else:
+                assert v63 == False
+                (w_name_22, w_bases_22, w_dic_22, w_modname_1) = (w_name_20,
+                 w_bases_20, w_dic_20, w_modname)
+                goto = 23
+        if goto == 23:
+            w_64 = space.setitem(w_dic_22, gs___module__, w_modname_1)
+            w_name_11, w_bases_11, w_dic_11 = w_name_22, w_bases_22, w_dic_22
+            goto = 24
+        if goto == 24:
+            w_65 = space.iter(w_bases_11)
+            (w_name_23, w_bases_23, w_dic_23, w_66) = (w_name_11, w_bases_11,
+             w_dic_11, w_65)
+            goto = 25
+        if goto == 25:
+            try:
+                w_b = space.next(w_66)
+                (w_name_24, w_bases_24, w_dic_24, w_68, w_b_1) = (w_name_23,
+                 w_bases_23, w_dic_23, w_66, w_b)
+                goto = 27
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, space.w_StopIteration)):
+                    w_name_25, w_bases_25, w_dic_25 = w_name_23, w_bases_23, w_dic_23
+                    goto = 30
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 26:
+            w_69 = space.issubtype(w_39, space.w_KeyError)
+            v70 = space.is_true(w_69)
+            if v70 == True:
+                (w_name_13, w_bases_13, w_dic_13, w_i) = (w_name_14, w_bases_14,
+                 w_dic_14, gi_0)
+                goto = 15
+                continue
+            else:
+                assert v70 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_37, w_38
+                goto = 31
+        if goto == 27:
+            w_71 = space.isinstance(w_b_1, gcls_classobj)
+            v72 = space.is_true(w_71)
+            if v72 == True:
+                (w_name_23, w_bases_23, w_dic_23, w_66) = (w_name_24, w_bases_24,
+                 w_dic_24, w_68)
+                goto = 25
+                continue
+            else:
+                assert v72 == False
+                (w_name_26, w_bases_26, w_dic_26, w_b_2) = (w_name_24, w_bases_24,
+                 w_dic_24, w_b_1)
+                goto = 28
+        if goto == 28:
+            w_73 = space.call_function(space.w_type, w_b_2)
+            w_74 = space.call_function((space.getattr(space.w_builtin, gs_callable)), w_73)
+            v75 = space.is_true(w_74)
+            if v75 == True:
+                (w_name_27, w_bases_27, w_dic_27, w_b_3) = (w_name_26, w_bases_26,
+                 w_dic_26, w_b_2)
+                goto = 29
+            else:
+                assert v75 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_TypeError, gs_base_must_be_class
+                goto = 31
+        if goto == 29:
+            w_76 = space.call_function(space.w_type, w_b_3)
+            w_77 = space.call_function(w_76, w_name_27, w_bases_27, w_dic_27)
+            w_78 = w_77
+            goto = 32
+        if goto == 30:
+            w_new_class = space.call_function(gbltinmethod___new__, gcls_classobj)
+            w_80 = space.call_function(gdescriptor_object___setattr__, w_new_class, gs___dict__, w_dic_25)
+            w_81 = space.getattr(gdescriptor_classobj__name, gs___set__)
+            w_82 = space.call_function(w_81, w_new_class, w_name_25)
+            w_83 = space.getattr(gdescriptor_classobj__bases, gs___set__)
+            w_84 = space.call_function(w_83, w_new_class, w_bases_25)
+            w_78 = w_new_class
+            goto = 32
+        if goto == 31:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 32:
+            return w_78
+fastf___new__ = __new__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__setattr__'
+## firstlineno 159
+# global declarations
+# global object gfunc_set_name
+# global object gs___bases__
+# global object gfunc_set_bases
+# global object gfunc_set_dict
+# global object gdescriptor_object___setattr__
+def __setattr__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__setattr__"
+    signature = ['self', 'attr', 'value'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_attr, w_value = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_classobj___setattr__(space, w_self, w_attr, w_value)
+f_classobj___setattr__ = __setattr__
+def __setattr__(space, w_self, w_attr, w_value):
+    w_0=v2=w_self_2=w_attr_1=w_value_2=w_7=v8=w_self_4=w_attr_2=w_value_4=None
+    w_10=v11=w_self_6=w_attr_3=w_value_6=w_13=w_6=w_self_5=w_value_5=None
+    w_12=w_self_3=w_value_3=w_9=w_self_1=w_value_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.eq(w_attr, gs___name__)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_value_1 = w_self, w_value
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_self_2, w_attr_1, w_value_2 = w_self, w_attr, w_value
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = fastf_set_name(space, w_self_1, w_value_1)
+            w_6 = space.w_None
+            goto = 8
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_7 = space.eq(w_attr_1, gs___bases__)
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_7)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_value_3 = w_self_2, w_value_2
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_attr_2, w_value_4 = w_self_2, w_attr_1, w_value_2
+                goto = 5
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_9 = fastf_set_bases(space, w_self_3, w_value_3)
+            w_6 = space.w_None
+            goto = 8
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_10 = space.eq(w_attr_2, gs___dict__)
+            v11 = space.is_true(w_10)
+            if v11 == True:
+                w_self_5, w_value_5 = w_self_4, w_value_4
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v11 == False
+                w_self_6, w_attr_3, w_value_6 = w_self_4, w_attr_2, w_value_4
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_12 = fastf_set_dict(space, w_self_5, w_value_5)
+            w_6 = space.w_None
+            goto = 8
+        if goto == 7:
+            w_13 = space.call_function(gdescriptor_object___setattr__, w_self_6, w_attr_3, w_value_6)
+            w_6 = space.w_None
+            goto = 8
+        if goto == 8:
+            return w_6
+fastf_classobj___setattr__ = __setattr__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__delattr__'
+## firstlineno 169
+# global declarations
+# global object g3tuple_2
+# global object gdescriptor_object___delattr__
+def __delattr__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__delattr__"
+    signature = ['self', 'attr'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_attr = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_classobj___delattr__(space, w_self, w_attr)
+f_classobj___delattr__ = __delattr__
+def __delattr__(space, w_self, w_attr):
+    w_0=v2=w_self_2=w_attr_2=w_6=w_5=w_self_1=w_attr_1=w_4=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.contains(g3tuple_2, w_attr)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_attr_1 = w_self, w_attr
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_self_2, w_attr_2 = w_self, w_attr
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_4 = fastf_classobj___setattr__(space, w_self_1, w_attr_1, space.w_None)
+            w_5 = space.w_None
+            goto = 4
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_6 = space.call_function(gdescriptor_object___delattr__, w_self_2, w_attr_2)
+            w_5 = space.w_None
+            goto = 4
+        if goto == 4:
+            return w_5
+fastf_classobj___delattr__ = __delattr__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__getattribute__'
+## firstlineno 176
+# global declarations
+# global object gs___get__
+# global object gfunc_lookup
+# global object gi_2
+# global object gcls_ValueError
+# global object gs_class__s_has_no_attribute__s
+# global object gfunc_mro_lookup
+def __getattribute__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__getattribute__"
+    signature = ['self', 'attr'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_attr = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_classobj___getattribute__(space, w_self, w_attr)
+f_classobj___getattribute__ = __getattribute__
+def __getattribute__(space, w_self, w_attr):
+    w_0=v2=w_self_2=w_attr_1=w_6=v7=w_self_4=w_attr_2=w_14=v15=w_self_9=None
+    w_attr_5=w_18=w_19=w_20=v21=w_etype=w_evalue=w_self_5=w_attr_3=None
+    w_11=w_v=w_found=v13=w_self_7=w_attr_4=w_24=w_25=w_26=w_self_6=None
+    w_v_1=w_descr_get=w_28=v29=w_self_10=w_descr_get_1=w_v_2=w_30=None
+    w_5=w_self_8=w_16=w_17=w_self_3=w_8=w_9=w_self_1=w_4=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.eq(w_attr, gs___dict__)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_self_1 = w_self
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_self_2, w_attr_1 = w_self, w_attr
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_4 = space.call_function(gdescriptor_object___getattribute__, w_self_1, gs___dict__)
+            w_5 = w_4
+            goto = 13
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_6 = space.eq(w_attr_1, gs___name__)
+            v7 = space.is_true(w_6)
+            if v7 == True:
+                w_self_3 = w_self_2
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v7 == False
+                w_self_4, w_attr_2 = w_self_2, w_attr_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_8 = space.getattr(gdescriptor_classobj__name, gs___get__)
+            w_9 = space.call_function(w_8, w_self_3)
+            w_5 = w_9
+            goto = 13
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_v = space.getitem(w_11, gi_0)
+            w_found = space.getitem(w_11, gi_1)
+            v13 = space.is_true(w_found)
+            if v13 == True:
+                w_self_6, w_v_1 = w_self_5, w_v
+                goto = 10
+            else:
+                assert v13 == False
+                w_self_7, w_attr_4 = w_self_5, w_attr_3
+                goto = 9
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_14 = space.eq(w_attr_2, gs___bases__)
+            v15 = space.is_true(w_14)
+            if v15 == True:
+                w_self_8 = w_self_4
+                goto = 7
+            else:
+                assert v15 == False
+                w_self_9, w_attr_5 = w_self_4, w_attr_2
+                goto = 8
+        if goto == 7:
+            w_16 = space.getattr(gdescriptor_classobj__bases, gs___get__)
+            w_17 = space.call_function(w_16, w_self_8)
+            w_5 = w_17
+            goto = 13
+        if goto == 8:
+            w_18 = fastf_lookup(space, w_self_9, w_attr_5)
+            w_19 = space.len(w_18)
+            w_20 = space.eq(w_19, gi_2)
+            v21 = space.is_true(w_20)
+            if v21 == True:
+                w_self_5, w_attr_3, w_11 = w_self_9, w_attr_5, w_18
+                goto = 5
+                continue
+            else:
+                assert v21 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = space.w_ValueError, space.w_None
+                goto = 12
+        if goto == 9:
+            w_24 = space.getattr(w_self_7, gs___name__)
+            w_25 = space.newtuple([w_24, w_attr_4])
+            w_26 = space.mod(gs_class__s_has_no_attribute__s, w_25)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_AttributeError, w_26
+            goto = 12
+        if goto == 10:
+            w_descr_get = fastf_mro_lookup(space, w_v_1, gs___get__)
+            w_28 = space.is_(w_descr_get, space.w_None)
+            v29 = space.is_true(w_28)
+            if v29 == True:
+                w_5 = w_v_1
+                goto = 13
+            else:
+                assert v29 == False
+                w_self_10, w_descr_get_1, w_v_2 = w_self_6, w_descr_get, w_v_1
+                goto = 11
+        if goto == 11:
+            w_30 = space.call_function(w_descr_get_1, w_v_2, space.w_None, w_self_10)
+            w_5 = w_30
+            goto = 13
+        if goto == 12:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 13:
+            return w_5
+fastf_classobj___getattribute__ = __getattribute__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__repr__'
+## firstlineno 193
+# global declarations
+# global object gfunc_uid
+# global object gs__class__s__s_at_0x_x_
+def __repr__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__repr__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_classobj___repr__(space, w_self)
+f_classobj___repr__ = __repr__
+def __repr__(space, w_self):
+    w_mod=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_5=w_6=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_mod = fastf_get_class_module(space, w_self)
+            w_2 = space.getattr(w_self, gs___name__)
+            w_3 = fastf_uid(space, w_self)
+            w_4 = space.newtuple([w_mod, w_2, w_3])
+            w_5 = space.mod(gs__class__s__s_at_0x_x_, w_4)
+            w_6 = w_5
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_6
+fastf_classobj___repr__ = __repr__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__str__'
+## firstlineno 197
+# global declarations
+# global object gfunc_get_class_module
+# global object gs__
+# global object gs___name__
+# global object gs__s__s
+def __str__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__str__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_classobj___str__(space, w_self)
+f_classobj___str__ = __str__
+def __str__(space, w_self):
+    w_mod=w_2=v3=w_self_2=w_mod_1=w_6=w_7=w_8=w_5=w_self_1=w_4=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_mod = fastf_get_class_module(space, w_self)
+            w_2 = space.eq(w_mod, gs__)
+            v3 = space.is_true(w_2)
+            if v3 == True:
+                w_self_1 = w_self
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v3 == False
+                w_self_2, w_mod_1 = w_self, w_mod
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_4 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs___name__)
+            w_5 = w_4
+            goto = 4
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_6 = space.getattr(w_self_2, gs___name__)
+            w_7 = space.newtuple([w_mod_1, w_6])
+            w_8 = space.mod(gs__s__s, w_7)
+            w_5 = w_8
+            goto = 4
+        if goto == 4:
+            return w_5
+fastf_classobj___str__ = __str__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__call__'
+## firstlineno 204
+# global declarations
+# global object gbltinmethod___new__
+# global object gdescriptor_instance__class
+# global object gfunc_instance_getattr1
+# global object gs___init__
+# global object gs___init_____should_return_None
+def __call__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__call__"
+    signature = ['self'], 'args', 'kwds'
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_args, w_kwds = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_classobj___call__(space, w_self, w_args, w_kwds)
+f_classobj___call__ = __call__
+def __call__(space, w_self, w_args, w_kwds):
+    w_inst=w_dic=w_2=w_3=w_init=v6=w_9=w_args_1=w_kwds_1=w_inst_1=None
+    w_init_1=w_ret=w_11=v12=w_13=w_etype=w_evalue=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_inst = space.call_function(gbltinmethod___new__, gcls_instance)
+            w_dic = space.getattr(w_inst, gs___dict__)
+            w_2 = space.getattr(gdescriptor_instance__class, gs___set__)
+            w_3 = space.call_function(w_2, w_inst, w_self)
+            w_init = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_inst, gs___init__, space.w_False)
+            v6 = space.is_true(w_init)
+            if v6 == True:
+                (w_args_1, w_kwds_1, w_inst_1, w_init_1) = (w_args, w_kwds,
+                 w_inst, w_init)
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v6 == False
+                w_9 = w_inst
+                goto = 5
+        if goto == 2:
+            _args = Arguments.fromshape(space, (0, (), True, True), [w_args_1, w_kwds_1])
+            w_ret = space.call_args(w_init_1, _args)
+            w_11 = space.is_(w_ret, space.w_None)
+            v12 = space.is_true(w_11)
+            if v12 == True:
+                w_9 = w_inst_1
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v12 == False
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_13 = space.call_function(gcls_TypeError, gs___init_____should_return_None)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_TypeError, w_13
+            goto = 4
+        if goto == 4:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 5:
+            return w_9
+fastf_classobj___call__ = __call__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    'instance_getattr1'
+## firstlineno 225
+# global declarations
+# global object gs___class__
+# global object gs__s_instance_has_no_attribute__s
+def instance_getattr1(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "instance_getattr1"
+    signature = ['inst', 'name', 'exc'], None, None
+    defaults_w = [space.w_True]
+    w_inst, w_name, w_exc = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance_getattr1(space, w_inst, w_name, w_exc)
+f_instance_getattr1 = instance_getattr1
+def instance_getattr1(space, w_inst, w_name, w_exc):
+    w_0=v2=w_inst_2=w_name_2=w_exc_1=w_7=v8=w_inst_4=w_name_3=w_exc_2=None
+    w_18=w_6=w_inst_7=w_name_6=w_exc_5=w_19=w_20=w_21=w_22=v23=w_inst_5=None
+    w_name_4=w_exc_3=w_14=w_16=w_12=w_11=v13=w_etype=w_evalue=w_inst_6=None
+    w_name_5=w_exc_4=w_24=w_cls=w_26=w_27=w_28=v29=w_inst_9=w_name_8=None
+    w_exc_7=w_cls_1=w_30=w_v_2=w_found_1=v40=w_name_11=w_exc_10=w_cls_6=None
+    v41=w_name_12=w_cls_7=w_43=w_44=w_45=w_inst_11=w_v_1=w_cls_4=None
+    w_descr_get=w_50=v51=w_inst_12=w_descr_get_1=w_v_3=w_cls_9=w_52=None
+    w_inst_8=w_name_7=w_exc_6=w_31=w_cls_2=w_32=w_33=w_34=v35=w_inst_10=None
+    w_name_9=w_exc_8=w_cls_3=w_36=w_v=w_found=v39=w_name_10=w_exc_9=None
+    w_cls_5=v42=w_name_13=w_cls_8=w_46=w_47=w_48=w_inst_3=w_9=w_10=None
+    w_inst_1=w_name_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.eq(w_name, gs___dict__)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_inst_1, w_name_1 = w_inst, w_name
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_inst_2, w_name_2, w_exc_1 = w_inst, w_name, w_exc
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(gdescriptor_object___getattribute__, w_inst_1, w_name_1)
+            w_6 = w_5
+            goto = 19
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_7 = space.eq(w_name_2, gs___class__)
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_7)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_inst_3 = w_inst_2
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_inst_4, w_name_3, w_exc_2 = w_inst_2, w_name_2, w_exc_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_9 = space.getattr(gdescriptor_instance__class, gs___get__)
+            w_10 = space.call_function(w_9, w_inst_3)
+            w_6 = w_10
+            goto = 19
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_11 = space.issubtype(w_12, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v13 = space.is_true(w_11)
+            if v13 == True:
+                w_inst_6, w_name_5, w_exc_4 = w_inst_5, w_name_4, w_exc_3
+                goto = 8
+            else:
+                assert v13 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_14, w_16
+                goto = 18
+        if goto == 6:
+            try:
+                w_18 = fastf_retrieve(space, w_inst_4, w_name_3)
+                w_6 = w_18
+                goto = 19
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    (w_inst_7, w_name_6, w_exc_5, w_19, w_20, w_21) = (w_inst_4,
+                     w_name_3, w_exc_2, e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type)
+                    goto = 7
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 7:
+            w_22 = space.is_(w_21, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v23 = space.is_true(w_22)
+            if v23 == True:
+                w_inst_8, w_name_7, w_exc_6 = w_inst_7, w_name_6, w_exc_5
+                goto = 9
+            else:
+                assert v23 == False
+                (w_inst_5, w_name_4, w_exc_3, w_14, w_16, w_12) = (w_inst_7,
+                 w_name_6, w_exc_5, w_19, w_20, w_21)
+                goto = 5
+                continue
+        if goto == 8:
+            w_24 = space.getattr(gdescriptor_instance__class, gs___get__)
+            w_cls = space.call_function(w_24, w_inst_6)
+            w_26 = fastf_lookup(space, w_cls, w_name_5)
+            w_27 = space.len(w_26)
+            w_28 = space.eq(w_27, gi_2)
+            v29 = space.is_true(w_28)
+            if v29 == True:
+                (w_inst_9, w_name_8, w_exc_7, w_cls_1, w_30) = (w_inst_6,
+                 w_name_5, w_exc_4, w_cls, w_26)
+                goto = 11
+            else:
+                assert v29 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = space.w_ValueError, space.w_None
+                goto = 18
+        if goto == 9:
+            w_31 = space.getattr(gdescriptor_instance__class, gs___get__)
+            w_cls_2 = space.call_function(w_31, w_inst_8)
+            w_32 = fastf_lookup(space, w_cls_2, w_name_7)
+            w_33 = space.len(w_32)
+            w_34 = space.eq(w_33, gi_2)
+            v35 = space.is_true(w_34)
+            if v35 == True:
+                (w_inst_10, w_name_9, w_exc_8, w_cls_3, w_36) = (w_inst_8,
+                 w_name_7, w_exc_6, w_cls_2, w_32)
+                goto = 10
+            else:
+                assert v35 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = space.w_ValueError, space.w_None
+                goto = 18
+        if goto == 10:
+            w_v = space.getitem(w_36, gi_0)
+            w_found = space.getitem(w_36, gi_1)
+            v39 = space.is_true(w_found)
+            if v39 == True:
+                w_inst_11, w_v_1, w_cls_4 = w_inst_10, w_v, w_cls_3
+                goto = 16
+            else:
+                assert v39 == False
+                w_name_10, w_exc_9, w_cls_5 = w_name_9, w_exc_8, w_cls_3
+                goto = 13
+        if goto == 11:
+            w_v_2 = space.getitem(w_30, gi_0)
+            w_found_1 = space.getitem(w_30, gi_1)
+            v40 = space.is_true(w_found_1)
+            if v40 == True:
+                w_inst_11, w_v_1, w_cls_4 = w_inst_9, w_v_2, w_cls_1
+                goto = 16
+            else:
+                assert v40 == False
+                w_name_11, w_exc_10, w_cls_6 = w_name_8, w_exc_7, w_cls_1
+                goto = 12
+        if goto == 12:
+            v41 = space.is_true(w_exc_10)
+            if v41 == True:
+                w_name_12, w_cls_7 = w_name_11, w_cls_6
+                goto = 14
+            else:
+                assert v41 == False
+                w_6 = space.w_None
+                goto = 19
+        if goto == 13:
+            v42 = space.is_true(w_exc_9)
+            if v42 == True:
+                w_name_13, w_cls_8 = w_name_10, w_cls_5
+                goto = 15
+            else:
+                assert v42 == False
+                w_6 = space.w_None
+                goto = 19
+        if goto == 14:
+            w_43 = space.getattr(w_cls_7, gs___name__)
+            w_44 = space.newtuple([w_43, w_name_12])
+            w_45 = space.mod(gs__s_instance_has_no_attribute__s, w_44)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_AttributeError, w_45
+            goto = 18
+        if goto == 15:
+            w_46 = space.getattr(w_cls_8, gs___name__)
+            w_47 = space.newtuple([w_46, w_name_13])
+            w_48 = space.mod(gs__s_instance_has_no_attribute__s, w_47)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_AttributeError, w_48
+            goto = 18
+        if goto == 16:
+            w_descr_get = fastf_mro_lookup(space, w_v_1, gs___get__)
+            w_50 = space.is_(w_descr_get, space.w_None)
+            v51 = space.is_true(w_50)
+            if v51 == True:
+                w_6 = w_v_1
+                goto = 19
+            else:
+                assert v51 == False
+                (w_inst_12, w_descr_get_1, w_v_3, w_cls_9) = (w_inst_11,
+                 w_descr_get, w_v_1, w_cls_4)
+                goto = 17
+        if goto == 17:
+            w_52 = space.call_function(w_descr_get_1, w_v_3, w_inst_12, w_cls_9)
+            w_6 = w_52
+            goto = 19
+        if goto == 18:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 19:
+            return w_6
+fastf_instance_getattr1 = instance_getattr1
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__getattribute__'
+## firstlineno 249
+# global declaration
+# global object gs___getattr__
+def __getattribute__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__getattribute__"
+    signature = ['self', 'name'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_name = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___getattribute__(space, w_self, w_name)
+f_instance___getattribute__ = __getattribute__
+def __getattribute__(space, w_self, w_name):
+    w_0=w_3=w_self_1=w_name_1=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_7=w_8=w_9=v10=w_self_3=None
+    w_name_3=w_13=w_14=w_15=w_16=w_17=w_18=v19=w_etype=w_evalue=w_self_4=None
+    w_name_4=w_20=w_21=w_getattr=w_25=v26=w_name_5=w_getattr_1=w_29=None
+    w_self_2=w_name_2=w_11=w_12=w_getattr_2=w_27=v28=w_name_6=w_getattr_3=None
+    w_30=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            try:
+                w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, w_name)
+                w_3 = w_0
+                goto = 9
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    (w_self_1, w_name_1, w_4, w_5, w_6, w_7, w_8) = (w_self, w_name,
+                     e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type, e.w_type, e.w_value)
+                    goto = 2
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_9 = space.is_(w_6, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_9)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_self_2, w_name_2, w_11, w_12 = w_self_1, w_name_1, w_7, w_8
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                (w_self_3, w_name_3, w_13, w_14, w_15, w_16, w_17) = (w_self_1,
+                 w_name_1, w_4, w_5, w_6, w_7, w_8)
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_18 = space.issubtype(w_15, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v19 = space.is_true(w_18)
+            if v19 == True:
+                w_self_4, w_name_4, w_20, w_21 = w_self_3, w_name_3, w_16, w_17
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v19 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_13, w_14
+                goto = 8
+        if goto == 4:
+            _args = Arguments.fromshape(space, (2, ('exc',), False, False), [w_self_4, gs___getattr__, space.w_False])
+            w_getattr = space.call_args(gfunc_instance_getattr1, _args)
+            w_25 = space.is_(w_getattr, space.w_None)
+            v26 = space.is_true(w_25)
+            if v26 == True:
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_20, w_21
+                goto = 8
+            else:
+                assert v26 == False
+                w_name_5, w_getattr_1 = w_name_4, w_getattr
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 5:
+            _args = Arguments.fromshape(space, (2, ('exc',), False, False), [w_self_2, gs___getattr__, space.w_False])
+            w_getattr_2 = space.call_args(gfunc_instance_getattr1, _args)
+            w_27 = space.is_(w_getattr_2, space.w_None)
+            v28 = space.is_true(w_27)
+            if v28 == True:
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_11, w_12
+                goto = 8
+            else:
+                assert v28 == False
+                w_name_6, w_getattr_3 = w_name_2, w_getattr_2
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_29 = space.call_function(w_getattr_1, w_name_5)
+            w_3 = w_29
+            goto = 9
+        if goto == 7:
+            w_30 = space.call_function(w_getattr_3, w_name_6)
+            w_3 = w_30
+            goto = 9
+        if goto == 8:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 9:
+            return w_3
+fastf_instance___getattribute__ = __getattribute__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__new__'
+## firstlineno 258
+# global declarations
+# global object gs_instance___first_arg_must_be_cla
+# global object gs_instance___second_arg_must_be_di
+def __new__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__new__"
+    signature = ['typ', 'klass', 'dic'], None, None
+    defaults_w = [space.w_None]
+    w_typ, w_klass, w_dic = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf___new___1(space, w_typ, w_klass, w_dic)
+f___new___1 = __new__
+def __new__(space, w_typ, w_klass, w_dic):
+    w_0=v2=w_4=w_etype=w_evalue=w_klass_1=w_dic_1=w_7=v8=w_klass_3=None
+    w_dic_2=w_9=v10=w_11=w_klass_4=w_dic_4=w_inst=w_13=w_14=w_15=None
+    w_16=w_klass_2=w_dic_3=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.isinstance(w_klass, gcls_classobj)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_klass_1, w_dic_1 = w_klass, w_dic
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_4 = space.call_function(gcls_TypeError, gs_instance___first_arg_must_be_cla)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_TypeError, w_4
+            goto = 8
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_dic_1, space.w_None)
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_7)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_klass_2 = w_klass_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_klass_3, w_dic_2 = w_klass_1, w_dic_1
+                goto = 5
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_dic_3 = space.newdict([])
+            w_klass_4, w_dic_4 = w_klass_2, w_dic_3
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_9 = space.isinstance(w_dic_2, space.w_dict)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_9)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_klass_4, w_dic_4 = w_klass_3, w_dic_2
+                goto = 7
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_11 = space.call_function(gcls_TypeError, gs_instance___second_arg_must_be_di)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_TypeError, w_11
+            goto = 8
+        if goto == 7:
+            w_inst = space.call_function(gbltinmethod___new__, gcls_instance)
+            w_13 = space.getattr(gdescriptor_instance__class, gs___set__)
+            w_14 = space.call_function(w_13, w_inst, w_klass_4)
+            w_15 = space.call_function(gdescriptor_object___setattr__, w_inst, gs___dict__, w_dic_4)
+            w_16 = w_inst
+            goto = 9
+        if goto == 8:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 9:
+            return w_16
+fastf___new___1 = __new__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__setattr__'
+## firstlineno 271
+# global declarations
+# global object gs___dict___must_be_set_to_a_dictio
+# global object gs___class___must_be_set_to_a_class
+def __setattr__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__setattr__"
+    signature = ['self', 'name', 'value'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_name, w_value = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___setattr__(space, w_self, w_name, w_value)
+f_instance___setattr__ = __setattr__
+def __setattr__(space, w_self, w_name, w_value):
+    w_0=v2=w_self_2=w_name_1=w_value_2=w_12=v13=w_self_5=w_name_2=None
+    w_value_5=w_setattr=w_20=v21=w_name_4=w_value_8=w_setattr_1=w_22=None
+    w_11=w_self_7=w_name_3=w_value_7=w_23=w_24=w_self_4=w_value_4=None
+    w_14=v15=w_16=w_etype=w_evalue=w_self_6=w_value_6=w_17=w_18=w_self_1=None
+    w_value_1=w_5=v6=w_7=w_self_3=w_value_3=w_10=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.eq(w_name, gs___dict__)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_value_1 = w_self, w_value
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_self_2, w_name_1, w_value_2 = w_self, w_name, w_value
+                goto = 5
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.isinstance(w_value_1, space.w_dict)
+            v6 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v6 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_value_3 = w_self_1, w_value_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v6 == False
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_7 = space.call_function(gcls_TypeError, gs___dict___must_be_set_to_a_dictio)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_TypeError, w_7
+            goto = 12
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_10 = space.call_function(gdescriptor_object___setattr__, w_self_3, gs___dict__, w_value_3)
+            w_11 = space.w_None
+            goto = 13
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.eq(w_name_1, gs___class__)
+            v13 = space.is_true(w_12)
+            if v13 == True:
+                w_self_4, w_value_4 = w_self_2, w_value_2
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v13 == False
+                w_self_5, w_name_2, w_value_5 = w_self_2, w_name_1, w_value_2
+                goto = 9
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_14 = space.isinstance(w_value_4, gcls_classobj)
+            v15 = space.is_true(w_14)
+            if v15 == True:
+                w_self_6, w_value_6 = w_self_4, w_value_4
+                goto = 8
+            else:
+                assert v15 == False
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            w_16 = space.call_function(gcls_TypeError, gs___class___must_be_set_to_a_class)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_TypeError, w_16
+            goto = 12
+        if goto == 8:
+            w_17 = space.getattr(gdescriptor_instance__class, gs___set__)
+            w_18 = space.call_function(w_17, w_self_6, w_value_6)
+            w_11 = space.w_None
+            goto = 13
+        if goto == 9:
+            _args = Arguments.fromshape(space, (2, ('exc',), False, False), [w_self_5, gs___setattr__, space.w_False])
+            w_setattr = space.call_args(gfunc_instance_getattr1, _args)
+            w_20 = space.is_(w_setattr, space.w_None)
+            v21 = space.is_true(w_20)
+            if v21 == True:
+                w_self_7, w_name_3, w_value_7 = w_self_5, w_name_2, w_value_5
+                goto = 11
+            else:
+                assert v21 == False
+                w_name_4, w_value_8, w_setattr_1 = w_name_2, w_value_5, w_setattr
+                goto = 10
+        if goto == 10:
+            w_22 = space.call_function(w_setattr_1, w_name_4, w_value_8)
+            w_11 = space.w_None
+            goto = 13
+        if goto == 11:
+            w_23 = space.getattr(w_self_7, gs___dict__)
+            w_24 = space.setitem(w_23, w_name_3, w_value_7)
+            w_11 = space.w_None
+            goto = 13
+        if goto == 12:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 13:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___setattr__ = __setattr__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__delattr__'
+## firstlineno 287
+# global declarations
+# global object g2tuple_2
+# global object gs__s_instance_has_no_attribute___s
+def __delattr__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__delattr__"
+    signature = ['self', 'name'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_name = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___delattr__(space, w_self, w_name)
+f_instance___delattr__ = __delattr__
+def __delattr__(space, w_self, w_name):
+    w_0=v2=w_self_2=w_name_2=w_delattr=w_7=v8=w_name_4=w_delattr_1=None
+    w_9=w_5=w_self_3=w_name_3=w_10=w_self_4=w_name_5=w_11=w_15=w_self_5=None
+    w_name_6=w_12=w_13=w_14=w_23=v24=w_self_6=w_name_7=w_19=w_21=None
+    w_17=w_16=v18=w_etype=w_evalue=w_self_7=w_name_8=w_25=w_26=w_27=None
+    w_28=w_29=w_self_8=w_name_9=w_30=w_31=w_32=w_33=w_34=w_self_1=None
+    w_name_1=w_4=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.contains(g2tuple_2, w_name)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_name_1 = w_self, w_name
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_self_2, w_name_2 = w_self, w_name
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_4 = fastf_instance___setattr__(space, w_self_1, w_name_1, space.w_None)
+            w_5 = space.w_None
+            goto = 12
+        if goto == 3:
+            _args = Arguments.fromshape(space, (2, ('exc',), False, False), [w_self_2, gs___delattr__, space.w_False])
+            w_delattr = space.call_args(gfunc_instance_getattr1, _args)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_delattr, space.w_None)
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_7)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_name_3 = w_self_2, w_name_2
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_name_4, w_delattr_1 = w_name_2, w_delattr
+                goto = 4
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_9 = space.call_function(w_delattr_1, w_name_4)
+            w_5 = space.w_None
+            goto = 12
+        if goto == 5:
+            try:
+                w_10 = space.getattr(w_self_3, gs___dict__)
+                w_self_4, w_name_5, w_11 = w_self_3, w_name_3, w_10
+                goto = 6
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_AttributeError)):
+                    (w_self_5, w_name_6, w_12, w_13, w_14) = (w_self_3, w_name_3,
+                     gcls_AttributeError, e.w_value, gcls_AttributeError)
+                    goto = 8
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 6:
+            try:
+                w_15 = space.delitem(w_11, w_name_5)
+                w_5 = space.w_None
+                goto = 12
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, space.w_IndexError)):
+                    (w_self_5, w_name_6, w_12, w_13, w_14) = (w_self_4, w_name_5,
+                     space.w_IndexError, e.w_value, space.w_IndexError)
+                    goto = 8
+                elif space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, space.w_KeyError)):
+                    (w_self_5, w_name_6, w_12, w_13, w_14) = (w_self_4, w_name_5,
+                     space.w_KeyError, e.w_value, space.w_KeyError)
+                    goto = 8
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 7:
+            w_16 = space.issubtype(w_17, space.w_KeyError)
+            v18 = space.is_true(w_16)
+            if v18 == True:
+                w_self_7, w_name_8 = w_self_6, w_name_7
+                goto = 9
+            else:
+                assert v18 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_19, w_21
+                goto = 11
+        if goto == 8:
+            w_23 = space.is_(w_14, space.w_KeyError)
+            v24 = space.is_true(w_23)
+            if v24 == True:
+                w_self_8, w_name_9 = w_self_5, w_name_6
+                goto = 10
+            else:
+                assert v24 == False
+                (w_self_6, w_name_7, w_19, w_21, w_17) = (w_self_5, w_name_6,
+                 w_12, w_13, w_14)
+                goto = 7
+                continue
+        if goto == 9:
+            w_25 = space.getattr(w_self_7, gs___class__)
+            w_26 = space.getattr(w_25, gs___name__)
+            w_27 = space.newtuple([w_26, w_name_8])
+            w_28 = space.mod(gs__s_instance_has_no_attribute___s, w_27)
+            w_29 = space.call_function(gcls_AttributeError, w_28)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_AttributeError, w_29
+            goto = 11
+        if goto == 10:
+            w_30 = space.getattr(w_self_8, gs___class__)
+            w_31 = space.getattr(w_30, gs___name__)
+            w_32 = space.newtuple([w_31, w_name_9])
+            w_33 = space.mod(gs__s_instance_has_no_attribute___s, w_32)
+            w_34 = space.call_function(gcls_AttributeError, w_33)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_AttributeError, w_34
+            goto = 11
+        if goto == 11:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 12:
+            return w_5
+fastf_instance___delattr__ = __delattr__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__repr__'
+## firstlineno 303
+# global declaration
+# global object gs___s__s_instance_at_0x_x_
+def __repr__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__repr__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___repr__(space, w_self)
+f_instance___repr__ = __repr__
+def __repr__(space, w_self):
+    w_func=w_func_1=w_21=w_16=w_self_1=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_5=v6=w_self_3=None
+    w_7=w_8=w_9=w_22=v23=w_etype=w_evalue=w_self_4=w_klass=w_mod=None
+    w_12=w_13=w_14=w_15=w_self_2=w_klass_1=w_mod_1=w_17=w_18=w_19=None
+    w_20=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            try:
+                w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___repr__)
+                w_func_1 = w_func
+                goto = 5
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_self_1, w_2, w_3, w_4 = w_self, e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 2
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.is_(w_4, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v6 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v6 == True:
+                w_self_2 = w_self_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v6 == False
+                w_self_3, w_7, w_8, w_9 = w_self_1, w_2, w_3, w_4
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_klass = space.getattr(w_self_4, gs___class__)
+            w_mod = fastf_get_class_module(space, w_klass)
+            w_12 = space.getattr(w_klass, gs___name__)
+            w_13 = fastf_uid(space, w_self_4)
+            w_14 = space.newtuple([w_mod, w_12, w_13])
+            w_15 = space.mod(gs___s__s_instance_at_0x_x_, w_14)
+            w_16 = w_15
+            goto = 8
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_klass_1 = space.getattr(w_self_2, gs___class__)
+            w_mod_1 = fastf_get_class_module(space, w_klass_1)
+            w_17 = space.getattr(w_klass_1, gs___name__)
+            w_18 = fastf_uid(space, w_self_2)
+            w_19 = space.newtuple([w_mod_1, w_17, w_18])
+            w_20 = space.mod(gs___s__s_instance_at_0x_x_, w_19)
+            w_16 = w_20
+            goto = 8
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_21 = space.call_function(w_func_1, )
+            w_16 = w_21
+            goto = 8
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_22 = space.issubtype(w_9, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v23 = space.is_true(w_22)
+            if v23 == True:
+                w_self_4 = w_self_3
+                goto = 3
+                continue
+            else:
+                assert v23 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_7, w_8
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 8:
+            return w_16
+fastf_instance___repr__ = __repr__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__str__'
+## firstlineno 312
+def __str__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__str__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___str__(space, w_self)
+f_instance___str__ = __str__
+def __str__(space, w_self):
+    w_func=w_func_1=w_13=w_11=w_self_1=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_5=v6=w_self_3=None
+    w_7=w_8=w_9=w_14=v15=w_etype=w_evalue=w_self_4=w_10=w_self_2=None
+    w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            try:
+                w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___str__)
+                w_func_1 = w_func
+                goto = 5
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_self_1, w_2, w_3, w_4 = w_self, e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 2
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.is_(w_4, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v6 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v6 == True:
+                w_self_2 = w_self_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v6 == False
+                w_self_3, w_7, w_8, w_9 = w_self_1, w_2, w_3, w_4
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_10 = fastf_instance___repr__(space, w_self_4)
+            w_11 = w_10
+            goto = 8
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_12 = fastf_instance___repr__(space, w_self_2)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 8
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_13 = space.call_function(w_func_1, )
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 8
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_14 = space.issubtype(w_9, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v15 = space.is_true(w_14)
+            if v15 == True:
+                w_self_4 = w_self_3
+                goto = 3
+                continue
+            else:
+                assert v15 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_7, w_8
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 8:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___str__ = __str__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__hash__'
+## firstlineno 319
+# global declarations
+# global object gs_unhashable_instance
+# global object gs___hash_____should_return_an_int
+def __hash__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__hash__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___hash__(space, w_self)
+f_instance___hash__ = __hash__
+def __hash__(space, w_self):
+    w__eq=w__cmp=w__hash=v4=w_self_1=w__hash_1=w_5=v6=w_self_3=w__hash_3=None
+    w_7=v9=w_self_4=w__hash_4=v13=w_self_5=w_19=w_17=w__hash_5=w_ret=None
+    w_15=v16=w_18=w_etype=w_evalue=w_10=w_self_2=w__hash_2=v8=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w__eq = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___eq__, space.w_False)
+            w__cmp = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___cmp__, space.w_False)
+            w__hash = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___hash__, space.w_False)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w__eq)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w__hash_1, w_5 = w_self, w__hash, w__eq
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_1, w__hash_1, w_5 = w_self, w__hash, w__cmp
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            v6 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v6 == True:
+                w_self_2, w__hash_2 = w_self_1, w__hash_1
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v6 == False
+                w_self_3, w__hash_3, w_7 = w_self_1, w__hash_1, w_5
+                goto = 4
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w__hash_2)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w__hash_3, w_7 = w_self_2, w__hash_2, space.w_False
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_3, w__hash_3, w_7 = w_self_2, w__hash_2, space.w_True
+                goto = 4
+        if goto == 4:
+            v9 = space.is_true(w_7)
+            if v9 == True:
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v9 == False
+                w_self_4, w__hash_4 = w_self_3, w__hash_3
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_10 = space.call_function(gcls_TypeError, gs_unhashable_instance)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_TypeError, w_10
+            goto = 10
+        if goto == 6:
+            v13 = space.is_true(w__hash_4)
+            if v13 == True:
+                w__hash_5 = w__hash_4
+                goto = 7
+            else:
+                assert v13 == False
+                w_self_5 = w_self_4
+                goto = 9
+        if goto == 7:
+            w_ret = space.call_function(w__hash_5, )
+            w_15 = space.isinstance(w_ret, space.w_int)
+            v16 = space.is_true(w_15)
+            if v16 == True:
+                w_17 = w_ret
+                goto = 11
+            else:
+                assert v16 == False
+                goto = 8
+        if goto == 8:
+            w_18 = space.call_function(gcls_TypeError, gs___hash_____should_return_an_int)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_TypeError, w_18
+            goto = 10
+        if goto == 9:
+            w_19 = space.id(w_self_5)
+            w_17 = w_19
+            goto = 11
+        if goto == 10:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 11:
+            return w_17
+fastf_instance___hash__ = __hash__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__len__'
+## firstlineno 333
+# global declarations
+# global object gs___len_____should_return____0
+# global object gs___len_____should_return_an_int
+def __len__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__len__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___len__(space, w_self)
+f_instance___len__ = __len__
+def __len__(space, w_self):
+    w_0=w_ret=w_3=v4=w_11=w_etype=w_evalue=w_ret_1=w_5=v6=w_7=w_8=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___len__)
+            w_ret = space.call_function(w_0, )
+            w_3 = space.isinstance(w_ret, space.w_int)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_ret_1 = w_ret
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                goto = 4
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.lt(w_ret_1, gi_0)
+            v6 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v6 == True:
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v6 == False
+                w_7 = w_ret_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_8 = space.call_function(space.w_ValueError, gs___len_____should_return____0)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = space.w_ValueError, w_8
+            goto = 5
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_11 = space.call_function(gcls_TypeError, gs___len_____should_return_an_int)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_TypeError, w_11
+            goto = 5
+        if goto == 5:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 6:
+            return w_7
+fastf_instance___len__ = __len__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__getitem__'
+## firstlineno 342
+# global declaration
+# global object gs___getslice__
+def __getitem__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__getitem__"
+    signature = ['self', 'key'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_key = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___getitem__(space, w_self, w_key)
+f_instance___getitem__ = __getitem__
+def __getitem__(space, w_self, w_key):
+    w_0=v2=w_self_2=w_key_2=w_4=v7=w_self_4=w_key_4=w_14=w_15=w_13=None
+    w_self_3=w_key_3=w_func=v9=w_key_5=w_func_1=w_10=w_11=w_12=w_self_1=None
+    w_key_1=w_5=w_6=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.isinstance(w_key, space.w_slice)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_key_1 = w_self, w_key
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_self_2, w_key_2, w_4 = w_self, w_key, w_0
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.getattr(w_key_1, gs_step)
+            w_6 = space.is_(w_5, space.w_None)
+            w_self_2, w_key_2, w_4 = w_self_1, w_key_1, w_6
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v7 = space.is_true(w_4)
+            if v7 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_key_3 = w_self_2, w_key_2
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v7 == False
+                w_self_4, w_key_4 = w_self_2, w_key_2
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___getslice__, space.w_False)
+            v9 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v9 == True:
+                w_key_5, w_func_1 = w_key_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v9 == False
+                w_self_4, w_key_4 = w_self_3, w_key_3
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_10 = space.getattr(w_key_5, gs_start)
+            w_11 = space.getattr(w_key_5, gs_stop)
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_10, w_11)
+            w_13 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_14 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_4, gs___getitem__)
+            w_15 = space.call_function(w_14, w_key_4)
+            w_13 = w_15
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_13
+fastf_instance___getitem__ = __getitem__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__setitem__'
+## firstlineno 349
+# global declarations
+# global object gs_step
+# global object gs___setslice__
+# global object gs_start
+# global object gs_stop
+def __setitem__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__setitem__"
+    signature = ['self', 'key', 'value'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_key, w_value = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___setitem__(space, w_self, w_key, w_value)
+f_instance___setitem__ = __setitem__
+def __setitem__(space, w_self, w_key, w_value):
+    w_0=v2=w_self_2=w_key_2=w_value_2=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_key_4=w_value_4=None
+    w_14=w_15=w_16=w_self_3=w_key_3=w_value_3=w_func=v10=w_self_5=None
+    w_key_5=w_value_5=w_func_1=w_11=w_12=w_13=w_self_1=w_key_1=w_value_1=None
+    w_6=w_7=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.isinstance(w_key, space.w_slice)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_key_1, w_value_1 = w_self, w_key, w_value
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_self_2, w_key_2, w_value_2, w_5 = w_self, w_key, w_value, w_0
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getattr(w_key_1, gs_step)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, space.w_None)
+            (w_self_2, w_key_2, w_value_2, w_5) = (w_self_1, w_key_1,
+             w_value_1, w_7)
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_key_3, w_value_3 = w_self_2, w_key_2, w_value_2
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_key_4, w_value_4 = w_self_2, w_key_2, w_value_2
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___setslice__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                (w_self_5, w_key_5, w_value_5, w_func_1) = (w_self_3, w_key_3,
+                 w_value_3, w_func)
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_self_4, w_key_4, w_value_4 = w_self_3, w_key_3, w_value_3
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_11 = space.getattr(w_key_5, gs_start)
+            w_12 = space.getattr(w_key_5, gs_stop)
+            w_13 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_11, w_12, w_value_5)
+            w_self_4, w_key_4, w_value_4 = w_self_5, w_key_5, w_value_5
+            goto = 6
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_14 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_4, gs___setitem__)
+            w_15 = space.call_function(w_14, w_key_4, w_value_4)
+            w_16 = space.w_None
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_16
+fastf_instance___setitem__ = __setitem__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__delitem__'
+## firstlineno 356
+# global declaration
+# global object gs___delslice__
+def __delitem__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__delitem__"
+    signature = ['self', 'key'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_key = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___delitem__(space, w_self, w_key)
+f_instance___delitem__ = __delitem__
+def __delitem__(space, w_self, w_key):
+    w_0=v2=w_self_2=w_key_2=w_4=v7=w_self_4=w_key_4=w_13=w_14=w_15=None
+    w_self_3=w_key_3=w_func=v9=w_self_5=w_key_5=w_func_1=w_10=w_11=None
+    w_12=w_self_1=w_key_1=w_5=w_6=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.isinstance(w_key, space.w_slice)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_key_1 = w_self, w_key
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_self_2, w_key_2, w_4 = w_self, w_key, w_0
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.getattr(w_key_1, gs_step)
+            w_6 = space.is_(w_5, space.w_None)
+            w_self_2, w_key_2, w_4 = w_self_1, w_key_1, w_6
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v7 = space.is_true(w_4)
+            if v7 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_key_3 = w_self_2, w_key_2
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v7 == False
+                w_self_4, w_key_4 = w_self_2, w_key_2
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___delslice__, space.w_False)
+            v9 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v9 == True:
+                w_self_5, w_key_5, w_func_1 = w_self_3, w_key_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v9 == False
+                w_self_4, w_key_4 = w_self_3, w_key_3
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_10 = space.getattr(w_key_5, gs_start)
+            w_11 = space.getattr(w_key_5, gs_stop)
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_10, w_11)
+            w_self_4, w_key_4 = w_self_5, w_key_5
+            goto = 6
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_4, gs___delitem__)
+            w_14 = space.call_function(w_13, w_key_4)
+            w_15 = space.w_None
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_15
+fastf_instance___delitem__ = __delitem__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__contains__'
+## firstlineno 363
+def __contains__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__contains__"
+    signature = ['self', 'obj'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_obj = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___contains__(space, w_self, w_obj)
+f_instance___contains__ = __contains__
+def __contains__(space, w_self, w_obj):
+    w_func=v2=w_self_1=w_obj_2=w_7=w_obj_3=w_8=w_x=w_obj_4=w_10=w_x_1=None
+    w_11=v12=w_6=w_obj_1=w_func_1=w_4=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___contains__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_obj_1, w_func_1 = w_obj, w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_self_1, w_obj_2 = w_self, w_obj
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_4 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_obj_1)
+            w_5 = space.call_function(space.w_bool, w_4)
+            w_6 = w_5
+            goto = 6
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_7 = space.iter(w_self_1)
+            w_obj_3, w_8 = w_obj_2, w_7
+            goto = 4
+        if goto == 4:
+            try:
+                w_x = space.next(w_8)
+                w_obj_4, w_10, w_x_1 = w_obj_3, w_8, w_x
+                goto = 5
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, space.w_StopIteration)):
+                    w_6 = space.w_False
+                    goto = 6
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_11 = space.eq(w_x_1, w_obj_4)
+            v12 = space.is_true(w_11)
+            if v12 == True:
+                w_6 = space.w_True
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v12 == False
+                w_obj_3, w_8 = w_obj_4, w_10
+                goto = 4
+                continue
+        if goto == 6:
+            return w_6
+fastf_instance___contains__ = __contains__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__coerce__'
+## firstlineno 384
+def __coerce__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__coerce__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___coerce__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___coerce__ = __coerce__
+def __coerce__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_func=v2=w_4=w_other_1=w_func_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___coerce__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_other_1, w_func_1 = w_other, w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_4 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_1)
+            w_4 = w_5
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_4
+fastf_instance___coerce__ = __coerce__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__pow__'
+## firstlineno 438
+def __pow__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__pow__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other', 'modulo'], None, None
+    defaults_w = [space.w_None]
+    w_self, w_other, w_modulo = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___pow__(space, w_self, w_other, w_modulo)
+f_instance___pow__ = __pow__
+def __pow__(space, w_self, w_other, w_modulo):
+    w_0=v2=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_modulo_1=w_func_2=v17=w_14=w_other_8=None
+    w_modulo_2=w_func_3=w_18=w_self_1=w_other_1=w_coerced=w_6=v7=None
+    w_self_4=w_other_4=w_coerced_1=w_9=w_10=w_self_3=w_other_3=w_8=None
+    v11=w_self_6=w_other_6=w_16=w_self_5=w_other_5=w_func=v13=w_other_7=None
+    w_func_1=w_15=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.is_(w_modulo, space.w_None)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1 = w_self, w_other
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_modulo_1 = w_self, w_other, w_modulo
+                goto = 8
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self_1, w_other_1)
+            w_6 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v7 = space.is_true(w_6)
+            if v7 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3, w_8 = w_self_1, w_other_1, w_6
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v7 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4, w_coerced_1 = w_self_1, w_other_1, w_coerced
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_9 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_10 = space.is_(w_9, w_self_4)
+            w_self_3, w_other_3, w_8 = w_self_4, w_other_4, w_10
+            goto = 4
+        if goto == 4:
+            v11 = space.is_true(w_8)
+            if v11 == True:
+                w_self_5, w_other_5 = w_self_3, w_other_3
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v11 == False
+                w_self_6, w_other_6 = w_self_3, w_other_3
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_5, gs___pow__, space.w_False)
+            v13 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v13 == True:
+                w_other_7, w_func_1 = w_other_5, w_func
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v13 == False
+                w_14 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 10
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_15 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_7)
+            w_14 = w_15
+            goto = 10
+        if goto == 7:
+            w_16 = space.pow(w_self_6, w_other_6)
+            w_14 = w_16
+            goto = 10
+        if goto == 8:
+            w_func_2 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_2, gs___pow__, space.w_False)
+            v17 = space.is_true(w_func_2)
+            if v17 == True:
+                w_other_8, w_modulo_2, w_func_3 = w_other_2, w_modulo_1, w_func_2
+                goto = 9
+            else:
+                assert v17 == False
+                w_14 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 10
+        if goto == 9:
+            w_18 = space.call_function(w_func_3, w_other_8, w_modulo_2)
+            w_14 = w_18
+            goto = 10
+        if goto == 10:
+            return w_14
+fastf_instance___pow__ = __pow__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__rpow__'
+## firstlineno 456
+def __rpow__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__rpow__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other', 'modulo'], None, None
+    defaults_w = [space.w_None]
+    w_self, w_other, w_modulo = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___rpow__(space, w_self, w_other, w_modulo)
+f_instance___rpow__ = __rpow__
+def __rpow__(space, w_self, w_other, w_modulo):
+    w_0=v2=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_modulo_1=w_func_2=v17=w_14=w_other_8=None
+    w_modulo_2=w_func_3=w_18=w_self_1=w_other_1=w_coerced=w_6=v7=None
+    w_self_4=w_other_4=w_coerced_1=w_9=w_10=w_self_3=w_other_3=w_8=None
+    v11=w_self_6=w_other_6=w_16=w_self_5=w_other_5=w_func=v13=w_other_7=None
+    w_func_1=w_15=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.is_(w_modulo, space.w_None)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_0)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1 = w_self, w_other
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_modulo_1 = w_self, w_other, w_modulo
+                goto = 8
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self_1, w_other_1)
+            w_6 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v7 = space.is_true(w_6)
+            if v7 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3, w_8 = w_self_1, w_other_1, w_6
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v7 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4, w_coerced_1 = w_self_1, w_other_1, w_coerced
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_9 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_10 = space.is_(w_9, w_self_4)
+            w_self_3, w_other_3, w_8 = w_self_4, w_other_4, w_10
+            goto = 4
+        if goto == 4:
+            v11 = space.is_true(w_8)
+            if v11 == True:
+                w_self_5, w_other_5 = w_self_3, w_other_3
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v11 == False
+                w_self_6, w_other_6 = w_self_3, w_other_3
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_5, gs___rpow__, space.w_False)
+            v13 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v13 == True:
+                w_other_7, w_func_1 = w_other_5, w_func
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v13 == False
+                w_14 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 10
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_15 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_7)
+            w_14 = w_15
+            goto = 10
+        if goto == 7:
+            w_16 = space.pow(w_other_6, w_self_6)
+            w_14 = w_16
+            goto = 10
+        if goto == 8:
+            w_func_2 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_2, gs___rpow__, space.w_False)
+            v17 = space.is_true(w_func_2)
+            if v17 == True:
+                w_other_8, w_modulo_2, w_func_3 = w_other_2, w_modulo_1, w_func_2
+                goto = 9
+            else:
+                assert v17 == False
+                w_14 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 10
+        if goto == 9:
+            w_18 = space.call_function(w_func_3, w_other_8, w_modulo_2)
+            w_14 = w_18
+            goto = 10
+        if goto == 10:
+            return w_14
+fastf_instance___rpow__ = __rpow__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__nonzero__'
+## firstlineno 474
+# global declarations
+# global object gs___nonzero_____should_return____0
+# global object gs___nonzero_____should_return_an_i
+def __nonzero__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__nonzero__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___nonzero__(space, w_self)
+f_instance___nonzero__ = __nonzero__
+def __nonzero__(space, w_self):
+    w_func=v2=w_self_1=w_func_2=v3=w_4=w_func_1=w_ret=w_6=v7=w_14=None
+    w_etype=w_evalue=w_ret_1=w_8=v9=w_ret_2=w_13=w_10=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___nonzero__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_func_1 = w_func
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_self_1 = w_self
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_func_2 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_1, gs___nonzero__, space.w_False)
+            v3 = space.is_true(w_func_2)
+            if v3 == True:
+                w_func_1 = w_func_2
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v3 == False
+                w_4 = space.w_True
+                goto = 9
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_ret = space.call_function(w_func_1, )
+            w_6 = space.isinstance(w_ret, space.w_int)
+            v7 = space.is_true(w_6)
+            if v7 == True:
+                w_ret_1 = w_ret
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v7 == False
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_8 = space.lt(w_ret_1, gi_0)
+            v9 = space.is_true(w_8)
+            if v9 == True:
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v9 == False
+                w_ret_2 = w_ret_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_10 = space.call_function(space.w_ValueError, gs___nonzero_____should_return____0)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = space.w_ValueError, w_10
+            goto = 8
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.gt(w_ret_2, gi_0)
+            w_4 = w_13
+            goto = 9
+        if goto == 7:
+            w_14 = space.call_function(gcls_TypeError, gs___nonzero_____should_return_an_i)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_TypeError, w_14
+            goto = 8
+        if goto == 8:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 9:
+            return w_4
+fastf_instance___nonzero__ = __nonzero__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__call__'
+## firstlineno 489
+# global declaration
+# global object gs__s_instance_has_no___call___meth
+def __call__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__call__"
+    signature = ['self'], 'args', 'kwds'
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_args, w_kwds = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___call__(space, w_self, w_args, w_kwds)
+f_instance___call__ = __call__
+def __call__(space, w_self, w_args, w_kwds):
+    w_func=v2=w_self_1=w_5=w_6=w_7=w_etype=w_evalue=w_args_1=w_kwds_1=None
+    w_func_1=w_10=w_11=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___call__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_args_1, w_kwds_1, w_func_1 = w_args, w_kwds, w_func
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_self_1 = w_self
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.getattr(w_self_1, gs___class__)
+            w_6 = space.getattr(w_5, gs___name__)
+            w_7 = space.mod(gs__s_instance_has_no___call___meth, w_6)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_AttributeError, w_7
+            goto = 4
+        if goto == 3:
+            _args = Arguments.fromshape(space, (0, (), True, True), [w_args_1, w_kwds_1])
+            w_10 = space.call_args(w_func_1, _args)
+            w_11 = w_10
+            goto = 5
+        if goto == 4:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 5:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___call__ = __call__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__iter__'
+## firstlineno 509
+# global declarations
+# global object gs___iter___returned_non_iterator_o
+# global object gs_iteration_over_non_sequence
+# global object gfunc_seqiter
+def __iter__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__iter__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___iter__(space, w_self)
+f_instance___iter__ = __iter__
+def __iter__(space, w_self):
+    w_func=v2=w_self_1=w_func_2=v12=w_etype=w_evalue=w_func_3=w_13=None
+    w_6=w_func_1=w_ret=w_4=v5=w_ret_1=w_7=w_8=w_9=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___iter__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_func_1 = w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_self_1 = w_self
+                goto = 4
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_ret = space.call_function(w_func_1, )
+            w_4 = fastf_mro_lookup(space, w_ret, gs_next)
+            v5 = space.is_true(w_4)
+            if v5 == True:
+                w_6 = w_ret
+                goto = 7
+            else:
+                assert v5 == False
+                w_ret_1 = w_ret
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_7 = space.call_function(space.w_type, w_ret_1)
+            w_8 = space.getattr(w_7, gs___name__)
+            w_9 = space.mod(gs___iter___returned_non_iterator_o, w_8)
+            w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_TypeError, w_9
+            goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func_2 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_1, gs___getitem__, space.w_False)
+            v12 = space.is_true(w_func_2)
+            if v12 == True:
+                w_func_3 = w_func_2
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v12 == False
+                (w_etype, w_evalue) = (gcls_TypeError,
+                 gs_iteration_over_non_sequence)
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_13 = fastf_seqiter(space, w_func_3)
+            w_6 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_6
+fastf_instance___iter__ = __iter__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    'next'
+## firstlineno 524
+# global declaration
+# global object gs_instance_has_no_next___method
+def next(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "next"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance_next(space, w_self)
+f_instance_next = next
+def next(space, w_self):
+    w_func=v2=w_etype=w_evalue=w_func_1=w_5=w_6=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs_next, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_func_1 = w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                (w_etype, w_evalue) = (gcls_TypeError,
+                 gs_instance_has_no_next___method)
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(w_func_1, )
+            w_6 = w_5
+            goto = 4
+        if goto == 3:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 4:
+            return w_6
+fastf_instance_next = next
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    '__cmp__'
+## firstlineno 530
+# global declarations
+# global object gs___cmp___must_return_int
+# global object gi_minus_1
+def __cmp__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__cmp__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___cmp__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___cmp__ = __cmp__
+def __cmp__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_coerced_1=w_v_1=w_w_1=w_7=v8=w_v_3=w_w_3=w_10=None
+    v11=w_w_2=w_v_2=w_9=v12=w_w=w_v=w_15=v16=w_w_6=w_v_6=w_28=v29=None
+    w_14=w_v_7=w_func_2=v30=w_v_8=w_func_3=w_res_3=w_31=v32=w_etype=None
+    w_evalue=w_res_4=w_33=v34=w_res_5=w_35=v36=w_w_5=w_v_5=w_func=None
+    v18=w_w_7=w_func_1=w_res=w_20=v21=w_res_1=w_24=v25=w_res_2=w_26=None
+    v27=w_w_4=w_v_4=w_13=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_w, w_v = w_other, w_self
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_coerced_1 = w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_v_1 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_w_1 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_1)
+            w_7 = space.isinstance(w_v_1, gcls_instance)
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_7)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_w_2, w_v_2, w_9 = w_w_1, w_v_1, space.w_False
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_v_3, w_w_3 = w_v_1, w_w_1
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_10 = space.isinstance(w_w_3, gcls_instance)
+            v11 = space.is_true(w_10)
+            if v11 == True:
+                w_w_2, w_v_2, w_9 = w_w_3, w_v_3, space.w_False
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v11 == False
+                w_w_2, w_v_2, w_9 = w_w_3, w_v_3, space.w_True
+                goto = 4
+        if goto == 4:
+            v12 = space.is_true(w_9)
+            if v12 == True:
+                w_w_4, w_v_4 = w_w_2, w_v_2
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v12 == False
+                w_w, w_v = w_w_2, w_v_2
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_13 = space.cmp(w_v_4, w_w_4)
+            w_14 = w_13
+            goto = 17
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_15 = space.isinstance(w_v, gcls_instance)
+            v16 = space.is_true(w_15)
+            if v16 == True:
+                w_w_5, w_v_5 = w_w, w_v
+                goto = 7
+            else:
+                assert v16 == False
+                w_w_6, w_v_6 = w_w, w_v
+                goto = 11
+        if goto == 7:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_v_5, gs___cmp__, space.w_False)
+            v18 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v18 == True:
+                w_w_7, w_func_1 = w_w_5, w_func
+                goto = 8
+            else:
+                assert v18 == False
+                w_w_6, w_v_6 = w_w_5, w_v_5
+                goto = 11
+        if goto == 8:
+            w_res = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_w_7)
+            w_20 = space.isinstance(w_res, space.w_int)
+            v21 = space.is_true(w_20)
+            if v21 == True:
+                w_res_1 = w_res
+                goto = 9
+            else:
+                assert v21 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_TypeError, gs___cmp___must_return_int
+                goto = 16
+        if goto == 9:
+            w_24 = space.gt(w_res_1, gi_0)
+            v25 = space.is_true(w_24)
+            if v25 == True:
+                w_14 = gi_1
+                goto = 17
+            else:
+                assert v25 == False
+                w_res_2 = w_res_1
+                goto = 10
+        if goto == 10:
+            w_26 = space.lt(w_res_2, gi_0)
+            v27 = space.is_true(w_26)
+            if v27 == True:
+                w_14 = gi_minus_1
+                goto = 17
+            else:
+                assert v27 == False
+                w_14 = gi_0
+                goto = 17
+        if goto == 11:
+            w_28 = space.isinstance(w_w_6, gcls_instance)
+            v29 = space.is_true(w_28)
+            if v29 == True:
+                w_v_7 = w_v_6
+                goto = 12
+            else:
+                assert v29 == False
+                w_14 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 17
+        if goto == 12:
+            w_func_2 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_v_7, gs___cmp__, space.w_False)
+            v30 = space.is_true(w_func_2)
+            if v30 == True:
+                w_v_8, w_func_3 = w_v_7, w_func_2
+                goto = 13
+            else:
+                assert v30 == False
+                w_14 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 17
+        if goto == 13:
+            w_res_3 = space.call_function(w_func_3, w_v_8)
+            w_31 = space.isinstance(w_res_3, space.w_int)
+            v32 = space.is_true(w_31)
+            if v32 == True:
+                w_res_4 = w_res_3
+                goto = 14
+            else:
+                assert v32 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = gcls_TypeError, gs___cmp___must_return_int
+                goto = 16
+        if goto == 14:
+            w_33 = space.gt(w_res_4, gi_0)
+            v34 = space.is_true(w_33)
+            if v34 == True:
+                w_14 = gi_1
+                goto = 17
+            else:
+                assert v34 == False
+                w_res_5 = w_res_4
+                goto = 15
+        if goto == 15:
+            w_35 = space.lt(w_res_5, gi_0)
+            v36 = space.is_true(w_35)
+            if v36 == True:
+                w_14 = gi_minus_1
+                goto = 17
+            else:
+                assert v36 == False
+                w_14 = gi_0
+                goto = 17
+        if goto == 16:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 17:
+            return w_14
+fastf_instance___cmp__ = __cmp__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/lib/_classobj.py'
+## function    'purify'
+## firstlineno 568
+# global declarations
+# global object g3tuple
+# global object gcls_classobj
+# global object gs___module__
+# global object gs__classobj
+# global object gs___new__
+# global object gsm___new__
+# global object gfunc___new__
+# global object gs___slots__
+# global object g3tuple_1
+# global object gs__name
+# global object gs__bases
+# global object gs___dict__
+# global object gs_classobj
+# global object gcls_instance
+# global object gsm___new___1
+# global object gfunc___new___1
+# global object g2tuple
+# global object gs__class
+# global object gs_instance
+# global object gfunc_purify
+def purify(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "purify"
+    signature = [], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_purify(space)
+f_purify = purify
+def purify(space):
+    w_0=w_1=w_2=w_3=w_4=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.delattr(gcls_classobj, gs__name)
+            w_1 = space.delattr(gcls_classobj, gs__bases)
+            w_2 = space.delattr(gcls_classobj, gs___slots__)
+            w_3 = space.delattr(gcls_instance, gs__class)
+            w_4 = space.delattr(gcls_instance, gs___slots__)
+            w_5 = space.w_None
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_5
+fastf_purify = purify
+# global declarations
+# global object gs___abs__
+# global object gfunc_instance___abs__
+# global object gs___add__
+# global object gfunc_instance___add__
+# global object gs___and__
+# global object gfunc_instance___and__
+# global object gs___call__
+# global object gfunc_instance___call__
+# global object gs___cmp__
+# global object gfunc_instance___cmp__
+# global object gs___coerce__
+# global object gfunc_instance___coerce__
+# global object gs___contains__
+# global object gfunc_instance___contains__
+# global object gs___delattr__
+# global object gfunc_instance___delattr__
+# global object gs___delitem__
+# global object gfunc_instance___delitem__
+# global object gs___div__
+# global object gfunc_instance___div__
+# global object gs___divmod__
+# global object gfunc_instance___divmod__
+# global object gs___eq__
+# global object gfunc_instance___eq__
+# global object gs___float__
+# global object gfunc_instance___float__
+# global object gs___floordiv__
+# global object gfunc_instance___floordiv__
+# global object gs___ge__
+# global object gfunc_instance___ge__
+# global object gs___getattribute__
+# global object gfunc_instance___getattribute__
+# global object gs___getitem__
+# global object gfunc_instance___getitem__
+# global object gs___gt__
+# global object gfunc_instance___gt__
+# global object gs___hash__
+# global object gfunc_instance___hash__
+# global object gs___hex__
+# global object gfunc_instance___hex__
+# global object gs___iadd__
+# global object gfunc_instance___iadd__
+# global object gs___iand__
+# global object gfunc_instance___iand__
+# global object gs___idiv__
+# global object gfunc_instance___idiv__
+# global object gs___ifloordiv__
+# global object gfunc_instance___ifloordiv__
+# global object gs___ilshift__
+# global object gfunc_instance___ilshift__
+# global object gs___imod__
+# global object gfunc_instance___imod__
+# global object gs___imul__
+# global object gfunc_instance___imul__
+# global object gs___int__
+# global object gfunc_instance___int__
+# global object gs___invert__
+# global object gfunc_instance___invert__
+# global object gs___ior__
+# global object gfunc_instance___ior__
+# global object gs___ipow__
+# global object gfunc_instance___ipow__
+# global object gs___irshift__
+# global object gfunc_instance___irshift__
+# global object gs___isub__
+# global object gfunc_instance___isub__
+# global object gs___iter__
+# global object gfunc_instance___iter__
+# global object gs___itruediv__
+# global object gfunc_instance___itruediv__
+# global object gs___ixor__
+# global object gfunc_instance___ixor__
+# global object gs___le__
+# global object gfunc_instance___le__
+# global object gs___len__
+# global object gfunc_instance___len__
+# global object gs___long__
+# global object gfunc_instance___long__
+# global object gs___lshift__
+# global object gfunc_instance___lshift__
+# global object gs___lt__
+# global object gfunc_instance___lt__
+# global object gs___mod__
+# global object gfunc_instance___mod__
+# global object gs___mul__
+# global object gfunc_instance___mul__
+# global object gs___ne__
+# global object gfunc_instance___ne__
+# global object gs___neg__
+# global object gfunc_instance___neg__
+# global object gs___nonzero__
+# global object gfunc_instance___nonzero__
+# global object gs___oct__
+# global object gfunc_instance___oct__
+# global object gs___or__
+# global object gfunc_instance___or__
+# global object gs___pos__
+# global object gfunc_instance___pos__
+# global object gs___pow__
+# global object gfunc_instance___pow__
+# global object gs___radd__
+# global object gfunc_instance___radd__
+# global object gs___rand__
+# global object gfunc_instance___rand__
+# global object gs___rdiv__
+# global object gfunc_instance___rdiv__
+# global object gs___rdivmod__
+# global object gfunc_instance___rdivmod__
+# global object gs___repr__
+# global object gfunc_instance___repr__
+# global object gs___rfloordiv__
+# global object gfunc_instance___rfloordiv__
+# global object gs___rlshift__
+# global object gfunc_instance___rlshift__
+# global object gs___rmod__
+# global object gfunc_instance___rmod__
+# global object gs___rmul__
+# global object gfunc_instance___rmul__
+# global object gs___ror__
+# global object gfunc_instance___ror__
+# global object gs___rpow__
+# global object gfunc_instance___rpow__
+# global object gs___rrshift__
+# global object gfunc_instance___rrshift__
+# global object gs___rshift__
+# global object gfunc_instance___rshift__
+# global object gs___rsub__
+# global object gfunc_instance___rsub__
+# global object gs___rtruediv__
+# global object gfunc_instance___rtruediv__
+# global object gs___rxor__
+# global object gfunc_instance___rxor__
+# global object gs___setattr__
+# global object gfunc_instance___setattr__
+# global object gs___setitem__
+# global object gfunc_instance___setitem__
+# global object gs___str__
+# global object gfunc_instance___str__
+# global object gs___sub__
+# global object gfunc_instance___sub__
+# global object gs___truediv__
+# global object gfunc_instance___truediv__
+# global object gs___xor__
+# global object gfunc_instance___xor__
+# global object gs_next
+# global object gfunc_instance_next
+# global object gfunc_classobj___call__
+# global object gfunc_classobj___delattr__
+# global object gfunc_classobj___getattribute__
+# global object gfunc_classobj___repr__
+# global object gfunc_classobj___setattr__
+# global object gfunc_classobj___str__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__abs__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __abs__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__abs__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___abs__(space, w_self)
+f_instance___abs__ = __abs__
+def __abs__(space, w_self):
+    w_0=w_2=w_3=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___abs__)
+            w_2 = space.call_function(w_0, )
+            w_3 = w_2
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_3
+fastf_instance___abs__ = __abs__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__add__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __add__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__add__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___add__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___add__ = __add__
+def __add__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___add__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.add(w_self_4, w_other_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___add__ = __add__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__and__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __and__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__and__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___and__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___and__ = __and__
+def __and__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___and__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.and_(w_self_4, w_other_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___and__ = __and__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__div__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __div__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__div__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___div__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___div__ = __div__
+def __div__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___div__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.div(w_self_4, w_other_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___div__ = __div__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__divmod__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __divmod__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__divmod__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___divmod__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___divmod__ = __divmod__
+def __divmod__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___divmod__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.divmod(w_self_4, w_other_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___divmod__ = __divmod__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__eq__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __eq__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__eq__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___eq__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___eq__ = __eq__
+def __eq__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_0=w_other_1=w_3=w_7=w_8=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_16=v17=w_12=w_14=w_10=None
+    w_9=v11=w_etype=w_evalue=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            try:
+                w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___eq__)
+                w_other_1, w_3 = w_other, w_0
+                goto = 2
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_4, w_5, w_6 = e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 4
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 2:
+            try:
+                w_7 = space.call_function(w_3, w_other_1)
+                w_8 = w_7
+                goto = 6
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_4, w_5, w_6 = e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 4
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_9 = space.issubtype(w_10, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v11 = space.is_true(w_9)
+            if v11 == True:
+                w_8 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v11 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_12, w_14
+                goto = 5
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_16 = space.is_(w_6, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v17 = space.is_true(w_16)
+            if v17 == True:
+                w_8 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v17 == False
+                w_12, w_14, w_10 = w_4, w_5, w_6
+                goto = 3
+                continue
+        if goto == 5:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 6:
+            return w_8
+fastf_instance___eq__ = __eq__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__float__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __float__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__float__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___float__(space, w_self)
+f_instance___float__ = __float__
+def __float__(space, w_self):
+    w_0=w_2=w_3=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___float__)
+            w_2 = space.call_function(w_0, )
+            w_3 = w_2
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_3
+fastf_instance___float__ = __float__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__floordiv__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __floordiv__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__floordiv__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___floordiv__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___floordiv__ = __floordiv__
+def __floordiv__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___floordiv__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.floordiv(w_self_4, w_other_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___floordiv__ = __floordiv__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__ge__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __ge__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__ge__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___ge__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___ge__ = __ge__
+def __ge__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_0=w_other_1=w_3=w_7=w_8=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_16=v17=w_12=w_14=w_10=None
+    w_9=v11=w_etype=w_evalue=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            try:
+                w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___ge__)
+                w_other_1, w_3 = w_other, w_0
+                goto = 2
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_4, w_5, w_6 = e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 4
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 2:
+            try:
+                w_7 = space.call_function(w_3, w_other_1)
+                w_8 = w_7
+                goto = 6
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_4, w_5, w_6 = e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 4
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_9 = space.issubtype(w_10, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v11 = space.is_true(w_9)
+            if v11 == True:
+                w_8 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v11 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_12, w_14
+                goto = 5
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_16 = space.is_(w_6, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v17 = space.is_true(w_16)
+            if v17 == True:
+                w_8 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v17 == False
+                w_12, w_14, w_10 = w_4, w_5, w_6
+                goto = 3
+                continue
+        if goto == 5:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 6:
+            return w_8
+fastf_instance___ge__ = __ge__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__gt__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __gt__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__gt__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___gt__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___gt__ = __gt__
+def __gt__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_0=w_other_1=w_3=w_7=w_8=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_16=v17=w_12=w_14=w_10=None
+    w_9=v11=w_etype=w_evalue=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            try:
+                w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___gt__)
+                w_other_1, w_3 = w_other, w_0
+                goto = 2
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_4, w_5, w_6 = e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 4
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 2:
+            try:
+                w_7 = space.call_function(w_3, w_other_1)
+                w_8 = w_7
+                goto = 6
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_4, w_5, w_6 = e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 4
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_9 = space.issubtype(w_10, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v11 = space.is_true(w_9)
+            if v11 == True:
+                w_8 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v11 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_12, w_14
+                goto = 5
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_16 = space.is_(w_6, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v17 = space.is_true(w_16)
+            if v17 == True:
+                w_8 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v17 == False
+                w_12, w_14, w_10 = w_4, w_5, w_6
+                goto = 3
+                continue
+        if goto == 5:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 6:
+            return w_8
+fastf_instance___gt__ = __gt__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__hex__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __hex__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__hex__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___hex__(space, w_self)
+f_instance___hex__ = __hex__
+def __hex__(space, w_self):
+    w_0=w_2=w_3=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___hex__)
+            w_2 = space.call_function(w_0, )
+            w_3 = w_2
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_3
+fastf_instance___hex__ = __hex__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__iadd__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __iadd__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__iadd__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___iadd__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___iadd__ = __iadd__
+def __iadd__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_func=v2=w_4=w_other_1=w_func_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___iadd__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_other_1, w_func_1 = w_other, w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_4 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_1)
+            w_4 = w_5
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_4
+fastf_instance___iadd__ = __iadd__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__iand__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __iand__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__iand__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___iand__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___iand__ = __iand__
+def __iand__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_func=v2=w_4=w_other_1=w_func_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___iand__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_other_1, w_func_1 = w_other, w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_4 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_1)
+            w_4 = w_5
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_4
+fastf_instance___iand__ = __iand__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__idiv__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __idiv__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__idiv__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___idiv__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___idiv__ = __idiv__
+def __idiv__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_func=v2=w_4=w_other_1=w_func_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___idiv__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_other_1, w_func_1 = w_other, w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_4 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_1)
+            w_4 = w_5
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_4
+fastf_instance___idiv__ = __idiv__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__ifloordiv__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __ifloordiv__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__ifloordiv__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___ifloordiv__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___ifloordiv__ = __ifloordiv__
+def __ifloordiv__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_func=v2=w_4=w_other_1=w_func_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___ifloordiv__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_other_1, w_func_1 = w_other, w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_4 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_1)
+            w_4 = w_5
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_4
+fastf_instance___ifloordiv__ = __ifloordiv__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__ilshift__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __ilshift__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__ilshift__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___ilshift__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___ilshift__ = __ilshift__
+def __ilshift__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_func=v2=w_4=w_other_1=w_func_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___ilshift__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_other_1, w_func_1 = w_other, w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_4 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_1)
+            w_4 = w_5
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_4
+fastf_instance___ilshift__ = __ilshift__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__imod__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __imod__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__imod__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___imod__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___imod__ = __imod__
+def __imod__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_func=v2=w_4=w_other_1=w_func_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___imod__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_other_1, w_func_1 = w_other, w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_4 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_1)
+            w_4 = w_5
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_4
+fastf_instance___imod__ = __imod__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__imul__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __imul__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__imul__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___imul__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___imul__ = __imul__
+def __imul__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_func=v2=w_4=w_other_1=w_func_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___imul__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_other_1, w_func_1 = w_other, w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_4 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_1)
+            w_4 = w_5
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_4
+fastf_instance___imul__ = __imul__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__int__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __int__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__int__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___int__(space, w_self)
+f_instance___int__ = __int__
+def __int__(space, w_self):
+    w_0=w_2=w_3=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___int__)
+            w_2 = space.call_function(w_0, )
+            w_3 = w_2
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_3
+fastf_instance___int__ = __int__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__invert__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __invert__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__invert__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___invert__(space, w_self)
+f_instance___invert__ = __invert__
+def __invert__(space, w_self):
+    w_0=w_2=w_3=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___invert__)
+            w_2 = space.call_function(w_0, )
+            w_3 = w_2
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_3
+fastf_instance___invert__ = __invert__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__ior__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __ior__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__ior__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___ior__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___ior__ = __ior__
+def __ior__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_func=v2=w_4=w_other_1=w_func_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___ior__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_other_1, w_func_1 = w_other, w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_4 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_1)
+            w_4 = w_5
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_4
+fastf_instance___ior__ = __ior__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__ipow__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __ipow__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__ipow__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___ipow__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___ipow__ = __ipow__
+def __ipow__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_func=v2=w_4=w_other_1=w_func_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___ipow__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_other_1, w_func_1 = w_other, w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_4 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_1)
+            w_4 = w_5
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_4
+fastf_instance___ipow__ = __ipow__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__irshift__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __irshift__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__irshift__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___irshift__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___irshift__ = __irshift__
+def __irshift__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_func=v2=w_4=w_other_1=w_func_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___irshift__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_other_1, w_func_1 = w_other, w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_4 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_1)
+            w_4 = w_5
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_4
+fastf_instance___irshift__ = __irshift__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__isub__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __isub__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__isub__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___isub__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___isub__ = __isub__
+def __isub__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_func=v2=w_4=w_other_1=w_func_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___isub__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_other_1, w_func_1 = w_other, w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_4 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_1)
+            w_4 = w_5
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_4
+fastf_instance___isub__ = __isub__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__itruediv__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __itruediv__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__itruediv__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___itruediv__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___itruediv__ = __itruediv__
+def __itruediv__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_func=v2=w_4=w_other_1=w_func_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___itruediv__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_other_1, w_func_1 = w_other, w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_4 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_1)
+            w_4 = w_5
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_4
+fastf_instance___itruediv__ = __itruediv__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__ixor__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __ixor__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__ixor__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___ixor__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___ixor__ = __ixor__
+def __ixor__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_func=v2=w_4=w_other_1=w_func_1=w_5=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___ixor__, space.w_False)
+            v2 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v2 == True:
+                w_other_1, w_func_1 = w_other, w_func
+                goto = 2
+            else:
+                assert v2 == False
+                w_4 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 3
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_5 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_1)
+            w_4 = w_5
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            return w_4
+fastf_instance___ixor__ = __ixor__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__le__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __le__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__le__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___le__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___le__ = __le__
+def __le__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_0=w_other_1=w_3=w_7=w_8=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_16=v17=w_12=w_14=w_10=None
+    w_9=v11=w_etype=w_evalue=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            try:
+                w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___le__)
+                w_other_1, w_3 = w_other, w_0
+                goto = 2
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_4, w_5, w_6 = e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 4
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 2:
+            try:
+                w_7 = space.call_function(w_3, w_other_1)
+                w_8 = w_7
+                goto = 6
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_4, w_5, w_6 = e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 4
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_9 = space.issubtype(w_10, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v11 = space.is_true(w_9)
+            if v11 == True:
+                w_8 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v11 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_12, w_14
+                goto = 5
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_16 = space.is_(w_6, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v17 = space.is_true(w_16)
+            if v17 == True:
+                w_8 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v17 == False
+                w_12, w_14, w_10 = w_4, w_5, w_6
+                goto = 3
+                continue
+        if goto == 5:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 6:
+            return w_8
+fastf_instance___le__ = __le__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__long__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __long__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__long__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___long__(space, w_self)
+f_instance___long__ = __long__
+def __long__(space, w_self):
+    w_0=w_2=w_3=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___long__)
+            w_2 = space.call_function(w_0, )
+            w_3 = w_2
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_3
+fastf_instance___long__ = __long__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__lshift__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __lshift__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__lshift__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___lshift__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___lshift__ = __lshift__
+def __lshift__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___lshift__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.lshift(w_self_4, w_other_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___lshift__ = __lshift__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__lt__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __lt__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__lt__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___lt__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___lt__ = __lt__
+def __lt__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_0=w_other_1=w_3=w_7=w_8=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_16=v17=w_12=w_14=w_10=None
+    w_9=v11=w_etype=w_evalue=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            try:
+                w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___lt__)
+                w_other_1, w_3 = w_other, w_0
+                goto = 2
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_4, w_5, w_6 = e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 4
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 2:
+            try:
+                w_7 = space.call_function(w_3, w_other_1)
+                w_8 = w_7
+                goto = 6
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_4, w_5, w_6 = e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 4
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_9 = space.issubtype(w_10, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v11 = space.is_true(w_9)
+            if v11 == True:
+                w_8 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v11 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_12, w_14
+                goto = 5
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_16 = space.is_(w_6, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v17 = space.is_true(w_16)
+            if v17 == True:
+                w_8 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v17 == False
+                w_12, w_14, w_10 = w_4, w_5, w_6
+                goto = 3
+                continue
+        if goto == 5:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 6:
+            return w_8
+fastf_instance___lt__ = __lt__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__mod__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __mod__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__mod__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___mod__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___mod__ = __mod__
+def __mod__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___mod__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.mod(w_self_4, w_other_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___mod__ = __mod__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__mul__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __mul__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__mul__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___mul__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___mul__ = __mul__
+def __mul__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___mul__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.mul(w_self_4, w_other_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___mul__ = __mul__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__ne__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __ne__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__ne__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___ne__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___ne__ = __ne__
+def __ne__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_0=w_other_1=w_3=w_7=w_8=w_4=w_5=w_6=w_16=v17=w_12=w_14=w_10=None
+    w_9=v11=w_etype=w_evalue=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            try:
+                w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___ne__)
+                w_other_1, w_3 = w_other, w_0
+                goto = 2
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_4, w_5, w_6 = e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 4
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 2:
+            try:
+                w_7 = space.call_function(w_3, w_other_1)
+                w_8 = w_7
+                goto = 6
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, gcls_Exception)):
+                    w_4, w_5, w_6 = e.w_type, e.w_value, e.w_type
+                    goto = 4
+                else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen
+        if goto == 3:
+            w_9 = space.issubtype(w_10, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v11 = space.is_true(w_9)
+            if v11 == True:
+                w_8 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v11 == False
+                w_etype, w_evalue = w_12, w_14
+                goto = 5
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_16 = space.is_(w_6, gcls_AttributeError)
+            v17 = space.is_true(w_16)
+            if v17 == True:
+                w_8 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 6
+            else:
+                assert v17 == False
+                w_12, w_14, w_10 = w_4, w_5, w_6
+                goto = 3
+                continue
+        if goto == 5:
+            raise OperationError(w_etype, w_evalue)
+        if goto == 6:
+            return w_8
+fastf_instance___ne__ = __ne__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__neg__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __neg__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__neg__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___neg__(space, w_self)
+f_instance___neg__ = __neg__
+def __neg__(space, w_self):
+    w_0=w_2=w_3=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___neg__)
+            w_2 = space.call_function(w_0, )
+            w_3 = w_2
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_3
+fastf_instance___neg__ = __neg__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__oct__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __oct__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__oct__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___oct__(space, w_self)
+f_instance___oct__ = __oct__
+def __oct__(space, w_self):
+    w_0=w_2=w_3=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___oct__)
+            w_2 = space.call_function(w_0, )
+            w_3 = w_2
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_3
+fastf_instance___oct__ = __oct__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__or__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __or__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__or__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___or__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___or__ = __or__
+def __or__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___or__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.or_(w_self_4, w_other_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___or__ = __or__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__pos__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __pos__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__pos__"
+    signature = ['self'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___pos__(space, w_self)
+f_instance___pos__ = __pos__
+def __pos__(space, w_self):
+    w_0=w_2=w_3=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_0 = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self, gs___pos__)
+            w_2 = space.call_function(w_0, )
+            w_3 = w_2
+            goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            return w_3
+fastf_instance___pos__ = __pos__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__rshift__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __rshift__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__rshift__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___rshift__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___rshift__ = __rshift__
+def __rshift__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___rshift__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.rshift(w_self_4, w_other_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___rshift__ = __rshift__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__sub__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __sub__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__sub__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___sub__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___sub__ = __sub__
+def __sub__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___sub__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.sub(w_self_4, w_other_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___sub__ = __sub__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__truediv__'
+## firstlineno 4
+def __truediv__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__truediv__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___truediv__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___truediv__ = __truediv__
+def __truediv__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___truediv__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.truediv(w_self_4, w_other_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___truediv__ = __truediv__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__xor__'
+## firstlineno 4
+# global declaration
+# global object gfunc__coerce
+def __xor__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__xor__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___xor__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___xor__ = __xor__
+def __xor__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___xor__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.xor(w_self_4, w_other_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___xor__ = __xor__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__radd__'
+## firstlineno 14
+def __radd__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__radd__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___radd__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___radd__ = __radd__
+def __radd__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___radd__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.add(w_other_4, w_self_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___radd__ = __radd__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__rand__'
+## firstlineno 14
+def __rand__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__rand__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___rand__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___rand__ = __rand__
+def __rand__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___rand__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.and_(w_other_4, w_self_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___rand__ = __rand__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__rdiv__'
+## firstlineno 14
+def __rdiv__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__rdiv__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___rdiv__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___rdiv__ = __rdiv__
+def __rdiv__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___rdiv__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.div(w_other_4, w_self_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___rdiv__ = __rdiv__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__rdivmod__'
+## firstlineno 14
+def __rdivmod__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__rdivmod__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___rdivmod__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___rdivmod__ = __rdivmod__
+def __rdivmod__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___rdivmod__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.divmod(w_other_4, w_self_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___rdivmod__ = __rdivmod__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__rfloordiv__'
+## firstlineno 14
+def __rfloordiv__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__rfloordiv__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___rfloordiv__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___rfloordiv__ = __rfloordiv__
+def __rfloordiv__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___rfloordiv__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.floordiv(w_other_4, w_self_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___rfloordiv__ = __rfloordiv__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__rlshift__'
+## firstlineno 14
+def __rlshift__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__rlshift__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___rlshift__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___rlshift__ = __rlshift__
+def __rlshift__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___rlshift__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.lshift(w_other_4, w_self_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___rlshift__ = __rlshift__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__rmod__'
+## firstlineno 14
+def __rmod__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__rmod__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___rmod__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___rmod__ = __rmod__
+def __rmod__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___rmod__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.mod(w_other_4, w_self_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___rmod__ = __rmod__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__rmul__'
+## firstlineno 14
+def __rmul__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__rmul__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___rmul__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___rmul__ = __rmul__
+def __rmul__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___rmul__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.mul(w_other_4, w_self_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___rmul__ = __rmul__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__ror__'
+## firstlineno 14
+def __ror__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__ror__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___ror__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___ror__ = __ror__
+def __ror__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___ror__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.or_(w_other_4, w_self_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___ror__ = __ror__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__rrshift__'
+## firstlineno 14
+def __rrshift__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__rrshift__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___rrshift__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___rrshift__ = __rrshift__
+def __rrshift__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___rrshift__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.rshift(w_other_4, w_self_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___rrshift__ = __rrshift__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__rsub__'
+## firstlineno 14
+def __rsub__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__rsub__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___rsub__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___rsub__ = __rsub__
+def __rsub__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___rsub__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.sub(w_other_4, w_self_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___rsub__ = __rsub__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__rtruediv__'
+## firstlineno 14
+def __rtruediv__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__rtruediv__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___rtruediv__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___rtruediv__ = __rtruediv__
+def __rtruediv__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___rtruediv__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.truediv(w_other_4, w_self_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___rtruediv__ = __rtruediv__
+## filename    '/u/pedronis/PyPy/dist/pypy/purify'
+## function    '__rxor__'
+## firstlineno 14
+def __rxor__(space, __args__):
+    funcname = "__rxor__"
+    signature = ['self', 'other'], None, None
+    defaults_w = []
+    w_self, w_other = __args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)
+    return fastf_instance___rxor__(space, w_self, w_other)
+f_instance___rxor__ = __rxor__
+def __rxor__(space, w_self, w_other):
+    w_coerced=w_3=v4=w_self_2=w_other_2=w_coerced_1=w_6=w_7=w_self_1=None
+    w_other_1=w_5=v8=w_self_4=w_other_4=w_13=w_11=w_self_3=w_other_3=None
+    w_func=v10=w_other_5=w_func_1=w_12=None
+    goto = 1 # startblock
+    while True:
+        if goto == 1:
+            w_coerced = fastf__coerce(space, w_self, w_other)
+            w_3 = space.is_(w_coerced, space.w_None)
+            v4 = space.is_true(w_3)
+            if v4 == True:
+                w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self, w_other, w_3
+                goto = 3
+            else:
+                assert v4 == False
+                w_self_2, w_other_2, w_coerced_1 = w_self, w_other, w_coerced
+                goto = 2
+        if goto == 2:
+            w_6 = space.getitem(w_coerced_1, gi_0)
+            w_7 = space.is_(w_6, w_self_2)
+            w_self_1, w_other_1, w_5 = w_self_2, w_other_2, w_7
+            goto = 3
+        if goto == 3:
+            v8 = space.is_true(w_5)
+            if v8 == True:
+                w_self_3, w_other_3 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 4
+            else:
+                assert v8 == False
+                w_self_4, w_other_4 = w_self_1, w_other_1
+                goto = 6
+        if goto == 4:
+            w_func = space.call_function(gfunc_instance_getattr1, w_self_3, gs___rxor__, space.w_False)
+            v10 = space.is_true(w_func)
+            if v10 == True:
+                w_other_5, w_func_1 = w_other_3, w_func
+                goto = 5
+            else:
+                assert v10 == False
+                w_11 = space.w_NotImplemented
+                goto = 7
+        if goto == 5:
+            w_12 = space.call_function(w_func_1, w_other_5)
+            w_11 = w_12
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 6:
+            w_13 = space.xor(w_other_4, w_self_4)
+            w_11 = w_13
+            goto = 7
+        if goto == 7:
+            return w_11
+fastf_instance___rxor__ = __rxor__
+def initclassobj(space):
+    """NOT_RPYTHON"""
+    class m: pass # fake module
+    m.__dict__ = globals()
+    # make sure that this function is run only once:
+    m.initclassobj = lambda *ign:True
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    m.gs___module__ = space.wrap('__module__')
+    m.gs__classobj = space.wrap('_classobj')
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs__classobj)
+    m.gs___new__ = space.wrap('__new__')
+    from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app
+    m.gfunc___new__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f___new__))
+    m.gsm___new__ = space.wrap(gfunc___new__)
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___new__, gsm___new__)
+    m.gs___slots__ = space.wrap('__slots__')
+    m.gs__name = space.wrap('_name')
+    m.gs__bases = space.wrap('_bases')
+    m.gs___dict__ = space.wrap('__dict__')
+    m.g3tuple_1 = space.newtuple([gs__name, gs__bases, gs___dict__])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___slots__, g3tuple_1)
+    m.gs_classobj = space.wrap('classobj')
+    _bases = space.newtuple([space.w_object])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_classobj, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_classobj = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    _dic = space.newdict([])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___module__, gs__classobj)
+    m.gfunc___new___1 = space.wrap(interp2app(f___new___1))
+    m.gsm___new___1 = space.wrap(gfunc___new___1)
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___new__, gsm___new___1)
+    m.gs__class = space.wrap('_class')
+    m.g2tuple = space.newtuple([gs__class, gs___dict__])
+    space.setitem(_dic, gs___slots__, g2tuple)
+    m.gs_instance = space.wrap('instance')
+    _bases = space.newtuple([space.w_object])
+    _args = space.newtuple([gs_instance, _bases, _dic])
+    m.gcls_instance = space.call(space.w_type, _args)
+    m.gfunc_purify = space.wrap(interp2app(f_purify))
+    m.g3tuple = space.newtuple([gcls_classobj, gcls_instance, gfunc_purify])
+    del m.purify
+    m.gs___abs__ = space.wrap('__abs__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___abs__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___abs__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___abs__, gfunc_instance___abs__)
+    m.gs___add__ = space.wrap('__add__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___add__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___add__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___add__, gfunc_instance___add__)
+    m.gs___and__ = space.wrap('__and__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___and__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___and__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___and__, gfunc_instance___and__)
+    m.gs___call__ = space.wrap('__call__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___call__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___call__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___call__, gfunc_instance___call__)
+    m.gs___cmp__ = space.wrap('__cmp__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___cmp__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___cmp__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___cmp__, gfunc_instance___cmp__)
+    m.gs___coerce__ = space.wrap('__coerce__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___coerce__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___coerce__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___coerce__, gfunc_instance___coerce__)
+    m.gs___contains__ = space.wrap('__contains__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___contains__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___contains__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___contains__, gfunc_instance___contains__)
+    m.gs___delattr__ = space.wrap('__delattr__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___delattr__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___delattr__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___delattr__, gfunc_instance___delattr__)
+    m.gs___delitem__ = space.wrap('__delitem__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___delitem__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___delitem__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___delitem__, gfunc_instance___delitem__)
+    m.gs___div__ = space.wrap('__div__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___div__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___div__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___div__, gfunc_instance___div__)
+    m.gs___divmod__ = space.wrap('__divmod__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___divmod__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___divmod__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___divmod__, gfunc_instance___divmod__)
+    m.gs___eq__ = space.wrap('__eq__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___eq__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___eq__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___eq__, gfunc_instance___eq__)
+    m.gs___float__ = space.wrap('__float__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___float__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___float__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___float__, gfunc_instance___float__)
+    m.gs___floordiv__ = space.wrap('__floordiv__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___floordiv__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___floordiv__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___floordiv__, gfunc_instance___floordiv__)
+    m.gs___ge__ = space.wrap('__ge__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___ge__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___ge__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___ge__, gfunc_instance___ge__)
+    m.gs___getattribute__ = space.wrap('__getattribute__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___getattribute__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___getattribute__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___getattribute__, gfunc_instance___getattribute__)
+    m.gs___getitem__ = space.wrap('__getitem__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___getitem__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___getitem__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___getitem__, gfunc_instance___getitem__)
+    m.gs___gt__ = space.wrap('__gt__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___gt__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___gt__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___gt__, gfunc_instance___gt__)
+    m.gs___hash__ = space.wrap('__hash__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___hash__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___hash__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___hash__, gfunc_instance___hash__)
+    m.gs___hex__ = space.wrap('__hex__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___hex__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___hex__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___hex__, gfunc_instance___hex__)
+    m.gs___iadd__ = space.wrap('__iadd__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___iadd__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___iadd__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___iadd__, gfunc_instance___iadd__)
+    m.gs___iand__ = space.wrap('__iand__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___iand__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___iand__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___iand__, gfunc_instance___iand__)
+    m.gs___idiv__ = space.wrap('__idiv__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___idiv__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___idiv__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___idiv__, gfunc_instance___idiv__)
+    m.gs___ifloordiv__ = space.wrap('__ifloordiv__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___ifloordiv__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___ifloordiv__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___ifloordiv__, gfunc_instance___ifloordiv__)
+    m.gs___ilshift__ = space.wrap('__ilshift__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___ilshift__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___ilshift__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___ilshift__, gfunc_instance___ilshift__)
+    m.gs___imod__ = space.wrap('__imod__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___imod__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___imod__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___imod__, gfunc_instance___imod__)
+    m.gs___imul__ = space.wrap('__imul__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___imul__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___imul__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___imul__, gfunc_instance___imul__)
+    m.gs___int__ = space.wrap('__int__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___int__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___int__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___int__, gfunc_instance___int__)
+    m.gs___invert__ = space.wrap('__invert__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___invert__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___invert__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___invert__, gfunc_instance___invert__)
+    m.gs___ior__ = space.wrap('__ior__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___ior__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___ior__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___ior__, gfunc_instance___ior__)
+    m.gs___ipow__ = space.wrap('__ipow__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___ipow__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___ipow__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___ipow__, gfunc_instance___ipow__)
+    m.gs___irshift__ = space.wrap('__irshift__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___irshift__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___irshift__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___irshift__, gfunc_instance___irshift__)
+    m.gs___isub__ = space.wrap('__isub__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___isub__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___isub__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___isub__, gfunc_instance___isub__)
+    m.gs___iter__ = space.wrap('__iter__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___iter__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___iter__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___iter__, gfunc_instance___iter__)
+    m.gs___itruediv__ = space.wrap('__itruediv__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___itruediv__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___itruediv__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___itruediv__, gfunc_instance___itruediv__)
+    m.gs___ixor__ = space.wrap('__ixor__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___ixor__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___ixor__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___ixor__, gfunc_instance___ixor__)
+    m.gs___le__ = space.wrap('__le__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___le__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___le__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___le__, gfunc_instance___le__)
+    m.gs___len__ = space.wrap('__len__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___len__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___len__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___len__, gfunc_instance___len__)
+    m.gs___long__ = space.wrap('__long__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___long__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___long__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___long__, gfunc_instance___long__)
+    m.gs___lshift__ = space.wrap('__lshift__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___lshift__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___lshift__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___lshift__, gfunc_instance___lshift__)
+    m.gs___lt__ = space.wrap('__lt__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___lt__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___lt__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___lt__, gfunc_instance___lt__)
+    m.gs___mod__ = space.wrap('__mod__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___mod__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___mod__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___mod__, gfunc_instance___mod__)
+    m.gs___mul__ = space.wrap('__mul__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___mul__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___mul__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___mul__, gfunc_instance___mul__)
+    m.gs___ne__ = space.wrap('__ne__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___ne__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___ne__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___ne__, gfunc_instance___ne__)
+    m.gs___neg__ = space.wrap('__neg__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___neg__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___neg__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___neg__, gfunc_instance___neg__)
+    m.gs___nonzero__ = space.wrap('__nonzero__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___nonzero__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___nonzero__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___nonzero__, gfunc_instance___nonzero__)
+    m.gs___oct__ = space.wrap('__oct__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___oct__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___oct__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___oct__, gfunc_instance___oct__)
+    m.gs___or__ = space.wrap('__or__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___or__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___or__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___or__, gfunc_instance___or__)
+    m.gs___pos__ = space.wrap('__pos__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___pos__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___pos__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___pos__, gfunc_instance___pos__)
+    m.gs___pow__ = space.wrap('__pow__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___pow__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___pow__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___pow__, gfunc_instance___pow__)
+    m.gs___radd__ = space.wrap('__radd__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___radd__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___radd__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___radd__, gfunc_instance___radd__)
+    m.gs___rand__ = space.wrap('__rand__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___rand__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___rand__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___rand__, gfunc_instance___rand__)
+    m.gs___rdiv__ = space.wrap('__rdiv__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___rdiv__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___rdiv__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___rdiv__, gfunc_instance___rdiv__)
+    m.gs___rdivmod__ = space.wrap('__rdivmod__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___rdivmod__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___rdivmod__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___rdivmod__, gfunc_instance___rdivmod__)
+    m.gs___repr__ = space.wrap('__repr__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___repr__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___repr__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___repr__, gfunc_instance___repr__)
+    m.gs___rfloordiv__ = space.wrap('__rfloordiv__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___rfloordiv__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___rfloordiv__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___rfloordiv__, gfunc_instance___rfloordiv__)
+    m.gs___rlshift__ = space.wrap('__rlshift__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___rlshift__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___rlshift__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___rlshift__, gfunc_instance___rlshift__)
+    m.gs___rmod__ = space.wrap('__rmod__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___rmod__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___rmod__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___rmod__, gfunc_instance___rmod__)
+    m.gs___rmul__ = space.wrap('__rmul__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___rmul__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___rmul__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___rmul__, gfunc_instance___rmul__)
+    m.gs___ror__ = space.wrap('__ror__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___ror__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___ror__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___ror__, gfunc_instance___ror__)
+    m.gs___rpow__ = space.wrap('__rpow__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___rpow__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___rpow__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___rpow__, gfunc_instance___rpow__)
+    m.gs___rrshift__ = space.wrap('__rrshift__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___rrshift__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___rrshift__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___rrshift__, gfunc_instance___rrshift__)
+    m.gs___rshift__ = space.wrap('__rshift__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___rshift__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___rshift__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___rshift__, gfunc_instance___rshift__)
+    m.gs___rsub__ = space.wrap('__rsub__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___rsub__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___rsub__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___rsub__, gfunc_instance___rsub__)
+    m.gs___rtruediv__ = space.wrap('__rtruediv__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___rtruediv__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___rtruediv__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___rtruediv__, gfunc_instance___rtruediv__)
+    m.gs___rxor__ = space.wrap('__rxor__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___rxor__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___rxor__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___rxor__, gfunc_instance___rxor__)
+    m.gs___setattr__ = space.wrap('__setattr__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___setattr__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___setattr__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___setattr__, gfunc_instance___setattr__)
+    m.gs___setitem__ = space.wrap('__setitem__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___setitem__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___setitem__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___setitem__, gfunc_instance___setitem__)
+    m.gs___str__ = space.wrap('__str__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___str__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___str__, gfunc_instance___str__)
+    m.gs___sub__ = space.wrap('__sub__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___sub__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___sub__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___sub__, gfunc_instance___sub__)
+    m.gs___truediv__ = space.wrap('__truediv__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___truediv__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___truediv__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___truediv__, gfunc_instance___truediv__)
+    m.gs___xor__ = space.wrap('__xor__')
+    m.gfunc_instance___xor__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance___xor__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs___xor__, gfunc_instance___xor__)
+    m.gs_next = space.wrap('next')
+    m.gfunc_instance_next = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance_next))
+    space.setattr(gcls_instance, gs_next, gfunc_instance_next)
+    m.gfunc_classobj___call__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_classobj___call__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_classobj, gs___call__, gfunc_classobj___call__)
+    m.gfunc_classobj___delattr__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_classobj___delattr__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_classobj, gs___delattr__, gfunc_classobj___delattr__)
+    m.gfunc_classobj___getattribute__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_classobj___getattribute__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_classobj, gs___getattribute__, gfunc_classobj___getattribute__)
+    m.gfunc_classobj___repr__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_classobj___repr__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_classobj, gs___repr__, gfunc_classobj___repr__)
+    m.gfunc_classobj___setattr__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_classobj___setattr__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_classobj, gs___setattr__, gfunc_classobj___setattr__)
+    m.gfunc_classobj___str__ = space.wrap(interp2app(f_classobj___str__))
+    space.setattr(gcls_classobj, gs___str__, gfunc_classobj___str__)
+    m.gfunc_get_class_module = space.wrap(interp2app(f_get_class_module))
+    m.gs__ = space.wrap('?')
+    m.gs___name__ = space.wrap('__name__')
+    m.gs__s__s = space.wrap('%s.%s')
+    del m.__str__
+    m.gfunc_retrieve = space.wrap(interp2app(f_retrieve))
+    m.gcls_Exception = space.wrap(Exception)
+    m.gcls_AttributeError = space.wrap(AttributeError)
+    del m.get_class_module
+    m.gdescriptor_object___getattribute__ = space.getattr(space.w_object, gs___getattribute__)
+    del m.retrieve
+    m.gfunc_set_name = space.wrap(interp2app(f_set_name))
+    m.gs___bases__ = space.wrap('__bases__')
+    m.gfunc_set_bases = space.wrap(interp2app(f_set_bases))
+    m.gfunc_set_dict = space.wrap(interp2app(f_set_dict))
+    m.gdescriptor_object___setattr__ = space.getattr(space.w_object, gs___setattr__)
+    del m.__setattr__
+    m.gcls_TypeError = space.wrap(TypeError)
+    m.gs___dict___must_be_a_dictionary_ob = space.wrap('__dict__ must be a dictionary object')
+    del m.set_dict
+    m.gs___bases___must_be_a_tuple_object = space.wrap('__bases__ must be a tuple object')
+    m.gs___bases___items_must_be_classes = space.wrap('__bases__ items must be classes')
+    m.gdescriptor_classobj__bases = space.getattr(gcls_classobj, gs__bases)
+    m.gs___set__ = space.wrap('__set__')
+    del m.set_bases
+    m.gs___name___must_be_a_string_object = space.wrap('__name__ must be a string object')
+    m.gdescriptor_classobj__name = space.getattr(gcls_classobj, gs__name)
+    del m.set_name
+    m.gfunc_uid = space.wrap(interp2app(f_uid))
+    m.gs__class__s__s_at_0x_x_ = space.wrap('<class %s.%s at 0x%x>')
+    del m.__repr__
+    m.gi_0 = space.newint(0)
+    m.glong_0xffffffffL = space.wrap(0xffffffffL) # XXX implement long!
+    m.gi_1 = space.newint(1)
+    del m.uid
+    m.gs___get__ = space.wrap('__get__')
+    m.gfunc_lookup = space.wrap(interp2app(f_lookup))
+    m.gi_2 = space.newint(2)
+    m.gs_class__s_has_no_attribute__s = space.wrap('class %s has no attribute %s')
+    m.gfunc_mro_lookup = space.wrap(interp2app(f_mro_lookup))
+    del m.__getattribute__
+    m.gs___mro__ = space.wrap('__mro__')
+    del m.mro_lookup
+    m.g2tuple_1 = space.newtuple([space.w_None, space.w_None])
+    del m.lookup
+    m.g3tuple_2 = space.newtuple([gs___name__, gs___bases__, gs___dict__])
+    m.gdescriptor_object___delattr__ = space.getattr(space.w_object, gs___delattr__)
+    del m.__delattr__
+    m.gbltinmethod___new__ = space.getattr(space.w_object, gs___new__)
+    m.gdescriptor_instance__class = space.getattr(gcls_instance, gs__class)
+    m.gfunc_instance_getattr1 = space.wrap(interp2app(f_instance_getattr1))
+    m.gs___init__ = space.wrap('__init__')
+    m.gs___init_____should_return_None = space.wrap('__init__() should return None')
+    del m.__call__
+    m.gs___class__ = space.wrap('__class__')
+    m.gs__s_instance_has_no_attribute__s = space.wrap('%s instance has no attribute %s')
+    del m.instance_getattr1
+    m.gs_instance_has_no_next___method = space.wrap('instance has no next() method')
+    del m.next
+    m.gfunc__coerce = space.wrap(interp2app(f__coerce))
+    del m.__xor__
+    del m._coerce
+    del m.__truediv__
+    del m.__sub__
+    m.gs_step = space.wrap('step')
+    m.gs___setslice__ = space.wrap('__setslice__')
+    m.gs_start = space.wrap('start')
+    m.gs_stop = space.wrap('stop')
+    del m.__setitem__
+    m.gs___dict___must_be_set_to_a_dictio = space.wrap('__dict__ must be set to a dictionary')
+    m.gs___class___must_be_set_to_a_class = space.wrap('__class__ must be set to a class')
+    del m.__rxor__
+    del m.__rtruediv__
+    del m.__rsub__
+    del m.__rshift__
+    del m.__rrshift__
+    del m.__rpow__
+    del m.__ror__
+    del m.__rmul__
+    del m.__rmod__
+    del m.__rlshift__
+    del m.__rfloordiv__
+    m.gs___s__s_instance_at_0x_x_ = space.wrap('<%s.%s instance at 0x%x>')
+    del m.__rdivmod__
+    del m.__rdiv__
+    del m.__rand__
+    del m.__radd__
+    del m.__pow__
+    del m.__pos__
+    del m.__or__
+    del m.__oct__
+    m.gs___nonzero_____should_return____0 = space.wrap('__nonzero__() should return >= 0')
+    m.gs___nonzero_____should_return_an_i = space.wrap('__nonzero__() should return an int')
+    del m.__nonzero__
+    del m.__neg__
+    del m.__ne__
+    del m.__mul__
+    del m.__mod__
+    del m.__lt__
+    del m.__lshift__
+    del m.__long__
+    m.gs___len_____should_return____0 = space.wrap('__len__() should return >= 0')
+    m.gs___len_____should_return_an_int = space.wrap('__len__() should return an int')
+    del m.__len__
+    del m.__le__
+    del m.__ixor__
+    del m.__itruediv__
+    m.gs___iter___returned_non_iterator_o = space.wrap('__iter__ returned non-iterator of type %s')
+    m.gs_iteration_over_non_sequence = space.wrap('iteration over non-sequence')
+    m.gfunc_seqiter = space.wrap(interp2app(f_seqiter))
+    del m.__iter__
+    del m.seqiter
+    del m.__isub__
+    del m.__irshift__
+    del m.__ipow__
+    del m.__ior__
+    del m.__invert__
+    del m.__int__
+    del m.__imul__
+    del m.__imod__
+    del m.__ilshift__
+    del m.__ifloordiv__
+    del m.__idiv__
+    del m.__iand__
+    del m.__iadd__
+    del m.__hex__
+    m.gs_unhashable_instance = space.wrap('unhashable instance')
+    m.gs___hash_____should_return_an_int = space.wrap('__hash__() should return an int')
+    del m.__hash__
+    del m.__gt__
+    m.gs___getslice__ = space.wrap('__getslice__')
+    del m.__getitem__
+    m.gs___getattr__ = space.wrap('__getattr__')
+    del m.__ge__
+    del m.__floordiv__
+    del m.__float__
+    del m.__eq__
+    del m.__divmod__
+    del m.__div__
+    m.gs___delslice__ = space.wrap('__delslice__')
+    del m.__delitem__
+    m.g2tuple_2 = space.newtuple([gs___dict__, gs___class__])
+    m.gs__s_instance_has_no_attribute___s = space.wrap("%s instance has no attribute '%s'")
+    del m.__contains__
+    del m.__coerce__
+    m.gs___cmp___must_return_int = space.wrap('__cmp__ must return int')
+    m.gi_minus_1 = space.newint(-1)
+    del m.__cmp__
+    m.gs__s_instance_has_no___call___meth = space.wrap('%s instance has no __call__ method')
+    del m.__and__
+    del m.__add__
+    del m.__abs__
+    m.gs_instance___first_arg_must_be_cla = space.wrap('instance() first arg must be class')
+    m.gs_instance___second_arg_must_be_di = space.wrap('instance() second arg must be dictionary or None')
+    del m.__new__
+    m.gfunc_type_err = space.wrap(interp2app(f_type_err))
+    m.gs_name = space.wrap('name')
+    m.gs_string = space.wrap('string')
+    m.g0tuple = space.newtuple([])
+    m.gs_bases = space.wrap('bases')
+    m.gs_tuple = space.wrap('tuple')
+    m.gs_dict = space.wrap('dict')
+    m.gs___doc__ = space.wrap('__doc__')
+    m.gs__getframe = space.wrap('_getframe')
+    m.gs_f_globals = space.wrap('f_globals')
+    m.gs_get = space.wrap('get')
+    _tup= space.newtuple([])
+    m.g_object = space.call(space.w_object, _tup)
+    m.gcls_OverflowError = space.wrap(OverflowError)
+    m.gcls_FloatingPointError = space.wrap(FloatingPointError)
+    m.gs_callable = space.wrap('callable')
+    m.gs_base_must_be_class = space.wrap('base must be class')
+    m.gs_argument__s_must_be__s__not__s = space.wrap('argument %s must be %s, not %s')
+    del m.type_err
+    return g3tuple

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