[pypy-svn] r15795 - in pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c: . src

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Mon Aug 8 22:22:42 CEST 2005

Author: arigo
Date: Mon Aug  8 22:22:37 2005
New Revision: 15795

issue107 testing

Normalizing the macro call conventions: now the macros no longer contain the
final ';', which is traditional in C.  Previously, some macros didn't require
an extra ';' after the call -- typically the OP_* and FAIL* macros.

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/funcgen.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/funcgen.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/funcgen.py	Mon Aug  8 22:22:37 2005
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
                     lst = [self.expr(v) for v in op.args]
-                    yield '%s(%s)' % (macro, ', '.join(lst))
+                    yield '%s(%s);' % (macro, ', '.join(lst))
             err_reachable = False
@@ -326,48 +326,48 @@
         args = [self.expr(v) for v in op.args]
         r = self.expr(op.result)
         if len(args) == 0:
-            return 'OP_NEWLIST0(%s, %s)' % (r, err)
+            return 'OP_NEWLIST0(%s, %s);' % (r, err)
             args.insert(0, '%d' % len(args))
-            return 'OP_NEWLIST((%s), %s, %s)' % (', '.join(args), r, err)
+            return 'OP_NEWLIST((%s), %s, %s);' % (', '.join(args), r, err)
     def OP_NEWDICT(self, op, err):
         args = [self.expr(v) for v in op.args]
         r = self.expr(op.result)
         if len(args) == 0:
-            return 'OP_NEWDICT0(%s, %s)' % (r, err)
+            return 'OP_NEWDICT0(%s, %s);' % (r, err)
             assert len(args) % 2 == 0
             args.insert(0, '%d' % (len(args)//2))
-            return 'OP_NEWDICT((%s), %s, %s)' % (', '.join(args), r, err)
+            return 'OP_NEWDICT((%s), %s, %s);' % (', '.join(args), r, err)
     def OP_NEWTUPLE(self, op, err):
         args = [self.expr(v) for v in op.args]
         r = self.expr(op.result)
         args.insert(0, '%d' % len(args))
-        return 'OP_NEWTUPLE((%s), %s, %s)' % (', '.join(args), r, err)
+        return 'OP_NEWTUPLE((%s), %s, %s);' % (', '.join(args), r, err)
     def OP_SIMPLE_CALL(self, op, err):
         args = [self.expr(v) for v in op.args]
         r = self.expr(op.result)
-        return 'OP_SIMPLE_CALL((%s), %s, %s)' % (', '.join(args), r, err)
+        return 'OP_SIMPLE_CALL((%s), %s, %s);' % (', '.join(args), r, err)
     def OP_CALL_ARGS(self, op, err):
         args = [self.expr(v) for v in op.args]
         r = self.expr(op.result)
-        return 'OP_CALL_ARGS((%s), %s, %s)' % (', '.join(args), r, err)
+        return 'OP_CALL_ARGS((%s), %s, %s);' % (', '.join(args), r, err)
     def OP_DIRECT_CALL(self, op, err):
         # skip 'void' arguments
         args = [self.expr(v) for v in op.args if self.lltypemap(v) != Void]
         if self.lltypemap(op.result) == Void:
             # skip assignment of 'void' return value
-            return '%s(%s); if (RPyExceptionOccurred()) FAIL(%s)' % (
+            return '%s(%s); if (RPyExceptionOccurred()) FAIL(%s);' % (
                 args[0], ', '.join(args[1:]), err)
             r = self.expr(op.result)
-            return '%s = %s(%s); if (RPyExceptionOccurred()) FAIL(%s)' % (
+            return '%s = %s(%s); if (RPyExceptionOccurred()) FAIL(%s);' % (
                 r, args[0], ', '.join(args[1:]), err)
     # low-level operations
@@ -463,9 +463,9 @@
         TYPE = self.lltypemap(op.result).TO
         typename = self.db.gettype(TYPE)
         eresult = self.expr(op.result)
-        result = ['OP_ZERO_MALLOC(sizeof(%s), %s, %s)' % (cdecl(typename, ''),
-                                                          eresult,
-                                                          err),
+        result = ['OP_ZERO_MALLOC(sizeof(%s), %s, %s);' % (cdecl(typename, ''),
+                                                           eresult,
+                                                           err),
                   '%s->%s = 1;' % (eresult,
@@ -490,9 +490,9 @@
             size = 'sizeof(%s)+((%s-1)*sizeof(%s))' % (cdecl(typename, ''),
                                                        cdecl(itemtypename, ''))
-        result = ['OP_ZERO_MALLOC(%s, %s, %s)' % (size,
-                                                  eresult,
-                                                  err),
+        result = ['OP_ZERO_MALLOC(%s, %s, %s);' % (size,
+                                                   eresult,
+                                                   err),
                   '%s->%s = %s;' % (eresult, lenfld,
                   '%s->%s = 1;' % (eresult,

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/genc.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/genc.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/genc.py	Mon Aug  8 22:22:37 2005
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
     print >> f
     print >> f, 'MODULE_INITFUNC(%s)' % modulename
     print >> f, '{'
-    print >> f, '\tSETUP_MODULE(%s)' % modulename
+    print >> f, '\tSETUP_MODULE(%s);' % modulename
     for publicname, pyobjptr in exports.items():
         # some fishing needed to find the name of the obj
         pyobjnode = database.containernodes[pyobjptr._obj]

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/char.h
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/char.h	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/char.h	Mon Aug  8 22:22:37 2005
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
 /***  binary operations ***/
-#define OP_CHAR_EQ(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((x) == (y));
-#define OP_CHAR_NE(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((x) != (y));
-#define OP_CHAR_LE(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((unsigned char)(x) <= (unsigned char)(y));
-#define OP_CHAR_GT(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((unsigned char)(x) >  (unsigned char)(y));
-#define OP_CHAR_LT(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((unsigned char)(x) <  (unsigned char)(y));
-#define OP_CHAR_GE(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((unsigned char)(x) >= (unsigned char)(y));
+#define OP_CHAR_EQ(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((x) == (y))
+#define OP_CHAR_NE(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((x) != (y))
+#define OP_CHAR_LE(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((unsigned char)(x) <= (unsigned char)(y))
+#define OP_CHAR_GT(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((unsigned char)(x) >  (unsigned char)(y))
+#define OP_CHAR_LT(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((unsigned char)(x) <  (unsigned char)(y))
+#define OP_CHAR_GE(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((unsigned char)(x) >= (unsigned char)(y))

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/exception.h
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/exception.h	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/exception.h	Mon Aug  8 22:22:37 2005
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 	_RPyConvertExceptionToCPython();		\
 	vanishing = rpython_exc_value;		\
 	rpython_exc_type = NULL;		\
-	rpython_exc_value = NULL;
+	rpython_exc_value = NULL
 #endif   /* !PYPY_STANDALONE */

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/float.h
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/float.h	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/float.h	Mon Aug  8 22:22:37 2005
@@ -6,35 +6,35 @@
 /*** unary operations ***/
 #define OP_FLOAT_IS_TRUE(x,r,err)   OP_FLOAT_NE(x,0.0,r,err)
-#define OP_FLOAT_NEG(x,r,err)       r = -x;
-#define OP_FLOAT_ABS(x,r,err)       r = fabs(x);
+#define OP_FLOAT_NEG(x,r,err)       r = -x
+#define OP_FLOAT_ABS(x,r,err)       r = fabs(x)
 /***  binary operations ***/
-#define OP_FLOAT_EQ(x,y,r,err)	  r = (x == y);
-#define OP_FLOAT_NE(x,y,r,err)	  r = (x != y);
-#define OP_FLOAT_LE(x,y,r,err)	  r = (x <= y);
-#define OP_FLOAT_GT(x,y,r,err)	  r = (x >  y);
-#define OP_FLOAT_LT(x,y,r,err)	  r = (x <  y);
-#define OP_FLOAT_GE(x,y,r,err)	  r = (x >= y);
+#define OP_FLOAT_EQ(x,y,r,err)	  r = (x == y)
+#define OP_FLOAT_NE(x,y,r,err)	  r = (x != y)
+#define OP_FLOAT_LE(x,y,r,err)	  r = (x <= y)
+#define OP_FLOAT_GT(x,y,r,err)	  r = (x >  y)
+#define OP_FLOAT_LT(x,y,r,err)	  r = (x <  y)
+#define OP_FLOAT_GE(x,y,r,err)	  r = (x >= y)
 #define OP_FLOAT_CMP(x,y,r,err) \
 	r = ((x > y) - (x < y))
 /* addition, subtraction */
-#define OP_FLOAT_ADD(x,y,r,err)     r = x + y;
-#define OP_FLOAT_SUB(x,y,r,err)     r = x - y;
-#define OP_FLOAT_MUL(x,y,r,err)     r = x * y;
-#define OP_FLOAT_DIV(x,y,r,err)     r = x / y;
+#define OP_FLOAT_ADD(x,y,r,err)     r = x + y
+#define OP_FLOAT_SUB(x,y,r,err)     r = x - y
+#define OP_FLOAT_MUL(x,y,r,err)     r = x * y
+#define OP_FLOAT_DIV(x,y,r,err)     r = x / y
 #define OP_FLOAT_TRUEDIV(x,y,r,err) OP_FLOAT_DIV(x,y,r,err)
-#define OP_FLOAT_MOD(x,y,r,err)     r = fmod(x, y); 
-#define OP_FLOAT_POW(x,y,r,err)     r = pow(x, y); 
+#define OP_FLOAT_MOD(x,y,r,err)     r = fmod(x, y) 
+#define OP_FLOAT_POW(x,y,r,err)     r = pow(x, y) 
 /*** conversions ***/
-#define OP_CAST_FLOAT_TO_INT(x,r,err)    r = (long)(x);
-#define OP_CAST_FLOAT_TO_UINT(x,r,err)   r = (unsigned long)(x);
-#define OP_CAST_INT_TO_FLOAT(x,r,err)    r = (double)(x);
-#define OP_CAST_UINT_TO_FLOAT(x,r,err)   r = (double)(x);
-#define OP_CAST_BOOL_TO_FLOAT(x,r,err)   r = (double)(x);
+#define OP_CAST_FLOAT_TO_INT(x,r,err)    r = (long)(x)
+#define OP_CAST_FLOAT_TO_UINT(x,r,err)   r = (unsigned long)(x)
+#define OP_CAST_INT_TO_FLOAT(x,r,err)    r = (double)(x)
+#define OP_CAST_UINT_TO_FLOAT(x,r,err)   r = (double)(x)
+#define OP_CAST_BOOL_TO_FLOAT(x,r,err)   r = (double)(x)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/int.h
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/int.h	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/int.h	Mon Aug  8 22:22:37 2005
@@ -6,54 +6,54 @@
 #define OP_INT_IS_TRUE(x,r,err)   OP_INT_NE(x,0,r,err)
-#define OP_INT_INVERT(x,r,err)    r = ~((x));
+#define OP_INT_INVERT(x,r,err)    r = ~((x))
-#define OP_INT_POS(x,r,err)    r = x;
+#define OP_INT_POS(x,r,err)    r = x
-#define OP_INT_NEG(x,r,err)    r = -(x);
+#define OP_INT_NEG(x,r,err)    r = -(x)
 #define OP_INT_NEG_OVF(x,r,err) \
-	OP_INT_NEG(x,r,err) \
+	OP_INT_NEG(x,r,err); \
 	if ((x) >= 0 || (x) != -(x)); \
 	else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer negate")
-#define OP_INT_ABS(x,r,err)    r = (x) >= 0 ? x : -(x);
-#define OP_UINT_ABS(x,r,err)   r = (x);
+#define OP_INT_ABS(x,r,err)    r = (x) >= 0 ? x : -(x)
+#define OP_UINT_ABS(x,r,err)   r = (x)
 #define OP_INT_ABS_OVF(x,r,err) \
-	OP_INT_ABS(x,r,err) \
+	OP_INT_ABS(x,r,err); \
 	if ((x) >= 0 || (x) != -(x)); \
 	else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer absolute")
 /***  binary operations ***/
-#define OP_INT_EQ(x,y,r,err)	  r = ((x) == (y));
-#define OP_INT_NE(x,y,r,err)	  r = ((x) != (y));
-#define OP_INT_LE(x,y,r,err)	  r = ((x) <= (y));
-#define OP_INT_GT(x,y,r,err)	  r = ((x) >  (y));
-#define OP_INT_LT(x,y,r,err)	  r = ((x) <  (y));
-#define OP_INT_GE(x,y,r,err)	  r = ((x) >= (y));
+#define OP_INT_EQ(x,y,r,err)	  r = ((x) == (y))
+#define OP_INT_NE(x,y,r,err)	  r = ((x) != (y))
+#define OP_INT_LE(x,y,r,err)	  r = ((x) <= (y))
+#define OP_INT_GT(x,y,r,err)	  r = ((x) >  (y))
+#define OP_INT_LT(x,y,r,err)	  r = ((x) <  (y))
+#define OP_INT_GE(x,y,r,err)	  r = ((x) >= (y))
 #define OP_INT_CMP(x,y,r,err) \
 	r = (((x) > (y)) - ((x) < (y)))
 /* addition, subtraction */
-#define OP_INT_ADD(x,y,r,err)     r = (x) + (y);
+#define OP_INT_ADD(x,y,r,err)     r = (x) + (y)
 #define OP_INT_ADD_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
-	OP_INT_ADD(x,y,r,err) \
+	OP_INT_ADD(x,y,r,err); \
 	if ((r^(x)) >= 0 || (r^(y)) >= 0); \
 	else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer addition")
-#define OP_INT_SUB(x,y,r,err)     r = (x) - (y);
+#define OP_INT_SUB(x,y,r,err)     r = (x) - (y)
 #define OP_INT_SUB_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
-	OP_INT_SUB(x,y,r,err) \
+	OP_INT_SUB(x,y,r,err); \
 	if ((r^(x)) >= 0 || (r^~(y)) >= 0); \
 	else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer subtraction")
-#define OP_INT_MUL(x,y,r,err)     r = (x) * (y);
+#define OP_INT_MUL(x,y,r,err)     r = (x) * (y)
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 		PY_LONG_LONG lr = (PY_LONG_LONG)(x) * (PY_LONG_LONG)(y); \
 		r = lr; \
 		if ((PY_LONG_LONG)r == lr); \
-		else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer multiplication") \
+		else FAIL_OVF(err, "integer multiplication"); \
@@ -76,96 +76,96 @@
 /* NB. shifting has same limitations as C: the shift count must be
        >= 0 and < LONG_BITS. */
-#define OP_INT_RSHIFT(x,y,r,err)    r = Py_ARITHMETIC_RIGHT_SHIFT(long, x, y);
-#define OP_UINT_RSHIFT(x,y,r,err)   r = (x) >> (y);
+#define OP_INT_RSHIFT(x,y,r,err)    r = Py_ARITHMETIC_RIGHT_SHIFT(long, x, y)
+#define OP_UINT_RSHIFT(x,y,r,err)   r = (x) >> (y)
-#define OP_INT_LSHIFT(x,y,r,err)    r = (x) << (y);
-#define OP_UINT_LSHIFT(x,y,r,err)   r = (x) << (y);
+#define OP_INT_LSHIFT(x,y,r,err)    r = (x) << (y)
+#define OP_UINT_LSHIFT(x,y,r,err)   r = (x) << (y)
 #define OP_INT_LSHIFT_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
-	OP_INT_LSHIFT(x,y,r,err) \
+	OP_INT_LSHIFT(x,y,r,err); \
 	if ((x) != Py_ARITHMETIC_RIGHT_SHIFT(long, r, (y))) \
 		FAIL_OVF(err, "x<<y loosing bits or changing sign")
 /* the safe value-checking version of the above macros */
 #define OP_INT_RSHIFT_VAL(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y) >= 0) { OP_INT_RSHIFT(x,y,r,err) } \
+	if ((y) >= 0) { OP_INT_RSHIFT(x,y,r,err); } \
 	else FAIL_VAL(err, "negative shift count")
 #define OP_INT_LSHIFT_VAL(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y) >= 0) { OP_INT_LSHIFT(x,y,r,err) } \
+	if ((y) >= 0) { OP_INT_LSHIFT(x,y,r,err); } \
 	else FAIL_VAL(err, "negative shift count")
 #define OP_INT_LSHIFT_OVF_VAL(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y) >= 0) { OP_INT_LSHIFT_OVF(x,y,r,err) } \
+	if ((y) >= 0) { OP_INT_LSHIFT_OVF(x,y,r,err); } \
 	else FAIL_VAL(err, "negative shift count")
 /* floor division */
-#define OP_INT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err)    r = op_divmod_adj(x, y, NULL);
-#define OP_UINT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err)   r = (x) / (y);
+#define OP_INT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err)    r = op_divmod_adj(x, y, NULL)
+#define OP_UINT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err)   r = (x) / (y)
 #define OP_INT_FLOORDIV_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
 	if ((y) == -1 && (x) < 0 && ((unsigned long)(x) << 1) == 0) \
-		FAIL_OVF(err, "integer division") \
+		FAIL_OVF(err, "integer division"); \
 #define OP_INT_FLOORDIV_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y)) { OP_INT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err) } \
+	if ((y)) { OP_INT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err); } \
 	else FAIL_ZER(err, "integer division")
 #define OP_UINT_FLOORDIV_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y)) { OP_UINT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err) } \
+	if ((y)) { OP_UINT_FLOORDIV(x,y,r,err); } \
 	else FAIL_ZER(err, "unsigned integer division")
 #define OP_INT_FLOORDIV_OVF_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y)) { OP_INT_FLOORDIV_OVF(x,y,r,err) } \
+	if ((y)) { OP_INT_FLOORDIV_OVF(x,y,r,err); } \
 	else FAIL_ZER(err, "integer division")
 /* modulus */
-#define OP_INT_MOD(x,y,r,err)     op_divmod_adj(x, y, &r);
-#define OP_UINT_MOD(x,y,r,err)    r = (x) % (y);
+#define OP_INT_MOD(x,y,r,err)     op_divmod_adj(x, y, &r)
+#define OP_UINT_MOD(x,y,r,err)    r = (x) % (y)
 #define OP_INT_MOD_OVF(x,y,r,err) \
 	if ((y) == -1 && (x) < 0 && ((unsigned long)(x) << 1) == 0) \
-		FAIL_OVF(err, "integer modulo") \
-	OP_INT_MOD(x,y,r,err);
+		FAIL_OVF(err, "integer modulo"); \
+	OP_INT_MOD(x,y,r,err)
 #define OP_INT_MOD_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y)) { OP_INT_MOD(x,y,r,err) } \
+	if ((y)) { OP_INT_MOD(x,y,r,err); } \
 	else FAIL_ZER(err, "integer modulo")
 #define OP_UINT_MOD_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y)) { OP_UINT_MOD(x,y,r,err) } \
+	if ((y)) { OP_UINT_MOD(x,y,r,err); } \
 	else FAIL_ZER(err, "unsigned integer modulo")
 #define OP_INT_MOD_OVF_ZER(x,y,r,err) \
-	if ((y)) { OP_INT_MOD_OVF(x,y,r,err) } \
+	if ((y)) { OP_INT_MOD_OVF(x,y,r,err); } \
 	else FAIL_ZER(err, "integer modulo")
 /* bit operations */
-#define OP_INT_AND(x,y,r,err)     r = (x) & (y);
-#define OP_INT_OR( x,y,r,err)     r = (x) | (y);
-#define OP_INT_XOR(x,y,r,err)     r = (x) ^ (y);
+#define OP_INT_AND(x,y,r,err)     r = (x) & (y)
+#define OP_INT_OR( x,y,r,err)     r = (x) | (y)
+#define OP_INT_XOR(x,y,r,err)     r = (x) ^ (y)
 /*** conversions ***/
-#define OP_CAST_BOOL_TO_INT(x,r,err)    r = (long)(x);
-#define OP_CAST_BOOL_TO_UINT(x,r,err)   r = (unsigned long)(x);
-#define OP_CAST_UINT_TO_INT(x,r,err)    r = (long)(x);
-#define OP_CAST_INT_TO_UINT(x,r,err)    r = (unsigned long)(x);
-#define OP_CAST_CHAR_TO_INT(x,r,err)    r = (long)((unsigned char)(x));
-#define OP_CAST_INT_TO_CHAR(x,r,err)    r = (char)(x);
-#define OP_CAST_PTR_TO_INT(x,r,err)     r = (long)(x);    /* XXX */
+#define OP_CAST_BOOL_TO_INT(x,r,err)    r = (long)(x)
+#define OP_CAST_BOOL_TO_UINT(x,r,err)   r = (unsigned long)(x)
+#define OP_CAST_UINT_TO_INT(x,r,err)    r = (long)(x)
+#define OP_CAST_INT_TO_UINT(x,r,err)    r = (unsigned long)(x)
+#define OP_CAST_CHAR_TO_INT(x,r,err)    r = (long)((unsigned char)(x))
+#define OP_CAST_INT_TO_CHAR(x,r,err)    r = (char)(x)
+#define OP_CAST_PTR_TO_INT(x,r,err)     r = (long)(x)    /* XXX */
-#define OP_CAST_UNICHAR_TO_INT(x,r,err)    r = (long)((unsigned long)(x)); /*?*/
-#define OP_CAST_INT_TO_UNICHAR(x,r,err)    r = (unsigned int)(x);
+#define OP_CAST_UNICHAR_TO_INT(x,r,err)    r = (long)((unsigned long)(x)) /*?*/
+#define OP_CAST_INT_TO_UNICHAR(x,r,err)    r = (unsigned int)(x)
 /* bool operations */
-#define OP_BOOL_NOT(x, r, err) r = !(x);
+#define OP_BOOL_NOT(x, r, err) r = !(x)
 /* _________________ certain implementations __________________ */

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/mem.h
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/mem.h	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/mem.h	Mon Aug  8 22:22:37 2005
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
 #define OP_ZERO_MALLOC(size, r, err)  {                                 \
     r = (void*) PyObject_Malloc(size);                                  \
-    if (r == NULL) FAIL_EXCEPTION(err, PyExc_MemoryError, "out of memory")\
+    if (r == NULL) FAIL_EXCEPTION(err, PyExc_MemoryError, "out of memory");\
     memset((void*) r, 0, size);                                         \
-    COUNT_MALLOC                                                        \
+    COUNT_MALLOC;                                                       \
-#define OP_FREE(p)	{ PyObject_Free(p); COUNT_FREE }
+#define OP_FREE(p)	{ PyObject_Free(p); COUNT_FREE; }
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
 static int count_mallocs=0, count_frees=0;
-#define COUNT_MALLOC	count_mallocs++;
-#define COUNT_FREE	count_frees++;
+#define COUNT_MALLOC	count_mallocs++
+#define COUNT_FREE	count_frees++
 PyObject* malloc_counters(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/module.h
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/module.h	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/module.h	Mon Aug  8 22:22:37 2005
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 	if (setup_initcode(frozen_initcode, FROZEN_INITCODE_SIZE) < 0) \
 		return;	\
 	if (setup_globalobjects(globalobjectdefs) < 0) \
-		return;
+		return
 /*** table of global objects ***/

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/pyobj.h
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/pyobj.h	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/pyobj.h	Mon Aug  8 22:22:37 2005
@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@
 #define op_bool(r,err,what) { \
 		int _retval = what; \
-		if (_retval < 0) { \
-			CFAIL(err) \
-		} \
+		if (_retval < 0) CFAIL(err); \
 		r = PyBool_FromLong(_retval); \
@@ -28,9 +26,7 @@
 #define OP_LEN(x,r,err) { \
 		int _retval = PyObject_Size(x); \
-		if (_retval < 0) { \
-			CFAIL(err) \
-		} \
+		if (_retval < 0) CFAIL(err); \
 		r = PyInt_FromLong(_retval); \
 #define OP_NEG(x,r,err)           if (!(r=PyNumber_Negative(x)))     CFAIL(err)
@@ -80,20 +76,20 @@
 #define OP_INPLACE_XOR(x,y,r,err)    if (!(r=PyNumber_InPlaceXor(x,y)))        \
-#define OP_GETITEM(x,y,r,err)     if (!(r=PyObject_GetItem1(x,y)))   CFAIL(err)
-#define OP_SETITEM(x,y,z,r,err)   if ((PyObject_SetItem1(x,y,z))<0)  CFAIL(err) \
-				  r=Py_None; Py_INCREF(r);
-#define OP_DELITEM(x,y,r,err)     if ((PyObject_DelItem(x,y))<0)     CFAIL(err) \
-				  r=Py_None; Py_INCREF(r);
+#define OP_GETITEM(x,y,r,err)    if (!(r=PyObject_GetItem1(x,y)))   CFAIL(err)
+#define OP_SETITEM(x,y,z,r,err)  if ((PyObject_SetItem1(x,y,z))<0)  CFAIL(err);\
+				  r=Py_None; Py_INCREF(r)
+#define OP_DELITEM(x,y,r,err)    if ((PyObject_DelItem(x,y))<0)     CFAIL(err);\
+				  r=Py_None; Py_INCREF(r)
 #define OP_CONTAINS(x,y,r,err)    op_bool(r,err,(PySequence_Contains(x,y)))
-#define OP_GETATTR(x,y,r,err)     if (!(r=PyObject_GetAttr(x,y)))    CFAIL(err)
-#define OP_SETATTR(x,y,z,r,err)   if ((PyObject_SetAttr(x,y,z))<0)   CFAIL(err) \
-				  r=Py_None; Py_INCREF(r);
-#define OP_DELATTR(x,y,r,err)     if ((PyObject_SetAttr(x,y,NULL))<0)CFAIL(err) \
-				  r=Py_None; Py_INCREF(r);
+#define OP_GETATTR(x,y,r,err)    if (!(r=PyObject_GetAttr(x,y)))    CFAIL(err)
+#define OP_SETATTR(x,y,z,r,err)  if ((PyObject_SetAttr(x,y,z))<0)   CFAIL(err);\
+				  r=Py_None; Py_INCREF(r)
+#define OP_DELATTR(x,y,r,err)    if ((PyObject_SetAttr(x,y,NULL))<0)CFAIL(err);\
+				  r=Py_None; Py_INCREF(r)
-#define OP_NEWSLICE(x,y,z,r,err)  if (!(r=PySlice_New(x,y,z)))       CFAIL(err)
+#define OP_NEWSLICE(x,y,z,r,err) if (!(r=PySlice_New(x,y,z)))       CFAIL(err)
 #define OP_GETSLICE(x,y,z,r,err)  {					\
 		PyObject *__yo = y, *__zo = z;				\
@@ -102,14 +98,14 @@
 		if (__zo == Py_None) __zo = NULL;			\
 		if (!_PyEval_SliceIndex(__yo, &__y) ||			\
 		    !_PyEval_SliceIndex(__zo, &__z) ||			\
-		    !(r=PySequence_GetSlice(x, __y, __z))) CFAIL(err)	\
+		    !(r=PySequence_GetSlice(x, __y, __z))) CFAIL(err);	\
 #define OP_ALLOC_AND_SET(x,y,r,err) { \
 		/* XXX check for long/int overflow */ \
 		int __i, __x = PyInt_AsLong(x); \
-		if (PyErr_Occurred()) CFAIL(err) \
-		if (!(r = PyList_New(__x))) CFAIL(err) \
+		if (PyErr_Occurred()) CFAIL(err); \
+		if (!(r = PyList_New(__x))) CFAIL(err); \
 		for (__i=0; __i<__x; __i++) { \
 			Py_INCREF(y); \
 			PyList_SET_ITEM(r, __i, y); \
@@ -119,7 +115,7 @@
 #define OP_ITER(x,r,err)          if (!(r=PyObject_GetIter(x)))      CFAIL(err)
 #define OP_NEXT(x,r,err)          if (!(r=PyIter_Next(x))) {                   \
 		if (!PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_SetNone(PyExc_StopIteration);     \
-		CFAIL(err)                                                      \
+		CFAIL(err);                                                    \
 #define OP_STR(x,r,err)           if (!(r=PyObject_Str(x)))          CFAIL(err)
@@ -127,21 +123,21 @@
 #define OP_ORD(s,r,err) { \
 	char *__c = PyString_AsString(s); \
 	int __len; \
-	if ( !__c) CFAIL(err) \
+	if ( !__c) CFAIL(err); \
 	if ((__len = PyString_GET_SIZE(s)) != 1) { \
 	    PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, \
 		  "ord() expected a character, but string of length %d found", \
 		  __len); \
-	    CFAIL(err) \
+	    CFAIL(err); \
 	} \
 	if (!(r = PyInt_FromLong((unsigned char)(__c[0])))) \
-	    CFAIL(err) \
+	    CFAIL(err); \
 #define OP_ID(x,r,err)    if (!(r=PyLong_FromVoidPtr(x))) CFAIL(err)
 #define OP_HASH(x,r,err)  { \
 	long __hash = PyObject_Hash(x); \
-	if (__hash == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) CFAIL(err) \
-	if (!(r = PyInt_FromLong(__hash))) CFAIL(err) \
+	if (__hash == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) CFAIL(err); \
+	if (!(r = PyInt_FromLong(__hash))) CFAIL(err); \
 #define OP_HEX(x,r,err)   { \
@@ -150,9 +146,9 @@
 	    __nb->nb_hex == NULL) { \
 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, \
 			   "hex() argument can't be converted to hex"); \
-		CFAIL(err) \
+		CFAIL(err); \
 	} \
-	if (!(r = (*__nb->nb_hex)(x))) CFAIL(err) \
+	if (!(r = (*__nb->nb_hex)(x))) CFAIL(err); \
 #define OP_OCT(x,r,err)   { \
 	PyNumberMethods *__nb; \
@@ -160,26 +156,26 @@
 	    __nb->nb_oct == NULL) { \
 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, \
 			   "oct() argument can't be converted to oct"); \
-		CFAIL(err) \
+		CFAIL(err); \
 	} \
-	if (!(r = (*__nb->nb_oct)(x))) CFAIL(err) \
+	if (!(r = (*__nb->nb_oct)(x))) CFAIL(err); \
 #define OP_INT(x,r,err)   { \
 	long __val = PyInt_AsLong(x); \
-	if (__val == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) CFAIL(err) \
-	if (!(r = PyInt_FromLong(__val))) CFAIL (err) \
+	if (__val == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) CFAIL(err); \
+	if (!(r = PyInt_FromLong(__val))) CFAIL (err); \
 #define OP_FLOAT(x,r,err)   { \
 	double __val = PyFloat_AsDouble(x); \
-	if (PyErr_Occurred()) CFAIL(err) \
-	if (!(r = PyFloat_FromDouble(__val))) CFAIL (err) \
+	if (PyErr_Occurred()) CFAIL(err); \
+	if (!(r = PyFloat_FromDouble(__val))) CFAIL (err); \
 #define OP_CMP(x,y,r,err)   { \
 	int __val = PyObject_Compare(x, y); \
-	if (PyErr_Occurred()) CFAIL(err) \
-	if (!(r = PyInt_FromLong(__val))) CFAIL (err) \
+	if (PyErr_Occurred()) CFAIL(err); \
+	if (!(r = PyInt_FromLong(__val))) CFAIL (err); \

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/support.h
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/support.h	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/support.h	Mon Aug  8 22:22:37 2005
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
 #define FAIL_EXCEPTION(err, exc, msg) \
 	{ \
 		RPyRaiseSimpleException(exc, msg); \
-		FAIL(err) \
+		FAIL(err); \
 #define FAIL_OVF(err, msg) FAIL_EXCEPTION(err, PyExc_OverflowError, msg)
 #define FAIL_VAL(err, msg) FAIL_EXCEPTION(err, PyExc_ValueError, msg)
 #define FAIL_ZER(err, msg) FAIL_EXCEPTION(err, PyExc_ZeroDivisionError, msg)
-#define CFAIL(err)         { RPyConvertExceptionFromCPython(); FAIL(err) }
+#define CFAIL(err)         { RPyConvertExceptionFromCPython(); FAIL(err); }

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/trace.h
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/trace.h	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/trace.h	Mon Aug  8 22:22:37 2005
@@ -32,11 +32,7 @@
 #else /* !defined(USE_CALL_TRACE) */
-#define FAIL(err) { goto err; }
-#define ERR_DECREF(arg) { Py_DECREF(arg); }
-#define FUNCTION_RETURN(rval) return rval;
+#define FAIL(err) goto err
 #endif /* defined(USE_CALL_TRACE) */

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/unichar.h
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/unichar.h	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/c/src/unichar.h	Mon Aug  8 22:22:37 2005
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
 /***  binary operations ***/
 /* typedef unsigned pypy_unichar; */
-#define OP_UNICHAR_EQ(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((x) == (y));
-#define OP_UNICHAR_NE(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((x) != (y));
+#define OP_UNICHAR_EQ(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((x) == (y))
+#define OP_UNICHAR_NE(x,y,r,err)	 r = ((x) != (y))

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