[pypy-svn] r11568 - pypy/dist/lib-python-2.3.4/test

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Thu Apr 28 14:00:17 CEST 2005

Author: hpk
Date: Thu Apr 28 14:00:17 2005
New Revision: 11568

sanitized and cleaned up the whole test_main/collection
interaction by moving more code to applevel. 

added doctest module collection support, doctests
are not actually run yet at applevel. 

Note that currently you only get the 'fine grained' 
test run if you issue the '-E' option, e.g. 

    py.test -E test_base64.py

Modified: pypy/dist/lib-python-2.3.4/test/conftest.py
--- pypy/dist/lib-python-2.3.4/test/conftest.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/lib-python-2.3.4/test/conftest.py	Thu Apr 28 14:00:17 2005
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
         return func(*args, **kwargs) 
     except OperationError, e: 
+        ilevelinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
         if e.match(space, space.w_KeyboardInterrupt): 
             raise KeyboardInterrupt 
         appexcinfo=pytestsupport.AppExceptionInfo(space, e) 
@@ -63,63 +64,78 @@
             print "appexcinfo.traceback:"
             raise py.test.Item.Failed(excinfo=appexcinfo) 
-        raise 
-w_utestlist = None 
-w_doctestmodules = None 
+        raise py.test.Item.Failed(excinfo=ilevelinfo) 
-def hack_test_support(space): 
-    global w_utestlist, w_doctestmodules
-    w_utestlist = space.newlist([]) 
-    w_doctestmodules = space.newlist([]) 
-    w_mod = make_module(space, 'unittest', mydir.join('pypy_unittest.py')) 
-    #self.w_TestCase = space.getattr(w_mod, space.wrap('TestCase'))
-    space.appexec([w_utestlist, w_doctestmodules], """
-        (testlist, doctestmodules): 
-            from test import test_support  # humpf
-            def hack_run_unittest(*classes): 
-                testlist.extend(list(classes))
-            test_support.run_unittest = hack_run_unittest 
-            def hack_run_doctest(module, verbose=None): 
-                doctestmodules.append(module) 
-            test_support.run_doctest = hack_run_doctest 
-            def hack_run_suite(suite, testclass=None): 
-                pass  # XXX 
-            test_support.run_suite = hack_run_doctest 
-    """) 
-def getmyspace(): 
-    space = gettestobjspace('std') 
-    # we once and for all want to patch run_unittest 
-    # to get us the list of intended unittest-TestClasses
-    # from each regression test 
-    if w_utestlist is None and option.extracttests: 
-        callex(space, hack_test_support, space) 
-    return space 
+# compliance modules where we invoke test_main() usually call into 
+# test_support.(run_suite|run_doctests) 
+# we intercept those calls and use the provided information 
+# for our collection process.  This allows us to run all the 
+# tests one by one. 
 app = ApplevelClass('''
-    def list_testmethods(cls): 
-        """ return [(instance.setUp, instance.tearDown, 
-                     [instance.testmethod1, ...]), ...]
-        """ 
-        clsname = cls.__name__
-        instance = cls() 
-        #print "checking", instance 
-        methods = []
-        for methodname in dir(cls): 
-            if methodname.startswith('test'): 
-                name = clsname + '.' + methodname 
-                methods.append((name, getattr(instance, methodname)))
-        return instance.setUp, instance.tearDown, methods 
+    import unittest 
+    from test import test_support   
+    def getmethods(suite_or_class): 
+        """ flatten out suites down to TestCase instances/methods. """ 
+        if isinstance(suite_or_class, unittest.TestCase): 
+            res = [suite_or_class]
+        elif isinstance(suite_or_class, unittest.TestSuite): 
+            res = []
+            for x in suite_or_class._tests: 
+                res.extend(getmethods(x))
+        elif isinstance(suite_or_class, list): 
+            res = []
+            for x in suite_or_class: 
+                res.extend(getmethods(x))
+        else: 
+            raise TypeError, "expected TestSuite or TestClass, got %r"  %(suite_or_class) 
+        return res 
+    def intercept_test_support(suites=[], doctestmodules=[]): 
+        """ intercept calls to test_support.run_doctest and run_suite. 
+            Return doctestmodules, suites which will hold collected
+            items from these test_support invocations. 
+        """
+        def hack_run_doctest(module, verbose=None): 
+            doctestmodules.append(module) 
+        test_support.run_doctest = hack_run_doctest 
+        def hack_run_suite(suite, testclass=None): 
+            suites.append(suite) 
+        test_support.run_suite = hack_run_suite 
+        return suites, doctestmodules 
+    #
+    # exported API 
+    #
+    def collect_test_main(mod): 
+        suites, doctestmodules = intercept_test_support()
+        mod.test_main() 
+        namemethodlist = []
+        for method in getmethods(suites): 
+            name = (method.__class__.__name__ + '.' + 
+                    method._TestCase__testMethodName)
+            namemethodlist.append((name, method))
+        doctestlist = []
+        for mod in doctestmodules: 
+            doctestlist.append((mod.__name__, mod))
+        return namemethodlist, doctestlist 
+    def run_testcase_method(method): 
+        method.setUp()
+        try: 
+            method()
+        finally: 
+            method.tearDown()
-list_testmethods = app.interphook('list_testmethods')
+collect_test_main = app.interphook('collect_test_main')
+run_testcase_method = app.interphook('run_testcase_method')
 class OpErrorModule(py.test.collect.Module): 
     # wraps some methods around a py.test Module in order
@@ -131,7 +147,7 @@
         super(py.test.collect.Module, self).__init__(fspath, parent) 
         self.testdecl = testdecl 
-    space = property(lambda x: getmyspace()) 
+    space = property(lambda x: gettestobjspace()) 
     def tryiter(self, stopitems=()): 
@@ -177,8 +193,7 @@
     def __init__(self, name, parent, fspath): 
         super(RunAppFileItem, self).__init__(name, parent) 
         self.fspath = fspath 
-        self.space = getmyspace()
+        self.space = gettestobjspace()
     def getfspath(self): 
         if self.parent.testdecl.modified: 
@@ -239,20 +254,15 @@
 class UTTestMainModule(OpErrorModule): 
     """ special handling for tests with a proper 'def test_main(): '
-        definition invoking test_support.run_unittest (XXX and
-        test_support.run_doctest). 
+        definition invoking test_support.run_suite or run_unittest 
+        (XXX add support for test_support.run_doctest). 
     def _prepare(self): 
-        if hasattr(self, '_testcases'): 
+        if hasattr(self, 'name2w_method'): 
         space = self.space
-        self._testcases = callex(self.space, self.get_testcases) 
-    def run(self): 
-        self._prepare() 
-        return [x[0] for x in self._testcases]
-    def get_testcases(self): 
+        # load module at app-level 
         name = self.fspath.purebasename 
         space = self.space 
         if self.testdecl.modified: 
@@ -263,93 +273,63 @@
         if self.testdecl.oldstyle or pypy_option.oldstyle: 
-            w_mod = make_module(space, name, fspath) 
+            self.w_mod = make_module(space, name, fspath) 
             if not pypy_option.oldstyle: 
+        w_result = callex(space, collect_test_main, space, self.w_mod)
+        w_namemethods, w_doctestlist = space.unpacktuple(w_result) 
-        # hack out testcases 
-        space.appexec([w_mod, w_utestlist], """ 
-            (mod, classlist): 
-                classlist[:] = []
-                mod.test_main() 
-            """) 
-        res = []
-        #print w_utestlist
-        for w_class in space.unpackiterable(w_utestlist): 
-            w_name = space.getattr(w_class, space.wrap('__name__'))
-            res.append((space.str_w(w_name), w_class ))
-        res.sort()
-        return res 
-    def join(self, name): 
-        for x,w_cls in self._testcases: 
-            if x == name: 
-                return UTAppTestCase(name, parent=self, w_cls=w_cls) 
-class UTAppTestCase(py.test.collect.Class): 
-    def __init__(self, name, parent, w_cls): 
-        super(UTAppTestCase, self).__init__(name, parent) 
-        self.w_cls = w_cls 
-    def _prepare(self): 
-        if not hasattr(self, 'space'): 
-            self.space = space = self.parent.space
-            w_item = list_testmethods(space, self.w_cls)
-            w_setup, w_teardown, w_methods = space.unpackiterable(w_item) 
-            methoditems_w = space.unpackiterable(w_methods)
-            self.methods_w = methods_w = []
-            for w_methoditem in methoditems_w: 
-                w_name, w_method = space.unpacktuple(w_methoditem) 
-                name = space.str_w(w_name) 
-                methods_w.append((name, w_method, w_setup, w_teardown))
-            methods_w.sort() 
+        # setup {name -> wrapped testcase method}
+        self.name2w_method = {}
+        for w_item in space.unpackiterable(w_namemethods): 
+            w_name, w_method = space.unpacktuple(w_item) 
+            name = space.str_w(w_name) 
+            self.name2w_method[name] = w_method 
+        # setup {name -> wrapped doctest module}
+        self.name2w_doctestmodule = {}
+        for w_item in space.unpackiterable(w_doctestlist): 
+            w_name, w_module = space.unpacktuple(w_item) 
+            name = space.str_w(w_name) 
+            self.name2w_doctestmodule[name] = w_module 
     def run(self): 
-        callex(self.parent.space, self._prepare,) 
-        return [x[0] for x in self.methods_w]
+        self._prepare() 
+        keys = self.name2w_method.keys() 
+        keys.extend(self.name2w_doctestmodule.keys())
+        return keys 
     def join(self, name): 
-        for x in self.methods_w: 
-            if x[0] == name: 
-                args = x[1:]
-                return AppTestCaseMethod(name, self, *args) 
+        self._prepare() 
+        if name in self.name2w_method: 
+            w_method = self.name2w_method[name]
+            return AppTestCaseMethod(name, parent=self, w_method=w_method) 
+        if name in self.name2w_doctestmodule: 
+            w_module = self.name2w_doctestmodule[name]
+            return AppDocTestModule(name, parent=self, w_module=w_module)
+class AppDocTestModule(py.test.Item): 
+    def __init__(self, name, parent, w_module): 
+        super(AppDocTestModule, self).__init__(name, parent) 
+        self.w_module = w_module 
+    def run(self): 
+        py.test.skip("application level doctest modules not supported yet.")
 class AppTestCaseMethod(py.test.Item): 
-    def __init__(self, name, parent, w_method, w_setup, w_teardown): 
+    def __init__(self, name, parent, w_method): 
         super(AppTestCaseMethod, self).__init__(name, parent) 
         self.space = parent.space 
         self.w_method = w_method 
-        self.w_setup = w_setup 
-        self.w_teardown = w_teardown 
     def run(self):      
         space = self.space
-        try:
-            filename = str(self.fspath) 
-            w_argv = space.sys.get('argv')
-            space.setitem(w_argv, space.newslice(None, None, None),
-                          space.newlist([space.wrap(filename)]))
-            space.call_function(self.w_setup) 
-            try: 
-                try: 
-                    self.execute() 
-                except OperationError, e:
-                    if e.match(space, space.w_KeyboardInterrupt):
-                        raise KeyboardInterrupt
-                    raise  
-            finally: 
-                self.space.call_function(self.w_teardown) 
-        except OperationError, e: 
-            ilevel_excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo() 
-            excinfo=pytestsupport.AppExceptionInfo(self.space, e) 
-            if excinfo.traceback: 
-                raise self.Failed(excinfo=excinfo) 
-            raise self.Failed(excinfo=ilevel_excinfo) 
-    def execute(self): 
-        self.space.call_function(self.w_method)
+        filename = str(self.fspath) 
+        w_argv = space.sys.get('argv')
+        space.setitem(w_argv, space.newslice(None, None, None),
+                      space.newlist([space.wrap(filename)]))
+        callex(space, run_testcase_method, space, self.w_method) 
 # ________________________________________________________________________

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