[pypy-svn] r10781 - pypy/dist/pypy/documentation

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Sun Apr 17 19:09:04 CEST 2005

Author: hpk
Date: Sun Apr 17 19:09:04 2005
New Revision: 10781

first steps refactoring according to 'newstructure' 

restrictedpy and testdesign are merged with coding-style.txt 

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/annotateobjspace.txt
--- pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/annotateobjspace.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/annotateobjspace.txt	Sun Apr 17 19:09:04 2005
@@ -23,4 +23,4 @@
 .. _StandardObjectSpace: stdobjspace.html
-.. _RestrictedPython: restrictedpy.html
+.. _RestrictedPython: coding-style.html

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/coding-style.txt
--- pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/coding-style.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/coding-style.txt	Sun Apr 17 19:09:04 2005
@@ -1,10 +1,251 @@
-Coding Style
+PyPy Coding Style
+.. contents::
+.. sectnum::
-Naming and environment
+Restricted Python
+We are writing a Python interpreter in Python, using Python's well known ability 
+to step behind the algorithmic problems as language. At first glance, one might 
+think this achieves nothing but a better understanding for everybody how the 
+interpreter works. This alone would make it worth doing, but we have much larger 
+CPython vs. PyPy
+Compared to the CPython implementation, Python takes the role of the C Code. So 
+actually, we describe something by Python, which has been coded in C already, 
+with all the restrictions that are implied by C. We are not trying to make the 
+structures of the CPython interpreter more flexible by rewriting things in C, 
+but we want to use Python to give an alternative description of the interpreter.
+The clear advantage is that this description is probably shorter and simpler to 
+read, and many implementation details vanish. The drawback of this approach is 
+that this interpreter will be unbearably slow.
+To get to a useful interpreter again, we need to apply some mappings to the 
+implementation, later. One rather straight-forward is to do a whole program 
+analysis of the PyPy interpreter and create a C source, again. There are many 
+other ways, but let's stick with the easiest approach, first.
+In order to make a C code generator simple, we restrict ourselves to a subset of 
+the Python language, and we adhere to some rules, which make code generation 
+obvious and easy.
+Restricted Python is Runtime Python
+Restricted Python describes a runnable Python interpreter implementation. This 
+is a quite static object that can be suitably described by RPython. But the 
+restrictions do not apply during the startup phase.
+PyPy Bootstrap
+When the PyPy interpreter is started as a CPython program, it can use all of 
+CPython for a while, until it reaches runtime. That is, all executable code will 
+be executed using the full power of Python.
+An example can be found in the implementation, which is quite elegant: For the 
+definition of all the opcodes of the Python interpreter, the module dis is 
+imported and used. This saves us from adding extra modules to PyPy. The import 
+code is run at startup time, and we are allowed to use the CPython builtin 
+import function.
+When the startup code is done, all resulting objects, functions, code blocks 
+etc. must adhere to the runtime restrictions. All initialized modules are 
+written out in a persistent manner. Our current idea is to emit a huge C source 
+file which contains everything created so far. During this process, a whole 
+program analysis is performed, which makes use of the restrictions defined in 
+RPython. This enables the code generator to emit efficient replacements for pure 
+integer objects, for instance.
+RPython Definition
+It might make sense to define a sub-language of Python called RPython, with the 
+restrictions depicted below. This is an evolving topic, and we're just 
+collecting things which come up during trying to code the interpreter, so this 
+is no language at all, but an arbitrary set of rules, which are about to be 
+changed all day.
+Object restrictions
+We are using
+  the same variable in the same context can receive values of different types, 
+  at a possible overhead cost. For example, a variable that can contain a 
+  wrapped object or None is efficiently implemented as a PyObject* pointer that 
+  can be NULL, but a variable that can contain either an integer or a float must 
+  be implemented as a union with a type tag in C.
+  all module globals are considered constants.
+**integer, float, string, boolean**
+  avoid string methods and complex operations like slicing with a step
+  no variable-length tuples; use them to store or return pairs or n-tuples of 
+  values
+  lists are used as an allocated array; list.append() does naive resizing, so as 
+  far as possible use list comprehensions (see below).  list.extend() or the +=
+  operator are allowed and efficient.  Unless there is really a use case for it,
+  repetition is limited to initialization purposes: '[single_value] * length'.
+  dicts with string keys only (preferrably the kind of strings that are usually
+  interned in CPython, i.e. short strings that look like identifiers).  The
+  implementation could safely decide that all dict keys should be interned.
+**control structures**
+  all allowed
+**list comprehensions**
+  may be used to create allocated, initialized array. the array size must be 
+  computable in advance, which implies that we don't allow an if clause.
++ statically called functions may use defaults and a variable number of 
+  arguments (which may be passed as a list instead of a tuple, so write code that 
+  does not depend on it being a tuple).
++ dynamic dispatch enforces use of very simple signatures, equal for all 
+  functions to be called in that context. At the moment, this occurs in the opcode 
+  dispatch, only.
+**builtin functions**
+  A few builtin functions will be used, while this set is not defined 
+  completely, yet. Some builtin functions are special forms:
+  does not create an array. It is only allowed in for loops. The step argument 
+  must be a constant.
++ may be used with basic types that have a length. But len is a special form 
+  that is recognized by the compiler.
++ If a certain structure is never touched by len, the compiler might save the 
+  length field from the underlying structure.
+``int, float, ord, chr``... are available as simple conversion functions.
+``int, float, str``... have a special meaning as a type inside of isinstance only.
++ methods and other class attributes do not change after startup
++ inheritance is supported
++ classes are first-class objects too
++ fully supported
++ see below for restrictions on exceptions raised by built-in operations
+  wrapped objects are borrowed from the object space. Just like in CPython, code 
+  that needs e.g. a dictionary can use a wrapped dict and the object space 
+  operations on it.
+This layout makes the number of types to take care about quite limited.
+Example: Integer Types
+While implementing the integer type, I (Chris) stumbled over the problem, that 
+integers are quite in flux in CPython right now. Depending on the version, 
+integers either raise an overflow exception or mutate into longs on overflow. 
+Also, shifting right now truncates (up to 2.3) but is going to extend to longs 
+as well. In order to enable us to run the restricted Python stuff in CPython, I 
+needed to use a derived class r_int(int), which always behaves the same: Never 
+leaving its domain, but always staying an integer.
+The r_int type is implemented in a pervasive way: Every operation that involves 
+an r_int creates an r_int as the result. Therefore, the implementation is not 
+cluttered with special type casts. Just the initial value of an emulated 
+integer's intval field is initialized by obj.intval = r_int(val) . This way, the 
+r_int type propagates itself through all operations without extra effort of the 
+This concept looks promising, and since we will need unsigned integers which do 
+not overflow as well, I also created r_uint. It is always a word-sized unsigned 
+integer and never overflows. This will be a building block for things like 
+computing hash values, where wrap-around effects are intended and should be 
+easily coded without lots of explicit mask shuffling. 
+Now I think to extend this even more and build a full set of primitive types, 
+which are intended to
++ define the semantics of the primitive type
++ give a working implementation for unrestricted Python
+These primitive types can later easily be augmented with methods to emit C code instead of executing. I guess this would be implemented in an extra ObjectSpace.
+Exception rules
+Exceptions are by default not generated for simple cases.::
+    #!/usr/bin/python
+        x = 5
+        x = x + 1    # this code is not checked for overflow
+        try:
+            x = x + y
+        except OverflowError:
+            # implement using longs
+Code with no exception handlers does not raise exceptions. By supplying an 
+exception handler, you ask for error checking. Without, you assure the system 
+that the operation cannot overflow.
+Exceptions explicitly raised will always be generated.
+PyPy is debuggable on top of CPython 
+PyPy has the advantage that it is runnable on standard
+CPython.  That means, we can run all of PyPy with all exception
+handling enabled, so we might catch cases where we failed to
+adhere to our implicit assertions.
+Naming and development conventions 
 - directories/modules/namespaces are always **lowercase**
@@ -22,6 +263,17 @@
 - it's appreciated if you manage to name files in a directory
   so that tab-completion on the shell level is as easy as possible. 
+- objectspace classes are always spelled "ObjSpace". e.g.
+  - StdObjSpace
+  - FlowObjSpace
+- at interpreter level and in ObjSpace all boxed values
+  have a leading ``w_`` to indicate "wrapped values".  This
+  includes w_self.  Don't use ``w_`` in application level
+  python only code.
@@ -33,18 +285,42 @@
   that the property 'svn:eol-style' is set to native which 
   allows checkin/checkout in native line-ending format.
-Object Spaces
-- objectspace classes are always spelled "ObjSpace". e.g.
+Test Design
-  - StdObjSpace
-  - FlowObjSpace
+Our tests are based on the new `py.test`_ tool which lets you write
+unittests without boilerplate.  All tests of modules
+in a directory usually reside in a subdirectory **test**.  There are
+basically two types of unit tests:
-- at interpreter level and in ObjSpace all boxed values
-  have a leading ``w_`` to indicate "wrapped values".  This
-  includes w_self.  Don't use ``w_`` in application level
-  python only code.
+- **Interpreter Level tests**. They run at the same level as PyPy's
+  interpreter.
+- **Application Level tests**. They run at application level which means
+  that they look like straight python code but they are interpreted by PyPy.
+Both types of tests need an objectspace they can run with (the interpreter
+dispatches operations on objects to an objectspace).  If you run a test you
+can usually give the '-o' switch to select an object space.  E.g. '-o thunk' 
+will select the thunk object space. The default is the "Standard Object Space" 
+which aims to implement unmodified Python semantics. 
+.. _`py.test`: http://codespeak.net/py/current/doc/test.html 
+Writing a test
+Currently the best reference is to go to some test files and look how they are done.
+Command line tool test_all
+You can run almost all of PyPy's tests by invoking::
+  python test_all.py
+For switches to modify test execution invoke "python test_all.py -h".
 Test conventions
@@ -60,7 +336,3 @@
 - each test directory needs a copy of pypy/tool/autopath.py which
   upon import will make sure that sys.path contains the directory
   where 'pypy' is in. 
-- see some more information about tests at the test-design_ document. 
-.. _test-design: testdesign.html

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/redirections
--- pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/redirections	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/redirections	Sun Apr 17 19:09:04 2005
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # please make sure this is evaluatable 
-    'aaa.html': 'architecture.html', 
+    'restrictedpy.html': 'coding-style.html', 
+    'testdesign.html'  : 'coding-style.html', 

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/restrictedpy.txt
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/restrictedpy.txt	Sun Apr 17 19:09:04 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-Restricted Python
-We are writing a Python interpreter in Python, using Python's well known ability 
-to step behind the algorithmic problems as language. At first glance, one might 
-think this achieves nothing but a better understanding for everybody how the 
-interpreter works. This alone would make it worth doing, but we have much larger 
-CPython vs. PyPy
-Compared to the CPython implementation, Python takes the role of the C Code. So 
-actually, we describe something by Python, which has been coded in C already, 
-with all the restrictions that are implied by C. We are not trying to make the 
-structures of the CPython interpreter more flexible by rewriting things in C, 
-but we want to use Python to give an alternative description of the interpreter.
-The clear advantage is that this description is probably shorter and simpler to 
-read, and many implementation details vanish. The drawback of this approach is 
-that this interpreter will be unbearably slow.
-To get to a useful interpreter again, we need to apply some mappings to the 
-implementation, later. One rather straight-forward is to do a whole program 
-analysis of the PyPy interpreter and create a C source, again. There are many 
-other ways, but let's stick with the easiest approach, first.
-In order to make a C code generator simple, we restrict ourselves to a subset of 
-the Python language, and we adhere to some rules, which make code generation 
-obvious and easy.
-Restricted Python is Runtime Python
-Restricted Python describes a runnable Python interpreter implementation. This 
-is a quite static object that can be suitably described by RPython. But the 
-restrictions do not apply during the startup phase.
-PyPy Bootstrap
-When the PyPy interpreter is started as a CPython program, it can use all of 
-CPython for a while, until it reaches runtime. That is, all executable code will 
-be executed using the full power of Python.
-An example can be found in the implementation, which is quite elegant: For the 
-definition of all the opcodes of the Python interpreter, the module dis is 
-imported and used. This saves us from adding extra modules to PyPy. The import 
-code is run at startup time, and we are allowed to use the CPython builtin 
-import function.
-When the startup code is done, all resulting objects, functions, code blocks 
-etc. must adhere to the runtime restrictions. All initialized modules are 
-written out in a persistent manner. Our current idea is to emit a huge C source 
-file which contains everything created so far. During this process, a whole 
-program analysis is performed, which makes use of the restrictions defined in 
-RPython. This enables the code generator to emit efficient replacements for pure 
-integer objects, for instance.
-RPython Definition
-It might make sense to define a sub-language of Python called RPython, with the 
-restrictions depicted below. This is an evolving topic, and we're just 
-collecting things which come up during trying to code the interpreter, so this 
-is no language at all, but an arbitrary set of rules, which are about to be 
-changed all day.
-Object restrictions
-We are using
-  the same variable in the same context can receive values of different types, 
-  at a possible overhead cost. For example, a variable that can contain a 
-  wrapped object or None is efficiently implemented as a PyObject* pointer that 
-  can be NULL, but a variable that can contain either an integer or a float must 
-  be implemented as a union with a type tag in C.
-  all module globals are considered constants.
-**integer, float, string, boolean**
-  avoid string methods and complex operations like slicing with a step
-  no variable-length tuples; use them to store or return pairs or n-tuples of 
-  values
-  lists are used as an allocated array; list.append() does naive resizing, so as 
-  far as possible use list comprehensions (see below).  list.extend() or the +=
-  operator are allowed and efficient.  Unless there is really a use case for it,
-  repetition is limited to initialization purposes: '[single_value] * length'.
-  dicts with string keys only (preferrably the kind of strings that are usually
-  interned in CPython, i.e. short strings that look like identifiers).  The
-  implementation could safely decide that all dict keys should be interned.
-**control structures**
-  all allowed
-**list comprehensions**
-  may be used to create allocated, initialized array. the array size must be 
-  computable in advance, which implies that we don't allow an if clause.
-+ statically called functions may use defaults and a variable number of 
-  arguments (which may be passed as a list instead of a tuple, so write code that 
-  does not depend on it being a tuple).
-+ dynamic dispatch enforces use of very simple signatures, equal for all 
-  functions to be called in that context. At the moment, this occurs in the opcode 
-  dispatch, only.
-**builtin functions**
-  A few builtin functions will be used, while this set is not defined 
-  completely, yet. Some builtin functions are special forms:
-  does not create an array. It is only allowed in for loops. The step argument 
-  must be a constant.
-+ may be used with basic types that have a length. But len is a special form 
-  that is recognized by the compiler.
-+ If a certain structure is never touched by len, the compiler might save the 
-  length field from the underlying structure.
-``int, float, ord, chr``... are available as simple conversion functions.
-``int, float, str``... have a special meaning as a type inside of isinstance only.
-+ methods and other class attributes do not change after startup
-+ inheritance is supported
-+ classes are first-class objects too
-+ fully supported
-+ see below for restrictions on exceptions raised by built-in operations
-  wrapped objects are borrowed from the object space. Just like in CPython, code 
-  that needs e.g. a dictionary can use a wrapped dict and the object space 
-  operations on it.
-This layout makes the number of types to take care about quite limited.
-Example: Integer Types
-While implementing the integer type, I (Chris) stumbled over the problem, that 
-integers are quite in flux in CPython right now. Depending on the version, 
-integers either raise an overflow exception or mutate into longs on overflow. 
-Also, shifting right now truncates (up to 2.3) but is going to extend to longs 
-as well. In order to enable us to run the restricted Python stuff in CPython, I 
-needed to use a derived class r_int(int), which always behaves the same: Never 
-leaving its domain, but always staying an integer.
-The r_int type is implemented in a pervasive way: Every operation that involves 
-an r_int creates an r_int as the result. Therefore, the implementation is not 
-cluttered with special type casts. Just the initial value of an emulated 
-integer's intval field is initialized by obj.intval = r_int(val) . This way, the 
-r_int type propagates itself through all operations without extra effort of the 
-This concept looks promising, and since we will need unsigned integers which do 
-not overflow as well, I also created r_uint. It is always a word-sized unsigned 
-integer and never overflows. This will be a building block for things like 
-computing hash values, where wrap-around effects are intended and should be 
-easily coded without lots of explicit mask shuffling. 
-Now I think to extend this even more and build a full set of primitive types, 
-which are intended to
-+ define the semantics of the primitive type
-+ give a working implementation for unrestricted Python
-These primitive types can later easily be augmented with methods to emit C code instead of executing. I guess this would be implemented in an extra ObjectSpace.
-Exception rules
-Exceptions are by default not generated for simple cases.::
-    #!/usr/bin/python
-        x = 5
-        x = x + 1    # this code is not checked for overflow
-        try:
-            x = x + y
-        except OverflowError:
-            # implement using longs
-Code with no exception handlers does not raise exceptions. By supplying an 
-exception handler, you ask for error checking. Without, you assure the system 
-that the operation cannot overflow.
-Exceptions explicitly raised will always be generated.
-Besides extra tests which have to be written, PyPy has the advantage that it is 
-runnable on standard CPython. That means, we can run all of PyPy with all 
-exception handling enabled, so we might catch cases where we failed to adhere to 
-our implicit assertions.

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/testdesign.txt
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/testdesign.txt	Sun Apr 17 19:09:04 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Test Design
-Our tests are based on the new `py.test`_ tool which lets you write
-unittests without boilerplate.  All tests of modules
-in a directory usually reside in a subdirectory **test**.  There are
-basically two types of unit tests:
-- **Interpreter Level tests**. They run at the same level as PyPy's
-  interpreter.
-- **Application Level tests**. They run at application level which means
-  that they look like straight python code but they are interpreted by PyPy.
-Both types of tests need an objectspace they can run with (the interpreter
-dispatches operations on objects to an objectspace).  If you run a test you
-can usually give the '-o' switch to select an object space.  E.g. '-o thunk' 
-will select the thunk object space. The default is the "Standard Object Space" 
-which aims to implement unmodified Python semantics. 
-.. _`py.test`: http://codespeak.net/py/current/doc/test.html 
-Writing a test
-Currently the best reference is to go to some test files and look how they are done.
-Command line tool test_all
-You can run almost all of PyPy's tests by invoking::
-  python test_all.py
-For switches to modify test execution invoke "python test_all.py -h".

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