[pypy-svn] r10614 - pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Thu Apr 14 14:08:01 CEST 2005

Author: arigo
Date: Thu Apr 14 14:08:01 2005
New Revision: 10614

      - copied, changed from r10610, pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_ctrans.py
      - copied, changed from r10610, pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_ctrans.py
      - copied, changed from r10610, pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_ctrans.py
Split test_ctrans.py into three files, cleaned up imports.

Copied: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_annotated.py (from r10610, pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_ctrans.py)
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_ctrans.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_annotated.py	Thu Apr 14 14:08:01 2005
@@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
 import autopath
-import py, sys
-from pypy.tool.udir import udir
-from pypy.translator.genc.genc import GenC
-from pypy.translator.genc.ctyper import GenCSpecializer
-from pypy.objspace.flow.model import *
-from pypy.translator.tool.buildpyxmodule import make_module_from_c
 from pypy.translator.tool.buildpyxmodule import skip_missing_compiler
 from pypy.translator.translator import Translator
@@ -14,213 +8,6 @@
 from pypy.translator.tool import buildpyxmodule
-class TestNoTypeCGenTestCase:
-    objspacename = 'flow'
-    def build_cfunc(self, func, *morefuncs):
-        try: func = func.im_func
-        except AttributeError: pass
-        t = Translator(func)
-        for fn in morefuncs:
-            t.getflowgraph(fn)
-        t.simplify()
-        return skip_missing_compiler(t.ccompile)
-    def test_simple_func(self):
-        cfunc = self.build_cfunc(snippet.simple_func)
-        assert cfunc(1) == 2
-    def test_while_func(self):
-        while_func = self.build_cfunc(snippet.while_func)
-        assert while_func(10) == 55
-    def test_nested_whiles(self):
-        nested_whiles = self.build_cfunc(snippet.nested_whiles)
-        assert nested_whiles(111, 114) == (
-                          '...!...!...!...!...!')
-    def test_poor_man_range(self):
-        poor_man_range = self.build_cfunc(snippet.poor_man_range)
-        assert poor_man_range(10) == range(10)
-    def poor_man_rev_range(self):
-        poor_man_rev_range = self.build_cfunc(snippet.poor_man_rev_range)
-        assert poor_man_rev_range(10) == range(9,-1,-1)
-    def test_simple_id(self):
-        #we just want to see, if renaming of parameter works correctly
-        #if the first branch is the end branch
-        simple_id = self.build_cfunc(snippet.simple_id)
-        assert simple_id(9) == 9
-    def test_branch_id(self):
-        branch_id = self.build_cfunc(snippet.branch_id)
-        assert branch_id(1, 2, 3) == 2
-        assert branch_id(0, 2, 3) == 3
-    def test_int_id(self):
-        int_id = self.build_cfunc(snippet.int_id)
-        assert int_id(3) == 3
-    def dont_test_attrs(self):
-        attrs = self.build_cfunc(snippet.attrs)
-        assert attrs() == 9
-    def test_builtinusage(self):
-        fun = self.build_cfunc(snippet.builtinusage)
-        assert fun() == 4
-    def test_sieve(self):
-        sieve = self.build_cfunc(snippet.sieve_of_eratosthenes)
-        assert sieve() == 1028
-    def test_slice(self):
-        half = self.build_cfunc(snippet.half_of_n)
-        assert half(10) == 5
-    def test_poly_branch(self):
-        poly_branch = self.build_cfunc(snippet.poly_branch)
-        assert poly_branch(10) == [1,2,3]*2
-        assert poly_branch(0) == ['a','b','c']*2
-    def test_and(self):
-        sand = self.build_cfunc(snippet.s_and)
-        assert sand(5, 6) == "yes"
-        assert sand(5, 0) == "no"
-        assert sand(0, 6) == "no"
-        assert sand(0, 0) == "no"
-    def test_yast(self):
-        yast = self.build_cfunc(snippet.yast)
-        assert yast([1000,100,10,1]) == 1111
-        assert yast(range(100)) == (99*100)/2
-    def test_with_init(self):
-        with_init = self.build_cfunc(snippet.with_init)
-        assert with_init(0) == 0
-        assert with_init(-100) == -100
-    def test_with_more_init(self):
-        with_more_init = self.build_cfunc(snippet.with_more_init)
-        assert with_more_init(10, False) == -10
-        assert with_more_init(20, True) == 20
-    def test_global_instance(self):
-        global_instance = self.build_cfunc(snippet.global_instance)
-        assert global_instance() == 42
-    def test_global_newstyle_instance(self):
-        global_newstyle_instance = self.build_cfunc(snippet.global_newstyle_instance)
-        assert global_newstyle_instance().a == 1
-    def test_global_recursive_list(self):
-        global_recursive_list = self.build_cfunc(snippet.global_recursive_list)
-        lst = global_recursive_list()
-        assert len(lst) == 1
-        assert lst[0] is lst
-##     def test_global_badinit(self):
-##         global_badinit = self.build_cfunc(snippet.global_badinit)
-##         self.assertEquals(global_badinit(), 1)
-    def test_multiple_inheritance(self):
-        multiple_inheritance = self.build_cfunc(snippet.multiple_inheritance)
-        assert multiple_inheritance() == 1+2+3+4
-    def test_call_star_args(self):
-        call_star_args = self.build_cfunc(snippet.call_star_args)
-        assert call_star_args(42) == 52
-    def test_call_default_args(self):
-        call_default_args = self.build_cfunc(snippet.call_default_args)
-        assert call_default_args(42) == 111+42+3
-    def test_call_default_and_star_args(self):
-        call_default_and_star_args = self.build_cfunc(
-            snippet.call_default_and_star_args)
-        assert call_default_and_star_args(42) == (
-                          (111+42+3+0, -1000-2000-3000+2))
-    def test_call_with_star(self):
-        call_with_star = self.build_cfunc(snippet.call_with_star)
-        assert call_with_star(()) == -15L
-        assert call_with_star((4,)) == -13L
-        assert call_with_star((4,7)) == -9L
-        assert call_with_star([]) == -15L
-        assert call_with_star([4]) == -13L
-        assert call_with_star([4,7]) == -9L
-        raises(TypeError, call_with_star, (4,7,12))
-        raises(TypeError, call_with_star, [4,7,12,63])
-        raises(TypeError, call_with_star, 521)
-    def test_call_with_keyword(self):
-        call_with_keyword = self.build_cfunc(snippet.call_with_keyword)
-        assert call_with_keyword(100) == 82
-    def test_call_very_complex(self):
-        call_very_complex = self.build_cfunc(snippet.call_very_complex,
-                                             snippet.default_args)
-        assert call_very_complex(5, (3,), {}) == -12
-        assert call_very_complex(5, (), {'y': 3}) == -12
-        raises(TypeError, call_very_complex, 5, (3,), {'y': 4})
-    def test_finallys(self):
-        finallys = self.build_cfunc(snippet.finallys)
-        assert finallys(['hello']) == 8
-        assert finallys('X') == 8
-        assert finallys([]) == 6
-        assert finallys('XY') == 6
-    def test_finally2(self):
-        finally2 = self.build_cfunc(snippet.finally2)
-        lst = range(10)
-        finally2(lst, 5)
-        assert lst == [0,1,2,3,4, 6, 6,7,8, 'done']
-        dic = {}
-        raises(KeyError, finally2, dic, "won't find this key")
-        assert dic == {-1: 'done'}
-    def test_bare_raise(self):
-        bare_raise = self.build_cfunc(snippet.bare_raise)
-        assert bare_raise(range(0, 100, 10), False) == 50
-        assert bare_raise(range(0, 100, 10), True) == 50
-        raises(IndexError, bare_raise, range(0, 30, 10), False)
-        assert bare_raise(range(0, 30, 10), True) == None
-    def test_get_set_del_slice(self):
-        fn = self.build_cfunc(snippet.get_set_del_slice)
-        l = list('abcdefghij')
-        result = fn(l)
-        assert l == [3, 'c', 8, 11, 'h', 9]
-        assert result == ([3, 'c'], [9], [11, 'h'])
-    def test_global_const_w_init(self):
-        fn = self.build_cfunc(snippet.one_thing1)
-        assert fn().thingness == 1
-    def test_global_const_w_new(self):
-        fn = self.build_cfunc(snippet.one_thing2)
-        assert fn() == 4
-    def test_direct_loop(self):
-        # check that remove_direct_loops() does its job correctly
-        def direct_loop(n, m):
-            x = False
-            while 1:
-                o = n; n = m; m = o
-                n -= 10
-                if n < 0:
-                    return n, x
-                x = True
-        fn = self.build_cfunc(direct_loop)
-        assert fn(117, 114) == (-6, True)
-        assert fn(117, 124) == (-3, True)
-    def test_do_try_raise_choose(self):
-        fn = self.build_cfunc(snippet.do_try_raise_choose)
-        result = fn()
-        assert result == [-1,0,1,2]    
 class TestAnnotatedTestCase:
     def getcompiled(self, func):
@@ -339,24 +126,3 @@
         fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.do_try_raise_choose)
         result = fn()
         assert result == [-1,0,1,2]    
-class TestTypedTestCase(TestAnnotatedTestCase):
-    def getcompiled(self, func):
-        t = Translator(func, simplifying=True)
-        # builds starting-types from func_defs 
-        argstypelist = []
-        if func.func_defaults:
-            for spec in func.func_defaults:
-                if isinstance(spec, tuple):
-                    spec = spec[0] # use the first type only for the tests
-                argstypelist.append(spec)
-        a = t.annotate(argstypelist)
-        a.simplify()
-        GenCSpecializer(a).specialize()
-        t.checkgraphs()
-        return skip_missing_compiler(t.ccompile)
-    def test_int_overflow(self):
-        fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.simple_func)
-        raises(OverflowError, fn, sys.maxint+1)

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_ctrans.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_ctrans.py	Thu Apr 14 14:08:01 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-import autopath
-import py, sys
-from pypy.tool.udir import udir
-from pypy.translator.genc.genc import GenC
-from pypy.translator.genc.ctyper import GenCSpecializer
-from pypy.objspace.flow.model import *
-from pypy.translator.tool.buildpyxmodule import make_module_from_c
-from pypy.translator.tool.buildpyxmodule import skip_missing_compiler
-from pypy.translator.translator import Translator
-from pypy.translator.test import snippet 
-# XXX this tries to make compiling faster for full-scale testing
-from pypy.translator.tool import buildpyxmodule
-class TestNoTypeCGenTestCase:
-    objspacename = 'flow'
-    def build_cfunc(self, func, *morefuncs):
-        try: func = func.im_func
-        except AttributeError: pass
-        t = Translator(func)
-        for fn in morefuncs:
-            t.getflowgraph(fn)
-        t.simplify()
-        return skip_missing_compiler(t.ccompile)
-    def test_simple_func(self):
-        cfunc = self.build_cfunc(snippet.simple_func)
-        assert cfunc(1) == 2
-    def test_while_func(self):
-        while_func = self.build_cfunc(snippet.while_func)
-        assert while_func(10) == 55
-    def test_nested_whiles(self):
-        nested_whiles = self.build_cfunc(snippet.nested_whiles)
-        assert nested_whiles(111, 114) == (
-                          '...!...!...!...!...!')
-    def test_poor_man_range(self):
-        poor_man_range = self.build_cfunc(snippet.poor_man_range)
-        assert poor_man_range(10) == range(10)
-    def poor_man_rev_range(self):
-        poor_man_rev_range = self.build_cfunc(snippet.poor_man_rev_range)
-        assert poor_man_rev_range(10) == range(9,-1,-1)
-    def test_simple_id(self):
-        #we just want to see, if renaming of parameter works correctly
-        #if the first branch is the end branch
-        simple_id = self.build_cfunc(snippet.simple_id)
-        assert simple_id(9) == 9
-    def test_branch_id(self):
-        branch_id = self.build_cfunc(snippet.branch_id)
-        assert branch_id(1, 2, 3) == 2
-        assert branch_id(0, 2, 3) == 3
-    def test_int_id(self):
-        int_id = self.build_cfunc(snippet.int_id)
-        assert int_id(3) == 3
-    def dont_test_attrs(self):
-        attrs = self.build_cfunc(snippet.attrs)
-        assert attrs() == 9
-    def test_builtinusage(self):
-        fun = self.build_cfunc(snippet.builtinusage)
-        assert fun() == 4
-    def test_sieve(self):
-        sieve = self.build_cfunc(snippet.sieve_of_eratosthenes)
-        assert sieve() == 1028
-    def test_slice(self):
-        half = self.build_cfunc(snippet.half_of_n)
-        assert half(10) == 5
-    def test_poly_branch(self):
-        poly_branch = self.build_cfunc(snippet.poly_branch)
-        assert poly_branch(10) == [1,2,3]*2
-        assert poly_branch(0) == ['a','b','c']*2
-    def test_and(self):
-        sand = self.build_cfunc(snippet.s_and)
-        assert sand(5, 6) == "yes"
-        assert sand(5, 0) == "no"
-        assert sand(0, 6) == "no"
-        assert sand(0, 0) == "no"
-    def test_yast(self):
-        yast = self.build_cfunc(snippet.yast)
-        assert yast([1000,100,10,1]) == 1111
-        assert yast(range(100)) == (99*100)/2
-    def test_with_init(self):
-        with_init = self.build_cfunc(snippet.with_init)
-        assert with_init(0) == 0
-        assert with_init(-100) == -100
-    def test_with_more_init(self):
-        with_more_init = self.build_cfunc(snippet.with_more_init)
-        assert with_more_init(10, False) == -10
-        assert with_more_init(20, True) == 20
-    def test_global_instance(self):
-        global_instance = self.build_cfunc(snippet.global_instance)
-        assert global_instance() == 42
-    def test_global_newstyle_instance(self):
-        global_newstyle_instance = self.build_cfunc(snippet.global_newstyle_instance)
-        assert global_newstyle_instance().a == 1
-    def test_global_recursive_list(self):
-        global_recursive_list = self.build_cfunc(snippet.global_recursive_list)
-        lst = global_recursive_list()
-        assert len(lst) == 1
-        assert lst[0] is lst
-##     def test_global_badinit(self):
-##         global_badinit = self.build_cfunc(snippet.global_badinit)
-##         self.assertEquals(global_badinit(), 1)
-    def test_multiple_inheritance(self):
-        multiple_inheritance = self.build_cfunc(snippet.multiple_inheritance)
-        assert multiple_inheritance() == 1+2+3+4
-    def test_call_star_args(self):
-        call_star_args = self.build_cfunc(snippet.call_star_args)
-        assert call_star_args(42) == 52
-    def test_call_default_args(self):
-        call_default_args = self.build_cfunc(snippet.call_default_args)
-        assert call_default_args(42) == 111+42+3
-    def test_call_default_and_star_args(self):
-        call_default_and_star_args = self.build_cfunc(
-            snippet.call_default_and_star_args)
-        assert call_default_and_star_args(42) == (
-                          (111+42+3+0, -1000-2000-3000+2))
-    def test_call_with_star(self):
-        call_with_star = self.build_cfunc(snippet.call_with_star)
-        assert call_with_star(()) == -15L
-        assert call_with_star((4,)) == -13L
-        assert call_with_star((4,7)) == -9L
-        assert call_with_star([]) == -15L
-        assert call_with_star([4]) == -13L
-        assert call_with_star([4,7]) == -9L
-        raises(TypeError, call_with_star, (4,7,12))
-        raises(TypeError, call_with_star, [4,7,12,63])
-        raises(TypeError, call_with_star, 521)
-    def test_call_with_keyword(self):
-        call_with_keyword = self.build_cfunc(snippet.call_with_keyword)
-        assert call_with_keyword(100) == 82
-    def test_call_very_complex(self):
-        call_very_complex = self.build_cfunc(snippet.call_very_complex,
-                                             snippet.default_args)
-        assert call_very_complex(5, (3,), {}) == -12
-        assert call_very_complex(5, (), {'y': 3}) == -12
-        raises(TypeError, call_very_complex, 5, (3,), {'y': 4})
-    def test_finallys(self):
-        finallys = self.build_cfunc(snippet.finallys)
-        assert finallys(['hello']) == 8
-        assert finallys('X') == 8
-        assert finallys([]) == 6
-        assert finallys('XY') == 6
-    def test_finally2(self):
-        finally2 = self.build_cfunc(snippet.finally2)
-        lst = range(10)
-        finally2(lst, 5)
-        assert lst == [0,1,2,3,4, 6, 6,7,8, 'done']
-        dic = {}
-        raises(KeyError, finally2, dic, "won't find this key")
-        assert dic == {-1: 'done'}
-    def test_bare_raise(self):
-        bare_raise = self.build_cfunc(snippet.bare_raise)
-        assert bare_raise(range(0, 100, 10), False) == 50
-        assert bare_raise(range(0, 100, 10), True) == 50
-        raises(IndexError, bare_raise, range(0, 30, 10), False)
-        assert bare_raise(range(0, 30, 10), True) == None
-    def test_get_set_del_slice(self):
-        fn = self.build_cfunc(snippet.get_set_del_slice)
-        l = list('abcdefghij')
-        result = fn(l)
-        assert l == [3, 'c', 8, 11, 'h', 9]
-        assert result == ([3, 'c'], [9], [11, 'h'])
-    def test_global_const_w_init(self):
-        fn = self.build_cfunc(snippet.one_thing1)
-        assert fn().thingness == 1
-    def test_global_const_w_new(self):
-        fn = self.build_cfunc(snippet.one_thing2)
-        assert fn() == 4
-    def test_direct_loop(self):
-        # check that remove_direct_loops() does its job correctly
-        def direct_loop(n, m):
-            x = False
-            while 1:
-                o = n; n = m; m = o
-                n -= 10
-                if n < 0:
-                    return n, x
-                x = True
-        fn = self.build_cfunc(direct_loop)
-        assert fn(117, 114) == (-6, True)
-        assert fn(117, 124) == (-3, True)
-    def test_do_try_raise_choose(self):
-        fn = self.build_cfunc(snippet.do_try_raise_choose)
-        result = fn()
-        assert result == [-1,0,1,2]    
-class TestAnnotatedTestCase:
-    def getcompiled(self, func):
-        t = Translator(func, simplifying=True)
-        # builds starting-types from func_defs 
-        argstypelist = []
-        if func.func_defaults:
-            for spec in func.func_defaults:
-                if isinstance(spec, tuple):
-                    spec = spec[0] # use the first type only for the tests
-                argstypelist.append(spec)
-        a = t.annotate(argstypelist)
-        a.simplify()
-        return skip_missing_compiler(t.ccompile)
-    def test_set_attr(self):
-        set_attr = self.getcompiled(snippet.set_attr)
-        assert set_attr() == 2
-    def test_inheritance2(self):
-        inheritance2 = self.getcompiled(snippet.inheritance2)
-        assert inheritance2() == ((-12, -12), (3, "world"))
-    def test_factorial2(self):
-        factorial2 = self.getcompiled(snippet.factorial2)
-        assert factorial2(5) == 120
-    def test_factorial(self):
-        factorial = self.getcompiled(snippet.factorial)
-        assert factorial(5) == 120
-    def test_simple_method(self):
-        simple_method = self.getcompiled(snippet.simple_method)
-        assert simple_method(55) == 55
-    def test_sieve_of_eratosthenes(self):
-        sieve_of_eratosthenes = self.getcompiled(snippet.sieve_of_eratosthenes)
-        assert sieve_of_eratosthenes() == 1028
-    def test_nested_whiles(self):
-        nested_whiles = self.getcompiled(snippet.nested_whiles)
-        assert nested_whiles(5,3) == '!!!!!'
-    def test_call_five(self):
-        call_five = self.getcompiled(snippet.call_five)
-        result = call_five()
-        assert result == [5]
-        # --  currently result isn't a real list, but a pseudo-array
-        #     that can't be inspected from Python.
-        #self.assertEquals(result.__class__.__name__[:8], "list of ")
-    def test_call_unpack_56(self):
-        call_unpack_56 = self.getcompiled(snippet.call_unpack_56)
-        result = call_unpack_56()
-        assert result == (2, 5, 6)
-    def test_class_defaultattr(self):
-        class K:
-            n = "hello"
-        def class_defaultattr():
-            k = K()
-            k.n += " world"
-            return k.n
-        fn = self.getcompiled(class_defaultattr)
-        assert fn() == "hello world"
-    def test_tuple_repr(self):
-        def tuple_repr(x=int, y=object):
-            z = x, y
-            while x:
-                x = x-1
-            return z
-        fn = self.getcompiled(tuple_repr)
-        assert fn(6,'a') == (6,'a')
-    def test_classattribute(self):
-        fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.classattribute)
-        assert fn(1) == 123
-        assert fn(2) == 456
-        assert fn(3) == 789
-        assert fn(4) == 789
-        assert fn(5) == 101112
-    def test_get_set_del_slice(self):
-        fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.get_set_del_slice)
-        l = list('abcdefghij')
-        result = fn(l)
-        assert l == [3, 'c', 8, 11, 'h', 9]
-        assert result == ([3, 'c'], [9], [11, 'h'])
-    def test_slice_long(self):
-        def slice_long(l=list, n=long):
-            return l[:n]
-        fn = self.getcompiled(slice_long)
-        l = list('abc')
-        result = fn(l, 2**32)
-        assert result == list('abc')
-        result = fn(l, 2**64)
-        assert result == list('abc')
-    def test_type_conversion(self):
-        # obfuscated test case specially for typer.insert_link_conversions()
-        def type_conversion(n):
-            if n > 3:
-                while n > 0:
-                    n = n-1
-                    if n == 5:
-                        n += 3.1416
-            return n
-        fn = self.getcompiled(type_conversion)
-        assert fn(3) == 3
-        assert fn(5) == 0
-        assert abs(fn(7) + 0.8584) < 1E-5
-    def test_do_try_raise_choose(self):
-        fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.do_try_raise_choose)
-        result = fn()
-        assert result == [-1,0,1,2]    
-class TestTypedTestCase(TestAnnotatedTestCase):
-    def getcompiled(self, func):
-        t = Translator(func, simplifying=True)
-        # builds starting-types from func_defs 
-        argstypelist = []
-        if func.func_defaults:
-            for spec in func.func_defaults:
-                if isinstance(spec, tuple):
-                    spec = spec[0] # use the first type only for the tests
-                argstypelist.append(spec)
-        a = t.annotate(argstypelist)
-        a.simplify()
-        GenCSpecializer(a).specialize()
-        t.checkgraphs()
-        return skip_missing_compiler(t.ccompile)
-    def test_int_overflow(self):
-        fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.simple_func)
-        raises(OverflowError, fn, sys.maxint+1)

Copied: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_notype.py (from r10610, pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_ctrans.py)
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_ctrans.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_notype.py	Thu Apr 14 14:08:01 2005
@@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
 import autopath
-import py, sys
-from pypy.tool.udir import udir
-from pypy.translator.genc.genc import GenC
-from pypy.translator.genc.ctyper import GenCSpecializer
-from pypy.objspace.flow.model import *
-from pypy.translator.tool.buildpyxmodule import make_module_from_c
 from pypy.translator.tool.buildpyxmodule import skip_missing_compiler
 from pypy.translator.translator import Translator
@@ -220,143 +214,3 @@
         fn = self.build_cfunc(snippet.do_try_raise_choose)
         result = fn()
         assert result == [-1,0,1,2]    
-class TestAnnotatedTestCase:
-    def getcompiled(self, func):
-        t = Translator(func, simplifying=True)
-        # builds starting-types from func_defs 
-        argstypelist = []
-        if func.func_defaults:
-            for spec in func.func_defaults:
-                if isinstance(spec, tuple):
-                    spec = spec[0] # use the first type only for the tests
-                argstypelist.append(spec)
-        a = t.annotate(argstypelist)
-        a.simplify()
-        return skip_missing_compiler(t.ccompile)
-    def test_set_attr(self):
-        set_attr = self.getcompiled(snippet.set_attr)
-        assert set_attr() == 2
-    def test_inheritance2(self):
-        inheritance2 = self.getcompiled(snippet.inheritance2)
-        assert inheritance2() == ((-12, -12), (3, "world"))
-    def test_factorial2(self):
-        factorial2 = self.getcompiled(snippet.factorial2)
-        assert factorial2(5) == 120
-    def test_factorial(self):
-        factorial = self.getcompiled(snippet.factorial)
-        assert factorial(5) == 120
-    def test_simple_method(self):
-        simple_method = self.getcompiled(snippet.simple_method)
-        assert simple_method(55) == 55
-    def test_sieve_of_eratosthenes(self):
-        sieve_of_eratosthenes = self.getcompiled(snippet.sieve_of_eratosthenes)
-        assert sieve_of_eratosthenes() == 1028
-    def test_nested_whiles(self):
-        nested_whiles = self.getcompiled(snippet.nested_whiles)
-        assert nested_whiles(5,3) == '!!!!!'
-    def test_call_five(self):
-        call_five = self.getcompiled(snippet.call_five)
-        result = call_five()
-        assert result == [5]
-        # --  currently result isn't a real list, but a pseudo-array
-        #     that can't be inspected from Python.
-        #self.assertEquals(result.__class__.__name__[:8], "list of ")
-    def test_call_unpack_56(self):
-        call_unpack_56 = self.getcompiled(snippet.call_unpack_56)
-        result = call_unpack_56()
-        assert result == (2, 5, 6)
-    def test_class_defaultattr(self):
-        class K:
-            n = "hello"
-        def class_defaultattr():
-            k = K()
-            k.n += " world"
-            return k.n
-        fn = self.getcompiled(class_defaultattr)
-        assert fn() == "hello world"
-    def test_tuple_repr(self):
-        def tuple_repr(x=int, y=object):
-            z = x, y
-            while x:
-                x = x-1
-            return z
-        fn = self.getcompiled(tuple_repr)
-        assert fn(6,'a') == (6,'a')
-    def test_classattribute(self):
-        fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.classattribute)
-        assert fn(1) == 123
-        assert fn(2) == 456
-        assert fn(3) == 789
-        assert fn(4) == 789
-        assert fn(5) == 101112
-    def test_get_set_del_slice(self):
-        fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.get_set_del_slice)
-        l = list('abcdefghij')
-        result = fn(l)
-        assert l == [3, 'c', 8, 11, 'h', 9]
-        assert result == ([3, 'c'], [9], [11, 'h'])
-    def test_slice_long(self):
-        def slice_long(l=list, n=long):
-            return l[:n]
-        fn = self.getcompiled(slice_long)
-        l = list('abc')
-        result = fn(l, 2**32)
-        assert result == list('abc')
-        result = fn(l, 2**64)
-        assert result == list('abc')
-    def test_type_conversion(self):
-        # obfuscated test case specially for typer.insert_link_conversions()
-        def type_conversion(n):
-            if n > 3:
-                while n > 0:
-                    n = n-1
-                    if n == 5:
-                        n += 3.1416
-            return n
-        fn = self.getcompiled(type_conversion)
-        assert fn(3) == 3
-        assert fn(5) == 0
-        assert abs(fn(7) + 0.8584) < 1E-5
-    def test_do_try_raise_choose(self):
-        fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.do_try_raise_choose)
-        result = fn()
-        assert result == [-1,0,1,2]    
-class TestTypedTestCase(TestAnnotatedTestCase):
-    def getcompiled(self, func):
-        t = Translator(func, simplifying=True)
-        # builds starting-types from func_defs 
-        argstypelist = []
-        if func.func_defaults:
-            for spec in func.func_defaults:
-                if isinstance(spec, tuple):
-                    spec = spec[0] # use the first type only for the tests
-                argstypelist.append(spec)
-        a = t.annotate(argstypelist)
-        a.simplify()
-        GenCSpecializer(a).specialize()
-        t.checkgraphs()
-        return skip_missing_compiler(t.ccompile)
-    def test_int_overflow(self):
-        fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.simple_func)
-        raises(OverflowError, fn, sys.maxint+1)

Copied: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_typed.py (from r10610, pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_ctrans.py)
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_ctrans.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/genc/test/test_typed.py	Thu Apr 14 14:08:01 2005
@@ -1,346 +1,14 @@
 import autopath
-import py, sys
-from pypy.tool.udir import udir
-from pypy.translator.genc.genc import GenC
+import sys
 from pypy.translator.genc.ctyper import GenCSpecializer
-from pypy.objspace.flow.model import *
-from pypy.translator.tool.buildpyxmodule import make_module_from_c
-from pypy.translator.tool.buildpyxmodule import skip_missing_compiler
 from pypy.translator.translator import Translator
 from pypy.translator.test import snippet 
+from pypy.translator.tool.buildpyxmodule import skip_missing_compiler
-# XXX this tries to make compiling faster for full-scale testing
-from pypy.translator.tool import buildpyxmodule
-class TestNoTypeCGenTestCase:
-    objspacename = 'flow'
-    def build_cfunc(self, func, *morefuncs):
-        try: func = func.im_func
-        except AttributeError: pass
-        t = Translator(func)
-        for fn in morefuncs:
-            t.getflowgraph(fn)
-        t.simplify()
-        return skip_missing_compiler(t.ccompile)
-    def test_simple_func(self):
-        cfunc = self.build_cfunc(snippet.simple_func)
-        assert cfunc(1) == 2
-    def test_while_func(self):
-        while_func = self.build_cfunc(snippet.while_func)
-        assert while_func(10) == 55
-    def test_nested_whiles(self):
-        nested_whiles = self.build_cfunc(snippet.nested_whiles)
-        assert nested_whiles(111, 114) == (
-                          '...!...!...!...!...!')
-    def test_poor_man_range(self):
-        poor_man_range = self.build_cfunc(snippet.poor_man_range)
-        assert poor_man_range(10) == range(10)
-    def poor_man_rev_range(self):
-        poor_man_rev_range = self.build_cfunc(snippet.poor_man_rev_range)
-        assert poor_man_rev_range(10) == range(9,-1,-1)
-    def test_simple_id(self):
-        #we just want to see, if renaming of parameter works correctly
-        #if the first branch is the end branch
-        simple_id = self.build_cfunc(snippet.simple_id)
-        assert simple_id(9) == 9
-    def test_branch_id(self):
-        branch_id = self.build_cfunc(snippet.branch_id)
-        assert branch_id(1, 2, 3) == 2
-        assert branch_id(0, 2, 3) == 3
-    def test_int_id(self):
-        int_id = self.build_cfunc(snippet.int_id)
-        assert int_id(3) == 3
-    def dont_test_attrs(self):
-        attrs = self.build_cfunc(snippet.attrs)
-        assert attrs() == 9
-    def test_builtinusage(self):
-        fun = self.build_cfunc(snippet.builtinusage)
-        assert fun() == 4
-    def test_sieve(self):
-        sieve = self.build_cfunc(snippet.sieve_of_eratosthenes)
-        assert sieve() == 1028
-    def test_slice(self):
-        half = self.build_cfunc(snippet.half_of_n)
-        assert half(10) == 5
-    def test_poly_branch(self):
-        poly_branch = self.build_cfunc(snippet.poly_branch)
-        assert poly_branch(10) == [1,2,3]*2
-        assert poly_branch(0) == ['a','b','c']*2
-    def test_and(self):
-        sand = self.build_cfunc(snippet.s_and)
-        assert sand(5, 6) == "yes"
-        assert sand(5, 0) == "no"
-        assert sand(0, 6) == "no"
-        assert sand(0, 0) == "no"
-    def test_yast(self):
-        yast = self.build_cfunc(snippet.yast)
-        assert yast([1000,100,10,1]) == 1111
-        assert yast(range(100)) == (99*100)/2
-    def test_with_init(self):
-        with_init = self.build_cfunc(snippet.with_init)
-        assert with_init(0) == 0
-        assert with_init(-100) == -100
-    def test_with_more_init(self):
-        with_more_init = self.build_cfunc(snippet.with_more_init)
-        assert with_more_init(10, False) == -10
-        assert with_more_init(20, True) == 20
-    def test_global_instance(self):
-        global_instance = self.build_cfunc(snippet.global_instance)
-        assert global_instance() == 42
-    def test_global_newstyle_instance(self):
-        global_newstyle_instance = self.build_cfunc(snippet.global_newstyle_instance)
-        assert global_newstyle_instance().a == 1
-    def test_global_recursive_list(self):
-        global_recursive_list = self.build_cfunc(snippet.global_recursive_list)
-        lst = global_recursive_list()
-        assert len(lst) == 1
-        assert lst[0] is lst
-##     def test_global_badinit(self):
-##         global_badinit = self.build_cfunc(snippet.global_badinit)
-##         self.assertEquals(global_badinit(), 1)
-    def test_multiple_inheritance(self):
-        multiple_inheritance = self.build_cfunc(snippet.multiple_inheritance)
-        assert multiple_inheritance() == 1+2+3+4
-    def test_call_star_args(self):
-        call_star_args = self.build_cfunc(snippet.call_star_args)
-        assert call_star_args(42) == 52
-    def test_call_default_args(self):
-        call_default_args = self.build_cfunc(snippet.call_default_args)
-        assert call_default_args(42) == 111+42+3
-    def test_call_default_and_star_args(self):
-        call_default_and_star_args = self.build_cfunc(
-            snippet.call_default_and_star_args)
-        assert call_default_and_star_args(42) == (
-                          (111+42+3+0, -1000-2000-3000+2))
-    def test_call_with_star(self):
-        call_with_star = self.build_cfunc(snippet.call_with_star)
-        assert call_with_star(()) == -15L
-        assert call_with_star((4,)) == -13L
-        assert call_with_star((4,7)) == -9L
-        assert call_with_star([]) == -15L
-        assert call_with_star([4]) == -13L
-        assert call_with_star([4,7]) == -9L
-        raises(TypeError, call_with_star, (4,7,12))
-        raises(TypeError, call_with_star, [4,7,12,63])
-        raises(TypeError, call_with_star, 521)
-    def test_call_with_keyword(self):
-        call_with_keyword = self.build_cfunc(snippet.call_with_keyword)
-        assert call_with_keyword(100) == 82
-    def test_call_very_complex(self):
-        call_very_complex = self.build_cfunc(snippet.call_very_complex,
-                                             snippet.default_args)
-        assert call_very_complex(5, (3,), {}) == -12
-        assert call_very_complex(5, (), {'y': 3}) == -12
-        raises(TypeError, call_very_complex, 5, (3,), {'y': 4})
-    def test_finallys(self):
-        finallys = self.build_cfunc(snippet.finallys)
-        assert finallys(['hello']) == 8
-        assert finallys('X') == 8
-        assert finallys([]) == 6
-        assert finallys('XY') == 6
-    def test_finally2(self):
-        finally2 = self.build_cfunc(snippet.finally2)
-        lst = range(10)
-        finally2(lst, 5)
-        assert lst == [0,1,2,3,4, 6, 6,7,8, 'done']
-        dic = {}
-        raises(KeyError, finally2, dic, "won't find this key")
-        assert dic == {-1: 'done'}
-    def test_bare_raise(self):
-        bare_raise = self.build_cfunc(snippet.bare_raise)
-        assert bare_raise(range(0, 100, 10), False) == 50
-        assert bare_raise(range(0, 100, 10), True) == 50
-        raises(IndexError, bare_raise, range(0, 30, 10), False)
-        assert bare_raise(range(0, 30, 10), True) == None
-    def test_get_set_del_slice(self):
-        fn = self.build_cfunc(snippet.get_set_del_slice)
-        l = list('abcdefghij')
-        result = fn(l)
-        assert l == [3, 'c', 8, 11, 'h', 9]
-        assert result == ([3, 'c'], [9], [11, 'h'])
-    def test_global_const_w_init(self):
-        fn = self.build_cfunc(snippet.one_thing1)
-        assert fn().thingness == 1
-    def test_global_const_w_new(self):
-        fn = self.build_cfunc(snippet.one_thing2)
-        assert fn() == 4
-    def test_direct_loop(self):
-        # check that remove_direct_loops() does its job correctly
-        def direct_loop(n, m):
-            x = False
-            while 1:
-                o = n; n = m; m = o
-                n -= 10
-                if n < 0:
-                    return n, x
-                x = True
-        fn = self.build_cfunc(direct_loop)
-        assert fn(117, 114) == (-6, True)
-        assert fn(117, 124) == (-3, True)
-    def test_do_try_raise_choose(self):
-        fn = self.build_cfunc(snippet.do_try_raise_choose)
-        result = fn()
-        assert result == [-1,0,1,2]    
-class TestAnnotatedTestCase:
-    def getcompiled(self, func):
-        t = Translator(func, simplifying=True)
-        # builds starting-types from func_defs 
-        argstypelist = []
-        if func.func_defaults:
-            for spec in func.func_defaults:
-                if isinstance(spec, tuple):
-                    spec = spec[0] # use the first type only for the tests
-                argstypelist.append(spec)
-        a = t.annotate(argstypelist)
-        a.simplify()
-        return skip_missing_compiler(t.ccompile)
-    def test_set_attr(self):
-        set_attr = self.getcompiled(snippet.set_attr)
-        assert set_attr() == 2
-    def test_inheritance2(self):
-        inheritance2 = self.getcompiled(snippet.inheritance2)
-        assert inheritance2() == ((-12, -12), (3, "world"))
-    def test_factorial2(self):
-        factorial2 = self.getcompiled(snippet.factorial2)
-        assert factorial2(5) == 120
-    def test_factorial(self):
-        factorial = self.getcompiled(snippet.factorial)
-        assert factorial(5) == 120
-    def test_simple_method(self):
-        simple_method = self.getcompiled(snippet.simple_method)
-        assert simple_method(55) == 55
-    def test_sieve_of_eratosthenes(self):
-        sieve_of_eratosthenes = self.getcompiled(snippet.sieve_of_eratosthenes)
-        assert sieve_of_eratosthenes() == 1028
-    def test_nested_whiles(self):
-        nested_whiles = self.getcompiled(snippet.nested_whiles)
-        assert nested_whiles(5,3) == '!!!!!'
-    def test_call_five(self):
-        call_five = self.getcompiled(snippet.call_five)
-        result = call_five()
-        assert result == [5]
-        # --  currently result isn't a real list, but a pseudo-array
-        #     that can't be inspected from Python.
-        #self.assertEquals(result.__class__.__name__[:8], "list of ")
-    def test_call_unpack_56(self):
-        call_unpack_56 = self.getcompiled(snippet.call_unpack_56)
-        result = call_unpack_56()
-        assert result == (2, 5, 6)
-    def test_class_defaultattr(self):
-        class K:
-            n = "hello"
-        def class_defaultattr():
-            k = K()
-            k.n += " world"
-            return k.n
-        fn = self.getcompiled(class_defaultattr)
-        assert fn() == "hello world"
-    def test_tuple_repr(self):
-        def tuple_repr(x=int, y=object):
-            z = x, y
-            while x:
-                x = x-1
-            return z
-        fn = self.getcompiled(tuple_repr)
-        assert fn(6,'a') == (6,'a')
-    def test_classattribute(self):
-        fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.classattribute)
-        assert fn(1) == 123
-        assert fn(2) == 456
-        assert fn(3) == 789
-        assert fn(4) == 789
-        assert fn(5) == 101112
-    def test_get_set_del_slice(self):
-        fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.get_set_del_slice)
-        l = list('abcdefghij')
-        result = fn(l)
-        assert l == [3, 'c', 8, 11, 'h', 9]
-        assert result == ([3, 'c'], [9], [11, 'h'])
-    def test_slice_long(self):
-        def slice_long(l=list, n=long):
-            return l[:n]
-        fn = self.getcompiled(slice_long)
-        l = list('abc')
-        result = fn(l, 2**32)
-        assert result == list('abc')
-        result = fn(l, 2**64)
-        assert result == list('abc')
-    def test_type_conversion(self):
-        # obfuscated test case specially for typer.insert_link_conversions()
-        def type_conversion(n):
-            if n > 3:
-                while n > 0:
-                    n = n-1
-                    if n == 5:
-                        n += 3.1416
-            return n
-        fn = self.getcompiled(type_conversion)
-        assert fn(3) == 3
-        assert fn(5) == 0
-        assert abs(fn(7) + 0.8584) < 1E-5
+from pypy.translator.genc.test.test_annotated import TestAnnotatedTestCase as _TestAnnotatedTestCase
-    def test_do_try_raise_choose(self):
-        fn = self.getcompiled(snippet.do_try_raise_choose)
-        result = fn()
-        assert result == [-1,0,1,2]    
-class TestTypedTestCase(TestAnnotatedTestCase):
+class TestTypedTestCase(_TestAnnotatedTestCase):
     def getcompiled(self, func):
         t = Translator(func, simplifying=True)

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