[pypy-svn] r10240 - pypy/dist/goal

pedronis at codespeak.net pedronis at codespeak.net
Fri Apr 1 20:12:24 CEST 2005

Author: pedronis
Date: Fri Apr  1 20:12:24 2005
New Revision: 10240

removed redundant translate_pypy*.py 

Deleted: /pypy/dist/goal/translate_pypy0.py
--- /pypy/dist/goal/translate_pypy0.py	Fri Apr  1 20:12:24 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-Command-line options for translate_pypy:
-   port     Listen on the given port number for connexions
-                (see pypy/translator/tool/pygame/graphclient.py)
-   -text    Don't start the Pygame viewer
-   -no-a    Don't infer annotations, just translate everything
-   -no-c    Don't generate the C code
-   -c       Generate the C code, but don't compile it
-   -o       Generate and compile the C code, but don't run it
-   -no-mark-some-objects
-            Do not mark functions that have SomeObject in their signature.
-   -tcc     Equivalent to the envvar PYPY_CC='tcc -shared -o "%s.so" "%s.c"'
-                -- http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/tcc/
-   -no-d    Disable recording of debugging information
-import autopath, sys, threading, pdb, os
-import buildcache2
-from pypy.objspace.std.objspace import StdObjSpace, W_Object
-from pypy.objspace.std.intobject import W_IntObject
-from pypy.translator.translator import Translator
-from pypy.annotation import model as annmodel
-from pypy.tool.cache import Cache
-from pypy.annotation.model import SomeObject
-from pypy.tool.udir import udir 
-from pypy.objspace import dummy
-from pypy.interpreter.pycode import PyCode
-# XXX this tries to make compiling faster
-from pypy.translator.tool import buildpyxmodule
-# __________  Entry point  __________
-def entry_point(code, w_loc):
-    code2 = PyCode(space)
-    code2 = code2._from_code(code)
-    code2.exec_code(space, space.wrap({}), w_loc)
-# __________  Main  __________
-def analyse(entry_point=entry_point):
-    global t, space
-    space = dummy.DummyObjSpace()
-    # call cache filling code
-    #buildcache2.buildcache(space)    
-    # further call the entry_point once to trigger building remaining
-    # caches (as far as analyzing the entry_point is concerned)
-    from pypy.interpreter import pycode
-    pycode.setup_frame_classes()
-    from pypy.interpreter import pyopcode
-    # cheat
-    space._gatewaycache.content[pyopcode.app] =  space.newdict([])
-    t = Translator(entry_point, verbose=True, simplifying=True)
-    if listen_port:
-        run_async_server()
-    if not options['-no-a']:
-        a = t.annotate([object, dummy.W_Obj])
-        a.simplify()
-        t.frozen = True   # cannot freeze if we don't have annotations
-        if not options['-no-mark-some-objects']:
-            options['-no-mark-some-objects'] = True # Do not do this again
-            find_someobjects(t)
-def find_someobjects(translator, quiet=False):
-    """Find all functions in that have SomeObject in their signature."""
-    annotator = translator.annotator
-    if not annotator:
-        return # no annotations available
-    translator.highlight_functions = {}
-    def is_someobject(var):
-        try:
-            return annotator.binding(var).__class__ == SomeObject
-        except KeyError:
-            return False
-    def short_binding(var):
-        try:
-            binding = annotator.binding(var)
-        except KeyError:
-            return "?"
-        if binding.is_constant():
-            return 'const %s' % binding.__class__.__name__
-        else:
-            return binding.__class__.__name__
-    header = True
-    items = [(graph.name, func, graph)
-             for func, graph in translator.flowgraphs.items()]
-    items.sort()
-    num = someobjnum = 0
-    for graphname, func, graph in items:
-        unknown_input_args = len(filter(is_someobject, graph.getargs()))
-        unknown_return_value = is_someobject(graph.getreturnvar())
-        if unknown_input_args or unknown_return_value:
-            someobjnum += 1
-            translator.highlight_functions[func] = True
-            if not quiet:
-                if header:
-                    header = False
-                    print "=" * 70
-                    print "Functions that have SomeObject in their signature"
-                    print "=" * 70
-                print ("%(name)s(%(args)s) -> %(result)s\n"
-                       "%(filename)s:%(lineno)s\n"
-                       % {'name': graph.name,
-                          'filename': func.func_globals.get('__name__', '?'),
-                          'lineno': func.func_code.co_firstlineno,
-                          'args': ', '.join(map(short_binding,
-                                                graph.getargs())),
-                          'result': short_binding(graph.getreturnvar())})
-        num += 1
-    if not quiet:
-        print "=" * 70
-        percent = int(num and (100.0*someobjnum / num) or 0)
-        print "somobjectness: %2d percent" % (percent)
-        print "(%d out of %d functions get or return SomeObjects" % (
-            someobjnum, num) 
-        print "=" * 70
-def update_usession_dir(stabledir = udir.dirpath('usession')): 
-    from py import path 
-    try:
-        if stabledir.check(dir=1): 
-            for x in udir.visit(path.checker(file=1)): 
-                target = stabledir.join(x.relto(udir)) 
-                if target.check():
-                    target.remove()
-                else:
-                    target.dirpath().ensure(dir=1) 
-                try:
-                    target.mklinkto(x) 
-                except path.Invalid: 
-                    x.copy(target) 
-    except path.Invalid: 
-        print "ignored: couldn't link or copy to %s" % stabledir 
-def run_in_thread(fn, args, cleanup=None, cleanup_args=()):
-    def _run_in_thread():
-        fn(*args)
-        if cleanup is not None:
-            cleanup(*cleanup_args)
-    return threading.Thread(target=_run_in_thread, args=())
-def run_async_server():
-    from pypy.translator.tool import graphpage, graphserver
-    homepage = graphpage.TranslatorPage(t)
-    graphserver.run_server(homepage, port=listen_port, background=True)
-    options['-text'] = True
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    options = {'-text': False,
-               '-no-c': False,
-               '-c':    False,
-               '-o':    False,
-               '-no-mark-some-objects': False,
-               '-no-a': False,
-               '-tcc':  False,
-               '-no-d': False,
-               }
-    listen_port = None
-    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
-        if arg in ('-h', '--help'):
-            print __doc__.strip()
-            sys.exit()
-        try:
-            listen_port = int(arg)
-        except ValueError:
-            assert arg in options, "unknown option %r" % (arg,)
-            options[arg] = True
-    if options['-tcc']:
-        os.environ['PYPY_CC'] = 'tcc -shared -o "%s.so" "%s.c"'
-    if options['-no-d']:
-        annmodel.DEBUG = False
-    def about(x):
-        """ interactive debugging helper """
-        from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Block, flatten
-        if isinstance(x, Block):
-            for func, graph in t.flowgraphs.items():
-                if x in flatten(graph):
-                    funcname = func.func_name
-                    cls = getattr(func, 'class_', None)
-                    if cls:
-                        funcname = '%s.%s' % (cls.__name__, funcname)
-                    print '%s is a %s in the graph of %s' % (x,
-                                x.__class__.__name__, funcname)
-                    print 'at %s:%d' % (func.func_globals.get('__name__', '?'),
-                                        func.func_code.co_firstlineno)
-                    break
-            else:
-                print '%s is a %s at some unknown location' % (x,
-                                x.__class__.__name__)
-            print 'containing the following operations:'
-            for op in x.operations:
-                print op
-            print '--end--'
-            return
-        print "don't know about", x
-    def run_server():
-        from pypy.translator.tool.graphpage import TranslatorPage
-        from pypy.translator.tool.pygame.graphclient import get_layout
-        from pypy.translator.tool.pygame.graphdisplay import GraphDisplay
-        import pygame
-        if not options['-no-mark-some-objects']:
-            find_someobjects(t, quiet=True)
-        display = GraphDisplay(get_layout(TranslatorPage(t)))
-        async_quit = display.async_quit
-        return display.run, async_quit, pygame.quit
-    def debug(got_error):
-        if got_error:
-            import traceback
-            exc, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
-            print >> sys.stderr
-            traceback.print_exception(exc, val, tb)
-            print >> sys.stderr
-            block = getattr(val, '__annotator_block', None)
-            if block:
-                print '-'*60
-                about(block)
-                print '-'*60
-            print >> sys.stderr
-            func, args = pdb.post_mortem, (tb,)
-        else:
-            print '-'*60
-            print 'Done.'
-            print
-            func, args = pdb.set_trace, ()
-        if options['-text']:
-            func(*args)
-        else:
-            start, stop, cleanup = run_server()
-            debugger = run_in_thread(func, args, stop)
-            debugger.start()
-            start()
-            debugger.join()
-            cleanup()
-    try:
-        analyse()
-        print '-'*60
-        if options['-no-c']:
-            print 'Not generating C code.'
-        elif options['-c']:
-            print 'Generating C code without compiling it...'
-            filename = t.ccompile(really_compile=False)
-            update_usession_dir()
-            print 'Written %s.' % (filename,)
-        else:
-            print 'Generating and compiling C code...'
-            c_entry_point = t.ccompile()
-            update_usession_dir()
-            if not options['-o']:
-                print 'Running!'
-                w_result = c_entry_point(compile("a+b","<stuff>","eval"),dummy.W_Obj())
-                print w_result
-    except:
-        debug(True)
-    else:
-        debug(False)

Deleted: /pypy/dist/goal/translate_pypy1.py
--- /pypy/dist/goal/translate_pypy1.py	Fri Apr  1 20:12:24 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-Command-line options for translate_pypy:
-   port     Listen on the given port number for connexions
-                (see pypy/translator/tool/pygame/graphclient.py)
-   -text    Don't start the Pygame viewer
-   -no-a    Don't infer annotations, just translate everything
-   -no-c    Don't generate the C code
-   -c       Generate the C code, but don't compile it
-   -o       Generate and compile the C code, but don't run it
-   -no-mark-some-objects
-            Do not mark functions that have SomeObject in their signature.
-   -tcc     Equivalent to the envvar PYPY_CC='tcc -shared -o "%s.so" "%s.c"'
-                -- http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/tcc/
-   -no-d    Disable recording of debugging information
-import autopath, sys, threading, pdb, os
-import buildcache2
-from pypy.objspace.std.objspace import StdObjSpace, W_Object
-from pypy.objspace.std.intobject import W_IntObject
-from pypy.objspace.std import stdtypedef
-from pypy.translator.translator import Translator
-from pypy.annotation import model as annmodel
-from pypy.tool.cache import Cache
-from pypy.annotation.model import SomeObject
-from pypy.tool.udir import udir 
-# XXX this tries to make compiling faster
-from pypy.translator.tool import buildpyxmodule
-# __________  Entry point  __________
-def entry_point():
-    w_a = W_IntObject(space, -6)
-    w_b = W_IntObject(space, -7)
-    return mmentrypoint(space, w_a, w_b)
-# __________  Main  __________
-def analyse(entry_point=entry_point):
-    global t, space, mmentrypoint
-    # disable translation of the whole of classobjinterp.py
-    StdObjSpace.setup_old_style_classes = lambda self: None
-    space = StdObjSpace()
-    # call cache filling code
-    buildcache2.buildcache(space)
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------
-    name = 'mul'
-    mm = space.MM.mul
-    exprargs, expr, miniglobals, fallback = (
-        mm.install_not_sliced(space.model.typeorder, baked_perform_call=False))
-    func = stdtypedef.make_perform_trampoline('__mm_'+name,
-                                              exprargs, expr, miniglobals,
-                                              mm)
-    mmentrypoint = func
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------
-    # further call the entry_point once to trigger building remaining
-    # caches (as far as analyzing the entry_point is concerned)
-    entry_point()
-    t = Translator(entry_point, verbose=True, simplifying=True)
-    if listen_port:
-        run_async_server()
-    if not options['-no-a']:
-        a = t.annotate([])
-        a.simplify()
-        t.frozen = True   # cannot freeze if we don't have annotations
-        if not options['-no-mark-some-objects']:
-            options['-no-mark-some-objects'] = True # Do not do this again
-            find_someobjects(t)
-def find_someobjects(translator, quiet=False):
-    """Find all functions in that have SomeObject in their signature."""
-    annotator = translator.annotator
-    if not annotator:
-        return # no annotations available
-    translator.highlight_functions = {}
-    def is_someobject(var):
-        try:
-            return annotator.binding(var).__class__ == SomeObject
-        except KeyError:
-            return False
-    def short_binding(var):
-        try:
-            binding = annotator.binding(var)
-        except KeyError:
-            return "?"
-        if binding.is_constant():
-            return 'const %s' % binding.__class__.__name__
-        else:
-            return binding.__class__.__name__
-    header = True
-    items = [(graph.name, func, graph)
-             for func, graph in translator.flowgraphs.items()]
-    items.sort()
-    num = someobjnum = 0
-    for graphname, func, graph in items:
-        unknown_input_args = len(filter(is_someobject, graph.getargs()))
-        unknown_return_value = is_someobject(graph.getreturnvar())
-        if unknown_input_args or unknown_return_value:
-            someobjnum += 1
-            translator.highlight_functions[func] = True
-            if not quiet:
-                if header:
-                    header = False
-                    print "=" * 70
-                    print "Functions that have SomeObject in their signature"
-                    print "=" * 70
-                print ("%(name)s(%(args)s) -> %(result)s\n"
-                       "%(filename)s:%(lineno)s\n"
-                       % {'name': graph.name,
-                          'filename': func.func_globals.get('__name__', '?'),
-                          'lineno': func.func_code.co_firstlineno,
-                          'args': ', '.join(map(short_binding,
-                                                graph.getargs())),
-                          'result': short_binding(graph.getreturnvar())})
-        num += 1
-    if not quiet:
-        print "=" * 70
-        percent = int(num and (100.0*someobjnum / num) or 0)
-        print "somobjectness: %2d percent" % (percent)
-        print "(%d out of %d functions get or return SomeObjects" % (
-            someobjnum, num) 
-        print "=" * 70
-def update_usession_dir(stabledir = udir.dirpath('usession')): 
-    from py import path 
-    try:
-        if stabledir.check(dir=1): 
-            for x in udir.visit(path.checker(file=1)): 
-                target = stabledir.join(x.relto(udir)) 
-                if target.check():
-                    target.remove()
-                else:
-                    target.dirpath().ensure(dir=1) 
-                try:
-                    target.mklinkto(x) 
-                except path.Invalid: 
-                    x.copy(target) 
-    except path.Invalid: 
-        print "ignored: couldn't link or copy to %s" % stabledir 
-def run_in_thread(fn, args, cleanup=None, cleanup_args=()):
-    def _run_in_thread():
-        fn(*args)
-        if cleanup is not None:
-            cleanup(*cleanup_args)
-    return threading.Thread(target=_run_in_thread, args=())
-def run_async_server():
-    from pypy.translator.tool import graphpage, graphserver
-    homepage = graphpage.TranslatorPage(t)
-    graphserver.run_server(homepage, port=listen_port, background=True)
-    options['-text'] = True
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    options = {'-text': False,
-               '-no-c': False,
-               '-c':    False,
-               '-o':    False,
-               '-no-mark-some-objects': False,
-               '-no-a': False,
-               '-tcc':  False,
-               '-no-d': False,
-               }
-    listen_port = None
-    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
-        if arg in ('-h', '--help'):
-            print __doc__.strip()
-            sys.exit()
-        try:
-            listen_port = int(arg)
-        except ValueError:
-            assert arg in options, "unknown option %r" % (arg,)
-            options[arg] = True
-    if options['-tcc']:
-        os.environ['PYPY_CC'] = 'tcc -shared -o "%s.so" "%s.c"'
-    if options['-no-d']:
-        annmodel.DEBUG = False
-    def about(x):
-        """ interactive debugging helper """
-        from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Block, flatten
-        if isinstance(x, Block):
-            for func, graph in t.flowgraphs.items():
-                if x in flatten(graph):
-                    funcname = func.func_name
-                    cls = getattr(func, 'class_', None)
-                    if cls:
-                        funcname = '%s.%s' % (cls.__name__, funcname)
-                    print '%s is a %s in the graph of %s' % (x,
-                                x.__class__.__name__, funcname)
-                    print 'at %s:%d' % (func.func_globals.get('__name__', '?'),
-                                        func.func_code.co_firstlineno)
-                    break
-            else:
-                print '%s is a %s at some unknown location' % (x,
-                                x.__class__.__name__)
-            print 'containing the following operations:'
-            for op in x.operations:
-                print op
-            print '--end--'
-            return
-        print "don't know about", x
-    def run_server():
-        from pypy.translator.tool.graphpage import TranslatorPage
-        from pypy.translator.tool.pygame.graphclient import get_layout
-        from pypy.translator.tool.pygame.graphdisplay import GraphDisplay
-        import pygame
-        if not options['-no-mark-some-objects']:
-            find_someobjects(t, quiet=True)
-        display = GraphDisplay(get_layout(TranslatorPage(t)))
-        async_quit = display.async_quit
-        return display.run, async_quit, pygame.quit
-    def debug(got_error):
-        if got_error:
-            import traceback
-            exc, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
-            print >> sys.stderr
-            traceback.print_exception(exc, val, tb)
-            print >> sys.stderr
-            block = getattr(val, '__annotator_block', None)
-            if block:
-                print '-'*60
-                about(block)
-                print '-'*60
-            print >> sys.stderr
-            func, args = pdb.post_mortem, (tb,)
-        else:
-            print '-'*60
-            print 'Done.'
-            print
-            func, args = pdb.set_trace, ()
-        if options['-text']:
-            func(*args)
-        else:
-            start, stop, cleanup = run_server()
-            debugger = run_in_thread(func, args, stop)
-            debugger.start()
-            start()
-            debugger.join()
-            cleanup()
-    try:
-        analyse()
-        print '-'*60
-        if options['-no-c']:
-            print 'Not generating C code.'
-        elif options['-c']:
-            print 'Generating C code without compiling it...'
-            filename = t.ccompile(really_compile=False)
-            update_usession_dir()
-            print 'Written %s.' % (filename,)
-        else:
-            print 'Generating and compiling C code...'
-            c_entry_point = t.ccompile()
-            update_usession_dir()
-            if not options['-o']:
-                print 'Running!'
-                w_result = c_entry_point()
-                print w_result
-                print w_result.intval
-                assert w_result.intval == 42
-    except:
-        debug(True)
-    else:
-        debug(False)

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