[pypy-svn] r3573 - in pypy/trunk/doc/funding: . oldstuff

pedronis at codespeak.net pedronis at codespeak.net
Wed Mar 31 21:51:55 CEST 2004

Author: pedronis
Date: Wed Mar 31 21:51:54 2004
New Revision: 3573

      - copied unchanged from r3572, pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B2.0.0_new_relevance.asc
      - copied unchanged from r3572, pypy/trunk/doc/funding/alastair_abstract.asc
      - copied unchanged from r3572, pypy/trunk/doc/funding/b2.asc
      - copied unchanged from r3572, pypy/trunk/doc/funding/old_abstract.asc
moved some old texts to oldstuff.

Deleted: /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B2.0.0_new_relevance.asc
--- /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B2.0.0_new_relevance.asc	Wed Mar 31 21:51:54 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-FIXME_LAURA: proof-read this, insert new direction SWOT job
-FIXME_LAURA: proof-read this
-Relevance to the Objectives of the IST Priority
-The PyPy project will build a flexible, modular, context-aware
-implementation of the Open Source programming language Python.  In
-doing so it will take advantage of the known European strengths in
-formal methods and languages outlined in the June 2002 report: 'IST
-Advisory Group Software Technologies, Embedded Systems and Distributed
-Systems:  A European strategy towards an Ambient Intelligent
-Environment'.  It will go beyond the state of the Art in computer
-languages, and produce a runtime system which is much better suited
-for the development and deployment of networked, embedded, and mobile
-devices than any existing language available today.  In doing so
-it will adhere to the syntax of the popular programming language, thus
-requiring no re-training for the tens of thousands of European Python
-programmers.  To improve an existing programming language with the
-explicit goals of making it more suitable for European industry can
-only have a positive effect on European competitiveness.
-Because PyPy will be released as Open Source, it will contribute
-towards the goals of openness and trust. Python is the most
-widely used European-designed computer language. Its development
-started in 1990, at CWI, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, the
-National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in
-the Netherlands, it will strenghten our leadership in the area of
-innovative language design, and increase world-wide awareness of this
-Thus PyPy is position to be at the heart of the knowledge economy and
-provide a viable alternative to American closed source language
-monopolies, while increasing innovation and competitiveness in
-European businesses and industry and to contributing to the greater
-well-being of all European citizens.
-Relevance to the Objectives of the IST Priority
-The IST thematic priority will contribute directly to realising
-European policies for the knowledge society as agreed at the Lisbon
-Council of 2000, the Stockholm Council of 2001, the Seville Council of
-2002, and as reflected in the e-Europe Action Plan.
-   The main targets of IST in FP6 are
-   - solving 'trust and confidence' problems so as to improve
-     dependability of technologies, infrastructures and applications.
-PyPy can contribute to this goal because it is an Open Source
-language.  Open Source programs are more widely trusted than
-proprietary alternatives because they are transparent.  Any person
-having any doubts or questions about the technology can simply read
-the code and find out what it does, unlike with a closed-source
-language where one can only hope it does what you want.  Moreover,
-Python is an extremely readable language.  Readability was one of its
-design goals.  This makes maintaining Python programs substatially
-easier than similar program in less readable languages.  It is the
-maintainability of computer programs which most directly effects their
-actual and perceived reliability.
-Moreover, there is a significant risk in relying on proprietary
-closed source programs.  Should one have any problem with the program,
-you are completely dependent upon the programs manufacturer to fix
-it.  But the manufacturer will only fix it if it is in his commercial
-interest to do so.  The authors of this proposal who live in Sweden
-are extremely tired of using software which believes that one can
-live without the last three letters of the Swedish alphabet :XXX.
-When the source is freely available, then should the manufacturer 
-not believe your problems to be worth his while, you can always
-change things yourself, or hire somebody else to do so.  Thus rather
-than 'trusting the manufacturer because you have no choice' you
-can 'trust yourself to always be able to fix it should it go wrong'.
-This second form of trust is far more durable and useful.
-    - strengthening  social cohesion  by providing  efficient, 
-      intelligent and easy to use systems.
-Social cohesion is strengthened when technological advances are no
-longer the exclusive domain of a technological elite, but readily
-accessible by all members of society.  The best way to achieve such a
-goal is to have the participation of all members of society in the
-design and implementation of new technological advances.  They will
-prevent our future devices from arriving with user interfaces that
-present a 'nerds only' barrier.  In the field of software, this means
-more than simply providing programs which are easy to use -- it
-also means providing languages which are easier for non-programmers
-to learn.
-Python's development started in 1990, at Centrum voor Wiskunde en
-Informatica (CWI), the National Research Institute for Mathematics and
-Computer Science in the Netherlands.  It built on the lessons learned
-in designing ABC.  Both of these languages are explicitly designed to
-be easier for non-programmers and non-technical people to learn.  Python
-has been extremely successful in such goals, see XXX CP4E, especially
-among women.  Python is widely used as a first programming language.
-We will explore this further in section 7, but for here suffice it
-to say that Python meets such goals as much as is possible for a
-computer language.
-Again, the simple benefit of being able to type your name correctly,
-when it contains letters outside of the English 26, provides a sense
-of belonging -- or perhaps it is only that when you cannot type your
-name you feel excluded, unappreciated, or unwanted.
-    - enabling sustainable growth and improving competitiveness both of 
-      large and small businesses as well as the efficiency and transparency 
-      of governments. 
-Governments have been embracing Open Source in recent times in a big
-way.  To the extent that they will demand programs developed in an
-Open Source Language, for reasons of transparency, reliability, and
-national security they will benefit from the existence of PyPy as an
-Open Source language choice.
-Moreover, the PyPy Consortium includes the Python Business Forum, an
-international trade association of SMEs who develop using the Python
-programming language.  Since SMEs are the main engines for innovation,
-growth, and competitiveness in the IT sector, by supporting these
-SMEs, and improving the language they use to develop one can directly
-have a positive effect on competitiveness.  Moreover, syngeries can be
-developed between the SMEs and academia, and SME and large industrial
-players.  Disseminating knowledge to these SMEs is a primary goal of
-this proposal, and a major focus of our efforts.  They are poised to
-fully exploit the new language implementation because they will be
-among its developers, and beneficiaries of a focussed effort in 
-knowledge dissemination.
-Thirdly, a Consortium member in this proposal is the Swedish SME AB
-Strakt, whose new product, *CAPS Upphandling*, is a full-featured,
-transparent, government procurement system promoting the efficiency of
-government throughout the tender process.  AB Strakt is interested in
-PyPy in large part because it will improve its commercial offering.
-The governments and large businesses which are its primary market will
-thus benefit indirectly from an improved Python. 
-    - harnessing the computing and knowledge management resources
-      across Europe and bringing them to the desktop of any
-      researcher, engineer or other end user.
-Open source standards increase interoperability, which make such
-resources easier to share.  FIXME_ALASTAIR Now talk about Semantic Web
-Again, quoting from the IST workprogramme, this requires progress in
-three main technology building blocks:
-ena    - pushing the limits of miniaturisation and minimising the costs
-      and power consumption of microelectronic components and
-      micro-systems.
-Smaller systems need software developed in languages that have a
-small footprint.  PyPy will be there.
-    - developing mobile, wireless, optical and broadband communication
-      infrastructures as well as software and computing technologies
-      that are reliable, pervasive, interoperable and can be adapted
-      to accommodate new applications and services. Europe's strengths
-      both in communication technologies and in embedded software and
-      systems provide a clear opportunity to lead and contribute to
-      the development of the next generation of products and
-      services. The development of open standards and open source
-      software will be encouraged when appropriate to ensure
-      interoperability of solutions and to further innovation.
-This is PyPy in a nutshell.  An Open Source language that is explicitly
-designed for the next generation of products and services.  FIXME_SAMUELE
-quote from the work package???
--     Developing user friendly interfaces which are intuitive, can
-      interpret all our senses such as speech, vision and touch and
-      that understand our gestures and various languages. This should
-      be coupled with more powerful and flexible knowledge
-      technologies that are semantic-based and context-aware. They
-      should prepare for the next generation Web and make access to,
-      and creation of digital content more effective and more
-      creative.
-FIXME_NICO Narval?  where does constraint programming go?
-Links and Complimentary with Other Programmes
-Talk about your projects.
-Contribution to Community Social Objectives
-FIXME_LAURA ask Michel
-Contributiuon to EC Policies
-There will be transfer of knowledge from research to industry through
-the participation of software developing SMEs.  Thus the SMEs in the
-project will benefit from the cutting-edge, high level research results.
-Since the SMEs are in a hurry to commercialise products which use this
-research, the academics will see that their research is not wasted --
-locked into tiny languages which have little effect outside of the
-academic community.  A specialising Just in Time Compiler for Python,
-designed for the use of networked and embedded systems will have 
-immediate effect in reinforcing European dominance in this demanding
-competitive field, and thus contribute to the employment of people 
-in desirable jobs in a rapidly growing field.

Deleted: /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/alastair_abstract.asc
--- /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/alastair_abstract.asc	Wed Mar 31 21:51:54 2004
+++ (empty file)
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-  Main goals
-    The main goal is to use innovative implementation techniques and
-    innovative development techniques to produce a better version of the
-    popular programming language Python. The new Python will maintain the
-    semantics of the current implementation but will have the following
-    benefits: it will be more easily customised and extended, it will be
-    more portable, it is expected to be more efficient, and it will cover
-    more programming paradigms in a way that respects the simplicity of the
-    underlying language. In addition, the project will document and refine
-    the existing open source development model in the Python
-    community. Although targetted principally at Python, most of the
-    techniques will also be applicable to other high level languages.
-  The approach
-    The project will achieve its goals principally by building on the
-    strengths of the current open source developer community. In
-    particular, it will potentiate existing volunteer initiatives that are
-    working on novel implementation techniques, working within the current
-    informal framework of design consultation, open source code
-    repositories and periodic coding workshops. The project will connect
-    this developer community with relevant experts in academia. It will
-    also make use of the existing non-profit organisation of Python firms
-    to bind end users into the design and trialling of the extended Python
-    implementation. Technically, the project will refine and implement an
-    innovative approach to language implementation, based on object spaces,
-    that allows implementation techniques to be integrated in a modular
-    way.
-  Concrete results
-    Much anecdotal, and some empirical, evidence suggests that Python is
-    one of the easiest programming languages to learn and is one of the
-    languages in which one can code up a given algorithm the fastest. For
-    these reasons, it is particularly popular among those people whose main
-    competence lies beyond computer science and for whom programming is a
-    secondary activity, that is to say most of the people on the
-    planet. The goal of this project is to enable even more people to
-    program in Python and ensure that more people will never need to learn
-    any other language than Python. They will, instead, be able to
-    concentrate on getting their job done.

Deleted: /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/b2.asc
--- /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/b2.asc	Wed Mar 31 21:51:54 2004
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-First look at the SWOT table from 'IST Advisory Group: Software technologies, 
-embedded systems and distributed systems: A European strategy towards an 
-Ambient Intelligent environment'
-This table describes the situation nicely.  However, it falls short of
-having a strategy for addressing the problem presented.  We have one.
-Our intent is to use the strength in the Open Source Software development
-community (7) and some strong SMEs (8)  to combat the Threat of US players
-dominating in development platforms(1).  In doing so our principal goal
-will be to overcome Weakness (1) -- Inadequate Structure and Weak Culture
-for transferring and exploiting university research results, fragmentation
-of academic efforts.  That's the weakness we are most familiar with, and
-the one we believe we know how to fix.
-To put it another way, 'Why is that so much of our research effort
-comes to nothing?  Why do the Americans, and not us, take our research
-to market?  What exactly is it that goes wrong somewhere between making the
-prototype and making the successful company?'
-The answer, we believe, is an inadequate understanding of what it takes
-to become successful.  In Europe there is a crucial blindness as to
-what it takes to be successful in the marketplace.  Technological
-superiority we have oodles of.  It's in the marketplace where we fail.
-And this is in large part because people in Europe still believe that
-good technology sells itself.  This is almost never the case.
-The Americans know that.  This is their big secret.  And nobody knows this
-better than the Open Source movement.  We routinely create programs that
-are much better than those that are commercially available.  And then
-what?  Nothing, mostly.  This problem in European competitiveness is
-our problem as well.
-Over time we have learned, the hard way, that being technologically
-excellent is the easy part of the job.  Getting to market is the hard
-part of the job.  We believe tthat the European Commission understands
-this problem very well.  We do not, however, believe that the EC knows
-how to solve it.  Searching over proposals, we found very few Open
-Source ones.  This is unsurprising.  Perhaps without intending it,
-the EC has made participation by Open Source companies more difficult
-that it needs to.
-From our outsider's perspective, we see that the EC thinks that it should
-plough money into some hopeful line of research, and group some large
-industries with some academics, in the hope that the large industries
-will use the research in some of their current projects.  There is
-some sincere effort to get SMEs involved, but almost exclusively as
-consumers of research.  Small manufacturers, in particular, seem to
-be the 'ideal SME' that the EC envisioned when crafting its plan.  
-We would like the opportunity to show you an alternative way to attack
-the problem, one that comes from the Open Source and Agile Programming
-First of all, you must start with some SME entrepreneurs and some
-professional educators or communicators.  They are essential to your
-eventual success, and they need to be on board even before you begin
-your first technical expedition.  This is because the first thing to
-do is to start with a marketing/educating effort.  You need to do this
-in order to attract the best people to your project.  This is a common
-problem in the Open Source world.  Some businesses have embraced 
-Open Source, primarily out of greed.  They hope to have other people
-develop their software, for free, thus saving them the cost of hiring
-developers.  They 'hang up a shingle' -- in other words make a
-web page, and make a few announcements, and then sit back astonished
-when nobody comes.  In the Open Source world, it is not the case that
-'if you build it, they will come'.  There are companies who do
-succeed at this.
-The PyPy development team did things differently.  We first decided to
-make a prototype.  This has taken us most of the year 2003, because we
-have only been able to do this on our vacations -- about 5 weeks
-total. We did this for 2 reasons.  The first is that we were quite
-aware that we were going to ask you for money to enable us to work
-full time creating something useful that had never been done before.
-It would be embarassing and shameful to then fail, because we asked to
-do something that could not be done.  A prototype would allow us to
-test our novel concept of Object Spaces.  If they did not work, then
-our whole idea was unsound.
-Moreover, this would give us the time to greatly publicise our project,
-and attract the best people to it.  We happen to be some of the biggest
-fish in the Python-World Pond, but we made sure that we invited others,
-including Guido van Rossum, the biggest fish of all to our development
-Sprints.  We worked on our process ensuring that we could work together,
-and that no unexpected personality clashes or conflicts would derail
-the project.  We went to conference, after conference, after conference
-and gave papers and informal talks about what we intended to do.  We
-made our own website, set up some mailing lists, and discussed things
-not only there, but in the 'python in education' mailing list, the
-'marketing python' (this one is about increasing the market share of
-Python) mailing list, in the Python developer's list, and in the
-newsgroup comp.lang.python.  We hung out on our own internet relay
-chat line on irc.freenode.net and answered questions of whoever
-dropped by.  We held open Sprints, and let anybody who was interested
-We made an enormous splash.  We are now an extremely high profile 
-open source project.  We are being watched.  If we fail, we will do
-it quite publically.
-Why, you might ask, would we go to all that trouble?  Because, unlike
-some projects you know, where 'getting the EU funding' is all that
-really matters, and what you do to get it, is secondary -- we find the
-EU funding only a means to our goal.  This is because our goal is
-First of all there is the straight-forward technical goal.  We want to
-make an extremely novel specialising compiler for the Python programming
-language.  This goal is technically quite formidable, and requires
-sophisticated expertise.  
-Second of all, those of us who write software using Python hope that
-our software will itself be improved.  This is a commercial interest
-for the PBF, a large stakeholder.
-Third  of all, there is the marketing goal.  We want to make Python
-the most used language on the planet.  And that is a much harder goal.
-We had to successfully attract the best people to the project, without
-causing a crisis that would 'fork the project' -- producing 2 hostile
-camps who each point at each other saying 'Mine's the real Python'.
-When we are done making PyPy we want to immediately capture the
-existing user baser of 175,000. <-- should we make an appendix of how
-we calculate that?  And then we want to go after those Visual Basic,
-Java, and C++ programmers out there.  Python is currently ranked only
-the sixth most popular language on the planet.  We would like to become
-number one.
-And fourth of all, we want to be the reference project for future
-collaboration between the Open Source and the Agile programming
-communities, and the EU.  We think that both groups need each other.
-The EU, in its statement clearly recognises the fact.  But it seems,
-to us, unsure how to do this.  And there are significant risks which
-the EU seems to want to take with one hand, while want to prevent
-with its other.
-For instance, it is not enough to merely have some SMEs involved, in
-some small token way.  That will only marginalise them.  You will lose
-the very ones you want to attract, those with true entrepreeurial
-spirit, and keep those who are only after a safe and satisfactory life
-at the government trough.  If you would like your project adequately
-disseminated, you must involve the SMEs all through the project.
-But this is hard to achieve.  The smallest SMEs cannot afford to
-dedicate a full person to the project, and will find the paperwork
-crushing.  The project cannot afford to rely on a key player who could
-be bought or go bankrupt or become too overworked to contribute at any
-moment of time.  What then?  There is, of course, a solution.  If SMEs
-banded together, and shared resources, they could function like a
-large company.  This has worked successfully for Swedish farmers, and
-we believed it could work well for software companies as well.  With
-large enough numbers, you can spread the risk around.  While at any
-time any PBF member could be in a state of transition, they won't all
-be, and somebody equivalent could be found to take the place of
-somebody who was temporarily unavailable.
-This, however, is only possible if great effort is taken at all times to
-keep the process open and transparent.  There must be no secrets.  You
-cannot get a replacement on a dime unless you are constantly educating
-your larger community.  Otherwise, getting up to speed would take too
-long and the project would fail.  Aside from the usual web pages, 
-conferences, irc channels, and mailing lists, you must make targetted
-FIXME BEA what do you call them?  And host open Sprints, keep your
-source open and availabel for download at all times, and use a
-process based FIXME BEA is this correct? Agile development model that
-is robust in the possibility of change.
-This is hard.  This is very hard.  It requires trust, and courage, and
-the sort of Egoless programming which is trained, not read about. It is
-what the EC has claimed it wants, but which it has not fostered.
-Thus, from our point of view, we see our relevance to the IST program
-as 2-fold.  First of all we are going to give you the AmbiIntelligent
-FIXME_LAURA correct jargon?development platform for networked and
-mobile devices that you believe is essential to European competitivness.
-But what we also intend to do is to deliver a model of how you can
-actually get the Open Source community to work with you -- and, of
-course while we deliver the OS community to you, we are also going to
-deliver you to them -- we are going to take special effort to document
-and publicise _you_ to _them_.  We are going to teach 'how to crack
-the system and get the EU to pay for you to develop marvels without
-demanding that you lose your soul'.  Because, when it comes down to it,
-that is what the OS community wants most.  A chance to make a difference,
-change the world, and make it a better place.
-If you accept this proposal, and our way of software development, we
-will only be the first in a long line of successful Open Source projects
-that produce the marvels you ask for.  And we will stick around and 
-teach anybody who comes by exactly how we did it.  

Deleted: /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/old_abstract.asc
--- /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/old_abstract.asc	Wed Mar 31 21:51:54 2004
+++ (empty file)
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-The PyPy project will build a portable, fast, flexible, context-aware
-programming platform supporting Very-High Level Languages (VHLL) to
-yield significant productivity gains in software development. PyPy's
-flexible, modular runtime system will be well-suited for networked,
-embedded, and mobile devices.
-VHLLs' high semantic level can help extend context-awareness, beyond
-the basics (time, location, identity), to a wider variety of context
-information and actions. However, VHLLs can often produce slow or large
-application and supporting code, hampering their use for small devices.
-We will solve this problem via the innovative concept of ObjectSpaces,
-high-level formulations of language interpreter components. Explicit,
-clear separation of parts yields modularity and flexibility.
-ObjectSpaces are themselves coded in a VHLL and can be specialised for
-execution speed, memory consumption, or other parameters.
-PyPy will use and target the widely-used Open Source programming
-language Python, first developed in 1990 at CWI (Centrum voor Wiskunde
-en Informatica) in the Netherlands. By producing the new reference
-version of the language, we will have a large impact on the estimated
-175,000 Python programmers worldwide. Emphasizing simplicity and
-readability, Python has wider appeal among non-programmers, and
-particularly among women, than languages perceived as needing extensive
-mathematical training and ability. An improved Python can thus help
-somewhat in promoting social cohesion and gender equality.
-PyPy will leverage known European strengths in formal methods and
-languages, operating by a novel Agile Software Development methodology
-for distributed development, including short, high-productivity
-meetings known as "Sprints". Systematic efforts to spread the knowledge
-produced by the project among academics, SMEs, industry, and other
-interested parties, will ensure the project's results and achievements
-are fully exploited.

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